Wife's Friend Finally Gives In

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Wife's friend lets me grab her ass.
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Kim, my wife's friend from North Dakota. She came to stay with us for a week. We're all in our mid 40's, and Kim wanted a break from her marriage that, according to her, may be falling apart. To hear her tell it, she couldn't really care. It was her second marriage and both had grown children from previous marriages with no kids between the two of them. Eleven years with this husband was more than enough according to Kim.

She had come and stayed with us a few years ago, that being the first time I met her. I can honestly say I was happy to see her leave then. She seemed to be trying to make it a 'guys-vs-girls' thing for the week that she was here, making her stay very awkward feeling for me. It was like she could sense-and liked-the tension she created, which only made me look forward to her departure from our lives. Now she's back so I planned on staying busy with some remodeling chores I'd been putting off around the house.

Kim's a typical mid 40's looking woman. She has blonde hair, but it's nothing spectacular. She has an average looking body, with the exception of being a bit more top heavy than most women her age. She's a little curvaceous with a few extra pounds that the passing of time tends to add. She's not ugly, but she wouldn't win any beauty contests either.

The last time Kim had come to stay, my wife, Tabitha, and I had only been married a couple years, so my eyes didn't wander much in those days. I was very partial to my wife then which probably fueled a little of my resentment towards Kim, given her attitude, on that first visit.

As anyone who's been married for any amount of time knows, the fire starts to fade over the years, and your eyes begin to notice the 'scenery' a bit more.

The first evening Kim was here on this visit, we went out to eat. Something me and the wife don't do a whole lot of anymore, at least not during the week as we both get in fairly late in the day from work. The night wasn't as bad as I remembered it being from Kim's previous visit. Although, I will admit, I'd found myself taking notice of her more now than last time too. She didn't have that 'men suck' attitude she seemed to have had before. My wife had also mentioned before, that by marrying her, I was 'stealing' her away from her life-long friend. Perhaps now Kim realizes that wasn't my plan as I'm not one to keep tabs on my wife. Tabitha comes and goes as she pleases, after all, it's a free country.

Back home sfter dinner, we settled down in front of the TV. I was in my usual spot on one end of the couch, with my wife on the love seat. This is just the normal routine we'd fallen into. Kim made her way into the living room and took her spot at the opposite end of the couch from me as it afforded the most room to sit.

I had the remote and was scrolling through Netflix while my wife scrolled through her phone, this being our typical behavior on any night. It always seems to me that Netflix, or any of these movie/show apps, have a ton of stuff but nothing to watch. I glance over at Kim sitting there with her phone in hand and notice she is wearing snug, thin looking shorts and a big t-shirt. From this angle there is a lot of curvy thigh on display and I can't help thinking how I'd missed that on her first visit. My initial reaction was to immediately glanse in my wife's direction and see if she noticed me noticing her friend.

Women and their phones, Tabitha wouldn't have noticed the house burning down. I quickly turn my attention back to the thigh to my left when I was met with a raised eyebrow and a look that said 'I see you looking'.

I proceed to hand her the remote and say, "I can't find anything to watch, why don't you give it a go".

Kim takes the remote, all the while giving me that knowing look, her eyes darting over to my wife a time or two as if to say 'you shouldn't be looking at me like that'. I just look at her like I couldn't care, and pick up my own phone.

Kim wanders through the offerings, most of which we'd seen, or didn't want to see. I can't stop myself from sneaking side-glances in Kim's direction, using my peripherals to judge when the coast is clear...I think most any guy has this activity down to a science.

I began to wonder if the shorts were the only thing she was wearing on her bottom half, getting a bit aroused at the thought of 'what if?'

In the middle of that thought is where Kim caught me looking at her again. In an attempt to cover my actions, I asked her if she'd found anything for us to watch yet.

"Looks like you have," She replies low enough that I know it was meant for only me to hear.

I look towards my wife to see if she is picking up on any of this. The way she is squinting to see her phone lets me know she hasn't heard a thing.

I turn my attention back to my own phone while occasionally looking up at the TV to see what Kim has going on. I can see she is now checking out documentaries. That is one of my go-to categories, but I know that is something Tabitha couldn't care less about. No big deal anyway, this time of the evening she would start snoring fifteen minutes into whatever we tried to watch regardless.

Damn, that thigh is still on display...now all the way up the side of Kim's right ass-cheek. Did she pull the side of her shorts up higher when I wasn't looking?

Fuck, I'm starting to get a little turned on as I once again ask myself the question of 'panties, or no panties?'

Looking up I see I'm being noticed again. I just give Kim an emotionless look, dart my eyes down to that thigh/side-cheek display, then back to her face, silently letting her know 'I'm a guy and that's an ass'.

With the mannerism of a teacher trying to give a silent warning to a student, she gives me that stern big-eyed 'You're a married man and shouldn't be looking' look.

I just look back at my phone like nothing matters. Only problem is now I'm intrigued. I find that I'm more interested in her than I ever had an inkling that I would be.

"Here we go," Says Kim suddenly. She's decided on what my wife will most surely fall asleep to, a Christmas movie with Kurt Russell in it.

To be honest, me and the wife have already seen it awhile back, but neither of us say anything to give this information away.

The movie starts, and Tabitha closes out her phone and lays it on the end table. I've still got my phone in hand, scrolling mindlessly through Facebook at the same posts I've already seen a thousand times...but feel compelled to do again.

Kim lays the remote on the couch between us and puts her feet up under her ass, leaning over towards the left side arm of the couch as she does. This has the added effect of pointing her ass a little more in my direction. Dammit, that ass cheek is showing even more so now, she's got to be doing this on purpose just to mess with me.

I look over at the wife as I pull the handle that engages the recliner, built in recliners being the reason why I chose this particular couch and love seat setup.

Tabitha grabs her pillow and blanket she keeps handy, and turns long-ways on the love seat while putting the pillow behind her head and covering up with the blanket.

I glance over at Kim and see her watching my wife. Without saying anything I point to another blanket, just to her left, on a bench under the window.

She gets up to grab that blanket and I check out her ass as she does. A quick look is all I chance, but it's enough for me to see there are indeed no panty lines on this woman. Now I'm getting horny.

I watch, nonchalantly, as Kim hops back on the couch with the blanket now covering up anything worth seeing. Probably for the best, I tell myself.

The movie takes off and sure enough, Tabitha is snoring within minutes. Even Kim looks over at her, then at me, before giving a quiet little laugh.

"No different than any other night," I say to Kim, as much as to myself.

"Does she always snore so loud?" She asks.

"No, sometimes it's louder," I say, making her laugh even more.

"I better get her to bed," I declare, as I return my recliner upright and rise from my spot.

I shake Tabitha, waking her up while telling her it's time for bed. She stands up, grabs her phone, and tells Kim it's 'that time' and she'll see her in the morning.

"Goodnight," Kim replies," Thanks for having me."

"Just make yourself at home," Tabitha tells her as she starts for the bedroom.

"Let me know if you need anything," I say to Kim, before stopping in the kitchen on the way to the bedroom.

Once we climb into bed, the wife is out like a light, snoring just as loud as earlier in the living room.

I lay there awake, thinking about that thigh and ass from just a bit ago. My hand makes it's way, absentmindedly, to my cock, to find it already getting hard. I can't help but wonder if Kim is truly commando under those shorts. That thought alone makes my dick get harder by the second.

I find it somewhat alluring that this woman, who I didn't much care for in the past, was making me want to fuck now. The situation being that I didn't want to fuck my wife, no, I wanted to fuck Kim.

I layed there a little longer, making my cock throb while imagining fucking Kim. I also couldn't stop thinking, and this was probably why I was so hard...she is a mere thirty feet away from me, with those sexy thick thighs, and that ass!

As quietly as I can, I slip out of bed. I just stand beside the bed a minute or two, listening to my wife snore, for once thankful that she does because that lets me know for certain when she is actually asleep.

Not quite knowing what I was going to do, but having taken the initiative to get out of bed while having these nasty thoughts involving a woman (who was NOT my wife) right out in the living room...had my cock so hard, I can feel my heartbeat in my ears.

Is Kim still watching the movie? It's not been very long since me and the wife came to bed. Maybe she's already turned the TV off and called it a night. A look down the hallway will confirm if the TV is indeed still on.

Turning the doorknob slowly and quietly I cautiously pull the door open, an inch, two inches, six inches...till I can stick my head through the opening while taking note that the TV must be on by the flickering glow coming from the living room.

It was pitch dark in the bedroom, but the glow down the hallway from the living is casting the faintest of light into the bedroom, allowing me to just see the silhouette of Tabitha snoring in bed.

I slip around the door, quietly pulling it closed behind me. I can be ninja-quiet when need be, and this is definitely one of those times.

With my senses on high alert, I make my way down the hallway towards the living room. The doorway to the kitchen cuts off on the right before getting to the living room. I slip into the kitchen and stand at the counter, listening intently for whatever sounds I can pick up.

The TV is barely audible, I didn't even know the volume could go so low. Occasionally, over the faint sounds of the movie, I can hear enough movement to know Kim is not asleep.

Fuck it, I tell myself, I can't sleep and I'm going to sit in front of the TV, that's perfectly normal. The fact that those thighs and ass are also in front of the TV has more to do with it than I currently care to admit.

I open the fridge and grab a bottled water, figuring now Kim knows someone is up in the kitchen.

I stroll out and sit on the love seat usually reserved for my wife as Kim is now stretched out on the couch.

She looks at me as I tell her I couldn't sleep with all the snoring. I wonder aloud as to why she is still up and she tells me she is a night owl, and rarely goes to bed before midnight.

I ask in a low voice if she likes the Christmas movie. She replies with a slight chuckle that it's ok.

I look at the TV, now it being just a front for why I'm in the same room with Kim...and the vibe I am getting tells me she knows as much.

Side-eye glancing back over in her direction I see that she has her right leg, the one against the back of the couch, covered...her left leg on the edge of the couch, uncovered. From my perspective, sitting on the love seat with her feet down by the end closest to me, I can see the front of her thin shorts just under the edge of that blanket.

Pondering the possibility that those shorts are the only thing hiding her pussy has my cock once again getting hard, and again, with the whole naughtiness of this situation, I'm getting horny as hell. I've never wanted to fuck so bad in my life. This is wrong, the way I feel, what I want to do, and how my body is reacting...is wrong.

Damn my cock is throbbing now. Good thing I've got this blanket to hide my dick with. If Kim knew what I was thinking, she'd probably march right into my bedroom and promptly notify my wife.

After a few minutes of pretending to watch the movie, all the while my cock throbbing in my shorts under the blanket, Kim moves around a bit, setting into a slightly new position.

I casually (I guess) look her way and see that she has turned onto her side facing the TV, with her right leg now bent at the knee up against the back of the couch, and her left leg laying down flat.

She has the blanket covering her, but the way her legs are splayed holds the blanket open a bit down by her calfs. I've honestly never been this close to a strange camel toe before. Sure, I've had girlfriends in the past that might've sported one, but this is different, I shouldn't be seeing THIS woman's pussy on display like this, with the thin fabric pulled so tightly down over it that I can make out her big lips, almost like a miniature ass. Damn, that is doing something to me.

I've got to do something or I'll explode. If I don't think of something clever, I'll end up doing something stupid. That's the level of horny I'd worked myself to.

After unknowingly holding my breath for I don't know how long, I very cooly ask Kim if she'd like a foot rub.

Almost as soon as I said it, I realize how utterly ridiculous it sounds, given our previous attitudes toward each other.

She just looks at me like she can see right through my facade. I follow that up with letting her know I can make her feel real good.

"I bet you can," She replies in barely more than a whisper.

"Come on, who can resist a footrub." I tell her. All the while she has her attention focused on the TV.

After what seemed like hours, but I'm sure was only seconds, she finally turns back towards me and says, "Ok."

I start to get up when she cuts me in mid thought by announcing that she needs to put her phone on the charger. With that she hops up and takes off down the hallway to the guest bedroom where her stuff is.

As she goes, can't not look at her. I suddenly realize something else about this woman, she's got some big fucking tits! I seriously need to turn my head more often or something. How the fuck did I not notice those before now. Dammit, Kim is stacked.

Lost in my moment, I hear movement in the kitchen. I round the doorway and see her plugging her phone into it's cord on the outlet above the countertop.

She sees me and remarks that she can hear my wife's snoring through the bedroom door. The way she's leaned over the counter with that ass wrapped in those tight shorts hanging out from under her shirt, FUCK. Before I know it, I've got my hands on her hips, grinding against her ass. She jumps and spins around, with her ass now against the countertop.

Kim grabs my hands, which are still on her hips, and whisper-yells at me, obviously not wanting to awaken my wife, "What the fuck are you doing?"

"I can't help it," I tell her, "You make me hard Kim."

"That's very flattering, but I don't think you wife will appreciate what you're doing right now," She says, still barely louder than a whisper.

Although she grabbed my hands, she hasn't moved them, they're still on her hips. I squeeze her and pull her against me, sure that she feels my hard dick.

I lean in and put my mouth next to her left ear as I whisper as seductively as I can, "Do you feel what you've done to me?" All the while running my hands around and down, slowly grabbing her ass.

I gently squeeze and rub, softly increasing the pressure of my hands, fingers digging deeper, grabbing...pulling...grinding.

My lips find their way to her neck, tasting and kissing my way around and under her chin. She gives a little moan as I kiss my way over her jawline and onto her left cheek.

By now Im grinding my throbbing hard cock against her as I pull her ass with increasing firmness against me. She puts her arms around the back of my neck as her legs begin to spread. I just automatically pull her thighs up around me as I sit her on the edge of the counter. I'm actually starting to dry fuck my wife's friend right on the kitchen counter, and she's grinding back on me as well. If this keeps up much longer, I'll cum in my shorts.

With a deftness I didn't know I had, my cock is out of my shorts in a fraction of a second. I begin to grind my raw cock against Kim's thin shorts. Damn, her pussy is warm. I can feel it through those shorts that I so wish didn't exist right now.

My right hand leaves her ass and is pulling on the crotch of her shorts. I manage to get them pulled to the side enough to know that this is one smooth, wet pussy. Damn, Kim's pussy is dripping. I push the head of my cock against her soaked pussy, getting the swollen head to pop inside, but with her shorts, I can't go any deeper.

"We can't fuck," Kim moans into my ear.

Not very well with these damn shorts in the way, I think to myself.

I keep pushing the head of my dick in and out of her dripping pussy, each time her shorts binding up the whole operation after only the head squeezes inside.

"We can't fuck," She says again, this time a little louder.

"We're not," I assure her, "We're just having a little fun."

"Does my cock feel good," I ask her, knowing by her hot, wet pussy what her body wants, but trying to get her on board mentally with my question.

"Yes, but we can't fuck," She states once again.

"We're not," I tell her once more. The whole time I'm trying to force more of my cock into her as I keep going with my fuck motions.

"We need to stop," She whispers into my ear as I keep going.

By this time I'm thinking that a couple more strokes of just the head of my dick into Kim's dripping pussy will put me over the edge, so I just keep fucking when I notice she is breathing harder and starting to grab onto me a bit more.

She's now humping me just as hard as I'm fucking her. Grinding into me on my kitchen counter while my wife snores in the bedroom.

I grab her ass with both hands, lift her from the counter, and carry her to the couch. Upon landing on the couch with her underneath me, I proceed to pull her shorts down as she tries to hold them, all the while telling me we need to stop.

I pay no attention as I manage to get her shorts pulled off and down those thick thighs. Throwing the shorts on the floor, I look back to see Kim holding her hands over her pussy, I guess she still has some modesty.

I drop between those luscious thighs, grab her hands away, and kiss her right on that smooth, wet pussy. I run my hands under her ass, and press my whole face into her pussy. Kissing and licking, finding her clit and flicking it around with the tip of my tongue.

Kim's hands have woven themselves into my hair and she has began squeezing my head with her thighs, my hearing completely muffled as I sucked her hardening clit into my mouth.

Kim's ass is starting to come up off the couch in a fucking motion, even though my mouth is staying smashed onto her pussy.

Sensing that she's close to cumming, and guessing she'll have a different frame of mind after she does, I reach down and grab my cock that has been grinding into the couch, and in one swift motion, I raise up with cock in hand, and lining everything up...sink into Kim's wet pussy till I bottom out while grabbing her hair, pulling her head at an angle and tongue kissing her with the wet face that was just on her pussy.