Wild Times in Scotland


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"Ok, I give in, I'll go for that. But lay down, I had important plans for those fingers and you interrupted them."

Laughing she laid down, and as he kissed her, she felt the fingers back on her nether lips, caressing, touching, separating them, She felt his fingers enter her, she felt them explore her, feeling for that one sensitive spot. She breathed "Oh, yes" into his ear as he found it, and within moments she was twisting and bouncing on the bed totally under James' control. "You are as good at plucking my strings as Segovia is with guitar strings," she said.

He laughed. "I like that," he said, "the Segovia of the Vagina. However, I'm better than Segovia for one reason, at least. He's been dead since 1987!"

Just as she started to laugh, the climax hit her. "Oh my God, that's incredible, that feeling you can create, and you ask me if I am sure I want to stay here and be treated like this? Do you not know how much treating me like this makes me love you? And they say sex is the most fun you can have without laughing, but laughing and sex together is something else."

"Want to do something really daring?"

"Yes, what?"

"Get dressed, we'll have a brunch when we get back. Just put jeans and a top on, nothing else."

So dressed as he asked, they got in the Land Rover and he drove to the swimming holes. "Why waste time walking, eh, lassie?"

As soon as James stopped by the pools, Mary leapt out of the car and stripped off, only this time, she stood right in front of him, stark naked. "Look all you want, you have made me so proud of my body and my femininity that everything you see is yours."

He stripped too, and for a while they just stood and looked at each other - no embarrassment or hesitation, no reservation, just a desire to be as open and as intimate as possible. James scooped her up in his arms, walked to the coolest pool, lifted her so he could suck on her breast and jumped in, still holding her, still sucking her.

That was the deepest part of the pool, as James well knew, and they went completely under, still clinging to each other. They embraced in the water, and kissed and laughed, totally at ease with each other, unlike their first visit.

After a while, they climbed out and James threw a blanket on the ground, and pulled her down against him. They entwined legs and arms, and rubbed their most intimate parts together, and before long James' penis started to lengthen and harden. As their wet bodies rubbed together, reducing friction between their skin, James positioned himself and entered her as far as he could go. He generated heat with his thrusting into her and they soon were dry everywhere except where they were coupled.

Eventually, they rolled apart satiated, and looked up at the clouds. They were puffy and white. Mary looked at James and asked, "Have you made love to anyone up here before?"

"I can honestly say 'No'. My ex wouldn't skinny dip up here, and wasn't too keen on anything other than Missionary on a Saturday night. She would never do it when guests were here, even though their rooms are so far away upstairs."

"We'll fix that omission tonight," said Mary with a wink. "So I guess we can claim this is magic water that makes people realize they are in love, eh? Do you thinks that's true?"

"Well, being highly logical, which love isn't, but I am, I would say, based on the evidence so far, that it's true. The waters here even made an old fart like me fall in love."

"Sometime, I would like to come up here and make naked love in the rain. Does that sound weird?" she said.

"Yes, but so what - if that's what you want, that you shall have."

Mary lay silent for a few minutes. Then she said, "I did really only have one person before you - that boy who shall remain nameless for evermore - and you have, in the last few hours, made love to me more times than he ever did. In fact he never did make love to me - he made love to himself using my body. We had sex, we never made love."

"Well, here's to hoping we never have sex, and only ever make love, lassie"

And once again, she replied by climbing on his body and lowering herself on to him. They drove home naked, just for the hell of it, their new found uninhibited comfort being just so simple and naïve and exciting. They got into James walk-in shower and washed each other all over. Like many men who have had active lives, James' body showed some scars of the world, and she searched each one out and asked about them. They were all pretty mundane. "You mean, there's no scars from defending a lady's honor?" she asked.

"Well, you're the first real lady in my life, so there's time yet. Especially if I ever meet that boy." And then came that laugh again.

The guests arrived at 5 p.m. and were checked in. Mary and James had had a decent sized meal when they got back from the swimming holes, and, when asked, the guests were not interested in having the bar in the library opened, so James and Mary had a drop of the 'good stuff' to celebrate their new relationship as lovers, and were in bed by 8, and the prior omission was fully rectified by 9.

Their routine was pretty well the same as before, with evenings spent listening to music, sometimes reading, but now, sometimes dancing, slowly and intimately. They would still watch the darkness creep in around the homestead, but now, when they went to bed, the attic remained empty.

Mary wrote a very long letter to her parents early on the Saturday afternoon after her birthday. She told them everything, so they would understand. The incident at the swimming holes, James' very proper behavior, and the events on her birthday leading up to them realizing they were in love. She let James read the letter. "Don't know," he said, "I mean, every word is true, but isn't it too much information?"

"Well," she said, "they need to understand why I am so certain about what I want to do with my life, and they can't know that unless they know what happened to make me think that way."

"Well, I hope your dad is different to me, then, 'cos I think I would up here asap to save my daughter from an old man who has kidnapped my daughter's heart and common sense."

"Good job you're not my dad, then. And I am 23 now." she said as she kissed him.

Monday morning, the guy from the General Store took her letters, including the one to the university withdrawing from her course. They had spent time also thinking about what they would do for the winter, and settled on a week in Amsterdam in late October to see the new Rijksmuseum, followed by a week on a river cruise to Vienna, to stay for a few days to listen to some music. For Christmas they would visit Mary's family, and then after new year they would go to Aruba for two months. James had invested the proceeds from his company well, so these trips did not depend on the takings from the B and B. The planned travel was also covered in the letter home.

On the Friday of the following week, they got a reply from Mary's parents. Much of it was written by her mother, who expressed surprise that Mary was withdrawing from the university, but understood that she could not do that and be with James in Scotland, or do the traveling. On the other hand, looking at where they were going and what they would see, hear and learn, there was much to gain by doing that. Of course they were both welcome for Christmas, and they would put a queen-sized bed in Mary's room for them. But the best part of the letter was what dad wrote at the bottom. He never wrote anything in response to letters home, that was always left to mum, but this time he felt compelled to say something, so he did.

He wrote: "Age is a number. But when two people treat each other with an abundance of love, respect, and friendship, that number becomes inconsequential. Hopefully you will both be as happy as your mum and I." Mary had a lump in her throat and a tear in her eye when she showed the letter to James.

And so the season ran on, July and the first part of August they were continuously full, including a couple of Saturday nights. Mary checked the booking register and saw that no-one had booked in for the last week, from August 31st to September 7th. "Ah, lassie, that's typical, and then at the last minute some Sassenachs decide to come here. We stick to the original dates."

As it happened, August 31st dawned hot and cloudless, so as soon as the last guests had gone, they packed a picnic lunch and towels, and hiked over the hills to the swimming holes. They had a wonderful, happy, totally naked day, in and out of the water as they got hot; a nice packed lunch of smoked salmon and champagne, and each other for dessert. But then, suddenly at four o'clock, James announced they had to return home, as there were some VIP guests arriving at five, and they would need to be there to greet them. When Mary inquired as to who, all James said was "Dinna not tell you there's always some Sassenachs turn up at the last minute?"

So they packed up, got dressed, and started home. They were almost back at the farmhouse when Mary saw a car turn into the track from the road to the front door. "That car looks almost like..... That car is Dad's," she shouted and ran down the hill, leaving James to lug the picnic hamper and towels on his own.

She got to the front door just as the car pulled up, and, sure enough, Mum and Dad got out. They had just finished hugging when James turned up and dropped what he was carrying. "Good afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts," he started to say, but was cut-off by Dad. "Please, Bill and Margaret, the rest sounds so formal."

"So what are you two doing here, anyway? I hope this isn't some crazy scheme to rescue me from a wicked old man who has kidnapped me...."

"Good lord no," laughed Dad, "when you explained in your letter about skinny dipping in magic water that makes people realize how in love they are, your Mum and I decided we had to try it. A fresh top up of realizing how much we're in love would be just the ticket, and won't go amiss, so here we are, ready to go skinny dipping."

Mary looked at her Dad like she could not believe what she had just heard. "You drove all the way up here just to go skinny dipping?"

"Well, James did write and invite us," said Mum.

"And you're planning to go skinny dipping with us?" asked Mary.

"Why not, when you were 3 we used to skinny dip all the time and it didn't bother you at all."

"Dad, now I am 23 not 3 and....."

"And no matter how old you get, you'll always be my little girl, and so we're skinny dipping and that's final."

"And you agreed to this, James?" asked Mary, giving James a look.

"All I will say in my defense is that when I read your father's reply to my letter inviting them up here, I knew where you get your determination from as to how things will be. I realized that, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

"Well, James, I do come bearing a peace offering for wanting to invade yours and Mary's personal romance spot." Reaching into the back seat of the car, he produced two bottles of what James called "really, really good stuff", with the result that after a nice steak dinner and red wine, they all got pleasantly sleepy with night-caps.

It was a kind of working holiday for Mary, as Mum and Dad were the only two guests, but Mum insisted that "as the room comes with Maid Service, I positively refuse to make my own bed." James' cooking lived up to its reputation, and all in all, they had a great week, including trips to the swimming holes. Mary survived the embarrassment of skinny dipping with her parents. James said that he had been told by his father that if you want to know how a young lady will age, look at the mother, and in the circumstances he was quite looking forward to seeing the more mature version of Mary, a comment that drew a look of shock from Mary, and giggles from Mum.

Dad got James to reserve the steakhouse in Gairlochy for Friday evening, saying "My treat", and after a nice meal, both couples danced to 'Red Sails in the Sunset'. Being back in the restaurant made Mary positively glow, and she danced every dance, except the one with Dad, buried closely against James' body.

Saturday morning was bitter sweet. Mary had learned so much about her parents in the week, now that they recognized her as a grown woman, as good as married. Their relationship was different, much more balanced. James fitted in well with Dad, and they would chat well into the evening on all sorts of topics while Mum and Mary just listened. Mum confessed to Mary during their last dinner on the Friday that the water in the swimming holes definitely worked as and she and Dad had not had that much love making in a while. "Mind you, we needed to keep at it like rabbits just to burn up the calories in James' cooking."

So, after a round of hugs and tears, they drove off. James and Mary sat on the garden swing and watched until they were out of sight, whereupon Mary stripped off all her clothes and announced, "If you can catch me, you can have me." James pulled his clothes off before grabbing the backpack of towels he had placed inside the front door and chasing after her, but still caught her up by the top of the hill. "Make love here, or at the pools?" he asked.

Mary laughed. "Both". So they did. As they lay drying in the sun, from a quick dip after some really sweat-generating love making, James said, "Well, Mrs. McLeod we should be making our way home before it cools off."

"You can't call me Mrs. McLeod. We too new for common law, and there's no ring for married."

James laughed his laugh. He rummaged in the side pocket of the backpack and produced a small white box. He gave it to Mary, with a rather bashful smile on his face. Inside was a beautiful white gold ring with a single large stone on it, and a row of little stones either side of it, decorating the top half of the ring.

"Mary, will you marry me?'

Mary put on the ring, and offered it to James to kiss it. She looked at the ring, and at him, and at his naked manhood just starting to show signs of life again.

"By the powers invested in me as Lady of the Swimming Holes, and in the name of the mystery of love contained in their waters, I declare that if you make love to me here and now, I will become Mrs. McLeod."

And so, sometime later, they walked home as Mr. and Mrs. McLeod, after, of course, James had kissed the bride...

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Mariewalker14Mariewalker148 months ago

I am turning 23 this week, what a fun read. one could only be so lucky.

maneater82maneater82about 1 year ago

Beautifully sensual. Love your writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

A wonderful story of a far away place (at least to me, here in Florida) with real emotions! Thanks for writing this.

barry240646barry240646over 2 years agoAuthor

Agreed, built in 1885. A renovation of the south wing of the museum, also known as the 'fragment building' or 'Philips Wing', was completed in 1996, the same year that the museum held its first major photography exhibition featuring its extensive collection of 19th-century photos. In December 2003, the main building of the museum closed for a major renovation. It is the result of this renovation I was referring to and still want to see myself.

mrmpromrmproover 2 years ago

This was a great story to read. I loved the doe of it. I hope they love each other a long time.

One minor detail. The "new rijksmuseum" is a documentary. The real Rijksmuseum is from 1885. Not so new anymore😉 But thanks anyway that you like our country😊

barry240646barry240646over 2 years agoAuthor

Frank and Nancy recorded it, but Frank also recorded it on an album on his own.

My mistake on hirsute - will correct

barcomberbarcomberover 2 years ago

Delightful. So well written it's really nit picking to note that, as she had (regrettably) shaved her mons it couldn't be hirsute any more, could it? Oh,wasn't Something Stupid a duet with both Frank and Nancy Sinatra?


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Absolutely excellent, nothing else, just excellent.

MajorRewriteMajorRewriteover 2 years ago

Aww. I put it on my favorites list. Nice, unusual sex scene.

SmuttyandfunSmuttyandfunover 2 years ago

Ignore the critics. You have crafted a very beautifully written story. Really enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A very enjoyable short story. Thank you.

Lector77Lector77over 2 years ago

May the geographers drown in their smug righteousness while the rest of us enjoy a good story.

BadWolf49BadWolf49over 2 years ago

Very nice story, it flows well and proves that us older guys know how to please a woman better than the youngsters. I really enjoyed it.

chytownchytownover 2 years ago

*****Very entertaining read. Thanks for sharing.

PrfsrPrfsrover 2 years ago

Great story! I didn’t want it to end.

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