Wicked's Metamorphosis


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"Besides, I gave Mom my word that I would forever take care of Daddy in every way, Marie. And I always keep my promises!" Kitten was emphatic as she firmly spoke to Marie with all the conviction of her heart.

"Marie, Mom told me that she thought you were holding back from expressing your own love, your love for Dad. She said that you did that out of loyalty to her. I think that you gave up Ray Rabbit even as you were growing closer to loving him yourself."

Breathing heavily, Kitten draws out Marie. "While all of us are in the confession stage, tell me, Marie, isn't that true?"

Marie's voice wavers; finding the question and answering routines she is so accustomed to, have been reversed. For the first time, she is facing what she has kept locked away. I watch as Marie wipes away a stream of tears that appear suddenly and cascade down her flushed cheeks. Never had I seen her cry, not even at a wedding or a funeral.

"Yes. But Kitten I wanted what was best for your mom, too. I was too messed up then to admit I might be in love with your Daddy as well as with Katelyn. I wasn't ready to deal with men when I was eighteen or even older for years. Your mom was the right choice."

I listened to my daughter's astute observations and watch as she is growing up right before my eyes. I think I have always had an inkling of how Marie truly felt, but I suppressed it, pushing it into the far recesses of my mind. I am struck, now, at how I could have missed Marie's true feelings.

"Marie, Mom is gone, now." Kitten whispers as she lifts the hem of her top, exposing a well-tanned breast, to dry away Marie's tears. I watch the pear-shaped orb slide into view. But my cock and my thoughts fail to react as I normally would. The impact and clarity of Kitten's statements and how complicated the intertwining of our lives have become, is thundering in my temples.

"Daddy, you and Marie need to do 'into', soon," Kitten whispers to me as she cradles Marie's head on her shoulder.

"Marie, is there still a raft down at the lake?" Kitten asks.

"Yes," Marie answers, struggling to regain her adult composure with a sniffle as her tears diminish.

"Daddy, can we drive down there, now?" Katrina asks. "It's time to bring this full circle and celebrate what should have been always been between Mom, Marie, and you, Dad."

This seems so much like a dream. I don't remember the drive to the lake. I vaguely recall Kitten magically removing Marie's clothing and the two of them removing mine. I do recall lifting Marie to the bottom rung of the ladder and watching her cunt lips glide one over the other as first one leg and then the other rises up the ladder.

"Like what you see, Ray Rabbit?" Kitten teasingly asks me.

"Yes!" I answer, as I lift Kitten, also by the waist, and place her on the ladder. "Now, show me your John Deere walk, baby girl!" She giggles, spreading her legs against the sides of each step and does her teenage model strut up the ladder for my enjoyment.

"Just want to look or maybe touch, Ray Rabbit?" Marie manages to just get the words out as my cock slips into her. Slowly, steadily it slides beyond her entrance until soft moans escape her lips in groans of sweet surrender.

"Touch and fuck," I whisper in answer to Marie's query. "I've always wanted to get into you, my love," I say as gently as I can as we press bone to bone. I close my eyes, listening to the waves bouncing off the walls of the raft as we set up a synchronous rhythm.

Somewhere in this bliss, I hear Marie's throaty voice ask, "Katrina, have you ever been with a woman?"

In my focus on Marie's cunt, I'd all but forgotten Kitten. Opening my eyes, I note her kneeling beside us. Her eyes are studying Marie's body responses to my thrusts. "Not with a woman, just Dad." Katrina's raspy voice replies.

Marie manages to respond to Katrina, huffing out the words between my thrusts, "Come. Kneel over me then, ... I will give to you, ... what your mother gave to me, ... when your Daddy first fucked her on this deck."

Katrina moves to straddle Marie's open lips. And I watch as her experienced tongue delves into Kitten's slit driving her to ecstasy like a run-a-way freight train on a collision course. Kitten's head rolls backward relishing the pleasure as those youthful breasts rise and heave in unison with the waves, and the flicks of a well-trained tongue and hungry cunt merge.


Friday night draws to a close as we eat a late hamburger dinner and turn in early, after an exhausting afternoon at the lake. I was elated at finally getting 'into' Marie after all those years of yearning. Without even a question of bedroom decisions, Kitten and I follow into Marie's room for the night. Rest I thought. But, impetuous 'So ... WicKed' has no thoughts of sleep for Marie or myself.

"Stop! It is after midnight, girls. I can't make 'Richard' stand up again!" I moan lying on my back amidst the ravaged bed covers, as Marie prods my cock with her tongue. I roll to the edge and get up to quench my parched throat.

From behind me, I hear a giggle as Kitten squeals, "One more time slowly again, Marie, then we can sleep, I promise!"

Having quenched my thirst, I walk barefooted back into the bedroom, observing my two women slowly scissoring one another, edging one another while endearingly sharing pleasure. I turn off the lights slipping back into bed. The rhythmic movement of the bed, its squeaks, and the panting on the other side of the bed lull my satiated body to sleep.

The Morning After

Everyone has a morning wake up routine. Your eyes flutter checking out the room like the old pre-historic sensory alarm system built into your internal circuitry. But, you're still not really awake. It's the alarm that is always on and lurks in the back of your mind while your sleep. It kind of helps keep you from being eaten by nighttime predators! You want that alarm to detect that you're in a familiar place, so that you can stretch with a leisurely yawn. My sensory alarm seems to check in with my surroundings - shortly after my hand starts stirring my pussy. My finger, nudging my clit, always feels so good. But then my alarm starts ringing loudly as my eyes fully spring open sensing that I'm not in a familiar place!

I jerk, wide-eyed alert, and gasp as my eyes open to peer into another set of orbs looking deeply into mine. Marie. Her finger shushes me, and then she takes my hand to her lips and licks the moisture off my fingers. With a grin she kisses my forehead right before she slides out of bed. Standing naked beside me, she whispers, "Let your Daddy sleep." Then, she beckons me to follow.

The hot morning shower feels so refreshing. The smell and crusty dried sex flows from our bodies. Marie works the shampoo into a lather and soaps up my body running her hands between my legs; not long enough to really arouse me to want her, just enough to know that she is available. Then she hands me the bottle with an inviting smile. I return the favor while enjoying running my fingers between her legs and gliding up sliding back and forth between her slit. The experience of pleasuring another woman is all so new to me at this point that I am not ready to let go of her body. But she takes my hands in hers and says, "Honey, got to wait for more of this. We have to talk."

Toweling off, Marie walks out of the bathroom, naked. Monkey sees, monkey does, so I follow. I watch as Marie steps into her closet retrieving a robe.

"Marie, our clothes stayed in the car, yesterday," I whisper. She tosses me her robe and reaches for another.

The Talk

"We need to talk," Doctor Johnson whispers in reply as she cranes her head toward the hallway door.

Our conversation takes many paths as Marie starts a pot of coffee and I set the table for breakfast. I learn a great deal about the relationship between my parents and Marie. And in between tidbits, Marie focuses on getting me to discuss how I feel about my new relationship with my father.

I believe I did a pretty good job of convincing her that I am okay with having sex with dad even though most 'normal people' seem to think that it isn't reasonable. It's okay to not be normal in some ways, I point out to her, just as long as you are not harming anyone by what you do. Bottom line, you can fuck whomever you want, no matter who they are or what their position in life is, and still feel good about yourself, even if others disagree with your behavior.

It's like a democracy, not everyone has to be in total agreement. You just have to be able to get along and agree to disagree without malice aforethought. Besides, I point out to her, many cultures marry within their families like the ancient Pharaohs. No one ran around telling the Pharaoh he couldn't have sex with, or not marry his sister or his mother!

I can see her clinical training continuing to analytically read me as I speak. I see her lips purse when I mention marriage. I don't have to be a psychologist or even a psychiatrist, to read that gesture pretty well. "No, I haven't been thinking about marriage -- not even with Dad." I answer her unspoken question.

I finished eating breakfast, arranging my plate in my habitual manner. It sits with a bite of each food item left, spaced just so, as an offering to the gods. It's something I learned in school that some cultures do. That just resonates with me.

We seem to be at a timeout point in our conversation as Marie sits sipping her coffee. I feel the morning breeze flowing through the screen door. It swirls beneath my robe and scurries up between my legs, tingling my cunt. Like Daddy's hand, it stirs some naughty thoughts. I slide my chair back.

"Going out to get our bags! I'll be right back."

I pop open the lift gate and grab our overnight bags. Stepping forward, I recall my panties in the backseat from our cornfield sex. I turn back opening the door and retrieve them. The stench from being in the sweltering car all day and night makes my nose curl. As I slip back out of the seat, I spy the empty strawberry shake containers. The memory of the diner rushes back into my mind and I freeze, momentarily replaying the events.

John Deere reappears as the diner's event unfold in my mind.

"Sorry, John Deere," I mutter to myself as I stand looking at the empty cups. "You deserve more than just a look up my skirt. You deserve to know how it feels being under there, just like I do!"

My mind seems to be connecting the dots, in rapid succession, as I stand staring at the shake containers: masturbation-caked panties, cornfield sex, spilled fries, and John Deere just staring forlornly out at the Angus. And I resolve to do something about it!

I bound pass Marie, without a word, still sitting at the table quizzically watching me as I fly up the stairs. Tiptoeing into Marie's room, I set Daddy's bag down and grab a fresh pullover and a pleated skirt from mine. No bra or panties for this foray. I dress while watching Daddy asleep on his side. I can just see his pecker peeping out, beckoning to me as it raises it head to follow me around the room. Its unblinking one-eye stares at me as I dress. "Not right now, Richard. Go back to sleep! See you later!" I whisper and blow him a kiss. Richard lies his head down on Daddy's thigh, knowing my word is as good as gold. Got to take care of some unfinished business!

Day of Reckoning

The caws of blackbirds awaken me. Rubbing my scruffy beard, I could tell it was already late morning by the amount of light outside. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, I confirm it is 11:00 AM. I find my bedmates have already abandoned me. By the nightstand, I spot a glass of water, two pills, and a note with two smiley faces signed 'So ... WicKed.' My overnight bag, which had stayed in the car, is sitting by the bedside. Katrina, I thought.

Ambling into the bathroom, I stop to survey towels piled on the floor and fresh ones placed out for me. I smile to myself wondering if the pile is from two separate showers or from one combined shower. Doesn't really matter, I decide, since I wasn't there to watch either one. Showering and drying off, I dress and make my way downstairs with some trepidation.

"I heard you getting up." Marie smiles as she pours me a cup of coffee. "Eggs and bacon." She motions to my plate on the table. I plunk down, feeling my muscles beginning to ease from the ibuprofen's relief.

"We had a long talk again this morning, Ray. Katrina is emphatic that she has no problem with her new lifestyle. She hopes that you can reconcile with becoming both her daddy and her lover. Can you, are you able to accept that, Ray?"

I shrug as I glance at a nearly empty plate next to mine: one bite of egg, one bite of bacon, one bite of biscuit, left equidistant around the rim. Katrina's plate, left the same way at every meal since she was eight-years-old.

Deflecting the question, I ask pensively, "Can you accept us, Marie, and the way Katrina wants us to live?"

Sitting down across the table from me, she looks deeply into my soul seeking an answer to her original question. "I love you Ray. It's taken me years to realize that I always have. I just couldn't let it come between Katelyn and me, nor Katelyn and you. Damn Pandora!"

She pauses to study my face and demeanor and then asks, "Ray, I know it's only been a few days since Kate ... well since Kate passed away, but do you think there is a place for me, now, in your life? You don't have to answer me, now. But I would like for you to give it some thought after you and Katrina come to a reconciliation on how the future will evolve for the two of you."

I sit gazing into that second cup of black coffee, and just as I am unable to see the bottom through the blackness, I can't come up with an answer for Marie's question. My mind is too numb and too filled with angst to think clearly. I know Marie can sense this. She sits opposite me watching my hand tremble as I set the cup back down onto the table. I don't know if she is holding in her feelings or it's the doctor training mode that keeps her quiet and so reserved, until I see the hint of a slight smile creep across face. Reaching across the table and taking my hand, she quietly answers my first query.

"Ray, I can accept and honor whatever decision you make regarding Katrina. What she wants may not be sound judgment for you and I. But she is rational and seems at peace now with her decision. It's up to you to accept it, or maybe crush her commitment to Kate and resign yourself to the consequences. You could be dealing with another Pandora's box. It is reasonable to assume that she is just in an emotional rollercoaster phase due to Kate's passing and that she will, one day, spread her wings and fly away. Can you hold on to her wishes for a while longer and see if that is the case, without it creating trauma for yourself, Ray?"

While listening to Marie's experienced advice, that choked up feeling was growing in my throat. It seems I have two choices: stop living an incestual relationship and break Kitten's promise to Kate; or to continue the relationship hoping that Katrina will, one day, dissolve her promise, her commitment to my wife and suffer those consequences. We're damned either way as I saw it. I knew, in my heart, Kitten would never break her word to my wife. It takes a few seconds before I can say anything, but after a few moments of trying not to shed a few tears, I look up into Marie's eyes.

"I love you, Marie, always have; both Katelyn and you. I should have married both of you nineteen years ago and closed that damned Pandora's box for good. I wish I had the foresight to see that as I do now."

Marie's upturned grin broke into a light giggle. "You do know you can only marry one person in this country at a time, right?"

"So, I could have married Kate one day and you the next? We could move to Utah," I mused, "Hear it's 'legal' out there."

My attempt at humor to lighten the conversational tone seemed to have positive effect on the situation. Standing up, I hold out my hand. Marie takes it and we walk out to the swing on the front porch taking in the sounds of the birds and the rustle of the corn as the breeze flow down the rows.

The Skeleton in the Closet

"Katrina?" I ask, noticing the car is gone.

With a twinkle in her eye, Marie chuckles, "She drove out to the four-way stop. Said she was going to open John Deere's eyes and let him experience how life can be outside of the cornfields."

Shaking my head, I ask, "Did she tell you she wants a tattoo? Wants to get 'So ... WicKed' centered over her slit. I said that to her back at the diner after she gave John Deere an eye full up her skirt -- without panties. Where the hell does that come from?"

Marie's reflective mood returned as we sat in Grandma's old swing, "Ray, her infatuation with you may be short lived, as I said a few minutes ago. Her world is expanding exponentially. In just four weeks she's gone from being a virgin, to fucking you, fucking me, and is probably fucking John Deere right about now out in some cornfield."

Pausing for a moment's reflection, she asks, "Can you live with her continuing experimentations with others, Ray, wherever that takes her?"

I wrap my arms around Marie's shoulders and lean my head next to hers. We sit in silence for a few moments as I hold her hand, rocking back and forth on the swing.

"Yes. Yes, I can live with that. I'm not going to keep her from exploring her sexuality -- although she does make me feel so good. I never asked her to commit only to me, nor make a promise to remain faithful. If she spreads her wings and flies away, I'll still have you, right?"

"Yes, you will, if that's what you really want," comes her somewhat pensive response.

'I want that very much,' I think to myself, leaving that thought unspoken.

I find my arm tightening its grip around Marie's slender waist. She leaned her head against my shoulder and neither of us spoke for a while. The only sounds came the meadow larks calling out to one another in the fields. Time stopped. Worries seemed to be carried away in the afternoon breeze.

Then, slowly time seemed to resume as my thoughts of Kate resurfaced. I broke into that quiet spell. "Marie, Katelyn said something right before she lapsed into a coma, two days before she passed away. She wasn't always lucid toward the end. Late one night, as I held her hand in the hospital, she stirred in her sleep and was mumbling. She sat up and stared at the end of the bed, speaking as though you were right there."

I could feel Marie wiggle in my arms. I could see the tension building in her jawline as she swallowed.

"What did she say, Ray?"

"She asked for your forgiveness Marie. She repeated it, over and over. And she kept saying, 'Marie! Don't do it!' She also kept repeating something about not knowing that Bobby was like that. Her eyes were filled with tears, Marie. There was nothing I could do to console her, she didn't know I was there, it seems." I find myself tearing up even now as I tell her about the last words spoken by Katelyn.

"Marie, I know there is a lot about the two of you that seems to be locked in a vault. Katelyn addressed her last words to you. Her words were not to me or to Kitten. What is it that she was begging you not to do? I never heard her or you ever mention a Bobby. What is it that you and she have kept secret from me all these years?"

I can see Marie turning ghostly pale as she begins to shake, completely rattled by my questions.

'What the fuck did I just stir up? I could kick the hell out of myself!' I think as I watch Marie's reactions.

"Marie, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you. It's okay! Please, if it's too much to ask, then, please, forget it. I'm so, so sorry, baby!" What the hell did I just open, another Pandora's box?
