Whispers From My Heart


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Everything was exploding in me as she kept licking and more than just teasing my clitoris, often suckling it lovingly.

At last she stopped, rubbing her cheeks against my shorn pussy's lips, kissing it, then licking again to take all that still flowed out of me.

"I love you, Hannah. God, I love you, and I want to make love to you again and again," she said heatedly.

Not surprisingly, I was more than ready for more, but I also felt a gnawing in my stomach from wanting to love her too. Quickly turning my body, I was at her and licking as furiously as I could, hair or no hair, but as I rushed to take her, I was parting her hairs to get all I could.

We were as unruly with each other as we could be, moving, turning, hastening to find a better way to enjoy our sexual being, of giving and taking of each other. Orgasm after orgasm, we were as new lovers who'd never known the joys a woman's love could bring us, and we were wanting all we could get of each other until we finally wore out. Our bodies made us stop, giving us a chance to catch our breath and fill our lungs instead of our hungers.

"I love your bare lips. Can I do mine too?"

"If you wish, but I do love your hair's color there. It's sexier than I ever thought it could possibly be."

"I'll be glad to leave some if you want. Do you?"

"Yes. Mercy yes," I let the words out as if I was still out of breath, and I was.

She shaved, and left enough for my eyes to marvel at, to be entranced by, then we were making love again.

She didn't ask me if I would stay, and I didn't say that I'd better go. There was no time for that as we were still wanting to make love, though we had to give our bodies a rest every so often. Throughout the night, we'd make love, then sleep until I finally had her sit on my face and thoroughly wore her pussy out–and yet I wanted more of her.

I had to take mercy on her, but slept with my face against her pussy, one hand under a part of her cheeks, the other coveting what hair she had left. Her hair color around her pussy drove me crazy, it so tugged at my sexual self.

I woke up before she did, and slowly raised my head and looked at her. She was so slender, and her coloring such that I wished her whole body was one large pussy so I could lick on it all day and night. Her skin was a mixture of milky cream and the sprinkling of freckles gave her a rust colored hue. Those freckles rose up her thighs, then left off being creamy when it reached her pussy. Her pussy's coloring was also a mixture of redness and creaminess.

I remembered how she looked before she'd shaved and regretted that she had, but then how she felt to my lips came at me with a rush and I didn't regret it at all. Looking higher, she was creamy colored until just above her nipples, and there the freckles came into play again spreading magnificently upward. For femininity, she was as lovely as any woman could be, and I knew I was in her trap. I also knew that I'd stay in her trap as long as she wanted me. Looking again at her pussy, her lips still somewhat splayed, I could see her clitoris, still a bit swollen and so lovely that I had to lick it, then suck on it as tenderly as I could.

"Hannah, you sent me to heaven, and now you're waking me up there again. Is it always this way? If it is, I think I want to stay like this until I die," she whispered as she caressed my hair and cheeks.

"You are more than beautiful, Velda, and your body is very sweet. I can't wait to look at your ass as I just did your front."

"Now?" she asked with baited voice.

"Uh-huh, now," I suddenly found my voice like hers.

She turned away and onto her tummy so I could look at her ass. As I started to, she lifted her head to look at me as much as she could, her breathing starting to become ragged. Her ass was as beautiful as Rona had told me mine was to her., I couldn't get over how creamy and smooth looking her ass was, and felt myself gulping with the sudden hunger I was feeling.

Unable to control myself, I put my facial cheek on one of the cheeks of her butt and moaned in utter delight as I gently rubbed myself on it. My hand had gone to cup her other cheek, and my finger tips caressing the sexy cleft it made at her thigh top. I had to kiss her there, then to nibble along that sweet crease, after which I began licking it's length. There was no way I could do more, at least not at the present, but after kissing, licking, and biting lightly on her, I mounted her fully, pressing my naked pussy on her lovely and sexy ass.

Holding her shoulders, and kissing her neck, I began rubbing my pussy rhythmically on her cheeks. It felt so good that I groaned loudly as I was carried away with the sensations of my smooth pussy gliding along her smoother ass.

"Hannah, you're making me so hot. I want to eat your pussy like you ate mine. Can I?" she asked like a little girl asking for candy.

"Yes, in a minute, okay."

"Okay, but hurry. That feels so good, but I need to have you. Please hurry."

I did, but reluctantly. I was having trouble breathing, the sensations that were tearing at me were so wondrously sweet. As Rona and I had often done, I loved the tender caresses we could give and feel with our bodies. Rona had said it was one of the great joys of female love, and she was right. We loved to touch and caress as I did with my pussy on Velda's ass, as well as in so many other ways too.

Sitting up as Velda turned to be on her back, I saw her looking at my pussy, and her eyes glazing over. She was horny as could be, and so was I, so I quickly sat over her face and rode her to an instant orgasm, but I needed much more, and so did she, it was all so hedonistic. She had her hands to where she could cup my ass, and pressed me to her as her face buried itself in my pussy, her tongue greedy within me. She was destroying me, but I loved it and jogged on her face until I was too far gone, and had a tremendous orgasm. I sat hard on her face, but quickly lifted up though I wished I could swallow her face with my pussy, those sharp needles of pleasure kept shooting through me enchanting my body.

Not long after, I found myself on my back, and Velda's face at my pussy as I had had mine on hers a while ago. My attempts to breathe were filled with a sweetness that made it hard for air to get to where I most needed it.

* * * *

Making love with Velda went on into the rest of the weekend. After a while I wondered how she would feel about me fucking her as Rona had fucked me so often. Though I wanted to ask her, I dared not breach it just yet, and of course, I didn't have my strap-on with me. As it was, eating each other so much was more than I could ask for, we loved so many more times. Others might say we rutted without end, and if that was how they'd like to put it, it was fine with me; I just knew it seemed like one endless sexual enjoyment after another.

I knew Velda's body would haunt my mind. Other than her facial looks and the hair on her head, what she'd had about her pussy, and that smooth, succulent and creamy ass, along with the rest of her skin with her freckles were enough to drive me wild, and I knew it, but relished our next coming together.

"Will you be alright?" I asked her as I was about to leave. She knew what I meant.

"I think so, or at least I hope I will; that was a lot of loving that was sweeter than I ever imagined it could be, so I think it'll stay with me and keep me well."

Our good-bye kiss was supposed to be a soft and sweet one, but it morphed quickly and was as passionate and lustful as any we'd already had. Breathless, I pulled away and wished I hadn't.

"See you at the club?" she asked, her breath laboring too.

"Yes, baring anything unforseen."

She hugged me hard again, and I wished we'd stayed naked, but we weren't, so I left.

Chapter 15

There was no escaping it–I was in love with Velda, but I didn't feel the guilt I'd felt before though I did try to talk to Rona about it. Yes, I knew that was impossible, but I had no one else to talk to, and Rona always knew what to say, how to make me see what ever it was that I had to see. She'd been indispensable to my existence, but now it was very possible that Velda would feel that I was indispensable to her. She had problems, and unlike me, I didn't think that just knowing the joy of being in love as well as making love, would be enough for her to get rid of her devils. We had to talk more, and seriously, but it was something that she'd have to want to do. Would she? Or would she only see me as a way to hide from her inner problems via us making love? That was a real possibility.

Dreaming of her, as well as thinking of her in most of my waking hours, I feared our next meeting. I knew we'd be together again for the weekend, but I knew she wasn't yet as I was in wanting to confront her devils.

* * * *

On Friday evening, when I arrived at The Sweetest Angels, she not only saw me immediately, but almost ran to meet me. As soon as she could, she had her lips on mine to the applause and cat calls of those who saw us.

"I've been dreaming of us meeting again. I can't get you out of my mind."

I toyed with her. "Have you been trying to get me out of your mind."

"No way. Can we go to my place right now?" she pushed immediately.

"We should at least have a glass of wine and a few dances, shouldn't we?"

"Yeah, that might be nice. The next time though maybe you could just come to my place instead of meeting here," she said expressing her anxiousness to be together.

I took that as a caution flag. Since it was early, and the huge crowd wasn't there yet, we each bought a glass of wine and sat at a table.

"I've thought so much about us making love," she gushed as soon as we sat down.

"Have you had any other thoughts?" I asked looking at her with my most serious face.

"Uh, yeah; some," she added as if she didn't want to.

"Then I'm not the answer to those little guys with the pitch forks in your mind, huh?"

She looked flustered, acting as if she wasn't wanting to talk about that.

"Honey, you have to fight those problems, contend with them. You can't run or hide from them because where you go, they go too since they live in you. I couldn't do run from them either and they've gotten to you worse than they did me."

"Didn't love change you?" she asked in desperation to find a way to avoid it all.

"Yes, but only after I learned and understood why that what they put into me was wrong, and why it was wrong of me to still have those feelings. Rona kept helping me see and to be questioning before I was finally free to love as I wanted to, needed to. You said you love me, but if you don't want to be free of those demons that they put into you, you'll find that the sex, marvelous as it may be, isn't enough to keep you from being tormented by them. That can set up a war inside of you that you won't be able to deal with if you don't have the knowledge to fend them off."

"Did that happen to you?" she asked contritely.

"All of that, yes. Though I was in love without any sex, and more so afterward, still I had problems. Those thoughts that tried to condemn me kept trying to come back, to torment me with their words of damnation and being an abomination before god. Sex is great, at least when you feel that you're in love, but it alone won't keep those terrible thoughts and feelings from making you miserable."

"You're right, Hannah, but does that mean that we can't make love again, or that we have to wait until I get rid of those thoughts and feelings?" she asked seriously wondering.

* * * *

No, it didn't mean we couldn't enjoy our sex with each other. At her place, we couldn't wait. Time has a way of making one hungrier. It had only been the workweek since we'd last been together, but the joy of having renewed all of those marvelous sensations that sex brought to us had me craving more.

I couldn't get over staring at her pussy and the bit of hair that she still had. The sight of it took my breath away, filled my throat with a heat coming from within me that had to have her, but I needed to look more first. One day she wouldn't look as good as she did just then, but that was some time away yet. For the time being, she was more than a joy to behold, and god, I beheld her such that I knew I was dripping some serious desire.

She wanted me, needed me, enough so that she let me have her first. Factually, I gave her no choice for after I had stared at her loveliness I nearly assaulted her. She was too horny to object, and I was between her thighs in a hurry, feeling the fresh smoothness of her recent shave, the moist heat from her pussy whose lips were already splayed widely and pouring out her love. Eagerly, I drank her as if I was trying to staunch her flow, but I wasn't; I was prompting her for more, and she readily provided it as long as I licked between her lips.

No sooner than I had let her rest than she rushed to my pussy. So wanting was she that I took the liberty of taking her again as she loved me. There was no doubting that she had thought about our first coming together and built up her need to where she was desperate. As large and sensitive as her clitoris was, I figured she probably masturbated quite often since we were together. That just excited me more.

Our minds do so much to make us more sexual, more excited, but I also knew that they could, and did, inhibit us to the point of us feeling as if we were warring with ourselves. I'd have to remember those thoughts later on when we talked, but just then I was loving our sex, my hands on her gorgeous ass and thighs while taking the outpouring of her love.

When the sexual heat gets to you, nothing can keep you from trying to get as much of it as you can even to the point of trying to enter into the pussy itself and let it engulf your face. I thought of the many times with Rona that I had felt that way, and how she had done her best to accommodate me. Velda was the same, her hands sliding down from my ass to my head and trying to push me further into her, but then my hands were doing similarly to her.

We knew we'd make love again, and often, so we didn't mind taking a break as we did the first time we were together. As I'd been with Rona, she was with me, enjoying those marvelous sensations still very much alive in us while she clamped onto my body as best she could. Kissing my breast as she teased at my nipple, I knew she was more than happy, and temporarily satisfied of body.

"We make such beautiful love, Hannah. If we didn't have to eat, or anything else, I feel as if I could eat your pussy without stopping."

I laughed. "I used to feel that way, and I still feel that way," I admitted.

"I knew this was what I wanted to do since before my periods began. Sometimes I could barely look at a girl without feeling that I was burning up inside of me with this wanting to have her naked and devouring her."

"That must have been rough on you," I said, prompting her to go on.

"It was. Every Sunday morning and evening, and on Wednesday, our preacher loved to go on about how terrible a sin it was to make homosexual love. He loved getting all worked up about, and carrying on and on about how damning it was, how we'd burn in hell's fiery furnace and be tormented forever and ever. He'd go on a rampage, and everyone would hold their breath, or gasp loudly every now and then as he screamed it out to us, his face contorted, and gesturing wildly as he moved about to emphasize all that he said. He'd always say that our nation would pay dearly for allowing homosexuals as we did, that someday damnation would hit us all for our nations sins. He really scared me, and drove it in as if nails to my coffin."

She stopped, her breathing had become erratic, and I was sensing just how traumatized she'd been, and still was. I could also tell that there was still a strong war in her, and that it had to become worse for all the pleasures had to be reminding her of how she burn in hell's furnace for each pleasure she allowed herself, for we were sinning according to all she'd been taught. It was a shame that the pleasures of real and genuine love also brought forth such vile thoughts and feelings, but I knew well how that could be. Our minds had been poisoned against love itself by their strict and sick ideas of serving a god that was created by them long ago.

I nearly cried as I thought of it. Velda had a fight that our loving would only worsen before things were better within her–if they ever got better. Then I understood that they would get better for her, but it would all be temporary. What would it be like between the times we'd see each other? I had to find out.

"Honey, how was it with you during the week after I left? Tell me, please, and don't hold back, okay?" I said pulling her tighter to me and kissing her head.

"That night after you left, I felt sorry you were gone, but all of the joys we'd had were still so strong in me, and they took me over. I went to sleep happy, and sensing I might be dreaming some really sweet dreams of us–and I did–but then they were interrupted. Scenes of me burning in hell came in a flash, and I know I screamed as they were about to burn me horribly, and I woke up sweating and trembling."

As if to prove it, her body was trembling as soon as she told of something beautiful turning into something horrific.

"Velda, honey, did you have dreams like that before you moved out?"

"Sometimes. Well, often, I think."

Suddenly she lifted up off of me, and looked at me with wide eyes as if something strange had just happened to shock her.

"What is it, hon?" I asked worrying instantly.

"I–I would feel my need so bad sometimes that my hand would go between my legs and I'd play with myself. I was very young, before my bloods came, and before I knew it, I'd have an orgasm. The first time, it scared me, but nothing like I got scared right after that when the worst feelings of being damned by God hit me. It was as if I could hear him saying that I was irrevocably bad, evil, and then he'd point to where I just knew hell was, and I'd feel my body start to move. Hannah, that really terrified me," she said, her body trembling uncontrollably as she began to sob hard.

It happened to most of us, I felt, some more so than others, and Velda was one of those who had it heaped on her in the extreme. Was there no end to the ignorance of some of these preachers–and to all of us who believed what they said that God told us in the bible? How was it that something that was supposed to bring us such joy instead brought to many of us sorrows that destroyed us, and for what?

As far as I could tell, I hadn't expressly wanted to love women as a consciously thought decision, yet I did. I didn't ask for a body that would know great pleasures such as many dreamed of having, but I had those pleasures. What was so bad about enjoying the body that we'd been created with that held so many pleasures in store for us? Why give us that ability and tempt us with it, then deny us those lovely joys with the threats of hell's fires?

What parent didn't want their children to enjoy all that we could in life, or tell them that though there were joys to be had, we had to deny ourselves from them? Weren't we given foods that were not only good for us, but made to be as tasty as possible so we'd enjoy them as well? Why couldn't it be the same with having bodies already so tasty that all that was needed was love to maximize those pleasures? It just didn't make sense. It didn't, and I was feeling a rage wanting to crop up in me, and tears at my inability to do much about it.

I tugged on her to come and be fully atop of me, and our bodies completely together and I held her tightly. Though I sorrowed with her, yet I couldn't help sensing the utter joy of feeling her beautiful naked body on my naked body. The surge of joy that that brought to me flung all of my rage out the window and a powerful surge of love replaced it. With that, I heard my heart whispering to me to be very cautious with that beautiful person that I was so falling in love with.
