Will You Merry Me?


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She released the grasp on her tits and let my cock fall free. As she stood up, my cum ran down her the insides of her breasts, across her stomach, seeming to search for her pussy, doing its job to try and impregnate her.

Jenn took a section of her torn, discarded leggings and wiped my cum from her stomach. She then mopped up her tits. When she was finished, she sat naked on the couch next to me and cuddled in close. I held her with one arm as I gently massaged my limp cock with the other hand, attempting to ride the orgasm wave as long as I could.

I leaned in to kiss her. We embraced each other, and I held her close. At that moment, I imagined she and I together long into the future. It was the perfect moment.

She looked at the elf charm I had given her with a smile.

"This will always remind me of us."

"Is there an us?" I asked. "I know I would like that to be true."

"Why would you want to have me as a girlfriend?"

"Because you're fun to be with, you're kind, and we have a connection."

She gave me a warm hug, but no verbal response. I didn't want to push it, not after spending an intimate moment with her.

We dressed and left Santa's Village for the last time. The mall was closed, with only the night cleaning crew left to do their work. I drove Jenn to her parent's house with little conversation.

We had grown close over the past three weeks and had been intimate just an hour ago. What happens now, I wondered?

"I feel lost in this city. I swear I'm a character in a Bruce Springsteen song, just trapped here for the rest of my life," she said sadly.

"I know we've only had a few weeks together, but they've been great. I don't need to go back to school in Boston. Let's do it. Drive west."

"I would love that, but-"

"But what?" I demanded.

"I don't know. My parents, for one. My job."

"We gotta get out while we're young," I said desperately.

"You are quoting a Bruce Springsteen song."

"I am trying to tell you I will come by your house on the 28th, and if you are ready to change your life, to stop feeling lost, you'll get in that car with me, and we won't stop until you sleep on an island."

"An island?"

"Because you wanted to," I said with complete sincerity. I was 100% committed to this idea.

"Do you promise? Promise to come for me?"

I nodded my head yes. I had just committed to Jenn to drop out of college and drive with her west until we found an island. This was crazy. My parents would be furious. God, I wanted this more than anything in life.

Pulling onto Jenn's street, I saw a car parked in front of her house. On her lawn, Jimmy was waiting.

"Jenn, where the hell have you been?" he said with anger in his voice.

"I work Christmas Eve, Jimmy. Why are you here?"

Jenn turned to face me.

"I had a great time tonight, and I don't want it to end, but I've got to deal with this. The 28th, right? You promise to get me the 28th?"

I nodded yes.

"You going to be okay?"

She nodded yes and got out of the car.

"Hey, Davey. Quit moving in on her just because we broke up. Couldn't wait, huh, guy?" Jimmy shouted.

"Knock it off Jimmy. He drove me home, that's all."

Her "that's all" statement stung. It was an excellent opportunity to tell Chad she had moved on from him and I was someone special.

I watched her in the rearview as I drove away and never saw her again for twenty years.




"I have an expired coupon for Chunky soup. Will you take it?" the angry woman at the checkout line shouted. The checker looked over to me.

"Jenn, Chunky soup coupon from 2002? Yes? No?"

It was Christmas Eve, and the year-old coupon was worth 30 cents. What did I care? Price Chopper had never been great to me, so who cares if they took the hit on thirty cents? I nodded yes.

Despite my kindness, the woman looked at me with the disdain people show to service workers. She was demanding a thirty-cent discount, yet I was somehow beneath her. How could I be pushing forty years old and have worked at the same grocery store for two decades?

Rochester had lost a little bit of everything over the past twenty years. Businesses had left, and this once prosperous area was joining all the other cities of the Rust Belt and slowly decaying away. This coming year, I was going to get out of this town. I said it in the past, but things needed to change, and leaving Rochester was at the top of my list.

My shift ended early, enough to hit the mall for some last-minute gift shopping. I was getting worse each year when it came to Christmas, putting things off. I would get my Mom a sweater from Penny's. She didn't need or want it, but I was out of ideas, time, and money, so it would be a sweater. I know Christmas is a time of wonder and joy, but it was one day I could spend off my feet, and that's about it.

I walked through the mall, noting that some storefronts were empty. Only a few, but the mall was jam-packed back in my teen years and not so much this year. As I approached JC Penny's, I saw Santa's Village. It was the same set of buildings the mall had used for years. Wow, it had been twenty years since I worked as one of Santa's elves--the toy shop, bakery, and Santa's Castle that held the break room.

I recalled Christmas Eve in 1983 and my one-night stand with Davey Powell in Santa's Castle. After three weeks of working together as elves, we did it after the mall closed. Thinking back, that was the highlight of my sexual adventures, a moment I relived now and again when I needed self-relief, which lately seemed to be often.

The line for Santa was long, and the elves looked unconvincing. Santa, on the other hand, was on point.

I did a double-take. Santa not only looked like a real Santa but also like the Mall Santa I had worked with twenty years ago. I moved in to get a better look as a kid jumped off his lap.

Santa looked at me with an all-knowing smile and winked. It had to be the same guy. I remember his gift of pot brownies and how the high from that treat lowered the tension between Davey and me. I waved at him, and he returned a smile and blew me a kiss. It was a strange moment, and I felt like I was in a Mentos commercial.

Heading into JCPenney's, a man walked past on his cell phone. He didn't see me, but I saw him and sidestepped right into a bench to avoid being knocked over. I slammed my shins.

"Oh shit," I said out loud as I massaged my legs. The man pocketed his phone and turned to help me.

"I am so sorry; that is my fault," he said as he approached. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I said in frustration.

"Jenn? Jenn Ostern?"

I looked up at the man for the first time. He was my age, well-dressed, and handsome. He looked at me like we knew each other and...

"Davey? Davey Powell?" I said in amazement. "Oh, my God. I was thinking about you. Just now."

"Really? Why would you..."

Davey looked over at Santa's Castle and smiled.

"Well, maybe not such a random thought. If that building could talk."

"Do you live here?" I asked.

"No. I live in Austin now. I'm just back to see my parents. Well, my mom. She's still here. What about you?"

"Still here. Hometown girl. Not going anywhere."

I was so embarrassed to admit I never got out of town and tried to change the topic.

"My God, you look great," I said.

"Me? How about you? I don't think you've aged at all," he replied.

"That's the Davey I remember, always a kind word."

"Hey, you got some time? Let's get a drink at Kahunaville and catch up," he asked. "I know it's Christmas Eve, and you've got family-"

"I would love to," I replied a little too fast. "If there is one thing I could use right now, it's a drink and an excuse not to get home early."

Kahunaville was open on the mall's first floor for a few more hours. There were several twenty-somethings having drinks, but overall, the place was pretty empty. We sat in a quiet booth and had two tiki drinks. It was the most un-Christmas thing we could think of.

Davey was an engineer living in Austin. He was married for ten years and divorced the past four. He had a daughter who lived with her mother and was in town to visit his mom as his father had died earlier this year.

"Christmas is always stressful," he admitted. "I don't want to be a Grinch, but I'm happy when it's over. All the obligations. It's too much."

He could tell his remarks were a downer and brightened up.

"But this. This is nuts, running into you on Christmas Eve. I mean right here in the mall where we worked together and..."

"Fucked?" I replied, catching him a little off guard.

"I was going to say we enjoyed each other's company," he said politely.

There was an awkward silence.

"Hey, Look at this."

I pulled out my necklace to show him I was wearing the elf charm he gave me twenty years ago.

"You've still got that? I bought it at Merry-Go-Round.

"Well, that store is ancient history. I wear it every December. It reminds me of being young before life got complicated.

Davey could sense the conversation getting melancholy.

"I remember that night so clearly," he whispered.

"We were stoned on Santa's secret brownie stash."

"That was a first for me. Getting stoned."

"What happened?" he asked. "What happened on the 28th?"

I knew this question was coming. Best to address it now.

"Jimmy and I got back together on Christmas. He came to me so apologetic. So sad, and he played me. I seem to attract that kind of loser."

"I drove by your house on the 28th, like we planned. I waited outside for two hours."

I know. I saw you parked there. I was torn. Part of me wanted to go. Part of me wanted you to go on without me. I was relieved when you left.

"I didn't go west; I went back to school."

A year later, I married Jimmy," I said flatly. "It was a mistake. He had so many get-rich-quick schemes and got involved with some bad people. We lost our savings. He was a drinker, and a few years later, he got into an accident that left him paralyzed.

"Oh, Jenn, I am so sorry. That must have been so difficult for you."

"I was set to leave him, but that kept me trapped for years."

"That's horrible."

"No, it's good now. He died from the complications, and while that sounds mean, it freed me for the first time. It's just me now, and I'm getting back out there. I'm thinking of getting a degree. Maybe business."

"I wish you had come with me," Davey said.

"As I said, I don't have a history of great decisions. Except that night in Santa's Castle. That decision I'll never regret."

"We were awkward. I know I was."

"Yeah, you could not have told twenty-year-old me that sex takes some practice," I said.

"Sometimes I think if I had a time machine, I would use it to go back and tell myself some good sex moves."

"So, you wouldn't kill Hitler as a child? I asked. "You would just go tell yourself some sex moves?"

"Sure, but let me do the sex thing first. It might be hard to get in the mood after killing a kid, even if he's Hitler."

The sweet drinks packed a punch, and I felt a little liquid courage boiling.

"So, what exactly would you tell young Davey? And more importantly, when?"

"Well, I would start by urging him to visit other parts of a woman's anatomy. See what she's open to trying. Pleasure can be created in so many tight spots."

"Excellent; you might also tell him to buy Microsoft stock."

"Yes, I'll be sure to do that. What would you tell young Jennifer?"

"I'd tell her about sex toys. Don't wait until you are older to buy sex toys. And porn. Watch some porn, and get some innovative ideas. I'd tell her this thing called the internet is coming, and it has porn, and you can order sex toys instead of going to Spencer Gifts."

"Nice. Also, be sure to remind her about Apple stock."

"You know what I would do first? I would tell her to run off with you twenty years ago."

"And I would tell 20-year-old Davey to stay parked outside your house until you did."

The subject was sadly nostalgic, so I looked for a way to change the topic.

"How is it sleeping in your old bed?"

"Oh, I'm at a hotel. I will not sleep on a twin bed. Plus, my mom gets up early and watches the news at full blast. I'm at the Courtyard Hotel, right across the street."

"Nothing says Christmas like staying in a hotel."

"Hey, it's OK. They got everything I needed: a TV, a comfortable bed, and a couch."

"Bathtub or a shower?"

"Both. Like I said, this place has it all."

"I would do anything for a bath," I said flatly. It was the truth. "My bathtub hasn't worked in four years. It leaks, and frankly, I don't have the money to fix it."

"If taking a bath is the simple pleasure that makes you happy, please be my guest. Make it as hot and as long as you like."

"You serious?"

"Think of this as a Christmas gift."

"I'm going to take you up on this offer."

Davey paid the tab, and we stood up to walk. The strength of the drinks gave us both a slight stagger, and he held my hand to steady me.

As we walked outside, we were met by the frigid air. I turned to him.

"Look, I want to bathe because I worked all day and don't feel very pretty."

"That's crazy, you look amazing." He politely replied.

"Thanks. But I want to be clean when you fuck me tonight."

Davey was caught off guard by the directness of my statement, but the night wasn't getting much younger, and if this was going to happen, someone had to put it out there, so I did.

There was no response needed on his part.

We ran across the empty mall parking lot to the Courtyard Hotel and went to Davey's room in seconds. It was a large suite with a king bed, ample seating, and a spacious bathroom. I removed my coat and turned on the water, feeling it with my hand to get it nice and hot. Davey handed me some bath salts.

"I'll wait out there."

"You don't want to watch?"

"Do you want me to watch?"

I nodded yes as I pulled my sweater off, revealing my Price Chopper polo shirt. If I had any idea I would be getting laid tonight, the Price Chopper shirt would be the last item I would choose to wear. I pulled it off to reveal my work sports bra. Not very sexy, but then again, I was not looking to turn anyone on at the grocery store.

I unbuttoned my jeans and slid out of them. Davey was watching like a hungry child. Wearing only my bikini briefs, I bent over the tub to feel the water and stir the salts. I could feel his eyes on my ass like a warm caress.

I stood and turned just inches away. I unhooked my bra, and my medium-sized breasts spilled out. I then stepped out of my panties, revealing my fully shaved pussy. At least I had groomed it recently, so it was clean and bald. The tip of my clit stuck out like a tongue. I led Davey to the toilet so he could sit and watch, then stepped into the tub and relaxed in the warm water. I love taking baths, and this was my best present in a long time.

"You're looking at my tits, aren't you?"

"Well, I'm looking at all of you, but yeah, your breasts..."

"-Are smaller. I had a breast reduction about eight years ago. They were so big and even got bigger after you and I were last together. My back hurt, and I was tired of hearing people talk about my porn tits."

"So, it's better now? They look great. I mean, they look perfect."

"So much better. My husband, though, fought me on it. He wouldn't pay, but I got my health plan to cover it. So, he couldn't stop me."

"But he must have been pleased afterward. I mean, you look amazing. You're forty, and look, I don't know, twenty-eight?"

"Thank you, that's kind. I never got those kinds of comments from him. It turns out he like parading his big titty wife around. He was furious. He refused to sleep with me for six months, and then came the accident, and that was it for him. Nothing worked after that. Thank God for sex toys."

I lay back and looked at Davey as my hand drifted across my stomach toward my bare pussy.

"Sex toys are good," he agreed.

I nodded in agreement.

"They can get me off. The only orgasm I ever had without a toy was the one time I was with you."

"You're just saying that."

"No, it's true--my one and only."

I took a cloth and began to wash myself. Davey kneeled by the tub and took the cloth from me. He applied some bath gel and washed my arms, neck, and back. More gel, and he raised my arms and cleaned my armpits.

Moving to my legs, he scrubbed my stomach and then moved to my pussy, gently cleaning it outside and in. I opened my legs wider, and he moved the towel to my perineum and, finally, my back passage, gently cleaning it inside and out.

When he was done, I stood up. Soap and water dripped off my body. Despite the warm water, my nipples were hard in anticipation.

"Throw me a towel."

He threw me a tiny face cloth and smiled.

I gently wiped my pussy dry of the bathwater and threw the cloth back at him. I waited to see how long it would take him to....

I had not even finished my thought when Davey brought the cloth to his face to smell my wetness.

I reached for a robe, threw it on, and walked over to Davey, who continued to watch my every move. Opening the robe just enough to reveal my left tit, I cupped my breast and held it out for him.

He moved in with his hands, feeling his way, and brought his mouth to my areola, closed around it, and created a pleasant suction as he let his tongue tease my tender red nipples.

I pushed him back and met his mouth with mine. Our tongues danced around each other's mouths, tickling and teasing from inside.

Walking away, I left the bathroom and crawled on the width of the bed, remaining on all fours. I was feeling wild and primal. The idea of presenting myself from behind, like an animal in heat, caused my pussy to water in anticipation. I looked at the mirror on the wall and saw Davey approaching me from behind. When he got close enough, he flipped the robe up, revealing my round ass.

While he could have done any number of approaches, including coming around to the other side of the bed and making me suck his cock, or climbing on the bed and fucking me from behind, he did neither. Instead, he leaned over and separated my ass cheeks, massaging them while studying my waiting ass and pussy.

Working in a hot grocery store and spending all day on my feet caused me to sweat. A coworker told me how she shaved her pubic hair all off, keeping her far more comfortable. I began to clean shave a few years ago and loved the feeling. While my reasons were not sexual, in my private moments, I would finger myself in front of a mirror, getting excited at the view of my slit and asshole. My pussy was pink with lips that protruded slightly, and my backside was a dark wrinkled circle punctuated by a tiny round button of the flesh in the center. I'm sure a psychiatrist could tell me why I enjoyed viewing myself during masturbation, but I'm not sure I want to hear the reason.

Davey's face was against my ass cheeks as he hovered over my backside, inhaling my clean scent. He pried my cheeks wider, and his tongue circled the wrinkles around my dark opening. The flesh on my perineum goose bumped as he licked, rotated, and then probed. I wanted him to push his tongue through my opening and attempt to gape myself open.

He followed my lead down the rabbit hole while I brought my fingers up from underneath and massaged my clit, which was sweating my wetness onto the comforter, creating a growing wet stain.

Davey was the first man who would taste my hairless pussy and ass, and I was thankful I had shaved myself this morning. Was it in anticipation of this moment? Did I have a hunch that I would be with Davey tonight after so much time had passed?

The touch of his tongue on the wrinkles of my opening sent shivers through my body, and I rocked forward and widened my stance. My pussy opened slowly as my viscous wetness parted like a curtain before a show. I tipped myself down, pushing my open buttocks into Davey's face. His mouth moved to my pussy and began a more aggressive attack. I could have cum right then and there. My wetness was growing, and I had to make a choice: ride his tongue right off the cliff or change positions. I had not been fucked in years, and I knew I needed that feeling. Pushing forward, I removed my ass from Davey's face and then rolled over with a smile that told him the best was yet to come.