Wife Cures Empty Nest Syndrome Pt. 03

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Gina gets more than she bargained for at a college bonfire!
3.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 01/24/2024
Created 06/25/2022
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Gina stepped back to admire herself in the full length dressing mirror, she looked good in the little red euro bikini which was nothing more than three pieces of cloth and some dental floss. It barely covered her bulging nipples. And the bottom of the bikini looked a bit weird with the way she'd had to pull it tightly between the clef of her pussy so it would hide her labia. The people who'd designed the bikini must have forgotten that older women have a bigger mound than younger girls. Thank goodness she'd shaved her bush but then how was she going to explain that to Thomas? She was feeling too good to let that question bother her now. Heck he barely touched her at all anymore and it was her body not his.

She looked at the digital clock alarm clock on the bedside table, it read seven fifteen. she needed to finish getting ready because Pete would be here soon to pick her up. But then, wasn't it a woman's right to be fashionably late?

Gina had made Thomas wait for her over an hour on their prom night. But Pete was of a different generation he just might leave her and she certainly didn't want that. He had invited her to a guy's only bonfire where the football team would celebrating their state championship win. There would be plenty of drinking and that kinda made her nervous because college aged guys were known to party hardy. But she felt excited as well.

She brushed back her long blond hair and pulled it into a ponytail and then began carefully applying her make up, making sure to put on a generous amount of her lucky cherry lip gloss. When she was done she pulled on her black fishnet bikini cover which fit her like a loose mini dress.

Her cellphone rang as she started down the stairs. It was Pete! She quickly answered it. "Hi, Pete?" She said trying to contain her excitement because she didn't want to sound like some silly little school girl. Though goodness knows she felt like one at the moment. Never in a million years did she think a kid could make her feel this way! Well he wasn't a kid he was eighteen.

"Hey, baby." he said.

Oh gosh he called her, Baby. Gracious she hadn't been called, Baby in years. Thomas wasn't big on pet names.

"I'm a few minutes from your place. And I have a surprise for you!"

"You DO!" Gina's heart leaped in her chest. "What is it?!"

"I'll show you when I get there." *click

Gina smiled, "He has a gift for me how sweet!"

Five minutes later she sees the lights of Pete's car as he pulls into the driveway. She opened the door and stepped out to find that Pete was driving a vintage 1968 V.W. Westfalia Camper Bus. Gina's mouth dropped. Totally restored condition too, with a sparkling lime green paint job, tinted windows all the way around and a set of shiny chrome Cragar mag wheels.

Pete cut the engine and climbed out of the driver's side. He spread his arms and she ran to him and gave him a big hug. He hugged her back grabbing her ass as he did. "How do you like this?"

"Oh it's beautiful, Pete! is it yours?" Gina gushed ignoring the fact that he was practically lifting her off her feet by her ass cheeks.

"No, Baby it's not mine. I borrowed it from Jason. He's one of my room mates. He'll be at the bonfire tonight."

"Oh Okay."

"Hey check this out, Gina." He walked around to the side of the van and opened two side doors and then reached in and flipped a switch and a set of bright LED dome lights came on to illuminate the back compartment of the van. The back was upholstered from walls to floor in a beige colored shag carpet and in the center of the floor was a large blow up camping mattress. He slapped the top of the mattress I hope you feel like camping tonight." he winked.

Gina looked at him confused. Pete didn't say anything about wanting to camp out.

"Are you down with that?"

Thomas was away at one of his company meetings and he wouldn't be back until next week, Gina smiled and nodded, "Maybe we can." She kissed his cheek.

"And by the way, you look hot as fuck." he stepped back to give her the once over.

She liked how Pete praised her, "Thank you, Sweetie."

Again she blushed, "I think this is a wonderful surprise, Pete. Thank you."

"Shit! This ain't the surprise I was referring to. This is." He opened the passenger door and took a small covered aluminum baking tin from the seat. It was wrapped with a glittering red bow. "I know how much you love brownies, so I baked you a dozen."

"Ahh thank you, honey but you didn't have to go through the trouble of baking me anything."

Pete handed her the tin and they still felt warm. And god how she loved warm brownies!

Pete took her around the waist and pulled her body against his, "I know, Baby, but you've baked me so many goodies through the years. Heck I figured that I'd return the favor."

"Mumm, they smell delicious, Pete."

"They are delicious. Now let's get going." he smacked her ass."

"Ouch! Do that again." Gina giggled playfully as she climbed into the passengers side, and he did. Pete lifted the back of her bikini covering and brought his hand down hard across her right butt cheek. The hit was so hard it jarred her lower back causing her to gasp, "God, Pete that really hurt!"

"I'm sorry, Gina. I guess I don't know my own strength sometimes." He laughed and closed the passenger door then shut the side doors and walked around and climbed into the driver's seat.

Thinking she might have hurt his feelings she reached over and touched his arm. "It's Okay, Pete." She said trying to ignore the stinging pain on her right butt cheek.

"Well good I wouldn't want you limping around the bonfire like some old granny right?" he cracked.

Gina didn't know how to take that comment. Was Pete mad at her? She decided to open the tin of brownies. He had cut them into four inch squares so she took one out and bit into it. "Holy crap, Pete! These are delicious!" And they were too. The chocolate had just the right consistency and they weren't over sweetened either. There was also a kinda bitter taste to them as well, but it wasn't overwhelming.

"Do you really like them, Baby? You're not just saying that right?"

She reached over and touched his shoulder, "I don't lie when it comes to baking. These are fantastic, honey. If you ever decide to stop delivering pizzas, you could take up baking."

Pete laughed, "Well I do like to cook and I get a lot of enjoyment out of it. You should try my macaroni casserole. Sometimes I bake one for the guys at the house. You should see them, they eat themselves sick with it."

Gina chortled over a mouth full of the brownie, "Oh gosh, I just know I'm gonna eat myself sick on these things."

Pete laughed and began backing out of the driveway, "Well eat up, Baby we got a forty five minute drive to Watson's lake."

Gina wolfed down three of the Brownies before she decided that she needed to stop. So she placed the lid back on the container and placed it in her lap. "I'm gonna save this for later because I'm getting so full."

"Three should be enough, for them to kick in nicely." he smiled mischievously.

Gina looked at him confused, "What do you mean by that?"

"Oh you'll see." he laughed

"Did you put something in these brownies, Pete?" Gina started to feel a bit nervous.

He shrugged, "Maybe I did and maybe I didn't."

"Stop toying with me, young man. Did you just drug me?!" Gina could feel her anxiety kick in. "Oh geez...oh gosh...!"

"Relax, Baby eating a little pot isn't bad for you." He smirked. "You should be thanking me for the best pot brownies on this side of the Mississippi."

"Oh my god, Pete I haven't done marijuana in years!" she gasped really feeling her anxiety kicking in.

"You said you enjoyed them?"

"Yes I did but that's besides the point, you could have at least warned me, before I started eating them."

Pete smirked, "Well would you have eaten them, if I had told you there was pot in them?"

Gina folded her arms and leaned back straight in the seat, "No I would not have eaten them!"

"Spoken like an old woman." Pete said slowing down to pull into the turning lane. He did a U turn and started heading back the way they came.

"What are you doing the lake is back that way?"

"I know where the lake is Gina but I'm taking you back home." Pete said flatly.

"What? Why?!" Gina snapped tears welling up in her blue eyes.

"Look, Gina this is not working out. We had a good time, but you're..." Pete paused looking as if he were trying to think of the right words to say.

"I'm old? That's what you were gonna say. Isn't it?! I'm not young enough for you is that it?"

"Actually I prefer older women, Gina. Your fucking age has nothing to do with it! You're just not adventurous enough." he smirked.

"Pete?! I stepped out on my husband for you. Is that not being adventurous enough?"

He said nothing, but kept driving.

"Please, Pete I want to go to the bonfire. I've never been to one and it sounds like it'll be a lot of fun." Gina pleaded. Suddenly she started to feel a bit warm and dizzy. The effects of the marijuana were slowly hitting her system. Gone was the anxiety that she'd been feeling, to be replaced by a sense of euphoria. The only downside was she was getting a case of the cotton mouth. She giggled and rubbed her tongue against the roof of her mouth.

"What?" Pete smiled.

She reached out and placed her hands against the dashboard and shook her head, "WOW!"

Pete laughed and patted her back, "Are you okay, Gina?"

She turned her head to look at him it was hard to focus because it looked as if he were a reflection in the water. "Oh, Pete I feel more than okay, I feel fantastic!"

"If T.J. could see you right now he would be laughing his ass off." he said with a smirk.

Gina started giggling. She knew she shouldn't be laughing about it because Pete had tricked her into taking the drug, but that didn't matter now. Besides this was pot, and pot's not a drug...well not a hard drug. Crap! She was getting higher by the minute.

Pete turned the van around and started heading back in the direction of the lake. Gina was slumped against the passenger door with a nice warm smile on her face. She was buzzing rather nicely. He took out his cellphone and clicked a picture of her and sent it to his buddy Jason.

Gina giggled, "Why did you take a picture of me?"

"I sent a pic of you to Frankie."


"Well just to show him and the boys how beautiful you are."

"Ah that's so sweet. Are there going to be any other ladies there?"

"Yeah that's me, Mr fucking Sweetie." he laughed and if Gina hadn't been so out of it she would notice that he'd avoided answering her question.

Gina leaned against the passenger door again and this time she fell asleep with her

She felt someone touch her shoulder. "We're here baby." It was Pete.

Gina opened her eyes and looked at him and smiled and then she looked around. They were at the lake and there was a huge bonfire blazing in the distance and there was a boom box pumping out hip hop music. "We're here already?" She asked, feeling so disoriented.

Pete hurried around and opened the door for her and took her arm and helped her out of the van.

"Thank you, Sweetie." She said and looked around at all the cars and pick up trucks. "Wow there are a lot of people here."

Pete put his arm under her arm to steady her and she let him guide her down the sandy path to the party. Her legs felt so weak, she didn't know how she was going to dance or have a good time in this condition.

There were indeed a lot of guys there, eleven in all. All of them were very strapping looking and young and they were all standing around the fire drinking beer. Most of them stopped talking as Pete helped Gina to sit down on a log close to the fire. The log had been shaved smooth of its bark and had been cut flat to make it more comfortable.

She smiled and looked around at all the young faces and they were staring back at her with lust in their eyes. If she weren't so damned high she would have definitely been nervous. "Hi." she giggled and waved at them. "I'm Gina." The guys started laughing and began talking among themselves again.

Pete left her sitting there and walked over and took two bottles of beer from the large Gott cooler. He twisted the tops and handed Gina one. Gina's mouth was still so dry that she guzzled the beer half way down before she stopped.

"Damn." someone said stepping over to join Pete. "Is that TJ's mom?"

"I am." Gina said extending her hand. She recognized him almost immediately. TJ had brought him to the house several times. "And you're Jason?" she said trying to make her voice heard over the music that someone had turned up.

"Oh shit it's, Lil Wayne's... suck it or not!" Jason exclaimed.

Gina looked up at the young man confused.

"He's talking about the song, Gina. Fuck I love this song too!" Pete exclaimed.

The song started out slowly and then it started to speed up. The beat was rhythmic and loud and Gina had to listen closely to the lyrics. "Are they singing about sex?"

"Hell yeah!" Jason laughed and started dancing and shaking his hips.

Gina giggled and watched as he began thrusting hips as if he were fucking and he was doing it close to her face. She could smell his cock! "Stop that you silly thing!"

Gina chortled feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Suck it or not...suck it or not!" Pete started chanting and he too stood up and began shaking his crotch at her.

"You guys can stop anytime." she giggled but Jason didn't stop in fact he even went a step further and he pulled his zipper down and slipped his cock out and began shaking it close to her lips. "Suck it or not!"

"Stop it please. I don't want to!" she closed her eyes wishing she was somewhere else at that moment...anywhere else. She didn't like being tempted like this.

All the guys began gathering around to watch Jason winging his cock at her. Some of the guys even took out their cellphones.

"Ah come on you old bitch, you know you want to." someone yelled from the crowd.

"Suck his dick!" another voice shouted.

"Yeah baby you know you want too." Jason laughed and pressed the tip of his cock against her lips. His precum coated her plump red lips. Yes she wanted to suck his cock and he had such a nice one too.

A pair of hands touched her shoulders and gently began to massage her. She opened her eyes and turned her head to look behind her. It was Pete. He smiled at her and nodded. "You can do it." he urged softly.

Yes she could do it and she would certainly enjoy it too, but what would that make her. It would make her a slut...a cum whore. Her reputation as a loving mother and wife would be tarnished forever. And what would the ladies at the club think? She would be kicked out. Oh goodness, never in her life did she ever think she would be caught up in a situation like this. But she'd did it to herself she had fallen for Pete's little erotic trap and there was no way out but one.

Gina licked the creamy precum from her lips and that's all it took. She opened her mouth and Jason unceremoniously shoved his dick inside. He placed his hands at the top of her head and gripped a handful of her hair and begins fucking her mouth.

"Fuck yeah!" he groaned thrusting his hips back and forth stabbing her throat with his steely cock.

Gina placed her hands against his muscular thighs to try and control some of the young man's forward momentum so that he wouldn't ravage her throat. But he was still going balls deep in her mouth and surprisingly enough she wasn't gagging either.

A cellphone was close to her face now and another was at her right side.

Oh CRAP! This was going to be on the internet!

Gina tried to push away but Jason held her head firmly.

She could see the guys taking their clothes off all of them and soon she was surrounded by meaty cocks. Hands were touching her body from every side. Hands were groping her tits some were rough others soft and gentle.

Her bikini top was literally ripped away. Fingers were pinching and twisting and tugging at her fat nipples.

Still Jason's passion raged, snapping her neck back with every thrust of his hips. He didn't care if he was hurting her or not, it was so selfish. But then all young men are selfish at his age. It was all about busting a nut for them.

The guys were cheering him on.

Gina tried to relax but there were just too many hands on her. Two guys pulled her legs apart and her bikini bottoms were torn away.

Suddenly Jason thrusts all the way to the hilt and he wraps an arm at the back of her neck to hold her head in place. Suddenly Gina felt his warm cum gush down her throat like a geyser.

He pulled out and sank to his knees and he was quickly hauled out of the way.

Gina felt herself being pulled sideways onto the bench until she was flat on her back. Her hands were pulled above her head were being tied together with her bikini bottoms. It was Pete. She didn't resist but she did close her eyes. They were going to fuck her brains out and there was nothing she could do about it.

Two hours later she found herself lying in the grass. She was hurting from being fucked so much, but she felt satisfied. They had pleased her and she them, and who can be mad about that. She'd never been gang banged before and it had been fantastic. But she was so sore from being fucked in every hole and they had ravaged her in every position imaginable.

She sat up and leaned back against the log. The guys were all walking up the hill to their cars. I guess the party was over now. Pete tossed another log on the fire he was still naked. He looked over at her and smiled and Gina smiled back and he walks over and bends down and picked her up and cradled her in his arms.

Gina placed her arms around his neck "I love you Pete."

He smirked but said nothing and carried her into the water. She tries to kiss him but he turns his head, and drops her into the water.

Gina came back up, "Oh you asshole!!" she screamed.

"Wash up and lets get out of here, Gina." he laughs while washing hiss cock and balls.

Gina smiled and shook her head and began washing herself as best she could. She watched the cars cranking up and leaving.

"Did you have fun?" Pete asked.

Gina smiled and ignored his question. Yes she had fun.

"How many times did you orgasm baby?"

She giggled and shook her head. "Not as many times as those guys ejaculated, thank goodness or I would be dead."

They both laughed at that one.

"I'll ask you again did you have fun?"

She splashed him with some water and laughed, "YES I had fun you butthole!"

"No regrets?"

"No regrets,darling. None at all." she said, "I think I'll have another brownie and with that Gina walked out of the water.

The End

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