Writing Research


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"Don't sweat it," she said somewhat dismissively, "we've all been there. Even Alicia was shaking like a leaf her first time." I looked over at Alicia and she subtly acknowledged the statement's truth. But she wasn't going to take this lying down.

"I heard you damn near pissed your pants you're first night," Alicia countered, "if you'd been wearing any," she added with a smile and a wink. Laurie went a little red, but also gave a sly smile to her.

"Well, Jim," she said toasting her drink, "I hope you enjoy yourself tonight. It's only your first time once," she added with a wink before she left. She almost had a hungry look to her as I turned back to my drink.

"She's fun," Alicia added, "you'll find a lot of people want to test the loves, see what their about and what their vibe is. My guess is you'll get quite a few offers just on that alone." I took another hard sip. How much commitment does one need to give to their writing? She saw I was tensing up again.

"Don't worry, everything is up to you," she said trying to reassure me. "You can say no; how and to whom you choose and if anyone starts harassing you, get one of the security people to step in. It's one of our golden rules here, no means no."

At that point a couple came up to us. I recognized them instantly as a celebrity couple whose names I will not repeat here. They were very friendly and greeted both of us warmly. Apparently, they were good friends of Alicia's and had heard about me previously. The wife even told me she was a big fan of my books. We chatted for a bit and they left, with the wife saying they'd seek me out later.

"They're very nice and a lot of fun," Alicia said, "they're both really good fucks too."

I nearly spit out my drink again as Alicia just smiled. "Didn't know my door swung both ways, did ya?" I think that my reaction was proof enough of that. "Girls are fun," she freely admitted, "I just go with the flow."

This led to another question of a more research nature. Was their much gay activity here in either direction. "Girl-girl, plenty," she admitted, "boy-boy less so, but still some. I imagine you'll get propositioned by a few of the guys tonight who want to see if the new guy is game."

I kept asking questions regarding etiquette and really just what to expect. I wanted the ground rules so as not to offend anyone or show bad form. Alicia, as always, was more than willing to help out with information.

"So they'll be a toast and an introduction because there is a love here," she said to indicate me. "Then they'll announce if there is a theme for tonight. Unless there is a holiday nearby, they're generally isn't if there is a love. Then the men and women will separate and if there is a theme, they will get into costumes provided in the changing rooms. If there is no theme, everyone just comes out nude. You leave all your stuff in the locker and only return to it when you are leaving. Typically, the females engage the males, but you can ask a woman too. It's considered bad manners to intrude on a couple that is going at it, unless they invite you over which happens plenty."

I was sitting taking all this down in my head, hoping I would remember it later.

"The bar is open at all times, but they can cut you off if they think you've had too much. The bar is also a good general area if you're looking to just engage in conversation or looking for another hookup. Watching a couple is always ok. Kind of the whole point of the place after all. Just keep a respectable distance unless you're encouraged to come closer or participate. Remember, what happens here stays here. We don't discuss with outsiders and only amongst ourselves when we know everyone around is also a member."

I was still trying to take all the information in and remember all of the salient points. We got another drink. I was gonna have a water or club soda, but Alicia said that at this point, another drink would have calming effect for what was to follow.

A few more men and women approached us both and greeted us. I could sense that they were all trying to make me feel welcome and get a feel for me all at the same time. I was the outsider here and acutely aware of it. There was soft music playing and I tried listening to it in order to get myself calmed down. The effect was debatable.

Eventually a couple emerged onto a platform and asked for attention, tapping their glasses. "The heads of the club," Alicia whispered to me. I learned that the club always had a man and woman as the co-heads and that they were usually a couple of some kind. Everyone quieted down and gave them their attention. The woman then started to speak.

"Welcome everyone!" she said with a broad smile. "It's good to see everyone and I happy to announce that we have a 95% attendance for tonight!" There was a round of applause and Alicia explained to me that most nights, it was in the 80's somewhere. Apparently if someone missed 3 parties in a row, they were kicked out, unless they had good reasons. I looked around the room and there must've been more than 150 people. The man now spoke up.

"Now there is no theme for tonight, but we we're sure gonna have a lot of fun, because as I'm sure some of you know, we have a love tonight!" Cheers went up all around, including from Alicia with a light poke to the ribs. I went red and took another sip of my drink.

"Let's get him up here! Jim?" he said looking right at me and extending his hand. He clearly knew who I was. Alicia pushed me forward and I joined the couple on stage, giving meek waves as I went. He firmly shook my hand and she gave me a kiss on the cheek, taking my arm as we stood there.

"Now Jim was nominated by one of our favorite members; Al, give us a wave!" She did and also a little gave a shimmy which had the men and women both hooting. "He's an award-winning author and columnist as I'm sure most of you know. We're very excited to have him here!" Another round of applause emerged as the man clapped me on the back. "Now Jim," he asked me directly, but still speaking to the crowd, "are you ready for your first party?!" I saw that the attention was now on me, and being a writer, I was to say something witty.

"If I'm not, I hope it goes unnoticed." Not my best work, but it got a good reaction from the crowd with many raising their glasses. The man clapped me on the back and the woman squeezed my arm a bit. She then spoke up.

"Alright everybody, let's get to the fun! Break!" And with that people got up and started walking away, some sharing kisses as they departed. The man on the stage tapped me on the arm.

"Follow me, Jim," he said escorting me. Alicia came up to me in the midst of all this.

"Time to go to the change rooms," she said as the men and women broke out. "I'll meet you right over there," pointing to a place in the room where doors were starting to open. I nodded and followed the man and all the other man through a door.

What we entered looked like a country club locker room, with individual lockers with names on them. The man indicated for me to follow and showed me a locker with a heart.

"Here's yours," he said indicating to it. "We add you're name once we know you're going to stick around," he explained. "I'm Arthur by the way," he said extending his hand. I reciprocated the greeting. The men around me began disrobing while they were chatting and talking about everything from sports to politics to who they were looking for tonight. Arthur near me started to disrobe as well.

I followed suit, just telling myself that it was like a high school gym or a golf club. Arthur just smiled looking at me thinking all this.

"Nervous?" he asked with a smirk.

"Can you blame me?" speaking honestly. The other man just nodded.

"Perfectly natural," he said in a warming and almost paternal way. "I'm sure Al gave you a full rundown on rules and everything." I nodded that she did and started unbuttoning my shirt. Apparently, I was slow as some around me were already naked. Arthur just smiled.

"Taking your time, huh?" I just shrugged. "Don't worry," he said, "its tradition for the love to come out last anyway." Arthur seemed friendly enough, so I decided at conversation.

"So how long have you been a member?" I asked from both a writing standpoint and just bare curiosity.

"Almost 10 years," he said, seeming to take no offense to the question, "my wife and I were swingers beforehand and one of the couples we swapped with nominated us both." I nodded as I started working on my pants. "We usually bring in couples of some kind or another," he explained in his underwear, "it's a special treat to get a single love in. Alicia really pitched you hard."

"She's a good friend," I said almost offhandedly. The now naked man put his hand on my shoulder.

"Good friend, huh? Piece of advice," he said with a degree of seriousness, "if she nominated you to join the club, my guess is she's interested in more then friendship," he said with a wink.

I was maybe more stunned by that then by anything else I'd yet encountered. I did like her and thought she was attractive, but it never crossed my mind that she thought that about me. I removed my socks so that only my underwear remained. Most of the other men had already left the locker room to join the party and really only me and Arthur remained. I took a deep breath and removed my underwear, exposing my half-hard dick to the air. As per Alicia's recommendation earlier in the week, it was devoid of all hair.

"Nice!" Arthur said checking me out a bit, "most guys have to be coaxed to going all the way the first time," he said nodding. "A very good sign!" he said with a warm smile.

I gave a half grin in return as we secured our lockers, all having a thumbprint analyzer to personalize the lockers to ensure security. Now completely naked with another man, he escorted me out toward the mayhem.

The bar was still there, but now the doors had been opened to show an array of couches and beds strewn about the place. It was definitely darker in there, but not as dark as I would've thought. You could still see people, objects, and distinguish between them fairly well. Some men and women were just hanging around at the bar enjoying the show while others were in the early stages of sex, mostly kissing and foreplay. I didn't hear the moans and groans as loudly as I expected.

That being said, except for the bartenders and security, everyone was completely naked. Some were just getting themselves warmed up, looking over the crowd with some stroking and caressing. Arthur slapped my back and looked down at my growing situation.

"Happens every time," he said with a grin. I was embarrassed by both the hard-on and that another naked man was touching me while I was not only naked, but erect. "Well, enjoy yourself Jim," he said with a handshake, "I've got an important date over there." I looked over and saw the woman who had been with him before, along with 2 other men. They all went over to a raised mat and "began".

"Those two love a good gangbang," I heard Alicia say over my shoulder. I turned around and saw her. All of her. Her body was incredible. Large breasts that had almost no sag despite their heft. She didn't have a flat stomach, but no one would say she wasn't fit. It all flared out to what used to be called "child-bearing hips" and a completely bald pussy. I was in a state of shock. She started giggling a bit.

"I was wondering if you'd like my fat ass," she said in her typical wry, sarcastic way while turning to show it to me, "I guess that's my answer," indicating my rock-hard equipment between my legs.

"You look amazing," I said honestly, "who would ever call you a fat ass?"

"Mostly me," she said shrugging, "I know that I'm really just curvy, but sometimes I have doubts. One of the reasons I joined was to boost my confidence. Though clearly," pointing out the room of people getting ready to get down, "clearly not my biggest kink."

I couldn't help but laugh, as the obvious admission made me relax a bit. I figured laughter was going to be critical in getting me through this. She was just smiling at me the whole time.

"Clearly, you like how I look," she said indicating the raging boner I had going while deepening her smile. I blushed a bit at that.

"Kinda hard to blame me," clearly indicating everything going on, but also her. She smiled as she moved closer to me.

"Don't worry," she said reassuringly again, "I promise I'll be with you the whole time." That had two things going through my mind. One, that she would be my guide through all of this, which was comforting; two, that maybe Arthur was right.

She took me over to the bar and we both got drinks. She recommended mine be fairly weak so as not to give me "whisky dick". I agreed and took a light sip. She did as well, as I noticed that she never took her eyes off me; even with everything going on. Some part of my brain just rationalized, "this is nothing new to her."

"Wanna go look around a bit?" she asked with a smile.

"I suppose I should for research, if nothing else," I told her.

With that, she led me away from the bar as we headed toward the main rooms. There were people standing around the various surfaces watching the couplings going on. Most were feeling and groping both themselves and surrounding people. Some of the people on the various surfaces were now starting to get down to business as I could see penises entering mouths & vaginas all over.

Some of the mats were just 2 people engaging in activity. Others were threesomes, 2 couples going at it and reaching out to involve other couples, and some were just a mess of people where it seemed impossible to tell who was where, who was doing what, or who was in whom.

Alicia led me to a mat with a lesbian daisy chain happening. All the girls were licking away, with a variety of fingers in various holes as well as some light spanking. I'd always heard things like this happened at party colleges and such, but it was quite another thing to see it up close and in person. Alicia squeezed my hand to get my attention.

"Pretty hot, right?" she said with a smile. For being a writer, the words were difficult coming to me.

"Understatement of the day," I replied as she smiled and led me to the other areas. One was a room with "XXX" above the door. Alicia stopped right in front of it.

"This is the S&M room," she explained, "it can get a little intense in there," she warned. "Think you're ready?"

"Probably not," I admitted with a deep breath, "but let's take a look anyway."

"That's the spirit! Remember, no one will do anything you're uncomfortable with," she said as she led me in.

It sounds like a parody, but I could actually hear whips and chains as I entered. I saw a trio of women bound in chains with a man standing over them cracking a whip. On the other side I saw the exact opposite. 5 men bound with their genitals sticking out and a mistress in all leather getting her whip out and smacking it on their royal jewels. If nothing else, it deflated my hard on a bit.

There were various women and men on racks either getting flayed or penetrated. They all seemed to be enjoying it, in their own way. One of the dominatrix women beckoned me over and she smiled as I approached.

"Wanna get one in, love?" she said with a smile handing me the whip. I looked and saw her target was a young man who looked barely old enough to drink. The mistress made the intention clear.

"The love is going to punish you now and you will beg for it!!!"

"Yes, mistress!" was all he got out. Encouraged by both women, I got comfortable with the whip that flinged it at him, Indiana Jones style. I'd never handled a whip before, but it snapped just like in the movies and hit the "slave" squarely on the back.

"Nice technique!" the Dominatrix said approvingly. "You've got real potential as a dom!"

"Offering an internship?" I said in a flirty, funny way, feeling slightly emboldened. She smiled and I could've sworn even blushed at that.

"Maybe later," she said with a wink. Alicia and I left them to continue their "game". We stepped to a quieter part of a room, where it seemed like there was someone locked up in a cage. Another person came along and shouted "QUIET!" and hit the top. Who/whatever was in there promptly obeyed the instruction. Alicia looked at me.

"Doing ok so far?" she asked.

"I think so," I told her, "this room may be a little much though."

"I figured," she admitted, "I rarely come in here except to watch, or if I've been very naughty," she said with a wink. She led me back out of the room and into another.

"Ahh, the bukkake room," she indicated. I saw various men and women kneeling or laying down in what looked like shallow, emptied out spas with drains. Men surrounded them jacking off with no regard for anything.

"This can be a fun room," she said. "You need a serious shower after though." I whipped around quickly at her and she winked. She led me back out into one of the main rooms.

The noises were definitely louder out here then they had been previously. Full on sex was happening everywhere, not just those on the mats and couches, but the surrounding spectators. One woman was getting Eiffel Towered while another mat saw 3 couples swap and fuck. It was bit of overload. I think Alicia sensed it as well.

"Let's go to the bar for a minute," she suggested, "get readjusted."

I followed her sheepishly as we went to the bar. There were a few other people there and we greeted them cordially. I had another weakened drink as Alicia looked at me and leaned against the bar.

"Overwhelmed?" she asked out of concern and also being a bit coy. She was always a master at doing that, even during the group meetings.

"I don't know," I said very unsure of my answer, "but this takes some getting used to."

"I know," she admitted, "but you'd be amazed how soon it is that this all seems normal." She said this while patting my arm. My dick had started to deflate a bit, until someone else came and joined us.

"Hey guys!" Laurie said coming up to us. "Having fun, Jim?" she asked getting very close to me.

"Just trying to get a bead on things right now," I told her while having a drink.

"Perfectly normal," she admitted, "and also practical. Too many of the single dudes we bring in just go straight for the sex and don't appreciate what's going on around. Nice to see Al is showing you around right." Alicia raised her drink at Laurie as they all had a sip.

"So Al..." she said while still looking directly at me. "Has Jim been fully 'initiated' yet?" Alicia was quick to answer.

"Not yet," she admitted with a sideward glance, "like he said, he wanted to get a feel of the general vibe first."

"Smart, smart," she said still looking right at me while nodding. "But we need to get his dick wet at some point, don't you think?" She said this while still moving ever closer to me. I couldn't see what Alicia's reaction was, but evidently it was enough to make Laurie stop moving toward me suddenly.

"Al, did you want to do the honors?" she asked in a respectful tone. I turned and looked at Alicia who had a sly smile to her.

"Well," she said coming up behind me and patting my ass, "it is kinda tradition," while still fondling me. "But if you don't want to," she said addressing me, "I'll understand." She sounded almost nervous saying this. Maybe Arthur was right. Better to start with someone I know, I thought.

"Well, I suppose I should uphold tradition," I said turning around to see her. Desire was written all over her face and now there was a big smile as well.

"Mind if I watch?" was all that Laurie said. Alicia simply shrugged as she took me by the hand and led me to a playroom. All around, there were people fucking, grunting, cumming, scissoring, fingering, and a few other things I had no idea what they were. Alicia led me to what was as quiet a part of the room as there was. She indicated me to lay down on a free mat. I did as she asked, and she was suddenly on top of me. I could feel her massive breasts squished against my chest. I looked right into her eyes, her face right in front of me.