When in Caesar's Palace


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                         taught a lesson about reaching out
                         around the boss.  That ain't how
                         it's done.

                         T, I think you are absolutely
                         right.  This fuckin' Johnny Sack
                         has got no business goin' around

                         Let's send a little message of our


               CARMELA and JEFF are lying in bed.  CARMELA'S head is on
               JEFF'S chest, and he is gently caressing her shoulder and
               arm.  CARMELA'S face has a look of total satisfaction.

                         Jeff, that was so wonderful.  I
                         wanna purr!

                         Tell me about it.  I'm empty, Gina.
                         You took it all!  I hope you're on
                         the Pill.

                         Was I that good?  It's been so long
                         since I had anyone tell me that.

                         What an amazing woman you are.
                         God, I need more of this.  Please,
                         don't let this be the last time we
                         get together.  I'm serious...

                         To be honest, I feel a little
                         But, not that guilty.  Yes, I will
                         see you again, Jeff!

                         Just say when...

               EXT. 116TH STREET STATION, HARLEM - DAY

               The boys are waiting for CARL MANGANO to show up.  He is 15
               minutes late.

                         Where is Carl?  Call him again,

                         Stop acting like a little girl.
                         He'll be here.

                         Hey!  There he is!

               The boys turn in the direction BALLER is pointing.  A tall,
               skinny young man in a hoodie sweatshirt is strutting across
               the street.  He is dressed like an inner city Black youth.

                             (under breath to PETEY)
                         Damn, is that Carl?

                         Yeah.  I guess he turned into a
                         wigger since he's been living over

               CARL MANGANO arrives at the boys' position.  He greets them.

                         Playas!  What's goin' on, ya'll?

                         Dude, who the fuck are you, Kevin

                         No dissin' required, baby.  Chill,
                         it's all good here.
                             (to AJ)
                         And how is you doin' little Tony?
                         And who's the brother?

                         It's AJ, not Tony.  I do my own
                         thing, my Dad does his.  This is my
                         friend, Baller.

                             (looking up and down
                         That's cool, that's cool.  Baller,
                         huh?  You don't look like no baller
                         to me.  Just some rich kid.
                         So, I hear you fellas are
                         interested in some product.

                         Yeah, but I'm not feeling too good
                         being up here.  

                         You with me, dawg!  Don't even
                         sweat that shit.  I roll with
                         Johnny Sack and the Lupertazzis.
                         We run this here place, not the
                         brothers.  Never think otherwise.
                         When you are with Carl, you are
                         good to go.

                             (teasing AJ)
                         I wonder if the brothers here would
                         like to know the little prince of
                         the Sopranos was in their midst.  

                             (extremely nervous)
                         Shut the fuck up, Dude!
