Wife's Reunion


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Pam gave me a big hug when I came in the house, "I was glad you could make it for the dance tonight Hun. I wish you would have joined us at the table, I don't get a lot of dance time with my husband."

It was obvious the two had planned how to treat me, when we all got home; knowing that I was probably quite pissed over that 'hand on the ass' routine. It'll be fun to hear the tape in her car, how they planned to keep old Tom 'dumb and happy', and not give him time to be upset for what he saw.

They were correct about me being quite pissed about that. Ray Walker came close to having his ass on the dance floor.

They also had to have a long discussion about how in the hell Ray could manage to get into Pam's panties before his flight home tomorrow? They've probably concluded that I'm beyond being suspicious by now. Maybe they've given up screwing for this trip, and scheduled meeting someplace in the future.

I can't imagine they'd be dumb enough to try anything tonight, but I'd be ready. Pam and I went to bed at the same time, and she stayed in bed all night. She said "I'm too tired and drunk for sex, but I want to cuddle, and show you how much I love you." Yea, I'll bet she wouldn't be too tired to fuck her boyfriend, if I hadn't screwed everything up.

Even though I slept lightly that night, I was up early Sunday morning, and downloaded all the tapes of the love-bird's conversations to my computer, then put the originals in my car. I would need to replay that information in a few hours.

Coffee was ready when Pam came down stairs. She didn't mention anything about the night before, especially the hand on the ass part, but I could tell by all of Pam's kisses and attention, she knew I wasn't happy about it. When we heard Ray was up, she made us a great breakfast.

We sat around and chatted for two hours, then Pam announced, it's time for Ray to head to the airport. "Tom, why don't you relax, I'll take him." She must have known that idea had 'a snowball's chance in hell' of happening.

"No, that's all right Pam, I'll take him.

"Oh, Pam I need to show you something in our bedroom really quick. Ray, have another cup of coffee and grab your suitcase; this will only take a few minutes."

Pam looked puzzled, but followed me to our bedroom. I shut the door.

"Pam, there's an audio on my computer. It's all set up, ready to play. When Ray and I leave, you listen to it. It's a recording of you talking to Ray on the phone a few days ago, and you and Ray's conversing in your car.

There was a quite noticeable 'gasp' from Pam, as both hands covered her mouth.

"Pam, when I get back, I either want you packed and gone, or ready to discuss this whole thing between you and Ray; beginning 13 years ago on our wedding day. I want specifically, in writing' each time he has fucked you, and where and when that was. If you don't do this by the time I get back, you need to go back to option one, and pack your bag.

"If you decide to go with option two, you need to tell me how we're possibly going to make this work;

with your thoughts primarily on our two boys.

"If there is so much as one lie or half-truth in what you tell me, option one will be the only one available. Also, just so you have an incentive to tell the truth, I'll be asking Ray the same questions; and he will be answering under extreme duress, so he'll likely be truthful. His version of what has happened between the two of you, and your version of what has happened, better be the same.

"You don't need to go back downstairs. I'll tell Ray good bye for you."

On our way to the airport we left the main road and started going down a gravel road which eventually turned into a dirt road. Ray seemed a little concerned, asking, "is this the way to the airport?"

"Oh, that's right, you haven't been here for years. I lied, this is a short cut, that will be turned into a four lane by the next time you visit."

We stopped in the middle of the dirt road, completely surprising Ray. Pointing out his window, I said, "see that knoll right there. Just on the other side is an old farm house, or what's left of it. I hunt pheasant here every year. This is now part of a big corporate farm, but back when it was a private farm, a hundred and fifty years ago, the owner hand dug a water well. It's a deep sucker." Ray continued to look out his window, looking for what I was describing. "This is important to you, because that well is where you're going to spend eternity."

Shocked at what I had just said, his head jerked around. He was even more shocked, as he was staring down the barrel of a SW snub nose 38 caliber pistol. His whole body jerked back against his door, and his hands came up as if surrendering.

"Ray, you dumb son-of-a-bitch, don't say a word or you're dead. You think you can just come into town and fuck my wife whenever you want, and I'm going to sit by and let you do it.

"It's a good thing I don't hate you, but just really dislike you. I'm going to shoot you before I drop you in that well. If I hated you, I wouldn't shoot you first."

"Please don't kill me! I've got a wife, and little kids that need me. Please, oh please, I'll leave and never come back."

"You low life son-of-a-bitch. I should care about your kids? You come into town, expecting to fuck my wife, then run back to your safe home, not giving a shit about my kids, or my marriage.

"You've got one chance, and it's slim. I'm going to ask you some questions. You answer, and if I even have a hint you're lying, or not telling me the whole truth, your dead ass is in the well.

"Were you and Pam lovers through high school and into college?"

Ray was now shaking. I was afraid he was going to pee his pants in my car.


"How many times have you and Pam had sex of any kind since she and I got married?"

"At the first reunion, we were in my hotel, and I had taken off all her clothes except her panties and bra, and had pushed her panties aside, and had my finger in her, when she said, I'm married, I can't do this to Tom. She got dressed and left. I tried to talk her into staying, but she wasn't even listening to me."

"What happened at the second reunion?"

"Nothing, we didn't even communicate ahead of the reunion. I danced with her a couple of times; that's all that happened."

"Please, would you put the gun down?"

"Hell no! When I put this gun down, it's just to drag your dead ass to your new home."

Ray was starting to cry.

"And what gave you the bright idea you could just grab her and take her to bed this time?"

"I don't know. I called her to tell her I'd be at the reunion, and see if she wanted to get together for dinner or something. It just went from there, and each call got a little more suggestive. I was just playing along, hoping to get her alone for an evening or all night, but afraid it would end like the first reunion, with her backing out."

"Throw you cell phone out the window! Now!"

Even with a gun on him, Ray was reluctant to part with his phone. He finally lowered his window and threw it.

"I'm sure you're not smart enough to remember Pam's number. I'm well aware that you can get it again, but I'll be monitoring her phone, and if I see you've called her, I'll find you. If she calls you, it's in your best interest not to answer. You can take that as a threat, because it sure as hell is one.

"You cost me and my family so much, it's really hard not to put a bullet in your fucking brain."

We went to the airport, and he was told to "get out. If you ever come back to this town, I won't let you off so easy."

Heading back into town, I was thinking; that little episode was enjoyable, but now I have to face the hard one, the one I've loved for all these years, my best friend, the mother of my children. This one will determine my future, and that of my wife, and especially my boys. I was almost hoping she would be packed and gone. It would be much easier that way.

After driving into the garage, I sat in the car for a few minutes, building strength. Her car was in the garage, so she didn't leave. She surely was listening for the garage door to open. She knows I'm back. She'll be crying, and I'll get this immediate urge to take her in my arms, and try to console her. I can't do that. I don't know if I'll ever have her in my arms again.

Pam was at the kitchen table. She was crying, and obviously had been for a long time. Her head was on the table wrapped in her arms, covering her face. A hand written note was under her hand. She didn't look up as I took the



Dearest husband,

I am so ashamed that you had to hear that tape. I have no excuse other than; I guess I was trying to reclaim some of my youth. I've tried to think it through, and I've concluded; the reunions have been my way of reliving my high school days. Ray was a big part of those days.

The dress I wore to the reunion is not something I would normally even consider. It was part of getting back to those free and easy days. I can't imagine that I would ever wear it again.

Ray and I were lovers in high school, and the first two years of college, and we were intimate on many occasions.

I don't love Ray, although I think I did through High School and part of college.

He found someone else in college, and broke off our relationship. He later married her.

You're probably wondering if you're a rebound, after I was dropped by Ray, and I really don't know whether that's true or not. I do know that I haven't been in love with Ray since you and I were married, and I have loved you more than life, since we made our wedding vows; those same vows that I was talking about breaking.

I honestly don't think I would have gone through with it, although there's nothing that you heard on that tape that would indicate anything other than; I planned to have sex with Ray.

You told me to list all the times that Ray and I have had sex since you and I were married. I haven't had intercourse with Ray or anyone but you, since we were married. I've only seen Ray at the reunions. On the 5th reunion Ray and I did some heavy petting in his hotel room, for which I had a lot of guilt for a very long time.

If you have any other questions, I will answer them honestly and fully.

Please don't make me go away. I love my life with you and the boys, and will do anything you ask to make up for how I disrespected and hurt you.


Sitting across from Pam, a million thoughts were in my head, all fighting to be heard. I knew at that moment I was going to keep our family together, and help Pam get us back on track. It wouldn't be in anybody's best interest to break up our family.

I reached across and took her hand. I could feel her tense, then relax. She must have been a bundle of nerves. Slowly she raised her tear stained face to look at me for the first time.

My eyes were filled with tears, but I managed a little smile.

Pam read that little smile correctly, got up and ran around the table into my lap. Her arms went around my shoulders, with her sobbing face buried in my neck. "Tom, I've been so frightened!"

We made love that night, very slowly, very passionately, and I think we both felt we could work things out.

The next morning, I asked Pam to sit and talk. I told her my demands:

First, she had to start talking to a counselor, to reconcile her need to re-live her high school days.

She had to promise to never be in contact with Ray Walker again. If he called her, (which I couldn't imagine, after his close call with the well), she would hang up immediately.

She would not attend any social gatherings, reunions, Christmas parties, company picnics, etc. unless I was with her; for the duration of her counselling.

Three months later Pam and I were doing well. She found a counselor that she liked, and had attended several sessions. As far as I know, our boys had no knowledge that anything had happened between their mother and me.

As a result of the first couple of sessions with the councilor, Pam and I now openly discuss what happened, and what could have happened, at the time of her reunion.

Once Pam felt that she could safely bring up Ray Walker's name, she asked me what had happened on our trip to the airport, and what I meant by Ray answering questions under extreme duress. I told her the truth, and that Ray was emotionally, but not physically hurt; but I wouldn't guarantee the same if he came back.

I was sitting around drinking coffee on a beautiful Sunday morning; reading the business section. I noticed an article about the tech company owned by Ray Walker's father-in-law. Apparently there had been a shake-up in senior management. They had a new Executive VP. It seems Ray had been demoted.

I wonder if that had anything to do with the letter and tape I sent to his wife and father-in-law?

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consulting91consulting91about 1 month ago

Good story and I love how you played out the husband getting the upper hand.

However if she had already tried once and was in full gear to do it this time for a whole weekend while lying to the husband, the damage was already done.

She might be on the straight and narrow but only out of fear, not love.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

He didn't divorce her? BOOOOO!!! Loser

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Foolish to reconcile. He plan to fuck her HS sweetie was engineered by her with Charles gradually getting with the program. Here, I love you too points away from her "just purely reliving her HS days and, once she fucked him, she'd have wanted more and amplified her delusional state to justify her betrayal. I believe she's sorry she put her marriage in jeopardy but less than she states and likely would have pursued another betrayal as soon as she had hubby convinced the danger was truly past.

Also, she'd wanted to fuck him at the prior two reunions but guilt stopped her. It's telling she made sure her husband did not go to any of them and really went out of her way to have a really fuck party on this reunion. This was a 15 year long emotional affair for here. She even expressed delight his wife wouldn't be there. She was totally committed to fucking him and could have cared less about her husband or children; in her mind she believed she could have her cake and eat it too. She's a borderline sexual sociopath and uses her husband's love to salvage her safety net. Her husband did a superb job of detective work and did it aggressively with no BS concerns for "not trusting her or feeling guilty about invading her privacy." For his benefit he should have had the divorce papers ready to launch and being seeing a counselor for HIS benefit while the investigation was underway.

She so stupid as to try keep her rendezvous alive even after a rational person could see her plans were blown.

While he may love her SHE had violated her vows ongoingly for 15 years. She destroyed her husband's trust and threw out forsaking all others and her pledge of loyalty to her husband. In a very real sense she is a liar, cheat, totally untrustworthy woman to whom he was justified in divorcing and expunging from his life. In truth he would NEVER get back to that safe and comfortable place where he unquestionably KNEE his wife was his and his alone.

If you look at the above analysis it's clear that she caved to save herself and not fuck up her kids. Her husband welfare was a secondary concern. He should abandoned any urge to believe her. She confessed because she was totally blown and could afford to fall back on the weakness of her husband's love to preserve the safety of her current situation.

We're this a jury trial her confession would sink, not help her. The jury would not be swayed by her pleas of repentance.

AllNigherAllNigher3 months ago

Hmmm... Hard to trust her again after this. She planned the affair well, hard to believe she'd back out this time. And lots of I miss you and I love you going on.

But... Timing is all wrong. They meet senior year of college, she's 37, it's her 15 year highschool class reunion, they've been married for 13 years. Did not compute.... Maybe author did the math for a college reunion instead of highschool and never realized?

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good story. This one felt completed and finished. I can understand a father or mother not wanting to split up a family when there are children involved. There was low level cheating going on which may or may not have escalated. The wife backed away first time but may not have the second time and was being stupid. Overall this is your best story so far and whilst the subject has been done before you did it in a very good way. BardnotBard

chasbo38chasbo384 months ago

I enjoyed it. The cheating wife at the reunion has been used too many times but I still enjoyed this one. The wife risking her marriage to relive her pre-marriage life is hard to believe but then we men have no idea what gores through a woman's mind at times.

Kernow2023Kernow20235 months ago

I would have wanted DNA tests on the children , she could never be trusted

tralan69ertralan69er5 months ago


re: Plot Holes - You should reread the story. Some of your "plot holes" are not as big as you thought.

No.4 for example, he didn't want Ray to call Pam to warn her.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbiman6 months ago

37 yr. old wife graduated High School 15 years ago? Guess she was the smartest kid in 3td. grade 4 years in a ow. LOL All in all, it ended well.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

As a story it was ok. However, I would have confronted her as soo as I had evidence and banned her from going to the reunion on pain of divorce. The rest of it makes the storey but it all seems a cloak and dagger stuff.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Not a bad story but don't understand WHY the husband wanted to reconcile with his wife? I would have shown her the door ASAP. No amount of counseling would restore trust for me. I was an attentive husband to and dumped my first wife a long time ago because she fooled around at a school reunion with an old boyfriend. Our young daughter did just fine, and welcomed a a part-time step mother. I made her mother responsible for carrying forward as a responsible single parent adult. So many authors seem to believe that 'breaking up the family' is a terrible thing, but when the other partner makes the first move, the choice is self-evident. Remorse seldom if ever resolves the resulting problem: lack of trust. Some spouses can shrug it off maybe, but it's a terrible gamble.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Sorry but you messed up the continuation of your story, things you wrote early in conversations between wife and bad guy were contradicted and made a big difference. If your intent of changing from btb to reconciliation midway i would recommend that you reread what went before.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Liked this one. Hubby was no goddamn fool. He put it down. Counseling would be a must, but it would still take me a long time to trust her again, if ever.

Do you think it's extreme to say a wife should not attend any social gatherings, reunions, Christmas parties, company picnics, etc. or ANY event involving alcohol without her husband? And the same goes for him--he must attend with his wife, or cancel--and all his events? I think that's fair. But I'm not sure. Too extreme?

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

commented 12 mths ago as rk. cant add much to my 1st comments as long as she didnt actually cheat, but she wanted to and that means loss of trust for her faithfulness in the future as well as wonder about her maturity. dont know about 26thNC's comment, the predator wanna be didnt actually seem to be an experienced serial seducer and he did have a "hot" past with her that may have led him to feeel that he might could get some w/ this particular twat, so not sure the well was needed for THIS particular guy. rk

bobareenobobareeno9 months ago

This is a 5 star story from start to finish. The score doesn’t reflect the top quality. A+.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Funny reading some of the comments below. How was the MC at all a wimp? He took assertive action. Scared Ray to death. Burned him with his wife and father-in-law with the audio from Pam's side and their joint conversation headed back (that was a missed opportunity btw, why was that audio not written by author?). He gave his wife two options: the highway or write it all down and if there is a single lie, he burns her. He intervened and stop their liaison at the reunion, was done quite ingeniously. So is it because he took her back? Well except for some heavy petting (and yes, fingering) at the 5th reunion, which she stopped at that point, and felt guilty for a long time, nothing at the 10th and their overly close dancing and their planned intent (which is not 100% clear she would go through with it, but probable with the hotel reservation, at least on Thursday night, until she felt guilty, which was also likely but then al.ost certainly too late), he stopped it cold at the 15th. He never lost agency. Disrupted their dance and took asshole's hand off her ass, clearly disrupting their whole night. He got the audio, schemed, executed his plan, terrorized Ray, told her what he did, and fot her confession. Hoe the heck is that wimpy. He said he decided to move on for the sake of kids. Her letter made it clear she had issues and was remorseful she disrespected her husband and begged to not lose her life with him and the boys. Thry got counseling and moved forward. Forgiven and not forgotten. But she did not cross the Rubicon because he took action. That is NOT being a wimp.

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