Way Out There Ch. 04

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Russ learns something new.
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Part 5 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 12/20/2021
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I am sorry for the delay, I have had some health problems and hope to get more done sooner. Comments are always welcome. Have a Great day.

"I am just kidding they are a great group of people. We are lucky to have them I know I feel better with Laura as your personal guard. Marnia, do you have a moment?"

"Yes Sire what can I do for you?"

"First please, call me Russ or sir... this Sire stuff is getting old fast. I am not used to all this yet. Have the science people run an extensive scan on everything. It is getting late and I am going back to my room for the night. No one, outside of the ship until tomorrow. Akira, care to join me?" Russ started getting up.

"Sir, I don't feel comfortable calling you by your name. The cabin across from you has been turned into a barrack for the two squads. Laura and I both have members that we trust with our lives and have been with us a long time. They will help us take care of you and Lady Akira. Just the two of us is not enough to protect you around the clock. You two will be in different places at different times, so we needed more people." She explained.

"That makes sense. I will see you in the morning then. Have a good night." With that he rose from his meal, holding his hand out for Akira.

They arrived at their stateroom with 4 guards following them. "Akira I am headed to the shower, this has been a long day, both good and bad. Having to deal with that idiot of a President was a bit much. The trip here was awesome though along with our little stroll. Then there is whatever it is that was detected, tomorrow is going to be interesting."

"Your right Russ I haven't thought about all that drama. Let me help you wash up, I could use a shower also."

Remembering about the learning program Russ called out "Admiral, are you busy?"

"No Sire, what can I do for you?"

"I just have a question. I would like to start the learning tonight, please start with the engineering. Then if there is time, all known Languages both on Earth and everywhere else, including ancient and dead languages."

"Yes Sire, the engineering is already setup ready for when you wanted it. I will get the other setup right away. Does the Lady Akira desire to learn anything tonight?"

"The same languages program, along with all known fighting techniques that are on Earth. Thank you."

"Sire, Lady Akira I will get that ready for tonight. Good night." Katy answered.

'Akira I am heading to the shower, then bed. What are your plans?"

Standing Akira looked him in the eyes. "The same as you only, I am going to swallow that monster tonight."

Stunned all he could do was look at her with a blank face. Slowly a smile started creeping across his lips. "Well what are we waiting for? That means I get to taste you also my dear."

The next morning Russ awoke with his phone ringing. Akira was not in bed, but he heard the shower running. What now? To damn early for the stinking phone. Picking it up he saw that it was from Becky again. Poking his head into the bathroom. "Baby how long are you going to be?"

"Why Russ, do you need in here?"

"No, Becky just tried to call. I would like for you to be there when I talk to her."

"Okay I will be out shortly, will you order us some breakfast please. I was going to let you sleep in today, seems like that went out the window."

"What do you want?"

"Anything will be fine."

"Okay. I would like two, short stacks of strawberry pancakes with butter and syrup. Also a half gallon of whole milk." He said into the comm.

"It will be there in a few mins. Sire."

Akira entered the living area still naked drying her hair as she walked. Hearing her enter the room Russ turned, then froze in place seeing her abject beauty. He was instantly erect. "Damn baby you look good!"

Surprised by his reaction she had a confused look. "Thank you sweetie that was nice to hear. You have seen everything I have before, so why the stunned look?"

"Even though those suits don't hide anything, seeing you like this......wow!!" He was able to get out.

Akira's face turned a few different shades of red. The door chimed, and she fled to the bedroom. Marnia entered with the servers pushing a serving table. "Your food is here sir."

"Thank you Marnia, have you eaten yet. Today is looking to be another long day."

"Yes sir, I had breakfast about an hour ago." She said following the servers out.

As Akira came back into the room the phone ding a text message. Picking the phone up to read it. "Russ, please call I am scared." It was from Becky.

"Crap I forgot that the message, I had sent to the news networks along with the battleship would have been big news." Russ felt stupid for not realizing that.

"We can deal with her after we eat. You need to keep your strength up. I am sure that you will get your dick wet more than once today." Laughter flowed from her.

"Ouch that hurt somehow." He returned with a laugh, leaving the other part alone.

Finished with their breakfast, Akira picked up the phone handing it to Russ. "I don't know what to tell her without giving away what we are now.... That is something that I don't want her to know, not yet anyway." Hitting the speed dial for her phone he put it on speaker.

"Russ thank God you are ok. I am so scared. Have you seen the news? We are being invaded by aliens. There is no telling what they will do to us." Becky said in one breath.

"Calm down Becky. It is alright. Yes I am aware of what happened. The person said they do not intend us any harm. Panic is the worst thing anyone can do right now. Let the government deal with them." He tried to placate her.

"Please come home to me Russ. I swear I will never do anything like that again."

"Becky don't. I am not coming back to you. I have moved on and I hope that you will also. I am not the same man that I was before, that hurt me in ways you will never understand."

"Is it because of that slut I heard the other day?" She tried to get out before Russ cut her off. "1) she is not a slut. 2) you do not know a thing about her. 3) whether I am with her or not is none of your concern anymore." Russ's temper flared up.

Becky wasn't going to let that go and retorted. "At least Mike had a bigger dick than you and was able to get me off."

Akira laughed out loud. "Becky this is the so called slut. I seriously doubt that Mike has a bigger dick than Russ." Turning the face time call on, she waited until Becky accepted the call. "Becky now I will show you what you gave up and I will be happy to have it." Russ push, your chair back please, and take off your clothes. I want to show her what she will never have again." Doing as she asked he sat back down. "Becky I am sure you remember Russ's face." Turning the phone camera towards Russ. "This is what you threw away. I just want to say sincerely... Thank you." With that she ran the camera down his body to his still raging boner. They both heard a gasp. "No way is that Russ."

"Cameras do not lie Becky, have a nice day and do not call back." With that she hung up.

Russ almost fell out of his chair laughing. Tears were running out of his eyes as he held his sides. "I can't believe you just did that." He tried to get out in between gasps.

Akira stood almost on top of him glaring as he laughed. "Mr. Kincaid if you think I will allow another woman to talk to you like that, you sir have a lot to learn." Turning in a huff she walked into the bedroom.

Getting himself under control he followed her into the bedroom, knowing he was going to have to make nice. "Baby, I didn't mean it the way it sounded. I was as stunned as she was that you did that. I never would have thought of you doing that. Hopefully she got the message. It was rather poetic though."

"I'm sorry Russ, I wasn't mad at you. It was what she said that pissed me off. It is a good thing that she wasn't here though." Her eyes were still flashing her anger.

"What you may not know, is that before the DNA was activated. I only had a 5 inch dick, so in a way she was right. I can only guess what is going through her mind now though. That was what was so funny." He explained.

Akira's mouth fell open when she heard Russ say he only had a 5 inch cock. Then she burst out laughing. "I bet she is so confused right now, she doesn't know what to believe. Does she believe her eyes or what she felt.... Oh this is just too good. Yes females can be spiteful bitches." It was her turn to be rolling on the bed laughing.

Walking back into the living area, Russ was still chuckling some to himself ever time he thought about the phone call. What Akira had said stunned him a little. He knew she loved him, but had no idea about that side of her. Good thing Becky wasn't here for her sake. He only held disgust towards her and the time he had wasted with her in his life. Thank the heavens for them finding me.

Hearing the door chime Russ called to enter. Laura opened the door escorting Admiral Katy in. He was still standing in the middle of the room. "Sire, the Admiral is here to see you." She announced, pretending that he wasn't naked.

"Thank you Laura."

"Your welcome my Lord." She turned and left trying not to seem in a rush. I am going to have to get some more body suits... these keep getting soaked. "You two stay alert. I doubt anything will happen, but we have to protect the king at all cost, all the time." Instructing the two guards outside the stateroom door. Laura walked across the corridor into the barracks, to change her suit. I am never going to be able to stay dry around him. She laughed to herself.

"What has you laughing Laura?" Marnia asked amused.

"The Admiral is with the King. and when I escorted her in. Well he was in the living area naked." Laura answered red faced.

"Laura you have seen him naked before, so why the embarrassment?"

"Because, I soaked my suit." Marnia barely heard her whisper.

Marnia burst out into a tear jerking laugh, "Is that all?"

"No one or anything has ever caused that to happen to me." She almost cried out.

"Laura sit please. Russ is our King, and has the DNA of the royals. Not that of the common folk if you think back. The royals had a different unique DNA sequence than the rest of the people in the empire. The Commander and Admiral do not want to tell him that yet. They want him to get used to being our ruler first. From what I have saw he is dealing with a lot of problems and does not need that added at the moment. The only ones that know about it are the four of us now. You cannot let it slip to either of them."

"Oh God I didn't know that. We have to keep them protected, whatever the cost." She exclaimed, forgetting about her suit.

Gesturing to a seat. "Admiral, how are you this morning?" Russ asked as Akira walked in.

"Russ put your body suit on, unless you are going to fuck someone." She laughed at his antics.

"I'm sorry Katy my mind was somewhere else." Turning to the bedroom Russ went to get his suit on.

"Katy I am sorry, it has already started this morning. Becky called, scared and whining. When she didn't get her way she lashed out trying to hurt Russ." Letting the admiral know what had taken place. "That was why he was preoccupied."

"Akira he loves you with all his being. You have to know that right. That girl has no chance with him ever again."

"I know and do not doubt his Love. He defended me in a very effective way. I was so proud of him at that moment. You and I need to have a talk later though. There are things that you are not saying that I want to know about Russ." She stated as a fact.

"Yes my Lady." Katy bowed her head in acknowledgement.

Walking back in Russ saw Katy bow her head. "Admiral what was that about? What can I do for you this morning?"

"Sire, it is a female thing that Lady Akira and I were discussing, I am sure that it wouldn't interest you. I came to see if the learning programmed worked." She asked in their ancient language.

"How do you plan on seeing if it worked?" He asked.

"It worked Sire, I said that last part in our ancient language. You did not seem to have any trouble with it. It has never been heard on Earth, so it must have." There was a twinkle in her eye as she said that.

"Wow that is amazing, I understood it as well." Akira stuttered out amazed. "So does that mean that the fighting's skills are there also?"

"We will go to the training center when you are ready to test it out... I am sure that it did. Sire you can go to engineering to check out if that worked for you also, again there is no doubt for me."

"Before I do that, do you have any information on the scans that were run last night?"

"No sire, the commander has the report. I think he was on his way to talk to you. The science guys were excited about something though.

The door chimed, Marnia opened the door. "Sire, the Commander is here to see you."

"Show him in please, Marnia."

"Yes, Sire."

"Good morning Sire and Lady Akira. Admiral." The Commander announced and nodding to the Admiral. "Sire I have the report of the findings from yesterday."

"Commander when it is just us, call me by name or sir this Sire stuff is getting old. We are friends. I know there will be times when it is necessary. Have a seat and tell me what was found out please."

"Since, you already know about the refined metal and weak energy source. The metal we do not know about yet since we have not gotten any to sample. The power source matches a type we think that it may be an ancient Anan-naki' site. We will not know for certain until we enter the site if possible. You had ordered no one outside the ship last night. We were able to triangulate the location of the power source along with the metal. We have stumbled across some of their abandoned sites before. I advise caution Sire, let the soldiers or special services go and make sure there are no traps. After the site is cleared then if you wish you may enter."

"Thank you Commander, how long will it take to clear the site? There have been stories of the Anan-naki' on Earth for a long time. It would be interesting to see that. First I want to go to engineering to verify the learning from last night though. Akira may want to go to the training area for the same reason. Send in a team or two what you think is best in this situation, tell them to take the upmost care. No undue risks, and let me know when they are clear of the site."

"Yes sire it will be as you wish. Your and Lady Akira's team will stay with the two of you. That is their jobs now nothing else matters except your safety. The amount of time depends on how large the site is and what shape it is in now."

"Everyone's life matters to me Commander. Even one loss is too much. I want it understood, no one I repeat NO One is to take unnecessary chances for any reason! Is that clear." Russ hadn't meant to get upset, but the thought of losing someone else was unthinkable.

"Yes Sire, I will relay your order."

"Thank you. Losing the guard that gave his life for me and Jackson is not good that means we are down 2 people. No more if we can help it."

"Commander, Admiral give us a few mins. You can wait outside." Akira stood.

"Yes Lady Akira." They said leaving the stateroom.

"Russ are you ok? Talk to me baby. I didn't know that was bothering you so much."

"Akira, I do not know if I am cut out for this. I have already lost two people. I know there will be more and don't know how to deal with that fact." Russ had his face in his hands, at a loss on what to do.

"I know we will lose more people and we will gain a lot more, no matter what happens. It is just part of life and rebuilding this empire. I hope that you never get used to losing anyone. That will mean a part of you has died. That is something I cannot accept. You are a good man Russ. Whether we are human or alien doesn't matter. It is what is in your heart and you have a good heart. That is why I fell in love with you. Yes they are AI's but you do not see them that way. That is a great thing. That means you have accepted them for who they, are not what they are. There are many people and probably races that still have not reached that point. To me you are a very special man, and I hope that you never change. Sure it will cause you hurt and pain, but that is life. I would take all your pain if I could, but can't so you will always have me to lean on." She said as she was kneeling in front of him.

"Remind me to thank, and buy them a steak supper for bringing you into my life Akira. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. All my life it was like something was missing and you are what was missing." He took her into his arms, holding her tight for a short while.

"Commander Admiral, please come back in." Russ called out. "Commander, Admiral I do not think of you AI's, as AI's I think of you as people and my friends. It bothers me to even consider losing one of you. Is there anything else that I should be aware of this morning before I go to engineering?"

"No sir unless the Admiral, has something for you."

"Sir, we have had a uniform made for both you and Lady Akira. It will fit over your body suit without interfering with it. Also this is a new type of body suit that is only for you and the Lady Akira. They are slightly thicker than the normal ones. These have an automatic personal shield in them along with a flight control, similar to what happened to you yesterday. We have also developed a weapon for you and the Lady Akira. Of course you can modify it or add something if you want. There will be a training course on the weapons for you both, as soon as you have time."

"Wow, thank you Katy. Aren't you taking my safety a bit much? I am grateful for Akira's safety though."

"No Sire we are not. The race that we were at war with can get aggressive in a heartbeat. They are not overly bad people. It is just that our leaders at that time were..... shall we say hard headed. We now know that at least some of the AI's are still around, so we are not going to take any chances with yours or Lady Akira's lives. Hopefully this is unnecessary. Plus there is the Anan-naki' to take into account. We do not know how long this base, if it is a base has been abandoned. From what we have learned they were close to where we are in tech if not ahead of us. That is all that we know right now."

"What can you tell me about our so called enemy? What do they look like? Is their tech comparable to ours? What about their weapons?

"Their tech is just short of ours, but their weapons are very close to what we have. As far as we know the only ones left are Artificial Intelligence or AI's like us. The women are just shy of 6 feet and are about 130 lbs. apparently there is a feline ancestry. They have feline eyes that can see in different spectrums, and have retractable claws. They can change the color of their skin pigmentation to fit in whatever sunlight they find themselves in. I am guessing that is a survival trait though. They can become hostile and aggressive in a nanosecond. Once they have had sex with one of our kind they become more like us. Any offspring is more like us than them. That may have been a cause of the war, but that is just a guess on my part. What we do know is that when one of them has sex with one of our males, the female is forever link and loyal to that person. Not even their ruler could order them otherwise. It may have something to do with their ancestry, again that is just a guess."

"So sort of like a pride of lions, one male and a pride of females. Wait does that mean if we go on that ship we have to fuck all of them?" Russ asked shocked.

"Sort of Sire." Katy said looking anywhere, but at Russ.

"Would you care to explain that Admiral?" Akira asked getting an idea of what she meant.

"Lady Akira, yes they will all have to be taken. They will only have sex after they are beaten in a fight. The only male aboard any of our ships that can do that is the king."