What It Takes Ch. 04


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It wasn't like my body was having a single orgasm. Instead, it felt like every spot on body where Rex's beautiful sperm or pre-cum was touching was having its own, individual orgasm. And as he pulled his cock out of me, I could feel his sperm splashing against my ass and my legs. His cock even jerks up once tapping my clit deliciously and sending sperm splashing up against my stomach, against my breasts, and even against my chin. And each atom that this cum touched spread the contagion. Soon, it felt like every atom in my body was cumming at the same time. And the individuals pieces of me came together, and the pleasure was more intense than it could ever have been on its own. The sheer volume of sensation I was feeling...it was like I existed for an eternity in that moment; like life was nothing but beauty and it lasted forever.

I don't know how long I was completely outside of my mind. When, slowly, my body began to return to me, I felt simultaneous exhausted and energized in a way I'd never felt before. It was like I'd been...reborn. But slowly, I became aware of my surrounding. I realized that I was on my back on the floor. My entire body was coated in bluish-white alien sperm and my hair was sticky with it. I could still feel some of it dripping out of my stretched, and satisfied, pussy. I was a little surprised to find that Rex was now standing with his rear legs straddling my head. His now half-soft penis was dangling down between them and I found that the tip was pressed between my lips. I was sucking the last of his sperm into me, tasting the tingling beauty of it as it slipped down my throat. I could feel it coating the inside of my mouth and my stomach felt full. I wonder how much I'd drank. I wanted to suck all of the extra up off of the floor, but my stomach ached, so unbearably and wonderfully full.

I let Rex's cock pop out of my mouth. I saw it slowly retract back into Rex's sheath. Then, freed from my lips, I watched as Rex carefully stepped over me (and easily avoided crushing me) and then turned and looked at me. He had the familiar shine in his eyes. He looked very tired, a little haggard, but far more energetic than he had when I'd first arrived. It almost looked like he was smiling down at me.

"Hey Rex," I said, my voice a horse croak, "You feeling better?"

Rex cooed in a way that made it certain that he did. I smiled and sat up slowly, feeling the slick sensation of his cum on my body. I noticed that he sat down directly in front of the door, just as he had at the personal supply depot when I'd first met him. I rubbed his beautiful legs with my hand.

"Don't worry," I said soothingly, "You don't have to block the door. I'm not going anywhere this time."

* * * * *

"Read it again, you have got to be looking at the wrong form," I heard Hilaria's voice through the door to the bridge. I was walking by in the hallway. The first mate, along with the captain, had only been awakened a few hours before. They were going over the diagnostics before the final approach to Earth. I paused to listen.

"I read it four times," Tara replied, the resigned incredulity in her voice contrasting sharply with Hilaria's evident anger, "It says what it says."

"But she is absolutely incompetent!" HIlaria responded. I felt my stomach knot. That was my cue. There was no way they were talking about anyone else. I turned and walked into the bridge, taking a deep breath as I did so, nervous.

As soon as I walked through the door, I lifted my hand quickly and shielded my eyes. I had nearly forgotten, we were well within the orbit of Saturn now, slowing rapidly as we approached Earth. The sun, while smaller than it would appear on Earth, was still exceptionally bright and the beams splashed harshly across my eyes. I felt my stomach knot tighter.

But this second reaction was not from whatever conversation Hilaria and Tara were having. Instead it was another reminder that I was very nearly home. We were only a day's journey from Earth, or at least the CTA facility orbiting Earth. That meant that I was in the waning hours of my career. And it was all hitting me at once.

The previous two weeks were like a wonderful blur in my memory. Rex and I instantly fell back into our rhythm together. If anything, it was even better than before. He followed me around and slept in my bed, just like before. And he kept me appropriately focused on my tasks, like he had before. I'd never imagined that work could be so easy. But beyond that, I was now taking care of him as well. I kept him moving at all times. Even better, no one was around (we never saw Dr. Alton) and so, anytime Rex felt the need to mount me, I was more than happy to oblige. I figured that he needed the exercise and whatever incentive I could give him would be well-worth the effort. Besides, it was a lot of fun for me as well. We figured out a number of positions and...moves that seemed to work for us. It was like a wonderful honeymoon. I'd never imagined that sex could feel so perfect. I didn't realize I could be with someone so perfect for me. I'd felt the connection between us deepening every single day.

But as a result of the fact that I had allowed myself to be completely immersed in my relationship with Rex, I'd completely ignored the future. I'd lived entirely within the moment. It was wonderful...the most magical two weeks of my life. But it meant that I had completely put off any thoughts about the coming reckoning. What was going to happen with my job? More importantly, what was going to happen with Rex? Those concerns were hitting me full force now and I still hadn't come to terms with either of them. I could barely even stand to think about Rex. As soon as I had awakened Hilaria and Tara I'd realized that there as a good chance I was never going to see him again. The pain of that thought contrasted incredibly sharply with the pleasure and the joy I'd felt the last few days. I felt ill-equipped to handle the situation.

Concerns about the future of my career seemed almost easy by comparison. But now I'd walked passed both of my superiors, apparently discussing my incompetence. It realized that we were now close enough to Earth for messages to reach us relatively quickly. Maybe I was already fired. Hilaria and Tara looked at me as I walked into the room.

"Oh good," Tara said, "I was coming to look for you." Hilara was shaking her head as she looked at me. I heard a slight noise and turned to the side. I saw that Dr. Alton was sitting in a chair by the window, looking out dreamily and smiling. I hadn't even realized she was there. If I was going to be dressed down, it was unlikely they'd let her stay. But I couldn't really tell what was going on, I couldn't read the room.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush," the captain stated and I felt my knees grow weak. I knew I was leaving, but still didn't relish being fired, "We just got our orders from CTA headquarters. Here are your retention documents. You've been promoted to a first mate. You'll be staying on the CTA Marie. I will not be. Neither will Tara. We received new assignments and will be going to a newer ship. You will remain on the ship once we dock to ensure that the new crew on-loads properly. Captain Mitchell is extremely competent and very experienced. I've never heard of the other crew member before," She spoke in her normal, clipped professional tone but she looked at me dazed, like she couldn't believe it. My mouth dropped open. A promotion?

"I'm...bad at this," I said, too shocked to do anything but tell the truth. Hilaria snorted and then nodded earnestly.

"You were," Dr. Alton said. All heads turned and looked at her. I stared at her, brows knitted. But she was still looking out the window, like she'd never said a word.

"What?" I asked.

"You had some of the lowest diagnostic scores I've ever seen on the first leg of the trip," Tara conceded, "But you showed the greatest improvement in the history of the company. By every measure that the ship's operating system tracks, you went from being in the bottom 2% to the top 25%. At certain portions of the trip, including the last two weeks, you were operating at an efficiency level that rivaled mine." I could barely understand what she was saying.

"Am I...good at this?" I asked.

"The computer says you are," the captain said shrugging, as though she didn't believe it was right.

"Well computers don't know everything," Hilaria said, disgustedly. She looked me over once again and shook her head, "at least I am not going to be on this ship the next time." And with that she turned and walked out of the room. Tara looked at me uncomfortably and then shrugged again.

"I can't say I knew you'd do it...But I am glad you did. If nothing else, it makes me look good," Tara said and then followed Hilaria out.

"Congratulations," Dr. Alton said, when we were alone. "Are you going to re-up?" I hadn't even really had time to think about it. I'd been expected to get drummed out of the company. Still, I was far too shocked to hide anything.

"I don't know if it will be a good idea. I mean, I am not really that good. I mean, I guess I got good results. The computer was functioning properly. But it wasn't me. I mean I did it, but I didn't do it alone," I explained. Dr. Alton laughed loudly.

"I'm sure..." she responded.

"I mean Rex, he helped keep me...loose so that I could do what I needed to do," I explained. And I realized it was true. I mean the feeling I'd had before, that I worked better when Rex was around...the computer had confirmed it. But Dr. Alton was going to take Rex when we returned to Earth. If I went to space again, it would just be the same old problems. My stomach knotted again as I remembered he'd be leaving me soon. I needed to get away, to say goodbye...

"Well he wasn't pushing levers or pressing buttons. I don't know how he could've helped," Dr. Alton said, raising her eyebrows. I wondered what she was hinting at

"No...but..." I trailed off, not sure of how to respond without outing myself. But Now Dr. Alton smiled broadly, laughing again.

"Dear, I was born at night, but it wasn't last night," Dr. Alton said, sitting down in the captain's chair, "This is a quiet ship. Sounds echo." She said. I felt my cheeks grow red and hot. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. Thankfully, she didn't follow up the statement.

"I..." I began, but didn't even know what to say. I felt a lump in my throat.

"You know," Dr. Alton said quickly, "We have just got back in contact with Earth. I haven't been able to speak with anyone yet. The Captain has been dominating the communications devices. No one knows that I have the Aranea Cuculus on board. I'm not even supposed to bring one in." Every word she spoke was dripping with meaning. I instantly grasped what she was implying.

"You don't need to take him?" I asked, desperately excited. A ray of hope sudden loosened my knotted guts and I felt a weight I didn't even know I was bearing lift slightly. Dr. Alton shook her head.

"No. As a matter of fact, it might be easier for me to just leave him here," she responded.

"Is that...illegal or improper or something?" I said nervously. Dr. Alton rose from the chair and shrugged nonchalantly.

"Maritime law applies in space. There aren't a lot of rules. And we all have our secrets Luna," she said, winking, "If you're discreet, no one is going to care. It's space. People do what they have to do to survive." And I thought about everything that Tara and Hilaria had told me before...when I first walked in on the doctor. I knew it was true. I felt a wave of euphoria wash over me. Rex and I would be on another mission together. I'd volunteer to stay awake...I'd be able to spend my days with him... I'd be able to stay in space. Everything had fallen into place...

I was so excited by the prospect that I hadn't even noticed that Dr. Alton had risen from her chair and had made her way towards the exit to the bridge. But, as she stopped in the doorway, she cleared her throat and I turned to look at her.

"Oh, by the way," she said, "I guess I should give you a little warning about the Aranea Cuculus, or the Cuckoo Spider." Spider? I thought to myself. Rex certainly didn't look like a spider...

"Are you familiar with Cuckoos, Luna? The birds on Earth?" She asked but didn't wait for a reply, "Many species are brood parasites. The female leaves her eggs in the nest of another bird, allowing the new bird to hatch her young. The Cuckoo Spider alien (though it is not, really, a spider) works in the same manner. The female looks a bit like a spider. It will inject its eggs into the womb of another creature, usually a warm-blooded alien. I think I might've seen one in the compound on the refueling moon," She looked at me in a way that implied she'd seen more.

"There are lots of eggs, so many and so small that she essentially injects liquid. The mother is a brute and sometimes will kill the host and eat her before fertilization occurs. The male of the species looks considerably different. He will protect the host and, eventually, fertilize the eggs (which can remain unfertilized in the hosts body for months). Once fertilization occurs, gestation begins and birth occurs within one year." At first, I could barely follow what Dr. Alton was saying. Then I thought back...the spider on the moon...Rex...eggs? My hand jumped instantly to my stomach.

"I..." I began again, not sure what to think.

"The birth causes no harm to the host. In fact, the alien creatures born will consider her their mother. They require nurturing. They will follow her commands and the commands of the father."

"Creatures?" I asked, my mind reeling.

"Oh yes," Dr. Alton said, "A brood is usually between four and six creatures, usually twice as many males to females." Without waiting for questions, Dr. Alton turned and walked out of the room. I stood at the bridge with my hand on my stomach. My adventure was certainly not ending. In fact they had just gotten significantly weirder. Whatever happened next, I would no longer be in control and it would be scary. And for some, odd reason that I couldn't explain, I was happy about it. Maybe because I wouldn't be doing it alone. I smiled and walked from the bridge, searching out Rex to tell him the good news.

The End

Note: I honestly write so that I can hear the comments you all give. So please just tell me what you think. Even if it is just a sentence or two (though I always prefer more). Consider that your payment for a free story. And if you like this, I beg you to read my other stories and comment on them too. I know who my loyal readers are and I really appreciate you. Thanks!


P.S. I do one edit of my work and I try to be thorough. But I figure when it comes to handing out free erotica, you all would be better served getting it fast (if a little rough), than waiting for me to polish it like I was getting paid for my work. So, in short, I know there are some errors and I don't really care that much. Don't complain about the soundtrack in your porno, don't sweat the typos in your erotica. Thanks.


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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I really want to know what happens next. If you would do a sequel.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The thorough descriptions added so much depth. Incredibly well done. I love stories from the female 1st person perspective. You left it open for continuing chapters, please please add some more. Loved how it was a symbiotic relationship between Luna and Rex, too bad all relationships cant be like that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Great conclusion to an awesome series.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
My 2 cents

What a mind you have! I gave 5 stars to every installment. I really liked the characters and the story line. I liked the pace and emotions that you used. I look forward to reading more of your stories. Thanks for your time and imagination.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

What happens next? I am so curious. Will Rex and Luna be alright? What about the babies?

gunmakergunmakerover 6 years ago

OK. Now that I have read the whole series I can offer a comment. Well done. A lot of ways to go with this or just quit now. I liked them all.

JevandtierielJevandtierielalmost 7 years ago

And what a great ending. Loved the series and I would love to see more of this genre from you. Thank you for making them free.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

great story development, wonderful read

Thecooldood7Thecooldood7about 7 years ago
Best Ending! Hinting For more?

This is the best thing i have read in a long time. The mix of mind break, consent and coming to realisation of ones lust is perfect. I would love to see a continuation with new additions to the crew and see how they interact with the aliens. I feel a scene with the Dr. and Luna together with their "pets" would be out of this world!

Keep up the great work and good luck with future writing!

P.S. I would pay money to see this adapted into a manga or animation

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Good job.

I liked this series very much. Would love to read one with shemales and non-human. Thanks for your writing.

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