When Heaven Meets Earth


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"I don't mind it, Father. But the spirit of Christmas has to be there!" A few more people shared their Christmas memories, and we had a wonderful time. Then, as we are about to leave, Sister Joaquina handed each a small rosary and a small paper origami rose. Mother, dad, I, Sister Joaquina, Father Jorge, and a few others stayed to clean up everything up. I swept, took out the garbage, and helped put the chairs away. Father Jorge was also helping fold chairs and collapse the tables. I helped him take the sound system--stereo equipment, microphone, and speakers--back to the parochial house.

"Your story of Christmas in Japan was beautiful, Ken."

"Thanks, Father. Your story was quite moving, as well, Father."

We helped the ladies with dishes and silverware. Once everything was cleaned and put away, Father Jorge and his sister were going to drive on their round of visits to some of the ill and aged parishioners. I noticed they'd prepared a basket of goodies and surprises to take with them. Now I know Santa really exists.

Two days later, a Saturday, we went to church. Father Jorge was as happy as usual, and the Mass was quite colorful with the community participating actively. The children's choir also made a lovely presentation. Mom and dad never ceased to say there were lots of new faces in the church. We all stood up and clapped our hands after the choir's performance. At the end of the Mass, we hugged and congratulated him for the nice changes in the church! Then he invited me to take part in the special Mass performance on New Year's eve. Of course I accepted right away. We were to have a meeting the next day at two P.M. in the parochial house.

I asked him about Sister Joaquina, but he said she had left for São Paulo because of an emergency. An older relative had passed away and she would be staying there to help and to support the family. But he said she had left us her love. We offered him our condolecenses and went home.

At two P.M. sharp on Sunday, dad drove me to church then went back home. Needless to say, mother baked her ever-popular chocolate cake for me to take along. I met a lot of people gathered in front of the parochial house.

"Where's Father Jorge?" I asked. They shrugged their shoulders. Then at the distance, I saw Uncle's car in the shade with the windows closed. He was looking at us. I waved and called him. Everybody turned to him, and he quickly drove away.

"I heard your uncle is collecting signatures to send to the bishop. He's accusing Father Jorge of corrupting people and misleading the community." A middle-aged lady said.

"I heard he conducted Mass this morning, then had to meet the bishop in Medianeira City." A middle-aged man said. "That is why he hasn't arrived yet."

"Some people say they're missing Father João. They don't like Father Jorge much." An older lady said.

'Geez, I wondered how can poor Father Jorge handle all these criticisms. And now that his sister is away,' I wondered, 'How is he going to manage the special Mass on New Year's eve without her aid.' As far as I knew, Father João did nothing special for Christmas and New Year's day. So, that's why people were divided about Father Jorge. Then I realized it's time that I stepped up and gave him a hand.

"All right, guys! My name's Ken and I believe we're all here to prepare a special event for New Year's eve Mass." I look at everybody's face. There are about forty people in all. This is how much people love and follow him. "Let's get some things organized while Father Jorge is not here. This way we can speed up the meeting." A lady handed me her large notebook and pen along with the script and scribbling of ideas discussed in other meetings. I noticed that it was Sister Joaquina's notes and plans. Good job Sister!

In no time, we had gathered all the names and the parts each one was performing for the show. Luckily, Sister Joaquina had laid out the plan and sent them copies. We exchanged some ideas and thoughts. I ticked off all of the items we had in the church. Then I wrote down the items we still had to purchase or borrow from the community. We took a vote and selected a few songs that we would sing. At three P.M. we were basically done with our meeting. That was when Father Jorge's car arrived. We all turned to him and smiled. He was panting and apologized for being late.

"Don't worry, Father Jorge, Ken here has conducted the meeting and everything is written down. He's done a great job in your absence!"

"Thanks Ken and thanks for everyone for having come. I really apologize for I was in a meeting with the bishop. Shall we all go inside. The least I can do is serve you some refreshments, and we talk about some final details for the presentation of the Mass." We all entered his large living room. I helped him bring some chairs from his bedroom and other rooms, so everybody could be seated. I asked a few ladies to help me in the kitchen. Father Jorge told me where the stuff was, and I told him we can manage. He went back to the living room and talked to people about the presentation. We quickly prepared some tea and coffee. Another lady took some trays and put all the cups and little spoons on them. Another lady sliced the cakes. Sister Joaquina had left two large cakes for the occasion. I also helped them put everything on the large table. Father Jorge then said the blessing and we all had our refreshments very happy to be with him. As he continued with the meeting, I took notes and told him about details of the presentation using my notes. He smiled and drank his tea. In three days we would be having another meeting just to finalize the last details. Father Jorge also heard the confessions of at least ten people, while some ladies and I organized the kitchen and cleaned the living room. Then everybody left. He heard the confession of the last young man and closed the door. He looked tired and sat on a chair.

"My dear Ken, what would I do without an angel like you to help me?" I sat next to him and took his large hairy hand, and kissed it.

"Father, go and get changed. You need a good shower to restore your energy. Then you can take a nap."

"I'll take a quick shower, but not a nap, son."

"All right. And I'll be here to listen to you." He smiled and gave me a hug.

"You're my right hand, my dear. Thank you." He kissed my head and entered his bedroom to shower. I organized my notes and scribbled a few details more. Wow, the community will surely be surprised by this presentation. It's going to be quite special like something they had never seen before! Just then, Father Jorge came in wearing his black denin pants, a short-sleeved gray shirt, and his black leather old-fashioned sandals with many straps.

"Have you been looking at the notes again?" He checked the papers.

"Yes, Father. And congratulations. This is surely going to be a great presentation." He smiled and sat on the sofa.

"Maybe you're wondering why I came in late for the meeting, son?"

"You've already told me you were with the bishop Father." I smiled. He rubbed his temples and nodded.

"Yes, son." His eyes were sad. I sat next to him on the sofa.

"Are you all right, Father?" He shook his head, tears falling down. I embraced him and he sobbed. I stroked his graying hair and kissed his head. I rubbed and patted his back.

"I've always tried to do my best, son. But I suppose I've been naive and got involved too much with people. Now my happy and liberal attitude are taking a toll on me."

"I've heard my uncle is collecting signatures," I looked in his red eyes.

"The bishop has already heard of it. Ken, I wish people were graceful and kind. I don't blame them, for the way I am can certainly displease some people. It's just that, were I given the chance to go back in time, I wouldn't change a thing about myself. I'm this way and don't know how to act differently." I smiled and we hugged again.

"Father, for me, you don't have to explain yourself. I've been privilegded to share some precious moments with you. And you've been a living testimony of God's grace and faith. And what's more, through your simple examples, you've shown us how to do charity and be kinder with each other. Through you I've become more faithful, much happier and thankful for what I have. I now have peace in my heart. Father, you've given me something quite precious that will guide me in the future and possibly, alter my life forever." He nodded and stood up.

"Son, you're like a real sun for me. I hope God forgive me for saying this, but, I feel so renewed, refreshed, and alive when I'm with you. Ken, were I not a Roman Catholic priest, I would have married you, as a man." I smiled.

"I feel the same way too, Father." He nodded and smiled.

"Well, I suppose you're getting tired of keeping this old man company. I'll drive you home, son."

"I accept your offer, Father." I turn to him. "You're not old for me, Father. You'll never be." He smiled and we got into his car.

As we arrived at the house, mom and dad were sitting on the verandah drinking guava juice. Father Jorge joined us, and we drank the lovely juice. Dad asked about the meeting, and Father Jorge said he arrived late, but I had done a wonderful job helping him. Then I suggested that we pick some fresh guavas for him to take along. Father Jorge loved guavas!

"Look at those guavas! They're so big!"

"We've got some grapes too, Father." We picked some purple, black, and green grapes, and Mother gave him a bowl of greens.

"Thank you so much for all your gifts, my friends." He hugged us. "Thank you Ken." We hugged and he drove away.

In the following three days, I spent some time helping Father Jorge get things organized for the big event. His cook, Maria was very sweet and sang all day long.

"She's my singing lark, Ken!" We chuckled.

Then on Tusday, we ran our last rehearsal. The children choir also came and did an incredible performance. We already had the costumes, actors, decorations, banners, gifts, and everything ready for the big day--the very next day.

Mom says Aunt Miriam had managed to come for the holiday. I'm surprised, because she normally only came twice to visit grandma, usually in May and October. We paid grandma a visit, and I told Auntie about the special Mass tomorrow. She was quite excited about it and promised to take grandma and the entire family along. Uncle said nothing.

At last, it was New Year's eve! I had a quick word with Father Jorge, and he smiled. Then we all decorated the church and prepared the last minute arrangements. The twilight outside was just lovely. Father Jorge admired the stained glass and pointed to the famous scene of the fishermen.

"I got my call decades ago, Ken. And, never once have I looked back." He smiles. I touched the panels and smiled. Then we admired the flower arrangements and the banners while the musicians were tuning in their musical instruments.

Mom and dad had already arrived and were sitting in their spot near the front. I see Auntie, Uncle, Aunt Miriam, and my cousin Pedro pushing grandma's wheelchair. They saw me and waved. I checked our list, and all the actors and actresses had arrived. Crowds of people kept on coming in. Soon the church was going to be packed. In previous years, late comers attended the Mass standing up. This year, however, Father Jorge suggested we keep some spare chairs filled up in strategic places, so people can have their seats. And it didn't take long before the entire church was crowded. Even mom looks around, admiring the big crowd. I had a last word with Júlio, Mara, Selma, and Tadeu. They all know what to do and we got to work.

The old, heavy church bell rings. My heart beat fast and I took a deep breath. The announcer read the welcoming message to the community. Then, she invited everybody to stand as the procession entered the church.

I'm sure Father Jorge must have had butterflies in his stomach as much as I did. The musicians started, and the children's choir invited the congreation to sing along. They were dressed as white angels. People were already clapping their hands and taking photos.

The altar was now complete. The children's choir performed one more song. Then Father Jorge blessed the community and started the Mass. Everything was impeccable and running smoothly.

Throughout the Mass, the musicians and the children's choir had an outstanding performance. Then came the moment that everybody was expecting. We turned off all the lights of the church. An older actor, representing the old year came in. He waved as if biding his farewell to us all. He was behind some children carrying the numbers 2004. A few other actors were holding lit candles for them. The choir sang in complete darkness. Then, the actors blew out their candless, and we had complete darkness and silence. The choir slowly sang to a crescendo as a procession of kids entered, led by a child carrying a single lit candle. Others were carrying bunches of spare candles behind him. They then handed them to the members of the children's choir as they were singing and lit them which totally lit up the choir. They sang along with the musicians. The scene was simply fantastic!

In the meantime, everybody in church received a string of white ribbon. Then we relight the church, and popped some confetti, and threw ribbons and the whole community waved and sang along. A young couple holding a baby held the banner welcoming the new year: Happy 2005!

Father Jorge then invited eveybody to hug and start the New Year with renewed spirit. I loved this part, for the musicians took over and each child from the choir walked around the church handing a small silver ribbon with the inscription: Happy 2005! The actors also greeted people and handed in ribbons. It was like Father Jorge was running a marathon hugging people. He also hugged mom, dad, my uncle, aunts, grandma, my cousin, and others. We had a nice overhead projection of fireworks on the wall, and then Father Jorge finished the Mass. People assembled and clapped their hands in support for the old priest. He had tears of joy and hugged people. As Father Jorge retreated into the room where he kept his garments, we organized the church and cleaned up everything. Fortunately, about fifty extra people volunteered to help, so in no time, we managed to set up the church for the next day's morning and evening's Masses. Then we all locked the church and dispersed.

"Father Jorge, the celebration of the Mass was just amazing!" We hugged him.

"When the whole community works together, we always succeed, son!" He beamed with joy. "So, I'll give you a ride to your uncle's house. You're all having a family banquet there, aren't you?" Father Jorge was in his white short-sleeved shirt, and long black shorts and sandals. I couldn't believe Father Jorge conducted the Mass wearing shorts! Everybody hugged him and left. We heard music from the square, where they were going to have a concert and raffle for prizes.

"Yes, mom and dad have already left." We entered the car. "I saw you hugging mom, dad, uncle and his family, and grandma, Father." He smiled. We admired the bright and happy square full of people.

"Yes, it was quite nice of your uncle to ask me to come over for the banquet, Ken, don't you think?" We hugged.

As we entered the farm, he stopped the car in the midst of the darkness. We hugged and I stroked his hair. "Ken, you can now see that miracles do happen."

"Yes, Father. I'm happy everything is turning out well now."

As soon as we arrived, uncle was radiant and came to greet us. He gave Father Jorge a big handshake and hug. Aunt Miriam was running around setting the table. I greeted everybody and helped her with the arrangements. Other aunts and relatives and some friends had come for the banquet. We had a great time and Father Jorge said grace. Aunt Miriam invited Father Jorge to visit the nuns in Curitiba. She said she works at a hospital run by nuns. They also had a lovely ranch where they grew their produce, fruits, and even a pond. He promised to give them a visit soon.

At midnight, we drank champagne and sang happily. A few cousins needed to leave, for they were also attending other parties. Father Jorge and our friends left too. Mom, I, my aunts, cleared the table and did the dishes. In no time we were also heading back home. As I lay in bed, I smiled and whispered his name before I fell alseep.

On New Year's day, we slept in and wake up feeling lazy but quite happy. Following a Japanese tradition, we eat mochi, or rice cake or patty, somewhat like a hamburger patty, but made of rice for breakfast. It's meant to bring prosperity and good luck. As we had our mochis, mom and dad said we've been invited to have lunch at a friend's farm not too far from town. Dad checked the large carp and pacú fish that he was going to bake to take along. He had split both fish in the middle, so they would absorb the seasonings and cook more evenly. Once they were baked, he covered them in foil paper, and we left for the party.

As we approached Mr. Silva's large house near the lake, we heard the lively music and smelled the aroma of churrasco in the air. We saw a line of cars parked. We greeted our hosts and all the guests. We took the baked fish to the grill to keep them warm. Father Jorge arrived later. He said the blessing and we started eating. We all assembled in separate tables. Mom, dad, I, Father Jorge, Mr. and Mrs. Silva, shared a table. About thirty other guests are scattered at other tables. My uncle, aunts, and cousin with grandma joined us. We all had a great time, and grandma asked me, "When are you returning to São Paulo?" Father Jorge turned to me.

"Grandma, I'm leaving on Saturday afternoon, dear."

"So you've got two more days to enjoy your vacation, dear." She smiled.

"I'm sure Ken must be missing the big city. After all, this small town must be too quiet for you, right nephew?" Uncle smiled.

"Well, uncle, it hasn't been quiet lately because of the celebrations. But I surely do miss São Paulo. Of course I'm going to miss all of you." Father Jorge looked down. "This vacation has been a blessing for me."

After our lavish lunch, I help the ladies to clear the table and do the dishes. Some men were lying in hammocks. Out of the kitchen window I saw the lonely figure of a man walking by the large pond. His white shirt and black pants danced in the wind. He was admiring the immense endless horizon as the surface of the water rippled.

"Father Jorge has brought some many good changes in the church! That's just too bad he isn't staying with us for long." Mrs. Silva commented while drying a glass.

"I heard he's traveling to Africa soon. He's joining the same missionary group that Father Celso joined, decades ago." Aunt said. "At least this is what my husband found out."

"But Africa is so far away from here, auntie dear."

"I know, dear." I removed my gloves.

"Dear, do you mind taking this hat to Father Jorge. He's going to get a headache if he stands too long under the sun!" Mrs. Silva handed me a hat. "And you should put one on too." She handed me another hat.


"Ken?" He turned to me.

"Mrs. Silva asked me to bring you this hat. It's too hot here and you need to protect your head from the sun."

"Thanks, Ken." I stood next to him on the grass and admired the endless landscape.

"I heard you're leaving for Africa, Father." He continued watching the landscape.

"It's an old dream, son. A New Year's resolution that I have made since I was twenty years old!" He turned to me. "I suppose this is my first item on my New Year's resolution list this year." I smiled and nodded.

"I-I haven't made this year's resolutions yet."

"But you did make one last year, didn't you?" He smiled. I nodded.

"And did you fulfill every item from your list?" I turned away and admired the lovely pasture, cows grazing, and birds flying above us.