Work Party for Two


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Attorney: "Mrs. Allison, I am going to play this video that you took that night?"

The attorney hit play. The jury heard Toni say no on many occasions and tried to push Jeff away.

Attorney: "You covered Toni's clit and sucked and continued to stimulate her, didn't you?

Ms. Allison: "Yes, I did. And you can tell how much she loved it."

Brady looked over to the jury to see them pissed off at what they were seeing. That was all he wanted. one pissed-off jurist.

Attorney: "Do you know what the word no and stop mean?"

Ms. Allison: "Yeah, But as you could see, she wanted it."

Attorney. "Do you think this act had anything to do with the attack on you?"

Ms. Allison: "It shouldn't have. Brady was always a wimp. She needed to know what a real man felt like. Sex is power.

Attorney. " Did you ever see Mr. Anderson's penis?"

Ms. Allison: "No, it would be a waste of time. Toni never bragged about it, so I knew it was small."

Attorney: He has 8 inches and is as wide as Mr. Maddox's. Mr. Anderson had to be careful not to hurt her with it by going too deep. Mr. Maddox broke Mrs. Anderson's cervix. That's all for this witness."

Brady looked over to see the females on the jury eyeing him.

The judge banged his gavel, "It is 11:30. We will break for lunch. I want everyone back here at 2.


Prosecutor: The state calls Mr. Jeff Maddox. Jeff walked in wearing his orange jumpsuit.

Jeff was sworn in and sat down.

Prosecutor: Before I ask you any questions. I am going to inform the jury you cannot talk because your tongue had been removed. And you have not had time to learn sign yet. It's been agreed between the State, the defendant's attorney, the judge, and the witness's attorney. I will ask the questions, and he will write them down. The bailiff will read the answers. The defendant's attorney will do the same.

Mr. Maddox: "Why can you not talk?"

Bailiff Reading: "The bastard cutout my tongue out."

The judge leaned over to address the bailiff, "Don't repeat those adjectives, please." The bailiff nodded. He understood.

Prosecutor: "Why did he say he did that?"

Bailiff reading. "He wanted to make sure I would never enjoy the taste of a woman during oral sex again. He also wanted to make sure I could never satisfy a woman orally.

Prosecutor: "Did he remove anything else?"

Maddox wrote furiously.

Bailiff reading. "He cut off my fu... penis off."

Prosecutor:" Take your time. I want all the details. Can you describe what happened?"

5 minutes later.

Bailiff reading: " As you know, I had a twelve-inch penis. He injected my penis with TRIMIX that kept my penis hard. He then cut it off two inches every time he operated on me. He wanted me to see the latest results after each surgery. I saw it go all the way down to there was nothing. He then informed me that he removed the part that was below the skin." Tears were running down his cheeks.

Prosecutor: "What else did he do to you? And did he tell you why?"

Bailiff reading: "He removed my prostate. He told me I wouldn't need it. He said he did it to make sure if I ever decided, I wanted stimulation through anal sex, he wanted to make sure I couldn't ejaculate."

Prosecutor: "Why would he want to do that? He removed your penis.

Bailiff reading: "He left my ball so I would still make testosterone. I would have all the desires and no way I could ever act on them," Jeff was sobbing as the bailiff read the notecard.

Prosecutor: "That's all for this witness."

Brady's attorney approached the witness.

Attorney: " Before we start, I want to give you my condolences for your loss." smirking.

The court burst out in laughing even the jury was chucking,

BAM! BAM! BAM! The judge banged his gavel. Yelling for the court to come to order. After a few seconds, it settled down.

The judge announced, "One more outburst like that, and I'll clear the courtroom. And you, Mr. Smith, I'll hold you in contempt. The judge put his hand over his mouth and slowly took deep breaths trying to control his laughter.

Attorney: "I am sorry, judge." He looked over to Jeff to see him shooting dagger out of his eyes at him.

Attorney: "Mr. Maddox: You accused my client of this act. Why do you think he would want to harm you?"

Bailiff reading: "Ms. Allison and I had a consensual threesome with his wife. She wanted to know what it was like to have a real man."

Attorney: " Did you know Mrs. Anderson was drugged?"

Bailiff reading: "No, I did not. I found out about it later."

Attorney: "Do you know the definition of no and stop?

Bailiff reading: "Yes."

Attorney: "Why didn't you stop when she asked?"

Bailiff reading: "All the bitches are scared of it at first. But with just a little prodding, they love it and want more and then beg for it. I knew she didn't want to stop."

Attorney: "I want you to watch the video of the three of you. He stopped it when she said N0! NO! NO! and rewound it. Then he showed Jeff's face.

Attorney: "Look at your face. You hesitated. "You damn well knew that she wanted to stop."

Prosecutor: "Objection."

Judge: "Objection sustained." Mr. Smith....

Attorney: " I withdraw the question. Mr. Maddox, Don't you think this is why Mr. Anderson came after you?"

Prosecutor: "Objection. Mr. Maddox is not a mind reader."

Judge. "Sustained,

Attorney: "Mr. Maddox, I have a couple of more questions. Did you ever ask Mr. Anderson to stop?

Bailiff reading: "Yes, I did."

Attorney: "Do you believe like you he didn't know you meant to stop?"

Prosecutor: " Objection."

Attorney: Smiling at the jury, "I withdraw the question."

Over the next week, the defense called in character witnesses and psychiatrists to help explain Brady's reactions. The prosecutor then called his Psychiatrist to prove he was a psychopath.

The judge told the defense and prosecution to have their closing arguments ready by 10 A.M. tomorrow.

Attorney: Standing up and buttoning his coat. He faced the jury. "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. The prosecution tried to turn my defendant into a monster. As you heard from the testimony from his friends and pillars of the community, what an amazing man, husband, and father he is. He has given countless hours to the poor without one expectation pavement. He has saved hundreds of children's lives, rich and poor.

By all accounts, he is the perfect man, and loving husband up until an evil woman decided on her own he needed to be brought down. She was the evil one. He rejected her advances. She made it quite clear over the years what she planned to do to his wife. She was cold and calculating when she did it.

He never worried about his wife ever falling for her pressure to cheat on him. But Ms. Allison was obsessed with getting her a bigger penis, so it would make her want to leave her husband.

My question to you is how a normal man would react in this situation? I don't know about you, but if I received a video of my wife being raped, and her friend deliberately trying to get her pregnant with another man's baby, I would have a severe problem with that.

And how would a normal woman act to see her best friend having her raped just to destroy her husband?

The founding fathers put the jury system in place to make sure justice was fairly delivered. In this state, the jury can override any law with a nullification verdict. You can give him life or let him walk.

When you make your final decision, put yourself in that man's shoes and asked yourself, What would I have done?"

The first jury was out for two weeks before it came back hung. The jury from the second trial came back only after ten days, and it was a hung jury also. It seems that rich people do get the best defense.

After the state spent millions trying to convict me, they offered me 20 years without the possibility of parole. I accepted it.

Of course, when I walked into the prison, they gave me a job in the infirmary. They pretty soon realized what they had, and they offered me to keep my license if I would continue to do surgery for the state.

It was in the state's best interest to have a world-class surgeon working for free.

Then the riots broke out. I already mentioned them. I became a made man.

Guess who showed up at this state hotel. Good, old Jefferey. Now one would assume I wanted him dead. No, I did not.

I paid visits to the gangs that owed me as well as the guards I saved. I stopped by to talk to my old friend Jeff. I informed him that he would not be harmed by the other prisoners. And as matter of fact, his roommates would be with him at all times. I told him I wanted to make sure he lived out his 30 years in prison and there will be no suicides. And I had also arranged it so he would fuck up enough while he was there so he wouldn't be eligible for parole anyway. And last but not least, unless he didn't want to end up as the gang's personal cum dumpster, he would drop all lawsuits.

I had arranged to have Ginger visited by the heads of the different gangs in her cell. She was informed by my friends that she would have the same arrangement that Jeff did. I did have her informed that if you have to quote someone saying something about the power, you don't have it. Having power, is power. You don't quote it, you exercise it.

In the meantime, I was keeping tabs on Toni and my child. My father-in-law was raising Blair., my daughter. Toni had gone into a deep depression and was still in a private nursing facility for the mentally ill. She keeps calling out for me to forgive her. I did shed a tear.

Sometimes God shows up when least expected. It seemed that the governor's newborn son had a severe heart problem. Other doctors recommended me as the best surgeon available to do the job. In my time in the prison, I honed my skills further, and thanks to the internet, I could keep in contact with fellow Heart Surgeons.

I got a call one day to come to the warden's office. When I walked into the warden's office, the governor was standing next to the warden. The warden introduced us, and the governor actually shook my hand.

The governor took a deep sigh," Mr. Anderson. "I am here to ask you to help me. My son is very ill and has a congenital heart defect. All the experts tell me you are still the best there is for this type of surgery. If you do this for me, I will grant you full clemency. I have arranged for you to have surgical rights in your old hospital."

"I will have to resign for abuse of power. Now with that being, said are you willing to do it?"

Brady replied, "I am, but you remember there is always a chance of failure. I have never lost a child yet, so I get clemency no matter what." The governor agreed. Everything was set, and papers were drawn up, and the child survived. Upon announcing his child would live. He resigned.



It was 8 o'clock as I walked out of the gates of the prison for the last time. The first week I met up with my lawyer and got brought up to speed on my finances. He informed me that all the lawsuits against me had been dropped. I found out my house was still being rented, but the lease would be in six months.

He set me up in a condo. He got me a driver to help me with getting things I would need to transition to the outside. Over the next couple of days, I got my first iPhone. I had to get the neighbor's kid to show me how to use it. Not even a 161 IQ can compare with the knowledge of a fourteen-year-old and their cell phone intellect. I gave her a nice big tip for her help.

Next, I went to the DMV. After what seemed like a longer wait time than my 10-year prison sentence. I took the written test and barely passed the driving part.

After getting my license, my chauffeur drove me over to the local Toyota dealership. My lawyer had called them in advance and told them what I was looking for. When I walked into the showroom, they took me to the back of the dealership. I was shown a 12 fully loaded Tundras, one in each color. I took the red one and told them I wanted it ready to go in 30 minutes. I sat down, looking at my iPhone, and was still trying to figure out how kids were smart enough to use this Goddamn phone.

The week later, I drove to my in-law's house. I sat down the street from it and watched an 11-year girl playing basketball. For the first time in years, I was scared. I was at least a foot taller than her and had her by 150 pounds.

A minute later, a police car pulled up behind my car. "Sir, may I see your driver's license and registration?" he asked. I showed it to him. They had a complaint from a citizen that I was leering at young girls.

I explained my situation and was trying to get the courage to go over and meet him. I looked up to see my in-laws standing behind my daughter, looking our way with concern. They recognized me, and Bob walked down to greet me.

He said, "Officer, it's ok, I know him. Hello Brady. He stuck his hand out and said, "Welcome back." He put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Come on over and meet your daughter." We walked over so I could get a closer look at my prodigy. I teared up as I saw her mother in her. Thank God for small miracles.

After the introductions, we went inside to get acquainted. I had my first home cook meal in years. We talked, and Blair and I tentatively got to know each other. Blair played soccer and basketball. I found out she was in the 8th grade as a 10-year-old. Blair was very smart. She got that got from me and her looks from her mother. After about three hours, Blair excused herself. She said she had homework to do. The good news was I had my very own iPhone tutor. By the time she left, he had downloaded about 30 apps that she said I just had to have.

After he left, I turned to Bob and Margaret and asked., "Didn't my lawyer send you the money I set aside for you to raise Blair? I thought you would have gotten a bigger place by now. It was also to help cover the additional expenses."

Bob replied, "Why would we do that? We raised three kids in this house they turned out just fine. Blair doesn't know how much money she has. She has chores to do. If she wants extra money, she does extra chores and does odd jobs for the neighbors. We do send her to a school for the gifted, but pretty much we have left everything else in the account.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. I asked, "How's Toni?"

Bob sighed, and Margaret, starting sobbing. Bob, starting explaining, " I can understand why you did. If it would have been me, I would have killed both of them. We couldn't believe it when we heard what Ginger had done to her, just to get at you. For Christ's sake, they have been friends forever.

I would like to think you went crazy and lost control of your emotions, and that is why you did what you did. But it broke Toni. She has retreated into her world. She thinks she cheated on you, and you left her. She has not accepted the fact that she was betrayed and drugged by Ginger.

She only knows you left her. She is down to around 100 lbs. and is slowly dying."

I teared up, "Bob, I am very sorry. I blocked out everything on the outside. I initially thought she would move on. When you are in prison for as long as I was, you can only live day to day. You can not think of the future with anyone. Can I see her?"

"I will call the home tomorrow morning and arrange it," replied Bob.

The next morning we met with the doctors. I was informed that I needed to forgive her for cheating on me. I shook them off and said, "I should be begging her for forgiveness for leaving her."

"Mr. Anderson, It doesn't matter what you know. It's what she thinks," the doctor informed me. Once we get her out of her fog, we can then talk to her about what happened.

I walked into Toni's room, and for the first time since my friend died, I broke down and cried. Toni looked like someone that spent time in a concentration camp. My beautiful wife was nothing but bones. Her cheeks were sunken in. Her hair was frazzled and looked brittle. Her skin had turned to an ash color, and her eyes were dead.

"Toni, Toni," I called out her name. Her eyes grew wide as she focused on my face.

"Brady is that you?" she asked, looking for a hopeful response. "Did you come back to forgive me?"

I broke down crying. I looked at the doctor, and he nodded his head.

"Yes, I forgive you," as I broke down sobbing with my face in her lap. I raised to see her smiling as I kissed her. We held each other for 20 minutes without saying a word.

"Honey, can I have something to eat?" I am hungry." she asked. For the next hour, I fed her beef broth, Jell-O, and ice cream.

It took months of both of us going to individual and couples counseling to get our lives back so I could take Toni home. My home came off lease, and we moved back in, and we added our daughter Blair. I was finally in control of my demons again.

Five years later.

One of the advantages of being rich is you do not have to work full time. I still do pro bono work, but I spend most of the time with my wife and two kids.

This summer we decided to spend it in Belize. While here, I will use my skills to help out Doctors Without Borders. Today I am off enjoying the beach with my 16-year-old daughter, Blair, and my 3-year-old Sarah.

"Come here only take off that smock, and I'll rub some lotion on that bloated belly of yours, honey," I order Toni.

"I'm not taking this smock off," responded my wife. "I am 7 months pregnant. Everyone would be yelling beach whale. Push her back in."

I looked over to see the young newlywed couple laughing and playing about 30 ft off to my left. I then noticed an attractive mature couple heading toward them.

As I watched, I saw the huge breasted woman turn the young man's attention away from his wife as the older predator worked his magic on the young wife.

I looked at my wife and said, "I will be right back," and headed toward them. I could feel the demons coming back. Boy, this is going to be a great vacation.

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AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

It's unforgivable to let Toni suffer without an explanation from the psycho-doc. He had plenty of opportunities to let her know but just blew her off. The guy's an even bigger asswipe than the "rapping" duo.

DickSnugfitDickSnugfitabout 1 month ago

"You see, Ginger and Jeff fucked up big by rapping my wife, Toni." BUT the way that I learnt it was-

"Rapping" was what Rappers did,

. (chant rhyme in a rhythmic monotone to a Caribbean backbeat), sometimes good, sometimes less so,

. whereas,

"Raping" was what Rapists did,

. and always BAD!

SO, -is the Author trying to tell us that insisting on the correct spelling is intransigent arrogance,

OR that the assailants were deviant musical criminals?

Answers please, one the back of a $10 bill, to Error Tikka, 21st Century Electronic Dictionary Appeal. Lol!.


Okay, now that I have read the whole thing, I can see that there IS a cohesive plot underlying it all, but the Author seems to have tripped-over himself in his enthusiasm to get it all written down, and he really does NEED an editor/proof-reader, whatever HE thinks! The errors are prolific! But ANY writer is always the very LAST person to spot his own mistakes, because no mat1ter what the elephant he has written down, he only sees what he had INTENDED to put, and not whatever gibberish that actually DID commit to paper while he was getting carried away!

The mind plays these tricks on us ALL, the secret lies in recognizing that, and doing whatever it takes to work around it! Use an editor! Good luck!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

ugh the worst trope in the LW universe is the absurd courtroom cross examination period where attorneys and judges say ludicrous things - like talking about the defendant's penis size, hot clitoral stimulation access, reading Jeff's "prepared statement" and on and on. Oh and in this case the two "victims" are just as much a part of the absurdity - saying stupid shit like "she wanted to know what it was like to have a real man." My god this is SO FKING DUMB.

Tomh1966Tomh19662 months ago

not just awesome

Fucking awesome.

49.3 stars.

RanDog025RanDog0253 months ago

Excellent story! Better than any Thriller I've watched in the past 30 years, thank you! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING HUGE FLAMING NOVA STARS! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐👌

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