All Comments on 'Wife Gets Caught'

by the Troubador

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DunaDunaover 12 years ago
I am sorry for my mistake

I am sorry for my mistake. The good sentence is: "..his wife confessed she did not enjoy the sex with Ralph...

JLRemoraJLRemoraover 12 years ago


I understand it is a false tale. The problem is how it was plotted out. Even false stories must have some sense of reality to make people feel as they are part of the story, however. A reader must be able to empathize, share, and feel something, or else the story is only a bunch of words, holding no substantial meaning.

Below is a Hungarian translation of what I posted in English. I hope it's a proper translation and that it clarifies it better for you than English.

Az alábbiakban a magyar fordítása, amit írt angolul. Remélem, hogy ez egy helyes fordítását, és hogy tisztázza, hogy jobb, ha nem angol.

Megértem, hogy ez egy hamis mese. A probléma az, hogy hogyan került ki ábrázoltuk. Még hamis történetek kell bizonyos értelemben a valóság, hogy az emberek úgy érzik, mivel azok egy része a történetnek, de. A leolvasó kell tudni empatikusak, megosztani, és úgy érzi, valami, vagy pedig a történet csak egy csomó szó, gazdaság nem történt lényeges jelentése.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

@Dear JLRemora.

1. Aesopus and Lafontain used animal characters in their fables. To find the meaning of their fables was easy because the readers can guess the human attribute from the animal characters, because he/she know he/she is reading an animal fable. Meaning of this fable is dificult for the reader, because the reader found true human characters in this story, and the plot is very diverese from a average LW stories. Yes I understand the majority of the readers get lost in the plot.

2. This story is not WAAC story, because the husband does not behave as a wimp. He is not glad for his wife sex scen, he does not get any sex excitation from his wife's cheating. He confronts her with her cheating. He confronts his "friend and his friend's wife" and he show the Ralph' sex was almost a rape for his wife (video disection). Gary rejects to join to the wife swapping association and cuts the friendships with Ralph and Crystal. He sends his wife to STD test, which is a punishment: what a pleasant thing to go STD tests with pregnant belly! I wrote earlier this story plot perhaps might be a RAAC story.

3. Large percentage of the male population have average or less of the mean cocks (Gauss curve). Should they think they will not be happy with a woman in their life? What a stupid belief, which origins from the male shower of the high school.

Yes 30% of the women are cock size dependent, unfortunately because of the random dating big cock dependent women and small cock men start marriage together and these connections become time bomb of the infidelity. However other part (70%) of the women would be good for the average or less cock size male people. The problem is the random dating social system, which mixes the population.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Just another big pile of horse shit

Fuck you dumb ass. That bitch would be living with Ralph and Crystal so fucking fast your fucking head would still be spinning 10 years latter.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

It is also a very good example for a fable story StangStar06's story "Forever Gone, Forever You". However that fable story's second meaning was recognized by almost 1/3 of the readers.

FD45FD45over 12 years ago

Quote: "In any case we will have to put a kibosh on getting together for the foreseeable future. Maybe some time later we can be friends again, but I certainly can’t forgive you for what was done."

Friends again? From people who guilted his wife into infidelity and wanted to pass his PREGNANT WIFE around to a bunch of strangers. Yeah....give it a few weeks, buddy!

So...she's willing to honor a drunken piece of paper that no one witnessed the creation, but the vows she made to her husband in front of God and Family...they could be unilaterally set aside...because she figured her husband was so honorable that he'd understand...except she never told him so I guess she figured maybe he wasn't all that honorable.

SHE WAS FUCKING PREGNANT WITH HIS KID! And she's slurping down Ralph like he has cream filling? Really?

If she was serious, she'd fucking not shower for three days, meet him in a surprise location in a skirt, hand pump him to semi hardness and shove him in her dry snatch for a few pumps and then walk away, laughing at him.

Sorry, that's what she'd do if she had the slightest regard for her husband AND felt she needed to 'honor her agreement.'

No. She makes it a fairy tale. Because her mouth is saying "This is a one time thing" but her make up, lingerie, willingness and words (Tastes so good!) says "But I'm making sure you ask again and again and again!"

"I guess we went hard on Ralph." Really? Does he still have all his teeth?

Fuck him and fuck all his randy friends at Kiwanis who want to pass his wife around!

This is my second read and it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

TreyboTreyboover 12 years ago
You ARE joking, right?

She willingly cheated and he just let it go? He needs his man-card revoked.

Other than that, it was ok.

TreyboTreyboover 12 years ago
You ARE joking, right?

She willingly cheated and he just let it go? He needs his man-card revoked.

Other than that, it was ok.

RePhilRePhilover 12 years ago
Chill guys

Its a bad story about a wimp ass cuckold. Let's keep our rants against the shit cival OK

RePhilRePhilover 12 years ago

That was a typo it should have been Sad story not Bad story

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Wow what a wimp story

He actually watched his wife commit adultery and just watched and did nothing. How can this story receive so much praise with such a terrible beginning. Okay it's just a story but not very realistic. Who in his right mind wouldn't dash into the house and confront the adulterers. Sad really sad, a man without balls.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Asshole Ralph squirts right between your baby's eyes and you REASON with him, and her, and her. Loser, wimp!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Who knocked You Senseless?

She honors a fuck deal from before she was married?

Too bad she was pregnant, he needed to leave or tell her to leave.

He is not an abusive guy but, he is perceptive and she is supposedly intelligent, didn't tell Ralph to get screwed alsewhere - so badly/sadly, a real guy would have had her leave. She knowlingly, willingly and sober fucked Ralph!

Really sad - Too bad!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Very poor

This is a story that does not make any sense.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago
A repeat for about the second meaning of this story

Ralph and his wife are members of a closed circular wives-husbands swapping group.

The all affair is a part of the recruituing for new members, the husband and his wife, for this wives-husbands swapping group.

The husband look at the video detected his wife did not enjoyed Ralph's big cock.

His wife is in pussy size on the low part of the Gauss curve. Look at these examples from the Net:

The husband recognized this was a step for recruit them for the wives-husbands swapping group. He invited Ralph and Ralph's WIFE for a discussion. PUSSY of Ralph's WIFE began dropping, because she imagine the new male member of the wives-husbands group. Instead of joining this group he showed the video for everybody (Ralph, Ralph's wife and his wife). The cocky Ralph would be shame in his Ego, because the "cheating" wife DID NOT ENJOYED the sex with Ralph according to the video. The husband denied to join to the wives-husbands swapping group.

He punished his wife (she had to check hersef for STDs with pregnant belly), and later reconcilated.

The commentators are very confused from the story's plot, because it is neither RAAC nor WACC story. The clue for the story the video crossection, where the husband is not a willing cuckold who get off on his wife's sex with stranger or a divorce preparing husband. Instead of these 2 choce, he did video crossection to show his wife did not enjoy the sex with Ralph (this will help understanding the reconcilation). The male people 10% would do the first thing (get off on), 90% would end the sex or gather the evidence for the divorce.

This husband is the 0% male people with the crossecton. Such male husband THERE IS NOT. I repeat the question: WHAT IS THE HELL STORY THIS?????

Fabula story, which tells the cocky male fellow, that is not everything the big instrument, because large percentage women the big cocks couse PAIN......

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 12 years ago
Didn't like it

Gary was too lenient. His wife cheated with his friend Ralph. Ralph's wife Crystal approved because they are swingers and May went along with it because of an old IOU.

There was no punishment for the cheaters and no retribution for Gary the husband. Everybody wins and Gary loses. Fucked up story.

On a side note, this message is for Duna.

Why do you leave so many comments for each story you read. What the fuck is wrong with you. It's only been the last month that I've been commenting heavily but I noticed you leave so many comments its unreal. You're not the only one but you seem to be the worst offender. On this story you made fourteen comments? Why?

I usually read and leave one comment and on a couple maybe one or two more. That's enough as far as I'm concerned.

Every story I read from now on that you have posted five or more comments I will mention it in my comments.

I repeat. DUNA Everytime you post 5 or more comments to a story I will bring it to everybody's attention.

If you don't like it then go fuck yourself.


karan9876karan9876over 12 years ago
thy name is wimp

he was too nice to her. Wimp.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
pizzz poor she committed adultry she intended to

i would divorce her, sue the other couple, and after testing proved the child was mine pay child support if court ordered. A cheater, is a cheater, and will always be a cheater. She would never have told him........ With a love like that who needs enemies? RAAC destroys lives and creates additional misery.

RePhilRePhilabout 12 years ago
Hubby is just mad

He couldn't drink straight from Ralph's hose! What a creampie wimp ass

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Gary is too understanding by half.

I would write an ending:

1. Gary fakes reconciliation, per existing story, but then 2. He obtains and slips May an abortifacient, maybe pennyroyal and finally 3. divorces her, without paying for child.

BTTapBTTapabout 12 years ago
Interesting premise

And interesting way to deal with it, in the reveal of the video for all concerned.

I had a few disconnects, however.

First, what's with his getting hard watching the action unfolding? I think getting an erection seeing that horror show would be the last thing I would do. I read a story somewhere on here (I think it was a Longhorn story) where the guy is freaked out when that happens to him when he sees his wife cheating, and his therapist tells him that it is a natural male reaction-like getting ready to compete for the female. Maybe that's true. So maybe I can let that slide.

Second, the guy doesn't go in and confront and say "what the FUCK is going on?" Once he confirms that it's going to happen (maybe at the blow-job phase or when she strips the robe), then why not put a stop to it? Why subject yourself to sitting impotently and watching? He says it's because he is afraid he would murder someone. Bullshit. The guy is extremely in control of his behavior. He never freaks out particularly, hits the other asshole, etc. He doesn't even yell at his wife. He could walk in before shit gets too far along and put a stop to it. Why let it all play out? Perhaps the device could have been worked so that he wasn't there, but had the system on, checking it out, and then came home to realize it was running, so he checks it, and lo and behold....

Third, his control is almost inconceivable. He never seems to really lose his temper throughout.

Fourth, his telling the other couple that maybe they can be friends again someday? Fuck that! IF he believed wife's story-and that's a big if-maybe he could take her back, subject to a lot of ass-kissing. But, they would be done with the other 2 as friends. I mean, they pushed her to go ahead with the affair behind her hubby's back. And, the other guy basically hurt and quasi-raped her during the process. And, they had a secret agenda, unknown to wife. That's it for them. How could hubby even entertain the idea of ever socializing with his "friends" ever again?

Fifth, hubby brings up one very important point about wife making the event with the asshole "special," when she hasn't done it for him in a long time, if ever. That is a big deal, and conflicts with her account that she was more or less just wanting to get it over with-that it meant nothing to her. She never really gives a satisfactory answer to that. I guess there wasn't one. The other issue that is left unsaid, but there by implication, is that she is all about honoring her promisses-she won't welch on a bet-she is honor-bound, and all that bullshit. The obvious question: you made a solemn oath to me at our wedding that you would foresake all others-didn't that trump your other promise? If the angle is that wife is really about honor and that is what made her follow-through, then that same character trait would prevent her from breaking the promise in the first place. So, I didn't really get the "good wife who was duty-bound to cheat, just this once" angle. The truth, which she is never called to task on, if there is one in this story to explain the wife's behavior, is that she: 1) was curious about having sex with big sex stud on campus with whom she never closed the deal; 2) was sex-crazed more than usual because of her raging pregnancy hormones; 3) was easily pushed, persuaded, and manipulated by her "friends" (which is actually supported by both her cheating, and by the way she allowed the other asshole to abuse her more or less while not only not refusing him, and not complaining, but by actually encouraging him despite not enjoying the rough treatment). Those elements seem to be the "real motivation" (in this fictional tale), and yet the story never really gets to those points. The promise from years ago was a red herring. Without understanding the true "why," of the affair, it is hard to achieve a satisfactory reconciliation.

Lastly, the story sort of glosses over hubby's pain. He hints at it, and then it easily and quickly mollified by the wife's assurances. Sort of missed the boat.

I don't really get the point of the story. It seems like the hubby used the bad sexual experience as his device to deflate the asshole, and to show wife that extra-marital sex is ultimately unsatisfying. What if the sex with the asshole would have been perfect for the wife? If he had done all the loving things her hubby did, but even better, and with a more physically-satisfying cock? Would the hubby still have handled it the same way? It seems to me that the story would not have worked had that been the case. Was the moral of the story that you should forgive your wife for cheating if she has a lame-ass excuse, assures you it was only the one time, and that the sex was ultimately a bad experience for her?

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
A fable story which is difficult to guess.....

@ BTTap You see very well, this sort of husband is not at all in the World. The Troubador wrote a sequel story "Wife Gets Even", where May organizes affair for her husband with Ralph's abandon's wife. That story is more funny. I think this is a fable story, about the Author does not like the cocky men with big cock.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

For the better understanding this story, wives complain about big cocks of her mates:

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
duna, what is your fascination with big dicks?

Every comment you make, and you make hundreds per day, you go on and on about big cocks, animal fucking, or what's it like to be a cuckold. Get a hobby mate, you are a sick puppy.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago

@ Because I am HUMANIST and I DO NOT LIKE THE HUMULIATION OF OTHERS. TO INJURE OTHERS BY ANYTHING for example after comment is similar humuliation. I like the revenge stories, because an answer for humiliation as a betrayal. This story IS A ANSWER FOR SIMILAR COCKY PEOPLE AS RALPH IN THE STORY.

DunaDunaabout 12 years ago
A humanist's aim to help others...........and to do less humuliation for them......

First it all I do not tired to explain the women sexual requirments are not same, and those men whose cocks are less as others have, THEY SHOULD NOT GET SUICIDE, (or kill them) as some authors stories tell them. Yes those male buddies whose cocks there are less as others the hunting area for woman mates 50% of the female population only, because those women who feel pain from big cocked male people they will not injure her big cocked mate, because she knows the MALE EGO well. Only you should look at the net..............................

This story meat is : not every female like big cocks, so the small cocked male do not have to get suicide and this story is a humanist step from the Author The Troubador.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Not a chance in hell.

No way I would sit and watch while this happened. Just the fact that you write about this tells me that you are a giant pussy that can't take care of things on his own.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
there are so many holes in this and the aftermath

first no STD test made two days later would in anyway tell you were clean and safe. Maybe for some a week or two later, for others 6 months, a year, or even year and a half for HIV/AIDS. Add some realism. She was expecting great sex, she was dressed special for it, she knowingly cheated on her husband, she had unprotected sex outside of her marriage and placed, willingly, herself, her child, and her husband in harms way. Since when does a childish joke made years ago before marriage trump marriage vows and made adultry valid? He should have taken vids and sued for divorce and sued the other man for alienation of affection or disruption of the marriage contract. Had anyone objected to the divorce he should have given pieces of the vid to them for consideration. I dont believe reconciliation at any cost is a valid choice, she chose to commit adultry and by so doing chose to have her marriage end in divorce.

cohibaIVcohibaIVabout 12 years ago
There's a lot to dislike here

I like a lot of your writing. Not this, however. There are no sympathetic characters. They run the gamut from pathetic to outright assholes. Inconsistent. The worst character is Gary. Can you allow him an honest, unchecked emotion. "we will have to put a kibosh on getting together for the foreseeable future." Yes, that's really standing up for yourself and telling them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

But you are so full shit u got some me......hate it....bill

MrVdogMrVdogalmost 12 years ago
I doubt, even with suspension of disbelief...

If Ralph penetrated the cervix, which is hard to believe coud occur without seriously injuring May, I am pretty sure the fetus would be damaged or dislodged. I know I say this all the time, but May's actions merit an immediate divorce. I must be an intolerant bastard, maybe that's why I have been divorced three times. Not sure what to do about Ralph, he was only using his "get into May's pants free" card. Do marriage vows not supercede old promises made in an alcohol stupor?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
well one aspect cant be forgotten

one std so soon eliminates almost nothing. In a month she needs to be retested, in three months again, and every three months for the next year to two years to be almost certain no diseases were passed including HIV/AIDS. Next her phone conversation with and greeting of the asshole at the door proves along with her choice of dress that she was not coerced into committing adultry but was a willing participant in the evenings activities. Add to that no faithful and happily married woman is going to disrespect her husband and marriage, going to consent to bareback sex with the risk involved, to honor a drunken pledge made six years ago and before she was married. Yes you might get someone mentall defective to do this but not a sane rational college graduate who is a faithful married woman. What happened here is the writer changed the character in mid story and tried to make her seem a victim as opposed to a willing participant. Sorry she would agree with anything her husband said or suggested to keep her marriage alive with a baby on the way. The husband needs to go ahead with the DNA testing on the child to see if it is his before he pays child support after the divorce. The woman willingly committed adultry, nothing said in the story changed that ane whether enjoyed it or not makes absolutely no difference.

cantbuymycantbuymyalmost 12 years ago
Dump her

The cheating bitch will do it again. Gave her ass cherry away. Divorce her now

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Bullshit and onion gravy

There is somthing seriously wrong with you for even considering a situation such as this. What it boils down to is that there is right and wrong and you ain't got a clue to what that means. I really feel sorry for you if you have actualy lived your life in this manner.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
What a Crock

If you believe this story your off your mind. A colledge agreement, give me a break, This cheating bitch just wanted to do it and nthat's all there is to do. Throw the damn cunt out now she will do it again and again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Why are husbands always made out to be wimp cucks?

Give her 3 orgasims for his 1? WTF. Shoul be the other way around to pay for her betrayal. How could gary ever hold his head up knowing his wife cheated on him and she knows it, and that he passively accepts it without any quid pro quo? At the very least he gets several hall passes to have some "meaningless" sex. You can be damn sure Ralph will be bragging about how he banged May. Gary will be snickered about as a cuckold husband at Kiwanis meetings. With a best friend like Ralph who needs enemies? Be friends with that fucker? Getting together in the future? How's that work. No revenge, no pay back, after all the anger, pain and anguish Gary suffered? Naw.. Not believable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

odd how she felt she had to honor her little deal with ralph and not the vows of her marriage. that fact alone means she would have to go bye bye!

NorbertrichardNorbertrichardover 11 years ago

It was so nice of Gary to provide the cfmp ,and the sexy bra & panties for her to intertain her lover. Too bad she didn't love, and respect him enough to save them for him, but then again she needed to get Ralph hard so she could deep throat his big cock. He shot his cum in her baby's face three times to make sure he fulfilled his part of the agreement. She enjoyed the deep fucking, and without a doubt she would have had many repeats, had she not got caught. Braindead Gary fell for her shit hook line and sinker. I'm sure he was so worried about std's that he didn't even kiss her till after he got the doctors results. NOT/ Maybe he had designs on Ralph's cock. What a poor excuse for a man.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
sex so soon after bareback, insufficient for new STDs to even show up

She was hot she wanted it and he knew it

Where is the DNA testing of the child

Previous lovers on other meeting nights, it was to easy for her to cheat and to lie, practice makes perfect

fanfarefanfareover 11 years ago

What I most enjoy about this Loving Wives genre are the misogynous commentary from all the little anonymousies who lack the ability to satisfy real women in real life. So they stroke their tiny ego's {matches the set} with violent tirades against fictional characters in fictional circumstances.

Not to wonder why no real person wants to partner with them.

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
The sequal story!

@ Dear fanfare Each group is not right about this story you and the naysayers alike!

You must read the sequal story from the Troubador "Wife Get Even". Nobody understands well this story, that is why the Troubador had to write that sequal story......................It is a fable story about male cocky behavioral..............

sugnasugnaover 11 years ago

Strange plot:

1. the husband lets his wife fuck another man when he could have stopped it

2. the husband cooly records the tape, makes copies and has a calm discussion with the participants

3. The husband accepts that his wife used "poor judgement" and lets it go at that.

not too many husbands or wives would behave this way if any at all.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Boy is Gary stupid taking his whore of a wife back after watching her wear sexy thing , and perform sex acfts with another man that she would not do for him. It shows that she really loves Ralphmor than she does her husband. Then May said she promised Ralph she would fuck him later. BFD , she promised her husband when they got married that she would forsake all others,ie not let another man stick his cock in her not matter how deep he can put it in and shoor his sperm into her. If Gary is hell bent on taking an dirty whore back as his wife: he should tie the slut to a chair and maker her watch as he fuck another woman in the mouth, cunt and asshole. making sure to cum in the other womans mouth her fertle pussy and her asshole. Then he should make May suck his sper out of the other womans asshole mouth and pussy, making sure to bring the woman to climax. The the whore may would have to licout and clean his asshol and then suck his balll and cock clean of the other womans dried fluids and shit. Then and only then should he consider taking a cheating skanky whore back as awife

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

I know its' a story BUT - Seriously???

Damn Troub, you're better than this!

ValundarValundarover 11 years ago

"I felt my honor was involved."

It was whore... it was. And she chose to throw away all of hers.

Im glad it hurt.

Im glad he raped her at the end.

She deserved it.

** because he shouldve walked in and painted the walls with their grey matter.

Stupid cuck took her back...

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
What is the English Literature teaching quality like in the High Schools?

A fable story need not deal with the 100% true life situation. The fable story is a literature style, which uses no 100% true life situations to show the readers something which is an important massage from the Author. An Author can use to show some important by 100% true life situation story, but the massage may be very weak by 100% true life situation. Trubadour sets up a not 100% true life situation with a strange promise to a COCKY colledge student guy about a free sex after marriage.


The cocky man is member of a mutual wife husband swapping group. He and his wife want to increase the group with new members. Gary and his pregnant wife are the aim of the cocky married pair. This cocky married pair are the Plato ideal characters for those people who think everybody MUST LIVE IN GROUP SEX LIFE STYLE ! Ralph (and Crystal) persuades May it is the time to accomplish the the strange colledge promise.


The husband Gary wired the house with secret cameras and he record the sex scen between May and Ralph accidentaly. This might be true life situation. However Gary behaves strange, because 2 reactions are in the true life: 1. Sexual minority husband reakcion: the sex scen with the wife and strager provocate pleasure for the sexual minority husbands. 2. Sexual majority husband reaction with consequence: 2.1. to disturb the sex, 2.2. to start the plan for the divorce or revenge. Gary does not either, he introspects the sex scen video with cold soul of a sexual sciencist-sexuologist.


The results of the crossection of Gary, the video shows May is reluctant with the cheating and SHE DOES NOT ENJOY THE SEX WITH RALPH AT ALL! What a strange cheating pair!!! Gary discovers the cocky Ralph thinks he is the gift for every woman on the Earth and Gary knows Ralph and his wife Crystal are members of a mutual wife-husband swapping group. So he invites Ralph and Crystal and together May, Gary, Ralph, Crystal sit down in Civil behavioral.


Crystal’s pussy dropps from the pussy fluid, because she wishes Gary for sex in the mutual wife husband swapping group, as to be new member!!! VERY IMPORT PICTURE FROM THE AUTHOR!!!!! However Gary shows the cheating sex scen video and he analyzes the sex scen with Gary and May he shows his pregnant wife did not enjoyed the sex with the COCKY RALPH!!


He shows Ralph and Crystal with words of May, that Gary is the best lover for May and the COCKY RALPH IS NOT SEX COMPATIBLE WITH MAY AT ALL!



From this point the story goes back to the near to the true life with a reconcilation. Gary shows May the danger the multi sex life with the STDs and the picture of the danger for the soon to born baby!!!!!


2. Nobody can think he is god present for others, because many women get pain with big cocks and who have smaller cock than the average they can have woman who are compatible with them. (except for extrem small cocks!!!).

BTW Unfortunataly The Trobadour’s message was not understood well by the readers so he must have written a sequal story „Wife Get Even”!

nakdsubnakdsubover 11 years ago
I'm sorry, but I have to agree with most...

This was ridiculous! Naughty, naughty wife...shame, shame; naughty, naughty friends; shame, have got to be kidding?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
This women cheated and this story was weak

How the author let her get away with planned cheating and to get forgiveness from her husband like nothing really happened. Make this a weak story. So if you want to let your wife off the hook and even talk to a supposivly friend who should have been tard and featured. And she got away with no that would make him a wimp. How could trust her after all this went down and destroying the tape was unbelievable,if she cheated again he thru away his evidence.

Bill1104Bill1104over 11 years ago
Not so good!

As always, the writing was superb. However, it is inconceivable that the marriage contract is of lesser importance than a joke type promise made many years ago - I can't get over that.

DunaDunaover 11 years ago
The effect of the media freedom...............

@ Bill1104 You are right, this story is not true life story. I recommend my last comment and the sequel story "Wife Gets Even".

Unfortunately the media freedom in the English speaking World made the people forget to read behind the sentences....................

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

What is it with you? Being nice to Ralph? Accepting May's conduct, dress, excuse and preparation to cheat...No, No, No. She had days to think and all she did was get fixed up special for the ocassion?

You write so damn well, I keep thinking a woman is writing this crap and using your name...jeez?

It's sad that she's pregnant but a real, honest and loving wife would have told Ralph to take a hike! These two would never be the same and eventually the child would grow up with parents who ARE divorced!

Where was the hurt for Ralph and his wife, you dummy - you just entertained them and they were rightfully amused.

Stop writing Troub!!!

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 11 years ago
Loved it

Stupid explanation for cheating, but extremely well written and entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
both have i.q. of a jackass

how stupid can they be,trailer trash.

bruce22bruce22over 11 years ago
I have read this story many times

It is amazing that I never commented on the story before! Perhaps because it left me highly conflicted. I hated the protagonists, all four of them! It held my attention like a poisonous snake on my table would hold it. I recognize that it was well written and imagined, but it completely inconsistent with way I see the world. This guy really showed all the characterestics of a wimp cuckold up until he told everybody to go and sin no more!

One detail that bothered me was the fact that he allowed her to blow him and accepted that she was clean after a couple of days. A nice six month period waiting for the baby would be much more appropriate. I have to admit that the idea of giving up your child because of her weakness does not attract me, but there is no way that I could forget what she did!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Stupid Bullshit

I truly hated this piece of crap cuck story!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

How is it more honorable to fulfill a promise made six year ago when drunk than to honor your wedding vows? Why didn't this get stopped when he saw what was going on, even if he didn't know the reason? I'm sure he had a bat, hunk of 2X4, or a tire iron that would have persuaded termination! Sick!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

These are intelligent people?

Troub, this guy is a low life, insecure sicko who got off watching his wife, all the while telling himself he was in shock? Shock, how about deciding to get the evidence, kick her out and divorce her or - just as they are about to get under way, run in and kick Ralph's ass?

Better, once they are through, go in, pummel Ralph, force them both to get dressed, May pack a bag and tell her to get the hell out and don't come back for her things for at least two days. Any attempt for them to talk should have been met with his forcefully telling them to shut up, no excuses, no stories, just get the fuck out and NEVER come back - No Excuses - None!

Oh well, truth be told, our guy isn't much of a man and May, she might be nice, hot and outgoing but no excuse ever, justifies cheating = BYE!!!

Thanks Troub but a horrible justification for the ending of what could have been a good fantasy story. I think most commentators were trying to be nice. I don't ascribe to that nonsense; however, you are good, Just NOT This Time!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
The best line in here....

was about the mind being the greatest and most pleasurable sex organ and the secret to great sex is to have a partner you truely love and is your best friend. In my own marriage of over 13 years, I have found those sentiments to be completly true, and I thank the Troubador for making that the moral of this story. Thanks, because whatever the "problems" of this story were, in character development or plot, grammer or spelling, the message coming through is one that ALL of us would be served well to remember in our perusals of "greener grass". Much appreciated!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
“As of this moment, I will do anything you ask of me. Anything. I am trusting you to be fair and gentle with me, not to hurt me. But you always have, and I believe you always will."

Sorry, May. Too little. Too late.

See you in court.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

She could have said away from her as fast as possible.

illjoyilljoyabout 11 years ago

Intelligent ppl. . . . . Smh

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

Just dumb. Wedding vows trump some stupid promise 6 years before. And taking her back by showing the cheating cunt did not have good sex and gave her virgin ass to this jerk makes this mandatory divorce time. That without even referring to valentines day undies he bought were used for her fuck time.

phil2213phil2213about 11 years ago
Please....A total waste of thought

This story completely sucked ...May should've thrown off a bridge.She was a skank cheating whore. Taking her back was beyond hope of humanity. This story or whatever it is supposed to be stinks. There's no plot no heroe just immoral cheating pigs that got their asses caught. A DNA test at birth would be a logical step.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
wow next day STD test negative, try 6 mos, year, year and a half for negative on HIV

Either the wife is an imbecile or a total slut. No way in hell to keep her. No promise six years ago for sex trumps your marriage vows. She wanted to cheat, she may not have enjoyed it in the act, but she wanted it, planned for it, and carried it out. Time for DNA test on the baby and that can be done before birth.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
You are a pathetic excuse for a man with no self respect

"Nuff said.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Is the author as big a pussy as her husband? This sucked. Wipe the jizz off your chin and try to write a story about a real man!

DunaDunaalmost 11 years ago
To understand a fable 200 years media freedom it is difficult.

The Author is not pussy, only he wrote a fable story. I recommend my earlier comments for open minded readers to understand better this fable story.

A fable story is not sure to be a 100% true life situation, but a fable story may be a construction of strange principles, like this story is.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
again another strory where the husband takes this crap

an eye for an eye; the only way May can feel the hurt her husband felt is by him doing it to her, on his terms

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
A Fable Story

I agree with Duna. It was a fable story but human mind does not accept the ideas which are unlikely to occur in real life. This is a fine example of that. The husband does not get angry with his friend who fucked his wife but gets mad he bruised his wife's breasts. What a bull shit. The writer should have some sense before writing this fable bull shit.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

NO way can her behavior be accepted and his so call friend walks away with any retribution. a joke right.

monkcalmmonkcalmalmost 11 years ago

WEAK SICK AUTHORS DREAM OF AN INTELLIGENT COUPLE,THIS IS THE GUY THAT WE BEAT UP IN SCHOOL BECAUSE THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG ABOUT HIM, i showed her it is was wrong ans she wont do it again, this kinda creep lets the rapest and child molesters out of prison, all the characters are shit..yeah swingers with kids because thats a good idea

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

That was just an awful nasty story. Catch your wife like that and no male with an ounce of honor and especially any testosterone, would put up with a cheating cunt like her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Who needs to have the shit beat out of him for writing such a sorry piece of garbage. Author, I hope you burn in hell! Hopefully, someone will help you get there faster.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Hey, cuckie, this has to be one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever read. Please, for the benefit of all male readers, stop posting your cuck/wimp keyboard diarrhea.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

if you cheat you cheat no excuses

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago

NO REVENGE ON RALPH? BELIEVED EVERYTHING THAT MAY SAID? What a fool. What a cuckold. What a dumb bastard! Free pass on wife to do it again.

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 10 years ago
First story

...from you I couldn´t understand, to be honest. She called him, called him "lover", telling him she could hardly wait for him to com over - yet her husband believes her?

This should have led to some explanation, I think.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

she fucks, then starts giving orders.

ACP45ACP45over 10 years ago

It's not much of a marriage if she is willing to honor a years old drunken promise over wedding vows presumably made stone cold sober before God, family and friends. She was clearly looking to cheat and even the notion of remaining friends with Ralph and Crystal is repugnant.

Well written but a polished turd is still a turd.

Bill1104Bill1104over 10 years ago
Who is the joke on?

This has to be a "come-on" for the BTB readers. No one could be that gullible to believe the "old promise" story.

I'm a big believer in forgiveness but even I couldn't do what he did. It has to be a trick on the Troubador's part. But, then again, probably not.


Storm113Storm113over 10 years ago

why didnt he stop it before it started? stupid

DunaDunaover 10 years ago
Not 100% true life story

A Fable story.........the freedom means not only to follow multi lovers, swap and other group model marriage types but the 1-1 monogam marriage modell is free marriage modell and the monogam marriage modell is not forbidden............against as Crystall and her husband would like......

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
cuck and bull

Through and through a cuck and bull story.

First he should have stopped the cheaters before any damage if he loved her.

Second the excuse for cheating was so poor that he should have thrown her out.

Third the cuck invites the ccouple and offers them drinks.

Finally the cuck is glad he didn't saw the bruises or he should have beaten ralph.

What the hell. Fucking his wife is ok but bruises are intolerable. What the fuckwad thinks of the readers? Are they as dumb as he himself is. He is wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Uhhh no

No way you just blow that off. If Gary knew about the Key Club, why didn't he jump in from "Go" and shut it down.

Since, May and Crystal were roomy's in college, then she knew was what she was about and went with any way. Hell, Crystal even called the marker in.

May wanted it, she just didn't like what she got because Ralph was an inconsiderate partner.

Mr video replay, sex analyst gave stupid May a bye. So next time she just finds a more considerate partner and is not stupid enough to do the deed at home.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
What a sorry excuse of a tale.

Hopefully everyone involved gets AIDs and dies painful deaths. Pathetic excuse of an author who is obviously a wimp himself.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 10 years ago
No revenge on Ralph? No revenge on May?

Another wimp husband bites the dust. After Ralph used and abused his wife, marking her up, he didn't do a fucking thing, was civil to him after the confrontation. Fuck me and fuck the author, too.

SimplyMikeSimplyMikeover 10 years ago
Good storey, but....

I can go along with most of what the husband did 'after' the event but I just don't understand him allowing it to happen when he could have stopped it before it went as far as it did. After all, the wife's actions (the phone call, the dressing up, the initial enthusiasm) and the Ralph's willingness to hang horn's on and betray his friend already demonstrated just where the action was going to finish up. He should have stopped it when she started blowing Ralph. Not doing so was wimpy.

As for the rest, he certainly should have beaten the blokes balls to mush, not only because he saw the injuries he'd done to his wife's body and the way he treated her but because Ralph was supposed to be his friend and he betrayed him in the most ultimate and disrespectful way.

That was a really wimpy.

Storm113Storm113over 10 years ago

sorry does not work. why did'nt he stop it asap. why did he just watch. especially when he saw she did not enjoy it. simply does not make sense.

lance_spearmanlance_spearmanover 10 years ago
Good plot good start

Very weak finish, I thought. Particularly the line about can't be be friends with Ralph and Crystal for now, may be later. That is too unbelievable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I don't understand!

Are there any real men in these stories. I never thought that I was a BTB person, but what these women do and get away with is so unreal. She was not forced, she did it willingly and boo-hoo she didn't enjoy it. So What. The husband needs to say good bye to her and move on with his life. No Excuses.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Just fucking gross. This guy is a wannabe cuck. He thought perhaps he was being too hard on his 'friend'? Fuck me. How about if you take a machete and lop of his arms and legs before cutting his dick off? Now THAT 'might' be too hard on old Ralphie...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

she will be fucking Ralph as soon as she gets out of the mat ward once a slut always a slut

BfreetorunBfreetorunabout 10 years ago
I have read this before and don't know whether I commented or not but I will now.

His stupid wife, honoring a promise made back (when she was drunk) before she was married now breaks her vows and has a pre-planned adulterous fuck. Then cons her husband etc. He, being an incipient wimp, gets no revenge on her or on her rough lover (that physically abused his wife while fucking her, raped her ass (she deserved this, actually) and nothing against Ralph or his slut wife, neither of which apologized. Shades of Matt Moreau (or whatever that wimp cuckold loving writer's name is). I expected more of Troubador although some of his stories have been leaning this way I usually like his writings. Shame on you, Troubador. If I commented the first time I read this just let this comment replace it. I was too lazy and uninterested to look through almost 200 other comments. Better luck (to all of us) next time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
“Honey, I… well I guess we’ve kind of come down hard on Ralph."


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
"This guy is a wannabe cuck"

He went looking4it so of course, closet cucks, synonymous with wannabe cucks, just cuntabidebyit for some reason.

PTraumPTraumabout 10 years ago
I'm glad I stumbled on this after the sequel was written...

Though, admittedly I haven't read it yet I will soon be rectifying that.

I found the tale interesting and, perhaps because of some things going on in my own life (as opposed to just how the story was told and intended), sad. Though a happy ending (which are far too few in real life), the lack of retribution left me feeling unfulfilled, as was dully pointed out by at least one Anonymous commenter. Again, this is likely more a result of where I am right now than a fault of the storyteller.

And on the comments, I think it fascinating that the most scathing of comments come from people who hide behind anonymity. Troub, take any comment without a name attached to it with a grain of salt since they (I believe) are simply lashing out at you for their own perceived inadequacies. If they aren't willing to stand behind their words then the truth of the comment is overshadowed by cowardice.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
is there anything lower than 1

damn I'm glad you stopped writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

i dont understand.... wife cheats on hubby and hubby doesn't even get mad????

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
This sucked!!!

What a bitch!!! Any reasonable man would leave that wife

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
That is so sick wife cheats on a bet yrs ago

She could have said no , how can she ever be trusted divorce and abort the fetus.

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