Wife Share Ch. 01


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"Good afternoon Mr. Benson. First off, if you would so kindly put clothes on, that would be much appreciated."

"Uh...Who are you?"

"You can call Miss X. I'm here to further process your application for Wife Share."

Charles eyes lit up. He had almost forgotten that he had signed up.

"Wife Share, like the app?"

"Yes, sir."

"You know you people really should send some sort of acknowledgment or something."

"Mr. Benson, you have two minutes to go put something on and invite me in or you can consider your application canceled."

Charles nodded. He was gone and back in a minute and invited the woman into his house to talk. She sat down in the same chair that Charles had eaten out Alice on the night he had applied. The woman produced a folder from her bag and put on the table in front of her.

"I am going to make this quick. As part of the application process, we will need Alice to come to one of our discreet locations in order for us to gather information for her profile."

"What kind of information?"

"The kind a man would look for when choosing a woman to fuck," Miss X said without mincing words.

Charles just nodded. The less he talked the better.

"If your wife is approved, her profile will be added to the app and high-profile men will be able to choose her for a day or night out. During this time, your wife will be free to use as the man pleases per her prior written consent," Miss X said. "Now before I leave, do you have any questions?"

"You couldn't have said this at the door?"

Miss X arose from her seat, walked over to Charles and then handed him the folder.

"We review everything for the application, even the husband and the home," Miss X said. "I'll see myself out."

Before Charles could get up, the woman was gone. All that was left was the envelope and a promise of a new experience if they were approved.



It had been another productive day of appointments and Alice was looking forward to wine and a soothing bath to relax. She entered the house and threw her keys on the counter. Sitting at the table with a wine glass of his own was Charles with a manila folder in front of him.

"What's that?" Alice asked as she took her coat off.

"Do you remember that...kink app I signed up for?"

Alice put her hands on her hips. "Charles, it's been two weeks, are we really going to go over that again. I thought we both agreed it was stupid."

"I wouldn't say I agreed. But anyway, they dropped this off and if you want to proceed, you need to go to this place tonight." Charles said

He stood up and handed his wife the envelope.

"Look, I don't want to rehash everything from a few weeks ago. Ultimately this is your call, so either go and see what it's all about or throw it in the garbage," Charles kissed his wife then walked away.

Alice held the envelope in her perfectly manicured hands. If she threw it out, then she'd be done with it. Life would continue on as normal as it had for the two weeks after they had first discussed it. But it was a chance at a new experience and one they had fully embraced two weeks ago. Was there really any harm in trying? Alice shook her head, she had already made her mind up two weeks ago.

She opened the envelope hoping to get more information, but the only thing inside was a piece of paper with an address, date and time written on it. Nothing else. Well, there was always other nights for a bath.



Alice had been unsure of exactly how to present herself and eventually settled on yoga pants, a low-cut top and minimal make-up. Her hair was put into a ponytail and Alice showed up like she ready for the gym, not some top-secret job interview.

When she arrived, she was led to a white room by a masked man. Inside the white room was a woman dressed in a power suit. The minute that she saw Alice, she wrote something down in her notebook. Alice was instructed to stand in front of the woman and then the masked men left the room.

"Hi, I'm Alice," Alice said unprompted.

"I know," the woman in the power suit said. "You may call me Miss X."

"I hope this was all right to wear, you didn't really leave me any instructions," Alice said.

"Not the greatest first impression, but we'll let the body do the talking. Please strip."

"Excuse me?"

"Before we proceed any further, I would like to point out that the whole point of our operation is to provide the best quality women for a night of no-strings-attached fun. In order to accomplish that, the vetting process is very thorough," Miss X said. "I'm not getting off by seeing you naked. But I will need to see your body in its entirety to assess you."


There were only a handful of people that had ever seen Alice fully naked and none of them had been strangers at the time. Was she really going to strip down naked in front of this lady at a random location?

"Mrs. Benson, this is not up for discussion, and I have many orders of business to attend to this evening," Miss X said. "So, either strip naked or kindly leave the premises."

Alice took a deep breath. It was a lot to ask for potentially just one night of inhibited sex with a random person. Wasn't using Tinder or some sort of Internet group the easiest? However, she had no idea the kind of groups that were on the internet. This was Charles's kink and if this app was his suggestion, then a lot of research went behind that decision. She trusted his judgment, so she stripped out of her comfortable clothes and stood with her athletic body in front of Miss X.

"Very nice body," Miss X said. "You struck me as the type of woman who took care of her best asset when you walked in."

"Thank you, Miss X."

"You're very welcome. Now if you'll spread your legs and lift your arms up, my associates will begin taking measurements."

Alice did as she was told. A few more masked men came out with tape measurers and started touching and groping Alice's body. Their assignment was to measure, but it felt like they were also sneaking sensual touches from time to time, especially around her sensitive nipples and clit. The measuring was over within ten minutes and another man entered with a camera. He was very handsome, but Alice immediately knew he was batting for the other team.

"This is Eduardo, he will be taking your first few profile pictures," Miss X said.

Being without clothes in front of strangers was weird, but so was the entire process so far. However, Eduardo's flamboyant nature and overall energy was highly contagious and Alice relaxed. If she still had doubts after the application process, then she could easily not go through with it. Better to have fun at the experience than make it a bigger deal than it was.

"You have such beautiful features, give me a big smile," Eduardo said with the camera in Alice's face.

Alice flashed her pearly whites and tilted her head slightly so that her better side showed more.

"Perfect, and now a juicy pout."

Alice puckered her lips.

"Amazing! Now let's throw a peace sign in there."

Alice's right hand made a peace sign and she posed with her puckered lips.

"Beautiful, beautiful, beautifullll." Eduardo said, singing the last word.

For the next twenty minutes, Alice posed in several positions with a variety of facial expressions, creating what would be a very comprehensive portfolio of her. If potential suitors were given access to such a database, they'd know exactly what type of woman that they were getting down to the tiniest detail including what her pussy looked like.

The photo shoot was exhausting, and Eduardo thanked Alice for her time and passionate energy. She didn't like that the company now had a whole catalogue of nude photos of her. What if they were a scam company that set everything up for nude photos to sell to porn advertisers? Alice reeled in her active imagination. It was a lot of trouble and discretion to be for something like that.

With her body fully documented, Alice was ready to go home. However, Miss X still did not dismiss her.

"I have one final task for you," Miss X said.

A ripped, dark-skinned man came out and stood next to Alice. His cock was already visible as a bulge in his tight pants.

"We need to see what level your skill is at."

"My skill?" Alice said. She looked at the man. "You want me to fuck him?"

"Anyone can fuck and make a show of it. But not many women know how to use their mouth," Miss X said. "It's going to take more than your beautiful body and cute face to get Mr. Justice off."

Alice made eye contact with Mr. Justice, who maintained a blank stare. Were they really expecting her to drop to her knees and blow a stranger? Then again that was the objective of the whole operation. She had never been a fan of oral sex, despite Charles preference. If this was the one skill that cost her this opportunity, she was at peace with that. As long as she did her best, there wasn't much she could do beyond that.

"On your knees," Miss X said.

Alice sheepishly nodded and fell to her knees in front of the mountain of a man. The blow job was one of the most submissive things a woman, or anyone for that matter, could perform. As the man towered above, the woman remained on her knees, in an uncomfortable position for any period of time beyond a few minutes, and her sole purpose was to provide pleasure. There was no sexual stimulation for the woman and their only 'reward' was to swallow cum or receive it all over their face, messing up their makeup or hair. It was by far the sluttiest thing a woman could do and it only reinforced the traditional role of a man as the dominant sex.

And here Alice was on her knees, staring at a man's bulgy crotch. Not her man, a man. A stranger. She rarely did this for her husband, yet she was allowing an attractive lady to boss her into sucking a cock.

Fearing further scolding from Miss X, Alice pulled the man's sweatpants down, springing free his massive cock. It was already hard and pointing at Alice as if the cock itself was commanding her to wrap her lips around it. Alice's eyes switched from the cock to Mr. Justice's eyes then back to the cock. She gripped it with one hand and brought her face forward until the lips touched the tip of his shaft. It was really happening. She was about to suck a stranger's cock.

Mr. Justice did nothing to assist. Instead, it was Alice that had to take the reins, and she did what she had always done with Charles. First, she stroked him to get a feel for his cock, then she spit a few times to ensure a smooth experience. After that, Alice fully wrapped her lips around and began bobbing her head up and down.

At first, Alice took it slow and easy. It was a thick cock, so she was careful to ensure her teeth didn't scrape along as she let a stranger slowly fuck her face. However, after a few minutes, the taste of pre-cum wasn't present and Alice feared that the man liked it a bit rougher. So, she increased the speed in which she bobbed, hoping to build him to climax. But again, there was nothing.

Desperation took over and Alice looked up at the man, her eyes pleading for him to be turned on by her oral pleasure. His lips pulled slightly to the side into a smug smile like she was battling against his own will to not get off. If he had the mindset to not enjoy it, how was she supposed to work against that? It had been doomed from the start.

After a few more minutes of tirelessly moving her head up and down his shaft, shamelessly spitting to ensure that he was still lubed up, Alice's jaw began to hurt. She took her mouth off his cock and shockingly, the tip of his penis was bone dry. Not even pre-cum could be salvaged from her best attempt at a blow job that she had ever given.

Miss X had watched the whole time and shook her head at the results. With pen in hand, she wrote down her assessment which was likely something that Alice never wanted to read. According to society, women were more than just pleasure toys, yet in the privacy of a bedroom, every woman was expected to not only like giving head, but to also have a porn star's ability to get their man off. It was a contradiction that Alice hated because she disliked putting a cock in her mouth and she was evidently horrible at it, despite Charles's glowing reviews.

"I think I've seen enough," Miss X said.

Alice deflated. All that work and she had nothing to show for it. If she had lost this opportunity because she couldn't suck a cock, despite her distaste for oral pleasure, it was still a rather unflattering reflection on her as a woman. Mr. Justice tucked his cock away and pulled his pants up. It was over before it began.

"That's all we need from you Mrs. Benson. Unfortunately, we will not be in touch."

Alice remained on her knees, the perfect place to beg for a second chance. But what could she do? Then she remembered a skill that she had that few women possessed and if they did, it was likely from years of practice.

"Wait. I can do this. I can get him off. Please just give me another chance," Alice pleaded.

Miss X wasn't hard to convince, but Alice knew if she failed again, there was no recourse. Mr. Justice walked back over and stood in front of Alice again. Her nerves were surprisingly calm, and she fished out his cock again.

"All right daddy, when I look up at you, that is your signal to fuck my face as hard as you want," Alice said. She winked at him before staring at his large cock in her hand. She placed it in her mouth and then placed her hands on either side of his thighs for leverage. Slowly, she engulfed his manhood, inch by inch into her expanded throat until he was completely inside her.

Alice looked up. Mr. Justice smiled and then grabbed either side of Alice's head for leverage as he thrusted his hips. The cock moved in and out at a rapid pace, but Alice was more than capable of accommodating it. She could feel the girthy cock slipping in and out of her throat as the man used her mouth like a pussy. All Alice did was remain still and let him have his way with her.

Sure enough, the taste of pre-cum suggested that Mr. Justice wasn't so invincible after all. The internal struggle of the man played out on his face. His job was to withhold his orgasm as long as possible, but the pleasure he was experiencing was beyond what he had expected. The amusing part was that he could simply stop fucking her face or go at a slower pace, but he didn't. He was enjoying it too much to stop.

The beauty of it all was that Alice did not have to do anything or worry if she was pleasuring the man how he wanted to be pleasure. It was completely on her partner to dictate how her mouth was used, which seemed exactly in-line with how the company offered its services. And even though there was no physical stimulation, Alice was wetter than a pool between her legs. From Mr. Justices's massive hands palming both sides of her head and the act of having her mouth turned into a pussy, Alice felt like an object for the first time in many years. A sex object. A pleasure toy. Her entire existence in that moment was to get Mr. Justice off and receive his cum. When Charles had asked if she had a kink, she had told him that she didn't. She had been wrong. Being an objectified fuck toy gave her hands-free pleasure that she didn't know was possible.

With a few muffled moans, Mr. Justice lost his battle to his own desires. He held Alice's head tightly so that her mouth was kissing his clean-shaven crotch, and then blew his massive load down her throat. Alice's hands involuntarily tried to push him away so that she could breathe, but he kept his cock inside her like a cock sleeve until he was sure it was empty before pulling it out. Alice immediately gasped for air, coughing up cum and covering the lower half of her face in the process. To add insult to injury, Mr. Justice slapped his cock a few times on Alice's face as she struggled to regain her breath, then he wiped down the sides of his manhood on her cheeks and held it in front of her mouth. Knowing she was being evaluated, Alice licked off any trace of cum from his cock until it was clean to put back in his pants.

Once Mr. Justice put away his cock, he left the room. Alice remained on her knees, her mouth and chin dripping with cum while she occasionally coughed as her body recovered from the assault on her throat.

Miss X said nothing while she wrote down notes on her paper. After a few minutes, she finally looked up at Alice.

"We have everything we need now for your profile," Miss X said. "Congratulations Alice, you are the newest product for Wife Share."


"Yes Mrs. Benson, you are our product," Miss X said.

The original masked man returned and handed Alice a brand-new phone.

"On that phone you will have our App and a QR Code. After five sessions, we will require the QR Code to be tattooed on your body, if you wish to continue being a product," Miss X said. "When you and your husband sign the final documents, you are giving consent to become property of Wife Share Inc., and to perform the duties outlined within the contract. When you are out with a client, you are for all intents and purposes an entertainment object. You will be there to entertain and give pleasure to the man or woman without any expectations of receiving anything in return from them."

Miss X stood up and walked over to Alice so that she was looking down at her.

"I want you to really understand the implications here," Miss X said. "None of these men want to hang out and chat with you. They want to fuck you. They want to use your body to get off and you are going to let them. You will always be nothing but a sex toy with a client, is that understood?"

"Yes, Miss X," Alice said.

"What will you be?"

"Nothing but a sex toy."

Just saying it sent a jolt of pleasure through Alice's body.

"Good girl. Once you sign your part of the final contract, you may clean up in our facilities and then go," Miss X said.

Miss X walked to the door that was behind her chair and exited the room. Alice momentarily stared at the table with the pen and paper. She had no idea that she was going to be designated as property through the arrangement. It sounded so permanent and controlling. Property. Having a QR code tattooed on her like something men would grab off the shelf was also something that Charles had never mentioned. Not that he knew what the Company did. Alice was signing up to be an asset to make the company money and she'd receive nothing in return. Not only did her husband want this arrangement, but he set it up. If he was playing poker, he'd happily throw her in the pot if it meant getting off.

Alice walked up to the desk and grabbed the pen. With a few strokes of ink, she'd be selling herself to a corporation who had no interest but making money. But the truth was that Alice was damp between her legs and couldn't wait to get home to Charles to relay all the information and relive her experience through him. She signed her name and put the pen down. Their new adventure was about to begin.

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AnonymousAnonymous30 days ago

my significant other lady and i want to know when this will be further developed its a great beginning. Alice is going to be far beyond anything her husband had dreamed up. And Alice should become very rich that the company didn't count on from the app.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Need chapter 2. Quickly

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Awesome idea and it requires a follow up.

kalzoo1kalzoo17 months ago

Would like at least one mor chapter. Please!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Fantastic. More is needed. Need to write more about her need to be a fucktoy on the app and the office and more

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Started ok but got dry and impersonal than sorta robotic. To each their own though but it's average ok story could be less impersonal

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is one of the hottest stories I have read. I can't wait for the next chapter.

26thNC26thNC10 months ago

Wimp is cucked by a big black clown.

PyjamamanPyjamaman11 months ago

This is the series I'm most looking forward to read the next chapter. Amazing!!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

My wife found this story and we both enjoyed it tremendously. She said, “That’s hot! Where do I go get my QR code tattoo?” 😊

You are a skilled writer, the story flowed smoothly and it was very erotic. The only criticism we have is minor: we wished that chapter had ended with Alice signing the contract and going home to tell her husband about her interview.

The “QR code” stuff and her being a ‘product” could have been left for Chapter 2. We needed a little build up/introduction first and it seemed a little rushed here in this first chapter. Nevertheless, it was a super story and very hot. We look forward to additional chapters.

The blow job scene was exceptional and my wife related completely to it. You see, she grew up in a poor family in South America, however, she was literally a beauty queen. A ‘patron’ or wealthy sponsor paid all her bills for modeling classes, clothing, make up, beauty contest fees and travel expenses.

In return she gave him a blowjob, in his office, five days a week. That was the quid pro quo, and at least he didn’t fuck her which was often the case for many of these young beauty model girls.

My wife especially loved the part of your story about the power dynamics of blowjobs. Her sponsor brought out her submissive side and she quickly learned to surrender to him to keep her beauty model career moving forward.

Here is that great narrative from your story: “Alice sheepishly nodded and fell to her knees in front of the mountain of a man. The blow job was one of the most submissive things a woman, or anyone for that matter, could perform. As the man towered above, the woman remained on her knees, in an uncomfortable position for any period of time beyond a few minutes, and her sole purpose was to provide pleasure. There was no sexual stimulation for the woman and their only 'reward' was to swallow cum or receive it all over their face, messing up their makeup or hair. It was by far the sluttiest thing a woman could do and it only reinforced the traditional role of a man as the dominant sex.”

My wife says you nailed it and added that her sponsor also insisted she maintain eye contact with him during the entire blow job.

I met her when I was 22 and was a recently graduated engineer on a foreign assignment in her country. We started dating, fell in love/lust, and she gave me the best blow jobs I’d ever had. We at least waited a few months until she turned 18 to actually consummate our relationship. We got married soon thereafter and I brought her back to the USA with me after my assignment was finished.

I had been around Latin America long enough to know how the Beauty Queen racket worked. So, I wasn’t surprised that she continued to give blowjobs to her patron/sponsor. She confessed as much and I accepted her completely.

My wife loved the part of your story where Mr. Justice ‘broke in’ Alice’s mouth and face. You wrote: “She could feel the girthy cock slipping in and out of her throat as the man used her mouth like a pussy. All Alice did was remain still and let him have his way with her.”

My wife remembers her breakthrough, with her sponsor, when she mentally and emotionally became nothing more than his sex object to be used. As you wrote, "A sex object. A pleasure toy. Her entire existence in that moment was to get Mr. Justice off and receive his cum.”

When my wife accepted that role she also started having hand-free orgasms, like Alice in your story, whenever her sponsor dumped a load of his cum in or on her!

However, I was surprised at what he asked her to do when they were getting ready to enroll her in the National Beauty Contest. It would entail a lot of extraordinary expenses.

On night in bed when she was giving me a blow job she asked me, “Honey, would it be alright if I fuck Raphael three times a week for the next few months? After all he’s forking out a lot of money for my next pageant!”

I pulled my cock out of her throat and shot my load all over her face and tits. She just smiled and said, “I’ll take that as a yes!”

So, there I was at the young age of 22 being cuckolded. And she, at the tender age of 18, was getting her pussy pounded by the big cock of a very powerful, wealthy influential local businessman. Soon she seduced me into incorporating her infidelity into our lovemaking, and it became very exciting for me.

I think either he or one of her female modeling teachers coached her to include this in our sex life. Soon, I was kissing her cum covered lips, licking his cum off her tits and cleaning up her pussy with my tongue.

I even started to ejaculate prematurely on her legs when my head was between her thighs. She giggled and said, “Well, I’m glad that Raphael is fucking me because you’re not going to be any good now!”

She won second place in the national beauty contest and we returned to Miami immediately thereafter. I was expecting to settle down, have a family and lead a typical suburban life with her. However, her sponsor and the whole beauty queen experience had turned her into a real ‘man pleaser’. She became a high-class call girl for Latino business men visiting Florida!

We can’t wait to read more chapters to your great story! Alice is now a ‘product’!

IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy5911 months ago

The objectification of Alice by that company is total horsepucky. The willingness of hubby to go along and her to submit crosses the border of human tracking. Now on the plus side, the story is well-written; the characters are in the process of revealing how shallow they are, which is ok. Let's see how it plays out. I suspect poor Alice is going to be badly abused or leave hubby.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great story. The tattoo bit at the end is really hot. Love the sense I get that Charles may have awakened something in Alice and gotten more than he bargained for.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Interesting, detailed imagination of a common fantasy and fetish. Also one more engaged in that most suspect. Thank you for writing and sharing this.

HotdiggitydogHotdiggitydog11 months ago

Interesting concept and good setup. A little on the soulless side but has potential to be erotic. I'll check back for an update

mremrsmremrs11 months ago

Very excited to see where this goes! I like that hisn kink got in to her head and she was imagining it during the day. Very good start

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

I am interested in where this story will go. I look forward in reading the next chapter.

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