Wife and friends topless at a party

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Wife agrees to be topless, friends join and fun ensues.
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"No, you can't get out of it." My wife, Susan, had been trying to weasel her way out of fulfilling a debt to me for weeks, and I wasn't sure if I found it humorous or annoying.

"But seriously, I thought you would get me to give you head for an hour or something." I smiled. Over the last several months, I had done a couple of big favours for her, including going to her half-sister's third marriage, which, believe me, is a chore on its own. As such, she had told me that she owed me big, and I had decided to cash in.

"Don't give me this crap about you not wanting to do this; we both know you are a reluctant exhibitionist. Remember last year, camping?" My wife and I have an open relationship, but it's not like we go out and fuck around. We have had a couple of threesomes and some play at parties, and once, about a year back, when my wife said she was so horny she could fuck all night, I got some friends around, and the three of us took turns at her for several hours.

"Yeah, I know, Dave, but you want me to be a topless maid all night." I nodded at her. I had planned this for a while now and had about thirty guys coming to a private venue, a fairly cheap rent if you didn't want staff, and they charge you for the beer on tap and the drinks afterwards. So it would be my wife, topless, behind the counter serving drinks to thirty guys, most of whom she knew personally.

I knew my wife would love it; she would protest, but I knew her nipples would harden as the first guys entered. This argument went on for a while, her trying to tell me it was too much and me telling her she promised, and we both knew she would enjoy it.

After what seemed like an age, she took a deep breath before saying, "Fine, tell me what I have to do, wear etc., but if I think It's too much, I reserve the right to find a replacement who will do all the same things."

"A replacement, like what hire a stripper?" I was tentative about this because the value of it being my wife was a hell of a lot more than the value of a set of tits, and besides, my wife has a spectacular rack.

"No, not a stripper. I have friends who are into much more kinky stuff than me, and I was thinking of one of them." She was smug about this. She knew that her friend Emily was about what I call the perfect woman: red hair, green eyes, tight arse, pert breasts if a little on the small side.

I shook my head, "No, not one. If you want to renege, you must get two people to replace you. Just remember you owe me. I could just as easily say no, you can't find a replacement, and you would have to do it."

"Alright, deal. Now, what am I supposed to do?" She seemed confident now, which was good. She is more likely to push her boundaries if she felt in control. I gave her a brief outline of the night, basically wearing whatever she wanted to the venue, changing into a red miniskirt and garter belt. I wanted her to wear her little silver neck chain that hung down to her cleavage and serve drinks. She may have to come out from behind the bar to deliver drinks to people, but otherwise, she could hang out behind the bar. She then asked me about tips, to which I laughed and said any money on the side was hers. To this, she said, "Deal".

It was still a couple of weeks before the night of the party, and I found very quickly that if I brought up the idea of the party and her being a topless model, she would get hot, so the sex over those few weeks was incredible. But soon enough, it was the night of the party, a Saturday night with an early start. I was wondering more about how Susan would be able to be running around in the shoes she picked all night more than if she would go through with it.

We had only been at the venue for a few minutes when someone knocked at the door. People weren't set to arrive for another hour, so I was confused and about to be shocked. Susan indicated I should open the door, so I reached out, wondering what was happening.

The next thing I heard was, "Hi, Dave." In stereo, Candice and Emily walked past me into the bar. My heart dropped as I saw these two because they were some of Susan's closest friends and were known for being socially adventurous. They would only be here if my wife was planning on chickening out.

Susan must have seen my face because she spoke up after giving her friends a quick kiss, "Don't worry, Dave, they are here to replace me only if you start pulling out tricks that I don't know about, and for a little moral support." At that, the girls said they wanted to see what she would wear, so Susan suggested that they help me prepare the bar while she went and got changed.

As we continued to set up and wait for Susan, the girls would come over to me and ask me questions like, are you excited? Have you seen what she is wearing yet etc? Emily is the redhead I was talking about earlier; her hair is bright, and her skin is soft and pale. She is, as I said, about as close to the perfect woman as I can imagine. I politely replied to the girls' questions but returned with some of my own, like if my wife pulls out what are they wearing, to which they replied that we would have to wait and see if my wife pulled out.

After accepting this little turn of events, we continued to set up, and not long later, my wife stepped out from the back room, "So, how do I look?" all three of us turned and stared. My wife wasn't dressed quite the way I had planned. Her clothes consisted of a mini skirt, fishnet stockings presumably held up by a garter belt, full gloss black 'come fuck me' pumps and nothing else. That part was exactly how I had imagined it; however, her hair had been styled to one side and nicely covered quite a part of her right breast, leaving her left breast completely exposed. This meant that her pierced nipple was the focal point of her chest. She wasn't, however, wearing the silver chair I had requested. Instead, she had a loop of pearls around her neck, a single strand that did not make a complete necklace; rather, it wrapped around her neck, and the tail ends lay between her breasts.

When I looked at the necklace, my wife smiled and said, "I thought you wouldn't mind me having a 'pearl necklace' in front of all your friends. After all, I know how much you like to show off." I agreed with her assessment and checked her over again. She was gorgeous.

As I stood gaping at her and thinking about what my friends would say, Emily walked over and casually grabbed my crotch, and I quickly jumped back. "Well, Susie, firstly, congratulations," she indicated me, "and secondly, I think he likes it." Susan just shook her head before giving Emily a casual push away.

The rest of the preparations went on without event, except that my wife kept asking us if the guys would think she looked good. Susan is getting close to thirty and has become a bit self-conscious about her looks. She needn't be as she is one of the best-looking women I know but hey. So here we were, all set up half an hour later, when the first of the guys showed up. I had told them that we were going to have a private topless waitress for the night. I hadn't, however, told them it was my wife. My friends know we have an open relationship, and several of them have even hit on and tried to pick up Susan, but her sex drive isn't big enough that she would freely take up someone on their offer of sex, but because of our open relationship. The guys don't have a problem talking about what they thought of my wife, so I knew they would love this.

The first of the guys took one look at Susan and didn't hold back. There were comments about them liking her new look and if they were going to see any more tonight. One guy even suggested that he would be licking champagne off of her tits before the night was out. I just laughed it all off and watched as my wife got self-conscious, complemented and turned on all at once.

The guys then asked about Candice and Emily, and we explained the situation. Thankfully, I think no one suggested that Susan should pull out to get two semi-naked women running around, and I think it shows how good-looking my wife actually is.

My wife went behind the bar and started serving drinks as other guys showed up. They seemed to enjoy complementing her before making her run back and forth down the bar watching her tits jiggle. I don't remember the exact numbers, but we ended up with quite a few guys, and the night seemed to be going well. Susan was serving drinks while chatting. Every once in a while, she would lean on the bar to chat, and the guys would visibly stare at her beautiful tits.

The topics of conversation ranged across the typical fields when groups of guys get together, work, sport, money and sex and the girls seemed to participate in all the discussions. It was going well, and we all seemed to be enjoying ourselves. It was around three hours in that Susan said she needed a break. All that running around behind the bar and out onto the floor to deliver drinks was hurting her feet. I argued that she wears those shoes all the time and that she is just trying to run out on her duties.

Her response was quite amusing, "What you have to remember, dear is that normally when I am wearing these shoes, I'm on my back or knees the whole time." Of course, as she said this, there was a quiet patch in the conversations so that half the bar heard her. There was a brief pause before people started laughing, and comments were thrown around, 'lucky dog,' I heard, as well as comments about my wife like "She's a hot little bitch." I really didn't mind the comments, but I did want Susan to keep serving.

"Look, I know you are sore, but I promised the guys, and what do you think is going to happen if they don't have someone behind that counter for half an hour or so? The night will die."

She seemed to hesitate and look down, and I realised she wanted this night to work out as much as I did. She was about to say something when Emily piped in, "I'll take her place. If you serve for another five minutes while I get ready, I can take over for half an hour." My wife looked at me, and after a moment, I nodded. I still would prefer my wife. Something about having these guys drool over her was erotic and a compliment.

During the few minutes that Emily was getting changed, Susan came over to me and asked if I was looking forward to seeing her scantily clad. I shrugged it off as just another pair of tits, so to see if I was lying, my wife, grabbed at my crotch. I was as hard as a rock. She gave me her dirty old man look before moving on to hand out another beer.

When Emily did come out, she was a knockout. She was wearing a little tiny micro mini, white, no stockings, knee-high red leather boots and bright red lipstick. Her small breasts bounced freely as she walked. They were nicely shaped and pail, with no tan lines. Her voluminous red hair was tied back in two ponytails, and she wore a school tie. She walked straight through the crowd of wolf whistles and cat calls to Susan and me before clasping her hands behind her back, making her breast push out on display.

She stood there for a few moments before bringing her hands to the base of her skirt and looking at me through pouty eyes. "I'm sorry, teach, I couldn't find my school shirt, and I know we aren't supposed to wear any non-approved clothes." Her tone was one of innocence with a hint of wanton slut, "I'm naughty. Do you want to spank me?" And with that, she turned and bent over at the waist, allowing me to see the curve of her arse under the skirt.

I stood there dumbfounded for a moment before my wife asked, "Well?" looking from me to Emily's arse. Smiling, I took my hand and, cupping it ever so slightly and slapped Emily hard on the arse. My fingers slid partially between her legs as I did, feeling her lace panties.

Emily squealed, and the guys in the room called for more, but Emily stood up and shook her finger at the whole room. "Once is enough. For now, do as you're told, and maybe you'll see more." And with that, she skipped off behind the counter to start serving drinks.

My wife gave me a quick kiss before heading off and chatting to Candice and some of the guys, and soon everything was basically as it was, except for the fact that, seeing as my wife didn't cover herself up, there were now two scantily clad women walking around.

During the next half an hour, my wife had several drinks and danced a couple of times, though she was a little reserved in her dancing, I think because she was topless, and then it was time for her to return to serving drinks. She didn't complain as she took her place again and started serving drinks, and Emily again got freed up.

The first thing Emily did after coming out from behind the counter was to call for tequila shots, and the guys, being drunk men, called for body shots which she quickly agreed to. Emily got Susan to pour a dozen shots and then walked around the room picking out guys. Soon there was a line of shots, men and lemon. Emily marked the top of each of her breasts with lemon and gave the spots a light dusting of salt. She then pushed her tits together and told the first guy to prepare his shot. There was a bit of a laugh at the choice of wording as he placed the shot in her cleavage. His hand seemed to hang around just a little too long. He then placed a piece of lemon in her mouth and, when all was ready, licked the salt off her right breast before taking the shot in his mouth and sucking the lemon from her mouth in a chaste kiss.

The second guy did the same from her left breast, but when the third and fourth guys lined up, Emily salted her breasts just a bit further down, and the process repeated. For the third and final set of guys, for which she had picked me, she laid some salt on the counter and squeezed lemon into a shot glass, then first one nipple followed by the other she dipped in the lemon juice and made sure her nipples were well covered in salt. She had saved me for last, and while the other man was taking his shot, I quickly glanced at my wife to see her nod her approval. The man before me took her right nipple into her mouth and promptly sucked at the salt before doing the shot and lemon, then he darted his head back down to finish removing the salt from her crystalline nipple. She pulled his head into her and let out a long moan as his tongue and teeth pleased her. Soon it was done, and as the man pulled away, her nipples stood out, all but asking to be warmed in a mouth.

The cheers of the crowd were loud at the show as Emily turned towards me and pushed me backwards. I sat down on a lounge by the bar, and Emily knelt above me, lowering her crotch until it rubbed against the zipper of my pants. She then held her tits together as I grabbed the shot and fed her a slice of lemon. The crowd continued to cheer as I leaned forward and ran my tongue up over her nipple. I wasn't trying to get a lot of salt; instead, I was hoping that the rough grains would rub over her nipple and please her. I guessed it did from the shudder that ran through her body and caused the tequila shot in her cleavage to ripple. While I took the shot from her cleavage, I slid my hand under her skirt to slide a finger behind her panties and deep into her pussy. My mouth quickly covered her sudden gasp as I took the lemon from her before lowering my head back to her breast to lick and suck the salt free as I continued to finger her. After a few moments I lowered my head back to her breast to lick and suck the last of the salt. When I was done, which was much longer than just the time it took me to clean her breast, she rose from my lap, leaning forward and whispering into my ear, "It would have been better without your pants on." Her mischievous smile and the cheers from the guys let me know that she was showing off her exposed pussy to the men as she rose. I could only imagine those glistening lips I had just been between and hoped that later would allow for more fun.

I grabbed another drink from Susan, and she asked me if I had enjoyed myself. My response was to smile at her and offer her my finger. My wife quickly sucked her friend's juices off my finger before telling me that, surprisingly, she was enjoying herself too. Our conversation was interrupted when someone asked if I wanted to join a poker game. I turned to see three friends and Candice sitting at a table. I approached them and asked them what the stakes were. They all looked at each other before screaming, "Shots".

As the game started, I noticed a new wave of guys approaching the bar for drinks and wondered if my wife could handle that many, then the cards were dealt, and my mind was on the game. It was only a few minutes later, maybe three hands, when I looked up to see one of the guys helping out my wife behind the counter. At this point, I could not have known where the night was going. Susan told me later that he had come around the counter to help her out. Still, it was only a few moments before he unzipped his fly and pulled his cock out. My wife told me that she was shocked but also thought it was pretty funny, so she didn't do anything about it. Now the counter was raised slightly, so no one on the customer side of the counter could see anything, but my wife could. He was, apparently, well hung, and my wife, having been offered drinks all night, was a little warm.

None of this I knew at the time, but I knew things were heating up when Candice came round to the poker table and whispered into Emily's ear; Candice was the only woman still dressed, which was disappointing; however, her makeup was a bit of a mess, she had obviously made out with or blown a guy, and I wondered where these two would be taking it in the future. I didn't have to wait long because as soon as Emily left, Candice took her place, and I watched Emily go to a couple of guys and beckon them out back as Candice announced that she was sick of being a dull girl.

Therefore she would bet a kiss and a piece of clothing every round instead of a drink. The next few rounds seemed to go quickly, and Candice had incredibly bad luck. Soon, Candice was down to nothing but a pair of sheer panties and thigh-high boots. During one of her strips, I looked around for my wife but could only see the guy behind the counter. I wanted to go find her and tell her that she was supposed to be serving, but at the same time, I didn't want to miss the show, so I let it slide.

My friends are manipulative bastards, I knew this before, but it was shown anew this night. As I played poker and slowly watched Candice stripping off, my mate behind the counter with my wife was manipulating her. He told her that I had arranged all this to watch her be gang fucked by all these guys and emphasised it by sliding up behind her and letting his half-hard cock poke underneath her skirt against her thighs. This made my wife even hotter, so when Candice was almost naked, and I looked around to see if I could find my wife, she was actually on her knees behind the counter blowing this guy. She later told me that it was the biggest cock she had ever sucked and had loved every minute of it. The fact that Emily had taken some guys out back only confirmed it for my wife, as they were here to take her place if she chickened out.

When Candice was down to her boots and panties, she sat back, proudly displaying her tits. So instead of betting on her last vestige of clothing, Candice announced that she would blow the guy who won the next round. All the guys cheered, and I decided to sit in on it, fully intending to turn her down, at least until I cleared it with my wife if I won. However, luck was not on my side as one of the other guys won the hand. He then pushed his chair back with a smug look, and Candice happily went down on her knees between his legs. She slowly unzipped his fly as all the guys in the area watched and fished out his flaccid cock.