Walking the Path


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"Fuck your cock is hard Kyle. Tell me you don't like this. Tell me you don't want me here, like this, and I'll move back." I held his head and I swear I could hear the gears turning in there, but he said nothing. I smiled and leaned in to recapture our kiss from earlier. He was hesitant at first, but I soon got his tongue to come out and play and we enjoyed each others' mouths. I could feel my head spinning when I pulled back and he still looked so nervous.

"Kyle... relax. You're in a safe place. I have no agenda."

He nodded a little. "Yeah... uhm sorry."

I stroked his hair then wiped his lips with my thumb. "I want you to think about what I'm going to tell you... can you do that for me Kyle?" He nodded again. "You just laid yourself bare to me a few minutes ago. You told me all your ugly and embarrassing stuff, shared your deepest fears, and look." He wasn't sure what I was getting at. "Here I am, horny as fuck, on your lap, pressed against your body, wanting to just eat you up."

His eyes lit up for a second, but the doubt pushed back in, so I cut him off before he could even open his mouth. "Uh, uh Kyle. It's not my job. I'm here with you because I choose to be. This is MY time and I WANT to be here." I leaned down and kissed him again. "So, tell me, my sexy man, what would you like to do? We can just soak and talk... we could cuddle and kiss... or..." I reached down and grabbed our two cocks and squeezed gently. "Or we can fuck and suck each other into orgasmic bliss!" I kissed him again, while I continued rubbing our cocks. "What's it going to be handsome? No pressure... no expectations... no tricks. Whatever you want."

I could feel him relaxing into my voice and respond to my hand. I, so badly, wanted to push him over the rim of the tub and pound his perfect ass, but more than anything I wanted him to feel good about himself.

"I wouldn't know where to begin." He started. "I'm not experienced with this type of... relationship." He finished.

I pushed my hand through his hair and smiled at him. "Well... lets see here. We both have sucked cock before, and I love it... do you?"

"Uhm... I'd say that... uhm, I didn't hate it." He stammered.

"OK, ok, we can work with that. How about anal? You ever fucked a woman in the ass Kyle?" He shook his head. "How about..."

"NO... I told you I ran away." He cut me off.

Realizing I triggered a negative emotion, I approached it a little differently. "You're right, you did Kyle. That was the right choice." I kissed him deeply to get his focus back. "Let me ask you something Kyle. If you removed the dynamic of the man being a jerk, would you have considered it if it was the original guy... the nicer one?" I could see him thinking it over. "What if, before your wife went sideways on you... what if she wanted to try doing you with a strapon... would you've let her?"

"I don't know. Maybe... I guess I might've of." He admitted.

I smiled down at him. "Would you be interested in exploring with me Kyle? No pressure, no drama. Just two people excited to be in each others company. What do you say? Will you trust me?" I gave him my best 'don't worry' face and waited. With a slight hesitation, he nodded yes.

I released our cocks and put both of my hands on the edge of the hot tub and lifted myself into a standing position, with my throbbing cock right in front of his face. I looked down and gently rubbed his face and head. He met my gaze, and I was about to encourage him to do what comes naturally, when he reached out with both hands. One cradled my balls, and the other took a tentative grip around my fat cock and began to stroke me.

My head snapped back as the sudden sensation felt so good. "FUCK! That feels so good Kyle!' I encouraged.

He continued to pump me for a few more minutes when his hand left my balls and wrapped between my legs and grabbed my ass. My eyes lit up with excitement as he drew my cock closer to him. He studied my cock up close before he opened his mouth and slid the top third into his warmth.

"Ooooh fuck me! That feels so amazing Kyle!" My goal was to be positive and encouraging, but I was also telling the truth, he was making me feel incredible! Most people think a good blowjob is defined by how deep and sloppy it is, but based on my experience, as both a giver and receiver, it's the mind set of the one doing the sucking. I LOVE sucking cock and I know that transfers to the person I'm sucking and despite Kyle's inability to take my whole cock into his mouth, I could feel his passion. He wanted to do this... he was enjoying himself, as was I!

I wasn't close yet, but I knew it wouldn't take long, so I held his head and gently pulled out. "Jesus Kyle! You sure know how to make a girl feel good! Now how about you let me return the favor?"

I wasn't going to wait for and answer, so I stepped back down into the hot tub and encouraged him to sit on the edge. He was still shy, which only made him hotter, so I gently parted his legs and knelt on the seat. Like an Eagle about to grab its' prey, I swooped in and buried his stiff cock, balls deep, all in one go. His whole body went stiff as I slowly worked my way up and down his smaller cock. I mean, he was average for sure, smaller than me, and I loved it... mostly because of who it was attached to. I wanted to make him feel good... I wanted him to feel what he was doing to me and based on his groans and hands on my head I was getting the desired effect.

"I've never felt... oh god Sam.... That feels so good! Too Goooooooood!"

Usually, I can tell when a guy is getting close, but Kyle took us both by surprise. He leaned back on his hands his and arched his back, shoving his cock as deep as it could go and unleashed a decent load of cum down my throat. He squeaked and groaned the whole time... he couldn't get any cuter, right? I stayed with him and lovingly accepted all he had and finished with a gentle clean up as he worked to get his breath back.

"Mmmm! You taste delicious Kyle. I could get used to that on a regular basis!" I held his now limp cock in my hand and smiled at him. "C'mon dopey... we need a shower.

I got out and helped him to his feet and held him close while he got his legs back. We stepped in the shower and took turns cleaning one another. He was spending a lot of time on my still hard cock, and I smiled at him.

"I'm sorry you didn't get off Sam." He said while he looked at my cock while he stroked it.

"I don't need to leave if you want to do something about it." He looked me in the eye and smiled.

We removed ourselves from the shower and dried off, walked to the bed and stood at the end, looking at each other.

"Why don't you lie down Sam."

Not wanting to be difficult, plus I knew where this was going, I climbed onto the bed and settled on my back and spread my legs. Kyle knelt between them and re-acquainted himself with my big cock and picked up where he left off. He was more patient and took his time enjoying my cock and I'm pretty sure, enjoying my squirming around as I wanted to release my load in the worst way. After another series of deep bobs, he removed my cock from his mouth and looked up at my face, which was plastered with a stupid smile.

"Can I ask you a question Sam?"

"You could pretty much get anything from me right now." I giggled. "Yes Kyle... of course."

"Do you think we cou... uhm... Sam... would you fuck me?"

I did not see that coming! "What? Really? Kyle... are you sure? I hope you don't think that's what I want."

"You don't want to?" His face looked like I just shot his dog.

"No! Well, yes! Oh, for fuck's sake!" I forced myself to collect my thoughts.

"I would love to Kyle, but I don't want you to do it because I want to. Does that make more sense?"

He nodded, then kissed my cock. "It's what I want Sam. I want you to be my first."

The stupid smile was back on my face as he slowly made his way up my body and straddled my now closed legs.

"My purse!" I exclaimed. "Can you grab my purse?"

He popped off the bed and retrieved my purse and sat beside me as I riffled through it. "Shit, shit, shit! I don't have any condoms in here!"

He put his hand on mine to get my attention. "I'm so clean I squeak... and I trust you are too or you wouldn't be working."

I looked into his eyes and saw the need, the desire, so I nodded my head and reached back into my purse.

"What are you looking for Sam? It's ok... really."

"It's my America Express!" His face contorted in confusion until I pulled out a bottle of lube. "I don't leave home without it!" I exclaimed and he moaned at my poor joke.

I sat up and patted the bed where I was lying. "Why don't you lie down here Kyle." He looked for clarification. "We'll start with you on your stomach."

He laid in my imprint and immediately pulled the pillow under his head. I straddled the backs of his legs and took in the sight of his perfect bum. I worked some lube around his ass crack and down around his tight little pucker, causing him to spread his legs and lift his butt. I moaned at the action and went back to working around his hole, this time gently probing and poking at the sphincter. When I broke a finger past the tight barrier, he moaned, and it made my cock jump. I worked some lube over my rock-hard cock while my fingers worked at stretching his gate to bliss. Ten minutes later I had my engorged head knocking at his backdoor. I bent over his body and whispered in his ear while I worked at unlocking his booty.

"Do you have any idea how fucking sexy you are Kyle? How sexy your ass is? From the moment I saw it, all I could think about was this moment. I'm going to make love to you Sam. I'm going to make you so happy..."

"Uhhhgggg!" He yelped as my head popped past his ring.

I gave him a few minutes to adjust, denying my screaming urge to impale him completely. I kissed his neck and tip of his ear as I slowly ground my way in slow circular patterns into the depths of his ass.

He was taking it like a champ, but I could feel his tension. "Breathe Kyle." He instantly exhaled the air he'd been holding on to. "That's it. Just a little longer and all this discomfort is going to switch to pleasure. It'll be worth it... trust me!" I gave a small thrust to make my point.

"Oh fuck! Sam... oh Sam, you feel so good." He spoke through his moaning.

It was almost too much... balls deep in his, so tight, cute ass. He likely thought I was waiting to let him adjust, but I needed to cool down. I was wrestling with a hair trigger in the worst way. After finally feeling a little more in control, I laid flat with my newer breasts pressed into his back and started. Shallow and slow at first, feeling the membrane around his anus pulling with me. I pulled myself right to the brink and applied a little more slippery stuff and back in I went.

"Oh... fuck." He groaned.

I began to pick up my pace and he shoved his face into the pillow, my dirty talk was getting to him. "You were fucking made for this Kyle... for me. My cock and your ass... they belong together. Don't you feel it? Your ass grips me so tight Kyle, I think your ass wants me to stay... here... fucking you into oblivion!"

"Arrrrggghhh! FUCK! OH... FUCK... "

I was now laying some serious flesh pipe in his hole, bouncing off his firm butt cheeks at a record pace! I could feel myself getting to the edge again, but I wasn't ready for this to end.... so, I pulled out.

"Turn over for me Kyle. I want to see your face while I'm fucking you!" He rolled over onto his back, and I lifted his legs high and propped them against my arms. I pushed myself back in and his face twisted up sweetly. I couldn't help myself, I leaned over, with his legs now resting on my shoulders, and kissed him hard. We tongue wrestled and I nipped at his lips... I was at a whole other level.

"This is the part where I hammer you nice and hard Kyle. I'm going to leave my mark in you... deep inside your ass... when I'm done, it's going to be my ass, Kyle. Do you understand what that means Kyle? It means I'm going to own your ass... You'll have no choice but to give it up Kyle... when (SLAM) ever (SLAM) I (SLAM) want (SLAM)!

That was it for me, I was so worked up at this point, no amount of control or rest was bringing me back so I did what anyone else in my situation would do... I put my head down and power fucked my man's asshole!

"Oh Kyle! Oh, ya fuck! I'm gonna cum Kyle! GONNA... FUCKIN.... CUUUUMMMM!"

I drove deep one last time and let loose one of the biggest orgasms of my life. I twitched and moaned as rope after rope of cum evacuated my balls and mingled deep in this mans bowels. I could scarcely hear him whimper as I was lost in my own euphoria. My contractions eventually slowed, I pulled back and brought his legs down to my arms. I was immediately drawn to the slippery, wet feeling between us, only to see his cum plastered to both of our stomachs. I looked at his blushing face and completely released his legs so I could lay on top and kiss him.

We laid in each others' arms for a while and for the first time my heart felt full. This was nothing like the sex I've experienced. I didn't want to leave... I didn't want to let him go... I was in trouble! Rule number one in my line of work... DON'T FALL FOR YOUR CLIENTS.


14 months had passed since that evening and while the transition in my life was dramatic, it wasn't easy. Carla's words rang in my head, and I now understood what she meant about getting out of my line of work can be tough. Your self worth can so be easily manipulated by sex and money. When both are good and regular, the desire to change the status quo is not a strong one. My head and my heart were in constant conflict about my future. I loved Kyle, that much was clear... I also loved sex, which was amazing with Kyle. His cocksucking skills had grown immensely and he enjoyed fucking my ass, but my pounding his brought us both the most pleasure. Despite all this goodness, there was one thing that I needed to give up and I was struggling. It was very self serving, self absorbed... it was fucking selfish! I didn't want to stop sucking cocks... big cocks. There was something about the act that spoke to me... it was part of my core. It was the only thing I did while I still worked at Gen-X and it was a compromise Kyle seemed to be ok with. My biggest fear was making him feel inferior, so we never talked about my job. It was the new elephant in the room.

The night Kyle proposed to me was both joyous and difficult, as I had to come to terms with desire. Initially I was ecstatic and after my overly enthusiastic yes, he placed the rock on my finger, and that's when it hit me. Kyle was my world I would do anything and everything I could to make him happy, so I made my decision that my cocksucking days had to end (except for my man of course).

If there was one thing I both loved and hated about my now fiancé, was he could read me like a book. "Sam? Are you sure you want to get married? I feel like you're having reservations."

I looked deeply into his eyes and told the truth... kinda. "Of course, I want to marry you! I just have to come to terms with some things in my life, that I have to let go." He tried to speak, but I cut him off. "What I get in return Kyle is a gift and I'm so lucky to have met you." I leaned in and kissed him.

Recovering from our sensual kiss, he smiled and ran his fingers through my hair, curling it around my ear. "I know you love me Sam. I've never felt so complete in my entire life and the thought of you feeling like you have to give up anymore than you already have is... well it's not acceptable. Besides... I know where your heart is. It would be criminal if I kept your mouth all to self." He shrugged his shoulders. "I love golf and I'm pretty good at it to. It's not something I share with you, but you never try to stop me or guilt me into not plaing."

My mouth shot open and looked at him. "I... I can't." I started.

"Yes, you can."

"This isn't golf...it's not right." I countered.

"It is as far as I'm concerned."

"Kyle? Are you sure?" I stammered.

"As sure as I know you're going to fuck me all night."

I smiled at his quip, and he wasn't wrong. I loved to suck big cocks, but I lived to pound his tight, firm, cute, ass! MY ASS!


The weather was perfect, as expected on the island of Antigua. Pleasantly warm, not too hot. A light breeze from the ocean, it was amazing! Getting married here was Kyle's idea and like every other idea he came up with, it was perfect. I was in a small hut with my mother and sister fussing over me, making sure everything I was wearing was where it was supposed to be. The absence of my father was expected of course, but I still longed to have him in my life. My mom wouldn't even let me talk about it, it would only conger up difficult emotions at the wrong time she said, so we carried on... just us O'Connor girls. My mom agreed to walk me down the aisle in his place. So that was covered.

"My god Sam... you are absolutely radiant right now! I love this guy more than ever, just for making my big sister so happy!" Alicia gave me hug as we both started to cry.

I looked over to my mom who was standing by the door. Her proud smile was on full display. "You look like an angel sweetheart! I'm so happy for you." My mother was so happy she looked... nervous?

"Everything is almost perfect." She said and I smiled in confusion as she stepped away from the door. My sister gasped as a burly man came through the door, dressed in a formal white military suit, including the cap. He faced me and removed his cap and placed it under his arm. There, in all his largeness was my father. Missing was his constant scowl and stress lined forehead, instead his face was flushed, and his eyes looked guilty. I was frozen in my heels, unable to move or breath... I didn't know what to say or do.

"Sam... I've been a complete ass. Losing your brother was tough enough but losing you in my life was tragic... a tragedy that I caused with my arrogance and stubbornness. I'm so sorry I wasn't the father you needed... the father you deserved." He was actually crying. The man of steel... crying in front of me. "If you could find it in your heart to forgive an old fool... well... I'd be honored to walk you down the aisle."

You cold hear a pin drop. My mind was everywhere all at once. I could hear my sister crying and from my peripheral vision I knew my mom was too. I should have been angry, but what I felt was, complete. I ran full speed, closing the distance in seconds and threw myself into his powerful arms. Lost in his embrace and surrounded by love, I faintly heard my mom whisper.

"Now... everything is perfect."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It's so nice to read stories that are both sweet and hot for a change. Love your writing, bloody brilliant.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I think it's one of the best I've read loved the way you closed it out. Damn good work thanks. I really enjoyed it. Tom/Tammy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The story was excellent, I really couldn’t stop reading it. That said, the erotic nature of the story really wasn’t there for me but the story line more than made up for it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Excellent story, will there be more to their story?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This is fucking fantastic! Great story line and wonderful words!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

That was an incredible story. I was absolutely awed. Thank you

TeriLeighTeriLeighabout 1 year ago

Agreed mom, "Perfect"

Charlene99Charlene99about 1 year ago

Echo Mr 6x5 great story.

mr6x5mr6x5about 1 year ago

One of the best I have read in a while….

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