What the Hell! - Porn Star!


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"I want you and June..."

"NO!" I almost shouted.

"But, I'm giving you..."


I got up and shut off the overhead lights. I lay back down with Mary, cuddling up with her. I turned out her bedside lamp. She had her confused face on. I just looked into her eyes trying to look at her with all the love I have ever felt about her and still do. She was still confused.

"Why?" she asked.

"I don't want June, I want you, forever."

"Oh," she said softly. "I thought you might want to get back at me..."

"No. I don't want to get back at you. The people I want to get back at, will all happen tomorrow. They will both pay for what they not only did to you but to all those other women. Tomorrow, you will call each of them and tell them they can tell Jeff to go to hell."

"No, I want to be with you tomorrow," she croaked. "I want to kick them both in the balls."

I chuckled, not at her, but at what she wanted to do.

"Okay, if you feel up to it. Dumbass doesn't get back until two, but Jeff we will deal with in the morning. In fact, it might be good if you are with me at the special meeting of the city council that asshole isn't invited to."

"I will tell them whatever they want to know," she said her chin out defiantly.

"Good. When do we deal with Jeff?"

"Right after the meeting. I have it all planned. I think you'll love it and with you there, it will be even better. We'll go over everything tomorrow."

She nodded, then slowly moved down the bed. When it finally dawned on me what she was going to do, I put my hand on her shoulder.

"You don't have to and I should go clean..."

"No. I want you just as you are. I want to show you how much I love you. I was trying to do that by letting you fuck June, but since you won't, I will be happy to do this for you. Anytime."

I just looked at her, with love in my eyes. Was I going to try to stop her? No. I have tried that in the past and failed. This was another one of those times. She was down, reaching into my boxers. She pulled my cock out, kissed the head, smiling up at me. Then her tongue licked me hard. Within seconds my cock was hard as a rock and Mary's mouth was slobbering all over me. It had been a while since we had sex of any kind. And after watching video upon video of pretty young women having sex, I won't lie to you, I was in need of relief.

"I love you," Mary said pulling her mouth off of me.

"I love you, too," I replied as she pushed her mouth down my cock again.

Now I'm not a monster in the cock department but from what I could tell, I was a lot bigger than asshole and Jeff. Yet Mary had no problem with my length and girth to my utter enjoyment. It didn't take me long to cum. Mary swallowed every drop. Usually, she would pull me out and let me cum on her tits. This time she swallowed my cum. She kept sucking my cock. It stayed hard. I was really enjoying what she was doing, yet I watched her to see if she was in pain. She didn't appear to be, but I would stop her at any sign of her hurting. I was not a monster like Jeff, who didn't care if he hurt the women he was fucking.

I was soon coming again and this time she pulled away and let me cum on her face. Something I had never done before. I just watched her face as each squirt splashed against her skin. She was actually coming herself.

"So, you liked that part?" I asked surprising her.

She pulled back, cum dripping down her cheeks.

"The first time he did it, no. After that, it was the only thing that aroused me. He had to use lube to get inside me."

"Well, thank you for being honest with me. Why? Why didn't it arouse you?"

"I just closed my eyes and thought you were doing it to me. You have never tried to do that to me and when I thought of you doing that to me, I came every time."

I saw fear in her eyes. She wasn't trying to hide anything from me. I smiled at her.

"Well, then I will attempt to make your fantasies come true by coming on your face when I can," I told her.

She groaned as she nodded at me. I got up and went to the bathroom and got a warm wet cloth to clean her up. After that we snuggled together, I turned out my bedside lamp, and we went to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~

It was seven in the morning. Mary was sitting in Jeff's seat on the dais in the city council's chambers. I was out of sight for the time being. We were waiting for Jeff to arrive for a special session of the city council which had already happened not five minutes ago. Jeff didn't walk through the doors to the chamber until five after seven.

"You're late, asshole," said Mary smugly from the dais holding a remote in her hand which she pointed at the flat screen behind her.

On the screen behind the dais and the one out front was now playing Mary's video of Jeff drugging her and forcing her to do unspeakable things to him and his friends. The scene was of him beating her.

"What the fuck are you doing here, whore!" Jeff shouted walking a little faster until he saw what was playing on the screen above Mary.

"I have a letter here from the city council for you and I would like to read it to you."

Jeff stood still, mesmerized by himself on the screen. He shook his head to clear his vision.

"Turn that off! And where did you get that?" He looked worried now. "Well, now I'm going to drag you down from there and teach you a lesson you will never forget," Jeff said angrily.

As he approached, I stepped out from another doorway and quickly caught up with him. I was behind him and he didn't even notice, he was so focused on Mary and what was on the screen above her head. When I pressed my gun to the back of his head, he noticed. I quickly stepped back, as he spun around swinging. I slapped him across the face with the gun. He was down on the floor looking up at me with murder in his eyes. Just like he had when he beat my wife.

"You will be in jail so long..."

I kicked him in the nuts. He shut up.

"You might want to listen to what Mary, my wife has to tell you, dickhead," I said in my normal voice.

He didn't reply, he was still holding his family jewels and crying.

"Go ahead, Mary."

"To, Mr. Jeffery Westland, the city council in a special session, has hereby dismissed Mr. Jeffery Westland from the city council for committing felonies and misdemeanors while a member of the city council. Gee, not even a thank you for your service or anything," said Mary laughing at the look on dickheads face.

"And the police will be here any minute to arrest you for what you did to my wife and several of the wives of the city council and other wives around town. You are the one that will be going to jail for a very long, long, long time. Oh and just so you know, several of the inmates there know you forced their wives into prostitution. You may want to watch your back."

"Where, how, did you get the videos?" asked Jeff.

"Well, dumbass, you picked the wrong wife. I'm what you might call a professional hacker. At the company I work for, the government sanctions us to hack any computer that we have evidence of criminal activity. In fact, you know my boss. He won't be able to help you out of this if that's what you're thinking. He will be in jail right beside you."

"But he said he would know if anyone at work was hacking my computer."

Another nail in his coffin.

"Well, as I'm the guy who set that trigger up, I knew how to bypass it. You are both dumbasses."

The police came in the door. Looked up at the big screen, then down at Jeff and me. Then up at Mary as she came down from the dais. I pointed at Jeff as the cops continued forward. Mary turned the flat screen off, which turned off the big screen outside.

"Before you take him," said Mary walking up to Jeff.

He winced in pain even before she did anything. Mary just spits in his face.

"Scum," she said then nodded at the officers.

"He's to get no phone calls until after two this afternoon," I said.

The sergeant nodded.

"He won't be getting any phone calls until tomorrow sometime," the sergeant replied.

~ ~ ~ ~

I just walked into my boss's office without being announced. His assistant got up trying to stop me but she gave up as two police officers stopped her. I smiled as I pushed assholes door open. He was just sitting down behind his desk. Looking up he looked confused, as Linda, his assistant hadn't announced me.

"Don't worry Walter, I'll be explaining everything to you," I said walking up to his desk and grabbing the remote for his flat-screen on the wall.

I turned it on and the first thing he saw was himself fucking Mary. Her face was blurred but he knew whom he was fucking.

"Now, for the payback, you piece of shit."

He stood up looking like he wanted to say something to me. Suddenly, the picture changed. First of him telling Jeff it wasn't a good idea, then Jeff beating Mary, then Jeff being hauled off to jail.

"So, how many laws do you think you broke just in that little sequence of events?" I asked.

He growled at me, as he sat down.

"There's nothing you can do about it," he said.

I laughed at him.

"I just came from a meeting of the board of directors. You know, the people that hired you? Well, they voted unanimously to fire your ass. In fact, here is the notice of your termination."

"Well, great, but they still owe me my golden parachute."

"I guess you didn't read your contract. There is a morals clause, which you violated, and they don't have to pay you a penny. In fact, they have already received a court prejudgment if you decide to sue them."

I placed the notice on his desk in front of him.

"Mary wanted to be here to, as she put it, fuck you up, but she is still hurting from the beating you participated in with Westland. Oh one more thing, the board has promoted me to take your place. Officers," I finally yelled.

I turned off the TV and stepped aside as the two cops went around and cuffed Walter. He started to struggle, but one punch in the kidneys stopped him. I just smiled at him, as the police walked him out of his office for everyone to see. My only regret was not being able to kick the asshole in the nuts. The desk between us saved him. But twenty-three people from all walks of life now know who raped their wives. Some of them are police officers, some prison guards, and some just ordinary citizens who may run into them in the future and want to settle a grudge.

~ ~ ~ ~

Mary and I are still married. It's been ten years since they blackmailed her. Today, Jeff Westland gets out of prison. I heard he had it rough in there, so bad they had to place him in solitary confinement so they could keep him alive. Seems some of his fellow prisoners were either men whose wives he raped or had friends on the outside who they owed a favor. But today was the day, he was walking out a free man.

I was standing across the road from where he would come out. I just leaned against my car. No one else was here. His wife had divorced him, and the rest of his family had disowned him. I waited. Then I saw him come out and walk toward the gate. He was looking down and didn't see me until he came through the gate. When he did see me he charged me. I just stood there, arms at my side. A single shot echoed down the streets. He fell forward through momentum, on his face, sliding two more feet before he stopped at my feet.

I just stood there, hands in plain sight as two guards came running toward me guns drawn. When they saw it wasn't I who shot him, they lowered their weapons and started to look around. The street had a couple of tall buildings on it but they were hundreds of yards away. There were hills just in front of the prison, covered in dense forest. If I were a betting man, I would look in the woods on the hill. But by the time the police arrived, whoever had been there would be gone.

The same exact thing happened to Walter on the day of his release five years later. I wasn't there this time. But I saw it on the news that night. The police came and questioned me about where I was. I told them right there in my office. Linda vouched for me as did about ten other employees and board members.

Payback is a bitch, and in ten years, a woman can become a pretty good shot if she is dedicated.

# # # #

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MountainMan1336MountainMan13364 days ago

LOL I loved the last sentence, and gave this story 5 stars.

mfj77mfj775 months ago

Plot holes not withstanding, the karmic ending was priceless!

JuanTwoNoJuanTwoNo6 months ago

Given his job and skill set, it's pretty dumb to target his wife. I mean, really really dumb! Especially for his boss who would know his capabillties should he ever find out. And beating his wife, then making sure he got a video was making sure he found out. I'm torn. I actually enjoyed the hell out of it, even with that major plot hole. Can't be a 5, and I like it too much for a 1. Looks like meeting in the middle. So 3.

oldtwitoldtwit7 months ago

Nice BTB for a change.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster17 months ago

Loved the Karmic retribution on both of the scumbags who victimized women, filmed them, beat them, and abused them.

Waiting until the day of their release from prison was just one more feature of their Karma.

All the stars for this one.

MarkT63MarkT638 months ago

Witholding the truth is cheating...

WillowghbyWillowghby11 months ago

The comment police certainly edited the readability out of my last comment...

WillowghbyWillowghby12 months ago
One Of Zeb's (<< ownership apostrophe) Better Stories

My 30 fellow commenters summarize the story analysis pretty well. If Zeb_Carter wishes to improve his readability, he will listen. Most notably:

- logic holes in the plot and action. Do we really believe people are really that stupid? Such anomalies push a good plot away from good fiction, more toward fairy tales.

- reading flow interrupted by lack of commas, missing ownership apostrophes, incorrect lie vs. lay verbs, confusion over who vs. whom. I recognize it is authors' (<< another "ownership" apostrophe BTW, plural form this time) choice whether to edit their story vigorously; I'm just observing the better flowing stories get better scores due to easier readability.

- Mary's (<< again...) effort to take the time to become a marksman is truly a saving touch on this story. Well done, Z_C. Many thanks for an entertaining read.

Keep 'em comin'.

miket0422miket0422about 1 year ago

Two issues with Mary. The first and most obvious is why did she give into the blackmail. She woke up feeling groggy, not recognizing the man next to her. Even if it didn't occur to her that she was drugged. Why wouldn't she immediately call her husband of 15 years and tell him what happened? Serious lack of trust in her husband.

The other issue is her going out drinking when her husband was out of town? Did she go out drinking on her own? If so, why would a married woman be doing that? If she went out with friends, where were they while this guy was drugging her drink and then taking her out of the bar? That just seems like a huge hole in her story of how she came to be in a position to be blackmailed.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanover 1 year ago

What are these people thinking I drugged and raped you but if you don't become my whore ill prove it? Other than that Sauvignon Blanche (a little wine get it????) a interest cast a bit rushed because i though the could be explored more but short and sweet with little filler.

JackDancerJackDancerover 1 year ago

Really enjoyable! Making it a favorite.

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