Work Party for Two

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Never mess with a psychopath's wife.
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This story is strictly a BTB Revenge Story. No Mercy shown.

I asked the writer that wrote the original story, A Work Party for One, to allow me to write one with an alternate ending,

I never heard back from him. The author hasn't written anything in 18 years. The story was in the Interracial Love Section. There was no LOVE about it.

It was a story about a Loving Wife who was raped, by her best friend and her Black friend with a Big Cock. Why? Because her friend wanted to prove to the wife's husband she had more power through sex than he did.

Note: Literotica does not allow mutilation description in posted stories, especially of women. The rape that took place in the original was pretty descriptive. So I wrote it in the form of a trial. I used the trial as a way to show what horrors they suffered as testimony in a trial. I hit the high points only, no nitty-gritty.

I am not a lawyer. Nor did I want to write a 30,000-word trial chapter. You will get the point of the story with the information I give

THIS STORY IS FICTION. I can make up anything I want to.

Work Party for Two

Never mess with a Psychopath's Wife

It had been 10-years, 4-months, and 7-days since I was sent away for my acts of revenge on Ginger and Jeff. Tomorrow I am getting out with full pardon. Normally, I would have served my sentence out for what I did. The charges were ghastly. Even a couple of the jurists threw up when they saw them. The only thing that kept me from getting life was the videos showing what they had done to my wife.

I went to trial twice, and both times the jury was hung by 11-1 vote. The DA trying to save the state money, offered me a deal of 20 years no parole. I took the deal. I had my reasons.

I had built up a lot of good grace by saving 5 of the guard's lives about 8- years ago when the prison broke out in a riot. Along with the guard's lives, I had saved both gang's leader's lives, along with a father of a cartel leader out of Mexico. It was hands off to the Doc.

I laid in the dark, waiting for daylight. I had developed a shell of hate around me. I had no love, no sympathy, no empathy, and certainly no remorse for what I had done to the both of them. I lived with no soul.

I had turned off all emotions. I fucking hated the world.

You see, Ginger and Jeff fucked up big by rapping my wife, Toni. They just assumed I was a meek and mild Cardiothoracic Surgeon. The video didn't show their faces, but that that didn't matter to me. When I passed judgment on them, I didn't need the beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt bullshit. I became their judge, jury, and executioner. I didn't kill them, but by the time I was through with them, they wished I had. I wanted them to live and have every day to remember my face in their nightmares.

Ginger thought she was using what she thought was power to get back at me. Power is only good as long as there is not someone else that has more of it. And who knows how to yield that power. I showed her what real power was.

This is one of those stories where someone fucks with the wrong man and paid the price.

Let me back up here, and I'll tell you who I am. My name is Brady Anderson. I was raised in California by Bill and Miranda Anderson. God help them, I was a little hellion. I had ADHD, and every other abbreviation they could saddle on a child with mental problems. My parents were the first generation that thought spankings were the same as beating. Well, that notion didn't last long after having been subject to my evil. My Dad used to spank me just to prove he would do it.

I had seen dozens of child psychiatrists, and all said the same thing. I was going to be a psychopath or sociopath. At the time, I wasn't sure what the difference was, but I knew it meant I was fucked up. I was cruel to everything and everybody, including puppies.

My father and mother were free spirits and very liberal. The only thing they weren't liberal with was their love. Both agreed cheating was punishable by death. My father was the founder, of a silicon computer startup in the 1970s and made millions. My mother was a stay home mom. Nobody would babysit me. I was an only child. After having me, they were terrified of having any others.

I was a hellion all-right. I was a hellion with a 161 IQ. I often overheard my father commenting to my uncle, "Bradly will be the smartest man in prison someday."

I would have probably ended up in jail permanently if the fates hadn't step in. When I was twelve, my best friend and I were running around the forest behind our house. The house sits on 500 acres, and we had a huge backyard,

Michael was my best friend. In fact, he was my only friend. Believe it or not, Michael kept me in check. When he told me I was wrong and analytically explained it to me, I corrected my behavior.

He had fallen into the 5-acre lake that set about a half-mile behind my house. When he fell in, he hit his head and was unconscious. I could swim like a fish and dove in after him. The water had poor visibility, and it took me about ten minutes to find him. I couldn't wake him up. By the time I ran to get help and got back, he was gone. I overheard the paramedic say, "If I had known to do something, he would have still been alive."

The next day I went to the school's library. I searched for information that I overheard the paramedic talking about the day before. The paramedic was right, and it devastated me. I could have saved my best friend's life.

I told you I was smart. I was so smart, I hadn't paid attention in health class. It caused me not to listen and participate when the teachers were teaching CPR. If I had given him CPR, he would still be alive.

I went to the library and started reading the effects on the body when drowning. I became so enthralled with the medical information I decided then and there, at the age of 12, I would be a doctor. My father's good friend was a doctor. One day when I was at the club with Dad, I asked him, "How could I become a doctor?"

My dad and his friend just looked at each other in shock. He asked me, "Why I wanted to be a doctor?"

I said, "To save kid's lives."

He then replied, "Well, first of all, you must make good grades. Next, you have to go to college then medical school. To get into medical school, you need more than good grades. You will also need references that will testify to your character."

He asked me, "Do you know what character Brady is?" I nodded yes. "If you get in trouble, you'll have a hard time getting anyone to help say you are a good person. Do you know what the Physicians Creed is? I shook my head no. He said, 'Do No Harm'. That means, as a doctor, you don't harm people. That also means no more fighting.

Later I figured out he lied. He knew I was constantly in trouble for fist fighting. After that talk, I never fought again unless provoked. My temper had always gotten the best of me until then.

Did mention I have 161 IQ. It is the same as James Woods, the actor. I threw myself into my schoolwork and graduated high school at 15 and college and medical school by 20. I served my internship by the age of 23 and decided to specialize in pediatric care. I became an expert at cardiology surgery on infants and babies still in the womb.

Toni and I had met when I had just a few weeks left as an intern. I had gone with a friend to my old fraternity house for their end-of-year party. That is when I met Ginger. I heard rumors about Ginger's reputation. She practically grabbed my cock in front of everyone. I asked her twice to quit, and she refused. Then I got in her face yelled at her to keep her slutty hands off me. Everyone turned and looked at me, towering over her like she was a child. She turned red and slithered off.

I decided I had enough and was ready to leave. That's when I heard a girl begging a group of men to stop. I walked over to see drunk frat boys groping her. I stepped over to where they were standing and got between them. I reminded them the young lady was not interested. Two of them didn't take kindly to my interference.

After putting both of them on the floor, the other three decided they were not that interested in her after all. I asked if she was ok? She said yes. And again, I decided I had enough for the evening. I excused myself and started to leave. The next thing I knew, I had grown an attachment to my arm.

She introduced herself as Toni and asked me if I would walk her back to her sorority house. As we walked, she thanked me, and we talked. She was beautiful, smart, and funny. We started dating. She surprised me when she told me she was a virgin, and if I ever wanted it, I would have to pay full price for it by marrying her.

It was an even bigger surprise when I found out Ginger was her roommate. She informed me they had known each other since they were five years and best friends. Ginger and I hated each other.


Back to the present. Ginger and Jeff had fucked up on so many levels. First. Raping my wife. Two. I gave a shit about Jeff being black. I dated black women in college. They weren't virgins, so the odds were they had a black dick before me. And third, forgetting to turn off Toni's iPhone led me straight to Jeff's house.

I called Toni's parents and told them that Toni and I had to go out of town for an emergency. And I was bringing the baby to them. I told them we would be gone for two to three weeks.

I tracked Toni's iPhone to Jeff's house. I pounded on the door until Jeff opened it. After Jeff hit the floor, I injected him with Propofol. I went into the back bedroom to see my beautiful wife lying in bed covered in cum.

I looked into her eyes, and they were fully dilated. She had been drugged. She was breathing, and her pulse was good. There was no immediate danger of her dying. Ginger laid passed out on the bed next to her. I injected her to make sure she stayed out. I took plenty of pictures and took everyone's cell phone. I then collected Toni's and Ginger's purses and Id's. I didn't want anyone knowing Ginger was even there.

I removed my wife's Jewelry and wedding bands and loaded Jeff and Ginger into the back of my Tundra. I went back into the house. I dialed 911 on Jeff's iPhone and threw it on the bed next to her.

I realized Toni would be taken to Mercy hospital. I called and asked for the emergency doctor on duty. It was Pete Lindsey, a friend of mine. He owed me because I operated on his child while still in the womb. If not, his child would have died. I explained to him Toni had been raped and drugged and the situation. I told him to make sure she wouldn't get pregnant because she was still off the pill. And keep who she is a secret until she wakes up. I needed a couple of day's head start. He promised to back me up.

My medical group resided out of the Methodist complex on the other side of town near my home. I arrived and took out all the necessary stuff I would need for my revenge. Since I was a well-known doctor around the hospital, no one thought to question me about removing items that should have triggered red flags.

I failed to mention earlier my parents died the first year of my residency. My father and mother were flying down to Carmel, California when the plane malfunctioned and crashed. I had millions of dollars in a trust fund and inherited everything.

Only a few people know that near the far end of the property sits a log cabin. It was an off-grid house that had its own well and generator. My father had prepared it as a fallback position in case society ever broke down.

I got to my cabin around 4 in the morning unloaded my stuff and the two bags of shit that we're still asleep. I hauled them into the log cabin and secured them in individual room rooms. I re-administered some more drugs that would ensure they would stay asleep. I had work to do.

I called my lawyer and informed him what was going on, and he was pissed. I didn't tell him what I was going to do with future victims. I told him I needed to sell my property. I wanted cash, and I wanted it by the end of the week. It was also my plan to keep the house and the acreage that was covered in grass. But I wanted them to hold the mortgage at 200% of the value. I would tell him where to send the money.

Next, I called an acquaintance friend of mine. I was calling in a favor he owed me. Not every child I do surgery on comes from a reputable family. I gave him enough details about the situation and told him I needed to open up offshore accounts to protect my money for Toni and my child. He asked me if I wanted to get rid of the trash. I told him no, I was taking care of it.

I called Pete to check up on Toni. He said she was still sleeping, and he could keep her that way for a couple of days. Pete told me the lab work he ordered for Toni had been completed. I was right, and he confirmed that Toni had been drugged with a designer date rape drug. Her alcohol level was so high, Toni was suffering from alcohol poisoning. He informed me there was physical damage, and the guy must have been too big for her. He ripped her pretty badly and broke her cervix. The doctor had taken care to make sure she didn't get pregnant.

I got the call back from my friend that the offshore bank accounts were now available. He told me to make sure I change the passwords before I transferred any money. He had set up twenty accounts in ten different countries. By the time I was thru moving money, no one would know where it was. I told him we were even. He disagreed. He still owed me.

I called my lawyer and told him I wanted to set up trust funds. I spent the rest of the day setting up a trust fund for my kid and Toni. I loved her, and it wasn't her fault. But by the time I got out of prison, she would probably be remarried, and I didn't want to leave her everything. If she remarried, I wanted to make sure the future husband to get my kid's money.

I kept tabs on Toni. It seemed that drug had messed her up more than everyone had thought. She was having psychotic episodes. Pete told me she was in no physical danger, and if anything changed, he would let me know.

When I heard this, I went back to being that 12-year-old psychopath. No empathy and no remorse.

Over the next two weeks, I kept putting Toni's parents off. Finally, I told them what happened. Toni's father and mother were pissed at me. They took off and went to the hospital to identify Toni.

One thing I did was I left mine, Gingers, and Toni's phone in a U-Store-It location when not in use. When I through with them, I turned off their phone and destroyed it. I had bought a burner phone the night I went to Jeff's place. If I did use mine or Toni's, it was when I was away from the cabin. I didn't want it tracked.

Three months later, the authorities had an all-point bulletin out for me, Jeff, and Ginger. They didn't need to worry about Jeff and Ginger. I knew where they were. One night I pulled up to a local police precinct. I dumped their bodies in the police lobby and turned myself in.

You might ask, why I didn't run? I didn't care if they gave me the chair. I wasn't looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life.


All rise said the bailiff as I stood up next to my lawyer. Through the doors walked Judge George Bayer. Please be seated. This is the Case of the State of California versus Brady Anderson. He read the charges, yadda, yadda, yadda.

The prosecutor called Ginger Allison. In walked Ginger. She was the most moderately dressed that I had ever seen her.

Ginger was sworn in.

Prosecutor: "Ms. Allison, "In your own words, please tell us what happened?"

Ms. Allison: She looked in my direction and screamed, "You bastard, you're a butcher," she snorted. I smirked back at her. That is how I got my moniker, "The Butcher of Berkeley."

Bam, Bam, the judge banged his anvil while looking at Ginger. He admonished her, "Ms. Allison, control your temper and watch your language. Take a second and regain your composure."

Ms. Allison: She took a deep breath and answered, "He kidnapped me. I was partying with his wife, and I woke up tied to a table. I was wearing a nightgown. I was nude underneath.

Prosecutor: "Did he tell you why you were there?"

Ms. Allison: "He told me he was going to do surgery on me. And I would never know the pleasure of a man again." Sobbing.

Prosecutor: "Go on, Ms. Allison."

Ms. Allison: "He walked over to me and put me to sleep. I woke up later to see a jar filled with alcohol and in it was a mass of skin. I felt pain between my legs. He had removed my clitoris. He told me I would never enjoy an orgasm orally again." Bursting into tears to an audible gasp from the jury and gallery.

Again Judge Bayer admonished everyone for the outburst.

Prosecutor: "Go on. What happened next?"

Ms. Allison: "After a few days, he walked in again and put me back under. I woke up to see my breasts were bandage and hurting. He informed me he cut off my nipples, so I would never have an orgasm through my sensitive nipples." wiping her eyes.

Prosecutor: "Go on."

Ms. Allison: "A few days later, he came back again. This time he was carrying a big jug of a substance. He said it would destroy my vagina lining. It would kill all my nerve endings in it. And it would become very painful for any insertion of any kind. I can never have sex again. I can't even use a vibrator. He told me he would not touch my reproductive organs because he still wanted me to have the urges without being able to scratch the itch.

He then informed me he would not be mutilating anything else. He wanted me to stay beautiful, so men would still desire me without me being able to oblige them. I will suffer for the rest of my life," crying uncontrollably."

The jury was all ready to convict me.

Judge: "We will take a 20-minute break for the witness to regain her composure."


Attorney: "Ms. Allison. What is your relationship to Toni Anderson?"

Ms. Allison: She is my best friend. We grew up together. I have known her since we were five.

Attorney: "What was your relationship with Brady Anderson before this event?"

Ms. Allison: "I hated him. He was an arrogant asshole who thought he was better than me".

Attorney: "Did you not grab his crotch the first time night you met without his permission? As a matter of fact, Ms. Allison, you did it again after he politely told you not to? Didn't he embarrass you that night when he called you a slut in front of everyone?"

Ms. Allison: "He was such a woos. Men love being seduced, and grabbed." The jury shook their heads.

Attorney: "Didn't you constantly threaten to get his wife laid and get her a man's size penis? And once she had one, she would leave him. Why?

Ms. Allison: "I wanted her and me to party together again. Plus, she needed to know that size does matter."

Attorney: "Do you know a man named Jeff Maddox?"

Ms. Allison: "Yes, he is a good friend of mine. "

Attorney: "Did you and Mr. Maddox have sex with Mrs. Anderson?

Ms. Allison: "Yes, we did. We had gone out partying and had a few drinks, and we ended back at Jeff's house and had a threesome."

Attorney. "This was totally out of character for Mrs. Anderson, wasn't it?"

Ms. Allison: "Yes, it was, but after a few drinks, she was all in. I wanted her to know what a real man has for a penis. Jeff has 12 inches."

Attorney: "Did you give Mrs. Anderson date rape drug?"

Ms. Allison: " On the advice of counsel, l refuse to answer that question on the grounds it might incriminate me."

Attorney. "Did you film the threesome?"

Ms. Allison. "Yes, I did."

Attorney: "I submit this as defense evidence 'A,' your honor." He handed the USB card to the bailiff.