WBDP - Brianna Delivers Pt. 14


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"Some of the cock she gets is mine and you can't have any of that. It brings up another point. Chantelle stayed here to look after me. Marcia arranged it for me, by agreeing to be a slave to Brianna for eleven days."

"Where is she?"

"Getting a little cock on the side, I suspect. She went out with this guy I know. Anyway, I didn't realize she would be coming with when I offered to take you to California. It will be the three of us in the car, so I need to know what you're going to be bringing, because I suddenly realize I might not have enough room in the car."

"I was planning on bringing two suitcases and one box of personal possessions. Do you want me to fly out there?"

My drink arrived and after the waitress took our order, I answered her question.

"No, I think we can do this. I'm having the movers come on Monday to pick up the rest of my stuff. Do you think you can get everything you'll need for the trip in one suitcase and let the movers take the rest of your things?"

"Sure, it's no problem."

"I'm going to do a little consolidating myself. I had one suitcase, a knapsack and five boxes of personal stuff I didn't want to trust to the movers. They would have fit great in the back seat, but I'm thinking half the back seat needs to go to a body and the trunk will have to fit all the suitcases and stuff we have. Maybe put a cooler in the back seat for food if we're going to drive straight through. I'll have to get the essentials in two boxes, let the movers take the rest."

"We need to stop and stretch every few hours. I say we use the time to get off the road and grab a quick bite, kill two birds with one stone," Dawn suggested. "Don't carry food, just some water or beverages."

"Sounds reasonable. We can talk to Chantelle tomorrow, see if she has any suggestions. You're a reasonably good driver I hope."

"Small fender bender shortly after I got my license, one speeding ticket. I couldn't afford major car repairs or insurance if I did anything stupid."

"Okay, about sleeping arrangements. I do have a couch you can sleep on for three nights. It goes on Monday, but it's not very long, about five feet. You won't be able to stretch out on it."

"Still better than sleeping on the floor."

"You've got two other choices. We have a hotel room at the Hyatt still where Chantelle and I will be sleeping after Sunday night. It's got a king size bed, if you don't mind two other bodies in bed with you."

"I'm a sex slave now. I think I can deal with it," Dawn joked.

"Except for tonight, we'll probably be there the rest of the time," I said. "I'm sleeping at my house tonight. I don't expect Chantelle to be back before morning. As far as tonight goes; I've got a queen. You can spend the night at my place, or if you're worried or would be more comfortable, you can go to the Hyatt tonight. I can give you my key."

"If I'm not worried and wouldn't mind staying with you, what would it mean?"

"Nothing. No hanky-panky or other shit, just a place to lay down your head."

"Right. The rules you mentioned," Dawn said.

"Yeah. The rules."

"I'd like to hear what these rules are sometime," Dawn said.

"It's a long trip to California. We'll have plenty of time to chat."

"Okay. I'll spend the night at your place. It's a lot closer and I have to go to work in the morning, but in case you were wondering, I'm not opposed to a little hanky-panky."

"Sorry, no can do. The rules again. Chantelle's available if you want frisky. Not tonight, however. What's your last day at work?" I asked.

"A week from Monday. I sold my car, but I don't have to give it up until the Wednesday after, so I can get around."

"Well, it seems to me we should try loading the car with everything we want to go; see how it all fits. If it doesn't, make some changes and see how it fits again. I'd like to know before the movers come on Monday, so I know what has to go with them, and what can stay with us. On your way over to my place tonight, can you stop by your apartment and get the stuff you want to bring. The suitcase doesn't need to be packed at all. I'm looking for dimensions. We can put it in the car empty."

"Sure. No problem. I'm going to need your address, though. The only one I have is the one for the party."

"Well, I've got your phone number from your call earlier, so I'll set up a contact and text it to you." As I was talking, I was doing and three minutes later she had the address in hand.

Our food came and we spent the balance of the meal talking about California, Brianna and her harem, the drive, what route I expected to take. I paid the bill when we left, treating her. We split up; she went to get her empty suitcase from her apartment and I went back to the house.

When I got there, I checked my phone for any texts or e-mails I might have gotten since going to the pool. I hadn't had a chance to check it. There was a text from Brianna, a picture of Marcia with a thick layer of girl cum all over her face, even above her eyebrows. I immediately sent back a couple I'd taken of Chantelle after whipping and fucking her this afternoon. I started editing the movie footage I'd taken. I didn't want the whole thing which was much too long; only the pertinent parts which I wanted to cut down to about five minutes.

Dawn got there and rang the doorbell. I let her in and locked the door. She handed me the empty suitcase and I put it with the pile I currently had set aside for the car. We'd need to get Chantelle's stuff and add it to the pile. I didn't even know how much luggage she had. Knowing Chantelle, who wanted to get by with as few clothes as possible, it was probably no more than a carry-on.

"Excuse me a few minutes, I've got to finish this," I said, holding up my iPad.

"What is it?" She asked.

"Movie footage of Chantelle and I this afternoon. Brianna sent me a photo of Marcia with lots of girl cum on her face. I'm sending this back. Let's call it a friendly competition between dominants. She's showing me what she's doing to my wife. I'm showing her what I'm doing to her slave."

"Right. Marcia's submitting to her in return for Chantelle staying to help you. Why couldn't Marcia stay?"

"She starts school the same day your work ends. She wanted to go out and get prepared for it, so she went to California on Wednesday."

"What's Chantelle doing?"

"Helping pack stuff up, cleaning up the house after it's empty, and generally fucking my brains out because Marcia isn't here to do it for me."

I sat on the couch and returned to my editing job. Since there was no place else to sit, Dawn sat beside me. She looked over my shoulder as I went through the footage, cutting out the extraneous bits.

"Looks like it was pretty intense," she commented, seeing the part where I was fucking Chantelle's cunt and went straight to her ass after, leaving my cum in both places.

"It was," I admitted.

"And now you're whipping the front of her body, tits and cunt both included."

"I am."

"She didn't care about you doing that? Is somebody going to do that to me?"

I stopped for a moment. "You were paddled, right?"

"At the beach by you, to teach me how to lick cunts better. Almost on the bus too, but I refrained from cumming for over five minutes while Lynn licked me."

"Yes, I remember. How did it feel to you?"

"Not as bad as I thought it would. It hurt a lot at first, but after awhile, it kind of blurred into the background. If I'm honest with myself, I maybe got turned on a little. Not enough to cum, but maybe a little wet. Not the same as having my tits and cunt whipped, I don't think."

"Look, everyone is different. You will reach an agreement with Brianna establishing your limits on what you are willing to do and what you won't tolerate. Brianna pushed you kind of hard last weekend. All you had was your safe word, 'Kumquat', to set when you wanted to stop. Normally, there's a testing period between a dominant and sub where your various limits are set. You'll have hard limits - things you never want to happen under any circumstances, let's say fucking in public, or to use this example, having your tits and cunt whipped. Some of the limits might have been established by testing; no it hurts too much or the nipple clamps are too tight. Others would be established because you instinctively know you don't want to do it; say being branded or being pissed on. Then there's the things you're willing to do under any circumstance, lick cunt or suck cock or fuck in bed in private, any time your Mistress wants. Then there are soft limits. Things you might do, but only under certain circumstances. You can whip my tits, but only ten times and only with a cat, not a horsewhip, or you can use a crop, but not a paddle. Lynn had a rather interesting one. She would suck her Master's cock after he'd fucked her ass, but only if she'd been given two enemas beforehand. You will establish your limits with Brianna. It will become your agreement and she will follow her agreement with you. You're allowed to change the agreement if both parties concur because things have changed, but it can never be unilateral. Brianna can't decide today she wants to tattoo you if you never agreed to do it. She also had a bad experience once with a slave who didn't want or like to establish limits, so Brianna wants you to have them.

"Some of Brianna's slaves, and Marcia, like to be punished sometimes. It's part of the dynamic they enjoy, having to submit to another's will and authority. Chantelle is one. She gets cranky if she doesn't get punished once in awhile. She tolerates pain well. She climaxed when she was being whipped. I'll show you."

I scrubbed to the footage where I'd just hit Chantelle's nipples and was about to whip her cunt. I turned it on and we both watched Chantelle reach a screaming orgasm before I hopped up and fucked her mouth. I stopped the movie.

"I can't believe she climaxed," Dawn said.

"You can ask her yourself tomorrow. Marcia does too. You have to understand, I'm not hitting them as hard as I can, no more than I did you. It obviously has to sting, but I don't want to hurt them permanently, or even for hours. Chantelle couldn't have whip marks on her body before she went out with the guy tonight. They had to fade before he came over. How long before the spanking I gave you died down to where you weren't even thinking about it?"

"Forty-five minutes to an hour, I guess. I wasn't timing it," she replied.

"We're talking about degrees of pain. A spanking might be less painful than bad menstrual cramps, probably a hell of a lot less painful than childbirth. Both Chantelle and Marcia practice Martial Arts. In their training, they get thrown, punched, kicked and have their arms twisted into unnatural positions. They're used to dealing with pain. In a fight, you need to push it aside, get up and get ready for the next attack. Both of them have the ability to deal with it. It hurts, but it's also exciting. There's an adrenaline rush and blood flowing to your sex organs. But everyone varies. Zoe doesn't like to be punished as hard as Chantelle. Others don't like it at all. Mistress takes this into account when dealing with her slaves. Some will be humiliated where others receive corporal punishment. You'll establish your limits with her and everyone else associated with her has to respect your limits."

"That's why she kept asking me if I wanted to say 'Kumquat' and stop, or if I wished to continue."

"Yes. She was establishing limits on the fly. Plus she had to establish if you were really submissive material. If you don't want to do all or most of the things required of a sub, why do it at all. Yes, I'll be your submissive, but I'll only obey you on Tuesdays and I'll only lick your cunt during the full moon. It's not the sort of relationship which would last for long."

Dawn sat quietly thinking while I finished my editing job and sent it to Brianna.

Setting the iPad down, I asked her if she wanted to shower before bed.


"Follow me." I led her to the bathroom and handed her a towel. "There's the shower, shampoo, conditioner and body gel on the shelves, hair dryer to the right of the sink. I have a spare toothbrush if you forgot yours."

"No, I've got one. Grabbed it when I got the luggage."

I then ignored her, brushing my teeth. She hesitated a moment as I remained in the room, then realized I'd already seen all she had to offer, so she stripped off and got in. After brushing my teeth, I used the toilet which was behind another door. When I finished, I washed my hands and face, took off my clothes except for my boxer briefs and threw them in the dirty clothes hamper. She got out and started drying off.

"I'd prefer if you didn't come to bed naked," I said. "I'm used to having females in the bed who are able to satisfy my needs and I don't want to make the mistake of reaching for you in the middle of the night half asleep. I can give you a t-shirt if you don't have anything. I'm going to keep my underwear on for the same reason."

"I'll take a shirt."

I pulled one out of the drawer and handed it to her. She put it on after drying herself, then brushed her teeth and dried her hair. I was already in bed, lying there staring at the ceiling when she came in. She got into the other side of the bed.

"If you don't mind, I'm going to take your picture and send it to Marcia. Since you spending the night wasn't something we discussed beforehand, I think she should know you're here."

"No, I don't mind, go ahead."

I took the picture and sent it to Marcia along with a brief explanation of what Dawn was doing in the bed. When I was done, I turned out the light. I felt Dawn stirring beside me.

"Can I ask you a few questions?" Dawn asked.

"I won't promise I'll answer them all, but go ahead."

"How did you and Marcia get into this whole thing you do?"

I told her about the diet plan and the resulting changes for us.

"So you used to be fat?"

"Pretty much, yeah. About two years ago is when she told me to lose weight. July sometime. I don't remember the exact date. I had to lose forty pounds by Christmas. She wouldn't have sex with me again until I lost twenty. I've since gotten additional days for additional weight lost. One additional day for each five pounds. I'm up to six days, so I've lost over sixty pounds, but less than sixty-five. Toned up a lot too."

"And how did you meet Brianna and she become the mother of your children?"

"That's a longer story I don't have time for right now. Let's just say Brianna asked, and Marcia agreed I could try on the condition Brianna submitted to me as my slave."

"So you were Brianna's Master? For how long?"

"During her fertile period, four days I think; as long as I was trying to impregnate her. To make it easier for her, given her sexual preferences, I used Marcia as a kind of buffer, like she could lick Marcia's cunt while I was fucking her. I didn't have to, I suppose, but I didn't want Marcia to be excluded as I was fucking some other woman, so I tried to ensure she got to enjoy herself as well."

"So, since you were both involved in having sex with Brianna, she's one of the people you'll both still have sex with despite the fact she's no longer trying to get pregnant?"

"Yes. It's kind of hard closing the barn door after the cows all escaped. We've both had sex with her, at the same time, both enjoyed it, and it's kind of silly to resent the sex your partner is having when you've had sex with the same person. So we still do it, though Marcia is far more likely to have sex with her than I am. Brianna is, after all, a lesbian and a dominant and Marcia is a sub. I'm not either of those things. She had sex with me to get pregnant, and she enjoyed it some when it happened, so she's willing to do it on occasion, but not all the time. I believe I've fucked her three or four times since, but oral sex is more frequent."

"Who are the others you're both willing to have sex with now?"

"Monique, Brianna's wife and head slave, and Chantelle. Monique is a true lesbian like Brianna and would be more Marcia's partner than mine. Chantelle is bisexual, enjoying cock and cunt nearly equally, and of all of them, would be as much my fuck buddy as Marcia's. It's the reason she's here now."

"How did they become part of your bedtime circle?"

"Another long story. For now, I'll say Marcia was unavailable to me once during her slavery period and she asked if Chantelle and any others wished to volunteer to meet the needs she couldn't satisfy during her unavailability. Eventually, all three did, and since we were on a small ship at the time and sharing a small cabin, we all ended up having sex with everyone else."

"And now neither one of you wants to add to the list of people you're both intimate with?"

"There is one other couple, slave and Master, but they live in New York, so they're not regular for us. We don't want other people at least at the same time. It gets tricky. We've both agreed I can help some of the others conceive, but Marcia won't help them as she did for Brianna. She's out of it. If they require another girl there to make sex with me easier, it has to be one of the three we're already sleeping with. As a slave, Marcia can be ordered to have sex with any of the women, but never anyone I'm having sex with for conception purposes. Marcia won't have sex with anyone but Brianna, Monique and Chantelle when she's not a slave. Lynn was kind of an exception to the rule we've since regretted. We didn't think it was possible we'd see her again. Let's say it's more of a possibility than we imagined. It's convoluted, but unless we want to declare we're in an open marriage and can fuck anyone we want, convoluted is what we live with, because we don't want an open marriage. We want limits. We've established our limits and won't violate them."

"If I've got this straight; before you realized you might have made an error in judgment about Lynn. If I wasn't moving to California, I might have been able to have sex with both of you because you never would have seen me again once you moved?"

"A very, very slim possibility, but yes. Lynn and Marcia were kind of work partners so a bond already existed neither of us shares with you. I wouldn't have ruled it out, because there was a bit of connection from the store, but it would have probably been more Marcia than me because she was a slave at the time. I don't have that excuse."

"But I can still have sex with you both; Marcia when she's a slave, you, if I want to get pregnant and wouldn't mind you as the father, but never both of you at once."

"That's it. You pretty much understand the rules. We don't require anyone else to submit to sexual slavery to me. It was more a protection Marcia sought for letting other women have sex with me, but we realize our bond is too close to worry about another woman coming between us. The last one to submit was Monique, and she won't have to anymore, nor would Brianna if she wanted to have another child. But I don't think you'd necessarily want to have babies with me."

"Why not?"

"You're not really a lesbian. Brianna realizes this. You're probably not even a bisexual. Marcia and I define sexuality not by who we have sex with, but whether or not you can feel an emotional connection like love with a person. Marcia will never love women like she loves me. If I died, she'd marry another man. She's heterosexual through and through. She'll care for the others she sleeps with as friends, but won't love them. Brianna may have sex with me on occasion and I'm sure she cares for me as a friend and the father of her children, but she would never marry me for love. She loves Marcia more than she does me. It's what makes Brianna a lesbian. I'm not threatened by it since Marcia can't love her back. Marcia doesn't worry about me falling in love with any of the lesbians because they can't love me back. Chantelle could fall in love with either sex. At the moment, it's Brianna, but it could be a man. Chantelle presents the greatest emotional risk to Marcia because she knows Chantelle could love me back if I fell in love with her. It's what makes her gift of Chantelle so much greater. She's turned me loose on a sex addict who loves the same things she does and whom I could conceivably fall in love with and have the love returned. I couldn't do the same thing. I couldn't give up Marcia for two weeks to another man. I'm not strong enough.
