What Now


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"Seriously babe, that fucking guy believed it," he says 'fucking guy' like it was some insect beneath him he was ready to squash in a low growl.

I shake my head, "but who else would believe it?"

"we will figure it out Levi, it would be worse if we backtracked now and no doubt half campus and the whole of the LGBTQ community will know of it in the next few hours," he says.

He is definitely right. Dave was not known to keep tight lips and he was already texting while still retreating from our apartment.

"Fine I concede, but don't you think people with still question?"

He is quiet for a second and I just listen to the water slosh as he washed his body and will my dick to wilt.

"Ok.," he pauses again. "so, we need to have some appearances together to let people know that we now know our relationship is visible and we have no reason to hide it anymore."

"Ok, what does that mean for us?" I question hesitantly.

"Well, we already hang out together all the time Levi. We just have to add in some PDA, maybe a little ass groping and whatnot," he says with a chuckle in his voice. Yup, what hardness I wilted away came back full-blown. This ruse is gonna kill me.

"Fucking fine, I can do this, but can you...you know.... I am a guy Alex. I have more equipment than you are used to." Where is my confidence and why do I sound like a 12-year-old boy talking to his crush?

He pops his head outside the curtain and looks me up and down, "I know Levi, and I'm not worried about it, I am comfortable around you and it helps that you are fucking hot. I may not be into dudes, but I can appreciate a good body if I need to."

"Uuuhhh." I say, only because I did not know what to fucking say to that. What did he mean he thought I was hot? All I know is that PDA will be torture for me and an inconvenience for him.

You know what, fuck it, he started this game, then I am going to make the most of his delicious body.

As expected, rumors were flying around campus the next day. In class, out of class, in the quad, at the auditorium, you name it, there were constant whispers. Like, when the hell did everyone fucking know everyone that it could get around this quick? What's worse is that I could hear the whispers.

"Oh, I totally knew they were together, you didn't know...gasp" fucking liars.

Or, "really?! Oh, that makes so much sense..." Like seriously?

Even, "I heard they like to fuck straight couples to keep their relationship alive..."

What!? That was only one time...ok maybe it happened twice but still. Get a life people and why am I irrationally defensive about a fake relationship. All I know if we were in a relationship, we wouldn't need another couple to keep it alive damnit.

What concerned me though was the "oh really? I don't believe it, there it absolutely no way that's true..." To be caught in this type of lie would be embarrassing as hell. Fortunately, these naysayers were few and far in between.

Unfortunately, Alex's stalker Sharon among them and was having none of it. She often pestered him about why he would lie about something like this and that he was only about pussy. I also became the receiving end of her nasty glare. That bitch. In retaliation, we put plan two into motion and followed through with Operation PDA. It was one afternoon only a week after the Dave apartment incident that Operation PDA initiated. I was sitting in the campus coffee shop tying up a paper for a class when Alex and a girl walked in.

"Pre-relationship" this would not have been an issue but seeing as how everyone now knew we were supposedly 'in an open relationship' they thought it would be a spectacle to witness.

To them, there was this chick that was blatantly hanging onto 'my man' so there were numerous wide eyes that flickered back and forth between us too. If there was popcorn available, I am sure a number of the café occupants would have grabbed a bowl and pulled up a seat.

In the spirit of having an 'open' relationship, I looked straight at him once he noticed me and gave him a smile and a wink. Initially, his surprise morphed into a devilish grin. He removed the arm of the girl clinging to him and bent down and whispered something in which she looked at me with an awkward smile then he strode towards my table.

He pulls the chair next to me closer into my space and sits down with his legs spread towards me. Then he grips the side of my chair and turns it, with me still in it, so my knees nestle between his legs. Yea the sound of the turning chair against the floor turned what remaining heads that were not privy to what was happening. Great. He leans his head forward and says, "Hey babe."

Dear lord, this man will be the death of me.

"Hey," he says as he smooths his hands on both my thigh and leans closer. I do not know how I built the courage to enact what happened next. Maybe it was the eyes in the room. Maybe I wanted to prove a point. Or maybe, just maybe, it was because I was jealous of the chick that came into the café with Alex. For whatever reasons, I felt justified to cup both my palms on his cheeks and press my lips against his and allow the world to fall away.

It took half a moment to feel a response from him and Alex never does anything by halves. He sneaks in a tongue and all I can think is, boy the man can kiss. It's no wonder the ladies cannot get enough of him. When I feel the blood start rushing to my dick I press away, not wanting to be obscene in the middle of a coffee shop, and sigh.

He smooths his right hand up my thigh and around my hips and quickly squeezes my ass then states "baby, I'll see you tonight." He gets up and strides out with that little hussy running after him with wide-eyed disbelief. I turn back to my computer nonchalantly type nonsense as if seeing him with some chick and having him kiss me within an inch of my life is not something that would phase me. As if we were that comfortable in our supposed relationship.

Truly, I was horny as fuck, jealous as hell, and knew damn well I deserved an Oscar for my relaxed performance. What really peeved me though is that I don't know why I was jealous; I know he is straight, but the PDA was almost too much to handle. Additionally, being around him made me want to lay on my back or straddle his meaty thighs which was never a desire I had before.

'The coffee shop scene,' which it was now known as, made its way around campus before the time I even finished my paper on economics in the very same coffee shop. I guess the idea of two guys who dealt in gay and straight sex and heartbreak is a hot topic of idle gossip. The idea that we were in an open rule-based relationship seemed so crazy it was worthy of the top stories people wanted to discuss.

Now if you think that this hindered our ability to get tail, then you are wrong. Apparently, it became a status symbol to be able to fuck one of what was also now nicknamed the Lover Boys. We could not escape it if we tried.

It seemed guys and gals wanted to be a notch on the bedpost of the Lover Boys so they could talk about it. We were an item now, like Brangelina, and it was simply weird. Friends I have known since the start of college would ask if my boyfriend was coming with me to the club or to dinner out with them. It seemed weird to them to not do more as a couple with each other's separate friends since now the proverbial cat was out of the bag.

We started to do "couples" occasions to help stem the doubts, but these occasions seem to increase in PDA as time went on. Kisses on the cheek became pecks on the lips. Ass grabs became long hugs with more than a little rubbing. On one Friday night, weeks after our initial Dave incident, we both came out of our rooms after fucking our individual partners for the night. Said partners followed us out and there was an initial awkward interlude with the partners not wanting to stare at each other, or at us, and vice versa. We needed to ease the ridiculousness of the situation.

lex and I looked at each other and seemed to silently communicate what needed to happen. We slowly merged and engaged in a lip lock as I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he started feeling up my back and hips. Just like the Dave incident, we wanted to get them out of the apartment by making them feel like outsiders and it worked.

This became a thing. After our encounters with others, we would meet in the kitchen and make-out till they left. From these occasions, we initiated a rule we never talked about but always followed before. Rule number three: never let anyone spend the night.

To everyone else it was rule number four, 'never let anyone spend the night because that was only for the Lover Boys.' To them, the third rule involved my claimed ass and him not fucking other dudes. Unfortunately for me, the new number three/four became more solidified and real than being part of a ruse.

It was on one such post-coital make-outs that once again our relationship changed. It elevated or became more convoluted in its evolution in intimacy. We both had partners that had left during our kitchen interlude, but we were both clearly unsatisfied by our respective guests. I had not cum as my partner was too tired to continue and Alex was not completely satisfied as his partner was in his words 'not satisfying his needs.'

So here we were kissing well past the point of our partner's departure, both fully erect. In my need to get off, I started grinding into his hardon as his grip tightened on my ass. I was pushed against the fridge moaning and shivering due to being subdued by his brute strength as he grinded back into me.

His kisses went from languid to aggressive in a matter of moments and I could barely gasp as he grasps a nipple between two fingers and latches onto my neck in an attempt to renew his first hickey. I wanted to cum so bad and in the frenzy, my mind could only think of the sexual peak that waited for me. I pushed him off and slide to my knees. I grasped his dick through his boxers as I groaned while feeling its solid heft. I quickly shove them down and nearly get hit by his hard dick already leaking heavily with precum.

He smelled like man musk and latex and I wanted to take all of him. His hooded eyes stared down at me as I slowly opened my mouth and took him in. sucking till all I could taste with the sweet tangy milk that came from out of him.

Relaxing my throat, I tried to take down his hefty girth swallowing as much as I could. It was difficult but I was determined. I tried again and succeeded. Up until this point, his hands had fallen into his sides but raised up and intertwined in my hair helping to maneuver my head in a slow fucking rhythm. His groans ignited my body and set me on fire.

I wanted him, and his cum. I grasped his cheeks and increased the suction and rhythm. "Levi...I'm gonna cum" I heard him groan only to motivate me in my mission. Now with my reward insight, I gave it my all as he tightened his grip on my hair and gave it to me.

It was not long before shots of cum spewed in my mouth and throat as he fucked my orifice. I took everything to not gage but it meant everything to take it. When the final dribbles landed on my tongue, in what felt like an infinite amount of time later, he put his hands under my arms and lifted me up. He didn't hesitate to kiss my cum filled mouth, sharing the bounty he gave me.

He pulled away looking at me with hooded eyes before he wrapped a hand around my shaft, then lifted his free hand to slide a few fingers in my mouth giving me a lusty look. Slowly he pressed his lips back against mines replacing his fingers and immediately thrust his tongue into my mouth. Moving his lubricated fingers down to me as he gently pressed a one into my hole.

My body was lite aflame. Mimicking his tongue, he fingered my ass as I gasped and moaned into his mouth. Soon two fingers pressed in and he circled my cock again with his free hand firmly stroking it. It was not long after that my body gave into ecstasy. I pulled my head away, throwing it back, as I came with a fierceness, I never knew was capable. Barely able to stay on my feet I moved to rest myself against him as I vaguely felt his soft kisses pressed against my shoulders and neck.

I don't know how long we stayed there with me nestle into him, with my head resting against his shoulder, but it felt like forever. Slowly he pulled away and got us steady on our feet. He stepped back and looked down at the space between us. "Let's shower," he says quietly.

I exhale a breath I didn't know I held and followed him.

We showered, not touching, not truly interacting. However, in the strangeness, there was no awkwardness just a feeling, a tension, in the air that neither of us can give voice to.

After we dried and toweled off, we headed down the hallway till we got to the space that connected the doors between his room and mine. I looked up into his eyes and he looked down at me with an intensity I have never been subjected to. I open my mouth to speak then close it. Open again then shake my head.

"Alex..." I start.

He stops me with a few fingers to my lips. He pulls me into a hug, kisses the top of my head before he releases me.

"Let's talk in the morning," he moves towards his door, pauses but does not look back. Opens and closes the door without another word. I am stock still unsure of what to do or what to say. I eventually move into my room and lay on my back staring at the ceiling with only one question remaining in my mind, "what now?

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ILoveToReadGayStoriesILoveToReadGayStories3 months ago

Oh you’ve done a great job for your first story…WOW is it hot. I can’t wait to read the next chapter!

CuriousPeteCuriousPeteover 3 years ago

Great Story

Interesting concept and really hot. Looking forward to reading more. (2 & 3 are already posted). Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Original, enjoyable and red hot


AndBorMarAndBorMarover 3 years ago

This is excellent! You write pretty well. I am eager to read more of your stories!

Reader777Reader777over 3 years ago

Great story, very intense and hot and fun to read. Anxious to read chapter two. Thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This is so intense (in a good way)

Umm, this is great so far and I’m gonna need you to keep writing, please. I love how intense it is, there’s some real potential here.

Julie211Julie211over 3 years ago

Great job! What an amazing first story. I really liked it :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Now that was good, and you left us hanging

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago


Ninalove25Ninalove25over 3 years ago

Oh my god I was not expecting that level of intensity. I cannot wait for the next chapter! Please don’t keep us waiting too long!

OkidokieOkidokieover 3 years agoAuthor
On it!

No worries! I have Chapter 2 on it way! Thanks for the comments! I was super unsure of how my writing would be received and it definitely helps me push forward on the story line!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Great! Look forward fi what’s next.

nauticalstevenauticalsteveover 3 years ago

Can't wait for a continuation of this story...... HOT!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Damnnnn that was good! I agree please let there be more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Dare Not

Don't you dare stop here. Nothing makes me more irritated than really good stories that go unfinished. 'Nuf said.

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