All Comments on 'What Now? Ch. 01'

by DG Hear

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thebulletthebulletover 18 years ago
Good start

Good one. Just a question: how can the first Saturday in October be October 8th?

Other than that picky objection, good beginning to another cheating wife story.

SalamisSalamisover 18 years ago
I'm hooked

I will admit that when I read that this wife had three children by her lover and pawned them off on her husband I groaned and said 'not again'. This particular circumstance has been done much too often of late and I find it completely unrealistic.

However, you overcame my objections particularly since both the husband and his wife are planning their own surprises on the other. Both have been unfaithful and there really is not any true marriage here. However, the wife has taken her adultery to supreme limits so revenge is the only consequence I can foresee.

That may be the outcome but I am really enjoying the ride. I cannot wait for chapter two.

nightangel960nightangel960over 18 years ago
I('d kill her

That's just fucking wrong.. if that was me I would have kiled the bitch... 32 years. FUCK

patricia51patricia51over 18 years ago
To be honest...

This is another of the latest fad of stories. "Demonic wife" stories I call them. The woman is shown as basically evil, having other men's children at the drop of a hat and cheating the entire marriage. The story line generally is only about revenge, by a character that I don't like against a caricature that is not even human.

She discusses her plans on the phone? Stupidity must go along with being wicked, although she must have been fooling him for decades so he's not very bright either.

I enjoy reading an interesting cheating story, one with a plot and two characters who appear real. 3 decade affairs aren't. Give me RPSuch, HardDaysKnight, JakeWho; someone who can make me CARE about the characters.

Everyone seems on the latest bandwagon. Who can create the worst, nastiest, most indifferent and uncaring wife. I just don't care for them.

Not afraid to sign my name....

saw_man1saw_man1over 18 years ago

If before the reunion she hands him a letter stating that she wants a divorce, how is he going to be able to have the family in on the surprise at the reunion?

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
why not finish the story

in the last few months some writer want to tease the readers with short chapters,what up with that.i don't know about everybody else,but it piss me one of my favorite writers on this site,how long i don't know with this short chapter crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Where are we going?

Looks like we are on for another ride DG. I really like your stories, I never know what to expect. You always have a way of putting it together at the end. I don't really like waiting for chapters but figure that's what brings people back to your stories. Guess I could just wait till all parts are posted but who wants to wait. haha.

Anyway another good start. I'll be reading to the finish.

An avid reader

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Interesting start!

Not your run of the mill cheating wife stories. Be interesting to see where it goes. Right now you want to root for George but he doesn'seem to be the nicest fellow either. I read most of your stories, I know there has to be a twist somewhere. Just don't know what it might be. Hope it not long before postings. Not big on the wait. But I'll be there at the finish line. Good story.Bob

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Interesting But A Few Quibbles

I'm suspending disbelief on the circumstances of the story because the plot is interesting. I don't want to discourage writers who write stories instead of sex tableaus.

However,though the story was supposedly edited, there is very little use of quotation marks to indicate dialogue. Punctuation in straight-forward prose is basic. These conventions help order our thoughts and act like traffic signs for the reader. I'm not putting blame on anybody. I'm just hoping to see more attention to detail.

Maybe I'll give everybody a crack at criticizing my writing in the future, when I post a story. Fair is fair.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
I don't know who

cheated first, but two wrongs do make one right. A marriage is based on trust, love, loyalty and to many other things to mention. He should treat the kids as his even if they aren't, but he should kick his cheating wife out the door and sue her for divorce based on Adultery. Then he should get his lawyer to name Paul as the person that broke up their marriage and make him pay child support for the kids for all of those years. Since she does not have any hard evidence and he does, they both have jobs, he sould be given the lion's share of everything for her infidelity. Revenge is good, but it will be the children who will suffer the most because now there are grandchildren involved.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Too depressing for me

What is the point of writing a story about a guy who gets his life stollen from him? I like emotional stories and Im against happily ever after being forced in all circumstances, but what is the point of making this so damn depressing? You can have cheating & emotion without this. Who really cares what happens now?

The guy is fucked and his life is mostly gone no matter what happens to the wife, her lover and their kids. Dont matter if he gets millions from her lover, the kids hate them both and the wife is depondent. Whatever happens now the husband still got the shit end of the stick. Would have been nicer if the wife had just smothered him while he was asleep or something.

Just my opinion and it doesnt seem to be shared. Still like your stories even if this one is a bit too dark and depressing for me. Thanks for writing.

wetapapwetapapover 18 years ago
trying to

figure out who is going to get who in this story. Pertaining to revenge that is. There are so many possibilities, which door do we choose. The wife did it all on purpose because of his cheating? The wife did it all on purpose because she knew he didn’t really love her? She has already told the kids the truth, and it will be a reverse surprise? The blood test will come back showing the kids are really his? The blood test will come back showing that the kids are not his, but Paul had a vasectomy thirty years ago? She’ll ask for a divorce, the kids will hate her, and Paul will dump her all over again? He goes to the reunion and picks up a hooker and gets laid, she gets laid by Paul, then Paul dumps her, they both decide they are losers, say what the hell, and walk off into the sunset holding hands? Now you see why I don’t write stories. Can’t wait to see where the author takes this one, but knowing his work, I’ll bet it is good. A fan always.

EffectEffectover 18 years ago
Depressing yeah

You know, the wife's friend says the husband's cheated yet we don't even know if that's true. How many stories have we've seen where the wife thinks the husband has cheated by being presented with vague evidence or evidence that leads to a misunderstanding, especially if she never ever confronts the husband to see if any of it is true and it turns out he's helping a friend, another couple(credit card bills for a present for example or trip), it's a family member that isn't accepted, etc.

Even if he did cheat, the proper thing to do is to confront him, want out of the relationship, or if two wrongs make a right cheat yourself. The second you try to pass off another mans child as your husbands or boyfriends things get taken to the extreme and there is no excuse in the world that can be made to justify that course of action. Even if the woman was really wrong, it kills any type of feeling that might have been gained for the woman. That is truely something that can't be undone but not only hurts the husband but will destory the children as well and the mothers relationship with them. They won't know how to deal with the man they thought was their father(especially if they have kids of their own and might cause doubts there), they'll most likely hate their mother for the rest of her life or if they don't they'll be distant, killing the closness of a family, and the husband most of all has his entire life destoryed.

One my favorite stories is True and Eternal where this was done but in there it was a good thing since the husband that found out in the end was a real ass (insert other things) to begin with and had been for years so you kinda felt he had it coming, especially after he was found hitting his wife and oldest daughter. The only time where that situation made sense cause it was fully explained. Not like that here it seems.

As depressing as this is I want to see how it plays out. If the cheating the husband is said to have done is true I still hope things work out of him. I don't think there could be a greater pain caused by finding out your children aren't yours and people you thought were friends knew about it.

Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Husband did admit to cheating

for 15 years when he wasnt getting sex at home. The wife had cut him off and had been having an affair, including having another man's children, for their entire marriage. I dont see how he is even remotely in the same league as the wife because of it and I dont see how they (wife and her friend) can be mad because of it. All his cheating does is make it a slightly less depressing. At least he was only sitting around playing the faithful husband while she laughed at him for 17 years instead of 32.

BTW, my comments are both contingent on this not being some kind of sting by the wife. It might seem far-fetched if it was though given the facts the PI dug up regarding the reunions going back 20 years (providing she hasnt really been rooming with Paul and there is an innocent explanation).

Anyway, I guess I was too harsh in my first comment. It seems that I jumped the gun. Maybe the husband is the bad guy and the author led me into my initial reaction. Maybe it will turn out George was a hound for years and years and is the bad guy and this is all some kind of revenge by the wife and that she's been waiting for the youngest kid to leave home. If its like you wrote and there isnt a twist though, I will stick with my original 'too depressing' sentiment.

Jorel1455Jorel1455over 18 years ago
Love those reunions

Great start to a better than average story - keep up the good writing

SuznbabySuznbabyover 18 years ago
I Want More

WOW..I am ready for more...want to see her when her entire family shows up...

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago

that the DNA shows that he is the father instead of that asshole paul. I hope he gets his revenge. I hope that the kids hate thier whore mother. Hope she gets what she deserves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Do The Math!

I love your stories. Here are my comments:

Married - 32 years

George Jr - 29 years (Age of oldest child)

Affair with Paul - 28 years

Dot - 18 years (Age of youngest child)

It would seems that the marriage did not go critical until the birth of George Jr. Then George got into these one night stands and the wife started this affair with Paul (after she found out about George's one-nighters probably from Dixie). She realized that the best thing she could do in this loveless marriage is to raise the kids and then leave George. Once again the other couple knowing George recognized that he would not or could not change saw the divorce as the best solution. I am not saying that the wife is right (because she is not) but sometimes you have to play the cards you are dealt.

My question is given the above how is George getting revenge by being a loving husband (something he should have been doing from the beginning)?


Average-JoeAverage-Joeover 18 years ago
Sorry for commenting again but

I did do the math and I did read the story. I fail to see how the ages of the kids have anything to do with anything except as added emphasis that the wife has cheated for at least 30 years (but we already know that).

"You cheat on your husband for thirty-two years, you have three children fathered by a former lover and you think that you're husband suspects something and will treat you like gold."

I cant see how the 'do the math!' take on things will ever fit what is written no matter how many twists come up. Im not saying it would be impossible to make George into the bad guy here because its possible that the phone calls are staged for George's benefit. If they are, then there are a few things I dont know how the author will explain:

- wife rooming with Paul at the reunions for at least 20 years (maybe an explanation for this such as a friend with a house in town or something)

- her conversation re: how strange George was acting. Even if she knew he was listening, this conversation will seem to just be a double plus false trail to make the reader think something (rather than the wife doing what is necessary to fool the husband & set up her revenge).

If this isnt some elaborate scheme to get George to make a fool of himself, then George's cheating is only there to make his life a little less pathetic and doesnt really make the wife any more sympathetic or her actions any less despicable.

A more likely take on the story and wife's actions is that she really has been screwing Paul for her entire marriage, the kids are all really his and she cut off her husband from sex after she finished bearing Pauls kids because she didnt need to make him think he was responsible for any pregnancies. Now that her rube has done the job of paying for her raising her kids, she is going to divorce him on the grounds of cheating because she doesnt think he knows about her affair. This take makes her pretty much evil as far as I can see and no ending will allow George to get his wasted years back or let him have kids of his own (therefore depressing imo).

If the kids are George's and he didnt start cheating until after they were all born and they had quit having sex (not saying this would justify his cheating), then he likely deserves whatever the wife has cooked up.

Either way, the only significance in the children's ages seems to be that the youngest is 18. Seems like the wife has either been waiting till he finished raising the cuckoos, or has been waiting till the children were gone so she could divorce him for cheating.

Whatever happens in part 3, it seems that one of them is going to be suprised :)

don87654don87654over 18 years ago
Intriguing--And Only Natural

Can hardly wait until the reunion when everyone is there.

DG HearDG Hearover 18 years agoAuthor
I love the comments!

This is DG Hear. I love the comments, that is why I leave it open. To give the readers a chance to voice their opinions. You have some great ideas, to bad the whole story all 3 chapters has been submitted. Some of you got it right, others to so good. Anyway thanks for the comments. OH! the age difference of the kids is 29,24,18, the 18 yr old hasn't had her birthday yet. But 5 yrs apart. Minor issue I hope. Enjoy the rest of the story, and do comment, it's fun for all of us, I hope?

Thank you

DG Hear

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
kick her ass

hope he gets child support for all three kids and damages ..maybe divorce wont be so much fun for his wife then...get her good the lying bitch

sherlock40sherlock40over 18 years ago
I really can't get worked up over anything here

She cheated on him for all those years, but he hasn't been exactly a paragon of virtue. They have both had other people in their marriage. I can see them splitting quite readily now that the youngest child is 18 and going off to college. I would be a little angry about having to pay for everything. I would go through the courts to get some kind of renumeration from the other guy, though.

She obviously doesn't love him and never has, it is time for him to dump her and move on to a better life. It would be nice to get some kind of revenge, but he isn't the most trustworthy guy either.

A super-betrayal story, becoming more popular with some of the authors.

cageyteecageyteeover 18 years ago
I'm assuming there is a class reunion ,

I'm assuming there is a class reunion every 5 years! I'm interested enough to be looking for the next chapters.

Thanks for your time, effort and talent. I enjoy reading your work!

MinigalesMinigalesover 18 years ago
Something Is not Right

The ages of the three kids who we were told the DNA showed they were true blood siblings are:

29, 24, 18.

He says she had been cheating on him for 28 years. Dixie says to Dorothy that she had been cheating on him for 32 years.

The story through Dorothy's tone suggests that the love birds have been meeting only on reunions.

How does this make sense?

If she had been cheating for 28 years, the age of the oldest is 29 and the kids are true siblings, then they are all his. That does not make sense with what Dixie and Dorothy said on the phone.

If the kids are Paul's and they have only been meeting on reunions then there ages have to be: 29, 24, 19 - a kid conceived at every reunion. They all should have been born around the beginning of July. In that case she has been cheating for thirty years not 28.

Another thing about the divorce. Analyzing the first call George evesdropped at and the one the divorce is mentioned, we find out that the divorce was planned some time between those calls and George did not catch it on tape. If she had already planned to give him the divorce when she leaves to the reunion, she would not care whether he decided to come with her.

Since George relates the story after the fact, we have to assume that she really cheated on him for 28 years only or he was a moron that could not count.

I hope the author can somehow tie these loose things together and make an interesting story out of it.

I always read your stories. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Good beginning!

I like the start, for there are many avenues down which this story can go.

Awaiting chapter 2

My best regards.

DeadWouldDeadWouldover 18 years ago
And all the kids are tall

and have red hair??

OOOPS, sorry, that's Tail End Pete's story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Life isn't fair

Personally Your one of my favorite writers in Literotica. You and a couple of other writers try to point out the reality of life. I like the revenge route better then the wimp husband route. I went to a funeral a couple of years ago. His wife had cheated on him for 18 years. Everyone knew it but him. We all assumed he was ok with it. He put a bullet in his head the day he found out. I want to see George get his revenge before she hands him the papers. In a nutshell life is unfair. This is reality.

gizzmo301gizzmo301over 18 years ago

Great story love it

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
nice.. roll on part 2

Nice to see this not following the usual cuckold wimp line. As someone's who's been there I can assure everyone it ain't no big turn on!

I am guessing but I think Dorothy was lying about George's affairs to cover herself in her friend's eyes. Should lead nicely to her undoing I hope.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Do the Math! II

Minigales restates my earlier comment regarding the ages of the children. I suspect that the children are George's if for no other reason than to give George one less reason to contest the divorce. Also if the reunions are the only "special time" with Paul given that he lives in Michigan and she lives in Ohio it is highly improbable that three encounters would hit the bulleye three times (i.e. three kids).

As to his life being "wasted" he got out of his life exactly what he put into it (i.e., the kids appear to have had a great childhood). I can't wait for Chapter 2!


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Can't wait for the final revelation

This is a brilliant story which is keeping me on the seat of my pants. The outcome could go anyway. Wonder what the kids will say? Will Joe stay a best friend ? What about Dixie? May not be a divorce! None of us can be sure what is in the writer's mind - may be another twist yet - the divorce letter was a surprise. We are in heart attack country here, and there could be quite a bit of sobbing or relief. The story is cranked up for an explosive ending.

It's not about how well a story is written, it's about how you feel when you read it. I'm feeling mighty pleased I took the time to read this far.

bornagainbornagainabout 17 years ago
the destruction of Dot

I know George only had one night flings but dot has been doing it for thirty three years that is not forgivable and i hope george sticks it to paul and dot up there ass.

with a red hot poker.



AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
Good story

I always enjoy your stories and this one is a real different tale. However, the initial pages are very weak in explaining why he suspects something. No tip off on conversation with Dixie, yet he goes crazy with expensve private detectives etc.because he's so convinced his wife has been cheating. Turns out he's right ,of course, but initial reason for suspicion is lacking.

the Ct. Yankee

0649d0649dover 13 years ago
this would be an interesting story..

I'm wondering how they got into this mess. Who cheated first? And what was their sex-life like? If she cheated because she wasn't giving him sex and he went off to find it elsewhere, then I'd be dead-set to get revenge on her, cos if she's willing to have sex with a stranger (or someone outside of the marriage), why not with her husband?? (as one author on Lit. wrote.) Nonetheless, either way it's a sad story.. the husband who is a cheater, and the wife who is evil

McheleMcheleover 13 years ago

I think you need a new editor. Your first paragraph has a typo!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

some read for content others read for technical shi*. Now a newspaper or other professional copyright editor reads the article, the first time from back to front word at a time (there and their) look ok to spell check.the next reading is for the "story" and for flow and content lastly as a review.

I seriously any of the editors here are "professional proofreaders" in the sense of written media, they are here to help the writers make their stories.

If you dont like mispelled or misused words, go read the dictionary.

PS would have logggged in but cannot remember pass woid

norcal62norcal62over 13 years ago
Sure wish more LW authors could write complete sentences.

Hate to blame only one culture for this common fault but you probably know who you are.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago


betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 11 years ago

I hate fucking cheaters. But having children with someone other than your husband is ultimate betrayal. Both are filthy fucking lowlife cheaters. What now? Chapter 2.

HA Ha ha

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Great setup and story intro!

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3over 11 years ago
Get ready

to go NUCLEAR. Yes.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Enjoyed it

Thanks for the offering.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Kill her

His life is totally wasted. Three decades of marriage, kids that aren't his. He didn't even get to procreate. The cunt needs to be drowned.

semofuncpl3semofuncpl3about 10 years ago
If he cheated

as it states, then there is no need for revenge is there. They are already even. Surely he doesn't have double standards.

TavadelphinTavadelphinabout 10 years ago
No Shit -

Wait it is all shit!

He is full of it - he cheats for years

She is full of it - she cheats for years and sticks him with the kids - truly vicious.

Now we destroy 3 innocent children's lives, dreams, history, and futures - whooppee

KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

No, not exactly even.

She has been having an AFFAIR for almost their entire marriage, having her lover's children.

He has been having one-night stands for 17-18 years to make up for the sex she wasn't giving him. I'm not saying that excuses him, but they wouldn't have happened if she had been taking care of business.

kdcee79kdcee79over 9 years ago
Good read

Your normal good read again DGH, don't know how you can continually turn out high standard stories; sure, some are excellent & others not so but overall you're one of the better writers on this site. Pity you can't teach your writing skills to many of the lesser writers. Enjoyed this & let's face it that what we readers should get from most stories. Thanks, a good start . 4 ****

Tim413413Tim413413about 9 years ago

Paul and Joe are best friends? Sounds like Joe needs revenge on at least four people. A very nice set up. Don't know how the divorce letter will affect Joe's plans. But, now that he needs revenge on four, he needs to change his plans anyway.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 9 years ago
Second Read

Okay she's been cheating for most of the marriage and, according to her, the kids are her lovers. Now what is the betrayed husband thinking? On to ch. 2....

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

As others have said, she and Dixie talk about "all of his cheating", while SHE'S been having an affair for almost the entire marriage, and has apparently foisted her lover's kids off on her husband!

Ib_SaysIb_Saysalmost 8 years ago
Did George also cheat?

His reaction is kinda missing to that little nugget, as well as the reveal that his supposed friend Joe is in on it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
4 Stars for the story... Zero stars for the stupid mistakes in spelling.


She was devastated, and just kept mopping (the word is MOPING... mopping is what you do to a floor) around....

When I first seen her I fell head over heals (the word is spelled HEELS.... heals applies to medicine) for her.

I got these two examples from the fourth paragraph of this chapter. I’m not going to copy and paste the hundreds of other fuckups that I’m sure I’ll find in this story but why don’t you consider expanding YOUR OWN EDUCATION so that you don’t have to rely on others? Others ALWAYS let you down.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

The premise of the story was good but you screwed it up by having George Cheating because "he wasn't going to go without"! The story would have had a greater impact, but as it is, they're just two of a kind, so the story is just ho hum!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Good start

The story plot is real good, though I'm not sure about Geoge cheating aspect.

I gave this 5 stars because the plot is so good BUT there are distractions within the text. There are some inconsistent word tense and some misplaced words within some sentences. These are reading distractions that "interup" (note special mistake) the smooth flow of the story.

I don't know if it's just me but little things like that just jump out at me when I'm reading.

I can't wait to get to chapter 2.

sas6446sas6446almost 6 years ago

The story would have been FAR BETTER if he had been faithful!

The_NexusThe_Nexusover 5 years ago
George cheating

George cheating in this story really makes the reader not care what happens to him. If it weren't for that fact this would be a good story.

PowersworderPowersworderover 5 years ago

I disagree about the story being better if the husband had stayed faithful for 32 years... that would make this story a total tragedy, with the husband feeling like the biggest fool in the world.

The wife obviously never loved George and was cheating on him their entire marriage. Their sex life tailed off to basically nothing, which again was entirely her fault. After putting up with that shit for 17 years, George finally cracked and started having one-night stands just to get some kind of sexual release (he said he'd only been doing it for the last 15 years). I certainly can't blame the poor guy for that... Dorothy willfully neglected him, so he went elsewhere.

As it is, the story is still desperately sad, because George has been in a loveless marriage for his entire life. All because Dorothy was a selfish, deceitful cunt (even going as far as having another man's bastards!).

Looking forward to part 2, I hope that bitch burns...

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Good first

Seems to be a lot going on here. What's this about.him cheating?

rfnks2002rfnks2002over 5 years ago

Well I can see the cheating on each other but when you put the kids in the middle its not good. What kind of man plants his seed in another mans wife the has him raise his kids. What a PUSS.

wrangler61wrangler61almost 5 years ago
2 cheaters

Both cheaters deserve each other

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
his cheating?

If he had not been cheating he would look like a complete chump, played for a fool in a loveless, sexless marriage, raising another mans children.

He cheated less than half as many years as she did, and only as a reaction to her withholding sex from him; never mind love, that was off the table from go.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Lost interest, I won't be reading the rest of this snoozefest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Why would she wait thirty-two years to divorce him.?

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Again,great first chapter. This is one soulless , cheating, whore.

robroy93robroy93about 4 years ago

I hate cheaters, especially married ones. This Dorothy is a real cold bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
He is a cheater too. I really don't feel bad for him

They deserve each other. The kids however don't.

WillowghbyWillowghbyabout 3 years ago
How Interesting!

My calendar does not allow "Oct. 8th, first Saturday in Oct." Did DG toss us a hand grenade to see if we were awake?

whateverittakeswhateverittakesabout 3 years ago

Some best friend Joe is. Thirty two years of covering for her?

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Reading again. Dorothy perfectly fits Legio’s acronym of CUNT. What a bitch.

MarkT63MarkT63almost 3 years ago

Hate the bitch... BTB!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Not SEEN, it is saw. Seen requires a modifier, eg. ' was, had, will have, was. ' "he was SEEN, She had SEEN it, Tomorrow I will have SEEN." NEVER I seen!!! NEVER: he, she, or it, SEEN. The use of 'I SEEN' makes no sense.

Prairieboy3gWMPrairieboy3gWMover 2 years ago

I couldn't get through the first few paragraphs wrought with gammatical and spelling errors. 'Omegazone', your editor should have put it through the typewriter age more times then proofread it a few more. It's not just a few errors that bother me. Its when it's rife with errors that I just drop the story after so many good stories, it just becomes tiresome - yawn. Sorry! I'm giving it a pass.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Why would the reader want to care about a husband with a long record of cheating being upset that the wife was cheating…..and HIS cheating was NOT in reaction to her cheating he didn’t know about?


2 **

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Idiot, I'm referring to the author.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Start the fire And make it hot

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Excellent intro. I'd like George to invite Paul's wifer to the anniversary fest.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

WONDERFUL AS USUAL!!. Hope Dorothy gets hers, she's a professional whore, married to one guy, having another man's kids and lets her husband raise them. Not only a whore, but a piece of shit!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What crap. So our hero, George, admits he has cheated on his wife many times, but he’s all upset when he discovers she has cheated on him. These two scum balls deserve each other.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Absolute shit, as usual, from the worst author ever to defile the storage capacity for this website.

WillowghbyWillowghby11 months ago

Many thanks to the Anony (6/15/23) who gave such a glowing review to this 2005 story. Yep. Published almost 20 years old and he/she/they is just now ramping up the disclosure of his/her/their opinion on this little shorty. I especially like the complete description provided which identifies exactly WHAT he/she/they didn't like, and WHY. Nothing like good old, healthy, intelligent interchange of ideas and logic.

(For anyone who is unclear, this is complete sarcasm.)

While I avoid singling out any single commenter, this one just had to be highlighted.



AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

All in all the karmic balance is way against her, so BTB and may it hurt.

bobareenobobareeno5 months ago

Reread this and upped my score a star.

AnonymousAnonymous19 days ago

“Don't get the idea that I am this wonderful guy that never cheated on his wife. I had sex outside my marriage. “


This sucked all the reason to sympathize with the MC right out of the story. Who wants to read about 2 assholes?


3 **

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userDG Hear@DG Hear
I want to thank all the readers who read and comment on my stories. If anyone would have told me 8 yrs ago (now it's 16 yrs ago) I would be writing stories (on an adult web site) I would have laughed at them. Thank you so much for the feedback and comments. It's what keep m...


What Now Series Info