Want to Play Ch. 05

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Stuck between a rock and a hard place.
3k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/17/2022
Created 08/03/2008
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Ok everyone here's chapter five. I think the next chapter will be the last chapter and thx again for reading. Keep the feedback coming.


Erica was pacing back and forth in the bathroom. This was the longest two minutes of her life. She looked at the clock again and nearly broke her ankle trying to get into the bathroom. She looked at the test and it held a plus sign. She almost screamed, but she needed to be sure. She grabbed her phone and made an appointment to the doctor.

Erica sat in the cold waiting room nervously waiting for her name to be called. A nurse came out of the back with a folder in her hand.

"Erica Jackson?"

"Right here." Erica got up and walked over to the nurse. The nurse led her to a small room while she waited for the doctor. A few moments later a knock sounded on the door and Dr. Jones came in. He was an older man with brown hair that was graying around the edges.

"So Erica what can I do for you today?"

Erica took a deep breath. "I came to see if I am...how do I put this? I want to see if I'm pregnant."

Dr. Jones looked at her and smiled kindly. "Of course we can see if you're pregnant. Let's just get a urine sample and I'll run the tests."

Erica went into the restroom and did the duty then came back out with her sample. She gave it to the doctor and waited as he ran the tests.

He came back into the room a few minute later.

"Well from the results Erica it shows that you're pregnant." Dr. Jones looked at Erica with kind hazel eyes.

Erica sat on the cold table with shock at the news that was read to her. Her face slowly formed into a grin then a full out smile. She jumped off the desk and ran to hug Dr. Jones.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!! You don't know how happy this makes me!!" She started laughing and gave the doctor another hug.

Dr. Jones laughed and looked at her. "Well sweetheart I didn't have anything to do with the babies, but you're certainly welcome."

Erica froze in mid-jump. "Babies?! As in TWINS?!!!! Om my gosh I'm having twins!!!!"

Erica ran over to the doctor again and gave him a hug.

He laughed. "Erica I'm happy for you and I'm glad that you're happy. Now let's talk about your new diet for the next few months and let's talk about the things you need to do in order to get ready for these babies. By the way does the father know yet?"

Erica shook her head. "No, but he will very soon." She smiled to herself and thought about the life in her stomach. Hopefully this would prove to be more of a blessing than a curse.

Adam sat in his tattoo shop going over the transactions for the day. He heard the bell ring over the door.

"I'm sorry we're closed for the day." Adam looked up and held his breath. Giselle Harris stood in the middle of the doorway with a barely there silk dress hugging her curves. She was still beautiful from the last time he saw her. Her honey blond hair fell in curls around her shoulders. She smiled at him with hazel eyes.

"Adam long time no see. How have you been lately?" Giselle walked over to Adam. The man was still fine as hell and it didn't help that every time she was around him she got wet.

"I've been doing good Giselle. How have you been doing?" Adam looked over at Giselle with blank eyes.

"I've been doing well and you're father says hello." Giselle walked around the front desk of Adams' shop and stood next to him.

"We've missed you Adam you need to come home and see your family." Giselle looked at him with pouty eyes.

Adam gazed at Giselle then sighed. She was his stepmother who was trying desperately to get him into bed. She was one reason why he didn't have a good relationship with his father. No screw that she was the whole problem. His father didn't like him around Giselle and his father felt that he always had to be in control. Giselle would always get what she wanted, but Adam practically had to beg for his father to give him something.

"Giselle you need to stop this little game you're playing with me. It's not right and as much as my father hates me I refuse to hurt him." Adam got up from his desk and pushed his way around Giselle.

"Adam you know you want me so how about you stop playing games. You act as if you're some saint saving everyone from injustice. Aren't you the same man who has sex with women as if it's a game?"

"Who the hell told you that shit?"

"Oh my little friend Katy told me. Oh don't worry she wasn't hurt she was just surprised that my stepson was such a good fuck. I wish I could know what she did." Giselle walked over to Adam and pushed her breasts up against him.

Adam pushed Giselle away. "Giselle get the fuck away from me okay? I'm not playing anymore with you. I'm surprised my father hasn't found out the dirty slut you truly are. You're only with him for the money."

Giselle tossed her hair over her shoulder. "Yeah you're right, but that doesn't matter because he's in too deep now." Giselle tossed her head back and laughed.

Adam walked over to her and pushed her out of his shop. He locked the door and went back to his work. He stopped as he realized his hands were shaking. He couldn't let Giselle get anywhere near Erica because if she did all hell would break loose.

Erica was walking around Adams' house with her hand on her stomach. She looked down and smiled at the sight. She was having Adams' children. She twirled around in the middle of the room then sat back down in the chair. For a couple of hours she'd been trying to figure out how to tell Adam she was pregnant. She thought about just telling him the news straight up, but she thought it was too conventional. She thought about spelling it out in a cake, and then she thought about walking around the house all day with her hand on her belly. Either way she had to tell him the news soon. Erica stopped her pondering as a knock sounded on the door.

She walked over and looked through the peep hole. "Who is it?"

A pause sounded before a deep gruff voice answered. "I'm Adams' father Colin."

Erica tried to reign in the anger that bubbled to the surface before she opened the door. On the other side was a man the same size as Adam, but the similarities stopped there. This man had red hair and blue eyes. His face was full of hard lines that looked to be from stress.

Colin looked at her. "May I come in?"

Erica moved to the side to let Adams' father in. "Adam isn't here, but I'll let him know that you came by." Erica tried to figure out were that side of her came from. Who was she to tell Colin that he couldn't visit his own son?

Colin smiled at her. "That's okay I didn't come here to see Adam. I came here to see you."

Erica walked over to the couch in shock. "Okay sure what did you want to talk about?"

Colin looked at her with sad eyes. "First I wanted to explain myself. I know you've already found out how bad of a parent I was and I know there's know excuse for the way I treated Adam. I couldn't stand the thought of looking at Adam everyday. When I lost his mother it was like I lost everything in life. Adam only made it worse considering he's an exact replica of his mother. Except she was full of life and happiness while Adam is cold and dark. I guess that's all my fault, right?"

Erica moved over to sit by Colin. "You can't help what you feel Colin, but Adam needed a father and a mother. You should've stepped up instead of quitting. Don't think that Adam doesn't love you he's just hurt."

Colin looked at Erica. "Yeah and I'm king of the world. Because of me Adam has had a fucked up childhood. He didn't have the happy life that his friends had. I was so focused on getting love from another woman that I just refused to let anything interfere with that. Adams' mother was all I had and when someone else came along I did everything to hold on to that."

Erica grabbed Colins' hand. "Well you can do everything to get your son back. It's not too late for you and Adam. I think this might be a better time than you think."

"I hope you're right Erica, but anyway enough about me I just came by to thank you for giving my son the life and happiness he deserves."

Erica grabbed Colin into a hug. "Colin it's not too late to give your son what he needs. But you have to be the one to make the effort to change."

Colin smiled at Erica then looked down to see her hand resting on her belly. "Does he know yet?"

Erica looked at him puzzled. "Know what? Oh...OH!!! No I just found out today, but he's going to be a father and well you're going to be a grandfather if you want to be. You can show your love to these children."

Colin looked at Erica fiercely. "I would love to be a grandfather."

Erica laughed as Colin pulled her into a bear hug. They talked for a few more hours then Colin got up to go back to his house. Erica sighed as she closed the door behind him then looked at the clock. It was 10 o'clock and Adam still hadn't made it home. She went upstairs to go to sleep. Hopefully he'd be home when she woke up.

Adam sat in the middle of the living room floor surrounded by Ceces' toys. She had gone upstairs with her father earlier. Nick was probably reading her a story. He looked up and saw Nynia staring at him.

"Adam you have to take a chance. Don't assume that she's going to hurt you just because of your past experiences."

"Nyn I'm sorry it's just I don't want to scare her off."

Nynia scoffed at Adam. "If you didn't scare her off when you got naked there's a big chance you won't scare her when you drop the L-bomb."

Adam gave Nynia a droll look. "You know I'm tired of you making fun of me and if you don't stop I'm going to beat up your husband."

Nick walked into the room. "Hey if you're going to kick anyone's ass it needs to be yours. Are you really going to let a woman like that walk out of your life?"

Adam looked down at the ground. "She deserves someone better than me."

Nynia walked over to Adam and punched him the arm. "Adam she deserves you and its about time you let someone take care of you. Stop trying to save the world and start trying to save yourself."

Adam got off the floor and pulled Nynia into a hug. Then he walked over and punched Nick in the arm. Adam walked outside to his car and drove to his house. He looked at the clock and saw that it was 12 o'clock no doubt Erica would be worried about him. Fuck she was too good for him, but he'd be damned if he let someone else take her from him.

He walked upstairs and saw her in his bed cuddling his pillow. He walked over to her and leaned in for a drugging kiss. He savored each stroke of his tongue against hers. He pulled away from her lips slowly then traced her bottom lip with is tongue. Erica woke up and looked at him with her chocolate eyes.

"Hey fathead it took you long enough to come home."

Adam smiled at her. "I'm sorry it took so long. What do you want me to do to make it up to you?"

Erica arched her brow then pulled the covers off her body revealing the skimpy baby blue lace bra and thong she was wearing. "I don't know you figure it out."

Adam laughed while he pulled off his clothes. He slowly slid off Ericas' bra and thong then settled himself between her thighs. He lowered his head to her breast and began to suck and lick on her nipples. Erica ran her fingers through his thick hair.

"Adam..." She sighed his name then bit her lip. "Adam I need you now."

Adam stopped licking her breasts. He positioned his cock then slowly moved inside her wet core. He slowly slid deep inside then slowly slid out. He groaned as Erica dug her nails deep into his back.

He lowered his head to her lips. "Erica baby I need you."

Adam increased the pace of his strokes and Erica arched her back. The orgasm came on her so fast that she didn't have time to prepare for it. Her body began to tingle and she felt her pussy squeeze his cock as she came. Adam pulled Erica closer to his body as he turned on his side. He looked her deep in the eyes.

"Erica I love you."

Ericas' eyes widened in shock then tears filled her eyes. "I love you too Adam. I love you too."

Erica smiled as Adam pulled her into a hug. The news she had for him could wait until tomorrow.

Adam sat in his shop adding another tattoo to his faithful client Todd.

"I swear Adam you do the best damn tattoos this side of the equator."

Adam smiled at Todd. "Todd you're just saying that because you want a damn discount and you're not going to get one."

They both laughed and Adam led Todd up to the front counter. He almost cursed when he saw who was waiting for him in the front.

Giselle stood in the middle of the shop wearing a white t-shirt that fit and hugged her breasts. Her legs were encased in a pair of skimpy blue shorts.

"Adam sweetheart I'm here to take you to lunch." Giselle smiled at him sweetly.

Adam walked over to Giselle angrily. "Get the fuck out of my shop or I'm calling the police."

Giselle shook her head and tsked at him. "Adam, Adam, Adam. Come on one time won't hurt. You know you want to."

Giselle grabbed Adams' head and pulled him down for a kiss. Adam barely heard the bell on the door ring, but he didn't miss the familiar voice.

"Adam?" Erica asked. Adam turned around and wanted to die right then and there. Erica sat there with a shocked look on her face.

He grabbed her in his arms. "Baby this isn't what it looks like."

Erica looked at him with disappointment. Adam felt so ashamed that it was all he could do not to beg her to forgive him. "Then what is it Adam."

Adam walked up to her. "This woman is my bitch of a stepmother. She's just trying to ruin everything."

Erica looked over at the blond woman. "Adam why are you kissing her?"

"I didn't Erica she pulled me down for a kiss and-"

Giselles' snotty voice entered the conversation. "Really? So you didn't walk in here wanting to kiss me? Please Adam we know the truth."

Giselle turned to Erica. "Hi sweetheart I'm surprised Adam didn't tell you about me. So how long have you been fucking?"

Erica looked at the woman with cold eyes. "We've been seeing each other for about six months."

Giselle turned to Adam with a look of mock shock on her face. "Really Adam and you have been together for six months? Adam that's a new record you've probably won the game for the rest of eternity. Oh wait Erica you didn't know did you?"

Erica looked at Adam confused. "Didn't know what Adam?"

Giselle laughed. "Oh sweetie Adam and his friends play a little game every once in a while. They sleep with women and whoever sleeps with the same woman for the longest wins the game. Oh and the prize is one hundred dollars. And guess what sweetie you just made Adam a hundred dollars richer."

Erica tried to stop the sting that came into her eyes, but a tear escaped her eyes. She looked at Adam with hatred. "So Adam how was it. Was I good enough for you?"

Adam walked up to Erica. "Baby I can explain."

"Don't touch me! I'm glad to know that you got something out of our relationship. Don't worry you won't have to deal with me anymore."

Erica ran out of the shop and got into her car. She drove off down the street like a bat out of hell.

Adam ran outside after Erica. Just like everyone else she'd left him, but this time he'd given her a reason to leave. Adam ran to his car and drove home hoping he could catch Erica before she left the house. He ran to the bedroom, but was sadly disappointed when she wasn't there. He walked into the bathroom and ran some water in the sink. He threw the cold water over his face, but he couldn't wake up from the nightmare. He dropped to the floor and looked over at the box next to him. He picked up the box with shaking fingers then ran out of the house. He had to find his woman and his baby before it was too late.

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AMHJ89AMHJ89over 9 years ago

At least she doesn't have to tell him now

trubblemakurtrubblemakurover 11 years ago
I believe

they were saying there is no way the doctor would know from the pregnancy test if you were having a multiple birth. That is usually only found by them hearing more than one heartbeat or by ultrasound later in the pregnancy.

PrincessPoutPrincessPoutover 11 years ago
You must've

just skimmed and missed the whole part where she went to the doctors office and the doctor told her how many babies she was having.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
great story but...

a pregnancy test doesn't tell you how many babies you're having. Other than I, love this story. I want an Adam in my life!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Don't listen to the bad critisism

the story is perfect the way it is!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
You need to stop trying to please everyone

Outside of criticism about basic grammar, you need to stop trying to flesh out the characters to your critic's content. It seems that everytime sonemeon offers feedback, you try to write it into your next chapter, and it doesn't work. Out of the blue Adam's dad comes back to beg for forgiveness? After Adam kicked her out yesterday, Giselle gets to come back and lies to Erica? Erica is pregnant with twins? You are jumping all over the place because you are trying to please too many people. Take your time and write the story that was in your head, nor what you think some of us want to read.

mimi186mimi186over 12 years ago

That giselle! What a bitch!

sapphiredreamssapphiredreamsalmost 16 years ago

goes to ANGELICSOUNDS. That museum was a good analogy! I just thought of something also: Secrecy, if you haven't already, read authors like Nerd4Music or TangledInYou. They write the same genre as you do and they do it extremely well. Too bad "Sunday" has been taken down, that truly was an awesome read. The pace, the characters, the emotion ... everything just fit. If you can't find an editor, maybe reading their stories will give you some ideas with character development, flow, etc. Maybe then you'll end up with more than one page every chapter. Good luck to you and definitely keep writing if you're inspired to do so!

angelicsoundsangelicsoundsalmost 16 years ago
Oh, one more thing.

I thought I'd throw this up, because it helps me sometimes. I noticed that people say that your story seems rushed. Picture it this way: A group of people go to an art museum and are excited to see your exhibit. When they get there, the tour guide grabs their hand and runs through the hallways, so all they're seeing are flashes of color, but no clear pictures. At the end, they stand at the end of the exhibit and say, "Wait, what just happened?" and they feel...rushed. They go to the ticket booth/customer service because they want to say something about it, so next time they come, maybe the tour guide will slow down and let them look at the pictures and digest them before moving them on to the next one. Maybe the tour guide will take the time to describe the pictures next time, so they get what's going on in them and aren't totally left to their own devices. There will be some who say that they just don't like it and there will be some who say that it was amazing because they know you're a good artist and they can't wait to come again. When you write, you're the guide. It's up to you to decide how much people are going to see and what they get out of your 'exhibit'. They ask for more details because they want to get a clearer picture of what's going on. But, like I said, it's your story and it's really up to you. Write the story you want to write and if you want to take more time to describe a scene, fine. If not, sure there are going to be those who complain, but there are also going to be those who love it. Take their feedback and move on, because at the end of the day, you're the author and you know how your story was meant to be written. I hope this helps.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Not bad

It isn't the greatest, but by far, it certainly isn't the worse I've read. As mentioned by others already, you have great potential. Don't stop writing because you get criticized. As you wrote in the beginning of your stories, "all feedback is welcome". Well then, try and accept all forms of those feedbacks. Don't sulk because a few people didn't like it or because you didn't get those "LOVED IT!" comments you were hoping for. Not everyone is going to like your stories. But that's where you get to pick and choose which advice/comments you can take to help make you a better writer.

moderndaylibertinemoderndaylibertinealmost 16 years ago

I like the stories, but they're a bit repetitive. Like the first story, a woman comes in and basically lies to the girlfriend and she runs out without even hearing his story. i know it happens in real life sometimes, but its a bit cliche. the storyline's not bad, though...

angelicsoundsangelicsoundsalmost 16 years ago
Hey, I'm an author.

I write stories on Lit, I think they're doing pretty well (although that might change after I post this. lol.), so does that mean you're going to take me seriously? I hope so. I've been reading your stories and I agree with the comments that say that you have potential. You're not quite there yet, but you're making your way (Keep going!). I can see that you have a creative mind and you tell interesting stories. I have to tell you, truthfully, you're never going to please everyone. It's impossible. So, I would settle for pleasing yourself. Don't ask what people want from you, because the answer is usually "Everything." You write because you love to write, so keep it up. Post it here. We want to read it. But, you also have to realize that along with those who love your stories, there are going to be those who want to find fault in them. I had a similar problem a little bit ago. I got feedback saying some readers wanted more of a story, I wrote another chapter and I got feedback saying that I should have ended the story with the previous chapter. I looked at it this way. I was going to write more anyway. The story wasn't finished in my mind, so I'm going to keep on until it's finished. Who cares if I should have stopped. I'll stop when I'm good and damn well ready to because it's MY story. But, I could see where they were coming from. I just chose to keep on keeping on. You can't let comments discourage you. Don't let the negative people rule you. Find a support system to help lift you up when others are pressing you down and listen to their encouragement rather than the negativity. Post here because YOU want to (believe me, we won't mind). Write the story YOU want. At the end of the day, you are the one that should be satisfied with what you write and if no one else is, then at least you can say you wrote something that made YOU feel good.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Seriously this has got to stop.

There are lots of people that get negative comments but they don't take it so much to heart. Either you write for enjoyment or you write for feedback. Which one is it? Nobody is going to baby you and everyone is going to have opinions, but if you say you like writing and you think you're a good writer than just do the damn thing and make yourself better. The truth is that stories are rushed and the details are neglected, and I think it's because you just seem so anxious to get it out there. But is it really worth it to push the story through so quickly if you and your readers can't enjoy the experience? At the end of the day though it's all about you and what you get out of it. Stop writing so that others will tell you how great your story is, and don't stop writing just because some tell you they don't like it. Just write. Or don't. Make a choice based something other than superficial opinions and then stick by it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

It looks like the camel's back has been broken. Listen, seriously, you should take your comments with a grain of salt. So someone doesn't think it's dramatic enough. I bet there are 100s others that love your story just as it is. Read the comments, decide which ones are being constructive and which are just complaining. Then disregard as many of them as you want to. Write the story the way it comes to you. If you get conflicting comments, let them cancel out and write your story the way you were intending. Your characters are coming into their own now and you have made so much progress in the small amount of time that you've been writing here on Lit. Yes, you're young and haven't experienced some things, but you are talented and you do have potential. But, don't rely on your youth/inexperience as a crutch. If all else fails, do some research. If you're not sure how things work, google it or talk to someone who would know. I say this because that's how most authors (here and published) do it. Well, the one's who are going for accuracy. And, really, if I said get an editor, it's because an editor could be someone to bounce ideas off of to help you build a better story. Your punctuation didn't bother me in this chapter, so maybe I don't read as closely as some. I'm usually more concerned about the feel of a chapter, I guess. Back to your story, although the doctor wouldn't know she was having twins with a simple pregnancy test (you have to get an ultrasound to determine such a thing), you captured her joy at being a mother to Adam's babies. You showed us just how much Adam cares for her and now we know why his father isn't in his life. His turn around didn't come off sudden for me. Sure, we always like more details, to help give us a clearer picture in our minds, but I think you gave us some decent ones in this chapter. It is a shame that you are thinking of giving up posting on Lit. I always looked forward to reading your chapters. I hope you realize that there are far more people who enjoy your ability to craft a story than those who don't and decide to give us more from you. I'm sorry if I contributed to your discomfort here. I wanted to be constructive, to help you become a better author because your scores were much lower than I thought they should have been (You deserve more H's). You have a great mind and your concepts are new and fresh. Once again, I hope you reconsider and post more to Lit. (P.S. nice cliff hanger. I can't wait to read the next chapter)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
Good work

Your stories are really good! Don't stop writing just because of some comments. You should look at it as a way to make your writing better. This chapter was good also but just a little rushed. You shouldn't stop writing because people do enjoy your stories!

cantfightfatecantfightfatealmost 16 years ago
Not your best, but still an okay read.

I definitely agree with the other posters. This chapter felt rushed and a lot of little things distracted me. You can't find out you're having twins from a urine test. The sudden change of heart from the Dad was awkward. And what kind of woman doesn't trust the man she supposedly loves? She's ready to set up house with him but in a bad situation, she doesn't even give him the benefit of the doubt or ask for an explanation. She believes a stranger over the love of her life?? Just doesn't quite make sense to me. Also, this chapter is very, very similar to the ending of your other story, with Nynia and Nick. I'll still looking forward to the last chapter, though.

hotcocoa6904hotcocoa6904almost 16 years ago
Great Job!!

I just want to say that I have loved your stories since you started on Nick and Nynia's story, and I am truly sorry to hear that you no longer want to continue. All I have to say is do what makes you happy and fuck everyone else. If leaving the site makes you happy....then do your thing. But I didn't want you to leave without you knowing that you are extremely talented. Everyone has room for improvement but you should never change your story for someone else. If they don't like it then they don't have to read it. Best wishes! ~B~

VampiresLotusVampiresLotusalmost 16 years ago
Dont give up!

Hey, like i said before on the last chapter of this story, you do a great job by your self. You dont need an editor because all you would have to do is re-read it your self. You do fantastic work, so what if people dont like it. Those poeple have no sense of imagination, its possible to be in a sexual relationship with someone and have it turn in to a real relaitonship. Its also possible to have love at first sight. Never let anyone change YOUR story because THEY dont like it, that's thier problem that they dont, for every 10 people that like something there will always be one person who doesnt like it. and the people who dont like it either have no talent, or are just mad that they didnt come up with the idea their self. I like this story, its like a real life senerio, all of this could happen you never know, maybe it has happened or is happening some place. You never really know. I get so sick and tired of reading people comments and all they have to do is bitch about how you missed that or mispelled this or blah blah blah! So what's the point of people reading the story when all they are going to do is look at it to see what is wrong. Look at the story and just enjoy the damn thing! Im not the best speller in the world, but shit i know what you mean by whatever sentence. It gets me mad because if someone know's what you mean even if the sentence is long why the hell should they point it out? You got the point right?!??! But like i said before, dont let people who really have WAY too much time on thier hands to point out every little thing wrong with your story tell you how to write YOUR story. Just keep on writting and tell them if you dont like it...fuck off and read something else lol:) I really hope you dont give up writting, I really like all of your stories, and Ive always left positive feeback! Soo Keep up the wonderful work!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
like it, but...

somebody def needs to run through your stories and edit them. punctuation is a huge problem. yeah, this one was def rushed.

but i really do like your ideas and stuff

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

How could the doctor tell that she was having twins based on a urine pregnancy test?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

it was good but it felt a little rushed and not as dramatic as the previous chapters. still liked it though keep up the good work

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