Women Who Talk Pt. 05


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"What quiz?"

Robyn however was reading the letter and when she'd finished she read it once more and then put it down and stared straight ahead.

"Wow," she murmured, "it's not what I expected."

"I take it that the letter was short and sweet."

"You could say that," she looked down at the floor, "it's almost like she's letting me go."

"Do you mind?" Helen gestured at the letter.

"Sure," she stepped over to the sink and stared out over the backyard. The letter was almost like a reference, in fact the one her first employer had written for her part time job in a bakery when she was still in high school was better.

"It's almost like a reference, she didn't even sign it," she picked up the cafetière, "but at least you got half a packet of coffee with it."

"True," she turned around and put her buttocks against the sink, "I should call and thank her."

"Not a good idea," she replied, "she'll have her phone on divert, along with her text messages, like I said before, she's in work mode and any distractions just annoy her."

"Even personal thank you messages?"

"Oh, she'll reply, eventually... she's working late tonight and tomorrow night."

"Oh? She never mentioned that to me on the phone the other day."

"When was that?"


"Today is Wednesday," she raised her voice above the boiling water, "plans change, she'll probably text you tomorrow to cancel it but you might see her on Friday at Kathy's place but the way she was at work today I'd even bet against that. She does get very busy."

Robyn frowned as she turned and leaned against the bench. Helen met her gaze for a few seconds and then looked over at the kettle as the automatic cut off kicked in. "You look confused or is that disappointment?"

"Maybe it's a bit of both," she replied, "I was looking forward to tomorrow night."

"Your weekly session?" Helen raised an eyebrow, "how're they going?"

"Good, I'm learning a lot about sex and sexuality, but going by that letter I'd say she's probably taught me everything I need to know."

Helen didn't say anything as she made the coffee and then led her through to the couch in the living room but her mid was working overtime as she constructed the story carefully.

"Penny is a very private person, she lets people in so far but then she closes the door, trust me, she grimaced.

"What do you mean?"

Helen explained as they sat drinking coffee a few minutes later, drawing partly on something that had 'happened' between her and Penny but instead of telling the actual truth she deviated wildly to make it sound as if Penny had flirted with her only to turn cold when Helen tried to take it further and asked her out. Penny had refused and there had been an awkward three days when Helen was walking on eggshells terrified that she'd fucked up the perfect job because of lust. To her credit, Penny did apologise and it was only then that she'd discovered that Penny had done an introduction to psychology course at university whilst completing her law degree.

That led her to her next lie, that Robyn wasn't the first woman to have counselling sessions with her, she was vague about the number of women and equally circumspect about whether or not she'd been involved with any of these women but if one was to make a judgement call then based on her strict no sex with colleagues or clients then she seriously doubted that any of Penny's counselling sessions had taken place in the bedroom and yet she confessed that Penny was her secret crush, a kind of standard against which to measure potential partners against.

"I've always been drawn to her because she's so eager to help others out who're below her on the social ladder. She did help me out in the first few months but Penny definitely has her limits, especially when it comes to going further. I have no doubt she'll find the right woman eventually but she has this checklist a mile long. It comes from her position in life and the fact she's a divorce lawyer," she looked past her for a few seconds.

"I feel for her, I really do and I like her as a boss but I'd be wary of getting involved with her, but she is a good friend to me but when it comes to interpersonal relations she's more likely to find a reason to withdraw," she sipped her coffee.

"She'll have a good excuse, she has a lot of work on, she's going on holiday or something else but the classic sign is when she gives the person a gift, it's like a ceremony for her. A way of saying goodbye without actually saying it," she smiled sadly.

Robyn leaned back against the couch as she analysed this inside information and Helen sat close to the corner of the L-shaped couch in silence as she let her words sink in. Eventually however Helen's eyes flickered to the clock above the fireplace and she leaned forward and looked at the fireplace as she spoke up.

"So, these curtains."

"Let's do it," Helen smiled crookedly, "the curtains that is."

Robyn managed a slights smile as Helen rose and followed her through to the kitchen to fetch a tape measure and a notepad and pen.


Nicole Wright was a thirty year old woman who had recently filed for divorce after finding out her husband, Frank had been sleeping with his secretary. It was a classic tale of the wife walking into her husband's office to find him in mid-coitus and she'd just snapped, hurling the lunch he had forgotten to take to work and stormed out of the building supplies shop he owned in partnership with a mutual friend. Nicole was the owner of a boutique dress shop in the shopping mall at Mountain Gate.

Her long brown hair fell in cascading curls to the middle of her back, setting off an angular-shaped face with rich full lips painted in clear gloss, her eyelids were painted in a light blue, setting off her green eyes, her fingernails were painted white. She had a fulsome figure with plump breasts and an hourglass figure. She'd dressed for the occasion appropriately in a red silk blouse decorated with wide ruffles and a black leather pencil skirt that clung tightly to her hips. The blouse was buttoned to the top and decorated with a brooch, the puffy sleeves ended in deep cuffs. She also wore white stockings and black suede ankle boots. The black jacket hanging loosely from her shoulders was cut in a military style with lapels and silver buttons.

Her five o'clock appointment had started fifteen minutes late but Penny was confident she'd be out of here by six or thereabouts, the only other person in the building was Lisa. She'd stayed behind in the main office, leaving Penny alone with Nicole in a meeting room. It was company policy that a second member of staff stay behind after hours. Penny could appreciate Lisa's comment now that Nicole was here, the woman had a certain charm and she'd seen that look before, the one that said I'm up for anything.

"How's business going?" Penny turned another page of the summary report Helen had prepared on Tuesday.

"Slow, we're battling against other similar shops but I'm hopeful."

"Would you take clothes on consignment?" Penny asked her, "I've got a friend who's been making clothes for a few years now and she's talked about making clothes to sell on consignment."

"I'd need to see her range first but sure, I'm open to that."

"You're looking at her range right now," Penny remarked off handedly.

Nicole leaned forward to study her and a moment later reached out to her cuff.

"May I?"

"Of course," Penny pulled the sleeve of her jacket up to show her cuff and Nicole fingered it lightly and then looked at her.

"Satin," she murmured, "but she didn't make the suit or did she?"

"Everything you can see she made."

Nicole's eyes widened as she felt the sleeve of her jacket and then Penny pulled the lapel open to reveal a label stitched into top of the inside pocket. She sank back against her seat and studied her for a moment.

"Now that's something the competition doesn't have, I could sell that for sure. Women are always looking for smart chic suits."

Their eyes met and Penny experienced a moment of déjà vu. Nicole might be the scorned woman but she had an allure that was tempting and not for the first time in her career, Penny found herself fantasizing about this particular woman. It wouldn't be long before she found another partner, and in fact she most likely had one already but Penny had the distinct impression that Nicole would be more than happy to cross over to the other side even if it was a fleeting encounter.

"No worries," she leaned forward to look at the papers in front of her, "so without further ado, let's see what we can squeeze out of your cheating ex husband."


Measuring up for curtains wasn't what she'd planned on doing and Robyn confessed that she'd probably need to come back for a proper measuring later on because this was the first time for her and yet it was a good experience all the same. She glanced at her watch as she followed Helen back downstairs. She should head back home, she usually went to see Cindy on a Wednesday night but she and Mary had gone out for their anniversary dinner.

It's almost like this is planned, she mused as she put the notepad into her handbag.

She picked up her phone to check for messages. There was one from Alana.

Alana: Good news! Mum is staying the night at my place. So good to have her here.

Robyn: Glad to hear it, I was almost going to come over myself.

Alana: Still can if you want, she's making lasagne.

Robyn: Thanks for the offer, with a friend now. Have a great night and my offer still stands, call me if you're in trouble. See you later.

She glanced up as the first hailstones clattered against the window, the predicted hailstorm had been for the morning.

"Fucking weather forecasts are always wrong," Helen moved to the window and stared out at the semi darkness.

"I know, it was supposed to be this morning," she joined her at the window as the downpour got heavier, "it's going to piss on us all night."

"It won't last," Helen stared at it, "I'd offer to put your car in the garage but it's full of shit, literally."

"They're not big stones," she squinted.

"Thank fuck for that," Helen rested her left hand on her shoulder.

Robyn had no idea how long they stood there, three or four minutes, maybe more but for some odd reason she had no desire to move. The presence of the older woman's hand was comforting and she was still trying to process this information about Penny. Their lessons had indeed taught her a lot but at the back of her mind she'd always harboured a secret hope that they might take on a more practical aspect. Maybe that was why Cindy had given her two tickets to Suzi Quatro and suggested she invite Penny out. She was close to Penny, perhaps she too was hoping that Penny would break with tradition and take things further but what if Helen was right?

A thunderclap caused her to flinch and she felt Helen's grip tightening as she turned towards her, the older woman had an odd smile on her face, almost as if she'd anticipated the move. Helen lifted a hand to her face and tapped her cheek lightly.

"Relax, it's just God farting again."

Robyn smiled at the blasphemous joke, her nanna had sometimes said the same thing. Her eyes narrowed as she looked past her at the door leading to the lower passageway, Helen's hand was still resting on her shoulder and then Robyn looked into her eyes and felt her heart skip a beat, her eyes moved downwards to take in the hand resting on her shoulder. How long had it been there?

"Are you all right?"

Robyn's eyes shifted slightly as she looked into her eyes and then she leaned forward and put her lips against Helen's and held them against her for a second or two before jerking back. It couldn't be called a passionate kiss, she'd merely rested her lips against her but Helen's eyes widened as she rubbed her shoulder with a thumb. A moment later Robyn leaned forward to touch her lips against Helen's lips but this time her touch was softer and Helen opened her mouth ever so slightly and pushed against her lips.

They broke free once more and Robyn's eyes narrowed as she looked down at the floor, she felt Helen's hand sliding along her shoulder to her neck and when she reached it Robyn looked up again and then she tilted her head and leaned forward again. This time she parted her lips before they met Helen's and the kiss sent a slight shiver through her body. It was similar to the way Jeff kissed her, soft and teasing. It was about as far as they'd ever gone apart from cuddling. She'd loved just lying in his arms because he kept his hands from her breasts and genitals.

A police car sped past the house, the lights flashing and siren wailing and Helen chuckled.

"Shit, we've been busted."

Robyn smiled as well and then she leaned over to kiss her again, her mouth opened wider and Helen brought her left hand up to the back of her neck to hold her in place while she worked her mouth in a slow, open-mouthed kiss. When they parted again, Robyn swallowed and turned towards the couch, Helen's left hand fell away and the right came around to rest against the small of her back and then she rubbed her back slowly.

Robyn stepped forward and walked to the fire and squatted on her haunches to stare into the flames, she was mesmerised by the crackling fire and Helen stood at the window for a minute or so before drawing the curtains and walking back to the couch.

Robyn glanced over her shoulder as Helen sat down and then she rose and put her back to the fire and put her hands behind her back. The older woman was sitting where Robyn had been sitting instead of the corner of the couch. She looked almost bemused as she put her right foot up onto the coffee table and took off her shoe. When Robyn turned back to the fire she heard the soft thud as the shoe hit the floor followed by a second thud as she took off her second shoe.

Eventually Robyn rose and turned around to look at her, Helen studied her for a few seconds and then asked the question.

"Why did you kiss me?"

"I don't know," she stared at the door leading to the staircase, "impulse, if I did the wrong thing then I'm sorry."

"If I was going out with Roxy then yeah, but I'm not. We're finished, so that makes you the first woman I've kissed since Roxy, although I'm not sure if that counts for anything."

Robyn managed a slight smile but didn't move from the fire as Helen sipped her coffee and then she turned her back to her and faced the fire.

"It's been on my mind lately."

"What? Kissing me or kissing a woman?"

"The second one," she glanced over her shoulder, "sorry."

"I'm not insulted," she chuckled, "but I love your honesty."

"That's one thing on my checklist," she turned around again, "honesty, which sounds hypocritical because of how it was between me and Jeff but there you have it."

"I have been attracted to you," she replied, "since that Friday when you came to the meeting but I was with Roxy then and I just left it in the realm of fantasy."

"Fantasy," she smiled and looked down, "I'm not sure that's the right word to describe me, I've never had sex in my life."

"It's not that unusual," she replied, "a lot of women wait and not just because they're religious, some are focused on school and university, some even wait longer although that's unusual."

She stared into the flames. All she had to do was sit and wait for an opportunity and it came soon enough when Robyn walked back to the couch a few minutes later and sat down with her back close to the corner of the couch.

"You decided to join me," Helen turned towards her and pulled her left leg up onto the couch and pushed her knee against the back as she inched closer.

"About that kiss," she bit her lip, "it was sheer impulse and I'm still trying to process it."

"I take it you've never kissed a woman before?"

"No, just the usual air kiss stuff or a peck on the cheek but I've always been very wary about it if you know what I mean."

"What do you mean? Are you afraid you'll try and give a girlfriend an open mouthed kiss or stick your tongue down her throat?"

"Kind of," she stared at the cups on the table, "well, yeah, I get the urge but I don't know if it's because of my religious upbringing or something deeper. Hence the Thursday night sessions with Penny," she crossed her legs and put a hand on her knee.

"So, what have you learned?" Helen poked her knee gently.


Penny had dealt with emotional clients for years. For the most part they were women, some were bitter and spitting bile, others were remorseful, others tearful and many were fearful and a woman could go through the entire gamut of emotions over the course of a few consultations. She had set procedures in place for dealing with all situations. You had to listen and show empathy but also know when to draw the line between lawyer and therapist. She kept tissues on every desk and a supply of coffee and cold water from the water cooler in the reception.

She'd heard the story about finding Frank screwing his secretary and now she was listening to the effect the divorce was having on their only child, four year old Anne. She'd lost her father, who was now confined to fortnightly visits on weekends, he wanted more of course and then there were the babysitting trials. Nicole was an only child and her parents lived on the other side of the city in Geelong and whilst she had girlfriends here who could babysit she was really missing her best friend, Zara.

"We met each other when we worked at Myer," she shifted in her seat, "eight years ago, we clicked because not only were we the same age but we had the same birthday. She was twelve hours older than me. We lived together in Blackburn for two years and then she got married," she reached for a tissue, "I was her bridesmaid and when I got married two years later she was mine and by then she had a daughter, she named her Erica because my middle name is Erica."

She wiped her eyes.

"I became the godmother and when I gave birth to Anne, I gave her Zara's middle name and she became her godmother," she scrunched the tissue up and put it on the desk.

"So, what happened to Zara?" Penny looked past her, "if you don't mind me asking."

"She went through a messy divorce three and a half years ago and we lost contact but it wasn't because of the divorce, I was there for her but so was she."

"She?" Penny stared at her, "who's she?"

"The dyke, I know I shouldn't use that word but I can't help but use it. We were best friends, we did everything together and then that bitch got involved with her and before I knew it she'd isolated her from her friends. She saw us as a threat and all I could do was stand by and watch it happen, Frank was no fucking help. He even joked he'd like to be a fly on their wall, I should have seen the rot then but I was distraught."

"Zara?" Penny's eyes narrowed, "it's an exotic name, so, have you tried to get back in contact with Zara since or is the girlfriend still standing sentry?"

"Oh, she's long gone, that bitch dumped her after three months and Zara just went to pieces, she had a suicide attempt and the social welfare department took her daughter off her and put her into care and she moved back to her parents place for a few months but then moved in some guy she'd met, she was pretty heavily medicated by then. The last time I tried to get into contact with her it was on my, our birthday but her parents just said they'd pass on a message. Apparently she started going to A.A but last year but then started drinking again, her parents are trying to get their grandchild back but because they're disabled it's a struggle."

"Who was this dyke?" Penny leaned forward and stared at the paperwork.

"I'll never forget her name," she replied quietly, "I use a mnemonic, like Elizabeth the Queen for my friend Elizabeth and this bitch was the face that sank a thousand ships, Helen."
