Who is the Divorce Party for

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Was the divorce party for Gail or her friends.
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This is only my second story. I'm not sure if it is better. But I will let you be the judge of that. Remember I am not an English major and suck at grammar. I did have Havu546 go over the grammar. But I have made changes after she sent it back. So if there are errors they are more than likely made after she checked it. Please vote or leave a comment. I will read them all.


My name is Bill Wilson. My wife's name is Gail. At least she is my wife for a little while longer, we will see how that goes.

Let me go back to how my wife and I met. I won't bore you with a lot of detail. We went to the same college. I saw her around campus but we never talked much. Then at a party off campus one night we met, had a couple of drinks together. We hit it off and started dating. The sex was great, at least I thought it was great. After a couple of month we decided to became exclusive.

I was getting ready to ask her to marry me, but we needed to have a talk about faithfulness and being true to your spouse. I hate cheaters. My mother cheated on my father when I was about 13 years old. It went on for about six month before my father confronted her about it.

She told him to learn to live with it or she would leave. I know my father was devastated by her actions. But he loved her to death. So they tried to work things out. But all the time she was being nice to dad, she was still seeing the other guy or guys. She would take what little money we had to pay for her nights out.

One day I came home from school and my father's car was in the driveway. He was never home from work before I got home. I went inside. He was sitting in his chair crying. In all my life I had never seen my father cry. He had me sit down on the chair next to him and told me that my mother had left us. No goodbye for me or my farther. Just a note saying she had left with her lover and she would not be coming back.

Of course she also took what money that was in the bank and left us with nothing. My father was never the same man again. He held it together the best he could for me. But once I was out of High School he started drinking, not eating well. He only made it another couple of years before he died. I blame my mother and her cheating for his death. I hope she rots in hell for what she did to my father. I do hope that someday I see her again. Just so I can spit in her face the bitch. So cheaters are not my most favorite people. Any cheater male or female needs to pay a price for cheating.

Back to the present time

Gail comes from a nice loving middle class family with no real problems from what I was told. Her parents were always very nice to me and seemed to like me. They also seemed happy when we told them we were going to get married.

Gail and I went out to dinner one night I was going to ask her to marry me. But I had to ask her what her feelings were about be faithful and cheating in any manner.

After Dinner I started the conversation. "Gail you know I love you and I believe you love me. This may seem a little strange to ask but I need you to know that my wife has to be a one man woman. There is no way I will put up with any cheating or anything that even looks like cheating. I would much rather you talk to me first, say you are not happy and want a divorce before you start to cheat on me. The consequences of you cheating would be devastating for both of us." She started to say something and I stopped her.

I said "let me explain why I feel this way." I went on to explain to her about my father and mother and that I blamed my mother for my father's death. And that I would never put myself in the position that my father was in.

She said all the right things and we got married after we graduated college. Everything was great, sex was good we loved each other. In our second year of marriage we had a little girl named Beth. The sweetest little girl ever. Of course proud daddies are supposed to say that.

Things were going well. Gail went back to work when Beth turned 1 year old. She met Sally at work and we became good friend with her and her husband Gil.

Gil and I became good friend, we golfed and went fishing together. I knew him very well. We talked about our wife's and life in general and our past. I did tell about my mother. So he knew how I felt about cheaters.

Then one day Gail came home upset.

"Gail what is wrong" I asked. She said "Sally and Gil are getting a divorce."

"When did this happen. Do you know the reason for the divorce?" Gail hesitated a little and said "Gil cheated on Sally so she is divorcing him." As I said I know Gil very well and I really didn't believe it.

"I am going to call Gil and see what is up" I could see she wasn't happy when I said that. She said "I thought you hated cheaters why would you want to talk to him?"

"Because right now he is my friend. I know him well and I find it very hard to believe he cheated on Sally. He loves her very much. If it turns out that he did cheat, he will not be my friend any longer. I have to talk to him before I believe he is a cheater." Gail looked very nervous. I didn't know why. I just stared at her for a few seconds and she turned away and left the room. I know my wife well. That was a sure sign she was not telling me the truth. I had an idea what she was lying about but I needed to talk to Gil.


I'm in trouble if Bill calls Gil and finds out that it was Sally that cheated and not Gil. She has been running around on him for almost a year now. I have tried to talk some sense into her and get her to stop. She is just too far into her own pleasure to care what anyone thinks. Gil hired a PI, he has pictures and videos. Luckily for Sally he is being civil about the divorce. He is only filing under irreconcilable differences, not adultery. Now that she is getting a divorce she running around with different men almost every night. She is getting fucked by at least 3 different men every week. She is trying to get me to go with her so we can do a threesome or a foursome. She makes it sound like it is the best sex ever. But I love my husband and I don't think I can do that to him. Bill would kill me after what his mother did to his family. He would fight and to try and take Beth from me. It would be a very ugly divorce. I love Bill and would never cheer on him.

I am trying to distance myself from Sally. She keeps telling me I'm her only friend and she needs me now more then ever. Sally is planning to have a party after her divorce goes to court. She calls it a divorced party. I asked what that means. She said a bunch of her girlfriends get together to celebrate her divorce. We will have some drinks, music and some extra fun. "What does extra fun mean" I asked. Sally said "I have some guys lined up to come over for a night of sucking and fucking. Plan on spending the night. It will be a fuck fest.

I was shocked I know I couldn't do that. So I told her I wasn't interested in attending. But she kept working on me telling me how much fun it would be. "It will be just us girls and a few guys, Bill will never know." I know a wouldn't cheat on Bill but I thought maybe if I watch all the action I might learn something to help my sex life. It did sound like it would be a fun time.


I tried for a few days right after Gail told me about the divorce. I could not get a hold of Gil. He knows how I felt about cheaters so maybe he doesn't want to talk to me. Or maybe he is just hiding because he just doesn't want to talk about the divorce at all. Either way I could not confirm what Gail was telling me.

Life goes on, I had to work. I'm a sales manager for a large manufacturing plant. This is a busy time of the year. So before I even realized it 2 months had gone by.

When I got home Wednesday night dinner was almost ready. So I played with Beth for a little while and we sat down to eat. We were just having a casual conversation when Gail said, "by the way, next Friday Sally is having a party." I asked, "ok what time do I need to be home to get ready for it?"

She was quite for a second I know something was up. Gail said, "You are not invited."

"What do you mean I'm not invited?"

"Well it is her divorce party and no husbands are invited and it is an all-night party so I won't be home until morning."

I was getting angry, I gave her have my opinion on a divorce party. "A divorce is not something that should be celebrated. It is a sad time people have been hurt. You said no husbands so how many unmarried men are going to be there? If it is just a party why do you have to spend the night?" Maybe be I was being paranoid but the idea of an overnight party was making my stomach turn. I was staring a hole right through her. "Well we will be drinking and no one wants to drive after a few drinks."

"I'm not comfortable with you spending the night. You can call me when the party is winding down and I will come and get you."

"Bill you don't have to do that I will be fine." I looked at her and said "we will talk about this later. I have some calls to make." Than got up from the table before she could say anything else.


Things didn't go as well as I had hope with telling Bill about the party next week. I should have never told him it was a divorce party. I know how he hates cheaters and divorces. It is a good thing he doesn't know I covered for Sally a few times. He would divorce me for sure. I definitely shouldn't have said no husbands were invited. He picked up on that in a heartbeat.

Then telling him I was staying the night just made him angrier. Maybe if I asked if I could stay the night and didn't tell him I was staying it would have gone over better. I'm going to tell Sally I won't be staying the night. Seeing some naked men and them fucking my friends, doesn't seem to be worth my marriage.

But I have only ever had sex with one man and that is BILL. I was a virgin before I met Bill. I kissed guys let them fell me some but I never let it go beyond that. Seeing some naked mem was starting to get me a little wet.


I knew something was not right with this whole divorce and party. I wasn't sure what it was. Something just want right about the entire divorce party thing.

The next day I called Gil on his cell hoping this time he did answer. His attitude was hostile. Gil answered, "What do you want?"

"Sorry I didn't contact you sooner but things got real busy for me at work. I tried to contact you right after I heard about the divorce. But you didn't answer my call."

Gil answered still in a hostile tone, "Why would I want to talk to you, when you and Gail were covering up Sally's cheating."

This totally blindsided me. I was at a loss for word for a couple of seconds. But you don't have to hit me with a bat for me to figure out that Gail was the one covering and lied to me about it. I was sick to my stomach. She knows how I think. How could she think I would react well to her covering for a slut?

"Gil I have no idea what you are talking about. We have talked about stuff like this when we have been out fishing and golfing. You know how I hate cheaters. Do you really think I would cover for one?" Bill asked.

He said, "I was really surprised at the information I got back from the PI. Sally has been see multiple men for some time. Exactly how long I am not sure. But I'm sure Gail will know. If you can find out from Gail how long she has been cheating on me I would appreciate the help. I might be able to use the information to get her to settle and not have to go to court. "Gil, I promise you I knew nothing about it. I would have never put up with it. I'm so pissed at Gail right now I'm thinking of filing for divorce, just for lying to me and covering for Sally.

"Gil I'm not sure exactly what I am going to do right know. Could you tell me if you ever call Gail and she lied to you directly and covered for Sally and can it be proven by pictures and dates?"

"Bill I think I can come up with a couple of times. But I will have to go through the paperwork to be sure."

"Gil just so you know. Your bitch of an ex is having a happy divorce party in just over a week. Gail wants to spend the night. That makes me think that something is going to happen. Like male strippers or escorts or maybe some of Sally's male friends. Why else would she want to spend the night?" Gil I will get back to you if Gail gives me any information. Sorry about you divorce. Divorces are never easy no matter what the reason.

Gail was avoiding me, she was talking less. Something was bothering her. I just didn't know what.

I started my plan of action.

I had keys to Sally's house. Gil had given them to me a while ago when they went on vacation so I could check on the house. I hope she hadn't changed the locks.

So I picked up a burner phone and some live stream cameras and hide the cameras in Sally's house. I only had 2 so I placed one in the main living area and one in the master bedroom.

The next thing I had to do is find out who was going to attend the party. I was sure this wasn't going to be easy. Gail wasn't going to tell me. So I grabbed her phone one night after she went to bed. She never changed her password, she trusted me not to go through her personal information. But times have changed and I will do what I have to protect myself and my little girl. I went over all her texts. She texted everyone that was going so I had all the names.

To Gail's credit she did tell everyone that she wasn't sure if she would go. She said she wasn't comfortable with what was going to happen. Every one of them told her she was crazy if she didn't go. Because it was going to be a wild time.

I contacted a lawyer about a divorce. I had a meeting the next day. He had been a family friend for a long time. I told him everything. He asked what I wanted I told him I wanted divorce under irreconcilable differences. I asked if she could be served at 9:45 pm on Friday night at Sallys house. You can get anything done if you have the money.

Gil came through with the information that I asked for. Not that this info would make any difference in the divorce. I just wanted it to confront Gail.

I had all I could do not to confront Gail during the week. She tried a couple of time to seduce me into having sex with her. That wasn't going to happen. I was still to pissed to be that nice to her. I also was having doubts about Gail. Covering for a cheater is only a small step from becoming a cheater yourself. To me it implies that you think cheating is ok.

I got most of the email addresses of the husbands. I was going to send them an email just before the party started with info so they could watch the live stream.

The divorce papers for Gail are ready and would be served at the party. If Gail was there. I was hoping she would stay home. But we will see. Even if she stays home I'm having her served. She needs to see that there are consequences to your actions. I may put them on hold. It all depends on her actions tonight and if she has a good explanation of what she has been doing .

I have a bag from the hardware store with new locks for the house. If she doesn't come home by 10 pm I will install them and her keys will not work when she does get home.


Bill has been moody all week. He won't talk to me, will not make love to me. All he does is play with the baby and sleep while he is at home. I know I made him mad about the party, but now he is making me mad with his mood. I have decided no matter what he says I'm going to the party. I may not stay the night but I'm going. I called Sally and told her I would be there about 7 pm. She was overjoyed and said I would have the time of my life for a change. I was still having reservations about staying the night. That would be very bad. I'm waiting for Bill so he can take care of Beth so I can get ready to go. I am hoping he still isn't in a talking mood. So I can just go without any yelling.


I walked into the house with the bag of door locks. Gail has no clue what they are. I'm not sure if I will tell her. I'm hoping she stays home with me and Beth.

Gail was at the kitchen table when I walked in and said, "Gail we need to talk now."

She tries to play innocent by saying, "Yes dear what is it we need to talk about." She sees my eyes flair with anger and she know things have already started to turn bad. "Well Gail if you don't know then I'm going up stairs with to play with Beth and you can have a good life." I see the panic in her eyes, "Bill I'm sorry I know what it is. It's the party tonight."

'Are you going to the party and are you staying all night" Bill asked. She asks, "What do you want me to do?"

"Oh no. This is entirely your decision. Don't ask me to make the decision for you. Just remember all decisions have consequences. So I need to know your decisions so I can make my decisions."

She asks, "What decisions do you have to make?" I don't answer I just look at her.

"Are you going to answer me?" she asks.

I say, "no I'm not, you have to answer my questions. Are you going to the slut's house tonight and are you staying?" Oh shit I may have given part of it away by calling her friend a slut. I have never done that before. She is going to know that I found out about Sally cheating on Gil.

I can see Gail thinking.

What am I going to do? I really want to at least go to see my friends and a drink or two. Maybe see what the males look like. He called her a slut so he knows it was her cheating that caused the divorce. I have decided to go. I'm sure it is a stupid one. But I can't let him push me around all the time.

"I have decided to go. But I'm not staying all night we will need to talk in the morning about all of this."

"As I said before all decisions have consequences. Don't stay too long." Then I sad to myself or it may be your divorce party too.


After saying that he went upstairs. What did he mean by that? Don't stay too long. I will stay as long as I want to. I will show him.

I go up and get ready. Bill completely ignores me. He wouldn't talk or look at me. I know he has something planned, I know him. As I'm leaving I look in the bag he brought in. Fuck they are new locks for the house. He is going to lock me out if I stay all night. That is why he said not to stay too long.

I sit in my car thinking. I know better than to go. He is serious about this matter. But I'm going to show up say hi have a drink and leave. Why was I being so stupid? I know Bill is livid with me but I do it anyway. I think it was just to show him I could do what I wanted to. I get there at 7 pm and all the women had already arrived and the drinks are flowing. I only have one because I have to drive home. I was going to leave at 9. I looked at my watch and it was already 9:15. I got up to leave and the men show up. There were five of them. I wanted to get out before they showed up. Their showing up has delayed my departure. The men were distracting the woman so I hoped they wouldn't notice my leaving. I got my coat walked out the door and a man was standing there. I tell him to go in the party has already started. He asked me if there is a Gail Wilson in the house. I tell him I am Gail Wilson. He hands me an envelope and tells me I'm served.

I'm a little slow sometimes I look in and see divorce papers. I know the consequences now.

I wake up in Sally's house. I remember what happened. I grab my stuff and try to get out of the house to go home. There was a man getting blow job and a woman getting fucked already.

I don't think they believed me about the divorce papers. I showed them the papers. I know my husband, if he knows I'm sure he has told your husbands. I would leave now before it gets any worse.

They just laugh at me. Telling me he doesn't even know who is here. I just say "Good luck, you guys are going to need it and leave.