What the Hell is a Yoni Massage?


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Maybe I was in the wrong for viewing any of this as sexual. If I got a hard on at the urologist I would hardly consider that a handjob, but I definitely wouldn't be eager to tell my wife.

I continued to listen, unseen by my wife and friends.


"Oh my god," Erica said, fanning herself with her hands. "Maybe it's just the hot water, but you have me wishing I was on a massage table right now."

"Tell me about it. It never gets old," Alison giggled. "Sometimes, when I have had a really stressful week, Jack will barely have the door to the massage room closed before I am ripping off my clothes and hopping onto the table since I need that tension release so badly."

She leaned in closer to Jack, who smiled and began rubbing her arm lightly.

"I need more details," Karen said plainly, an affronted stare darting between Alison and Jack's eyes. "So what exactly does the yoni massage entail once you're naked and lying on the table?"

"Well, first, I will ensure you're relaxed," Jack explained. "I'll make sure the temperature is comfortable, turn down the lights, and maybe put some soothing music on."

"That's all basic stuff," Karen retorted, splashing Jack playfully from across the hot tub. "What is a yoni massage like? What would you do to me specifically?"

"Okay, okay," Jack said, his smile broadening. "The fundamental principle is to move slowly and intentionally. I'll typically work my way from your breasts down the stomach or up from your thighs, slowly massaging toward your yoni. I'll read your body language to see if you want me to continue."

"I will," Karen said invitingly, urging him to continue his explanation.

"From there, I will place my palm directly onto you, cupping your vulva firmly," Jack explained. "I'll hold it there for a while so you can feel the warmth of my hand against your body, and then I will begin pressing my palm against you, rotating in slow circles to promote blood flow and increase sensitivity."

"You'll really touch my pussy then?" Karen asked almost breathlessly, swallowing hard as a deep red set into her cheeks.

"It's almost annoying," Alison added, crinkling her nose at Jack.

"Alison here can be a bit impatient," Jack mocked, jostling her with his arm that was still wrapped around her. "After all these years, she prefers I get right to it. Of course, it's her time, and I will always cater the experience to the client."

"What does 'getting into it' look like?" Erica asked, an eager, almost hungry inflection in her voice.

"Well," Jack began, clearing his throat as he resumed the lesson. "If a client begins to show signs of tension build-up, such as getting wet while I massage between her legs, I might run a finger between her labia a few times, up and down in very slow motions, from her opening up to her clitoris and back down. From there, I will gently ease a finger inside and read her body language to see what she needs."

The women were transfixed on Jack as he elaborated on his technique.

"If I can tell she is resonating with my touch, I will begin massaging her from the inside with gentle come-hither motions. I'll slowly bring my other hand up and begin tracing gentle circles over the clitoris with my fingers to address any clitoral tension while I massage the g-spot."

"Alison," Karen whispered weakly, her mouth slightly agape. "You've been doing this for years? Like, it's totally normal?"

Erica remained silent, though she was clearly hanging on every word. She was red from her cheeks down to her chest, her breasts heaving with heavy breathing where they sat at the surface of the bubbling water.

"It's a completely legitimate therapy, and he is well trained in the practice of yoni massage," Alison assured her friend. "I look forward to it all week."

"You're my best customer," Jack joked, smiling broadly. "Alison has referred a lot of people to me over the years, but I am happy that she has stayed on as a client. She always lets me practice new techniques, which helps me grow as a practitioner, with yoni and other therapy forms."

"What other techniques do you use on Alison?" Karen asked, clearly still flustered.

"There's absolute therapist/patient confidentiality," Jack replied plainly. "I am happy to elaborate, but that's really up to Alison."

"I don't mind," Alison said sheepishly, a shy smile taking over her expression. "Working with Jack has been a great experience. It has really brought me out of my shell in a lot of ways. The yoni therapy has definitely helped my sex life with my husband, as I've really connected with my own body. Sometimes Jack challenges me to step out of my comfort zone, but only when he knows it will offer me a lot of benefit, so I always trust him."

"You've been skeptical before," Jack replied with a wry smile.

"And you've proved yourself to be right every time," Alison responded matter-of-factly.

"Wh- what kind of..." Erica stuttered, still breathing heavily as her eyes danced across Jack's toned physique. "What kind of techniques are you talking about?"


I was as shell-shocked as Erica from where I stood, just out of sight. I wasn't sure that I wanted to hear anything else about my wife's therapeutic visits to the massage parlor, but in a curious and drunken stupor, I couldn't pull myself away.

"Well," Alison led in with a giggle, "I have been going to Jack for a decade, so I've been the guinea pig for a lot of techniques. I remember one time he suggested using a vibrator while he did the yoni massage. Naturally, I always saw vibrators as sex toys, not therapeutic tools, so I was hesitant. But I agreed, and he started massaging me from the inside with two fingers while he held the tip of the vibrator against my clitoris, and..."

Alison shook her head in embarrassment, her cheeks beginning to flush as she scooted slightly away from Jack in the hot tub.

"I can't believe I'm talking about this," she exclaimed before pausing to inhale. "I ended up having an orgasm from the energy release almost instantly. I was squeaking and moaning and crying, but all I was shouting was 'yes,' so he kept going. I was dizzy when I left that day!"

"No way," Karen said incredulously, though a smile betrayed her tone. "Jack, you use vibrators on clients? Like an actual vibrator? To give them an orgasm?"

"If they are open to the idea, I will use tools to facilitate a release," Jack admitted. "It's no different than a massage therapist using hot stones, cupping, or acupuncture. It's just one of the tools of the trade."

"I don't know," Erica said sheepishly. "I'm not opposed to the idea of trying a massage like this, but it does seem kind of sexual. I mean, it is a sex toy. I'm worried my husband would blow a gasket."

"There is some stigma, true," Jack agreed calmly, stretching his arms above his head before relaxing further into the water. "Most of my clients find that it actually improves their intimacy, as it helps you learn what your body responds to. I've even taught some classes to men on how to perform therapeutic yoni techniques on their wives. There is a sensual energy side to yoni massage, but I primarily consider it therapeutic and medical."

"Jack has helped me remove the stigma from certain techniques and learn the benefit of them," Alison said in agreement, playing with her wet hair and darting an eye toward the house almost nervously.

"I had no idea that this type of hands-on therapy was available for women," Karen stated in disbelief. "I wish I had known about this years ago."

"Again," Jack said, "I feel out what is needed, and it varies with each client. Some yoni practitioners only use hands, some use vibrators. If they are very comfortable with a client and there is a lot of trust, some therapists will even incorporate oral stimulation. It really depends on the client/therapist relationship and how they connect. It's deeply personal and completely confidential."

There was an audible gasp from Erica and Karen, and Alison sunk deeper into the water with a bright blush on her face, though it was evident that she was fighting down a smile.

"You haven't..." Erica said, awestruck and in disbelief.

Alison giggled and bit her lip before nodding hesitantly, earning a shriek of surprised laughter from her friends.

"It's not like that," Alison said, embarrassment on her lips. "It took me a while to warm up to the idea of incorporating oral techniques into the massage because I thought the same thing that you're thinking right now. When Jack first mentioned trying a new technique, I naturally agreed. We were in the middle of a pretty intense hands-on yoni massage, and I wasn't thinking straight. When he suddenly positioned his head between my legs..."

Alison took a deep breath before continuing.


"I was a little shocked," she said earnestly. "I didn't react at the start because I was so wrapped up in the massage, but then his tongue made contact with my yoni, and I was completely frozen. Jack picked up on my hesitation and eased me back into the moment by slowly sliding a finger into me, a standard technique he uses in our sessions. He continued to use his tongue in the same slow way he always uses his hands."

"The first few times he incorporated oral techniques into our sessions, I was reluctant, but he suggested that we keep trying it at the end of the massage, even if we had to go over our appointment time. I would just lay there for half an hour thinking to myself, oh my god, one of my best friends is basically sucking on my clit while fingering me."

"Part of me was hesitant to just let him lick my pussy, but eventually, I did some research on yoni massage and found that it actually was one of the techniques that practitioners use to help ease tension. Once I realized that it was totally normal and therapeutic, I didn't feel so weird about it. Eventually, it became my favorite part of the massage, and I started looking forward to it every week. It got to the point where we would spend the entire 60-minute appointment on oral relaxation."


Jack was nodding in agreement as Alison spoke. Erica and Karen were both visibly flustered.

"You're doing this oral therapy every week?" Karen asked in disbelief.

"Yes," Alison replied, without hesitation now. "Honestly, I don't know how I would get through my week without it. It's the perfect way to start my weekend completely relaxed and stress-free. Sometimes I even have to go in for an SOS session after a hard day at work or if I'm just feeling overwhelmed."

"It's a great way to relax during high-anxiety times in your life," Jack agreed. "Once Alison realized the benefits, she couldn't get enough. I was still practicing my techniques, and she happily volunteered to help. I think you were coming in 3 or 4 times per week at the beginning, right Alison?"

"Try 6 or 7," Alison remarked, sticking her tongue out at Jack playfully. "His clinic was close to my office, so for a few weeks, I was going in for a quick appointment during lunch or right after work, and sometimes both. I wasn't going to say no to free massages. I got absolutely addicted to them for a while."

"You know," Alison added, "I probably still would be if your friends and family discount was better."

Alison emphasized her jest by elbowing Jack in the arm teasingly. He laughed and flicked some water at her in response.

"My time is valuable," Jack said with a shrug. "I keep my client list very short so that I can build a good relationship with them. Most of them keep coming back for years, just like Alison."


I continued to stand in the dark kitchen, just out of sight, frozen in indecision. I was torn between a dozen different thoughts. On the surface, I was in shock that one of my oldest friends had essentially been eating my wife's pussy for the past decade. I wanted to strangle him.

On the other hand, Alison was openly talking about how much these appointments helped her. She had always struggled with anxiety, and it's true that she always felt much better right after her massage appointments. For that reason alone, I even encouraged her to continue getting them frequently over the years. How the hell was I supposed to know what a "yoni massage" was?

I couldn't believe how casually they were discussing all of this, and it started to give me some doubts about whether what they were doing was shady or if this really was some crazy new therapy method. Hell, I have had a few married friends who have talked about going to massage parlors for happy endings, and I never chastised them for it. I had even been tempted to try one myself a few times.

I made a mental note that, at the worst, I was free to get the info on which massage place my friends were using and book myself a visit since it's apparently "normal."

As much as I wanted to go out and make a scene, this was also my only opportunity to listen in on an honest explanation of what was happening, and I didn't want to waste that. I continued to peer around the door frame as they discussed these therapeutic rendezvous.


"I cannot believe this is normal," Erica murmured, shaking her head. "I agree with you 100%, though. I always feel like I have this tense energy that I don't know how to get rid of, and I'd love to try something like this."

"Everything is energy," Jack mused in a lecturer's tone. "Both good energy and bad energy can be manipulated and channeled. A skilled practitioner will be able to work that tension into something positive, and it might even teach you new ways of channeling anxiety and stress into something beneficial."

"I'm just still having trouble wrapping my mind around this," Karen interjected. "I know I probably have to experience it to know what you're talking about, though."

"I had trouble at first, too," Alison said comfortingly. "But after I had worked through my tension in a new way with Jack, I was hooked. After all these years, we have incorporated basically every type of healing. Aromatherapy, a little acupuncture, penetrative massage techniques, tantric massage, partnered yoga, nutrition... You name it."

"You didn't just say what I think you said," Erica bellowed with an expression of complete shock. "What does that mean? What is penetrative massage? Are you still talking about fingers?"

"Are you comfortable talking about this, Alison?" Jack asked earnestly, earning an agreeable nod from Alison.

"Well, I usually don't discuss too many particulars," Jack said hesitantly, "I can tell that you're both open-minded, though."

"On the opposite side of trauma is healing, and on the opposite side of anxiety is confidence. When you're feeling any kind of sexual anxiety, it's possible to embrace that and transform it into confidence with the right techniques."

Jack continued as Karen and Erica listened, captivated by his words.

"Some women prefer hands-on techniques, while others benefit from more intimately penetrative massage. It's important to remember that this, just like all of the other yoni techniques, is 100% therapeutic and deeply personal. But if you're feeling a deep tension or anxiety, it can be a powerful tool to help overcome that."

"You mean-" Karen swallowed her question hard. "You're talking about, like, actual sex with your clients?"

"It's very different from sex how you're thinking about it," Alison chimed in. "It's not sex like you would have with your husband. This isn't about orgasms, or making a baby, or meeting a quota, or any of those things that you think about sex. It's just..."

Alison looked toward Jack for clarification.

"It's just part of a healing and rejuvenating process," He added. "Alison is right that it's not really sex, in the way you would think. Like any tantric healing technique, this is medical, spiritual, and relaxation-focused. There aren't strings attached to it like there are with sex. Different techniques are used, the pace is extremely slow, and the focus isn't on two people achieving orgasm. It's 100% about aligning you with the natural energy of your yoni and addressing any inner trauma, anxiety, or tension. This often manifests as an orgasm, which isn't a bad thing, but that's not the point. It's just how the tension release manifests physically."

"Are you telling me that you and Jack have actually had sex as part of a massage?" Erica demanded, clearly shaken by the notion, though a perceptible hunger was building in her tone.

"Absolutely not," Alison said, shaking her head dismissively. "For one, it's not sex; that's just a taboo and only shows half the picture. And I prefer the hands-on and oral movements when I am getting a yoni massage. I'm not at all opposed to the idea of penetrative healing methods, I'm not a total prude, but they just don't work as well as the other techniques for me."

"But-" Karen added almost pleadingly, "how would you know if you hadn't tried it?"

"Well," Alison started, repositioning herself in the water as she took a moment to consider her words. "We have incorporated some penetrative methods before, but ultimately decided to go in another direction with my care plan."

Erica and Karen stared at Alison, obviously waiting for additional info. After a quiet moment, Alison responded.

"After a couple of months of regular yoni massages, Jack mentioned that he was still picking up on some deeper tension within my body and asked if I would be open to trying some new methods of addressing it. I naturally agreed, as I trusted him unconditionally at this point. He smiled and gently guided me up from the massage table, gesturing me over to a yoga mat on the floor."

Alison continued.


"He had me get down on all fours on the mat, then placed a hand on my upper back to ease my shoulders toward the floor, basically keeping my ass upturned toward him. He was very gentle and told me to relax as he undressed and positioned himself behind me."

"He slowly, but firmly took hold of my hips from behind and eased his body toward mine. I felt his tip make contact with me, and I started getting a little anxious. I mean, hell, my pussy lips were parting around the tip of his cock as he lined up with my entrance. That usually only happens during sex, so it felt very sexual at the time."

"I started to get up and said that I was feeling anxious about this, but he placed a hand on my back and softly pressed my breasts back to the floor and explained that the anxiety and reluctance were part of the deep tension. I exhaled and relaxed, then bit my lip as he started pressing his tip into me."

"He slowly pressed an inch into me, and that's when I realized that I was being stretched in more ways than just emotionally. He was just much wider than anything I was used to. I squealed quietly as I winced at the sensation, but he slowed down a bit more and encouraged me to keep going. I bit my lip and closed my eyes tightly as he pushed another inch into me."

"After three inches, I couldn't help it and yelped at the unfamiliar feeling. It was only three inches, but I already felt fuller than I ever had before. I was relaxed and incredibly wet from the hands-on and oral portions of my massage, otherwise there is no way he even would have made it that far. He shushed me gently and took a firmer hold on my hips. He continued to press in slowly."

"He whispered for me to breathe and relax, and then, in one motion, he thrust his hips and buried himself into me. I shrieked at the feeling. He must have been pressed all the way to my cervix, and I had never felt full like that in my life. It was like every void in my being was filled all at once, and after the initial shock, an absolutely glowing calm flowed over me. I started crying and moaning, but Jack stayed firmly and motionlessly inside of me."

"As my body squeezed against the new feeling of being so perfectly filled, I realized that he was 100% right about the deeper tension. He slowly slid out of me, and then steadily pressed all the way inside once again. I felt so much tension, trauma, and anxiety begin to dissolve, and as he proceeded to thrust in and out of me in extremely slow, powerful strokes, I began to moan at the feeling."