WildSpace - Voyage of the Naginata Ch. 07

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The crew of the Naginata's further adventures.
9.2k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 04/15/2024
Created 03/11/2024
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Recovering from surgery still, but i found the energy to get this up. Thanks for reading!

The Naginata was nearly silent except for the power generator and the machine "aiding" in keeping Cali alive. Il'taira sat quietly next to her, holding her hand and gently probing the engineer's mind with hers. Finding nearly nothing, she was filled with sorrow and regret. Cali's mind has lost its color and now nothing but shadow and cold. Il'taira wanted to "reignite" Cali's light, but she knew her power was rooted in darkness and shadow. Feeling helpless, she bowed her head low.

Oh my dear Cali... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you, I should have let you explore and not tell you to push on.

She sighed.

I should have never told you of your gifts... had I not, you would be with me and not in this situation.

She stroked Cali's hand and began to cry... again.

"Down!" Kat yelled as she fired at the insurgents. Lexi moved off to her right to find an advantageous positron. She laid down some fire while Kat repositioned closer. Lexi and Kat opened fire and progressively picked off the aggressors. As the final insurgent hit the ground, Kat stood and scanned the area cautiously. She nodded to left and turned to the crew.

"Come on!" She waved them forward.

The crew and doctor approached cautiously. But paused as a group of soldiers approached. Kat held up a hand as she mag-locked her pistol to her hip.

"Hail!" She called to them.

"What are you doing her Kurn?!" One man shouted from a "safe" distance. Serra stepped next to her.

"Saving your asses! And delivering medical supplies."

"You're welcome!" Lexi added. The lead man stepped forward and noticed the doctor with the mule in tow.

"Doctor! You're early!" He smiled.

"Thanks to these fine folks." He replied.

"Then I guess I owe you a thanks." He reached out a hand to Kat. "And an apology." Serra took it, then Kat did as well.

"We are grateful." A woman joined them and smiled warmly.

"We just wanted to help." Kat returned her smile.

"And get paid." Lexi added. Serra rolled her eyes at her Ops officer.

"Doctor," the man said gesturing him on. "We must hurry incase more pirates arrive." He turned to Kat and Serra. "You and your crew are welcome to rest awhile."

"Thank you." Serra replied. "Let's get the lay of the land, then go back for the shuttle."

"Right." Kat nodded in agreement. After the group passed by, Kat grabbed Serra's arm and held back a moment.

"Something doesn't feel right." She said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Serra asked. She had learned to trust Kat's instincts.

"This little... fire fight felt a little too... easy." She said. "And something about this doctor rubs me the wrong way."

"We'll stay on our toes then." Serra said.

A huge black star ship hung silently above the world of Dir'tril 3 and several smaller ships patrolled around it. Deep in the bowels of the ship a small dark room was filled with several people in white surgical garb swarming around a body on the table. Two people stood on the other side of an observation window looking on.

"Do you really think this will work?" The man asked.

"Do you question our great work?" She asked.

"Of course not Ms. Kavanagh, I just wonder if the expense will be worth it." He stated.

"I appreciate you being concerned about the financial issues with this endeavor G, but the Organization can't afford not to pursue this." She replied.

"We'll get our asset back and gain a new weapon." She nodded towards the body on the table. After several hours the activity died down and the medical personnel exited the room. One of them approached Miss Kavanagh and G. Taking a deep breath, he nodded.

"Well?" Miss Kavanagh urged him.

"He's... alive."

"Alive?! How?" G asked. "He's been dead for weeks!"

"Now, now..." Miss Kavanagh waved the doctor away. "The technology the Organization commands is beyond the boundaries of life and death. The advancement we've made in cybernetics are... truly miraculous."


"He'll be awake in a little while." The doctor said as he exited the room.

"Come." Miss Kavanagh said and entered the operating theater. She looked over the doctors work, cybernetic implants and augmentation. Her long slender fingers ran down the metal ridges of his cybernetic arm.

"Very well done!" She declared. Suddenly, the body on the table awoke, his eyes opened and looked directly at Miss Kavanagh.

"Where?" His voice was rough, raspy and low. She looked down and smirked.

"Welcome to the Obelisk, Mr Hawk."

The crew rested and ate while the doctor and the staff of the outpost unloaded the supplies and cared for the injured civilians from the recent attacks. Kat, ever alert, watched all the activity while Serra leaned against her large shoulder and picked at her plate of surprisingly tasty food.

"I'm worried about Cali, is there anything else that can be done?" Saphina asked.

"We're all worried, but I don't-"

"No." Doctor Tiisi'min interjected. "There's nothing more medically that can be done... unless you bring her to the surface. You just don't have the facilities in your ship that are needed. You should just stay awhile and we'll do what we can to help her."

The crew was taken aback by the formerly quiet, unassuming doctor suddenly being so assertive.

"That's not a bad idea." Serra said.

"Of course it is." He snapped. Kat narrowed her eyes at the doctor and leaned down to Serra.

"Something doesn't...smell right."

Elsewhere, in another part of the galaxy, a group of three men sat in a small, black stone chamber talking in hushed tones. A single light shined above the table, casting the rest of the room in deep shadows. Until the door swung open and another man entered, his face was shrouded deep in a hood.

"Good, good... so you have the information we've been looking for?" One of the men at the table asked the newcomer. He silently nodded in reply.

"Excellent." Another replied. One of the men looked over his shoulder and nodded. An unseen figure who has been obscured by the gloom stepped forward. The hooded figure stumbled back a couple steps. A giant of a man emerged from the darkness and approached them. He wore burnished dark copper and black iron armor, a long red cloak, a heavy pistol on one hip, a large iron bound tome hung on the opposite hip and he carried a massive two handed warhammer that seemed to seethe with an unnerving energy.

"Give our associate the information." One of them said. The smaller hooded figure handed him an information spike and took two more steps back. The giant looked to the men seated around the table. They nodded to him and he grinned evilly and hefted his hammer high in the air.

"But... why?! No!" He pleaded, as his life was coming to an end. The large head of the hammer fell heavily onto him, exploding his head, viscera sprayed around the room and in all the inhabitants of said room.

"Now, be on your way and get this thing done!"

The giant nodded and exited the room, leaving the destroyed man bleeding out on the floor.

"Who's going to clean up this mess?!" One man remarked.

On the Naginata, Il'taira was deep in a trance. Her spirit had left her body and was inside Cali's mind, trying to find her spark. Her shadowy spirit flew through the darkness of Cali's mind aimlessly. She was disheartened at how dark and... lifeless it was. Especially after seeing how bright and warm it had been. She had been at it for hours, but she had not even caught a glimpse of any sign of Cali. Expending her power in this way was exhausting, but she was determined to push herself as far as she could.

Was she truly gone? Il'taira just couldn't believe it, she wouldn't believe or accept it! She dove deeper into Cali's psyche... until she saw a tiny blue-green light off in the distance! Barely a flicker, but she was still there! Il'taira pushed herself deeper into Cali's mind in order to try and find a way to bring her back. Her mind was beginning to fray at the expenditure of power, but she refused to give up.

"Cali!" She screamed with her mind. She pushed her spirit toward the faint light. Her frustration grew as the harder she pushed the further away the light seemed to be. She tried to call out again, but no sound came out. Her frustration continued to fuel her desire to save her lover, but hope was fleeting as exhaustion began to take her. Her mind began to fade as she felt like she might pass out from over exertion. Black tears fell from her eyes as she fainted.

Later, Serra and Kat prepared to head back to retrieve the shuttle when a dark haired woman in a long white coat, white shirt, brown breeches and glasses approached them. They looked up at her questioningly and cautiously.

"I... I'm sorry to bother you, but I have to warn you about something."

Kat stood up to her full six and a half feet and took up a defensive posture. "Speak." She said bluntly. The woman took a step back nervously. Serra stood and put a gentle hand on the warrior's arm.

"What's your name?" Serra asked.

"Amara, I'm a medic here." She replied.

"Nice to meet you Amara, now, what did you need to warn us about?"

She looked over her shoulder then leaned close to them. "It's doctor Tiisi'min, I read some of his reports from his time on your ship." She began nervously.

"And?" Kat replied impatiently.

"Kat, please." Serra tried to put Amara at ease.

"His notes mentioned... some new subject he was excited to experiment on... something named Il... Il'taira." She said,

"What?!" Kat growled.

"Why?" Serra asked.

"His notes mentioned something about a rare mutation in their genetic makeup, he thinks he can... weaponize it." She looked at them confused. "Does that make any sense?"

Kat looked at Serra grimly. "How could he even know about Il'taira's... condition?"

"I do know he has researched thousands of different species and specifically ones with... abilities. Kurn with specific genetic anomalies giving an appearance of stark white hair and skin... one in millions."

"Hmmm..." Serra looked at Kat. Amara cleared her throat. "Oh, by the way... your friend, Cali... the doctor caused her coma."

"What?!" Serra exclaimed.

"Yes, he said that he injected her with a toxin that causes a beat death like state. He assumed you would bring her to the surface so he could do his experiment with proper facilities."

"Why would he tell you all of this?" Serra asked.

"I've been his assistant for almost two years, he thinks he can trust me... frankly, I never have." Amara explained.

"I can't..." Serra grabbed Kat's arm.

"He figured he could convince you that he could save her life, but not right away, so he could force you all to stay and probably kill you." Amara added.

"We've gotta get out of here." Serra said to Kat.

"Agreed." Kat nodded in agreement.

"Thank you Amara, we appreciate this." Serra said to the young woman.

Kat turned to Serra and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Stay here, I'll go after the shuttle. We'll head up to the Naginata before sunrise, before anyone notices we're gone."

"Please hurry." Serra replied.

"Let Lexi and Saphina know what's going on and to get ready."

Serra nodded and hugged the warrior. "Be careful."

"Always my love." Kat replied with a smile. She hurried off into the dark. After she vanished, Amara stepped forward.


"Yes Amara?"

"When this all happens, may I get passage off world? I'm scared to face any repercussions that will likely arise if the doctor realizes it was me that informed you." Her eyes were large and pleading behind her glasses. Serra looked off in the direction Kat went and cleared her throat.

"Please! You can drop me anywhere else, I just need to-"

"We're a ship full of misfits." Serra began. Amara cocked her head in confusion.

"Do you need a medic?" Amara risked a grin.

"Wellll..." Serra teased.

"I can help Cali! I can make an anti venom to neutralize what the doctor gave her." Amara added. "I've copied his notes."

Serra felt like she'd been punched in the gut. She, of course, worried about her dear friend, but not enough. Guilt washed over her. Amara held her breath waiting for an answer. Finally she turned to Amara and gave her a smile. "We could use a ship doctor. I think we have room for you." Serra smiled. Amara smiled thankfully and rushed off to gather what few belongings she had and possibly some supplies. Just then, four men from the settlement approached Serra and stared her down. She looked at each of them in turn and smirked.


"Where is your red-skinned friend?" One man grumbled. Saphina, who was sitting with Lexi about fifteen yards away, observed the interaction with concern. She reached out and tapped Lexi's leg, who turned to see what she was looking at.

"Shit!" Lexi said in a low tone.

"She's visiting the ladies room, why?"

"We don't trust those red bastards." Another replied.

"Red... bastards?!" Serra growled.

"Don't act like those...things... aren't murderous, bloodthirsty killers."

Saphina got to her feet and Lexi followed her toward the men. Much to Lexi's surprise, Saphina produces a pair of wicked curved daggers from under her sash, that were sheathed on a hidden leather belt.

"You have no idea-" Serra began.

"Your information is out of date!" Saphina interjected.

"Shut up bitch!" One barked at her.

"Listen to me you-" a fist interrupted her! Taking a swing at her. Saphina was not the warrior Kat was, but she had been trained in Do'tar, Kurn knife fighting. She side stepped his bow and leaned out, one of her blades dug deep into his forearm. One of the other men drove at her, swinging wildly. She selected the first blow, but the second setting connected!

Saphina staggered back a step, causing Lexi to fly into a rage. She charged the puncher and tackled him to the ground! She took up a mount position and rained fists down on him. Her teeth clenched tightly, she swore and insulted him and his mother.

"Lexi!" Serra yelled as another man took a swing at her. She ducked the strike and punched him in the nose. Blood gushed from his face as he covered his nose with his hands and staggered away. Still another tried to pull Lexi off his compatriot, but Serra grabbed him and pulled him away. Lexi continued to pound her target's gave into a bloody pulp. Serra flipped the third man over her hip into the ground and kicked him as hard as she could. She attempted to kick him again, but the fourth man shoved her away, causing her to stumble and fall to her knees.

"Stay out of this bitch!" He yelled. "Don't defend those monsters!"

Just then, the shuttle roared overhead, landing lights blinding the entire group. The shuttle began to descend, but before it reached the ground a dark figure dropped to the ground from the back of the shuttle. Katarina charged the man that had shoved Serra with a swing of her mighty, decades of training fist; she sent him reeling. The others recovered and moved on the warrior. Kat smirked, "only three of you?" She smirked as the man she punched staggered to his feet. The one Lexi attacked still lay on the ground, possibly dead.

"Come on!" one man yelled and the three of them charged her. Kat dodged the first swing, grabbed the wrist of the second attacker. Her powerful arms tossed him away like he was nothing, but the third landed a punch... with little effect. Kat gave him an evil smile and punched him, punched him again and a third time in rapid succession. He doubled over in pain, but Kat grabbed the back of his head and drove her knee up shattering his face! Still another, the one Saphina had wounded, close in on the warrior. Kat turned to face him, but again, Lexi jumped past her, tackling him and repeating her earlier tactic of beating him bloody. Kat fished off the other two, one with a double fisted blow and the last one with an uppercut. Her powerful arm pushed so much force into the man's jaw, she shattered it! None of them were a match for the veteran of a hundred battles and a former assassin in Lexi.

"Kat!" Serra called to her. Kat rushed to her side and knelt down. Serra sat on a rock holding her ankle. Saphina and Lexi approached them, Saphina had sheathed her daggers and was holding her cheek.

"What happened?"

"They just attacked us!" She replied.

"No, silly. What happened to your ankle?" Kat asked, gently reaching for her ankle.

"I got pushed and stumbled, twisting my ankle like a clutz." She explained. Kat turned to Saphina and Lexi.

"Are you two alright?"

"Yeah." Lexi nodded grimly, gore dripping from her fists. She wiped it off on her shirt and took Saphina's hand in hers. The Kurn looked up at Lexi with love and deep admiration for not hesitating and protecting her. Saphina, while Kurn, was not a warrior like Katarina, but she could defend herself as she was schooled in a Kurn style of combat called Ser'un Druk, or the way of the swift blade, a sub sect of Do'tar. Kat looked past them to another man creeping behind Lexi and Saphina with a wicked looking blade.

"Saphina!" Kat tried to warn her, but before any of them could react, a shot rang out! The man's head exploded! The group looked beyond their would be attacker to see the medic, Amara. A case in one hand, a bag on her back and a slug pistol in her other hand.

"Thank you." Saphina said, grateful as Amara reaches them.

"Guys, this is Amara, our new ship's doctor." Serra gave her a grateful smile.

"Another wayward soul?" Kat asked her. Serra smiled at her, but was distracted by more people approaching. Kat helped Serra to her feet to see a larger group of armed men rushing up the hill.

"Let's get out of here!" Serra said. Lexi and Saphina nodded in agreement and rushed to the shuttle.

"Come on Amara!" Serra waved for her to follow. Kat scooped up the captain and effortlessly carried her to the shuttle. Serra looked up at the warrior and smiled. Kat didn't notice as she was determined to get all of them to safety. As they rushed up the ramp, she noticed Lexi preparing for take off. Serra reached back and hit the boarding ramp closure mechanism.

"Get us out of here!" Serra yelled. Lexi pulled hard on the controls and the shuttle jumped into the air. A few shots rang off the hull, to no effect. Kat gently set Serra on a bench seat and kneeled in front of her. She took Serra's foot in her hands and untied her boot. She carefully pulled it off and peeled off her sock and grimaced as she saw that Serra's ankle was already black and blue.

"Oh Serra!" She whispered. Amara knelt next to her.

"May I?"

Kat noddedand slid over. Amara gently took Serra's foot in her hands and probed her ankle with her fingers. Serra winced in pain. Amara frowned and looked up at her sympathetically.

"What is it doc?"

"I'm not a doctor." Amara replied. She paused and continued. "It's a pretty bad sprain, you'll need to stay off it for a while."

"Got it." Serra nodded. Amara reached into her bag and pulled out some bandages and wrapped Serra's ankle.

"Thanks doc." Kat said warmly.

"I'm not a doctor." Amara mumbled.

"Shit!" Lexi exclaimed from the pilot's seat. Kat gently touched Serra's arm, who smiled and nodded to her. She returned the smile and went to Lexi's side.

"What is it?" Kat asked.

"Pursuit ships." Lexi replied and pushed the throttle, forcing the shuttle to its limits.

"Damn." Kat said. She moved to the copilot seat and called to the Naginata. After several moments of no response, she slammed her fist on the console. Just then, the shuttle shuddered as several shots from the ship's hit it.

"Push this piece of junk to the breaking point!" Kat insisted. Lexi nodded grimly and pushed as hard as she could. The pursuit ships closed in as the shuttle, not built for speed, started to breach the upper atmosphere.