Who Ever Said Love was Easy?


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"Honey, why don't you get me and my friends another round and we can discuss ramifications at a later date," I said with a huge smile on my face.

At that point Carol and Rhonda started in on Dan and Ken about acting like a bunch of college jocks and that if they thought they were going to get away with it, they had another thing coming.

"Everyone relax," I said out loud as the girls started yelling at their husbands. "Dan get three beers out and I'll be back in a minute. Girls, come with me and I think we can clear up this whole mess," I said motioning them upstairs to Andy's and my loft bedroom.

They started in on me as soon as I closed the door. I let them bitch and whine as I got out my camera and plugged it into my computer.

"Ladies shut the fuck up." I said to three stunned women. "Tonight your each going to make love to your husbands like it's your last day on earth and for the rest of this vacation you're going to make him feel like he's died and went to heaven; do you understand me?" I told three women who looked at me like I had lost my sanity. "You see if you don't I'll just show the this," I said as I turned my laptop screen around and started flipping through pictures.

The first pictures were the ones I took up on the top of the mountain. They were non-descriptive scenery shots but soon came the ones of the cabin and finally the ones I'd zoomed in with the three of them in the hot tub. The next sound that was heard was that of three lower jaws hitting the floor. Let's just say that they were a little bit more than friendly with each other. Kissing, fondling, licking and most of all, a lot sucking was going on in that hot tub.

"I was the only one looking through the lens but I did take about fifty pictures that I'm sure Dan and Ken would find very interesting, wouldn't you agree? So like I said, I think you owe them more than a good time for the shit they've had to put up from you two ladies for the last couple of days. I don't give a rats ass what you guys do on your own, but if you don't want me to give them each a copy of this cd the last five days of this trip better be something out of their wildest fucking dreams." With that I down loaded the pictures to my home computer and put the card back in my camera. "Ladies you have two loving husbands waiting on you," I said walking out of the room saying to myself, point, set and match.

"Guys, just a little misunderstandings, now where are those beers," I said clapping my hands together and rubbing them.

The guys were looking at one another and watching the stairs leading up to my bedroom waiting for their wives to come back down. About five minutes later, three reserved women came down and walked into the kitchen.

"What did you say to them?" Dan asked.

"I told them that they were lucky to have such wonderful husbands, to ease up on you guys a little and to just go with the flow while you were up here. They all agreed they've been a little bitchy and are going to try their damndest to so you how much they really appreciate you," I told them with a shit eating grin.

About that time the three of them walked in carrying a glass of wine for them and a beer for their husbands wearing their sexiest smiles. I just looked over at the two of them as their eyes lit up. Each wife sat next to her husband and for the next five days, besides eating together, I hardly saw either couple, but I did hear them.

That night Andy and I had the hottest sex we'd ever had. She did things to me that I'd only read about in Penthouse or Playboy magazines. When I finally cried uncle and finished my glass of wine, a reserved Andy put on one of my tee shirts and sat next to me on the bed.


"I guess I owe you a bit of an explanation about what you saw today," she said avoiding my eyes. "I'm not gay if that's what your wondering, but I guess you might say I'm a little bisexual, not that there's anything wrong with that. Steve, it's just started back when we were all in college. After a night of little too much drinking and some piss poor sex we were sitting around in Carol's room. She was complaining that her boyfriend sucked in bed. He had a big dick but thought that's all he needed to be a good lover."

"He just won't listen to what I tell him," a perturbed Carol said. "I like kissing and foreplay and need to be heated up and have my juices flowing before I take on something that size; but I think he's just too damn dumb to understand," Carol said taking another swig of her wine. "Andy come here and I'll show you what I mean."

"Steve, we were drunk, feeling no pain and I guess more than a little horny. Like I said, Carol called me over and took her top off."

"Andy feel these breasts, their soft right? Here, let me show you how I like it," she said taking my shirt off now. "Slow, easy and tender, that's how I like it," she said rubbing my breasts looking at Rhonda. "And my nipples aren't like knobs on a stove, they like to be rubbed and kissed," Carol said now rubbing my nipples and finally kissing each. "You see that, Andy's nipples are already hard and I haven't even done much to them yet," she said now licking my right one as I closed my eyes.

"She played with mine, I in turn played with hers and we were just enjoying the moment as we both got really wet. I was fingering myself when Rhonda came up next to me and put one of her hands down my pants."

"Here, let me show you the difference between how a guy does it verses a woman," she said smiling as she worked my clit and fingered me.

"With Carol now sucking my nipples and Rhonda working everything else, my body erupted about five minutes later. Carol's lips went from my nipples to my lips as I kept climaxing; it was wonderful," I said now sweating.

"We spent the night drinking and satisfying each other and as they say, in the morning reality hit. We talked about it, sober this time, and none of us regretted what we'd done. We didn't make a habit of it, but every once in a while we'd relieved the built up stress as we called it. We compared it to women who used vibrators and dildos to get off. We hadn't been together like that in well over a year, and with you guys gone, a little wine and a hot tub it all came together."


"So, Rhonda and Carol didn't look at it as cheating on Dan and Ken?"

"Well, it's not like they were fucking around on them with another guy, it was just a little girl girl activity."

"I wonder what they'd say if they caught Dan and Ken doing a little boy on boy activity? It does less than nothing for me, but I don't think the girls would look on it as just a little diversion," I said trying to make my point. "Maybe Dan and Ken wouldn't care or would get turned on about it, but at least they would know about it. Doing it behind their back amounts to cheating, in my book anyway."

"Well Steve where does that leave us? I can't say that I didn't like what happened but I'm far from being addicted to women. I love you and if you're not ok with it, it's not a big deal for me. I never want you to wonder if I'm going behind your back, I want, let me rephrase that, I need you to be able to trust me unconditionally," she said moving onto my lap and kissing me.

"Babes, the biggest problem I have with you is not new. Unless you do something about your temper we're never going to make it. I'm just not going to put up with your out burst any more. Before you go off on me I want you to think before you open your mouth or react. If you feel you can't handle it on your own and need help, I'll even go with you; that's how committed I am to this relationship, but I won't get married until you do. We can deal with the your money handling issues and all the other bull shit items as they come up," I told her.

By the sixth day, Carol and Rhonda were walking a little gingerly. I joined Dan and Ken on the deck just after breakfast.

"You guys want to try and tackle another mountain this morning?" I asked.

"Hell yes," they both yelled.

"If me climbing one mountain turned Carol on that much, I can only imagine what she'll be like after I do another," Dan said smiling ear-to-ear looking back at the women sitting in the kitchen. "I don't think I've had this much sex since our honeymoon."

"Shit Dan, I didn't get this much even on my honeymoon," Ken added. "Steve, I don't know what you told them, but we're both indebted to you."

"Like I said, I just told them how lucky they were to have you, just don't get a big head and ruin it for yourselves. Treat them like you'd like to be treated and if they start to get bitchy again, just remind them of the great time you both had up here; that should do the trick. So if we're going to do this. Let's get our asses in gear.

We told the girls we were going to attempt the other mountain this morning. They just looked at one another and then us as we got on our hiking shoes before walking out the cabin door.

"Steve, you're not taking your camera with you this time?" Andy asked me.

"Naw, been there done that and anyway do you know how tough it is to climb down a mountain with a hard on? I almost fell down the damn mountain last time. So, have fun, enjoy yourselves and we'll see you guys in a couple of hours," I said kissing Andy on the cheek looking at Carol and Rhonda.

Resting on the top of the mountain, we all wished we'd brought a few beers.

"I'm going to hate to leave tomorrow," Dan said out loud as he looked up at the sky. "This is by far the best vacation I've ever had."

"Mine to," Ken added as he chewed on a blade of grass. "I wonder how the girls are making out,' he said with a laugh as he looked at Dan.

"Maybe their relaxing in the hot tub again, you know chewing the fat," he said as they both laughed now looking at me before stopping."

"Son of a bitch, you guys know don't you?"

"We've know for years," they told me. "We caught them one night a couple of years ago when we went out to a basket ball game. We got a flat tire and by the time we'd gotten it fixed the game had all ready started. We came back and found them on the pool deck fooling around. We snuck back out after watching them for a while and went out for a few beers. I had a security system put in last year, and now when they do it again I'll have it on tape," Dan told us.

"And you guys don't mind?"

"Mind hell, I thought I'd need surgery to remove the smile from my face after the first time," Ken said laughing.

"We figured you didn't have a clue especially after watching you look through your camera last time. We put two and two together after the girls came out of your bedroom and their personalities did a one eighty. They don't think we know do they?"

"I told them that if they weren't nice to you, I'd show you guys the pictures I took."

"Must have scared the shit out of them," Dan said with a laugh. "If they only knew."

"So what are you going to do Steve? As you can see, we're not going to let the cat out of the bag especially after your little talk with them. Hells bells, if Rhonda get's on her high horse again, I'll just tell her that you mentioned something about vacation pictures; that should shut her up," Ken told me.

"As long as it only with the three of them I'm not going to do a thing. But if they decide to branch out I'm not going to stand for it. Besides, I'm also getting the best sex I've ever had with Andy and I sure as hell don't want to give that up," I told the two of them.

We laughed and made a pact that under no circumstances were we to let the girls know we were on to them. And that if it happened at Dan's house again he'd make a cd for each of us. We took our time walking down the mountain and when we hit the cabin we found that the girls had already started lunch and had a cold one waiting.

"How was it?" they asked.

"A little harder than last time, but well worth it," I told them.

After lunch I grabbed Andy and asked if she'd like to share my shower. The guys told me to get a room and the girls said it was more information than they needed but they all gave us the thumbs up.

It's really hard doing it in the shower. We almost fell a couple of times but eventually succeeded with Andy propped against the back shower wall with her legs around my waist. We finished in bed with me tagging her from behind. Both exhausted we lay down next to each other.

"I kept them away as long as I could today," I told her. "I hope it gave you guys enough time," I said avoiding her eyes.

"I wasn't sure how you felt about it, until you said what you did just before you left. I told the girls that you'd never tell Dan and Ken unless they started treating them like shit again. And Steve, I don't plan on making it a monthly affair with Carol and Rhonda, maybe once a year or so to renew our friendship so to speak. So big boy, you want to hear about what happened while you guys were gone?"

"Not on your life. Fantasy is a whole lot hotter than reality, for me anyway." I said kissing her again.

That night we made love once more. It wasn't a screaming, tearing down the wall paper session more like two people trying to be one. However, sneaking down to the refrigerator to get what was left of the wine, I did hear a lot of moaning, groaning and screaming from the other two bedrooms though.

The eight-hour drive back to civilization was quiet as almost everyone dozed on and off the whole way back. You'd think they hadn't got a wink of sleep last night, and maybe they didn't by the sounds of it.

A couple of weeks after our return Andy thought she had the flu because she was throwing up and just feeling a little off. Andy was getting irritable again and I thought I'd have to take a cattle prod to her.

She was waiting for me when I got home Thursday night. A half empty bottle of water in front of her and she looked like she'd been crying.

"All right what did I do this time? What ever it was, I'm sorry and I'll never do it again," I said trying to break the ice.

"It's not you, it's me," is all she said.

"All right, I forgive you for what you did and you don't even have to tell me what it was," I said as she started crying again.

"I just don't want you to hate me, that's all."

"All right Andy, enough beating around the bush, what the hell did you do?"

"Some how, some way I got pregnant on our vacation. Don't ask me how because I still don't have a clue how it happened," she said looking down and now twirling her water bottle.

"And you want to do what?"

"I plan on keeping the baby and I want us to get married. I know we're talked about it and this throws a monkey wrench into our plans but if you don't want to, I'll understand. It's my problem and I don't want you to say down the road that I trapped you by getting pregnant," said a teary eyed Andy.

It was a long night with a lot of talking, soul searching but no alcohol, for her especially. I knew what I wanted to do from the get go but wanted to know how serious Andy was and if she was willing to finally grow up.

"Saturday September twenty-third I said," looking at a calendar

"What's the twenty-third?"

"It's the first day of fall, an easy day to remember for a wedding anniversary."

I guess she was overly tired and her brain wasn't firing on all eight cylinders because it took her almost a full minute to understand what I'd just said.

"Holy shit, do you really mean it? You won't be sorry, I'm going to be the best wife you ever had, I mean have," she said as she babbled on before jumping up to kiss me.

"Now can we go to bed and get some sleep? You're going to have to take better care of yourself and there going to be a few changes going forward, but we can talk about those later. Right now I want to close my eyes," I said taking her by the hand back to our bedroom.

She stuck to me like glue for the next two nights almost as though she was half expecting me to back out. We talked about money issues, her temper and our upcoming wedding. As I said, time will tell just how much Andy has and will grow up before the wedding and the birth of our baby. I did however joke around with her one night asking her if she was positive it was my kid.

"Let me put it to you this way, the only other two I've been with couldn't handle the job, so unless our baby comes out with latex rubber flowing through it's veins the kid is yours," Andy said smiling as she tossed him a bright red dildo.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This asshole writer writes like a little bitch. His MCs are wimps and cucks with no backbone

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

It was almost a good story, the whole lesbian angle didn't really don't for me, but that isn't my beaf. This is a good writer, but this one is not worthy of his authorship: whoever edited this thing should never be allowed to edit anything again before getting some extensive training. Missing words, incomplete sentences, horrible punctuation and other grammatical screw-ups that never should have gotten past the first draft. Come on guy, you are too good of a writer to put stuff like this out; you're better than this stuff.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Meh. Not much of a marriage when she plans to keep her lesbian trysts with the other wives and his wife just dies it behind his back snd lacking any self respect, he is ok with it, though doesn't want the details. Huh? Trust?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nice of Andy to keep her lesbian romps with Rhonda and Carol at once a year. /sarcasm off

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesover 1 year ago

Thanks for your writing.

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

This author is frustrating because they're actually very talented in fact sometimes quite brilliant. But their obvious cuckold fetish does do my head in sometimes ok most of the time. I sometimes think these Cuck lovers are either women or gay because why else would you fantasize about cream pies?

AngelRiderAngelRiderabout 2 years ago

Why would you ever stay with that? She isn't trustworthy and she is nasty. They aren't even married? Soo dumb

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

What an enlightened neanderthal.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Absolute shit and yo wrote one seriously misogynistic guy that needed to disappear in the lake, along with the fuckwit wives.

Yup, it was shit and thats a nice way of putting it.

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story, I don't believe that here is any question that the baby is Steves as she said that any other sex, she might have had was using a condom by the comment she made about the baby having latex running in its veins. But the concern in the storyline is whether they can be true to their wedding vows after they are married. The only concern is her need to do other women, namely Rhonda. As everyone has commented, cheating is cheating whether it is with a man or a woman like Rhonda. If they get married and stay faithful, then I could see a happily ever after, if not a divorce and disaster would be their future. But then again, all comments on these fictional stories are just that opinions of what the reader thinks should or shouldn't happen in the storyline. Well written. gets my 5-star vote

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Again, for another rare Slirpuff story that I don't care for.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Man, woman or donkey it’s still cheating.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
A Cheating Girlfriend = A Cheating Wife

Man or woman she's cheating, I'd be getting a DNA test before the wedding. Signed: BTW

notredame43notredame43over 4 years ago
sorry but nope

She cheats whether its a woman or a man and he still keeps her knocks her up and marries her. No way. these three morons deserve what they get which would be a divorce and all that goes with it if this was IRL

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Not as advertised

I was expecting a story about a bitchy woman whose temper explodes on a regular basis having a baby and making her husband's life miserable. I got a weird story about three dipshits who don't mind if their wives cheat on them on a semi-regular basis. Not sure what kind of juvenile male fantasy this is but it wasn't my cup of tea.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

This wasn't one of your best, for my taste. Sex with anyone other than your partner is cheating. Make or female doesn't change the fact.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

She's a lying, cheating bi-sexual bitch! You want us to believe she's ever going to get control of her temper? You want us to believe that it's really his baby after she's been lying to him their entire time together? Pay for an abortion and get away from this bat-shit-crazy woman. Another horrible, unbelievable ending. And the other guys are just as dumb. They KNOW their wives are cheating, lying sluts. And you want us to believe they just ignore the facts? Not a working brain cell between the three men. Awful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
There seems to be no middle ground with your stories

Either they're good or they're horrible. Here we have a horrible one. The women are cheating on their husbands (and one boyfriend). And none of them seems to care. If the situation was reversed, the women would divorce the men in a heartbeat and let everyone know the reasons why. Then he lets a pregnant, ill-tempered woman with no self control (as evidenced by the cheating and her inability to manage money) con him into marrying her. What a complete train wreck.

oxynam25oxynam25over 6 years ago
Should read the bad stories first

I made the mistake of reading A Little Bit of Death first from this author. I thought a lot of his stories were going to be if not similar, then at least as good. Every story since then features a wimpy husband with a bossy bitch of a wife and the husband bends over backwards to please her. Does it change?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Um, no thanks

Maybe that's someone's idea of a fantasy but the hot tub group grope and munch wouldn't pass the husband test.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Not a bad story

But certainly not up to "Slirpuff"'s level of expertise. This was well written, but it seemed like an exercise in futility. It was a non-story. It was boring, it was pointless. It

was certainly not the caliber of story I have come to expect from Slirpuff. But I guess

everyone has on off day now and then.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A cute story!!!

Loved it. Five plus.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

A bunch of pisshead dickheads!....Marriage lives?.....ziltch

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago

"Well, it's not like they were fucking around on them with another guy, it was just a little girl girl activity." – If you have sex with ANYONE besides your partner, without your partner’s knowledge AND consent, it is cheating!

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