Wolvren Ch. 07


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"And congratulations my little sister, Alistair told me that you are expecting. I am so happy for you," said Dax as he hugged his sister once more.

"Oh wow, you're pregnant. Congratulations! How far along are you?" asked Keean.

"I told Alistair, who wasn't supposed to tell Dax, the day before they left for training. I had only found out that same day. The healer told me I'm was about 4 weeks then so I'm about 5 weeks along now," said Vittoria proudly with her hand on her belly.

"That's wonderful, so you're in your first trimester, so I would advise on eating plenty of green vegetables and drinking as much water as you can. Try to stay off sugars and heavy breads and you'll be fine. If you need any medical advice, I'm here to help. I'm a doctor. Its like a healer except we use science and medicine instead of magic to heal," said Keean, eager to offer his expertise.

"Thank you" "Thank you, my mate" "Thank ya kindly" all three said to Keean at the same time.

"Okay okay, I don't know about you guys but I'm starving, how about we get some breakfast and we can talk more," said Keean laughing and gesturing to the break table laden with breakfast foods.

The four sat down and dished their plates. When it was time to eat, the three from Wolvren waited for Keean to take a bite of his food before digging into theirs. Keean gave Dax a quick look but brushed it aside as the three started their meal.

"So big brother, you are to be King! Congratulations! I need to get in all the jibes and jokes with you now before you become regal. And does this mean I get to become a Princess?" asked Vittoria as she ate her bowl of cut fruit.

"Uh no. Well since you're married you will become a Duchess. Like Alistair will become a Duke since he is married to you. You're only a Princess or Prince if you're single or born from a Royal marriage. Actually your baby will bear the title of Prince or Princess when born," said Keean in a matter of fact tone before Dax could respond.

"Really my mate? I did not know that. Interesting. Well sister you can take whatever title you want and no need to worry, I will be the same Dax as I've always been," Dax smiled to his mate and then Vittoria.

"Except you're soon to be mated as well as crowned. How did the council take the news of your intended marriage?" asked Vittoria curious.

All three males coughed at their food at the word marriage. Dax was busy choking on his breakfast meat as Keean and Alistair wiped the bread away that they spat up.

"Uh marriage? Like married married. I thought we just mates. You mean we have to get married?" Keean said, incredulous. Being mates was one thing but getting married made things a little too real.

"Love, I don't think that Keean n Dax has talked about it yet," said Alistair to his mate as he rubbed her back lovingly, regaining his composure.

"Ahem, yes. This is still very new. We still need some time to discuss our future...uhm plans," said Dax regaining his composure as well. He looked at Keean in worry and his mate just shrugged his shoulders to him.

"Oh dear. All right. I'm sorry for overstepping, Keean. Can I at least ask where you're from and how you came to Dax. Alistair was very sparse on the info," she shot her big husband a daggered look who ignored her and continued eating.

"Uh well...It's a long story. One that is filled with drama, suspense, and magic like a fairy-tale. Not nearly enough time to tell you everything over breakfast," said Keean in a dramatic tone. Even Dax perked up, curious at his mates story.

"Oh please tell. You are making it sound like such a story," said Vittoria excited.

"Yes my mate. Do tell of this adventure you speak," said Dax intrigued.

"Okay okay. Please hold all questions until after the presentation. I'm from New York, which is in the USA. Which if you knew about would of spoke volumes already. I am a trained doctor and scientist and my work back home is to help people who are sick with the technology that I developed. My world is best described as being about 1500 years ahead of your time. We have technology and electricity that enables us to do things the way your magic does. Oh, we don't have like Kings or monarchies. I mean there are a few left but they're all just figure heads. The people run their countries by voting in whom they best believe can govern the country. There are more than 200 countries on Earth across seven continents. I came here through magic, which is completely new to me. I was saved by wolves and somehow teleported here. Dax found me and when we touched, he realised that I was his mate. I was scared shitless cos this giant black muscle god was kneeling in front of me naked and smiling all weird but he saved me. I don't know what Alistair has told you about me, but I can speak to wolves and werewolves and Dax and I need to do some research on our...relationship," said Keean as the three looked at him dumbfounded at his casual explanation.

"Goddess. So you really are from another world. This is so exciting. You said research, maybe I can offer some assistance. I work in the Royal Library," said Vittoria excitedly. She was intrigued by her brother's mate and could hardly contain herself at the thought of hearing more about Keean's world.

"That's great! Yeah, we need to look into some documents about Fenrir," said Keean as he and Vittoria leaned in close to begin their discussion.

"Fenrir? Why would ya want ta know about him? That's one of the old gods that don't have no followers no more," said the big ginger with his mouth full as he looked from Keean to Dax in question.

Dax relayed their theory to Alistair and Vittoria and the young couple stared between the two of them.

"Alright. Fenrir is involved in this. He actually came to you Keean. That is remarkable. There are not a lot of text with Fenrir as he was a god worshipped over a thousand years ago. Most of his scriptures were held at the Fenrir temple in the Wondering City but they must be lost after the temple fell a century ago. We can see if we can find some but I am not sure we will find much," said Vittoria a little concerned.

"Thanks. Anything would be a good start. We just need to get as much information as we can and see where it takes us. For now we have to go see Doc Barros, as he wants to monitor me since what happened yesterday," said Keean gratefully.

"Well my mate, if anyone can find it, it is Vittoria. She used to be a scribe at the Mages College but transferred to the royal library to uh, be closer to Alistair. And don't let my sisters smiles and size fool you. I've seen her take down werewolves twice her size with her magic. She is a fully acknowledged battle mage," said Dax, voice a little shaky at his sister's smile. Alistair seemed to swallow his food whole at the mention of battle mage.

"Wow you can use magic. I thought only the healers could use magic. That's so cool," said Keean excitedly.

"Healers are trained at the Temple of the Moon, as Luna is the goddess that grants the healing blessing which you are born with. Werewolves are trained at the Army Academy, which if you can believe my thick husband is the head. Finally there is the Mages College, who teaches adepts how to us their innate affinity to draw out their magic that is dormant. Anyone can actually become a mage if they try but very few can awaken the affinity. Mines is fire, yet this one thinks that my experiments at the Mages College was too dangerous and my brother thinks I need to be left in the care of books instead of battle. Well it matters not to me as I love books and my fire magic is a nice to have," said Vittoria all happy and smug. Both Dax and Alistair seemed a little scared of her and Keean knew he was going to get along very well with the pint size powerhouse.

"The Mages College kicked her out because she created a firestorm inside one of their buildings," whispered Dax to Keean as he seemed a little wary of his smaller sister.

"It was a difference of opinions. I was trying to bottle my firestorms so that anyone could use it when needed, but the college felt my experiments too...unorthodox. It is not my fault they tampered with my experiments without my knowledge," said Vittoria all nonchalant as she dug into some cream and berries.

"Ah yes, well Keean and I need to get to Lord Barros in the healers wing and Alistair and I have some business with the council. Would you be able to keep Keean company while I'm gone, sister?" asked Dax gently.

"Of course. We can discuss the method of scouring through the library and I would love to hear more about Keean's world. It's so exciting!" said Vittoria as she beamed to her big brother.

"Well love, remember te take it easy now. Ya don't want te tire yaself, me mate," said Alistair as he rubbed Vittoria's back lovingly as he leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"Yes yes, I know. You worry too much. Honestly, you would think I'm made from glass the way you've been treating me. I'll be fine, Alistair," said the feisty red head as she leaned against Alistair's shoulder.

"And please try not to fill my mates head with your stories. I am still the Alpha Prime," coughed Dax as he looked to his sister.

"Oh yes, please. I want to hear everything about Dax from when he was younger," said Keean eagerly as he and Vittoria smiled to one another.

"Gods Fur. I am not going to come out looking good from this at all," said Dax as he shook his head.

"Aye sir. I think these two are gonna get real friendly real fast n it aint gonna be good fe either of us," said the big ginger as he already saw the budding friendship between his and Dax's mate.

"Aye sir. Not good at all," Alistair sighed again as Keean and Vittoria we already talking about school days and hairstyles.


Dax and Keean bid the red heads farewell as they made their way to the healer's wing. Walking through the hallways, Keean noticed how everyone they past stopped and bowed to the both of them. Word must have already spread through the castle about Dax's future coronation and that Keean was his mate. Unlike the day before, Dax seemed to acknowledge each greeting and looked with pride to Keean as they walked. The two spoke softly about Dax's sister and Alistair and Keean saw the love and pride the big alpha had for his family. Keean was happy for Dax but felt a little out of place as being the newcomer to their group. Sensing his nervousness, Dax gently placed a hand on the small of Keean's back and assured his mate that he was most welcomed.

"I think that Vittoria has been waiting for someone to bond with over books and theories and Alistair is happy to have you, my mate. Please do not feel shy. You are very much a part of our lives now," said Dax softly has he could tell that meeting his sister might have overwhelmed his mate.

"Yeah. No, I know that. It just felt a bit weird to be accepted so readily by them. They are amazing and I can see why you love them so much. You must be excited to be a future uncle," smiled Keean to Dax. Dax hesitated a bit but recovered at the statement.

"Yes I am. Although I have not been around many children or babies. Not many tend to be eager to be near me," the giant said sombrely. He remembered at how children would run away from his bulky appearance and clutch their mother's skirts as he passed them in the streets. He never gave any thought about children and he was a bit worried that his future niece or nephew might be scared of him.

"You probably gonna end up spoiling the kid even before the baby's born. And I'm sure Vittoria and Alistair will love having "Uncle Dax" around. It's different when its family and not strangers. You'll be fine," said Keean to Dax as he saw the apprehensive look on his big guys face.

"Thank you my mate. Well that is a couple of months away and I do look forward to it," said Dax glad that Keean was here to reassure him as well.

The two walked along the hallway, admiring the green scenery when Keean interrupted the silence.

"So big guy...We have to get married?" asked Keean nervously.

Dax stopped walking to swallow the lump in his throat and sighed deeply before responding.

"Yes. As you are my mate and I am the future King, we will have to get married. I am not sure at how long we have until after the coronation but it is a requirement. The High Councillor will officiate the union and news of our pending nuptials will be sent to the other kingdoms. I am sorry Keean. It is a lot to take and I did not want to scare you or for you to think that you did not have a choice after our fight last night. Please my mate, you must believe me that I only have your interests at heart. I was not trying to trick you into staying. If you need time I can see if we can stall the coun-" his smaller mate hugging him interrupted Dax.

"I can handle more than you think big guy. You don't have to be brave for me all the time. I know you're scared about this stuff too. As much as things are a lot for me to take in, you also have been dealing with your own stuff. We are star-crossed mates that are connected by an ancient wolf god. If that's not a sign, then I don't know what is. Plus, I'm half Indian, so arranged marriages aren't new to me. My second cousin had an arranged marriage and they are happily married with like five kids. It's cool big guy. Let's concentrate on the now and cross those bridges when we get to them," said Keean reassuringly to his big black mate as he hugged Dax gently.

"You...you mean...you will consider it. You...you will marry me?" asked Dax dumfounded as he gripped Keean's shoulders in his big hands and searched his mates face for an answer.

"Not if you ask me like that. And please don't propose now. Only time will tell big guy. But if you ever refer to me as your wife I will cut you," said Keean jokingly as he grabbed the dumbstruck alpha by the hand and tugged him along. Dax shook his head as his vision had sparks flying across them. He smiled lovingly at his laughing mate who unsuccessfully tried to drag him forward. He came to put his arm around his mates shoulders and hugged him to his side. Walking with new purpose and a semi-hardness in his breeches Dax's smile was as wide as could be for the whole world to see.

When the two mates came to the entrance of the healer's wing, they were surprised to find Kari sitting on a bench at the door.

"Your Majesties," said Kari as she jumped up and bowed low.

"Uh, not yet Kari. And why you waiting out here?" asked Keean as he dismissed the formal address.

"Uh, I did not want to interrupt your morning. And if I go in, grandpapa will have me mixing salves and rolling bandages," said Kari all serious.

"Well Lady Kari, Thank you for your patience. And please. There is no need for formalities, you have done more than enough to be a bit more familiar with the two of us," reassured the alpha to the seemingly flustered healer. The timid healer had bouts of confidence and had sprung into action when Keean was injured.

"All right. I think grandpapa is waiting for you. I overhead him talking about his lexicons and slipped out before he could see me," said Kari as she stared warily at the big doors.

"Hahaha. Well then. Shall we?" laughed Dax as he opened the big doors.


"Well Master Keean, it seems you are doing much better than when you visited here yesterday. The Nightshade has removed the hold that which afflicted you and your life force is strong. You are surprisingly in very good health, as I do not sense any fever or infection and your wounds have healed up nicely. To be on the safe side, I would insist that you sit still for a soul flux assessment. It is quite safe and will assess your life force on a deeper level, revealing any peculiarities, that the blessing cannot reach," said Lord Barros in his typical calm doctor's voice. He was the most powerful healer in the entire kingdom of Wolvren yet looked like a sweet plump old man in his late sixties, with smiling eyes and soft voice. He had tiny glasses that sat on a round nose, which barely framed his round face and light grey beard. His only symbol of wealth was the round cut sapphire ring on his wedding finger. Dressed in his navy blue robes with triple gold trim as the sign of the Chief Healer of Wolvren, Lord Barros calmly gestured for Keean to lay down on the table in front of him.

"Lord Barros, I must ask if you have consulted your lexicons on my mates...condition," asked Dax concerned. He was still worried even though the chief healer said Keean was in good health.

"Yes yes, Lord Dax. All in good time. I have actually found something quite interesting. If Adept Kari had not scurried away this morning while listening in on my research, she would have been able to assist in jotting down my notes," said Lord Barros as he arched an eyebrow over his tiny glasses at his granddaughter who shrank back against the table and looked down at her feet at being caught. Lord Barros waved his small hand dismissively at Kari as she began to apologise and continued. He waved his hands and sapphire magic lifted dozens of equally sized rods that were capped with giant gems of different colours.

"That's alright Master Keean, remain still while the soul flux reads your life force. You may still talk but please try to remain calm. As I have mentioned it is quite safe and is not invasive," said Lord Barros gently.

"Cool Doc. So what did you find out?" asked Keean curiously.

"Well it is quite an interesting case. I had to consult an old text I found in my younger days. Quite old as they are from a few centuries ago and quite hard to decipher as well, as I have never found the need to use this particular text but it did seem fruitful. While not entirely explaining your situation I have theorised that this "affliction" is actually an ancient magic that has not been seen for nearly a thousand years. It is called "wulf binder" or "wolf binding magic". While the wondering monks could summon ethereal wolves made from magic and speak to natural wolves, theirs was a poor imitation of the ancient magic. Your magic binds natural wolves to your soul and you can freely summon and control these wolves as you see fit. It allows you to enter their minds and share their power with you. The number of wolves was quite interesting as well. Lord Dax mentioned that nine tails emerged from you. Well it seems that each "tail" is actually a binding that represents an individual wolf. And it seems that the ancients could only summon three bindings whilst you possibly could summon nine, Master Keean," finished his longwinded explanation, Lord Barros calmly waved his hands as rods floated over Keean's body, scanning with various colours deep into Keean.

"Okay wait. There are nine wolves back on the mountain that I met. I could talk to all of them in my mind and Fluffy and I seemed to be connected deeper than the others. Shadow, who is the black wolf, also seemed to have an effect on me. I thought I was gonna pass out from the shock and pain from the first warg attack but he calmed me down and made me sleep," said Keean in response to Lord Barros. He was gently pushed back when he tried to sit up and continued to lay still while the doc ran his weird MRI.

Lord Barros turned in quiet surprise to Dax when he heard the big alpha growl.

"Lord Dax, I do understand that you feel overprotective of your newfound mate but I am quite sure that Master Keean's connection with the wolves is not like the one you share with him as mates. Now Master Keean if you could remain still once more, please continue on these "wargs" that you mentioned," requested the calm healer.

"Yeah. There were two of them. Looked nasty like disfigured werewolves. Not like Dax, he looks beautiful with his black fur and big muscles. These things had no fur and their bodies were gross and almost looked mutated. They could talk and definitely had calculating thoughts. When the wolves and I beat them, they disintegrated into this gross black ash. Not the same black cloud as with Fluffy, but like old coal, if that makes sense. They also called me the Wolfbound," said Keean as the rods stopped running across his body. He turned to Dax and saw the smouldering look he got at calling his werewolf form beautiful.
