When Your Walls Come Down


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She cried out, "Oh my god. That feels so good," as he explored her lips and clit with his firm tongue.

"Oh, oh, shit, I'm cumming," she screamed as he sucked and licked her button. He fingered her, rubbing her inner walls, searching for her elusive g-spot to send her farther into heavenly bliss.

Her legs tensed and shot straight out as a second orgasm hit her out of nowhere. He wrapped his arms around her legs and kissed her thighs, working his way up to her knees, ankles, and toes.

He slid her farther back onto the bed and kneeled before her.

It was her turn to have the lustful look in her eye and then he saw it turn to fear.

"We can stop here, Gina"

"No, I'm ready. Make me a woman, make me your woman."

He lined up his head with her tight hole and said, "My size may hurt you at first, I'll try to be as gentle as I can."

She didn't think he was that large compared to the videos she watched, but figured he knew better because of his experience.

He pressed into her wet, hot hole and felt her walls hug him with their tightness. She held her breath with each inch that pushed into her. When he was all the way in, she exhaled and opened her eyes. She had been using a vibrator for years but he felt different.

She moaned as he began to move his hips back and forth, grinding into her clit as he bottomed out.

It didn't take long for her to reach orgasm, and she cried out, "Yes, oh faster, I'm cumming."

Al pounded into her, taking in the look of desire in her eyes, the smell of her arousal and sweat, and the sounds of slapping flesh as they coupled.

He said a silent thank you to whatever caused his cock to grow to its new larger size. His thought as came inside her for the first time was that he was finally able to please a woman properly.

He leaned into her and kissed her deeply as he shot his cum inside her.

They held each other in a tight post-coital embrace and he noticed she was softly crying.

"What's the matter, baby?"

"I never thought I would feel this way about someone. I feel so connected to you. I don't know if one can fall in love in four days, but I'm feeling something great."

He kissed her forehead and said, "Me too."

She squeezed him tighter and said, "I don't want to break the mood, but I'm starving."

Laughing, he asked, "Cold pizza or would you like to go out?"

"Let's stay in so we can get back in bed faster."

"I like the way you think."


The next morning they woke with a sense of peace enveloping them. They both felt it and basked in it.

Gina kissed Al on the cheek and said, "Whoa, I need to pee," and rushed off to the bathroom.

Al stretched and went to the guest bathroom. After doing his business he found a new toothbrush and brought it to Gina.

"Here you go," he said as he went into his master bathroom and brushed his own teeth.

After they finished, they kissed deeply and Al said, "Want to go out for breakfast?"

"Yeah, I'm famished. After that, I need to hit the store and get the fixin's for the potato salad I'm taking tonight."

"Sounds good."

They drove to a nearby pancake house and saw that it was packed and had a line waiting.

"Pretty normal for a Sunday morning. It'll be quick," he said as they grabbed a buzzer.

They found a bench outside to wait on and snuggled close together. Just then the elderly couple from the cafe walked up.

Al stood and said, "Please sit."

As Gina was rising up the old lady said, "Thank you, both. My aren't you the cutest couple."

"Thank you," Gina said with an odd thought. 'A couple?' She almost cried at the meaning of that in relation to how her life had been. 'Thank God, for whatever made me beautiful.' She thought.

"Have you been in love for long?" The old man asked. "You look like newlyweds."

Al laughed and said, "Our first date was this past week. I guess we are new, but not wedded yet."

The elderly couple smiled at each other and Gina whipped her head around to look at Al. He kissed her cheek and smiled at her.

"It seems we've been hit square in the heart by Cupid's arrow," Al continued.

"Oh, that's silly. Cupid doesn't use an arrow anymore," the man said as his wife playfully slapped his shoulder.

"You should get a picture of this moment. Here, give me your phone," the lady said to Al.

He smiled and handed her his phone. "Thanks, just push the gray circle there."

Al and Gina put their arms around each other and smiled. She snapped the photo and handed his phone back. "Now you'll have this moment to remember forever," she said with a smile and patted his hand.

Their buzzer went off and Al helped the lady stand by offering his arm. "Thank you again, young man. We hope you're happy for many, many years to come."

"Me too, enjoy your breakfast," Al said.

As Gina watched them slowly walk away, she asked Al, "What a sweet couple, did they seem familiar to you?"

"Nope, I dont think so."


After breakfast and shopping, Gina left Al to go home, change, and get ready to go to her sister's.

She made her potato salad and bounced happily to her bathroom to start the shower. As the water warmed, she laid out her clothes and thought about Al.

Could what she felt be love? She didn't care what it was called, but she wanted the feeling to last forever.

She turned on her favorite KISS album on iTunes and waited for the "Woo!" to start signaling the beginning of "Crazy, Crazy Nights." She danced her way into the shower and sang in sheer delight. She'd never been as happy as she felt at that moment.

She finished her washing and dried herself off. She wiped the fog off of the mirror and screamed at her reflection. "No!"

Over and over she cried, "No, no, no. Not now. Not when I'm finally happy."

She saw her old face in the mirror. She ran to her bed and cried, sobbing uncontrollably into her pillow. She hadn't moved for so long the doorbell startled her.

"Shit!" She thought as she saw the time. "What am I gonna do? He can't see me like this," she cried.

The bell rang again as she panicked.

She ignored it, hoping against hope that he would leave. She knew he wouldn't though. She quickly dressed as she tried to figure out what to do.

Her phone rang and knowing it was Al without looking at it, she didn't answer.

Al worried and kept trying without leaving a message. "Where is she? Why won't she answer," he thought. "Maybe she's in the shower?"

A lady came up with several bags of groceries and fumbled to get her keys.

"May I help you with those?" Al asked.

"Yeah, thanks. I haven't seen you before, do you live here?"

"No, I'm picking up my girlfriend, Gina."

"Oh, the tall girl?."

"Mmm, hmm."

"That's nice. I'm her next-door neighbor. She's really quiet. We hardly see her."

As they walked up to her apartment, they made idle chit chat and she said, "Here I am. Just set the bags there. I can get them inside."

"Okay. Have a good day." He said as he walked down to Gina's apartment.

Gina jumped as she heard the knock on her door. She decided that he couldn't see her like that and called him.

"Hello, I'm at your door, hun."

"Al, I can't go. I um, I'm not feeling well."

Knowing she was there because her car was, he said, "I'm sorry sweetie. Let me come in and I'll take care of you. I make a mean can of soup."

"No. Just go please." She snapped.

"Gina, what's wrong? You don't sound right. Please open up."

"Al, please go. I don't want you to see me this way."

"What way? Gina, please, you're worrying me. I don't care if you're a mess because you're sick. I can hear that you're right behind the door. Please open up so I can at least kiss you and get you into bed to rest."

Gina had another moment of panic realizing that she would see him the next day at work. It was unavoidable.

"Al, promise me that you will break up with me gently." She started crying again.

"Break up with you? What are you talking about?"

She opened the door and stood behind it as he rushed in.

Putting his phone in his pocket he turned to her, "Sweetie, what's wrong? Why in God's name do you think I'm breaking up with you?"

She closed the door and couldn't look at him. He lifted her chin with his finger. "Gina, baby, what's wrong?"

"Look at me!" She shouted. "I'm ugly again."

"Gina, have you lost your mind? You look exactly the same as you did when I left you this morning. Okay, maybe your eyes are puffier from crying, but you're the same pretty girl you've always been."

She pushed him aside, ran to her bathroom and looked in the mirror. "No I'm ugly again," she said as he walked up to her.

He pulled her into a hug and said, "Baby, you haven't changed a bit. What's gotten into you?"

"I'm ugly."

"Gina, Stop! Look here's the picture from this morning. You look exactly the same."

She took his phone and looked at the picture. "What the hell?" She said as she grabbed her own phone from her dresser.

She pulled up the selfie she took on Wednesday and seeing her old face, not her beautiful face, she cried.

She dropped onto her bed and said, "I don't know what's going on. I was beautiful, I swear."

Al sat next to her on the bed and took her hands. Looking up into her eyes, he said, "Baby, it's okay. Please relax. I'm not breaking up with you. You're the same beautiful girl I fell for."

"I swear, I'm losing my mind. When I woke up Wednesday, I swear that my face was different."

"Look, forget about it. I'm not sure what's happened, but let's forget it for now and enjoy dinner with your family."

She sniffled some more and agreed.

Al was lost at what to think about her meltdown. Whatever happened to her, he resolved himself to be there for her as she worked through it.


When they pulled into the driveway at her sister's house, she snickered. "I should've known my mother would come today."

Al laughed and said, "Well, I guess I'd better turn up the charm."

"Just be yourself, Honey. Everyone will love you."

Jerry was cooking steaks as Ann and her mother were chatting when they walked into the backyard. Introductions were made and Gina got quiet afterward.

Al was getting grilled as much as the steaks were by Gina's sister and mother. They asked all of the typical questions. What did he do for a living? How did they meet? Does he see his mother often? Well, that was Mrs. Downs that asked that one. Ann laughed at her.

After dinner, Jerry invited Al out to the deck as Gina chatted with her mother and nephews. Jerry lit a cigar and offered one to Al, "No thank you. I don't smoke," he said.

"How about a beer then? I have a nice, crisp cider I've been dying to try."

"Sure, that sounds good, Jerry, thanks."

As they sat in the dusk, Jerry said, "Al, please be careful with her. She's got some self-esteem issues. She had a rough childhood."

"I know. She told me. I really like her, so I'm not planning on messing anything up. We had a bit of a meltdown today though. I was actually hoping your wife could help her with that too. She was an absolute wreck about her face having changed back. I didn't understand it and honestly, I was afraid I would have to take her to a doctor."

"It's funny you mention that. She told Ann that her face had changed too. Ann shrugged it off as nothing to worry about. I tell you what, I'll let Ann know to keep a closer eye on her and please let us know if anything else happens. We always worry about her being alone all of the time. With you in the picture, that's a huge load of worry taken off of our shoulders."

"Alright. I'm going to use your bathroom, excuse me."

Al walked through the kitchen and into the hallway. He saw the ladies in the living room chatting while the boys played. He listened for a moment, to see if they were talking about him and of course, they were.

"Mom, he's a really nice guy and we have a lot in common. He's really perfect for me."

"Just be careful, dear. I don't want you to rush into anything and end up hurt."

"Mom, don't worry about it. I'll be fine. With or without Al. I always am."


Al couldn't hold it anymore and made his way to the bathroom.

He unzipped, pulled himself out to aim, and had to stifle a scream. He looked down and saw his penis had returned to normal size. He almost missed the bowl with his stream and almost sprayed the floor out of shock.

"Fuck," he whispered to himself. He finished his business and stared at his normal member. He thought, "Maybe it's just too soft. He thought of Gina and began to stroke himself to hardness.

"Oh no!" He thought. "Why is this happening to me?" Then it hit him like a lightning bolt. "Wednesday!"

He zipped up and all but ran out of the bathroom to Gina. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm not feeling well all of a sudden. Gina, would you mind if we left early?"

"I'm sorry, baby. It's alright. We can get you home and on the way to feeling better."

Her mom said, "What's the matter, Al? Was it something you ate? Come here let's see if you have a fever."

"No, I'll be alright, Mrs. Downs. Ann, thank you for a great dinner. You have a wonderful family."

They made goodbyes and left.

As they were driving, Gina said, "That came on all of a sudden. My family wasn't too rough on you were they?"

"No, it's not that. Something happened to me. I think it may be related to what you said happened to you. I'll show you when we get to my place."


As soon as they walked in, Al said, "Gina, I'm going to show you something and you have to be honest with me and don't freak out."

"You're scaring me, Al."

Al unbuckled his belt, unfastened the button and pulled his shorts down. He pulled his penis out of his underwear and showed it to her."

"Okay, I see it. What's the matter? Do you want a blow job? We didn't have to leave early for that. You would've gotten lucky tonight anyway."

"Gina, does it look smaller to you than it was last night?"

"Well, it's not hard. So yeah, it was a lot bigger."

"No, ugh! Wait, I'll get it hard."

She laughed and said, "Isn't that my job, baby?"

She got on her knees and took his soft member into her mouth. She was amazed at how good it made her feel as he hardened while her tongue licked his head.

Once he was full hardness, she pulled off with a pop and said, "There we go. There's my big man."

"Big! Doesn't it look smaller to you?"

"Honey, believe me; I'm very familiar with our friend here and he's exactly the same size as last night."

Al tucked it back in his underwear and pulled his shorts up.

"Hey, I was playing with that," Gina said with a smile.

"Later. Gina. Earlier today, you said that on Wednesday when you woke up, your face was different."

She saddened and said, "Yes."

"And I told you that you looked the same to me."


"Gina, when I woke up Wednesday morning, my penis seemed larger to me. Much larger. Today it was fine until I went to the bathroom at your sister's. It was smaller again."


"Gina, what happened to you on Tuesday? I mean think about the entire day. I think something happened to us, somehow. Something happened to make you think you were beautiful and to me to make me think my dick was larger."

"Al, that's nuts."

"Is it? I had to show you a picture to prove that you hadn't changed. Now, you tell me that I haven't changed."

"Holy shit! It's like a perception filter. Remember? It's from Doctor Who. Except with us, it was reversed. Instead of hiding something from other people, it caused us to see and feel what wasn't really there. Jeez, maybe we were hypnotized?"

"Think about your day. Did anything happen?"

"Nothing unusual. I woke up, worked, went to lunch in the cafe, finished working, and went home."

"Same for me. WAIT! The old couple from breakfast today. You asked me if they looked familiar. I didn't think so, but I think they were in the cafe with us."

"Al, the old lady rode the elevator with me."

"I rode up with the old man. Holy crap! I bet they have something to do with all of this."

"Al, come on..."

"Think about it. After our first time seeing them, our minds are messed with and after the second time, we're back to normal. It makes sense, I just don't know what they did."

"Okay, I'll concede your point. What do we do now?"

Al took her hands in his and looked up into her eyes.

"There's nothing to do. You're the same person I'm falling for and I'm the same person you're falling for. Nothing's changed in that regard. The perceptions were on our own bodies, not the other's. If you're as happy with me today as you were last night, we have no problems. You already know I love this face," he said as he raised his hand and caressed her cheek.

"Let's go to the bedroom and let me show you how much I love what's in your pants."


"Well dear, another satisfied customer, or shall I say a couple?" The old man said to his wife.

"Yes, I think they are going to make it. You know, we haven't had a failure in centuries," the old lady answered.

"Isn't it wonderful? You know we really need to start working on our replacements."

"Yes, but I'm having too much fun. We can keep going a bit longer."

"Yes, dear."


I debated on whether or not to geek out in their conversations, but if they were real that's how they would've talked. I decided to leave it as is.

Peter Capaldi is an actor that played Doctor Who. There have been more than 13 of them. Karen Gillan played Amy Pond on Doctor Who but is better known from Guardians of the Galaxy and Avengers films.

Each Doctor had people that travelled with them called companions. Usually they were attractive women.

Kylo and Rey are the main characters in the newest Star Wars films.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. If this gets rated well, I may continue the adventures of the old couple who have magic.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Really enjoyed the geeky references. Number Ten is my favorite doctor, possibly because I discovered the show while he was the current one. My wife and I originally bonded over our shared love of Star Trek (TOS, of course). You've made an excellent point that confidence is usually what it takes to put you over the top.

KTD2020KTD202011 months ago

Every time I read this, I have to laugh. For Gina, her confidence came from her looks. For Al, his confidence came from his equipment.

oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 2 years ago

Mind games for sure, but an interesting story never the less. I liked and enjoyed reading it, thanks.

RanDog025RanDog025over 2 years ago

Good story for 5 BIG FLUFFY STARS!

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69over 2 years ago

My tooth hurts with sweetness, loved it.

AnAncientAnAncientalmost 3 years ago

I think Amy Pond and River Song are the sexiest women I've ever seen in Doctor Who!

David Tennant (10th) and Matt Smith (11th) were the best Doctor Who's -- IMHO

I remember seeing the first episodes when I was a child.

To be honest, I would have been happier if there was no mention of changed physical characteristics. Other than that, I loved the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

He's right about the fourth and the tenth doctor being the best... My now "ex" put the foot down when I wanted a Tardis in the front yard... " Not even in the backyard !! "....well things can only go so far...

dob092095dob092095over 3 years ago

Great story. I would love to read another.

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