Wash Cloth


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Charlie, a lawyer that went with her that I noticed for the first time ever attending a party told her.

"if you want we can talk it over the first of the year. We could always work out some kind of pay agreement," as he laughed thinking it when over everyone's head.

"Well I don't think any of that will happen. Kim has been too busy and needs to stay home and be more into the family than to be out all the time. I'm asking her to quit all this running around and settle down and be a family again."

Kim's face dropped hearing me call her Kim plus telling her she needs to drop all her running around.

"Well first off dear it is Kimberly and second off we will talk about it when we get home and not here."

Charles got up saying.

"Oh you two are married? Well I'm a lawyer and if you two ever need one I would be glad to serve you two. There now I can deduct this expense for business."

He laughed at that, but no one laughed with him.

On the trip home she got right into me and wanted to know what was going on. She told me there was no way she was going to quit the extra money and how it would pay for Christmas and other things the family needed. This went on right through Christmas and made for a bad Christmas for both of us. Both our parents knew that things were not going good.

I pissed her off good for Christmas by getting her underwear and stockings and a few white blouses she could wear for work. All things she would have to buy to get by every day or with work. She was one pissed off woman. She had gotten me a gun that I had wanted and told me she should have test fired it at my ass and then went to bed alone and locked the door.

It was time to start packing our bags for the flight and cruise her boss was taking us on. She told me to get my shit together for the trip.

"As long as you're not quitting your extra job I'm not going on any damn trip."

"Well good, because you been one miserable bastard lately so I don't give a shit if you go or not go. In fact I will have more fun on the trip if you don't go. Stay home with the kids." We both stormed out of the den. She went to her room and I went to the computer room. Things just went downhill from there. She talked to Rita and Sara on the cell phone when I was in the room something she never did before. She asked them to try and get free and join her on the trip. She also told them that they would go out on girl's night out as soon as she gets back.

She would say all sorts of shit while I was there. I don't know for sure if she was actually talking to someone but she and I knew it sure was pissing me off. She was in such a playful mood on the phone and I wanted to shove it right up her ass.

I had already talked to Andy and he told me she would be served with papers of separation as soon as the ship left port. The guy he knew from his college days that worked for the ship lines would do him the favor. He would then phone me and tell me what was going on and what happen.

She left and her parents drove her to the airport. After she left I took the kids out to eat and would wait till I heard from Jeff of the cruise lines.

He called the following day and said, "Well you got one pissed off future ex-wife that would like to serve your balls on a plate. I gave her the papers and she said thank me until I said you been severed. She asked me what the hell that meant and I told her a lawyer told me I had to say that when I handed the papers to her to make it legal. She tore them open and said is this some kind of sick joke. I told her I didn't know I was just getting a hundred dollars for following orders. She handed them to a Charles who I later found out was a lawyer. I guess she was trying to call you on her cell but wasn't getting any luck. I had to get back to my job so I left. Look if you got an email address I can sent you updates if I hear anything."

I gave him my email address and he said he would stay in touch with me and to look for his emails. I had unplugged the telephone and shut off my cell phone. Now that I knew she was served I plugged them both back in. I also told the kids I did not want to speak to mom as we were having a dispute and she went on the trip without me.

I had some messages from her and she wanted me to call her. There was about ten of them when I turned on the phone. Also some text messages: You're a child. I will not quit my extra job. Shove it. Fuck you was the last one. Within an hour I got a call and answered it.

She laid into me good for awhile and I didn't get a chance to say a word. She told me she was going to chase after every single guy on the ship and a few of the married guys too. She told me this was a hell of a thing to do when we could sit down face to face and talk this out. She didn't see where her working extra was hurting are family one bit and if I didn't like it maybe we should spilt up as she was getting tired of carrying Mr. Mom all through her life. She hoped my New Year's was a good as hers was going to be and she could not see how I could do this to someone I was supposed to be in love with. Then she said something like 'you asshole'.

"Check your yahoo account I just sent you an email explaining it all to you. I will sent one every day at noon," and I hung up. I sent three, one each day till she replied with, "where did you get the pictures?" I didn't reply I just sent another one. "I'll be sending one everyday till you comes home and then I will give you the rest of the pictures," I explained to her in an email.

Mr. Williams called and I talked friendly to him. He told me she wasn't going to do any side jobs and she would even try to slack off doing her work for him at night if I would put a stop to the paper work on her.

He told me we had a good life together and I shouldn't jump till any conclusion till I talked to her. He told me she still loved me.

I told him I don't jump to conclusions. I think everything through. I lay out all the facts and think them through. The paper work is something I had to do to let her know where she stood and it wasn't about to be taken back. She made her bed now she can sleep in it. I told him to have her give me the name of her lawyer that will handle it and we can start things rolling.

I didn't get any phone calls from her and a few emails saying she wanted to talk to me when she came home. The kids and me went looking for a place nearby where I could live. There was nothing real close but I got one pretty close and didn't have to sign a lease to get it. The place was in need of a lot of work and I told the owner I could do the repairs if she gave me cut me a deal and paid for the materials. We shook hands and had a deal. I then went to the hospital and applied for a job. They said it would take a few weeks but they would take me on.

I also got a sample from each kid to check the DNA to make sure the kids were mine. I guess it got back to Kim that I took their DNA.

Kim was home about five days before she called me. She asked if I could meet her at her lawyer's office to talk things over. I told her sure time and place and I would be there. I was working nights so days where good for me. I did call her lawyer and asked if I should bring my lawyer. He said no it was friendly meeting but I could if I wanted to.

When I came into the office she was sitting there in her business suit and got up to come over and hugged me and kissed on the cheek. I sat down and the lawyer said, "You don't mind if I bring the stenographer in to take the conversation down do you?"

"Yes I do mind. You said it was friendly conversation."

"Well yes but sometimes we get all mixed up with what we say so I like to have it written down."

"Sorry I don't want her in here, this is off the record, just the three of us."

The lawyer started doing the talking: "So is it true you want to go through with the separation Ken?"

"Yes I have been told if we do the ninety days then we can get a quick divorce and then it's all finished."

"Well if both parties don't agree it could take some time and be quite expensive. Are you willing to go through the cost of all that. Do you have a good job?

"Well, it's none of your business, but I just got a job at the hospital at thirty two thousand."

"Well that's not much money to have to pay support and everything. Both lawyer fees and everything like that. Pain and suffering come in sometimes on cases like this."

"Well I figured it would be like some sex, down, dirty, and over fast."

"Well Ken I hope you don't mind me talking for your wife but I like to talk. I hate to see a client get on the stand and talk when they are feeling upset and don't have their emotions under control. If you have a question for her I will try to answer it and if I can't between her and me we will come up with a fair answer I think. Is that all right with you?"

"Sure sounds good."

"Well on this separation point. You asked her to quit her second job. She is willing to do that. So will this be good enough for you to drop the whole thing."

"No way. I asked her before she left for the trip. She went on the trip so that deal is off the table."

"Well Ken just what is an offer from you then."

"I want the kids every other weekend from Friday to at eight Sunday and to see them once a week after school until nine."

"Well Ken there is some trouble there. You see you left the house and abandoned them. The courts don't look on that as a stable sign. Plus you haven't had a stable job in over ten years. The courts want a reliable person to see the kids now days."

"You know that is all baloney. No one comes more reliable than me."

"Yes Ken we all know that. What I was saying was it will be in the courts hand and not for me or Kimberly to decide it. Let's just say it comes to that point to forsake an argument."

"If it comes to that point them that means she is not going along with the program. I want to make it sweet and easy on both our parts with the main concern the kids. If we have to fight I guess it will get real dirty. Like dirty sex pictures."

"Now Ken why would you do something like that?"

"Look the ball is in your court. Why don't you make me an offer I can live with and visitation with the kids and I'm out of your hair. It's as simple as that."

"Well first no one likes to get blackmailed so if you would just give us the pictures and sign this document we can eliminate the pictures from our discussion. This is from a judge saying for you to turn over the pictures and never print them on the web or any place else or you land in jail."

"Sure they're on my laptop I left it in the other room. Give me two hundred dollars for it and I will give you the hard drive with the pictures on it."

"That's fair enough, I will write you a check when we leave here." I went to next room and came back with laptop and pulled the hard drive out of it and handed it to him and then signed the court papers. Of course I still had copies of the pictures, lol."

"Now I would appreciate it if the subject of pictures never comes up again."

"Sure but we can't delete my mind or my eyeballs."

"Ok let's move on. Do you know how much money you have in the bank to keep you going?"

"Don't want any money in the bank. I want an offer from you people to buy me out. If you don't want to offer me anything I will let my lawyer handle it. I will wait till the rest of the ninety days goes by and then file for divorce. No problem. Is there anything wrong with me seeing my kids every other weekend and once during the week?"

"Yes Ken sorry about that but I have a court order for you to stay away from the house and the three of them till the court can settle it."

I picked up the papers and said,

"I'm sorry I couldn't handle this my way. Oh well life plays cruel jokes on people. My check please unless you have a court order on that too."

"No Ken follow me I will cut you a check,"

I did and was out of the office and ready for a beer but I knew better than that.

It went just the way I figured it would go. Andy had told me what he would do to me but I figured I could talk them out of it with the pictures but you don't win every battle. I gave Andy permission to look at my finances and see if any of the money was in my name at all. She said the house would be and she was doing away with the prenuptial agreement whether she did or not I do not know.

Andy got back to me and told me she never made any changes. And all bank accounts with my name on were frozen and for me to return the Hummer to the lawyer's parking lot. Andy loaned me five hundred to get by on. He said wait till I had to file and she would come around with an offer.

I talked to my mom and pop but didn't tell them about the pictures I told them about all the other times she had worried me and about Sara and Rita. They said it was so hard to believe. She could not picture her keeping the kids away from me after all it was I who raised them up. I left and they still weren't sure about it. The next day they met with her parents.

Her parents were just as upset with the whole thing as my parents were. I guess her father Al said he didn't want to see her anymore and hung up on her. The guy was a tough old bird. He finally came around after both the kids were born and he was pretty upset.

I ran into Rita and Sara one weekend when I was out drinking. Rita was trying to put the screws to me and I guess she did a good job of it. Sara kept trying to pull her away from me but Rita had just the right amount of drinks in her to give it to me with both barrels.

Rita asked me how it felt to give the Hummer back and to be taking the bus back and forth to work. I was taking the bus as it stopped right in front of the apartment and took me right to the hospital. There was no looking for parking places or worry about a ticket. Rita continued her rant. "She kept you for over ten years and fucked over you all those years you two were married. Every time Kim would fuck someone she would buy you a toy to keep you occupied and out of her hair. The reason she is making so much money is she fucked her way to the top. How did it feel sucking cum from her cunt from one of her lovers? Kim just loves getting it from two or three guys at the same time. She just loves it in her asshole." She never let me have her ass, but probably s Rita knew that and used It to get to me. "Before you pay for the kids you better find out if they are your kids or not. Bet they are not yours."

Sara finally pulled her away from me and she was still running off at the mouth saying Kim got it at least fifty times in Bermuda. I felt like shit. I wanted to punch Kim, Rita and Sara out. It's a good thing that I hadn't had that many drinks or I might have gone after the two of them. Sara came back later and told me Rita was just running off at that the mouth and half the stuff wasn't true.

"Well if just one thing was right, it was enough for me."

She asked if I really did mean it that way, but Rita came up on us and Sara got Rita away from me. I left the bar so I wouldn't punch anyone out.

Word got back to Kim about the meeting with her girlfriends and she called me to tell me not to listen to anything they had to say. They were just jealous that they could never get a guy and settle down. Anything they told you where a bunch of lies and that they both hate you for the way you treat them. All I would say to her was yes or no. I didn't tell her what they said. I just told her it was true that they talked to me. She wanted to feel me out but I would not talk so it was short and sweet.

Three weeks went by and I hadn't seen the kids. I was now working and putting in as many hours as I could and trying to get money ahead. I would eat with mom and dad sometimes and also her parents. They both would tell me how the kids where doing and that they were asking about me. I went through my story again and told them I wasn't allowed to see the kids till the court said it was ok. Her father now kind of likes me and said, "no crazy ass bitch of a daughter is going to do this to my son", meaning me. He was more upset than my own father was about the whole thing.

Al called her on the phone and asked if they could have the kids for the weekend. She asked where they were taking the kids, and he said: To see their father, damn it. She explained her point of view to both her parents but they fought her tooth and nail. She would not cave and both parents went back and forth with her. She said I would be in jail if the kids were there and I saw them. Her father said:

"Well then put us all in jail."

She finally hung up and her father got sick and we took him to the emergency room. Kim's mother called her and told her, her father was in the hospital and she came rushing down.

I stayed as long as I could then I went to work. I found out later he had a heart bypass operation and he was in good care at the hospital. The doctor told Kim she better wait till he got better before she saw her father. She could come in when he was sleeping and see him but not while he was awake. Two days later I got a call from Kim's lawyer saying I could see the kids Wednesdays and take the kids every other weekend starting this week. He said the court order was dropped.

I called her to pick up the kids and when I did we made arrangements to meet for dinner Friday night. We were meeting at one of her favorite restaurants, a real high- class place. I showed up ten minutes late and I wore my ambulance driving uniform with my paramedic EMT badge on them. It was clean but it sure didn't fit in where we were eating. We sat down and she said,

"Well I'm out with a working man. Sure you don't want to go home and change into something a little better."

"No I'm fine. I'm proud of the uniform unlike you," Just then the waiter came to our table for our order.

"Hi Ms. Williams, pleasure to have you here this evening."

"Thank you Roger, Roger did you ever meet my husband Ken."

"No I don't think I have ever met Mr. Williams."

"It's not Mr. Williams, it's Ken Spencer EMT."

"Sorry, my mistake, Mr. Spencer."

We ordered and then ate as we talked to each other. She said a few dozen times how sorry she was for the whole thing and she wants us to get back together and she would not do any of the things she did before. Kim said she did not have sex with any of the guys and she had not cheated on me since we have been married. She said she did jerk some guys off, but that was all there was no intercourse. She said she would be my slave and would transfer all the money into my name if I would just come back.

I told her I was also sorry and I was sick for a long time about what she did to me. I told her that there was no way things could go back to normal. I want a settlement and a fair one not some bullshit one her and her lawyer set up. She asked me to come up with some figures and I told her it was up to her and the lawyer to come up with them. Plus I told her not to let her lawyer piss me off because I was near my breaking point and ready to start a really ugly fight.

A few people stopped over to see Kim because they heard about her father. They all thought it was cute her taking out to dinner her ambulance driver that drove her father there. She introduced me as her husband Kenneth Spencer. The people where surprised to know she was married but went on talking to her like I was hired help. We talked some more and I knew she was running our campaign to raise funds for the hospital. In fact she asked me if I would take her to the fund raiser. I told her I would if she had a fair offer in by then and she said she would.

So it was a date but she said she had to be there two hours before it started which I agreed to.

I picked her up for the fundraiser in one of my starched uniforms. She was decked out in a cocktail dress and looked good as always. She handed me an envelope and said her offer was in it.
