With Strings Attached Ch. 31


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"But $500 per photo is a lot," continued Gracie as her hand briefly rested on my hip. "After all, I do need to pay the bills."

"Yes," responded Nicole before taking another drink of her coffee. "But you release a book about every two weeks at $2.99 each."

"True," stated Gracie as her hand ran over my naked butt, caressing my lower back. But you said I would need to purchase all the photos this summer. If my series covers the 26 books I write in a year, that's $13,000. If I buy 104 for all the books I have planned, that would be $52,000."

I let out a gasp at hearing 104 erotic lesbian books with me on the cover. However, Gracie also pressed her point and her finger between my cheeks and against my hole, making it appear I was excited about the prospect.

"So let's crunch the numbers and see what we come up with," announced Nicole playfully as she stood up and walked behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist. Nicole twisted me so I faced Gracie as she pressed her chest into my back and fondled my breasts over the tight body lace of my dress.

It was a bit surreal as they discussed Gracie's finances. Here I was dressed as a fetish maid, standing between two young women dressed for a casual garden meeting. Nicole, my mistress, standing behind me with her arms wrapped possessively around me holding me in place as she groped my breasts discussing selling erotic photos of me to the young female author, Gracie, who needed to look at our public display as she talked. In essence, I was simply a possession of Nicole's, an asset she was using to entice Gracie into agreeing with her.

Meanwhile, Gracie became fixated on my body like eye candy being offered to the client as a form of inducement. As Gracie looked over my offered form, her hand returned and now caressed the front of my thigh, her fingers slowly trailing up and down from just above the top of my sheer stocking to coming dangerously close to my exposed vagina.

Much to my displeasure, her hand was sending pulses of pleasure through my body, causing my breathing to become deeper. I was simply a plaything for them as they talked. It made everything more impersonal, and more demeaning, as I was becoming aroused while being used as a sex toy. Pinned by Nicole, I rocked my hips in what must have looked like a pornographic manner as I attempted to elude Gracie's touch, but my efforts ended when Gracie pressed her hand between my legs and I let out a moan as she made contact with my wet slit, swollen from her earlier attention. I remained frozen as the two women played with my body and the discussion turned more to me than my photographs.

"Think of it," hissed Nicole, her mouth right next to my ear. "Alice can be the living embodiment of your characters. Think of the inspiration you could receive from your sexy muse. You will no longer have to imagine what your characters are going through, you could live it out with the girl who is the embodiment of your character."

"That would be inspirational," purred Gracie as her finger continued to explore my pink slit.

"Let me give you a demonstration," offered Nicole. "Puppet, show Gracie your talent."

As Nicole's order sunk into my brain, she whispered that Gracie was not to be allowed to cum until she said. With that, both women disengaged from my body and Gracie spread her legs as I knelt before her.

Nicole took a position behind Gracie, bending so her head rested on Gracie's shoulder and her hands pinned Gracie's arms to the chair. "Just look at her," stated Nicole, her voice low and sensuous. "Kneeling before you with those deep blue eyes looking submissively at you, waiting for permission to pleasure you. Focus on the image and how much better this is then anything you could imagine. Take note of the feelings and emotions going through your mind. Remember them and how you can use them to describe the scene to your readers."

"I can picture it," hissed Gracie.

"Good," continued Nicole. "Feel that desire, that sexual want that exists between two lovers before the act. Feel that lustful need, that animalistic hunger for release. You want her to continue, don't you?"

"Yes," muttered Gracie.

As Nicole painted the picture, I was working on the physical preparation; caressing Gracie's thighs and teasing her just as she had done to me. But with Nicole's question I moved my hands along Gracie's hips and was soon pulling Gracie's panties down her legs.

Gracie acted as expected and cooperated with the removal of her underwear. I was now gawking at her exposed pubic lips, swollen and unfurled, secreting her essence. Just as humans yawn when someone else yawns, my secretions increased from the aroma and sight of Gracie's arousal. I had been hard-wired to associate the smell and sight of female arousal with my own.

With both Nicole's and Gracie's eyes locked on mine, Nicole gave me a slight nod and I slid my face between yet another woman's thighs, planting soft kisses as I went. Gracie responded by widening her legs and pushing her pelvis to the edge of the chair, offering greater access to her treasure. She didn't say a word but let out a deep moan and her whole body shivered when my lips made contact.

"That's it my kitten," purred Nicole, "lap up that precious nectar."

"Alice has the amazing ability to identify every woman by taste." continued Nicole. "She will now associate your flavors with your experiences, forever bonding you in her memories."

After dozens of kisses, I inserted my tongue slowly into her channel and repeated the treatment several times as I felt her muscles grip my tongue, attempting to achieve orgasm. I then pulled back, allowing her to cool down a few moments before I nibbled on her clitoris.

"Imagine experiencing this as we photograph every cover," offered Nicole. "I can make it happen. We can even make it easier to maximize your publications. You can write for me. I would take 10% of the profits from each book using Alice as the inspiration and cover."

"10% is a lot," groaned Gracie as I continued my oral assault.

"True," responded Nicole. "But think of what you'll get. How much faster you will be able to write your 'fiction'. With my guidance, we will increase your client base as well as the revenue from sales. We can set up a personal website to keep 100% of the book sales. With the extra time you can write a few stories to be published on free sites, drawing in new customers and increasing your sales. With my help we can more than double your customers and triple your revenue."

I could not believe it. Nicole was not pimping me out, she was using me as an incentive to partner with Gracie. My act of orally pleasuring her was helping to lock me into a set of photo shoots so my picture would be on e-books released over the next 4 years, netting Nicole over $200,000 dollars. And as I was under a modeling contract with Nicole and Susan, I would get none of it.

"Yes, let's do it," growled Gracie with lust in her eyes.

"Puppet you know what to do," smiled Nicole.

With that I brought Gracie to the biggest orgasm of her life and as she laid passed out in her chair I knelt before her, contemplating the new trap I helped capture myself in.

I actually drove to my client on Thursday. For this session I was dressed in what most would call sexy athletic wear; white tennis shoes and ankle socks, a pair of figure hugging low rise yoga shorts and a sports bra, both in purple. With my hair in a high ponytail, I looked like the stereotypical gym bunny.

Given the intent of my visit, the requested style of dress confused me. Yet none of the scenarios that ran through my head prepared me for the woman who opened the door. Dressed in a pair of sweatpants and tee shirt, the woman looked like she was ready to give birth.

"Hi, I'm Alice and I believe we have an appointment," I stated, thinking I went to the wrong house.

"Hello, please come in," responded the woman nervously. Sorry about the mess. I'm in my seventh month carrying twins, and it's hard to take care of the house or myself."

I could see the woman was very beautiful even in her disheveled state and was no doubt a looker. "That is quite all right," I responded, "I think you look lovely and congratulations."

"Thank you," smiled the woman as she waddled to the leaving room and sat down. A look of relief from getting the weight off her back. "My husband is a big man, and I'm afraid the boys took after him, and that makes it hard for me to get around.

I could only smile and nod. My near naked body, a reminder of how she used to look.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm excited to be a mother," added the woman. "I just can't wait until they get out."

"I can believe that," I responded, unsure of what I was supposed to do.

"And I love my husband," continued the woman. "And he loves me. It's just in my present condition, sex is difficult, and my husband is scared of hurting the babies. However, pregnancy does all sorts of things to your hormones, and I'm constantly horny. Ironic isn't it."

"Yes," I smiled, relieved in a perverted way that this woman hired me for sex and not some mix up.

"I've also developed this strong desire for oral sex," explained the woman. I never really was into it, and my husband is terrible at it. Given my condition he is very hesitant, but the doctor says it's perfectly safe. I don't want to cheat and thought if I got a woman to go down on me, he wouldn't feel betrayed. You look incredible by the way."

"Thank you," I blushed as the feeling of being on display returned to me. "I think you look beautiful too."

"I look like a beach whale," responded the woman, looking at her round belly.

"You look wonderful," I countered, moving beside her to comfort her. "You are creating life, that takes effort."

"But I still have to pay for sex," countered the woman. "How does this work anyway?"

"It works however you want it to work," I replied in a caring tone. "I'm here to fulfill your needs, whatever they may be."

"Right now I need someone to help me get my damn hormones in check," proclaimed the woman. "They're driving me crazy."

"Well, I am here to help relieve 'female hysteria'," I jokingly replied.

"Yes I saw that," responded the woman. "It's the reason I chose you," "I'm happy I did. My name is Jennifer by the way."

"Well Jennifer, it is a pleasure to meet you," I smiled.

"I think in this case the pleasure is all mine," laughed Jennifer, causing me to laugh as well.

Looking into her eyes I knew she wanted a kiss, an activity I heard prostitutes did not do, but I discarded that advice. As soon as our lips met, Jennifer let out a soft moan accepting my advance. As the kiss grew more passionate Jennifer wrapped her arms around my neck and I leaned into her supporting my body on the top of the sofa. In the dominant position, I controlled the action and pushed my tongue between her lips. Jennifer accepted my advance and our tongues danced together as I felt her breasts press into mine.

When we finally broke the kiss we were both panting heavily and her lust filled eyes were locked on mine waiting to see what was next. "I better get to work," I whispered and slid off the couch and onto the floor before my client. With a little help I was able to pull down her sweatpants and her very utilitarian underpants exposing her vagina.

Given her pregnancy it was understandable that she stopped her normal grooming, but I was a little surprised at how pronounced her lips were and how wide her vaginal opening was, giving me some insight as to why conventional sex was not as satisfying.

Not wanting her to feel self-conscious I pressed my head forward and explored the contours of her sex before kissing and giving a soft nibble to her clitoris. Jennifer's satisfying moan told me she was enjoying my efforts. Working my way back between her folds I pushed my tongue into her channel, curling it as I went to ensure it made adequate contact with her vaginal walls wondering if her unique taste was related to her pregnancy. Jennifer switched from lustful moans to the characteristic breathing exercises often used during childbirth. I could tell Jennifer was starting to climax and I wiggled my tongue until I felt the familiar spasm and splash of fluid evidencing her orgasm.

"That was amazing," breathed Jennifer, her voice calmer and deeper now that her hormones were back in check. "I never knew oral sex could be like that. The things you did with your tongue were amazing. Thank you."

"Your welcome," I responded, while not feeling the shame I felt from my last three clients.

"Lesbians have it so good," laughed Jennifer. "They get to have amazing sex and never have the risk of getting pregnant. And I bet they never have to complain about the toilet seat being up either."

While laughing at her comment I noticed two wet spots on her tee shirt and my mouth started to salivate. Ever since I discovered Stephanie had the ability to lactate, my attraction to breasts created a desire for the precious milk. Without thinking I pulled up her shirt and gave her tit a gentle suckle, resulting in a groan from Jennifer.

"Careful, those are producing," warned Jennifer before giving a gentle sigh. "That feels nice," continued Jennifer as I drank for all intents and purposes a stranger's breast milk.

"That felt wonderful," purred Jennifer after I finished her second breast. "However, it made me horny again."

"I can take care of that," I offered and dropped between her legs.

I continued to orally relieve her and suckle her breasts as her pregnancy progressed. As a joke I dressed as a sexy nurse for my second visit and received such a response that I brought a different outfit each visit. Dressing as a french maid, a playboy bunny, the pro cheerleader uniform from the biker party and a latex catsuit complete with cat ears.

For Friday, I was dressed in one of my old school uniforms, without panties. In fact, I had worn the exact same outfit to school many times, and it made me wonder who I was meeting. My coming out as a lesbian, even though untrue, had made me famous and a number of my classmates took pleasure manhandling me.

As I rang the doorbell, I couldn't help thinking Nicole pimped me off to a group of my former classmates, like she did to the cheerleading team at her school. However, as the door opened I let out a gasp.

"Miss Lett!" I hissed and moved my hands over my uniform as if called out by the school principal while standing before my old school principal (Ch 27a).

"Miss MacHeatly," replied Miss Lett in her characteristic principal voice. "I see you are still punctual."

"Yes Miss Lett," I stuttered. Miss Lett was dressed in her usual school attire. Her hair in a bun, a white blouse tucked into a knee-length skirt, nylons and high-heeled shoes. However, on this occasion her skirt was leather.

"Please come in Miss MacHeatly," purred Miss Lett as she stepped to the side.

I did as I was told while the metal plates on the bottom of my Mary Jane's sounded out my movements like a bell on a cat's collar. Standing in the home of my former principal I nervously played with the hem of my skirt, A habit from when I was an adolescent and added to my shy schoolgirl look.

"It looks like you're wearing a regulation uniform," stated Miss Lett as she inspected my attire. "However, there is one thing I must check. I do so enjoy the little game you girls play with the dress code" With that Miss Lett lifted the back of my skirt exposing my bare ass.

"Lesbian sex slave," inquired Miss Lett. "A very interesting statement for a tattoo. Tell me, is that charming lady who was your prom date your mistress as well?"

"Yes Miss Lett," I replied as the story of my forced subservience to Nicole tainted more of my history.

"So I take it your choice of summer professions was her idea?" continued Miss Lett.

"Yes ma'am," I responded, as I began to explain how I came to be pimped out. But before I could say another word, Miss Lett's mouth was on mine. As her tongue thrust deep into my mouth I could only moan and accept her kiss as she pulled my body against hers. When she broke the kiss we were both panting.

Taking my hand, Miss Lett led me into the hallway where she displayed a group of photos from my prom. Central was the photo of Nicole and myself that hung at school showing a hint of my tattoo. However, the other photos clearly showed my dress was transparent. A photo of Nicole and me exiting the carriage, of us at the bottom of the steps and of Nicole and I sitting by the fire, Sally, a classmate of mine visible under the dress.

"The photographer called me with a pressing issue," explained Miss Lett. "Apparently your dress was transparent and as you can see exposed some questionable behavior. I told her to give me the photos and I would deal with the problem. Can you tell me who is hiding under your dress?"

"Sally," I whispered, seeing the extent of my public display.

"Sally," Miss Lett repeated. "She was there with another girl as well. Also, we are not seeing your underwear are we?"

"No Miss Lett," I replied, knowing we were seeing the butterfly tattoo.

"It seems you had a very memorable prom," stated Miss Lett.

"I don't think I will ever forget it," I replied.

"Well, let's see if we can add to your school memories," directed Miss Lett as she led me further down the hallway and into her bedroom. "Undress me," ordered Miss Lett as she turned to face me.

Nervously I unbuttoned and took off her blouse and then her bra. After Miss Lett turned around, I undid the button of her leather skirt and pulled the zipper over her ass revealing that Miss Lett decided to follow the school dress code and not wear panties. Sitting on the edge of the bed she ordered me to remove her shoes. Without thinking I knelt and pulled off her right heel and kissed her foot.

"What an unexpected surprise," laughed Miss Lett at my submissive act. "I have never had someone kiss my feet before. Now remove the other shoe."

After removing the shoe Miss Lett kept her foot in the air expecting a kiss. Not wanting to cause an issue I kissed the sole of her foot and then slowly started to kiss the length of her leg. The act of performing oral sex on my former principal seemed preferable to kissing her feet.

As I made my way up her thighs, the taste of leather started to fill my mouth as Miss Lett opened her legs encouraging my progress. As I reached the apex, her pubic hair was matted from her secretions and I started to lap, clearing a path to her folds.

"Yesss," hissed Miss Lett. "Get your tongue in there. Give me my money's worth.

I did what I was told and drilled my tongue deep into her channel, tasting her essence. As I worked on her pussy, Miss Lett grabbed my hair and began to hump my face aggressively. Miss Lett cried out a few minutes later as her orgasm hit. She was a squirter and coated my already damp face. Miss Lett never released my hair and I looked up over her naked body with my face pressed against her vagina as she caught her breath.

"I didn't say you could stop," smiled Miss Lett.

With a deep breath I went back to work on her sex knowing I would have to do it all over again next week.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Love this story and this chapter. Innocent little Alice has been taken apart and put back together again as a cunt-worshipping whore, and I think she 's loving it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I never get tired of this story and this chapter is superb. Alice is still in denial but she services clients like a real pro and gets plenty of enjoyment out of it. If you ever find the time for a follow up, even just a one chapter catch up, it would be good to see Alice a couple of years in the future, earning a living in lesbian porn and prostitution, not because she's being blackmailed any more but because she's finally admitted to herself that she loves it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

My favourite chapter of all, showing Alice completing her journey from shy straight virgin to pussy-loving lesbian whore. Wish one of the clients had been Susan. She would have made the little slut earn her money. Thanks for a GREAT series.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Oh how I love this series. I've been fantasizing about Alice for years, and since the day I read this chapter - the best yet - I've dreamed of having the slutty bitch between my legs. If I could have one Christmas gift for 2021 it would be another chapter of With Strings Attached with Alice worshipping Susan's cunt and titties, and admitting to her blackmailer that her conditioning has been so successful that she's now loving every minute of it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Good story! I enjoyed the pregnant scene more than I thought I would! I like Alice even being infatuated with the female pregnant form. I'd enjoy her eyeing some women in their earlier stages of pregnancy (1st/2nd trimester), but the milk fetish is great!

Yep, along with the rest, I'm still really looking forward to another mother daughter scene, or developing relationship.

I know the larger upcoming issue is how will Susan and Nicole treat Alice at the end of the summer? I know you are probably brewing up something, but I do hope Alice is still kept on some strings! I think the threat of Susan going to the police is disappearing, but I do see Alice now a lot more coerced by her modeling contracts - I think those would be a great control method to keep Alice going down the rabbit hole.

Anyways, keep up the writing and we can't wait for the next installment!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Superb chapter, and a logical next step in Alice's transformation from innocent heterosexual good girl to pussy-craving lesbian whore. I agree with pjw7326 that it would be great to see Alice turning tricks with her mother, eyes wide open, because whatever resistance either of them puts up at first, it will soon crumble when Alice gets a taste of pussy and Janet is brought to orgasm by her daughter's tongue. I would also love to see Alice turning tricks with Susan and enjoying worshipping the body she can't help lusting after. Alice's growing acceptance and enjoyment of her new life is what sets this series apart. Every chapter is a 5/5. More please maxout09.

pjw7326pjw7326over 2 years ago

i thought for sure one of the clients was going to be alices mother , i hope they are paired together again soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great chapter. Was kind of hoping one of the clients either used or had Alice use toys.

Can't wait for the next chapter and will be checking daily for it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another fabulous chapter! I don't know how it would work, but I do wish that Nicole did a better job of making Alice feel pride for her work as a prostitute. As in, she gets good reports and gets rewards, privilege's, etc. I almost feel bad at how robotic Alice has gotten. Regardless, I check almost daily for a new entry!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Another great chapter. Alice's resistance is broken to the point where she accepts being pimped out as a whore for other women. Each of the clients she services in this chapter exposes a different side of her slutty subservience, and the way she lovingly worships the breasts and pussy of her pregnant client shows how much she's enjoying her work, and what a kinky slut she has become. This is the best series on Literotica. Thank you maxout09.

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