While You Were Out


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I went to my bedroom, pulled the elastic band from the back of my hair, and shook out my pony tail. What was happening to me? It should be impossible. It was as if I were under some sort of spell. Only there was no such thing as witchcraft, was there?

My traitorous fingers gave my bottom a pinch in warning. I hurried to follow Ellen's instructions, and put my hair in pigtails. My attention was drawn to the wooden hairbrush on my dresser. She had asked that I bring it back with me. What was it doing on my dresser? Like the clothes, and the pink ribbons in my hair, it wasn't mine. I picked it up, summoned whatever remained of my courage, and returned to the living room.

Ellen looked up at me and smiled as I entered the room. I reached down and took the hem of my skirt, lifted, bent down at my knees, glared at her with pure unadulterated hatred, and curtseyed.

"Oh, aren't you just too precious," she said mockingly.

"What's happening to me?"

"You were always the smart one Tina," Ellen said. "Why don't you tell me what you know so far?"

"Well," I began. Yes, it would do me good to examine my symptoms again; especially now that my hands were under control again. Maybe I could even ascertain the cause myself, now that I had additional information. "All my clothes were missing this morning. I had to wear this outfit that I would never wear in a million years."

"And why wouldn't you wear an outfit like that?"

"It's too small." My fingers twisted the hem of my skirt. "It's too revealing." My panties and bottom were almost constantly in danger of being exposed. "And I need a bra."

"And is that the only reason?"

I felt my cheeks burn hot. My pussy - oh God what was happening to me? My pussy was positively gushing with pleasure - begging for attention.

"It's humiliating Ellen. I - I look like a little girl." Oh God it was all coming out now, there was no stopping once I started. "I look like a little girl trying to flaunt what she doesn't have."

Ellen stood up and circled me. I felt like an antelope being sized up by a hungry tiger. She took the brush from my hand, and used it to trace the hem of my short skirt as she circled me.

"I know," she said. "Isn't it delicious?"

It wasn't delicious, it was positively mortifying.

"You have the tightest little body, my little tease toy," Ellen said. "Such long skinny legs. Such a tight little ass. Adorable little breasts capped by thick puffy nipples. Beautiful green eyes and a heart shaped mouth."

I felt absolutely naked. Even more naked than naked-if such a thing were possible. My cheeks were hot, almost as hot as my sex. Through sheer force of will, I stopped myself from another curtsey.

"What else have you noticed little tease toy?"

How do you tell a person you're not to be conquered? In the books I had read, this was where the heroine would say, 'You will never win. You will never conquer me. I will never submit.' I tried to say these things. Lord knows I tried. Instead I stared at the floor and pointed my toes together like an errant girl.

"I order you to tell me."

"My fingers have a mind of their own," I admitted. "They - they punish me when I disobey you."

"Anything else?" She caught my eyes. I saw a wicked smile of recognition. She knew. And she knew that I knew.

My traitorous fingers. Damnable digits. Pinching me. Poking me. My own body forcing me to reveal my darkest secrets.

"Ouch! I can't. I can't seem to. . ." I couldn't finish.

"Can't seem to what?"

God she was going to make me say it. If not her, then my pinching fingers.

"I can't seem to finish myself off," I hissed through clinched lips.

She laughed at my distress. She thought it was hilarious.

"Anything else?" she asked.

No, I couldn't think of anything. I shook my head in response.

"Do you know who did this to you?"

I nodded. That I knew.


"I don't know how, but I think you must have done it."

"Very good," Ellen said. "Do you know what I did?"

"I don't know. Maybe I'm on drugs. Maybe this is a dream?" God, if only it could be a dream.

"Do you want to pinch yourself to see?"

I shook my head. I had already involuntarily done that about a hundred times already. I was most assuredly awake.

"Do you remember when I hypnotized you, two weeks ago?"

"You tried to hypnotize me," I said. "But nothing happened. I was awake the whole . . ." And then it began to dawn on me. Suddenly everything made sense.

"You were saying?"

"You did it. You hypnotized me."

"That's right. You don't remember it, but you made a great chicken and an even better dog. It was when I hypnotized you to think you were dog and you were lapping water from a bowl on the floor that I realized I could make you do anything . . . absolutely anything I wanted. And the thought - the power - turned me on more than I ever imagined.

"There was only one thing that was disappointing - you weren't really aware of the things you were doing."

"After that it became easy. I gave you a post-hypnotic suggestion to forget everything and another to let me put you under again. I've been putting you under for almost a week now. While you were out, I've made good friends with your subconscious mind. It's going to help me have so much fun with you. And the best part - this time, you are going to be aware of everything I do to you.

"You bitch!" I had finally had enough. I grabbed her by her wrists, and spun her around. "You're going to undo whatever you've done to me."

"Naughty girl." Ellen scolded.

My hands let her go. Instead of slapping her, I took my nipples between my thumbs and forefingers and began to twist and pull, tweaking them painfully.

"Ouch! Stop - stop - oh please make them stop!"

"Are you going to be a good little girl?"


"Another curtsey please," she said. "And say, 'yes ma'am,' when I give you an order."

"Ow-ow-yes ma'am." I bobbed in a quick curtsey.

"That's my good girl."

My fingers stopped pinching.

"As you can see," Ellen said. "If you fail to carry out an order - you will be punished. Disobedience will be punished quite harshly."

"Now take off your top. That's an order."

"Please Ellen. . ." I begged. But it was useless. My fingers pinched my already sore bottom. I took off my blouse, leaving me standing half naked in front of my evil bitch of a roommate.

"Such cute little titties," Ellen said. "What size are they?"

"32 B." My fingers sought out my nipples and pinched.

"You will also be punished if you try to lie to me."

"Ouch . . . 32A," I corrected before they could pinch me again.

"So small," Ellen smiled. "Much too small for a bra. Besides, we don't want anything to get in the way of those pinching fingers, now do we?"

I blushed at the thought of being put on display in such a manner. Today had been terrifying and mortifying. I shivered at the thought of it happening every day.

Ellen took the handle of the brush and traced it up my chest until she reached my slightly bruised and inflamed breasts.

"Your nipples are really puffy from all of your pinching," Ellen said. "And you are blushing from your cheeks to your stomach. So fucking sexy."

I could feel myself blush even more. My hands wouldn't keep still. They smoothed the back of my skirt. They toyed with my hem. They twirled my pigtails. God, how I hated her for what she did to me, and yet there I was flirting with her.

"Let me tell you what else I've done. You can't help flirting with people. You become aroused when they compliment or otherwise pay attention to you."

"And yet, if someone tries to touch you or get close to you, you will become panicked or terrified,' Ellen laughed. "You can only tease - you aren't allowed to please."

That was exactly what happened with the boys on the bus. Oh God, she was evil -- she was truly evil.

"Something else you might want to keep in mind my little toy," Ellen said. "I wouldn't try to tell anyone what has happened if I were you. The results could be extremely embarrassing.

I thought back to what happened earlier that day; my fingers masturbating me for even thinking of telling my mother. Thank heavens I was on the phone and not in person when it happened.

"And the best part, my little tease toy," Ellen continued. "The coup de grace.

"You'll tease other people, but you will tease yourself most of all. You can try to give yourself an orgasm, but you will find that your fingers are quite - shall we say--uncooperative."

Oh God, I was in hell. "No. . . oh God Ellen. Please have mercy," I begged.

"There is a bright side to your situation," Ellen said. "Even though no one else can touch you . . . I can."

She reached between my thighs and cupped my sex. I instinctively grabbed her wrist to stop her, but my resistance was weak and the day had been too long. I was horny and had been aroused continuously. Her fingers drove the crotch of my panties into the groove of my nether lips. Soon, I was holding her arm for support, while my hips pumped in time with her hand.

"You want it don't you, slut?"

"Don't do this to me," I breathed. ". . . please." Despite my anger towards her, I wanted it so bad it hurt.

She withdrew her hand and pressed my own between my legs. "You do it this time. Rub yourself off for me."

I wished I could say that I told her no. I didn't. I shyly slipped my fingers beneath my panties, and tried. Oh, I tried so hard. But try as I might, I couldn't get my hand to obey. It teased me unremittingly, making my knees buckle, making me gyrate, making me dance, all under the watchful eye of my sadistic roommate.

This time when Ellen reached between my legs, I didn't resist.

"You want it don't you, slut?" she asked again.

"Yes," I moaned. "Oh God - yes."

I melted to her touch. Her fingers touched me in all the right places. I felt my orgasm begin to rise.

"No-no-no," Ellen said mockingly as she withdrew her hand. "You'll be doing a lot of new chores before you earn one of those. A lot of chores."

She took me by the hand and led me to a chair. "I want you to lie over my lap."


"You called me a bitch earlier," she said casually. "So I'm going to spank you."

"Ellen. . ." I whined. "Please. . ."

"Don't make me order you."

I complied, draping myself over her lap. Ellen helped me into position. My feet were touching the ground, so were my hands. My bottom was raised into the air, supported on Ellen's thighs. I waited with dread as she pulled my skirt out of the way and touched my bare bottom.

"Raise your hips."


"Naughty girls get spanked on their bare bottom."

"It is bare." I was only wearing a thong.

"Raise," she commanded.

I reluctantly obeyed; humiliated beyond belief as she tugged my panties down to my knees. She would see everything.

"You're shaved," she stated. I flinched as the sharp bristles touched the delicate skin of my sex.

"I like it," Ellen said. "So virginal - and yet so obscenely exposed. I expect you to keep your pussy like this - always."

"Please Ellen," I begged. "Please don't do this. I'll do anything. I'll pay anything."

"I know. You will do anything. You'll cook. You'll clean. You'll iron my clothes. You'll polish my shoes. With your tongue if I want you to. Oh the things you will do," she said, and continued her examination despite my protests. "Your cunt is soaked. You love this, don't you slut?"


With a loud smack, the flat of the hairbrush landed on my ass. It caught me totally unprepared.

"You're a little slut, aren't you Tina."


"A teasing little tramp, aren't you?" She spanked me again.

"No!" My ass burned like fire.

And on it went. Question after question. Was I a slut? A tramp? A conniving little whore. A dirty dyke. A slutty slave. I kicked and bucked, answered no, and then refused to answer. She kept on, punctuating each question with a blow to my tender bottom. Finally, I began to cry, hung limply in her lap, and admitted defeat. "Yes!" I finally answered in surrender.

"Yes, what?" Ellen asked. "That you are a cock tease or a queer bait?"

"Both. . ." I felt it was the safest answer.

Her hand felt cold and soothing on my burning ass.

"A conniving whore?"


"You are so wet, you are dripping on my legs," Ellen said. "You are a slut. You know that, don't you? Only a slut would get off being treated like this."

"Yes," I admitted.

"And that is why you let me hypnotize you. Isn't that right? They say that even if you are hypnotized, you don't do anything you don't want to. Deep inside you want to be my slave. Deep inside. . . you are pure slut."

"It's not true." But I knew in my heart that it was, and I hated myself for it.

Her finger dipped into my sex. I didn't flinch. I felt myself moan and push back, giving myself to her. But, Ellen had no intention of playing by my rules. She stopped just short of my opening and teased it before withdrawing.

"Have you ever taken a cock here?" she asked.

"No." God, she knew another secret. I could never have another secret from her. My own fingers would see to it.

"Well you won't miss what you've never had."

"Oh please no. . ." I begged, my past flashing before my eyes. I wasn't the prettiest girl in the world, but there had been offers. I had turned them all down. Saving myself for that special night and that special someone.

I felt her separate the cheeks of my bottom. A fingertip touched the opening to my ass. I tried to escape her curious finger, but couldn't. "I bet not even one finger in here, am I right?"

"Yes, y-you're right." I would never do such a thing.

"One day," Ellen said. "It may come sooner than you imagine. One day you will beg for me to stick something up that tight ass of yours.

I wouldn't. Never.

"Get down bitch," Ellen pushed me off her lap and onto the floor. "Kneel down where you belong."

I watched in horror as she hiked up her skirt slipped her panties off. I could see where this was leading.

"Tina," Ellen spread her thick muscular thighs. "Meet Miss Pussy," she said pointing down to her own blonde bush. "Miss Pussy, this is teasing Tina."

"Tina, say hi to Miss Pussy."

I shook my head. No way. No fucking way.

"Oh come on. Say hi. What will it hurt?"


"You are being very rude to Miss Pussy," Ellen continued. Her sex was covered with sandy brown curls. Possessing more self confidence than I ever had, she spread her full pink lips between her fingers. Her fluids gleamed and ran from the dark opening of her sex down to the crack of her bottom.

My hands once again took on a life of their own. They touched me. They teased me. Glistening pussy soaked fingers attempting to push into my mouth.

"Please don't do this," I begged one final time. "I'm not gay."

"I'm not either," said Ellen. "But Miss Pussy? Miss Pussy much cares one way or the other. And it's a good thing for you, because if it were up to me, I'd never let you come again. But, Miss Pussy? Miss Pussy just might. I think the world of Miss Pussy. If she asked me to do a favor for a good friend of hers . . ." Ellen shrugged her shoulders, and tucked back her blonde bangs back behind her ear. "Who knows?"

My fingers were driving me to the brink. Driving me to distraction. I yearned. I *needed*. I was so close, and yet they would always stop me just short. Leaving me dangling on the brink.

Another part of my soul surrendered. I looked from Ellen's sex, to her hungry gray eyes, and then back to her sex. Her lips were upturned at the corners, part smile, part sneer. She sat there - waiting.

I moved in to lick her. To become a lesbian.

Ellen closed her legs. "That's very rude. Miss Pussy doesn't even know you. Introduce yourself first."

Dear Lord, what perversions did Ellen have in store for me?

"Hi - hi Miss P-pussy," I stammered. "My name is Tina." I felt so stupid. I was dying inside. My heart hammered in my chest.

"Tell her she's pretty."

I looked to Ellen for sympathy.

"Don't look at me," she sneered. "Look down there - *and ask her*."

My gaze fell down to her pink spread lips. "You- you're very pretty Miss Pussy." Was it just my imagination, or did Ellen's sex clench in response to my statement?

"Ask her if you can be her friend."

This had gone too far, but I couldn't stop. It was as if I was a new girl in school, forced by the teacher to introduce myself at the front of the class. The desires unleashed in my sex pushed me to do anything Ellen wanted.

"May I be your friend?" I begged.

"What kind of friend?" she teased.

I bent forward, so close to her sex, I could see the small chill bumps that covered her skin. Her blonde curls matted and wet with desire. Leaning closer, I gently kissed her. I kissed a pussy for the first time ever. I was afraid of gagging - of retching - but it wasn't bad. It wasn't bad at all.

"Oh, a kissing friend," Ellen moaned. She grabbed me by my pigtails and pulled me against her sex. "Ah - Miss Pussy likes that very - very much.

"Oh fuck - this is so fucking hot," Ellen gasped. "You two are going to be spending a lot of time together. Yes, my little tease toy, you and Miss Pussy are going to be best friends."

I kissed her again. This time, I stuck out my tongue and snaked it into Ellen's very wet sex. I had no idea what to do at first. Whether to stick it inside her or to lick her nubbin. However, I didn't have to wonder long, she soon took control, pulling my pigtails, steering me first one way and then the other. Crudely ordering me to suck her clit, lick her cunt, drink her come.

At first, I just wanted to get my distasteful task over with. However, as I pleasured my roommate's pussy, my own fingers were busy with my own sex. They teased me to a frenzy, and kept me on the brink of orgasm, while never allowing me to reach climax. I moaned in frustration and sexual need. Soon, driven by my fingers and sexual desperation, I began to lick and suck at Ellen's gushing sex with lewd abandon.

"That's it," Ellen said. "Lick it. Lick it, you cunt hungry queer."

I was dismayed at the realization that to Ellen or anyone watching, I would appear to be eager participant, instead of an unwilling puppet, but by this point, I was to far gone to stop.

I pulled my head briefly and gasped for a breath of air. It was heavy from the smell of Ellen's musk. "Why are you doing this to me?" I implored, before she pulled me back to duty.

Her hips bucked against my face. My head was trapped between her thick muscular thighs. The sound of my licking was almost all I could hear. But listening closely, I could hear the sounds of her moaning - Ellen was coming ...coming and snarling, "Because I can Tina - because I fucking can. . ."

The End


Thanks to Colly for the editing.

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MindTrip412MindTrip4127 months ago

Bravo. All the stars.

slavesindeeslavesindeeover 7 years ago

i could almost taste Miss Pussy. i so want to please Miss Pussy.

Please write more

RunsAmokRunsAmokalmost 8 years ago
Very nice!

The story was pretty meh until she finally met Ellen. That part about introducing herself to miss pussy was fantastic. The eroticism jumped several levels.

mfingermfingeralmost 16 years ago

Great work. I loved that she didnt know what was happening to her, but she went along with her thoughts. More time with Miss Pussy would be good as the end was too quick. I really want to know what happens as time goes on in this slave relationship.

egosumquisumegosumquisumover 17 years ago

A very inspiring story. You know? I've been following some of your work and I have to say I like it. It is difficult to find good writers (especially in English). Congratulations.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Strange but great

You do have a talent and are able to write across a broad spectrum. Congratulations. By the way, although I'm not generally into this genre' it was damn good.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago

Another great story. Hope to see a part 2

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Very Dirty!

Loved it! Very hot reading about the conflict in Tina's mind, how she dressed in the sexy schoolgirl outfit and was a sexy tease for the first time.

More forced lesbianism with lots of short skirts, stockings and high heels... please!!

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