Wheel of Doom


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She stands to turn around, looks down at me and says 'that was really hot to watch, but I couldn't bring myself to playing with Sean. Just felt weird since he works for us'.

I tell her that I felt the same. As Brenda straddles my legs and as she is lowering herself onto me I whisper to her 'I love you'. What starts out as slow becomes passionate and quick as Brenda rides me. Our kisses intermingled with moans and soon becomes sounds of impending orgasms. At the same time we reach our peaks and with a final thrust the only sound remaining is that of our heavy breathing.

Returning to work Monday I was hoping that things would not be awkward between Sean, Brenda and myself. And luckily they weren't. Sean never said anything and treated us the same way as he did before the rendezvous at the club. The next few weeks at work had been grueling. Our case load seemed to triple and we were really needing to hire if not one, but two or maybe three more lawyers to keep up. The search for a bigger office space was just as fruitless as finding a couple lawyers. Ericka turned into a godsend in that respect. She suggested that we share offices and worked remotely on opposite days. When that was proposed to the team though we got a lot of pushback. Their reasoning was absolutely touching. They wanted to be here, wanted to feel connected and working remotely would make them feel isolated. There had been way too much of that when COVID ravaged the world. So the search continued. But even though that idea failed Ericka had another up her sleeve. She had spoken to the property manager of our current location and found out that the tenants below us were not extending their lease and would be out by the end of the month. Needless to say I was on the phone with the property manager that same day. Sabrina came to the rescue also by accepting a position. Which relieved some of the burden but we still needed at least one more.

'Good morning this is Nicky, how can I assist you' I said answering the phone one early Tuesday morning.

'Hi Nicky, my name is James and I am calling to inquire about your need for a lawyer.' Brenda normally handles these calls, she has a knack for sniffing out the people she felt wouldn't make a good fit. She felt this individual was a good candidate and wanted to get my thoughts. We chatted for about thirty minutes and I really felt a good vibe from him and offered him an interview. About a week later Brenda and I had the interview with him and offered him the position. He had one stipulation though, he wanted to bring with him his assistant. Neither of us had an issue especially after meeting them.

Nadia is a firecracker! We met her when we interviewed James and instantly fell in love with her. Her and James were like two peas in a pod. They worked well together from what I could tell and they were tenacious with their banter. They reminded us of, well us. So now our personnel issues were relieved and we could concentrate on being lawyers again.

Brenda and Sabrina with huge smiles on their face walk in my office. They look like a pair who are up to some mischief. 'Nicky baby,' uh oh... 'what do you think about taking a small trip this weekend?' Brenda asks me.

'All of the expenses are paid for and it's only for a few days, we would leave Thursday night and be back Monday afternoon.' Sabrina says sweetly. Why is it that I feel there is more to this than they are letting on?

'We keep talking about traveling, so what do you think?' Brenda asks.

'Ok, what's the catch?' I ask them.

'Oh there is no catch' Sabrina starts out saying 'I have a friend who offered up their cabin and thought it would be great for the three of us to get away for a bit.' Phew, I was starting to sweat that there was some devious plan afoot. 'Did you think we would come up with some weird plan or something?' she asks In a mock offended tone. I just look at her straight faced. Sabrina looks at Brenda 'it's like she doesn't trust us or something?'

'When you two walk in here looking like the cat that ate the canary I am a bit leery yes!' I confess.

'Oh, before we came in here I was telling Brenda about the most excellent news I heard, my ex was sentenced to twenty five years in prison.' The three of us laugh about that and since it was quitting time headed home.

Sabrina tagged along with us so we could talk more about the trip while we walked to our cars. 'It's a nice little cabin in Canada and I am really needing some quiet time, I thought I would see if you two wanted to come because while I like quiet time I didn't want to be alone.' Sabrina explains. Brenda and I agree to go with her as we both expressed the need for some much needed escape from the hustle and bustle. As Sabrina drives off I turn to Brenda, she has the face of someone who is deeply concerned.

'Do you get the impression that she is feeling depressed?' she asks me.

'Yeah, what she went through probably shattered her trust in people. I would be crushed if I were in her shoes.' I replied. 'I think we should invite her over until the trip and show her some extra love.' Brenda agrees and is on the phone with her as we head home. A couple of hours later Sabrina shows up and it's apparent she is in distress. Her eyes are teary and she looks very unhappy, depressed, I encircle her in a hug and she breaks down. That night with her lying between us she cries until she finally falls asleep.

Four in the morning I wake up to find Sabrina is not in bed with us. I let Brenda sleep and tip toe my way out to the living room to find Sabrina sitting on the couch. 'I didn't mean to wake you. I can't thank you both enough, I really needed that.' I sit down next to her and wrap an arm around her bringing her close. She leans into me and says 'I feel a lot better now. Sorry to be such a downer.'

'You got kicked in the face, I don't know exactly how you feel but I can imagine that you feel a lot right now. Brenda and I want you to know that we cherish you, even though I haven't known you all that long I consider you a great friend.' I tell her. She hugs me tight and stands up.

Extending her hand she says to me 'Let's go get a little more sleep, I think your gonna need it for this weekend' she says with an impish grin.

The rest of the week dragged on and by the time we were leaving work Thursday all three of us were brain fried. We gather our bags from the house and zip to the airport. The flight to Canada was interesting. Sabrina brought a blanket that she draped over the laps of the three of us. Those two must have planned this because as soon as the wheels left the ground my hands were placed up their skirts, neither of them were wearing panties, and they both took turns stroking my cock. Sabrina wanted to switch seats with me about half way through the flight so she could play with Brenda. As I scooted under her she sat down in my lap and started grinding her wet pussy up and down my shaft. Luckily it wasn't for too long because there would have been a bit of a mess! After about twenty minutes Sabrina whispers something in Brenda's ear and they both start giggling. They swap seats and in the process Brenda starts to sit in my lap. Unlike Sabrina though Brenda grabbed my penis and as she sat placed it inside of her. Using the arms of the seat she gyrates her hips. Sabrina has one hand on herself and the other between Brenda's legs working at bringing each other to climax. Brenda is almost there when the captain announces that we needed to prepare for landing. With a couple more rotations of her hips Brenda covers her mouth to keep from crying out as she cums. Sabrina next to her has been biting her lip and as her eyes roll up she shakes from her own muted orgasm. Brenda gets back into her seat and starts readjusting her clothes. I start to as well and have to really focus on something to get my hard on to go away. Pulling up to the gate both Brenda and Sabrina are trying mightily at suppressing their laughter. The only thing I can think about is how blue my balls are.

The drive from the airport to the cabin Sabrina helped alleviate my suffering. I was in the backseat, Sabrina was in the passenger seat and Brenda elected to drive. I hear Sabrina ask Brenda 'may I?' to which Brenda replies with 'of course'. Sabrina carefully climbs into the backseat with me. As she does so she straddles my lap and pulls her tank top up exposing her breasts. Placing a nipple in my mouth I start to suck on it. Her hard nipple is just right for licking and nibbling and I do so. She pulls up my skirt and pulls my panties to the side in order to grab a hold of my hardening penis. She slides it between her lips to rub it on her clit and I can feel her getting wetter and wetter. She slides it back to her vagina and slowly eases it inside of her as she lowers herself fully onto my lap. I massage her ass with one hand and her tit with the other as the bumps in the road create the needed motions of driving my cock inside of her. My moans of pleasure become more frequent and urgent in my need for release. I let Sabrina know I am about to cum and I can feel her tighten up and a sudden wetness soak my balls as she cums. This sends me over the edge and I release a powerful stream deep inside of her.

We get to the cabin and as we exit the car Brenda hugs me and plants a deep passionate kiss on my lips. 'Babe that was so fucking hot. I think we need to take a road trip and have Sabrina drive so we can do that. That looked amazing!'

Sabrina chuckles, 'it was fucking hot and I will be more than willing to be your driver!'

'I would love to' I tell her. We make our way inside and I can't help but feel supremely grateful. I have a fiancé who doesn't appear to have a jealous bone in her body and actually encourages me to share myself in whichever fashion that requests it. I hope she knows that I feel compersion when she shares herself with others. I find it gratifying to know that we bring pleasure and happiness when we are able to leave those we share ourselves with in a better place of mind or body. After we get ourselves settled and are relaxing before a fire I relay those thoughts to them both.

'Compersion is a powerful emotion Nicky, I feel it every time Sabrina is simply talking with you or when you were sucking Alex's dick. It's because I know that you love me.' Brenda says.

Sabrina says 'and I feel it every time I see you two together. You both are such amazing people. I am so damn proud of you both. How about another glass of wine?

'You bet' I reply as Sabrina tops off our glasses.

'To friendship, love and the love that develops from friendship.' She toasts.

Morning rolls around and I find myself chilled from the lack of two savory bodies that were snuggled up with me the night before. Getting out of bed and wrapping a robe around myself I head towards the kitchen for some coffee. The cabin is quiet, with the only sound coming from the wind rustling the leaves of the trees. Cup of coffee in hand I sit down in a chair that's facing a huge floor to ceiling window in the main room. Watching the great outdoors I ruminate on the last few months. How I have, changed, grown, and had some truly memorable experiences. How I have become stronger and more in touch with who I am. Finished with my coffee I decide to hop in the shower.

Slipping on a pair of panties, a bra, t-shirt and leggings I brush out my hair then wander outside. The air is crisp making my nipples hard. And the sun is shining brightly in a clear blue sky above. Taking a leisurely walk around the cabin I spot a herd of deer in the distance and watch as an eagle swoops down to pull a fish out of the lake. While it is very peaceful I don't think that I would care to stay here for long stretches of time. I fully admit to being a city girl. I hear a car approaching and finish my walk around the house and wait at the front door for it to stop. Brenda and Sabrina hop out 'morning gorgeous' Sabrina smiles at me.

'Morning ladies' I reply, 'where did you two run off to?'

'Decided that we should probably go and get some food unless you think you can hunt us some dinner' Brenda says. I chuckle, she knows damn well I don't know a thing about hunting. 'come give us a hand with the groceries' I do so and we bring in the bags and get everything put away. Out of the corner of my eye I see Sabrina pointing at her watch and Brenda nods at her smiling deviously.

I cock my eyebrow and Brenda says 'I love you Nicky' very sweetly. 'Sabrina has planned something for us. If you haven't showered yet I request that you do so and I would also like you to do your hair and makeup. Sabrina will be in with what we would like you to wear once your hair and makeup are done.'

'Ok, what's with the secrecy?' I ask her.

'Oh just something special Nicky, trust me you will like it.' Sabrina chimes. Now I would trust Brenda with my life. And I am learning to trust Sabrina. But when these two get together... You can be certain that some form of shenanigans is going to happen.

I take my time showering again because I hadn't shaved recently. I have been really loving that my body hair seems to have nearly stopped growing. Allowing me to shave maybe once every couple of weeks. I hadn't had to shave my face at all for the last three months. The impression I was picking up on though had me wanting to be as soft and sensual as I possibly could. I spritz a little body spray that I know Brenda likes and do my hair and makeup. Just as I am finishing there is a knock on the door. Sabrina enters and tells me to turn around and close my eyes. Placing a blindfold on she tells me to turn around. I hear a zipper and some rustling of fabric. The memory of me being blindfolded a while back has me forming an erection. 'I think someone is getting a little excited' Sabrina says and the joy can be heard in her words.

'The last time I was blindfolded was an amazing experience' I confide.

'She told me' Sabrina says. She starts to dress me by putting on a garter belt, stockings, panties and bra. She then has me step into a dress that completely covers me from neck to ankle. Finishing off the outfit she has me step into some heels. After zipping up the dress she tells me 'now wait here and do not peek. I'll be back in just a moment.' I hear her leave the room. As I stand there I contemplate peeking but decide against it. Making them mad is probably not the wisest course after all. It starts to feel like an eternity when Sabrina finally returns. 'You didn't peek did you' she asks me.

'Not once, I didn't want to spoil your surprise.' I inform her.

'Ok sweetie. Take my hand.' I do so and she leads me to the door. I feel a breeze brush past me as the door opens then feel Sabrina grasp the blindfold. The first sight I have is of Brenda standing at the far end of the room with a portly balding man in a black suit. She is wearing a gown of a very light blue. Her hair and makeup done intricately. She looks radiant and has a glow about her that will forever be burned into my memory. I look at Sabrina who is wearing a beautiful slightly darker shade of blue gown and is smiling at me with a tear in her eye. I look down at myself and see that she dressed me in an elegant gown of light grey almost silver color. Soft music begins to play as Sabrina lightly urges me to walk with her towards Brenda. As we reach them Sabrina takes my hand and places it in Brenda's. I look around to see all of our co-worker's standing on either side of the room. I had no idea they were there until that moment because all I could see was Brenda. The man standing there starts a speech about marriage and I felt tears running down my cheeks. I hear myself say 'I do' as Brenda slides a ring on my finger. I say the words he has me repeat and tears stream harder down my face as I hear Brenda say 'I do' while I shakily slide a ring onto her finger. Unintelligible speech fills my ears until Brenda steps closer to me and kisses me. I clench onto her tightly repeating I love you over and over.

Sabrina nears, congratulating us with a kiss. I hug her tightly thanking her profusely. Then everyone converges on us. The priest or pastor or whatever he was shakes my hand and steps to the side. Hugs and handshakes from all the people I hold dear are received and I am still not sure if I didn't hit my head and this was all just a dream. After all the congratulations were made we all made our way to the dining room where caterers had set up a buffet of various foods.

I look at Brenda and ask 'how did you two manage to pull this off without me having the slightest clue?'

Brenda laughed, 'wasn't easy, I had to rely heavily on all of them but Sabrina most of all.'

'Everyone knew about this?' I asked incredulously.

'For the last month yeah' she says with a huge grin. 'I love you Nicky, I have secretly been planning this for years but never thought it would happen.'

The reception went on well past midnight and with it being so late we urged everyone to crash there for the night. The closest town was a couple of hours away and we wanted everyone to be safe. Luckily the cabin was huge and there were two other smaller cabins on the property that people eventually went to occupy for the night.

Sabrina had retreated to the room next to the one Brenda and I shared and as we close the door, the rest of the world disappeared. Brenda turns me around and unzips my dress. For the first time I see that Sabrina dressed me in a three piece lingerie set of white lace. As my dress is peeled off my shoulders Brenda starts kissing my bare skin as it is exposed and allows the gown to fall to the floor. Turning around to face her I see a tear form in her eye.

'I am so happy that you are my wife Nicky, you looked so beautiful.' She tells me.

'I am so glad that you are my wife Brenda, you are a dream come true and you looked radiant.' I reply to her once more feeling tears run down my cheek.

Unzipping her dress and allowing it to fall to the floor we crawl onto the bed. Unlike what I wore under my dress Brenda was wearing a silky feeling teddy of the same shade as her gown. We laid on our sides running our hands all over each other's bodies kissing wherever our lips could. She rolls me onto my back and unclasps the bra and starts licking and kissing my breasts and nipples. Moving down she slides my panties off and applies her lips to my hips and thighs before coming back up to slide her tongue up my shaft. She takes me into her mouth and slowly sucks on my member. Slowly her head goes up and down running her tongue around the head in that exquisite way of hers that she knows will bring me to the brink in no time at all. With one hand she reaches up and caresses my breast and teases my nipple.

Just before I reach my peak I pull her up and roll her onto her back. I slide down her body kissing and caressing as I go. Unsnapping the crotch or her teddy I lift it up and kiss her mound. Sliding my tongue at the crease where her thigh meets her groin and slowly up and down her slit. I find her clit with my tongue and swirl my tongue around it. Flicking it with light touches as her hands grasp my head. I get her to the edge and send her over with a finger entering her pussy. I make my way back up her body and as I find her lips with mine I enter her. Slowly I glide into her and ease back out. Our hips gyrate in unison faster and faster. Our lips break apart to draw breath and meet back up again. The tension is overwhelming and I orgasm with one final push inside of her. With each pulse of my cock I feel her pussy clench down and a splash of her orgasm. We lie there holding each other tight and even though I have gone limp I did not want to pull out of her. Alas though I eventually pulled out and we cuddled until we caught our breath. I lay my head on her chest and run my hands up and down her legs, belly, breast, wherever I could reach. Her nipple was within reach of my tongue so I teasingly licked it. As I continue to run my tongue over her nipple I can feel her breathing quicken. I reach between her legs and slowly massage her clit. I move to position my head between her legs and start licking and flicking my tongue across her clit. The taste of our combined orgasm is intoxicating and I can feel my penis grow. She reaches down and grasps it slowly jerking me off. After a few minutes she rolls on top of me and as I eat her pussy like I'm starving, she is eating me with the same enthusiasm. As my cum seeps out I lap it up, sticking my tongue as deep inside of her as I can reach. She spreads my legs and eases a finger inside of me. Fingering me as she moves her mouth up and down my shaft. She hits my sweet spot and before I could say anything my cum is shooting into her mouth. I continue to eat her as my penis pulsates and as she swallows I feel her start to shake and she floods my face with her orgasm.
