Weekend Wives


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"Is that your idea of dressing for the situation or an invitation to me?" I asked.

"It was your idea," he reminded me.

"How you dressed not the blatant advertisement," I laughed.

"Did it work?" he asked.

"It did," I admitted. "And if it's still there when I wake up in the morning, I'll consider making use of it. Right now, I'm going to get some sleep."

I drank a large glass of water and headed back to the bedroom. Mike followed me. I looked at the bed. "There is no way I'm going to sleep in that bed," I declared.

Mike pulled the top sheet over the mess. "How about that?" he asked.

"For you maybe," I said. "Not me."

I headed for the guest room with Mike in tow. I turned down the covers and crawled between the sheets. Mike crawled in beside me. I fell asleep in his arms with him rocking me gently like a baby.

I woke late Saturday morning. The covers had been pushed to the end of the bed. Mike was sleeping on his back snoring quietly. He still had an erection.

I got up, peed and came back to bed. Mike was still asleep and his erection was still beckoning me. "Incredible," I thought. "But a promise is a promise."

I threw my leg over Mike's hips, aimed his erection with one hand and lowered myself on it. I closed my eyes and absorbed the feelings as Mike slid slowly into me again. I was overjoyed to have him inside me again and I realized that I missed him when he wasn't inside me. When our pubic hair was entwined and he was inside me as far as he could go, I began to rock back and forth on him with small circular movements while simultaneously rapidly circling my clitoris with two fingers. My orgasm was almost immediate and intensive. My scream woke Mike up.

His confusion lasted only a second. He grabbed my hips. "What not even a good morning kiss first?" he questioned.

Still shaking, I leaned over. "Kiss me," I demanded.

Mike leaned up, I leaned further down and we kissed. His hands moved from my hips to my breasts. I tried to keep moving on him while I kissed him and he squeezed my breasts. I almost succeed with all three but chose to focus on my continuing internal battle. I sat upright again, our kiss ended and Mike's hands fell back to my hips. I came a second time and Mike pumped millions of sperm with semen inside me.

I dismounted and stumbled out of the room thinking that Mike was doing the all man thing this morning.

I found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to wear in my overnight bag, took one look at the bed from last evening and decided to postpone stripping it and washing the sheets. Actually, I thought I would tell Mike to do it.

I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast for both of us when Mike entered, nude again. He took one look at me. "Damn. Read the wrong memo again," he commented.

I laughed. "Go put on something," I said. "Breakfast will be ready in five minutes."

After breakfast, I sent Mike to strip the beds and start the wash while I cleaned up the kitchen and started the dishwasher. I was sitting in the living room looking at Mike's laptop that I found next to the sofa. Mike came into the living room. "What are you doing?" he asked with alarm.

"Checking my email," I said.

"But that's my laptop," he said.

"I got that but I thought you wouldn't mind," I said.

"I guess it's okay if that's all you're doing," he relented.

"That's all I'm doing now," I said.

Mike's expression went dark. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"Your browser history is very interesting," I told him.

I could see his mind racing. "What about it?" he asked.

"Let me show you," I said. I went to his browser history and brought up a video. I started it and turned the laptop so he could see the screen. "Do you watch this stuff often?" I asked.

The video was of three people on a bed. One of the women was giving the man a blow job while the other woman was riding on his face and squeezing her own tits. "Shit," said Mike.

"You're violating my privacy," he insisted.

"I'm your wife," I said. "Don't you think I should know?"

"My wife doesn't know," he asserted.

"You mean your weekday wife. I'm your weekend wife and I want to know," I informed him.

"You won't tell Cathy, will you?" Mike pleaded.

"No, but I think you should," I insisted.

"Shit," Mike repeated.

"Look Mike," I said. "I like you and I like Cathy. I'm going to give you some free advice even if you don't want to hear it. Look at these women. I've never seen Cathy naked but neither of these whores can hold a candle to her body. Neither of these women is real. They've had hundreds of hours of plastic surgery to have those breasts, those lips and those asses. Cathy is real. She's here for you. You can have it all whenever you want. You don't have to fantasize about fake tits and asses."

"I can't," Mike said.

"You can't what?" I asked.

"I can't ask her," he said."

"Listen to yourself," I said. "You don't have to ask her. She wants you. She'll give you whatever you want. All you have to do is pay attention and be there when she is."

"That won't work," he said.

"How do you know it won't work?" I asked.

"It hasn't worked," he insisted.

"That's because you're in your own way. Somehow, you believe something that isn't true. Let me give you an example that it does work. When you and Cathy were first married, that first night, in a hotel room, did you ask?"

"No," he admitted.


"I don't know. I guess we just looked at each other and it happened." He explained.

"Didn't ask. Just looked at each other. Have you really looked at Cathy recently?" I asked.

"I guess not," he admitted.

"Another example," I said. "When I showed up on your doorstep last night, did you ask?"

"No," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because you told me you were my wife for the weekend," Mike answered.

"And because I was your wife you assumed sex wasn't just possible, it was guaranteed?" I stated.

"Right," he agreed.

"Well Cathy is your real wife," I explained. "Why isn't sex guaranteed with her?"

"I don't think she wants to," he said.

"Mike, I guarantee she wants to. More than I want to and that's hard to beat. Treat her like you treated me and she'll fuck you until you cock falls off and then she go to work on your fingers and tongue. Can you do that?"

"I think I can," he said.

"Can what?" I asked.

"Treat her like I treated you," he said.

"Promise?" I asked.


"Pinky swear?"

"Pinky swear," he laughed.

"I'll know if you don't," I told him.


"I'll ask her," I said.


"Now take off those shorts and sit on the sofa," I said.


"Because I'm going to fuck you," I told him.

I kept my promise.

Saturday went too fast. We had sex. We had lunch. We made love. We napped. We had sex again, twice. Mike washed the sheets while I made dinner. We had sex. We had dessert. More sex and showers. We watched a porno on Mike's laptop and paused it while we had sex. Finally, we went to bed, made love and fell asleep in each other's arms.

Sunday morning, Mike had an erection again. This time I woke him up before I mounted him. We were having a late breakfast when Cathy's phone in my purse rang again. I fished it out but too late to answer it. I called back. The phone number was Jessie's phone but Cathy's voice. "Did I interrupt anything?" she asked.

"Nah. We were just having a late breakfast," I told her.

"Great. Sunday dinner this afternoon," she stated. "Two o'clock at the Citadel."

"Nice. Everyone?" I asked.

"Everyone. All eight of us," Cathy confirmed. "And bring my car and phone. You drive. I'll drive Mike home after dinner."

"We'll be there," I committed.


Back in the kitchen, I told Mike we had a dinner date.

He took the news with a sigh. "What's the matter?" I asked.

"That means you're going home to Drew?" he said.

"And Cathy's coming home to you," I reminded him.

"Yeah," he said.

"Remember your promise," I told him.

He brightened. "Thanks," he said.

I looked at the clock. We have to leave about one thirty. If we take a half hour to clean up and get ready that leaves two hours to kill. How do you want to spend it?" I asked.

"I want to fuck you," Mike said.

"I was hoping you'd say that," I said. "That wasn't so hard, was it?" I added.

"No," smiled Mike. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Perfect," I complemented him. "You have been listening. I want the Mike I met Friday night," I told him.

His smile broadened. "We don't have that much time," I commented.

"I'll settle for the short tour," I said.

We were only five minutes late for dinner. We weren't last. Jessie and Von showed up fifteen minutes late.

Between courses, I excused myself to go to the "Powder Room." I caught Cathy's eye and indicated that she come with me. In the Ladies room, Cathy asked, "What's up?"

"I wore your white silk nightgown Friday night," I confessed.

"You found that?" she exclaimed. "I haven't worn that nightgown for decades."

"I'm afraid it's a mess," I told her. "It's on the bathroom floor and probably needs to be professionally cleaned."

"Was it worth it?" she wanted to know.

"Yes, but that's a story for another time," I told her. "Do you have something else like it?"

"I have another one, black, exactly the same," Cathy said.

"Perfect. Wear it tonight," I told her.


"Don't question my judgment. Just wear it. You'll thank me."

"More secrets," she commented. "But I'll do it."

I hugged and kissed her. "I'll call you in the morning," I said.

"Why?" she asked again.

"Welfare check," I said.

After dinner, I drove Drew home. It was a quiet ride.

I sat in the driveway with Drew. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he answered.

"You seem angry," I stated.

"No. Not angry," he insisted. "Meditative, pensive, even confused, but not angry."

"Care to talk about it?" I asked.

"Friday night, I opened the door and Giselle was standing there. I was surprised and confused," Drew explained. "I had no idea she was coming and or why she was there."

"She was there to spend the weekend with you," I told him.

"I got that. She explained the whole weekend wives thing," Drew said. "And she didn't waste any time turning her explanation into action."

"And that was a problem for you?" I asked.

"Not after the first five minutes," he admitted.

"So what's the problem?" I asked.

"No problem, I guess," Drew said. "But at dinner I suddenly had a dozen questions without answers."

"You didn't ask Giselle?" I asked. "You had the whole weekend."

"There was never time to ask," he said with a smile.

"The entire weekend?" I asked.

"The entire weekend," he confirmed.

"I'm surprised you made it to dinner," I laughed.

"Giselle is an incredible woman," Drew said. His mood seemed to be lightening as he remembered the weekend.

"And a good lover?" I asked to focus the discussion.

"Insatiable," Drew admitted.

"So, what's the problem?" I prompted.

"Like I said, no problem," said Drew. "I know what the four of you did. I know you spent the weekend with one of the other husbands. I know sex was on the agenda. What I don't know is why?"

"And you're not angry or jealous?" I asked.

"No," he insisted. "I also get that it wasn't cheating. The four of you made a decision and carried it out beautifully. I don't feel as if I cheated on you or you cheated on me. We both knew what the other was up to and neither of us tried to stop it. You wouldn't. It was your idea. And I didn't. Giselle took care of that. It was a good, almost a great idea. But why?"

"We did it to improve our relationships with our husbands. Our sexual relationships. We want more and better sex with our husbands. I want more and better sex with you," I tried to explain.

"If Giselle has sex like that with Von, I can't imagine why she'd need more sex with him?" Drew mulled.

"Think about it," I said. "She doesn't. We don't. Our sex lives at home are on life support."

"And spending the weekend with someone else's husband was supposed to change that?"

"We talked it through and concluded that we still wanted to have sex. Sex with our husbands and we believed our husbands wanted to have sex with us. We narrowed the reason to familiarity. Not quite boredom but close. Somehow, we believed our husbands had lost interest and we didn't want to pressure them into something they didn't want. We believed you guys were in the same place and didn't want to pressure us either. Communication could have probably solved the problem but nobody wanted to start a conversation about something as personal as sex. We decided that variety and availability would rekindle our sexual appetite and translate into a change at home. We discussed how to provide variation and decided to keep it in house. Thus this weekend."

"Damn," said Drew. "I really fucked up didn't I?"

I put a hand on his thigh. "No you didn't," I said softly. "Actually, you cared too much."

"I should have asked," he said.

I rubbed his thigh. "You don't have to ask," I told him. Hug me, kiss me, pat my ass and squeeze my tits. I won't complain and I might just respond differently than you expect."

I rubbed some more. "What do you say, stud?" I asked.

"Here in the car?" he asked with a huge smile.

"Probably not the best venue," I told him. I rubbed higher.

"Can I squeeze your tits?" he asked playfully.

"You can squeeze whatever you want," I told him. "As long as we go inside to fuck."

We went inside. Drew was the tiger I remember from before the kids were born, with a few new tricks I had to ask Giselle about. I gave as good as I got. We missed the Sunday night ball game.

We showered together, took one look at the bed and moved to the guest room to sleep. Drew was spooned behind me with one arm around my shoulders and the other holding my breast. I was in heaven and drifting slowly toward sleep.

"Can we do it again?" Drew asked.

"Again? Drew, darling," I said. "I've had enough for tonight."

"Not that, the weekend," he said.

"You want another weekend with Giselle?" I asked.

"Not necessarily Giselle," he said. "I just don't want to ever lose what we have again and I thought occasional variation would help."

"It worked didn't it?" I asked, knowing he probably had an ulterior motive similar to mine.

"It did," he agreed and kissed my neck.

I slept like a rock.

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AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

I would as soon as I realized what was happening called the other three husbands and demanded an immediate meeting in 15 minutes at my home with all 8 persons. Or never speak to me again and Monday I would seek legal counsel. For the wives to plan cheating in this way without talking to the husbands is outrageous disrespect. If my wife had already done ANY activity of intimate nature I would make her leave immediately and file on Monday. If they had a boring sex life the first person to talk to is the spouse, not some dumbest girlfriend. Total bullshit and all headed for divorce.

chasbo38chasbo3827 days ago

Should be in Fantasy, not Loving Wives. The husbands were blindsided by their wives. If a friend's wife showed up at my door on Friday evening and said she was going to be my wife for the weekend while my wife was going to play wife to another of my male acquaintances, I would eject her from my house with a strong admonish to get my wife's ass home in the next 20 minutes or she will be locked out of the house for good. If she was too late and my wife already had sex with her weekend husband our marriage was over over period. No discussion.

AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

Wives took a extremely dangerous chance. If only one had got angry and said no. It could have caused a divorce and ruined 8 friendships. But an intriguing story to day the least.

chasbo38chasbo3827 days ago

Four wannabe sluts finding a way to get sex outside their marriage without having to admit to themselves that they are sluts.

If they want more sex in their marriage ask for it.

Can't imagine any husband will say no to his wife dressed in a sexy gown with fucking on her mind.

kirei8kirei829 days ago

Sorry. Really stupid agenda. Men should meet immediately after, agree not to have sex with their real wives until they have each fucked all the women. Then vote for the best fuck and all vie for her attention. Start the feud and then leave.

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

Wrong category; this story should be in Fantasy. Yes, some of the swapping spouses will have incredible sex, better sex than they have Ever had with their spouse. And some of the spouses will have bland disappointing sex, with those spouses who really don't know how or who just aren't in to fucking. Its like cooking. Its easy to talk a great dinner, describe it, plan it. Its entirely a higher level of skill and talent to create a great dinner. And the truth is some people just don't know how to fuck. And some people just don't know how to fuck their own spouse with the abandon and enthusiasm they would exhibit with a non-married partner.


So cut the idealistic fantasy bullshit. Some of the spouses will have great sex with their weekend fuck toy, and some of the spouses will have duds. And the fantastic sex partners will want a rematch while the duds will just be embarrassed and what the whole weekend to have never happened. An honest author would write that sequel.

PaperbackreaderPaperbackreaderabout 1 month ago

Interesting story with erotic overtones. Not likely to happen in reality, but this is fantasy, fiction so it all works. Now I'm going to read the sequel. 5 ⭐

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Highly unlikely that in an upper middle class group like this, there wouldn't be at least one husband who absolutely would not go along with sharing his wife, even if he gets a different woman. Indeed, probably one of the four women would also not be willing to swap spouses (the MC's effort to differentiate "swinging" and what she wants to do is the usual female magical thinking; they are swinging, wife swapping, etc). And a killer is the intentional withholding of information until the women just make it happen. Most men would be apoplectic if wifey arranged a wife swap weekend without advance notice, discussion and agreement. None of that happened and it is hugely disrespectful to the husband. Reluctant 3*** (If judged solely on whether or not I liked it, the story would get at best 2**.)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Please write the next part soon as I loved it ❤️

BUSHY01BUSHY01about 2 months ago

Must do sequel one of the best on site

jjfronjjfron2 months ago

You tell a great story. How about a sequel involving the other two wives? Well done!

ukrainianukrainian3 months ago

Five fantastic stars from me. I'm delighted to find that the story is a recent addition because that means we might get further chapters. Great character build up and I hope a variation in sex practices. So many ways this could go. Many thanks for writing. I also took the chance to bookmark several of your other stories. I may be tempted to skip work this week and get some serious reading done.

longrider9longrider94 months ago

Excellent!!! I hope that you continue this story.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Great story, definitely worth five stars.

olblueyesolblueyes4 months ago

enjoyed this fantasy tale,,well written, well paced,,the way life should be,,a weekday wife and a weekend wife!!

big_hardt_4ubig_hardt_4u5 months ago

Very clever, erotic and surprisingly realistic. Thanks for writing and for sharing your talent with us.

UtilityCurveUtilityCurve5 months ago

I should be angry: This is the VERY story I intended to write.

I am not; it is excellent.

To the critics who say it is "unrealistic," I say if erotica must be realistic to arouse or titillate, the erotic lives in a small fenced-in yard. Hardly worth engaging. The erotic is beyond the quotidian; if it simply mirrors your or my reality, what's the point?

I encourage (aw hell, I BEG @wajawiii) to continue the story. In the meantime, I will stew in that I cannot give this SEVEN stars, my highest praise ever (despite my envy that [s]he beat me to the "publisher").

P.S., it really isn't as implausible as you think. That's all I will say.

And @wajawiii, if you are under say 50 or so, you may be unfamiliar with the "key party," which was a historical antecedent to this sort of behavior. You may want to read up on it. Part of me is surprised that it didn't make at least a small comeback in the mid to late 1980's as a response to the AIDS crisis among LS experimenters, but that's boozy cocktail party talk.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Nice idea, well executed.

ReadyOneReadyOne5 months ago

Save the swapping for much later, when everyone is in the the douldrums again.

ReadyOneReadyOne5 months ago

Try being wing women. The objective is to give your man time and opportunity to flirt. No non-married couple is going to be pushed into the pantry with a guard on the door.

Instead, help opportunities arise for another to spend time with your spouse. Don't watch hubby like a hawk. Take the other woman off in manor obvious to all which gives the time to flirt knowing that neither spouse will be rushing in to break things up.

When positions change so that you get to spend time flirting, really flirt. Flash them. Be overtly suggestive. Tell them what they should try with their spouse (based on prior conversation with their spouse) so to try and prime the pump.

Try to help the spouses have a hard core encounter when they get home. Of course, your female buddies will be trying the same for you and your spouse.

As long as it seems "natural" not pre-planned, your group of women can help each other add some spice.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

So all Four of these women went to cheat on their husbands, behind their backs. Thinking , I suppose, that Four wrongs made a it right.

Where is the husband that says to his 'weekend wife', " I don't believe you don't know where she is, call my wife and tell her I go for divorce if she does it"

KlitomaticKlitomatic5 months ago

Very imaginative.

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