With Open Arms Pt. 02


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And the final area of security that needed to be fixing was the penthouse area. As the elevators had been set up, anyone could access Jennifer's floor even though the apartment was the only one on the floor. After Jennifer had petitioned the co-op board for an emergency meeting regarding unwelcome guests harassing her all hours of the night, something that wasn't happening, the board had agreed to meet with her. There she had presented them with a plan to have an upgrade installed in the elevator controls that would allow for access to the penthouse floor only by someone with a key and the proper access code. A camera in the elevator would provide a direct feed to the control panel in Jennifer's apartment. From there, she would be able to see anyone in the car and decide whether to enter the code from her end to allow them up. To their benefit, she offered to pay for the entire upgrade herself, and it wasn't cheap either. That had been all they needed to hear to vote unanimously to approve the update.

The one thing that she hadn't counted on but should have was Kacy's insistence that she take a few lessons in how a submissive of Marianne's temperament needed to be treated by her domme. Like it or not, that would be the role I would be fulfilling for her as well as the role of girlfriend, so she insisted on the lessons. Jennifer had assumed that would require a few hours of talk on the subject with maybe a little role-playing between the two friends, but no, because, as we all know by now, Kacy isn't a submissive. Once Jennifer had managed to gag down the bile necessary to swallow that particular morsel, she'd inquired as to who would be teaching her then.

In the door had walked Trixie dressed in every bit as slutty an outfit as she had been the last time they'd met. The first night was spent discussing the subject with Jennifer while she took copious notes at Kacy's insistence. They considered what was acceptable and what wasn't and how Jennifer should always be in charge when it came to sexual matters. She explained how to most effectively humiliate Marianne at the right time to elevate her arousal and drive it forward with the goal of her achieving climax.

The next two nights consisted of Trixie drilling her in the practical application of what she'd learned so far, which sounded just like what it was, mainly Jennifer haranguing Trixie as to what a slut she was while the girl licked and sucked on her pussy. All in all, it wasn't a lousy chore to have to perform if you could get assigned it. Of course, there was also the part about picking out your subs outfits, so they were designed to degrade and humiliate her when it was appropriate. There were also talks about how she would expect me to share her with other women at times, particularly in the event it would humiliate her.

Jennifer had to admit; she found many of the thoughts and activities carried out over those few days with Trixie to be highly arousing. The dream of being able to perform them on Marianne was becoming more appealing as the days went by.

When the big day had come, at last, Charlie and Tabitha showed up to help her gain entrance to see Marianne. Though she now knew how her friend currently felt about her, she wasn't sure her fear of reprisal from Zoe would prevent her from letting Jennifer in the door.

When the buzzer sounded on the new control panel, Jennifer checked the new video monitor and saw her two friends both giving her the finger through the screen. She entered her code and turned her key, freeing the elevator car to stop on her floor.

" Well, aren't you security conscious," Jennifer teased as the two of them entered through her front door. "Yeah," said Tabitha joining in on their comedy routine, "we were half expecting to find security on your front door."

Jennifer rolled her eyes at the two women before hugging them both. They took in her outfit, which consisted of a light purple sundress with white lace along the hem. "You don't look like any domme I've ever seen," said Tabitha. Jennifer laughed and teased back, "Seen a lot of dommes, have you?" She then clarified things for her friend. "I'm taking over the role as her domme, not her dominatrix; there is a difference, you know."

Tabby rolled her eyes and held up a joint, asking, "Whatever, where can we burn this before we head down to enact your fiendish plot of love."

Jennifer pointed towards the rear balcony, saying, "You two go ahead and partake while I finish getting ready. I don't want to go down smelling like ganja while I try to seduce the love of my life."

Jennifer placed the implements she intended to carry with her inside the backpack. She was signaling for war in every way. The tools inside that bag would allow me to indicate my intent to take over and lay my claim on the woman I now know I love.

When my two stone friends finally joined me from the back deck, I explained to them the way I thought things should go. Provided things went smoothly; there was no reason why their part in this little fiasco couldn't be over in mere minutes.

As the three of us entered the elevator, Jennifer gave out last-minute instructions. Charlie and Tabitha's sole job was to use their existing friendship with Marianne to gain entrance into her's and Zoe's apartment. Once they'd accomplished that, it would be Jennifer's job to enter the studio and calm Marianne's fears enough to get her to listen to Jennifer tell her she in love with her. After that, the two women could leave after helping Marianne pack. It would then be up to Jennifer to mark her territory.

Once the elevator doors opened on the ninth floor, the three friends stepped out and with one final hug for good luck, made their way to the door in question.

While Jennifer stood out to the side, Charlie and Tabitha began their regular goofy routine of knocking repetitively to gain the occupant's attention.

It took only seconds for the door to opened and Marianne's smiling face to appear. "Charlie, Tabby, please, come on in," M begged her friends. Before she could close it, the one person she most wanted to see but least expected to visit entered into the apartment did just that.

Jennifer didn't force her way inside; she didn't have to. It took the two women making eye contact for Marianne to begin to back away from the doorway instantly.

"You can't be here Jenn, Ar you crazy? If she finds out, she'll make the both of us pay."

Jennifer didn't stop moving forward. She did remove the backpack she wore around her shoulder and tossed it to the ground. Continuing forward, she said, "I don't care, M, I'm so in love with you, I'd face down any danger for the chance to be with you."

Upon hearing those words, Marianne finally stopped backing up. She froze in place for a moment and asked, "Do you mean that Jenn?"

Jennifer smiled as she reached the woman she loved. Bringing a hand up to cup her right cheek, she answered, "I should have had the courage to say it the night of that stupid party my mother threw and countless other times. Nothing should have kept me away from you, and I'm ashamed of every second I allowed it to happen. Yes, Baby. I mean it more than you could imagine, and I always will."

And with that, their lips finally came together in a soft, sweet moment of passion. Their tongues were crashing together over and over as their mouths collided again and again. Marianne moaned into the kiss as Jennifer's hand slid across her cheek and around behind her head, pulling her in tighter, claiming her lips possessively. This moment, kissing the person she was mean to be with for the remainder of her life was pure joy. She did not doubt that, none whatsoever.

When their lips finally separated, Marianne looked up at the woman she'd dreamed of and lusted after for years and returned her words of adoration. "I love you too, Jenn. I've been in love with you since the night of that party freshman year when you rescued me from my self-destructive behavior. I've dreamt of this moment since then, and I can't believe it's finally come."

Tabitha clearing her voice behind us finally brought us out of our little bubble of love and back, at least temporarily, into the real world.

"You two are just about the cutest thing ever, and Charlie and I are thrilled that we no longer have to do the "Will they or won't they" speculation anymore. But before this gets carried away and you two start getting naked, we were wondering if perhaps you could point us in the direction of your clothes and some luggage so we could help you pack?"

"Pack?" Marianne asked, sounding stunned.

Jennifer smiled down at her and said, "Yes, baby, pack. I want you to move in with me and be mine. I want to pay for your education, even your postgraduate school, if that's what you want. I want you to be my girlfriend, my partner, and yes, even my submissive. All you have to do is say yes."

Marianne's eyes teared as she asked, "And you've thought this over, you know what it might mean, the trouble it might bring us.?"

Jennifer nodded her head, answering, "You wouldn't believe the thought that's gone into this baby. The number of people involved in working to make this happen and to prepare me for what I might have to face. Yes, M, trust me when I say that I've thought of little else since you came back."

Marianne leaned in and kissed Jennifer hard before saying, "then yes, yes to it all. I don't ever want to be away from you again if I can help it."

She turned and led them to the bedroom, where they began packing her things. Tabby helped Charlie empty her closet, laying all the hanger clothes out on the king-sized bed for her to go through. In no time, they had the outfits from Marianne's drawers neatly packed in an oversized suitcase. Charlie located several garment bags in the back of the guest room closet and produced them so Jennifer and Marianne could begin packing her hangup clothes inside them.

While Charlie and Tabitha made their way downstairs to find a rolling cart to help with moving Marianne's things upstairs, Jennifer unzipped the big suitcase and began looking through its contents in search of something specific.

"What are you searching for, Jenn?" Marianne asked.

Pulling out a silky white lace teddy with a matching garter belt and stockings, she laid them out on the bed and with a tone that left little room to argue, said, "Put those on Baby, now."

Jennifer didn't bother to watch and see if the girlfriend would mind or not. She turned to her backpack and began digging through its contents. Finding what she was looking for, she pulled the small bolt cutters out of the pack and turned back to see Marianne almost entirely naked, except for the stockings and garters.

"Kneel, Baby," Jennifer commanded.

Marianne didn't hesitate, dropping immediately to her knees. "Hold your hair up," Jennifer ordered her gently. When she'd done as asked, the new domme grabbed the padlock clasped to her collar. Using the small bolt cutters, she snipped it with a firm and satisfying snap.

Without looking at her girlfriend, she said, "That snap you just heard was the sound of your relationship with Zoe ending." Jennifer then reached up and unlatched the collar around Marianne's neck and tossed it over on the bed. "Unlike her, I will never treat you with anything but love. Yes, I will humiliate you at appropriate and maybe sometimes inappropriate times, but otherwise, you will always know that you're loved.

She then unzipped a side pocket on her backpack and pulled out a black box. Jennifer had been forced to guess at the size when having this item made but was confident that she'd done well. She handed the box to Marianne, who stared at it in surprise.

"Accept this as a sign of submission to me, but also as a sign of your love for me. I hope you will accept it, knowing that I love you with all my heart and will never hurt you physically or emotionally if it's within my ability to prevent it from happening. I love you with all my heart, Marianne, and hope to build a life with you."

Still, on her knees and with her eyes leaking fresh tears, Marianne opened the box with shaky fingers. Inside she found a necklace made of platinum. It consisted of inch long, half-inch broad platinum sections linked to one another by discrete hinges made from the same material. At the front was an engraved interlocking Mobius strip signaling infinity. Hanging down from the emblem was a small O ring just big enough to attach a leader to if necessary, and there would be times it was required, Jennifer knew that.

Grasping Marianne's chin and lifting her head, so they stared into each other's eyes, Jennifer said, "Once you put this collar around your neck and allow it to be locked in place, you're giving yourself to me as a submissive. Please do so knowing that I will always honor the promises I've made to you."

Removing the collar from the box, Marianne presented it to Jenn. She said, "My love, would you please take this and lock it in place around my neck, signifying that you've accepted responsibility for my sexual gratification and overall well being?"

Jennifer took the collar and placed it gently around her submissives neck locking it into place with a firm snap. Marianne smiled while reaching up to finger the diamonds embedded in each of the solid links. Looking up into the eyes of her love, she said, "You have no idea how happy you've made me Jenn."

Sitting down on to Zoe's bed, Jennifer hiked up her dress and said, "Then why don't your crawl that delectable ass of yours over here and show me using just your tongue."

Marianne could feel the excitement building in her core as the wetness leaked from her wet pussy and began running down her thighs. As she nudged her way between her new domme's legs, she could smell her musky aroma permeating the air around her. It was as erotic a fragrance as there ever was. The first time her tongue slid up between Jenniffer's slick folds was heavenly for Marianne. Countless hours of fantasizing this one moment had dominated her alone time. Numerous orgasms while masturbating to the thought of this one act had filled many a lonely hour in Marianne's life. Now that she was here, she never wanted to leave.

"Fuck what a good little lesbian slut you are," said Jennifer as she recalled all the tips Trixie and given her, "What are you M, I want to hear you say it."

Marianne looked up from her ministrations and said, "I'm your pussy pleasing lesbian slut for now and always."

She then went back to attacking Jennifer's clit. Her tongue was magical in its ability to take her body to new heights quickly. In no time at all, Jennifer felt her climax begin to bubble forth. When she finally exploded onto Marianne's talented tongue, her body convulsed violently and sprayed her new lover's face with fresh juices.

As she began to calm down, she stood, and looking at Marianne asked, "Which of these pillows is Zoe's?"

Marianne gave her a questioning look but pointed to the other side of the bed. Jennifer smiled before standing up and walking around to the other side of the bed. Taking the high thread count silk pillowcase covered pillow between her legs, she began rubbing the moisture from her drenched cunt onto the surface of the pillowcase. The stains on the delicate material were quite pronounced.

"What in the world are you doing?" Charlie asked as she stood in the doorway. Marianne blushed from where she still sat on her knees, her face still slick and shiny from Jennifer's essence.

"I'm marking my territory like any other bitch would do," said Jennifer as if the answer should have been obvious.

Charlie laughed and shook her head, saying, "Vindictive much?"

Jennifer shook her head and said, "Oh, you have no fucking idea."

The four women made quick work of loading the rest of Marianne's things on the luggage cart. Marianne then made a quick search of the apartment, grabbing any non-clothes items that were hers. When she was sure, she had everything she wanted, Tabitha, Charlie, and Marianne all looked at Jennifer as if asking a silent question.

Jennifer said, "One more thing has to happen before we go through you two," she said as she pointed to Tabitha and Charlie, "might want to wait out in the hall for this next part, or don't, it's up to you. Reaching into her backpack, she pulled out an impressively thick strapon dildo. It was over eight inches long and almost six and a half inches around at its thickest point.

Looking back at Charlie and Tabitha, she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I'm not quite finished marking my territory," and with that, she grabbed Marianne's hand and winked at the other two women as she led her new love back into Zoe's bedroom.

Pointing to Zoe's side of the bed, Jennifer said, "On your back, Baby with your knees drawn up to your chin." Marianne was almost as excited by the potential of this act as Jennifer was. Though there had been some pleasant times, and to be fair, some decent sex involved in her relationship with Zoe, it had overall become a nightmare. Her jealousy and temper had completely eroded at the feelings Marianne had for the woman. She had been ready to leave the relationship for months, but to be rescued from it by the woman she loved was romance at its best.

Jennifer edged herself right up to Marianne and began sliding the head of the cock up and down the woman's folds. Slipping the head into her cleft, she continued to rub it up and down between her pussy lips. When it was sufficiently wet, she slowly began to work it into her lover's opening. Marianne began to moan as the thick head of the plastic cock stretched her orifice wide. Jennifer slowly worked the head in and out until she had nearly half its length buried in Marianne's cunt,

"Are you ready to be fucked hard slut?" Jennifer asked her love.

Marianne groaned and answered, "Oh God, yes, Mistress."

Reaching down, Jennifer grabbed Marianne's right nipple and twisted it, saying, "My name is Jennifer or Jenn, I'm not a mistress. I am first and foremost the woman you love, and that is how you will address me, are we clear?"

"Yes, Jenn, please fuck your slut," Marianne begged. Needing no further encouragement, Jennifer slammed the remaining length of her cock into the hilt bringing forth a cry of "Ooomph" from her lover. Jennifer began a steady pounding of M's cunt, her hips slapping against Marianne's ample but taut ass.

"You like that slut?" Jennifer asked

"Fuck yes, Jenn. Please pound my slut pussy and make it come all over your cock," Marianne begged.

An idea struck Jennifer that she couldn't resist at least trying. She didn't know how the other two girls would feel about it, but the thought of it made her pussy clench.

"I'll tell you what slut, why don't I call your two friends in here so they can see what a total lesbian slut you are?"

The idea of doing any such thing shamed Marianne to no end, yet just the mention of it was enough to push her over the edge. As the first wave of her climax hit her, she screamed out Jenn's name over and over. As the waves of pleasure continued to slam into her, she repeated the word fuck over and over again.

Jennifer never let up, and knowing the way Marianne had come from the mere mention of involving her friends to watch, she didn't wait for an answer to her question. Pulling out of her lover's wet opening, she slid off the bed and walked over to the door.

Charlie and Tabitha were both pretending to look at their phones. In reality, they were fighting their arousal at the sound of the constant pounding coming from the master bedroom. When Marianne had begun calling out Jenn's name over and over, they'd both stared at each other in disbelief. When the door opened just a few moments later, they both jumped.

Jenn stood there wearing the impressive-looking strapon. Both women stared at it a bit hungrily as they heard the young domme say, "I need you both to come here, please. I need you to witness something for Marianne's sake."
