Well-Bred Family Ch. 01


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She looked away from Jeremiah, to the native leader, and back to Jeremiah. "You must tell me what he said, what he thinks I am offering. I cannot save the others on the ship. But I raised you, and you are here with us now, so if there is at least a chance to keep you from being killed in Madagascar, I must try. I must try. I must!" Her bottom lip quivered. She looked up at the native in front of her as she waited for Jeremiah to answer.

"I apologize, Ma'am. There is no civilized way to tell you what he said. He thinks you are offering to take his penis in your mouth, and to suck on it until... until he releases his seed. And if you swallow it, he will agree to take me with you. If you are not able to swallow it all, I will be sent back to the ship. I cannot ask you to do this, Ma'am. You are the only mother I have known, and this would be an unthinkable humiliation! Please let me return to the ship," Jeremiah pleaded. "Please, Ma'am, please do not do this thing!"

All of us looked at Mother in horror. She had maintained her composure, until now. She visibly slumped, sank back until her rear was on her heels in the sand, and sat very still staring at the ground.

There was a long pause as we waited for Mother to respond, or for them to withdraw the offer and send Jeremiah back with the pirates.

She spoke so quietly, we strained to hear what she said. "Jeremiah, if I do not do everything in my power to save your life, I am just as guilty as those who would send you to your death. This is simply a test of my resolve. God is watching over us, and I believe, expects me to do this to keep you safe," she said as she looked around, speaking to all of us. "God expects each of us to make sacrifices to keep the group safe until your Father is able to rescue us from this... from this... hell on earth. Do you understand me? We will all do what they demand of us without resistance. We must remain passive to avoid giving these people reason to kill us. Is that understood?" Mother waited for each of us to respond, giving Elizabeth a fierce stare when she nodded meekly. "There can be no doubts, no hesitations. We must trust in God to deliver us safely from this place. Remember, Daniel's faith calmed the lions surrounding him"

Mother turned to Jeremiah, "Tell him I will do this thing. Are you sure he will keep his word and allow you to go with us?"

Jeremiah asked the leader of the natives, who nodded and said something back to Jeremiah. "Ma'am, he says if you can swallow his seed, this is a good omen, a good sign. He will do as he says. Are you sure you can do this thing, Ma'am?" Jeremiah was almost in tears.

Mother replied, "No, Jeremiah. I am not sure I can... but I must. It is not a choice, I must try. Tell him to proceed."

Jeremiah nodded to their leader, who then stepped up to where Mother was kneeling. He pulled his loincloth aside to reveal a penis nearly as big as Jeremiah's. She groaned, but rose off her heels to kneel within reach of him.

Mother glanced at me, then back at his crotch as she slowly wrapped her fingers around it. She opened her mouth slightly, then placed her lips around the just the tip. Apparently she was waiting for him to release in her mouth.

The native leader spoke angrily to Jeremiah, who then told Mother, "No, Ma'am, not that way. He is saying you are to slide his penis in and out of your mouth while you are sucking on it. Then he will give you his seed. He says you must aggressively suck, taking him deep into your mouth, or he will not honor the agreement. I do not know how else to tell you how he thinks you should be doing this thing."

Mother muttered to herself, "God, please give me strength." Then proceeded to push the man's penis deeper in her mouth, in and out, and we could see her cheeks fluctuating as she sucked. Her hand was now wrapped firmly around the base where it met his stomach. Her pace quickened until we heard him begin to moan and pump her face. It took little time for him to explode down her throat. Mother coughed and gagged, but did not allow her mouth to come off his penis; she had to take it all, just as she had agreed to do in exchange for Jeremiah's life.

He slowly backed away, replacing his penis in the loincloth as he nodded toward Jeremiah. Mother sank back on her heels and hung her head. She barely moved as the pirates and the natives finished their animated negotiations for the six of us. As the pirates began loading the animal skins and other valuables traded for us into the boat, the native leader pointed toward the ground and said something to Jeremiah.

He hesitated before he translated. "He says they want to get back to the village before dark. We are to, uh, relieve ourselves here in the sand now so we do not have to stop along the way."

Elizabeth shrieked. "Right now, right here? In front of you and all these other people?" This caught the attention of the pirates, who then delayed their departure to witness this exhibition.

Mother snapped at her, "Do as you're told. Now... everyone!" She rose slowly from her knees and stood with her feet spread wide. In a few seconds, a yellow stream shot down between her legs to make a hole in the sand. "Alison? Burgess?"

Burgess and I stood with our legs apart and held our penises as we began to pee. Jeremiah did the same. Alison spread her legs, but took a little longer before she could actually do it. I watched her looking around at the strangers, who were smiling to see this display.

Elizabeth was nearly hysterical. But she set her feet wide apart, reached down to lift her gut and spread her lips apart. Her pee was released in short bursts; she continued sobbing after she was done.

Before they left, the leader said something at length to Jeremiah. Again, Jeremiah hesitated before telling us what was said.

Jeremiah said, "They are apparently pleased with the transaction. He said there have been many good signs at the beginning. He is pleased that two of the women are... fat. But he likes the pointed... tits, on the skinny one. It was good that we relieved ourselves right away without argument; he does not expect any troubles with us. And, Ma'am, he said that you taking his seed... in your mouth... indicates that you are very willing, and will serve their purposes well. He hopes the other two women are as... eager to serve as you appear to be." He hung his head in embarrassment, obviously not telling us all that was said about us.

Mother looked puzzled. "What purpose is he speaking of, Jeremiah? They bought us as slaves. Undoubtedly they will work us until we are of no value to them, and then dispose of us. I am praying that Father can find us and gain our release before that happens."

Jeremiah looked dejected. "They are only interested in Elizabeth, Alison and you. They accepted the men only as a way to ensure your, um, cooperation. I imagine we will have hard chores. But you, the three of you, were obtained primarily for... for... for breeding purposes. They are going to make you have babies. Fat, light-skinned women are especially prized for this. And the mixed children are of special value as well. The boys are trained as superior warriors; the girls are sold to slavers in the north." Jeremiah paused to look at Mother. "He says your time will be spent making children with the men of his tribe."

By now, Elizabeth was nearly out of control, screaming and flapping her arms. Burgess and I grabbed her and held her tightly until she calmed down. It was a very strange sensation for me to have my arms wrapped around my sister's fat body, holding her rear in one hand and one of her tits with the other. Burgess was on her other side, with his hands in similar positions on his wife.

I looked over my shoulder at Alison. There were tears streaming down her face again. With her left hand she was massaging her slapped tit. Her right hand was gently rubbing her vagina. She was shaking her head slowly and muttering to herself.

Mother reached out and took Jeremiah's hand. "It is not your fault. I'm sure this is part of His grand plan; that we are supposed to be in this place at this time. The sooner we accept our fates, the less difficult it will be on everyone. If this is indeed His test of us, we must demonstrate that we trust in His judgment. I am sure we will survive and be stronger for the experience. Father will surely find us soon. When our ship fails to arrive as expected, he will begin searching. You will see, all of you; that it will be alright. Everything will be alright if we do not give them reason to harm us."

With that, she led Jeremiah into the jungle after the first four men started down the trail. Alison was next; Burgess released Elizabeth and led her forward. I was followed by the remaining locals.

Our family, including the adopted Jeremiah, was walking into a jungle somewhere on the east African coast, completely naked, no possessions whatsoever, and at the mercy of people we had seen for the first time only a couple of hours ago. Although I wanted to believe Mother, that this was part of His plan and He would protect us, I could not imagine how we would survive for very long.

Mother had borne two children, Elizabeth and me. But my sister and my wife had never been pregnant. Elizabeth and Burgess were married a short time before Alison and I were. I don't think their sexual experiences could be much more than ours.

Elizabeth had always been prudish, even more so than Alison. I seriously doubted whether any man, including Burgess, had ever seen her in anything less than her undergarments. I'm sure that's why she's been so panic-stricken. She'd been paraded around naked for hours and now discovered she was to be bred to total strangers. She stumbled along in front of me as Burgess guided her down the trail.

In a few hours' time, the six of us were exhausted and perspiring heavily. Streams of sweat were flowing down Elizabeth's back, and dropping from her large butt just in front of me.

I'm sure Mother was trying to gain us a rest when she asked Jeremiah to tell the leader she needed to relieve herself again. Jeremiah conveyed the message forward. The leader didn't break pace or even turn around, but we heard him respond to Jeremiah.

"Ma'am, you must do it while you walk. He will not stop," Jeremiah told Mother, loud enough for all of us to hear.

Elizabeth started whining, "But I have to go, too. Only, not just, not just... like we did on the beach. I have to go... both places! Please, Jeremiah, make him stop."

Jeremiah translated, then shared the leader's response, which brought laughter from his men. "Elizabeth, he says you must also do this while you walk. Then, whoever is behind you must watch his step. I am sorry; he won't stop."

After fifteen minutes or so, there was a slight curve in the trail. I could see all the people in line ahead of me. It was then I noticed a stream between Mother's legs, partially tricking down the inside of her thighs. She was peeing while we walked along! In a few yards, I stepped on wet leaves.

Burgess was next, following closely behind Alison. He could not move back; Elizabeth was staying very close to him. A solid yellow stream shot from his penis and landed on Alison's butt. She squealed and turned to look over her shoulder, but kept walking as he peed on her back and legs.

Jeremiah did the same to Mother's backside; she didn't look back or slow down. There was nothing to be done; it couldn't be helped. Alison's spray was wider than Mother's, and shot slightly behind her toward Burgess' feet. He ignored the wetness; we were all exhausted.

Elizabeth had a large, long release of her bladder which sprayed down and back. My feet were completely wet. Then, she emptied her intestines in front of me as we walked down the trail. I tried not to step in it. But the trail was narrow; I had nowhere else to go. Alison soon had to release hers as well; we stepped in that also as we passed.

I share these disgusting details with the reader only to demonstrate how radically our world had changed since awakening to the alarm on deck, warning of an approaching ship. In our sheltered, simple, devout lives, we could not possibly have imagined such a drastic turn; nor could we have envisioned any of the humiliating acts forced upon us.

My wife, sister and mother forced to strip completely, in front of family, servants, crew and pirates. I had never seen any of them nude before. Then Burgess and I, and finally Jeremiah, were naked as well. Looking up into the private areas of all three women as I helped them into the shore boat, and knowing Jeremiah saw the same things. Watching a black stranger squeeze my wife's tits and throw her to the sand, fondle and finger my mother and my sister, then stick a finger into Mother's rear hole. Mother being forced to choose between sending Jeremiah to certain death in Madagascar, or willingly taking the black man's seed in her mouth and swallowing it. The six of us urinating on the beach in front of everyone. And now, walking down a jungle trail with urine and feces on us.

And I'm ashamed of my self-pity as I remembered the rest of our party would be tortured and executed in Madagascar, nothing more than a revengeful pastime for their evil queen. I should be grateful that none of our women had been raped; Mother made the right choice to save Jeremiah, even paying such a repulsive price. But it had not been rape had it? She agreed to do it.

Now, the three women in my family were going to be bred to black strangers. If they chose to submit and do it willingly, to avoid harm to us all, that could not be rape either, could it? With my very limited sexual experiences, I could not picture how that would take place.

It was obvious they intended to keep us all nude; something we would have to get used to. Would the women go from hut to hut, or stay in one hut with men coming to them for sex? Would they have their own individual huts, or have sex in one hut? Would they do it all at the same time, or go in rotation of some sort? How often would they have to have sex; every day? How many men in a day or night or week? What else would they be expected to do?

What would Burgess, Jeremiah and I be doing while they had sex? What would happen to the women after they got pregnant; after they had the baby, or babies? How often would they have to get pregnant; once, twice, three times? What would they do with the women, and us, after they were through using them to make babies? How long had they been capturing women to make babies? Were there other captives where we were going?

Unfortunately for us, we had no knowledge or background which would have prepared us for the ordeals we would soon encounter. At that time, I knew of no words to describe what we would see, nor what we would be expected to do. The concepts did not even exist in our world. It was not certain we would survive. Had we known what to expect, and how it would change us all, perhaps we would have chosen to take our chances with the other Christians on their way to Madagascar. At least their nightmares would be brief; torture then execution. Ours would drag on for years.

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thomas_deanthomas_deanalmost 3 years ago

Family taken as slaves

A family of missionaries taken by a pirates on the high seas finds the bonds of social conventions and taboos are set aside. It's a well told story reminiscent of the problems faced in the heyday of the Barbary pirates.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
One of the best stories on ehre for family

gave you a 5

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
waste of time

waste of time....

settledseassettledseasabout 12 years ago
this is

This is what a story does, it tells. It gives the mind an eyes view.

well done

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
You must love bodily waste

this was NOT erotic in any sense of the term

golden showers/scat.... um not even close

you don't have to put those details into a story to show at what lengths they've been brought down to

for goodness sake, fingers in vaginas and butt holes pretty much tell it all hmm?

I wouldn't give a wooden penny for anything else you write

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Hated it

You somehow managed to take a brilliant idea and turn it into crap... nobody gets horny for an ugly fat chick pissing and shitting while walking... like I said you could have made a master piece and u turned it into shit

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Ilove it! Please continue. 5 Stars from me!

greg2906greg2906over 13 years ago
Back Tracking

I am back tracking to read Part 1 after reading Part 3 as a new submission then on to part 2. Very good. 5 STARS. Intense and interesting. Well written and good flow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

finish your book, copyright it and send it to a publisher

mauimichaelmauimichaelover 13 years ago

now the possibilities are virtually endless.

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