WildSpace - Voyage of the Naginata Ch. 05


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"Go back!" Cali cried reaching to the bridge. She looked out one of the side windows, tears streamed down her face. Il'taira was on her knees, the Grimdrax warrior lined over her. "We have to go back and save her!" Her voice failed as she clawed the window. The Naginata began to climb toward the edge of the artificial gravity bubble.

"Kat, get us the hell out of here!" Serra said, holding her head. She turned to Cali and gave her a sympathetic look. "I... I'm sorry Cali."

Cali opened her mouth to scream, but closed it. Her shoulders slumped and she turned away.


"Jump engine online captain." She said curtly. Serra sighed and turned forward. "Once we're out of atmo, we can-"

Suddenly, the ship jolted hard!

"What the hell?!" Serra growled.

"We've been hit!" Lexi said.


"Shields up!" Lexi verified.

The next shot was much more gentle.

"Whoa! These new power generators automatically pivot the shield density toward incoming fire!" Lexi said excitedly.

"That's great... Kat?"

"Thirty seconds to jump." She replied.

"Lexi, return fire. Give them a going away gift."

"On it!" Lexi replied and began to fire at the gun emplacement.

"Okay, three seconds... activating the jump engine." Kat said, a moment before she activated the jump engine, the ship jostled...

"What was that?" Serra asked.

"We didn't get hit by anything." Lexi replied, looking over the Ops status readouts. Suddenly Cali sat upright in her seat, she looked around wild-eyed.

"It... it can't be!" She leapt to her feet and ran off the bridge.

"Cali!" Serra called after her.

"Jump initiated!" Kat said as the ship slid, surprisingly smoothly into jump space. Serra followed Cali down the hall.

"Cali, what are you?-" She stopped, shocked at what she saw. Cali and Il'taira in a tight embrace, surrounded by black inky energy! Cali cried uncontrollably while Il'taira held her and stroked her hair.

"H-how?" Serra asked. Il'taira looked up at the captain and smiled. Cali attempted to gather herself and turned toward the captain. "She... she made it!" She declared and broke down crying again.

"But how?" Serra asked again.

"I thought I was alone, but after the Naginata began to pull away, I could feel Cali's spirit like a beacon and willed myself to... teleport, in a manner of speaking, to her." She explained.

"Her spirit? How do you even?..."

"Cali and I have forged a bond beyond the physical. Our spirits have become... intertwined." She tried to explain.

"I guess I don't quite..."

"Captain, Il'taira and I are... becoming one." Cali said, confidently.


Captain, we need you on the bridge.

Serra paused and looked at the two of them for a moment, then turned and headed off to the bridge.

"I'll be honest, I don't quite understand it myself." Cali said, tears still in her eyes. "I feel... something... in my heart, I guess."

"Tell me more." Il'taira said quietly.

"I... I don't... it feels like there's a... uh... presence within me." She frowned. Il'taira caressed her cheek. "It's okay, go on."

"I grew up a very lonely child. I felt like something was... missing." She sniffled, her emotions still running high. "Like I was hollow or something."

"I understand my love." Il'taira replied with a smile.

"The longer I'm with you, it feels like that hollow feeling is fading." She explained.

"That makes me very happy." Il'taira took Cali's face in her hands. "I'm so glad I could be there for you."

"You... you almost weren't." Cali said. "No more stauing behind to save us, if we get caught, we all get caught... okay?"

"Okay." Il'taira replied. "I'll remain at your side."

"And I... yours." Cali replied.

Il'taira smiled and kissed her. Cali pulled her body against hers and kissed her back. Her passion was almost... unusually intense. Several moments of passionate kissing they parted.

"Well! That was... lovely." Il'taira said with a surprised smile.

"It felt right."

"I'll say!"

The two of them lingered a few moments longer, then they made their way to the bridge.

"What is it?" Serra asked as she sat in her seat.

"The long range scanners are picking up three pursuit ships from the Ferelu system." Lexi said.

"Dammit Kyree!" Serra growled. "Why can't she just leave me alone?!"

"What do you want to do, Serra?" Katarina asked. Serra sat quietly. Then adjusted her position and cleared her throat. "Stay in jump space, but hail them."

"They're responding." Lexi said.

"On screen."

The main viewer flickered to life, Serra immediately frowned at the appearance of Kyree smiling at her.

"Leave me alone Kyree." Serra said.

"Come now Starshine, come home and be with me."

"Let me go... please." Serra said, almost begging.

"Not this time my love." Kyree replied. Katarina narrowed her eyes at the mercenary.

"You're mine now. I got a taste and I need more." She said. Kat's rage was almost palpable.

"I said no, I'm with Kat now." Serra said.

"Oh, no my love... we are meant to be together, that bitch will never make you as happy as I can." Kyree said. "You owe me."

"Owe you?!" Kat growled.

"Shut up bitch!" Kyree barked at her. She straightened herself and addressed Serra again. "Starshine, please come home."

"I will never love you, why do you want something I can't give you?" Serra asked her.

"You'll learn to love me again." Kyree seemed sad now. Serra typed on her console, the others could read it on their separate screens and went into action. Lexi typed back and Serra gave a slight nod.

"Listen to me Kyree, you have to let me go, you need to move on. Continue your Empire and find someone who will be as crazy about you as I once was." She gave her a slight smile. She swept a stand of hair behind her ear, a signal for her crew.

Katarina took the Naginata out of jump space, Lexi launched a decoy probe and Kat slammed the ship back into jump space. They cut off the comm connection with Kyree.

"Probe is activated and waiting to be triggered." Lexi said.

"Good." Serra replied. "Katarina, change course to the core."

"The core?" Kat asked.

"Yes, I have a plan." Serra replied. Kat set a new course. "Course set to the... core."

"Thank you." Serra turned to the crew. Il'taira and Cali had joined them, but before anyone could ask, Serra spoke up. "Okay people, I know I promised you, or at least those of you that have been with me for a long time that we'd stay away from the core. Mainly because of how dangerous it is."

"But..." Lexi said concerned.

"But, I think the best way to lose Kyree is to go into the core and have our comm signal changed."

"How do we do that?" Kat asked.

"We have to put in a request with the Templars." Serra explained.

"The Templars?" Kat echoed.

"It's the only way." Serra replied. Kat narrowed her eyes and shook her head. Suddenly, she stood up and exited the bridge. Serra jumped up and followed her out.

"Why is going to the Templars a bad thing?" Saphina asked.

"Serra has a... history with them for one." Lexi replied.

"Another toxic relationship?" Saphina asked.

"She was a member, but she left... to be with Kyree." Cali added.

"But why would that put her in a bad position?" Il'taira asked.

"Joining the Templars is a lifelong assignment, leaving the Templars is a criminal act." Lexi explained.

"I see." Il'taira nodded.

In Katarina's quarters Kat stood, pouring a drink with her back to Serra.

"Would you turn around, please?" Serra asked. Kat put down the bottle and took a long drink. Serra just looked at her back while Kat took another drink. She drained the glass and poured another. She sighed and finally turned around. She took a drink and set the glass down.

"Is there anything you need to tell me about... all that?" Kat asked and sat in a large chair. "Did you two...?"

Serra sighed and sat across from her. "Kat... Kyree wanted something from me, and... I'll be honest. I almost gave it to her. She said if I did, she would free us."

"Free...us?" Kat raised an eyebrow. "From what? We were attacked."

"Kat, she promised me-"

"Serra... was there no other way?"

"She said she'd turn her entire fleet against us, I thought we'd be safe if I-"

"Fucked her?!"

"Yes...but I didn't!" Serra said.

Kat fell silent.


"Serra... please... I need to be alone." Kat said. Serra bowed her head and without another word, she left. Kat sighed as her eyes moistened. Serra made her way back to her quarters, collapsed onto her bed and wept.

In Cali's quarters, she and Il'taira sat face to face on her bed completely naked. Dark inky energy flowed around the room, swirling between them, penetrating them. A streak of blue green energy poured out from Cali and began to mix with Il'taira's energy.

"Wha?!" Cali grew nervous. Il'taira reached out and took her hands and smiled warmly.

"There is nothing to fear... that...is you." She said in a calming, serene tone.

"Me?!" Cali tried to remain calm, but she was scared.

"Yes, our bond is so strong that you're starting to be able to project your own personal energy." Il'taira explained. "With a little help." She winked.

"Project?... my... energy?!"

"Fear not... this is a good thing." She reassured her. "With some guidance, you will be able to use your energy."

"But... how?"

"I will show you." Il'taira smiled.

"Oh... okay." She replied nervously.

They sat for several minutes, just watching the two energies swirl and co-mingle. Cali was in awe, once she got over the shock. Il'taira did not watch the energy, she watched Cali's eyes. She felt such joy, something she felt so little over her lifetime. Cali was becoming a part of her. Their fates were becoming tied to one another. Il'taira had heard of such bonds forming between two people with... abilities. But it was not advised to pursue, because when one person in the bond suffers or dies, the other dies as well. She took a deep breath and smiled at the young engineer. Cali looked at her and watched her and smiled with joy.

"This is amazing!" She said,

"I'm glad you're enjoying this." Il'taira said. "Il'taira... could we?..." She became suddenly shy and unsure.

"Say it..."

"Could we... make love?"

"I believe we should." She replied with a smile. She shifted to her knees and pulled Cali up to her. The women embraced and kissed. Il'taira gently laid Cali down and straddled her. Cali looked up at her and sighed. She reached up and pulled her down onto her. They kissed again and Cali's eyes began to moisten.

"What is it, my love?"

"I... I'm just so happy." She sniffled. "I never knew I could feel like this." She said quietly.

"Is that a good thing?" Il'taira teased her.

"Yes!" Cali replied. "I feel... safe... content... loved."

"All things you deserve." She replied. "You are far more special than you could imagine."

"What do you mean?" Cali asked.

"You will learn," she kissed her. "In time."


"I'm sorry," Il'taira chuckled. "Being able to release your energy is pretty rare, time will tell what you can do with it."

"What I can... do with it?! What do you mean?" Cali asked.

"You've seen what I can do..."

"You mean... I could do THAT?!"

"Slow down my love." Il'taira smiled. "The way psykik abilities manifest varies from person to person. They are unique in their nature and appearance. When you need them, you will know and understand."

"If you say so." Cali giggled.

"Trust me." Il'taira said.

Cali smiled and kissed her. Cali began to feel that familiar charge coming from Il'taira as their kisses became more passionate. Her body began to tingle, like every nerve in her body was on fire. Il'taira slowly slid down Cali's body. She kissed her chin, her throat, her sternum. Cali squirmed as Il'taira's lips kissed their way to her right nipple. She gently took it into her mouth and sucked. Her tongue circled Cali's erect nipple, coating it in her saliva. Cali's breathing became heavy, her body felt both hot and cold. She squirmed as Il'taira continued to kiss her way down the young woman's body. She kissed around Cali's bellybutton, which caused Cali to giggle. Il'taira looked up at her and smiled.

"You have the most wondrous laugh."

"Thank you." She giggled again.

"Thank you." Il'taira replied and kissed just above her sex. Cali gasped. Il'taira moved down and kissed her clit. Cali nearly sat upright, her eyes large and filled with carnal hunger. Il'taira looked up at her, "focus on your energy..." she kissed her clit again. "Show me your beautiful spirit."

Cali nodded and fell back onto the bed. Il'taira kissed her sex, the scent of Cali filled her nostrils and she nearly swooned. She licked the moisture off of her lips and savored her taste. Then, Il'taira slowly pushed her tongue into Cali who moaned loudly. Her sweetness was like an elixir of life to the alien. She was realizing the stronger their bond became, the more every sensation, taste, smell affected her almost as intensely as Cali. As she continued to pleasure Cali, she could feel herself become more and more aroused. With every lick, Il'taira felt more and more like she was also being licked. She looked up at Cali who writhed in pleasure and saw her blue-green energy swirl around the room. It began to surround Il'taira like a sweet embrace. She felt... warm, but not like heat. It was a feeling she had never felt before. It was indeed a strange sensation of mental and emotional contentment, joy.

Since her birth, Il'taira was feared and shunned among her people. Her appearance was an omen many did not understand, but ultimately, she was "protected" by the Emperor himself. Even so, she always felt like an outsider adrift in the galaxy without a real home to call her own. But now, here, with Cali, on the Naginata, she was... home. Cali arched her back and from deep within her, a burst of blue-green energy pulsed out as she climaxed. Her screams were... unearthly, similar to the sound Il'taira had made. They echoed through the ship causing the other crew members to shiver a moment. Il'taira sucked her clit into her mouth and flicked it with her tongue. Cali bucked wildly as she was overcome by orgasm after orgasm! The room filled with her blue-green light while Il'taira's black energy was "pushed" to the corners. Cali collapsed into a sweaty, panting heap. Il'taira crawled back up her body, kissing her way up. She kissed Cali's nose and looked her in the eyes.

"What?" Cali asked between breaths.

"Did you notice the lights?" Il'taira asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Your energy my love... filled the room!" She said sitting up, straddling her. Cali looked up at her, admiring her luminescent skin.


"Yes, and it was beautiful, just like you."

Cali blushed, "Thank you." She put her hands on Il'taira's thighs. "So... are you."

Il'taira looked down at her and smiled. "I am so grateful that the fates brought us together."

"Me too." Cali replied. Il'taira smiled at her lover, then bit her lip. She crawled up and placed her sex directly over Cali's mouth and lowered herself, her round ass settled on the young woman's chest. Cali immediately began to devour her with gusto and fervor she'd never done before. Il'taira gasped at Cali's aggressiveness.

"Oh... Cali!"

The young engineer smiled to herself and savored Il'taira's unique flavor. As her juices ran down Cali's tongue and throat. Cali felt as though she was receiving a slight electrical "shock" race through her. The room filled with Il'taira's dark energy, but also Cali's blue-green energy seemed to flow about the room next to it. Il'taira trembled uncontrollably as she began to approach her orgasm. She nearly fell over as she was moments from it overtaking her. Cali reached up and held her tight. The alien looked down at her and smiled. Then her orgasm hit. She threw her head back and the sound that erupted from her throat was like an echoing howl. A "shockwave" of energy burst from her and spread across the ship.

Il'taira's luminescent skin was wet with perspiration, Cali's hands slid across her body. Il'taira climbed off her and fell next to Cali onto the bed. She gasped and panted for several minutes. Cali rolled to face her, cuddling her shoulder. Il'taira's head turned to her lover and she smiled weakly.

"This is what I mean." Il'taira said quickly. "It seems part of your power is linked... to me."

Cali smiled and blushed.

"Little is understood about psykik powers. How some are able to use them and how and why they manifest differently in each person. Typically, it takes a great deal of study and effort to use them. There are those who are naturally adept with them and still others are literally imbued with power."

"But, how will I know-?"

"Time will give you all your answers." Il'taira said and shifted to face Cali. "For now, I will try and guide you as much as I can."

"Thank you." Cali replied and kissed her.

Saphina and Lexi sat quietly on the bridge watching jump space race by outside.

"Lex, why is everyone so... uneasy about the core? I mean beside Serra's Templar connection." Saphina asked.

"Oh... well..." Lexi fell unusually quiet for a moment.


She sighed and cleared her throat. "I also have a... less than ideal connection to the core."


"Yeah, you see... I used to... work for a..." she shifted uncomfortably.

"It's okay." Saphina reassured her.

"Have you heard of the Organization?" Lexi asked her.

"I... believe so, but only in passing. Aren't they a weapons manufacturer?" Saphina asked.

"Yes, but that's only part of it." Lexi took a beat. "They produce advanced tech covering many areas."

"Okay, but-" Lexi held up her hand.

"They need people to protect their interests and while they do have a certain standing military, they also employ assassins to take out key figures within other groups. The Organization is, at its heart, a megacorporation. Over time, they have absorbed or forced out most of their competition. It's a lot of corporate espionage bullshit."

Saphina looked at her in confusion.

"I was an assassin." She finally said bluntly. "I killed a lot of people and I didn't know why. I was pointed at a target and that target would die."

"I see."

"I killed people... I left families without fathers, mothers, sons and daughters. Some with a long range rifle while others with a knife blade in their spine. I felt nothing. Finding Serra and getting out of the core saved me from ultimately becoming a target. This ship is my home now and this crew... is my only family." Saphina noticed a tear roll down Lexi's cheek." "Going back to the core and possibly being spotted could mark me and the crew for reprisal. I can't have anything happen to Serra... to Cali... to you." She smiled at Saphina.

"I'm so sorry Lexi." She reached out a hand for the tattoo-covered woman. Lexi took it.

"You're not... disturbed by all this?"

"You do know a little about the culture I come from, right? You obviously have remorse... we all do things we regret, it's okay." She squeezed her hand. A chime broke the silence. Lexi turned her console on and checked the readout.

"What is it?" Saphina asked.

"We're entering the edge of the core. We have to drop out of jump space." Lexi replied and flicked on the comm. "Cap, we're at the core."

"On my way." Serra's voice came over the comm. A couple of minutes passed in silence, then Serra arrived and took her seat. She said nothing as she turned on her console and toggled pilot controls to her station. Lexi and Saphina exchanged concerned glances.

"Setting a course for the Serterra system." Serra said to herself.

"The Serterra system? Isn't that...?"

"It's the largest Templar outpost, excluding their headquarters. I know the administrator... hopefully, he's still there." She replied as Katarina entered and took the pilot's seat. As soon as she noticed that Serra had taken control, she sat back and crossed her arms over her large chest. Cali and Il'taira arrived. Saphina started to get up, but Cali shook her head and smiled. She just held hands with Il'taira and looked on.