Wandering Wizard


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Well, of course Bob had been very sexually active in his past but from the time he arrived there all he had for sexual satisfaction was Rosy Palm and her five sisters. He felt his cock jump when she made the offer and said, "Yes'm I have but I sure could use some more. It has been a while and I have about rubbed my pecker off usin' my hands. I have been saving my money so I can go a traipsin' come summer and did not want to spend money on pussy if I could keep from it."

"Well ya just come on in here and let me treat ya Bob."

Bob came into the room and closed the door then almost jumped out of his clothes. He really wanted to eat some pussy but he knew Mable, indeed most people of this time, very rarely bathed. When he looked at her crotch he could see semen caked in her pussy hair and the smell almost made him gag. He decided he'd forego that pleasure and wondered if he dared sink his cock into her cesspool. He finally remembered the clap and syphilis were the main two STD's in this time. He examined her as closely as he could and didn't see any outward signs of syphilis so decided to take the chance.

Bob did suck on her neck, nipples and a few other erogenous zones he found causing her to writhe and moan in pleasure. Finally she grabbed him and tried to pull him over her as she said, "God Damnit. Enough already. Get over here and fuck me you asshole."

Bob smiled and complied with her demand but he didn't just drop into the saddle and pound one out, satisfying himself and leaving her hanging. Of course, that wasn't possible anyway as she had already had several orgasms before she demanded he fuck her. Bob was pounding away and Mable was crying and screaming as she moved through orgasms. She hit a large one and screamed as loudly as she could. Just as Bob's orgasm hit, he heard the door slam open. Mable was screaming and pulling him tighter to her with her arms and legs. Bob tried to get off her but couldn't break her hold. He turned his head to the door and saw Sam standing there, his mouth hanging open, as he watched Bob finish in Mable.

Sam said, "Well I'll be damned. I never. Are ya alright there Mable?"

"SAM! Get your mangy ass out of here. 'Course I am alright. Bob and I was just asportin' as ya can see. Now get outta here. I am not through rewarding' him fer helpin' me t'other day."

Sam grinned as he closed the door and said, "You get'er there Bob."

When Bob came downstairs to begin his work he was met by a saloon full of men whistling and making cat calls and lewd remarks. He had attained almost hero status with the men because of his tryst with Mable. Some had heard her squealing, others had heard about it (of course the tale grew as it passed through town) and he became a celebrity for making her scream with his cock.

More to his surprise was the way the three Indians in the saloon treated him. When he walked past their table one of them reached out and stopped him. At first Bob was slightly worried there might be trouble although he couldn't imagine why there would be. The Brave said, "You made the squaw scream with your pole. Does this happen often?"

Bob felt a mental nudge when the question was asked and automatically set up a block. He watched the Indian's eyes open in surprise when he did so. "Many times I can do it but I do not think it is any of your business nor is it the business of these others either."

"I hear them call you Bob. This is your white name?"

"Yes. Bob Throckmorton."

Once again the three showed surprise and smiled widely. Bob moved on, doing his work and wondering about the strange conversation. The next time he looked toward the table at which the Indians sat, they were gone.

After the other two whores working in the saloon heard about his prowess in bed they contrived to try Bob out. They found he was an outstanding and considerate lover and between them and Mable, he didn't go without pussy the rest of the winter. Most times when he bedded them they ended up screaming out their pleasure and Bob returned to the Saloon to more ribald remarks and teasing. He noticed, over the winter, a larger number of Indians frequenting the saloon than had done so when he first arrived.

Sometimes one or the other of the women just wanted some quality loving and invited him up for a freebie. Other times they offered pussy as payment for a favor. Usually, Bob accepted the offered pussy and they all enjoyed it. It became a running joke in the saloon, indeed, it even brought in some small amount of business because the men hoped to hear one of the whores screaming out her pleasure with Bob between her legs. He was looked upon with some amount of respect because of his bedroom powers.

Finally, the weather began to warm up and Bob decided to begin his trek into the mountains, headed for Cripple Creek. He promised the girls and Sam he would be back, at least for the winter, if or when he was in the area.

Bob hadn't made enough money to buy a horse or mule so he had to walk, carrying his worldly goods in a large pack. He did have a decent pistol and knife, thanks to the 'donation' of the Ox. It was accepted practice in those times, if you killed a man in self defense, you could take whatever you wanted from the body. Bob did so, keeping the items he gained well hidden in case any of his friends should see and recognize them. In that manner, he gained the pistol and belt, knife, and $18.47 in cash. The day he fought the Ox, he gave Mable $5.00 to compensate her for the injury and to tide her over until she could work once more and added the rest to his stash but even having done that he had almost $40.00 to buy supplies with.

It was about 50 miles from Colorado Springs to Cripple Creek according to the men Bob talked to while planning his journey. There were roads or trails to follow or he could try to go cross country which was shorter but much more difficult, therefore it would take longer. He opted to follow the roads. He figured walking would take about a week assuming he had no trouble. After he arrived in town he'd have to get the lay of the land, as it were and strike out for where he hoped to find the gold.

Cripple Creek was between two and three thousand feet higher in altitude than Colorado Springs and, hence, colder. By the time he arrived, Bob wished he'd either started later in the year or had heavier clothing. He did have some poor maps so knew, in general, where he needed to go in order to find the gold. Well, he knew where Battle Mountain was and the general area of the strikes. He spent almost a week in town doing odd jobs and picking up a few more supplies. Of course, he managed to get laid a time or two also.

Before dawn on the sixth day he was in town, he started off on foot heading toward Battle Mountain, near where the small town of Victor would soon arise. He knew the largest strikes would be in that area and hoped to find gold before they were discovered. He moved slowly and carefully, looking for ore. Whenever he came upon a small stream he stopped to pan for gold, hoping to find some small nuggets or chips.

His panning and searching became constant when he reached what he thought to be Battle Mountain. He found some color in several small streams but nothing of any great value. He'd been working for ten days when he saw a large group of Indians approaching. He stood and made sure his pistol was loose in his holster then stood watching. He had his magic primed as well and would use it first if needed. When he ran out of the .50 Cal Balls he'd purchased to throw with his mind he would switch to the pistol if needed. The Indians stopped about ten feet from him and sat for a moment. Bob greeted them and said, "I have coffee if you want to honor my camp."

Without a word they dismounted their horses and found a place to sit around his small fire. They each held out their own cup. After he gave them coffee, Bob filled his cup and sat with them. They sipped their drink solemnly for several moments before Bob said, "What may I do for my brothers?"

They looked at each other in excitement then the leader spoke, "We come to welcome the great Shaman Makes Women Scream. Knowledge of your accomplishments and assistance to the people has passed from generation to generation since you left in the blaze of light so many years ago. We offer you a home, a place of belonging should you wish it. Our women offer the comfort of their bodies and beds as well."

Bob sat in shocked silence until he finished his coffee before he could think of something to say. Finally, he said, "I thank you for the offer but what makes you think I am Makes Women Scream?"

"I am Hunts in the Dawn. You are my many times removed father. Do you not remember Beautiful Dawn from whom I am descended or her sister wife Sasha? Can you not open your mind and tell we are descended from you, the first Shaman of the new breed, the man who taught us how to defeat the Europeans and live in peace?"

Bob sat back and concentrated on the group before him. All at once, he felt a blossoming of knowledge in his mind and began crying as the story of his descendants cascaded into his memory. He was overwhelmed with love and said, "I know and see now. I missed Dawn and Sasha so much but that was so long ago for this world, yet so short a time for me. I just arrived here less than a year ago."

"This we know. We felt the change when you came but did not know if you wanted to meet us since you did not come into the mountains for so long."

"I did not know. I knew magic was growing in the world but I did not know the full ramifications. We are far from where I left Dawn and Sasha as well. I did not know my people were here. Also, this is my fourth life since my awakening and I am still learning the ways of it."

The men looked back and forth between him and each other smiling and nodding their heads. Hunts said, "Come with us to the camp. We will have a gathering of the People so all may see the Great Shaman. Perhaps you will father many more shamans for us while you are here so we may grow stronger and care for the world better."

"I would like that but I must work. I am here to find gold so I may live a better life than I have the last months. I do not want to spend my life cleaning a saloon."

Hunts laughed and said, "You do not have to worry about that. You are always welcome here as you were in the far away time. We know where the gold is and can help you get some to make life easier if that is what you want. We gather some from time to time to buy things in the towns but many of us still prefer the old ways. Since we know how to live with the whites we can all live the lives we desire."

Bob quickly gathered up his belongings and donned his pack. They moved off and arrived at the village late that evening after killing three deer for the evening meal. He was met with great happiness and cheering when they walked into the village. Three young women immediately latched onto him and began pampering him while the braves and Chief invited him to sit around the main fire with them. The Shaman treated him like an elder statesman, with great respect.

Bob sat and listened mentally to the undercurrent of thoughts while he listened to the verbal telling of stories containing the history of not just the tribe but of America and the people as well. He felt almost guilty, he was revered so. The People (Indians) had met a living God, a legendary historical entity that had not only changed their way of life but had been instrumental, they felt, in changing them physically also. They knew their mental powers came from his descendants and the tribe, especially the women wanted more of his children. He was embarrassed by the longing and physical want he detected in the women.

Bob was assigned a tipi for as long as he wished to stay with the tribe. The Chief asked him to stay at least long enough for them to have the nearby tribal Chiefs, Shamen, and elders come meet him. Bob agreed to that but said he intended to spend much of his time prospecting in order to build a stake to live on comfortably.

Chief Bearkiller said, "This is agreeable. Little Deer, Beautiful Fox and Sweet Woman have been allowed to care for you and your tipi while you are with us. They will keep you warm at night, cook and tan your hides as the need arises. Hunts In The Dawn will take you to the area we find the gold when you are ready."

"Thank you Chief. I think I'll go to my bed now so I can get an early start tomorrow. I want to be able to leave before the snow flies. I promised some friends I would spend the winter with them again in Colorado Springs."

When Bob got to the tipi that had been given for his use he found the three ladies already there. They were all working on one thing or another while they waited on him to come home for the night. When they saw him enter the tipi they all smiled and rose to meet him. He greeted them and determined which name went with which woman then said, "Ladies, I am tired and am going to bed now. Thank you for agreeing to help me while I'm here."

They all smiled and watched Bob undress before he crawled into the bedroll. Well, that's not quite true, they watched him strip while they were doing the same thing, however they beat him as all each of them was wearing was a buckskin dress and pair of moccasins. They were all naked and on the bedroll before Bob was.

When he crawled into bed the ladies gathered close to him and began touching and kissing him. His half hard cock sprang to full strength and he began returning the favor. There was scream after scream coming from that tipi throughout the early part of the night. Had Bob looked outside he would have seen almost the entire camp standing or sitting in the clear area near his doorway. Many of the women were surreptitiously rubbing their crotch. The men had obvious erections. They all had large grins on their faces and many made admiring comments. Not a few couples strode off to satisfy the urges aroused by Bob's performance.

Finally the noise died down as Bob and his three guests drifted off to sleep in a puddle on his bedding. The few remaining watchers wandered back to their own beds. It was late the next morning when Bob rose and wandered out of the tipi. He found the three women working around a fire in front while they talked to a half dozen other women. When they saw him they all blushed. He smiled and walked out of the camp to take his morning piss.

Bob was greeted all morning with grins and comments about his performance the night before.. Finally, he gave up and headed out prospecting in hopes of getting away from the admiring glances and even the offers from some women.

Bob found much magic or ESP being practiced by the villagers. It seemed telekinesis, teleportation of small items and even what they called mind talking worked for many of the population. Bob kept working on his own abilities as well, proving time after time that he was greatly more powerful than the Shaman who was the strongest in the village. He found himself giving impromptu classes and helping anyone who asked and had the ability.

As the summer passed, Bob's stash of gold grew. The large nuggets he melted down and poured into bars to transport easier. He estimated he had between 400 and 450 pounds of gold when he decided it was time to quit and return to town for the winter. At the current prices that would be over $100,000 if he could get it all to town and sell it. Even if he never returned to mine more he could live for years on that.

The day came for him to leave and he was surprised to find his three women taking up packs and standing with him when he was telling everyone goodbye. He'd been loaned two ponies to help carry the gold and he and the women were wearing packs. To his surprise and pride, all three women were pregnant as well as several of the other ones he had screwed in camp. He had no way of knowing how many of them were having his children but he was sure some of them were. He felt somewhat bad about leaving his children but he knew the tribe and the husbands of the married women would care for them well. They all hoped for a child of his to strengthen the tribe. There wasn't much of a taboo against impregnating a married woman if the husband knew and approved of the liaison as these men did.

Bob and his wives spent two days in Cripple Creek before leaving for Colorado Springs. During the time there he deposited all but about $3,000.00 worth of his gold with Wells Fargo so they didn't have to carry it around. The night after he made the deposit he went into the hotel bar for a drink after they finished their supper. The women went upstairs to their room to wait on him.

When Bob walked into the bar he noticed three scruffy men nudging each other and keeping their eyes on him. He caught some of their thoughts from time to time. They apparently knew about his deposit and wanted to know where his mine was so they could raid it. They were members of a gang that intended to hold up the Wells Fargo shipment of his gold as well.

Bob walked up to them and they spread out to confront him even before he let them know he'd sensed their intentions. He said, "I know you and your friends are going to try to hold up Wells Fargo when they make a shipment. That would be a very bad idea as is your idea of trying to find out where I got the gold I deposited."

"What are you accusing us of ya galoot," asked the apparent leader.

"I'm not accusing you of anything. I am telling you that the ideas you have aren't good ideas and aren't conducive to your continued good health. I advise you to change your ways before someone gets hurt or worse."

The leader yelled, "You cannot accuse us of that," and they all three began to draw their weapons. Bob made his, by now, well practiced gesture and they all three went flying. When they landed they knocked down chairs and tables, ending up on the filthy floor covered with spilled drinks and the tobacco juice many patrons spit on the floor.

Bob walked up to them, squatted down and said, "You've been warned. Right now you haven't broken any law I know of but if you do and I'm the one you cause trouble for I can and will do more than this."

"I still do not know what has set ya off wizard but me and tha boy's will not fergit this. Your time is coming."

"For your sake I hope you don't forget this and learn from it but I expect you won't. Now, good day gentlemen," Bob said as he stood and walked away. As he moved toward the lobby of the hotel the gathered men opened up a path for him. Many of them were muttering about him being a wizard and how the government needed to do something about that.

When Bob got to the room, the women met him. He could see they were worried and Little Deer said, "You had trouble. We felt it. Is it over or do we need to be more careful my Husband?"

Bob sighed and said, "Yes, I had trouble and I am afraid it isn't over. We need to be more careful than normal as we travel. I think those three and their friends will be following us hoping to find the mine. I messed up when I brought all the gold out with us."

They went to bed and rested for several hours but Bob woke everyone just after two a.m. They packed and left, hoping to get ahead of the men and avoid trouble. They didn't see anyone the rest of the day and stopped about 1630 to make camp. They set up off the trail in a small break in the rocks. Their small fire was well hidden and was extinguished after they cooked their meal and had coffee.

To Bob's relief, their entire trip back to Colorado Springs was uneventful. They only met three people and saw two more on the entire trip and had no problems. When they walked into the saloon Sam greeted Bob warmly. He drew and set his normal drink at his favorite spot at the bar.

Bob's wives stood beside him for a moment before deciding to sit at a table nearby. Sam said, "It is good to have you back Bob. Do you want your old job back?"
