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"I, however, thought it was a risk worth taking," Janice added, "especially if it meant that much to her."

Another look toward Agnes said that, now that the deed had been done, the older woman was indeed glad her friend had disregarded her wishes.

"Of course, I first had to find out if you might be interested," Janice said with a mischievous smile, "and in a way that wouldn't be a problem if you weren't. I didn't think that would turn out to be the case, but some men can't see a good thing when it's right in front of them. So, I made a few, well, maybe more than a few, comments that suggested that I wouldn't be averse to a little romp. To be honest, it wasn't that much of a stretch because, while I don't share Agnes' obsession with you, I wouldn't kick you out of my bed either."

Neil wished he could turn around and look into the mirror over the dresser behind him, wondering, if he could, whether he would see what these women seemed to see in him. Probably not, he answered himself, but whatever it was, it was obviously something his contemporaries didn't see either.

"Agnes didn't know any of this, by the way," Janice pointed out. "When she invited you to stay and have some wine, she was genuinely just being a good neighbor. I was the one with 'evil thoughts' and when the opportunity to act on them presented itself, well..."

'Well, indeed...' Neil said to himself.

"I wouldn't have gone along with Janice's plan if I'd known," Agnes said, finally asserting herself, "but she's convinced me that I'd be the worst sort of fool if I didn't take advantage of it now."

"What's she's saying, sugar, is that now it's up to you." Janice offered.

"Me?" Neil repeated.

"Yes," Agnes replied. "We've made our intentions clear, so now it's your turn."

Neil took a long moment to look first at Agnes, then at Janice, feeling like he'd walked into a real-life porn film. Two hours ago, he would've argued that things like this don't really happen, at least not to people like him. Yet here he was, standing there in front of two women who had no qualms about taking him to bed and sharing things he'd never so much as imagined.

"So, what's it going to be, kid," Janice added. "Double or nothing, your choice."

Taking a deep breath, Neil recalled that he'd never been much for games of chance, but then again, this was hardly a gamble. After all, the only losing move was not to play.

"Oh, I'm so definitely in," he said, knowing that if he gave any other answer, he'd regret it the rest of his life.


Both women stepped forward and took Neil by the hand, leading him back toward the bed. There, Agnes released her hold, moving around to the left side while Janice guided him to the right where, after setting him down on the edge of it, she climbed up alongside him.

With an outstretched hand, Janice began rubbing Neil's right leg, her fingers brushing up against his resurgent hardness. At the same time, Agnes, who had climbed onto the bed from the other side, came up behind him and stroked both his neck and the back of his head with her hand.

'I think he's getting even harder than before," Janice said with a smile as she ran her hand across the bulge in his pants.

"I would hope so," Agnes said as she looked over his shoulder at the growing prize. "After all, now he has twice the inspiration."

With that, Agnes reached around to the young man's chest and her nimble fingers began to work the line of buttons on his shirt. Neil barely seemed to notice, at least not until the last had been undone, his full focus having been on Janice, who, for the second time in as many hours, was removing her own top, again displaying her prodigious mounds.

Placing an outstretched hand on each of her breasts, Janice gave them a playful squeeze, playing extra attention to her pert nipples, which had already expanded to their full length. Then, sliding a hand down to the waistband of her panties, she slid them off to reveal a tightly trimmed mound and give her transfixed admirer proof that she was indeed a natural redhead.

Agnes, meanwhile, having divested Neil of his shirt, took advantage of the fact that he hadn't worn a t-shirt beneath it and was running her hands back and forth across his chest. Wrapping her right arm across his shoulder, she arched his head back and kissed him deeply. Her tongue invaded his mouth with fierce desire, exploring its inner reaches with abandon. She continued to do so while Janice once more freed his hardness from within his slacks.

"Now this is what I was talking about, Agnes," Janice said as she triumphantly lifted his no longer flaccid cock out of his pants, gripping it tightly around its base as one might a trophy.

"Ah, I can see why you couldn't resist," Agnes laughed as she stopped kissing Neil long enough to take a look. "That is indeed a prize," she added, with just a hint of envy that Janice had gotten to sample it first.

Still holding his cock in her hand, Janice pressed Neil down onto the bed even as Agnes released her hold in order to give him room. They had played this particular game enough times for each of them to be able to anticipate the other's moves. No sooner had the young man landed on his back than Janice dropped down between his legs and took him deep into her mouth. A loud moan of satisfaction rose from Neil's lips, only to be cut short as Agnes kissed him again.

She continued to do so while Janice sucked his cock, until, desiring more, Agnes pulled away and, undoing the loose sash of her wrap, slid it off her body. The skimpy bra beneath it barely covered her breasts and it took little effort to free them from it. With the rounded orbs now laid bare, Agnes replaced the softness of her lips with the hardness of her nipples as she pressed them against Neil's lips, inviting him to partake of their sweetness. An invitation Neil eagerly accepted as he drew her soft flesh of her left breast into his mouth.

Janice meanwhile, having relinquished his cock, had pulled up alongside Agnes on the other side, there to suckle at her remaining mound. Out of the corner of his eye, Neil could see what he'd only fantasized about, one woman pleasing another, and it filled him with a sense of excitement. What else might they do to each other was a question that flashed through his mind, one that he was certain he wouldn't have to wait long to have answered.

At one point, their mouths came together in the small valley between Agnes' breasts and they shared a quick but satisfying kiss. Janice then shared a kiss with Agnes, with Neil watching closely as their tongues intertwined. A second and third kiss followed before the women again changed position.

Now it was Agnes with her mouth wrapped around Neil's cock, savoring the prize that had obsessed her these past few weeks, her long tongue sliding up and down its length. She pumped his length in and out of her mouth, her lips forming a tight seal again his hardness. Janice's mouth found Neil's, showing that she too could be a ferocious kisser. Neil pulled her close, trying to match the pleasure she was giving him.

Agnes continued to work his cock, using a free hand to also play with his balls, continuing to do so as Janice again changed direction, moving down along Neil's body, where she joined her friend between his legs.

Agnes generously offered to share her treasure, sliding Neil's cock from between her lips and holding it erect between them. Together they caressed it with the tips of their tongues, alternating possession of the prize as it passed from one mouth to the other, each of them taking his full length deep into her throat.

"Oh my God!" Neil gasped, thinking this had to be the most awesome experience of his life. Only a short time ago, he had marveled at the feeling that one woman blowing him had produced, and now he had two of them doing it.

Like a tag team, Janice and Agnes continued to drive Neil to the peak of ecstasy, both of them pausing just before it proved impossible to prevent the inevitable. It was a form of exquisite torture in a way, but one that Neil submitted to willingly.

Another change of position followed, and now Neil found himself down between Agnes' thighs, his face pressed tightly against her saturated panties. A barrier that was removed as Janice took hold of the sides and unlaced the thin straps that held the garment in place. Unlike Janice's mound, Agnes' was covered with a wild, hairy bush of varying hues, only one of which matched the hair on her head. Not that Neil could've cared what color it was by then.

Cunnilingus was another thing that Neil had little real experience with. Women he'd previously been with had been either uninterested or willing to settle for just a token effort. It didn't take much consideration for him to think that Agnes was going to expect a bit more. With that in mind, he went at it with, if not total enthusiasm, then at least a desire to not embarrass himself. An effort that, much to his surprise, she seemed satisfied with as, stretching out across the bed, she savored the gentle thrust of his tongue as it worked its way inside of her.

Her response increased tenfold a few minutes later when Janice, as she had done when Neil was sucking Agnes' breasts, again slipped in beside him and began to add her efforts to his. In addition to taking a turn licking the older woman's inner recesses, the redhead also offered Neil advice on how to improve his performance, taking care to point out her lover's more sensitive spots.

Her hands squeezing her breasts, Agnes moaned softly as the dual caress of their tongues sent ripples of delight washing across her body. The combination of mature experience and youthful exuberance was almost more than she could bear, but the longer it went on, the more she cried out for more.

Neil and Janice traded kisses across Agnes' clitoris, the location of which had previously baffled the young man. Between the two of them, it didn't take long to bring Agnes to the brink of orgasm, a threshold that Janice was quite happy to ferry her friend over minutes later as, taking over completely from Neil, she demonstrated a skill that the neophyte could never hope to match.

"Oh God, yes!" Agnes cried out, as her body quaked with pulsating waves of uninhibited pleasure.

The force of her orgasm actually scared Neil a bit, never having seen a woman climax so powerfully. It made him rethink the satisfaction he'd brought, or at least thought he had, to previous partners. It was a question and a lesson he would not soon forget.

"You did good, kid," Janice whispered into Neil's ear after sharing another deep kiss, one that allowed her to share the sweet nectar of Agnes' pussy.

"Damn, I think she really means it,' Neil thought as he returned the kiss, her compliment making him feel pretty good.

"Your cock still hard?" Janice asked.

"Sure," Neil replied, not being able to imagine how it could be anything else at this point.

"Then I think it's time to give her what she's wanted the last few weeks," Janice grinned.

Actually, seeing that, of the three of them, she was the only one who hadn't enjoyed an orgasm tonight, Janice was tempted to take the first ride on Neil's cock herself, but love for her partner gave her the strength to defer to her. After all, it was her fantasy that had brought them here.

Besides, the redhead told herself, she'd get hers soon enough.


"Fuck me, oh God, fuck me, baby," Agnes called out as she rode Neil's cock cowgirl style, her hands planted firmly on his chest as she rocked back and forth. "God, that feels so good!"

She leaned forward, just far enough for Neil to reach her small breasts with his mouth, and once more he began to suck on them deeply. Her look of delight spoke volumes as to how much she was enjoying herself.

She and Neil had been going at it for almost a quarter of an hour, during which time Janice had been content to simply watch from a nearby chair, her hands gently stroking both her breasts and pussy. Still, as stimulating as the spectacle before her was, she had never been much of a watcher. She climbed back onto the bed and, straddling Neil's prone form, took up a position just above his head, her body facing Agnes.

"Mind if I join in, lover?" she smiled.

"Of course not," Agnes smiled in return.

From beneath her, Neil saw what Janice had in mind. It was time for him to take her instructive suggestions earlier to heart and return some of the pleasures she had helped him to Agnes. His assumption was confirmed moments later as Janice lowered her body and pressed her pussy down against his mouth.

"Oh yeah, just like that," Janice said after Neil had been working his tongue across the breadth of her sex for a few minutes. "Keep in mind what I showed you earlier."

Leaving Neil to his own devices, Janice turned her attention to Agnes, reaching out to cup her breasts with eager hands. Agnes followed suit and it wasn't long before the two of them were fondling the other's mounds, even as their lips met and tongues intertwined.

"Thank you for doing this," Agnes whispered to Janice as their cheeks brushed.

"For you, I'd do anything," Janice replied, also in a tone too low to be overheard.

With his cock deeply imbedded in Agnes' pussy, and his tongue likewise rooted in Janice's, Neil was part of a triangle of delight, one that echoed through all three of their bodies, intensifying with each heartbeat. Every drop of his youthful vigor was concentrated on pleasing both women, and years from now he would look back and consider the moment he actually brought Janice to orgasm a highpoint of his life. One only eclipsed by the heaven that was still forthcoming.

Janice climbed off Neil, setting in motion another change of positions, that left Agnes laying on her side with Neil pressed close behind her, his cock still buried inside her. Janice had moved to the bottom of the bed, where she'd stretched out perpendicular to the two of them, a placement from where she could reach out and play with Agnes' clit with one hand while massaging Neil's balls with the other.

It didn't take long after that as, with even more soul shattering intensity that he had under Janice's ministrations, Neil climaxed in what he would eventually think of as the second loss of his virginity. Just before he did so, however, he carried Agnes across the goal line, riding waves of ecstasy until they peaked with inexpressible joy.


"Well, good morning," Janice said as, wrapped only in a towel, Neil stepped into the living room.

"I couldn't find my clothes," Neil replied, in reference to his dress, or rather lack of it.

"Agnes cleaned up a bit while you were sleeping," Janice replied. "You'll find them in the guest room."

"Oh, okay," Neil said, looking around for any sign of her.

"Agnes had an early appointment but didn't want to wake you," Janice said in response to his non-verbal query. "I volunteered to hang around until you woke."

"I was hoping to talk to her about last night," Neil said.

"Did something happen last night?" Janice asked, her tone unexpectedly serious.

A look of confusion and even concern flashed across Neil's face, one that lasted long seconds until, thankfully, Janice started laughing.

"I'm just playing with you, kid," she laughed. "Last night was awesome, and I can't wait until we can do it again.

"We're going to do it again?" Neil asked, surprise replacing his previous expression.

"Unless you don't think that you'd want to," Janice replied, "although I think that'd be a shame, with you just living a few floors down."

"Oh no, I definitely want to do it again," Neil quickly replied.

"Good," Janice smiled, "because I think we're going to have a lot of fun together, and who knows, you might learn something."

"I'd like that," Neil said, remembering how much he'd learned just last night.

"Excellent," Janice said. "Why don't you plan on coming over for dinner tonight and we'll have a long talk about the future? That okay with you?"

"Tonight ... tonight would be fine," Neil answered, still slightly stunned by the thought that last night hadn't been a one-time thing.

"Oh, and Neil," Janice said with the broadest of grins, "in case I never said it, welcome to the Greenwood."


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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Thanks for the story, Ann. I've been reading you for years. You were one of my favorite writers on the ASSM site. Now I see you have hundreds of stories here! I can't wait to read more.


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story..hope there will be more like this.

BiologoBiologo6 months ago

Great story (*****) with one confusing image:

“She climbed back onto the bed and, straddling Neil's prone form, took up a position just above his head, her body facing Agnes.”

If Neil was prone he would be facing downward, making Agnes’ cowgirl ministrations difficult and Janice’s sitting on his face impossible.

This works:

“She climbed back onto the bed and, straddling Neil's supine form, took up a position just above his head, her body facing Agnes.”

Easy way to remember: On your spine? Supine!

In missionary a man is not prone to argue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Smoldering hot!

One by one, I’m reading all of your mature woman with younger man stories, and since they arouse me so much, I might even go on to the lesbian ones.

PanelholesPanelholesabout 1 year ago


Love the the throw back time warp, ‘Spiegal, Chicago 60609’ yes indeed!

londonteadrinkerlondonteadrinkerover 1 year ago

A great and enjoyable story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

You always create magic with your stories. Bravo! Again!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Lovely story , it almost gave me orgasm without even touching myself. Bravo

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The glib ironic banter you developed in the dialog nearly (nearly) surpassed the smoldering erotic intensity you neatly increased to a fully experienced crescendo! Your writing always rewards the reader… even with more than a few chuckles.

TomorrowTodayTomorrowTodayalmost 3 years ago

Bravo! I know it's not your usual fare, but I would gladly read a series as these three develop a loving relationship.

JReadmoreJReadmoreabout 3 years ago

I enjoyed the story written from the female perspective. The sex was not just smut...It was lovemaking, and very real. Looking forward to reading more of your work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Ann Douglas:

You have said you like comments about your stories as much as ratings, so hear goes. I have read almost all of you stories, some more than once. Your ability to set scenes in one's mind with the written word is a reel treat. I particularly enjoy and like the way you portray the erotic scenes in a more finessed less crude way.

Please write more in the "Mature" genre.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I would love to be under two women at the same time. I enjoyed this very much,

(every time I have read it :-)

warlokk48warlokk48over 3 years ago

My favourite story of yours so far :)

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