Would You


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What was clear, however, was that the creeper felt that she hadn't completed her task....slowly—and roughly—she retracted the tongue from her snatch....pulled it out cream-coated inch, by cream-coated inch....she paused for a minute to savor its goodness...then she determined to teach this bitch her final lesson...one that would bring her back if she ever ventured to this placed again....

The last deed of the creeper was to use that magnificent tool in her mouth in the way that most of the wmn of the club were accustomed....she held it poised at the entrance of the prize she ultimately sought...let its heat radiate from its tip as she splayed her 'victim's' thighs apart with her arms....

She lowered her head, just a degree, below the sweet, leaking liquid of that sugar-coated cunt....for just an instant—no longer—she let the tip of her tongue graze the puckered muscle of the 'special guest's' asshole.... The reaction was instantaneous—the heat from an electrical charge seared her, shot up her rectum to her brain—again she saw stars—all before her ass was penetrated....when that happened, her roar devastating....

'Oooooooooooo....! Oooooo, shit! O shit! O shit! Oooooo shiii-iiiit...!' The wail started in her asshole worked its way up her throat, jammed her vocal cords and erupted from her mouth—if words, utterances, moans, could be seen—if they had color—hers would have been the substance and color of cum....and everyone in the space knew it...she had the undivided attention of most....

The creeper gripped mounds of her ass and pulled her further onto the thickness of her tongue....deeply pumping and massaging the canal of her asshole with it—giving her a supreme tongue-fucking....the evidence of the serpent grl's ardor was witnessed in the fact that her own big dick was even bigger and leaking like the pussy she had just eaten....

Somewhere in the crowd was a mutter: 'Somebody really needs to put 'Tongue' out of her 'misery'....'

With that, two pairs of heels clicked to the dais....one belonged to the red-headed Amazon of incredible proportions who had made initial eye-contact—only to be waylaid (good term) along the route....

She was the first to mount the steps.... And her first move was to seize the creeper's big dick in one hand and commence to pump, and with the other, begin to warm her inviting ass with a series of slaps that began to make it glow as the heat gathered beneath her blows....

She was joined by an Asian beauty who deftly stepped out her mini skirt as her tits struggled against the buttons of her cropped jacket....as the skirt slid to her ankles, she snapped the clasps of her thong to reveal a cock that seemed to be all to big for a wmn her size....

The Amazon's spanking only pushed that tongue further up our girl's asshole, pumping sweet ooze from her pussy in direct proportion to the actions preceding each thrust....

The Asian lovely knelt low enough to the black Goth serpent's ass, to get a clear view of her pouting asshole, puckered her lips and let fly—Bullseye!—the hot, foamy cream of her spit hit and spattered, making its target wince, then the entire ass shimmy....and though the mouth was full, the muffled moan was clear....

Then she too, got on her knees to do her duty—the Amazon moving aside.... 'Yessss, Babi...Mami is here....' she softly crooned as she eased her way up that welcoming ass and gripped a cock in need of too much attention....



The Amazon dislodged the moaning creeper and her tongue from the sweet asshole that had been its center of attention, but not before kissing her, sucking that tongue to gauge the flavor of its 'victim'...and, of course, thanking the Tongue, for the marvelous prep she had performed....Of course, the Tongue was too preoccupied to answer....

Then, the Amazon turned her attention to where she had been making her way for what seemed like forever....our girl's lids fluttered like butterflies in a fog...dazed as the Amazon leaned towards her, a cock too big for words—jutting from between her thighs like a bull elephant's tusk, but thick from base to head—upturned just inches from her mouth—her lipstick and gloss still intact, just asking to be properly used....

'Guess you're almost ready for me, huh Babi...?' the Amazon breathed... 'but we'd better make sure, right?'... with that she laid the enormous head of that long, thick, heavy cock on her lips....let it lay there...patiently....she was not to be disappointed....


Across the room, unnoticed by most, another incongruous figure quietly enters—she is both subtle and striking at the same time....

Simple...yet elegant....it is the basic 'little black dress'.... 'little' is the operative word here—short and tight....it is the black spandex mini created for this body—or is it the other way round?...the body was 'created' for this dress—sculpted and cut with great care and effort...the form poured into this sheath...this web—a walking chrysalis, exposing—literally—its great, beautiful butterfly in black casement—sleeveless, turtlenecked, and o so short!....

The stockings are black opaque...the arch to the thigh is a seamless line invisibly melding with the hem of the mini...the only discernible 'bump' in the landscape...is the 'bump' in the landscape: atop the visible contours of calves that lead to thighs is the magnificent protrusion of ass that not even all that black can hide....in a word, one wonders, can it get any more glorious than this?....

Then, she pivots...on an exquisite and very expensive stiletto...and the light silhouettes her carriage...in another word, she is racked.... The slender, muscular body—on a frame stretching no more than 5'7, 5'8 at best(sans heels)—pushes out an incredible pair of breasts from such a small chassis—probably no more than 36s...a c-cup, maybe—but still altogether, incredibly formidable, with thick, pencil-tipped, eraser nipples, that even the thickness and restraining qualities of spandex could not contain....

The jewelry began with the single silver strand at the ankle—(silver seems popular this episode)—up to the wrists, silver bangles, each finger encircled with silver bands—no two the same....the left bicep gripped in a silver armband...loose strands of silver looping from neck to breasts—complementing the strand at the ankle....from the left ear dangled the stars; the right the moon, as its 'man' crept down the ear-cartilage in the attempt to regain his place in it....

The locks were black-black, with blue tips...tied at the crown and splayed in every-which direction—pure drama pitching toward the face....

Chances must be a place of sweetness....the old saying about darkness and sweetness must have referred to Chances when it was first spoken—this is the proverbial 'berry patch'—'the darker the berry the sweeter the juice'.... 'blueberries,' 'black berries'... 'huckleberries'... 'blue-black berries'—some of them quite 'large'—all of them sweet....here is no exception, in fact, she is a paradigm....

The tied blue-tipped, black dreads pitching toward a dark-sea face...its own blues shimmering...smooth blue-black brow crashing to the bridge of a nose that flows and then breaks into a broad wave at its base...nostrils flared for sea air...the mouth below them, some exotic, red, island passion fruit, that reveals, when she tilts her head back to laugh, a treasure chest of perfectly rowed pearls....the corners of her smile arch up to cheekbones high as cliffs overlooking the deep sea of her face...reflected off them are the bright blue of her eyes...framed by the blue sails of her lashes...these are caught in the arc of subtle blues that embrace eyes and blend with the soft mauves and purples that flow across the face like smooth, powerful underwater currents....

Alek greets her new guest like an old friend...pecks on each cheek, easy chit-chat as she eases an arm through hers and guides her veiled, sunglassed guest to her table....all in view of the unfolding bacchanal...hard not to given that it was going on all around the room....

The new guest's eyes were drawn to the dais...just in time to witness the knob of a thick ivory cock slide between the thick, wet, red enameled lips of Alek's 'special' guest....



'Unh!' the Amazon grunted as she forced the big mushroom head of her cock through the tightly sphinctered lips of our girl....tight on purpose...she knew her business: to please and be pleased....if she punked out on this big bitch the way she had almost to that snakey-tongued slut, she wouldn't last through the night...and that just wouldn't do....so...she tightened those thick African lips that had been so richly glossed and prepared her counter assault....

'Mmmmmmmm, Bitch...' the Amazon sighed, trying to back out... 'you know your fuckin' business...you got the mouth....Oooooo, Babi....you got the mouth....'

Funny about mouths...they are so overlooked...so underrated....Sure, their sexual possibility is recognized, but only superficially...but when really considered, the mouth has more sexual power than any pussy or asshole....save the hand, and of course, the brain...the mouth—a trained and disciplined mouth—can give more pleasure than any other organ imaginable....

Why? Because an experienced mouth is 'voluntary'...its muscles can be controlled at will....sure...sure....lots of women will tell you that about their pussies; the best of the grls will claim that their asses are the marvels of the universe—some are!—but they are not mouths....

Pussy lips can grip—to some degree; assholes can clinch....and in all that, both can rotate, shimmy and much more—but the difficulty there comes in consciously maintaining and controlling the action....when it gets too good—down below—all is lost....

The talented mouth.... This was THE talented mouth....a formidable weapon in the arsenal of the sensual...in the employ of a 'sexual terrorist' it is the most exacting tool of 'sexual terrorism'....think of it in this way: after this night, at least one person would live in awe—and possibly fear—of every having to encounter these lips, this tongue, this fleshy palette, and hot, deep muscled throat again....

'O shit, Bitch! O shit....' the Amazon hissed as she let half that cock find the back of her mouth...then she tightened her lips around the bottom of that half and twisted her head back and forth as she let that knob graze the back of her palette....

Again, the muscled bitch tried to back away.... 'Fuck, Babi! You suck like these grls do trade!....

With that she clasped both cheeks of the Amazon's ass and drew her in deeper to the heat of her mouth—as hot as any cunt or asshole....

She opened wide...relaxed her throat muscles and let the redhead bottom...once...twice...three times.... The syrup of precum and thick spit-cream back-washing in her gag-reflex and coating the entire length of a foot-long of cock from the big helmeted head to the smooth shaved, naked base....

'O! Bitch...you gonna make me cum! You gonna make me cu-uuuum....' the Amazon moaned....

On cue, she pushed her away, ropes of precum and spit-cream confection hanging between them from her mouth to the big, bloated, shiny head of that cock....with both hands she clamped off the base of that cock and looked straight into the eyes of its owner....

'I'm not done with you yet....' she whispered as she let one hand slide from the base to the head smoothing out the special lubricant she had just 'manufactured' so that it evenly coated the long shaft of the huge cock....

Then, just as deftly, with the same hand, she pulled a dinner napkin from the table...laced it under the swollen balls and tied it off tight at the base of the cock....a tool that was already obscenely big was even larger, and twitching in the agony of lust....

'Cover it....' She said softly....a well-manicured hand fished into the vibrant hued bowl of condoms....done....

She looked at it for a moment, then up into the face of its pretty, French-twisted owner: 'I guess...' she paused... 'YOU'RE ready for me...now!...' she whispered again through slicked, red, shiny lips....

She tugged the long ends of the napkin to her as she scooted down in the chair, pushing her ass forward, throwing her legs over the chair arms, forcing the lips of her pussy to spread and gap....

She pulled the ends a bit more til the head of that big cock could sense all the pent up heat rising from her sweet hole....another tug and the head rested against those slick lips—those slick lips—this she scooted back slightly...the Amazon realized what she had done and moaned again....all the eyes of the club where on this spectacle—all of them—so she was bound to prove that she was in charge....

Now she slid forward on the chair seat again, let the big cockhead pop through the satin of her pussy lips....then yanked the napkin ends and made the big bitch bottom in her hard!...

They both grunted loud—'Unh-hhhhhh!'....swooned for a minute...her head was the first clear from the stars and rockets....she locked her calves in the small of the Amazon's back so that her stilettos fell like spurs on each side of the valley of her ass cheeks....she was ready to ride....She pulled on the napkin ends like they were reigns and her stallion began to buck for her—right on cue....

What was witnessed here was a true exercise in bitch-ridin' that might possibly never be seen again...the exception was that the 'bitch' being ridden was the big cocked Amazon stallion....

Girlfriend was literally intent on ball-bustin' here....she was in full control—how could she not be???!!!—imagine: a cord of some sort, looped and pulled tight at the base of the cock behind the balls....imagine it pulled tighter at the whim of the 'rider'....imagine the 'mount' caught between pleasure and pain—wanting to retreat, unable to do so—the motion in question: bucking....

Her voice a little louder now in an almost hushed room: 'This is what you wanted, right?...This is what you wanted to bust, right?...you were parading all that big, pretty dick just for me to see....you wanted to break in the newbie in front of everyone else—am I right?....wanted to break it off, huh?...

With every question a tug and a buck....then no questions....simply lots of tugging and extreme bucking—supreme fucking....

The rider eased up on the reins ever so slightly....the mount sensed this and backed out a bit....the head of that hot cock slid from that steaming pussy by a degree....that degree found it against the rosebud of an equally hot asshole....

Another tug...and the big head parted the sphincter ring....our girl saw stars again and momentarily lost control of the 'reins'—just for a second—caught between pain and pleasure—she clutched them tight again....and this time she didn't 'tug'...she yanked....and in an instant her asshole was full of thick, hot poker....her turn to scream as her buck truly went wild....

Her scream was undone by that of the Amazon as she moved to regain control....her asshole was just too much—yes, the power of the mouth is supreme, but the real image of lust—its true imagining—is that sweet, tightly puckered, brown space—the 'backdoor'....the fascination of fucking the asshole—the mere thought of it—makes some people 'crazy'....

This asshole—like the mouth and pussy that preceded it—is exquisite—in both its tightness, and her control....

Time to do it now....time to truly break this bronc—this big, beautiful, bronze-headed stallion....

Spreading her arms as wide as the napkin would permit....bearing down with her ass-muscles, her sphincter ever tightening....her ass spiraling in even tighter concentric circles...she feels a cock— that even she should never imagined taking— swell inside her ass incredibly....

Then she knows in the parlance of the equestrienne that she needs to 'give the bitch her head'....she drops the end of the napkin and lets the Amazon get into the wind....three hard, pounding, table-shaking, floor-shuddering strokes....and the horse-cocked wonder bellows and thrashes....her rider clasped round her waist and neck...waiting for her to finish spending her load....

When it was over...it was over....the rider—true horse-woman that she was—gracefully 'dismounted,' the still thick, semi-hard cock slithering from her asshole....brushing a stray lock from her face, she smoothed the burnt orange of her dress over those deadly hips...pulled out her compact and re-armed her other 'lethal weapon'—her lips—that 'talented mouth'—as though nothing had happened...as though she were the only one in the room....

Her 'mount'?...her mount might as well had disappeared...all eyes were on her...all talk...was about her....it was palpable as she re-seated herself at her table....


Rocks and Hard Places


However, the only eyes that really mattered were those that had just entered the room...those were the blues in that calm ocean of blue-black face beneath the cascade of black, blue-tipped locks...stacked in a tower on her head, wrapped in blue/black cloth, and splaying from it.... The effect was a grace that made her look taller than she actually was as she commanded the room....her gaze had been discrete, but intense; both interested and amused....

The blue-black beauty was still unnoticed by our girl as she unobtrusively fanned herself after her exertions, in between sips of Asti...her 'retainer' had reappeared—she of the amply-filled tuxedo shirt and bulging 'fruit basket'—which appeared to have been 'handled,' in the very least.... 'M'selle...something to nibble on, perhaps...?' as she offered a plate of cheeses and fruit, and very fine crackers.... 'Excellent for the palette, M'selle...and quite energizing....' she said with a slight wink and nod....and the two of them shared a laugh....it was clear that she was another witness to the spectacle that had just unfolded....she bent low to retrieve the used glass, giving an unobstructed view of her deep cleavage...note was taken as she retreated....

Then, our girl got back to her task in all earnestness.... This might be the one night in a lifetime—it should not be wasted... but 'squandering' it should be rendered of all of its synonyms and attributes: 'extravagant,' 'reckless' (somewhat), 'decadent'....the issue was where to look next, and, of course...who to do next, as well....

She finished her Asti...felt the bubbles tingle their way right down to her pussy and buzz her clit...she rubbed her thighs together to maximize the sensation...then realized that her 'guardian angel'—the waitress—had left her a tray with a covered silver dish—the hot towel—and to its side, and immensely soft and fluff terry towel....without second thought, she spread her thighs, brought the hot towel to the lips of her pussy, pleasured herself in the same instance as she cleaned from stem to stern, and then let the fluff of the terry do its work.... How incredibly exciting the most commonplace of items become when they're used in a different context...among an audience....

Again, she was watched...she was quite aware of it... but even that seemed natural...because she was watching as well....and now it was time for the 'hunt'....

Cock-hunting—shemale, transgendered, crossdressed cock, to be exact—pretty, pretty cock to be quite specific....

She stood up, smoothed the tight orange 'bandages' over her tight, ample frame and let the room take her in again before she descended the dais....

It was a slow tour of the room.... In it she came to recognize what he had lectured her on their first night in Chances....there were all types of wmn here....there were also a few men as well—the 'specially' invited guests—they had been literally 'brought' there by their partners—and their partners were prone—pun intended—to public displays of sexuality....