Waking Up


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I tilted my head back, the water spraying against my forehead as the tip of my cock hit the back of her throat. She gagged and I hated myself for loving it, for the soft groan I made and the way the sound of her choking sent a rush through my entire body. I hated that she was uncomfortable and that it felt so fucking good, and that I couldn't stop myself from pushing forward just the slightest bit in the hopes that she'd do it again.

She did it again, and again, and each time my knees grew weaker and weaker. She did it because she knew, because she could hear how much I loved it and because she was more amazing than I could ever hope to be. I risked a glance down and saw her swallow me completely, her nose pressed against my pelvis as she took my entire cock down her throat.

That was it for me. I gasped out a quick warning seconds before coming. My mind went blank as my cock pulsed, a release of pressure and tension and freedom washing over me as I came. Lacey swallowed as I finished, wiping her mouth delicately as she pulled away.

"Fuck," I muttered when I finished, holding her arm as I helped her stand back up. "How the fuck are you so good at that?"

"I had a good teacher." She grinned as I kissed her, water rushing over us as I held her close to me.

The words almost spilled out of me then, but something stopped me. Probably because telling her I loved her after coming down her throat wasn't the best way of doing it.

It was Lacey. I wanted it to be perfect for her.

Dinner that night was awkward. Duncan and Shannon were home and didn't understand why Jenny was upset. She was horrified that Lacey and I had fought about her not being there. Robbie and Leslie came for dinner as well, and Tom finally regaled them all with the story of Dylan coming up to rescue Lacey from me.

"How did you know him, by the way?" asked Lacey.

"His brother worked for me for a while," Tom said nonchalantly. "We are hoping he'll come work for me again when he's back out."

We all nodded in understanding. Tom didn't say anything else, but I knew he took it hard when he didn't have success with someone he tried to help. He never lost hope that they would turn around one day, never blamed them for relapsing or falling back to crime. He blamed himself, took it personally that he hadn't helped them enough.

"Dylan is a good kid," Lacey said softly. "He's going to be okay."

"He's got a good teacher like you to help him." Jenny glanced up at me and grimaced again. "Really, I have to apologize—"

"No, you don't," I interrupted.

"It's fine, Jenny," Lacey said.

"It's not. I feel just awful that you fought and it's my fault."

"Jenny, for the thousandth time, it's not your fault," I said.

"Yes, but you still fought and that's—"

"We're over it," Lacey said firmly. "We made up. It's okay."

"You say that, but—"

"They're fine, Jenny. I heard them making up at least twice," Duncan grunted as he shovelled another bite into his mouth.

I shoved Duncan's shoulder as Lacey turned red. Shannon knocked a glass over as she keeled over, laughing.

"Key's to block the vents before going at it," Robbie suggested.

Lacey buried her face in her hands as the rest of the table broke down.

"Yeah, that doesn't work," Jenny snorted. "Sorry, bud."

"Oh my God," mumbled Leslie, her face turning the same shade as Lacey's.

"Now you see why I wanted to move in with you." Robbie laughed as he kissed Leslie's cheek.

We ended up staying in the kitchen, laughing and chatting and eating for the rest of the night. Jenny didn't apologize again but forced Duncan to apologize for embarrassing Lacey. She shook her head good-naturedly, still red in the face but smiling.

It was late when Tom insisted Duncan, Robbie, and I accompany him outside for another cigarette despite the frigid weather. They shot the shit as I watched Lacey through the kitchen window. She was smiling, beautiful, toying with the silver cross around her neck as she laughed with Shannon.

"Shit, you got it bad," Duncan said.


"Can't tear your eyes off her."

"Ah, fuck off."

Tom's laughter boomed. "You tell her you love her yet?"

I shook my head.

"Noah. Man."

"I know," I muttered. "I just haven't found the right time."

"Any time's the right time."

"Should've told her this afternoon," Duncan said. "She sounded pretty—"

"Talk about her like that and I'll fucking end you," I interrupted, turning to him.

Duncan opened his mouth to say something, but raised his hands when he saw the look on my face. "Sorry, man."

"Don't joke about that shit," Robbie said, slugging Duncan on the arm. "You'll understand one day. You'll meet a girl, you'll fall in love, she'll probably be blind so you won't have to worry about freaking her out with your ugly mug..."

Tom's laughter thundered through the cold air as Duncan shoved Robbie. I rolled my eyes.

"Fucking freezing out here. I'm going back in."

I slipped behind Lacey's chair back to my own, trailing my fingers along her neck as I moved past her. She jumped at the feel of my cold hands against her skin and I laughed.


"It's fine." She took my hand as I sat down, squeezing it between her own to warm it up.

I wanted to say it then, but I didn't want everyone's eyes on us as I admitted it to her for the first time.

We didn't stay much longer. Lacey yawned after Tom, Duncan, and Robbie came back in. It wasn't without reason. She woke as early as Tom and I did for work, getting to the school an hour or more before the students did to help prepare the breakfast program.

I said goodnight to everyone as Lacey helped tidy up the rest of the kitchen, then we made our way down to the basement. It was cold down there, despite the heat running constantly, and we undressed quickly before climbing into bed.

Lacey had gotten in the habit of sleeping naked. I didn't know when, exactly, it became her preferred method of sleeping, but I wasn't about to complain. She crawled under the blankets and drew them up to her neck as I slipped in beside her.

She found her place in my arms immediately, snuggling close and pressing against me for warmth. Her body fit against mine perfectly, her skin smooth and soft, and I held her tightly as we relaxed against the bed.

We didn't speak except to say goodnight. As I lay there with her in my arms, I thought I should tell her. My mouth went dry and I swallowed, my heart starting to race as I prepared myself to say those words that she already knew I felt.

"You awake?" I whispered.

A soft breath was the only response.

I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes, but sleep didn't come for a long time.

When it finally did, I dreamt of her. I dreamt of the day I'd met her, the first time she'd slept against me on the train towards Edmonton. She had been pressed against me, far closer than anyone should be to a stranger on a train. I had considered moving, waking her up and telling her to be careful who she fell asleep on, but listening to her breath against the soundtrack of the train was entrancing. She'd been so relaxed, so peaceful, and I'd closed my eyes again.

Sometime during that first night, my hand had slipped onto her thigh. I didn't know if she'd realized it when she woke the next morning. She pulled herself away from me, her face a soft shade of pink when I'd opened my eyes and pretended I hadn't noticed her sleeping on me, but I'd thought about that for a long time.

In my dream, I told her I loved her right then and there.

In the real world, I woke up before she responded.

Lacey was in my arms as she always was, a cold ray of light streaming through the small window and caressing her peaceful form. It was early, too early to be awake on a Saturday. She was still asleep, her breathing steady and deep, her lips just a hair away from my chest. One arm was slung around my side, her fingers tickling my spine lightly. The air in the room was chilled, and a goose-pimpled spot on my shoulder that wasn't covered by the blanket was likely what had woken me up.

Well, that and the fucking hard-on I had, but I steadfastly tried to ignore it.

I moved slowly, untangling one arm from around her so I could shrug the blanket up a little higher. Of course, despite my best intentions, Lacey woke up.

"Go back to sleep," I said softly, tightening the blankets around us, the heat between our bodies enough to keep us warm.

"Mmm." She wriggled in closer, her lips finally meeting my chest as she kissed my skin softly. Her hips shifted tantalizingly against my erection.

"Mmm," she said again, and I felt her lips curl up into a smile.

"Go to sleep, you wicked girl," I muttered.

Her hand moved away from my back, tickled my side, and trailed down my stomach.

"No, I don't think I will," she whispered.


I shut my eyes briefly, smiling against the top of her head. Her hands explored me lazily, teasing me until I couldn't take it anymore.

When I moved my arms away from her, she shifted, bringing her head up so I could kiss her. I did obediently, pressing my lips against her waiting mouth, flicking my tongue against her lip as I ran my hands down her body.

She was warm, her body welcoming and inviting as I touched her. Underneath the blankets, we explored each other, hands moving softly and slowly as we kissed and cuddled close.

"Why's your shoulder so cold?" she breathed against me as her hand traced the cold spot on my arm.

"You stole all the blankets," I murmured. "Little blanket thief."

She scoffed. "How could I steal blankets? You were wrapped around me."

"That's how good of a thief you are."

She nipped lightly at my lip. "How will you ever forgive me for magically stealing the blankets?"

"Dunno. Guess it's a good thing I love you."

There was a split second where I didn't realize what I had said. When I did, my eyes popped open, a mild sense of panic freezing my movements as Lacey's eyes opened.

She stared blankly at me for a moment. Heat rose in my cheeks, my heart suddenly racing as I met her gaze.

"Did you just—"

"Fuck." I squeezed my eyes closed again. "I wanted to... I was going to tell you. I just wanted... I was waiting for the right fucking time, and now I've gone and fucked it up."

"You didn't fuck it up."

"I wanted it to be special."

"It was special."

"You're just saying that."

"Noah, look at me."

I reluctantly opened my eyes. Hers were wet, sparkling in the cold glow of the morning light.

"I know," she whispered. "I love you too, you... you dumbass."

I burst out laughing. "Dumbass, eh?"

Her lips met mine as she moved forward, pushing me onto my back. The blankets fell away from her shoulders, but she didn't seem to notice the cold air as she straddled me and kissed me again and again.

"Yes," she said. "I love you. I'm so in love with you."

"I love you," I managed to say between kisses. "You don't know how fucking much I love you."

"Yes, I do."

Her pussy was hot against my skin. I could feel her wetness against me, slick against my pelvis, and suddenly I wanted nothing more than to sink inside her, to feel her surrounding me, to fill her and be hers and have her be mine.

"I want you," I whispered against her, my hands going to her hips and gripping lightly.

She didn't respond, just reached over me and towards the nightstand. I strained up as she did, kissing her breasts as they hovered over my face and making her giggle. She shifted out of the way and handed me the condom, waiting patiently as I fumbled with the packet and unrolled it over my cock. When I was done, she repositioned herself over me, my cock just barely nudging the entrance of her pussy.

Her hand was resting on my stomach as she looked down at me. The cool light threw shadows across her face, dark patches outlining the curves of her freckled body as she perched atop me. Her hair was mussed, gently brushing against her shoulders and arms as she gazed at me, her brown eyes wide and sparkling as she bit her lip. Against her chest, the silver cross glinted, the only speck of adornment on either of us.

This beautiful, sensational, exceptional woman was mine.

I was the luckiest bastard alive.

We made love slowly, indifferent to the world around us and the cold air pricking at our skin. All that mattered was her, the way she moved and the sounds she made, just her. I knew every curve of her body. I knew where to touch her, what to do to make her writhe and cry out and dig her fingertips into my shoulders. But that morning had something new: the words. The knowledge, the confirmation that I loved her and she loved me and that I couldn't—wouldn't, but mostly couldn't—live without her.

The feel of her riding me slowly, savouring each inch as she brought herself down on my cock again and again had my mind blank, focused only on the sensation of her around me. She leaned forward, hovering over me and kissing me as she moved. I grabbed her ass and bent my knees, thrusting up into her as she cried out against my mouth.

"Yes," she moaned. "Oh God, Noah... yes..."

I groaned as she came, her pussy tightening even more around my cock as her body trembled, clenching against me in a maddening way, until I couldn't handle it for a single second longer.

"Lacey..." I grunted. "I'm..."

"I love you," she whispered, and that was it.

I came harder than I ever had before. I swear, I nearly went blind, clutching her body to me like a life preserver as I finished. She held still on top of me as I recovered, my cock still buried inside her as I gasped for air, my fingers digging into her flesh as my mind cleared and fogged and cleared again. After I loosened my grip on her, she shifted, letting me slide out of her as she fell back on the bed.

"I fucking love you," I muttered as she curled up against my chest.

"I f-fucking love you too," she whispered, giggling as she swore.

I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead. Moments later, her breathing slowed and she nestled against me sleepily.

It was too early to be awake on a Saturday. A smile crossed my face as I closed my eyes. I would wake up with her in my arms again, my favourite part of the day. We slept and I held her, the soft scent of flowers from her hair filling my nose, reminding me she was there, and she was real, and she was mine.


Special thanks to norafares for being born, inspiring this story, and being a cool enough human being to ask that it be shared with all my readers! Thank you, as always, to Bebop3 and OneAuthor for proofreading, and all the amazingly awesome folks who beta read. To my supporters A, K, and Paul M, thank you, and thank you to all those who read! I hope you enjoyed the story.

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FlamethrowFlamethrow29 days ago

Really happy to catch up with Lacey and Noah and find that they are going to do well in their life. Thanks for such a touching story.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

A blessing. In a cold harsh reality of life that can be so unforgiving and crush your dreams/soul, it is more redemptive to find another that heals you both. Love that is forgiving, warm and reciprocated is rare. Lacey and Noah are about to start a new adventure in their joint lives.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

One of the best stories on this site. Love Noah and Lacey together. Hope you'll write more to give them a better life with a happy ever after

KnightofmindKnightofmind9 months ago

Bro. I mean, aww! You got these two (trying not to cry) and they like each other but like they are both kind of losers and vagrants but like they meet people and the love light just shines (crying) and the dude can't say it (puffs joint and wipes eyes shocked at the wetness) and the dudes friends know and the girls friends know but it takes a stupid fight over nothing in Canada in the winter when it's like cold and sucks but it's beautiful you know? It takes a fight to like drag it to the surface and he wants to say it but she's sleeping and she wakes up in his arms and she wants to make it but he wants to get it out like a man, the big L bomb! And it falls out all stupid by mistake before he was ready and she kind of laughs but in a loving way and she says it back and they make it some more but now, oh man! It's like; the most! You know? And it was all (,deep toke on a joint) pretty great. Cough cough. Cough.

AWriterGuyAWriterGuy11 months ago

This was an unnecessary but absolutely welcome and delightful addition to the series. It was also nice to see a piece of their story through Noah's eyes as a way to confirm some things about his thoughts and feelings.

norafaresnorafaresabout 1 year ago

I love these two so much. I will always stan Noah and Lacey 🥰

coigachboycoigachboyover 1 year ago

Could there be more adventurers for Lacey and Noah?

Master_JonesMaster_Jonesalmost 2 years ago

Another 5 stars.

I just was waiting for the rest of the house to say, "About fuckin' time!

GaiusPetroniusGaiusPetroniusabout 2 years ago

A gem! People we have come to love, loving each other.

docj27adocj27aover 2 years ago

Is it weird that I actually yelled at my tablet “tell her already you fool“ and then cheered when he did? I love that you’ve created these characters that all have their flaws but at the heart work hard to be good people to each other.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

As rich as the English language is, it’s astonishingly deficient in ways to express affection. It’s been many, many years since I’ve had to wrestle with this deficiency, but I remember well Noah’s struggles as he searched for perfect words and venue. Happily, the woman who puts up with me was infinitely patient, and has continued to be so in the decades since. I’m inclined to believe that Lacey will be, too. 5 stars.

TulipfuzzTulipfuzzalmost 3 years ago

A tasty intermission for what is come.

oldsage_1oldsage_1about 3 years ago

Wonderful just like "Runaway" now on to "Home". Nice thing about being late to the party, I don't have to wait for a new posting and can binge on chapter after chapter!



AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Thank you!

Sorry I don't comment more but I always give 5 stars! Just finished the runaway series, utterly and completely wonderful! I've loved everyone of your stories! Thank you for sharing your great talent with us.

ukdukeukdukeover 3 years ago

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

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