When the Time is Right

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Son seduces Mom, and she rewards him in an unexpected way.
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Author's note:- The following is a work of fiction. All characters are above the age of 18.

When The Time Is Right.

Justin smiled as he watched his Mom climb out of the pool. Her still firm breasts and trim waist belied her age, and the sight reminded him of her thirty seventh birthday. He had been planning a surprise party for her, but his father had sprung an even greater, and more unpleasant surprise, when he coldly told her he was leaving her for someone he had been in a long term relationship with, and was now pregnant. She should have expected it, because things had been difficult between them for some time, and she had suspected he was seeing someone else on a regular basis. Throughout their married life she had turned a blind eye to his philandering, because he was a good provider, both financially and in bed, especially in bed, but he had not touched her for almost a year, and now she was about to lose her income, so she was devastated.

She remained stone faced as he packed the few belongings he wanted to take, but after he left she threw herself into her son's arms and the tears began. Justin held her close, stroking her hair soothingly, and as the sobs subsided she gradually became aware that his other hand was stroking her breasts. She tried to ignore it, telling herself that it was happening to someone else, and she was merely a bystander, but she felt a stab of fear when he tried to insinuate his hand inside her bra.

"Please don't," she begged, pushing him away.

A little later she struggled to understand what had caused her to be so afraid. It couldn't have been her son, because she knew Justin would be the last person in the world to harm her, and after all, his touch hadn't been altogether unpleasant, just inappropriate. Nor could she bring herself to resent what he had done, because she felt that in a way she may have instigated it by pressing against him so closely, for so long. On the other hand, at twenty, Justin was old enough to know better, and that intimate contact between parent and offspring was forbidden.

After a while, just when she had almost talked herself into believing she had imagined the whole thing, he approached her with a mischievous grin, and patted her breast before skipping out of reach, laughing gleefully. Over the next couple of weeks, this became such a frequent occurrence that she grew weary of chastising him to no effect, and decided to ignore it in the hope that he would tire of his game.

A few days later, she was standing at the kitchen sink washing the the dishes when he crept up behind her, and taking advantage of the fact that she was up to her elbows in suds, he pushed his hands down the neckline of her dress and inside her bra. For several seconds she stood frozen in shock as he fondled her breasts, then she pushed back violently, and was horrified to feel his erection poke her buttocks.

Whirling around she pushed past him him and fled to her room, where she lay sobbing with shame. Shame because she had suddenly understood why she had been afraid the first time he tried to put his hand inside her bra. It wasn't fear of Justin, it was fear of herself. Fear that if he touched her bare breast she might like it. And now he had. And she had.

She had felt as if her hard nipples were trying to burrow deep into his palms, and she hadn't wanted to stop them. Nonetheless, she knew she had to, so she pushed back to push him away, but when she felt her bottom press against his erection, it reawakened dormant feelings she thought she had long forgotten. And it must never happen again. She could not ALLOW it to happen again! She WOULD not allow it to happen again!

When the tears stopped she went into the bathroom to wash her face, but changed her mind and stood under a cold shower to ease the burning the memory of his cock against her butt had revived between her thighs. Returning to her room, she put on the most shapeless dress she could find, hoping that if Justin couldn't see the outline of her figure he might lose interest.

Her effort was in vain, because when she went back downstairs he gave her a mischievous grin, and his piercing blue eyes seemed to strip her clothing away. As he stood up, she kept her eyes fixed on his, afraid to look down in case she saw something she liked, and knowing if she did she would want it. She stried to step back as he came towards her, but her feet were riveted to the floor, and she could only stand helpless as he cupped her breasts again. She allowed him to stroke and fondle for several minutes, thankful that the tight neckline of her dress prevented him from feeling her bare tits. Slowly the stroking started to get to her, and with a sigh of resignation she broke away and went to her room, returning in minutes wearing her nightdress.

Justin looked at her with raised eyebrows, and her shoulders lifted in a defeated shrug. "You win. I can't say no to you any more."

He carefully slipped his hand under her nightdress, surprised to encounter not her panties, but her pussy. Her very wet and totally available pussy. Helping her to remove her nightie, he studied every line and curve as it was revealed and arranged her on the couch, and there was no triumph in his eyes, only compassion and understanding, as he undressed without taking his adoring gaze from her firm tits and wet pussy. Kneeling between her outstretched thighs, he reached up to fondle her breasts and nipples, as he lowered his mouth to tease her stiffened clit and lick her wet pussy. When she started gyrating her hips and gasping with need, he quickly moved over her and buried his cock with a single urgent thrust. Her heart almost burst with joy as her son fucked her gently but urgently, with a love she had never received from his father, and happy tears flowed as her cock stuffed cunt was flooded with his healthy young seed.

He adjusted the bulge the memory had caused in his swim trunks, and moved over to make room for her on the sun lounge. "Do you think she will?" he asked.

"I really can't say," she replied, smiling as he peeled down her swimsuit top, and stroked her nipples into full erection. "We both know that Genevieve is old enough to know what she wants. I haven't spoken to her about it, but I have a feeling she might be interested. I'd say it was a case of her listening too much to the horror stories of some of her friends, and it's made her wary of taking the first step. We'll just have to wait and see."

He ran a fingertip along the crease of her pussy, making her shiver. "Do you want to finish this in the house or here?" he chuckled.

She responded by kicking off her swimsuit and spreading her legs wide. "Why wait?"

He stripped off his trunks and buried his cock in her always willing cunt, revelling in the familiar ripple of her inner muscles along his thrusting shaft, as they joyfully fucked each other to a much needed orgasm, then after she wiped her sticky cum filled snatch with her discarded swimsuit, they went into the house to dress for lunch.

A couple of weeks later Genni had woken up with a bad case of the green apple quick step, and taken the day off work. She had slept until almost lunchtime, and feeling a little better, she had opened the window to let in some fresh air, and her jaw dropped.

Her Mom was on the sun lounge beside the pool, laughingly pretending to stop Justin taking down the top of her swimsuit, before giving up, allowing him to remove the suit. As he placed his hand on her head, she smiled again and pulled down his swim trunks and took his cock into her mouth.

As she watched in horror, Genni's mind went back a few months to her first and only date. It had been a nightmare. The instant they were alone, without warning the guy had tried to force himself on her, and when she resisted he had beaten her savagely, repeatedly punching her stomach, then her breasts, and between her legs, traumatising her so much that since then she had actively avoided all contact with the opposite sex. All except her big brother. And now even he had betrayed her.

She felt her rage build and, relating the scene to her own experience, she directed her anger at Justin. She knew most men were animals with only one thing on their minds, but how could her big brother, whom she had always loved and admired -- until now - launch such a vicious unprovoked attack on their helpless mother? Her anger intensified when Justin pushed his victim on to her back and drove his cock into her defenceless pussy, fucking her savagely until he pumped his filthy unwanted seed inside her. She reached for her robe, intending to confront and berate Justin for his cowardly brutality in forcibly ravaging her mother, then hesitated, suddenly afraid that he might do the same to her. After all, if he could stoop so low as to force himself on their mother, she would be foolish to assume she was safe. Instead, she locked her door and cowered under the bedclothes unti she heard his car start up and drive away.

She waited a little longer in case he returned, then went dowstairs to console her Mom. To her surprise her Mom laughed. "Do you seriously think he would force himself on any woman, let alone me? You should know by now he's not that kind of man. It's not in his nature to do anything I didn't want him to do."

"Are you saying you wanted him to rape you?"

Her Mom laughed again. "Is that what you thought? Far from it. It's not the first time he's done me, and hopefully it won't be the last. I was playing hard to get, so it would be more exciting for us both when he did get what he wanted. What we both wanted. Maybe one day you'll find that out for yourself. Now, if you're feeling better, sit down and I'll make us some lunch."

Confused, her daughter shook her head and returned to her room, where she lay on her bed, trying to make sense of what she had been convinced she had seen, and what her Mom had told her. If her Mom really was being attacked, why did she laugh when Justin tried to remove her swimsuit? Why did she smile when she was forced to suck his cock? Why did she wrap her arms and legs around him when he fucked her? Why did she kiss him when he finished? And even more confusing, why was her own pussy tingling now at the memory of his cock driving in and out?

The more she thought about it, the more past events started to add up. As she was growing up, Justin had often come into her room at bedtime, and sat stroking her hair and talking quietly to her until she started to yawn, then he had kissed her forehead and left. He had stopped going into her room when she entered puberty, in fact he had avoided being alone with her, so if her Mom had been honest about being willing, did that mean he had gone to her and fucked her after saying goodnight to his sister?

After agonising for the best part of a week, during which she studiously avoided Justin, she approached her Mom, who assured her that what she had told her was how it had really been. When she bashfully admitted how the memory of it made her feel between her legs, her Mom merely smiled. "Maybe your body is telling you to try it for yourself? If that's the case I can talk to Justin about it. You know how much he loves you, so I'm sure he'd be glad to help. Don't worry, nobody will expect you to do anything you're not completely comfortable with. If you say no, then no it is."

Genni thought back to her one and only date. She couldn't bring herself to admit she had foolishly but innocently placed herself in such a vulnerable situation, so she pulled a face. "You may be right, but the truth is I'm afraid to let a man touch me. Especially down there."

"I understand only too well," her Mom responded. "I was exactly the same. Most girls are, but until you experience it, you can't even begin to imagine how good it feels. Ater a short pause, she went on. "Look, if you're afraid to let a man touch you, how about a woman? I've never done it before, but I'm willing to try, if only to give you some idea of what to expect."

Her daughter was shocked at the suggestion, but she was also intrigued. Not only that, but ever since the start of the conversation, she had felt a growing tingle between her legs. "OK, she conceded, " leaning back. "If you think it will help."

Wary of startling her by rushing, her Mom carefully raised the hem of her skirt to expose her panties, her fingertips tracing tiny circles up the inside of her thighs, until they were pressed against the line of her slit. She stroked gently, the way she herself liked to be stroked, and when she felt the fabric moisten, she paused. "OK so far? Want more?"

Genni nodded. Twice. "Yes. Yes," shuddering as her panties were moved to one side, and the gentle fingers were on her clit. Oh God! This was so good!

She opened her legs wider as her climax started, but suddenly the stroking stopped, and she hardly heard the whispered. "That's enough for now. The next time it will be Justin. And he won't stop unless you ask him to."

She was frustrated and more than a little indignant that her mother seemed to take it for granted that she would open her legs and let her brother feel her pussy, and maybe more, but she had been right about everything else so far, so she might as well be guided by her. Now that the decision had seemingly been made for her, the thought of Justin touching her the way her Mom had was starting to appeal to her. Until she had a sudden image of being sprawled on the sun lounge, as her brother fucked her in place of their mother, and a knot of fear clutched at her innards.

"What if Justin starts feeling my pussy and I lose my nerve?" she asked anxiously."

Apparently her Mom had anticipated the possibility, because the answer came without hesitation. "Then you tell him to stop, and I'll let him do me. Or I'll suck him. Either way he'll get to cum, and he'll lose the urge until we have all had time to calm down."

On the following Saturday, Justin and his Mom had just finished lunch when Genevieve arrived home from shopping and went straight to her room. Almost an hour later, Justin looked at the clock. "She's sure taking her time," he grumbled.

"Be patient," his Mom chided. "This is a big deal for her. Anyway here she comes now," she added, glancing towards the stairs.

When she reappeared, Genni had changed from her tight jeans and sweater into a simple shift dress which outlined her now braless breasts. Squeezing between Justin and her Mom, she fidgeted nervously with the hem of her dress, then whispered, "I have to try."

Justin took her hand. "Are you sure?"

She nodded, "I'm a bit nervous, but I have to try."

Her Mom looked from Justin to her trembling daughter and took her other hand. "Perhaps it would be easier for you if we all undress together?"

"You may be right." Genni stood up and waited for the others to start undressing, then turned her back and slipped out of her dress, then placing a protective hand over her mound, she turned to see them already naked. She felt a rush of wetness between her legs as she looked at the hard cock she had last seen buried in her Mom's pussy, and she stood frozen.

" Let him see it." Mom's voice was calm and reassuring, and she took her hand away.

" Christ, that's perfect!" Her brother whispered, his eyes wide as he stared reverently at her newly shaven mound.

Blushing at the comliment, she turned and squeezed back between them, acutely conscious of their bare thighs pressed against hers, Justin's hairy, her Mom's smooth as her own. "Somebody else will have to start, I'm not sure how." she mumbled.

Justin rose to make more room for her on the couch, at the same moment as their Mom's legs parted to a whispered "Will it help if you watch him feel me first?"

Genni shook her head. "Can you just hold my hand for now?" She breathed a sigh of relief as her brother leaned forward to stroke her breasts, glad he handn't tried to touch her pussy. It was too soon for that. She needed to get used to this first.

Her Mom squeezed her hand. "Move closer to the end of the couch so he can suck them."

She obeyed, hoping to delay the inevitable for as long as possible, but she hadn't anticipated the effect the treatment her breasts were receiving was having. Her mind was a confused whirl. How could having her tits sucked and stroked make her pussy tingle the way it was?

She was trembling, but experience told him it was more from nerves than from passion or arousal, so he took his time, pretending not to notice that her legs parted a little more with each flick of his tongue, each nibble and suck of her nipples. Slowly she began to relax as the pleasure swept through her, and taking his lips from her nipple, he whispered, "Will you let me try your pussy now?"

She looked nervously at her Mom, who merely opened her legs, smiling as she pointed meaningfully at her own pussy, as if to remind her that she was more than willing to let her son fuck her if her daughter didn't feel ready.

Reassured, and remembering how her Mom's fingers had felt, Genni nodded at brother and whispered, "OK, but promise me you'll only touch it for now."

"I promise," he agreed, kneeling and spreading her legs wide and moving closer.

She shuddered when he lowered his head and pressed his tongue to her clit. She had wanted and expected his fingers, but this was so much better. Her hips lifted involuntarily as his tongue continued to lick and probe, and when she started to cum she directed a silent thought to their mother. "Get ready to take his cock," but to her horror she heard herself gasp. "Do it to me. Now!"

She tried desperately to close her legs, but she was an instant too late, and her brother's cock was inside her, thrusting and probing, fucking her to unimagined heights of orgasmic paradise, and flooding her with spurt after spurt of his hot seed.

As he withdrew his spent tool, she had a sudden insight into something she had often wondered about, but the others had refused to discuss, and she sighed ecstatically. "Wow! That was amazing! Can we do it again soon? Please? Daddy?"

He looked lovingly at the red, swollen lips of his beaming daughter-sister's cum filled and thoroughly fucked cunt, and smiled. "Of course we can. And I promise we will. As often and whenever you wish."

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Not really a good story, you need to work on your story writing. Was this written by a 12 year old?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Liked the story but when you started adding a sister to the mix I knew she was his daughter cause when her husband left she only had a son but still a good read 4 stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

well not only did he get his mom pregnant with her, now shes of age and hes going to impregnate her too!! awesome.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

What I think this is that you tried to use two different timelines 18 years apart but never really explained it.


As far as I can tell is that

1) her marriage went bad

2) her son seduced her (almost to the point of non-consensual)

3) they had a daughter

4) for some reason, he never leaves, staying with his mother the next 18 years

5) they continued the sexual relationship while she grows up, maintaining the story that she is his daughter and only his sister

6) when she's of age, she is seduced and her true parentage is revealed only at the very end with one statement.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

You can still make something out of this I liked it just wasn't any build up i think you should re write it and keep the daddy thing goin i like that taboo

rufriterrufriteralmost 2 years agoAuthor

I have to agree with those readers who justifiably panned this story.

I tried to vary my usual writing style to create an atmosphere of mystery, leading up to the final revelation, and I failed dismally, creating instead an air of confusion, leading to disappointment.

Sorry folks, I'll try to do better in my current project.

BH54BH54almost 2 years ago

Good idea but poorly written.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Yep. New characters materializing out of thin air. Flashbacks with no point of reference. Confusing. Didn’t finish the story.

Anonymous3000Anonymous3000almost 2 years ago

I agree with you "SEX4LF57" (sorry for the caps)

But yes, some how her daughter ended in in the picture it was confusing. I didn't read it all, I just skipped parts. Still, then saying that she wanted him to rape her. In the beginning about her crying about it or whatever.

Even if I do have the details mixed up, this story didntbreally make sense. I will give this a 0 if I could.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57almost 2 years ago

You need to introduce your characters better. You start with a son eyeing his mom climbing out of the pool. You then have a flashback detailing what went wrong with her marriage and how the son groped his mother whenever he could without her consent. Suddenly he's having a conversation with you have to assume is his mother talking about someone named Genevieve. Who the he'll is she? I stopped reading as it was too confusing.

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