Wrongfully Accused Ch. 01-06


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From there they spent the next two hours discussing languages, with Ronnie and Kitty giving a few pointers on Lila's French. They also told Jason all the things that had changed since he went to prison in 2014. Mainly, all the new cellphones, that they come out with every year. Jason told them that before he went to prison, he had the Galaxy S3; currently, it was the Galaxy S30. They ate in moderate slices, with light conversation shared between party members. Jason was a bit more reserved, but he did make an effort to be engaging. With everyone's satisfaction from their meal experience, Jason paid for the bill, which turned out to be a six hundred dollars. He personally was wounded, that even though the meal was good, he believed that it didn't warrant that high a three-figure check. All in all, he paid for the bill, and they all left the restaurant with full stomachs and a bit of a smile.

Just before they left, Lila had to freshen up in the ladies' room, while the bill was being paid. While there she ran into someone she wasn't expecting.

"Lila, is that you?" Ellice said, as Lila exited the restroom.

"Oh hi, Ellice, it's good to see you. How's your mother?" Lila asked, glad to see Mrs. Carlile's daughter.

"Sadly, her health is declining. It's only a matter of time before she passes," Ellice said, with a bit of a somber tone.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. She is a wonderful woman. I'm sad to see her go, but she lived a long and fulfilling life."

"Yes, she has. Anyway, you look fantastic. Are you here on a hot date?" Ellice asked.

That caused Lila to blush a little. "Not exactly. I'm here with Mr. Solace. He wanted to go out for dinner at a nice restaurant."

"Oh... How is he? I mean is he brutish, or is he decent? Is he treating you well?" Ellice asked, concerned for her mother's former assistant.

"He's okay. He hasn't done anything to me. He still has that chilly demeanor, but he keeps to himself."

"Well, that's good. You let me know if he gets out of line. I would hate to see anything happen to you. Anyway, have you thought about what to do after your contract is done with him?"

"Actually, I was wondering if maybe you are looking for a new secretary or a personal assistant. I hope I am not imposing or anything."

"Oh, not at all. Once you are done, please contact me, and I'll see what I can do. Now, I think I have taken too much of your time," Ellice said, before parting ways.

"Okay. I hope you have a wonderful evening. I'll try and stop by and see your mother when I can," Lila said, then she left to meet up with Jason and the rest of her party.

Ellice stood by the restroom door, dreading going back to her table. It was a business dinner, with various investors, but in truth, most of them were hitting on her, hoping to sway her to get into her pants, and her company. Growing up, she had met guys that only wanted to be with her because of her family's company. The only reason she was eating out with those men, was to help secure investors for her company since Reyes International was playing hardball.

Meeting Lila was a breath of fresh air. Deciding to have her curiosity piqued, and to kill a little time, she wondered what Jason would look like in the upscale restaurant. Ellice looked around, trying to find the wild-haired man that showed up at Carlile's manor. Try as she might, she couldn't find the man, but she did notice red-haired Lila, then from there, she saw her mother's previous lawyer, Ronnie. She saw that they were standing behind a short blonde woman in a black dress, and a well-dressed man at the front of the trade. Ellice had to admit to herself, that the man did look good, in his black suit, and from the back and side profile of his face, she believed that he was quite handsome, and somehow familiar. Then when he turned around and addressed the blonde woman, she saw that the man was quite handsome. A small part of her just wanted to leave her business dinner and go up to the man and ask if he wanted to go somewhere for a chat. If things went well for her, then they would head back to her place in the city, and spend a wild night of debauchery. Even though she wanted to do that, she reluctantly went back to her table, and finished her dinner meeting. While she sat there, as the men obscenely hit on her, she wondered what her fantasy would be like with that well-dressed man, not knowing that she was thinking of Jason between her legs.

Chapter 5

It was a little after ten at night, and while it would have been safer to take a car-ride service, it would be faster to just walk a couple of blocks back to their hotel. The street was almost empty, with a few couples walking on either side of the street. Not much was exchanged, as they walked down the streets. It was mostly Ronnie and Lila exchanging words in French to help Lila's fluency in the language. Everything was looking to be a good night, that was until a voice in the night came out at them, waving a shining metal gun.

"Halt, you all stay right there. Don't try anything funny," said a man, who was in an alleyway, waiting for his next victim to rob. "You four come walk right in here," he said, loud enough to hear his authority, but not too loud to be heard by anyone passing by.

Doing as they were told, they slowly made their way into the alley. He kept himself close to the wall, trying to keep himself hidden in the shadows of the buildings. But in the end, that would be his undoing.

"You all stay right there. Now all of you hand me over all your phones, jewelry, wallets, everything. And you, no playing hero, now," the robber said, as he looked at Jason.

As frantically, as they could, all the women took off all their new jewelry, and stuffed them in their clutches, but before they could hand them over, Jason stepped in.

"What are you doing!" the man yelled, as Jason took all the purses in his hands.

In his best acting-fearful, wimpy voice, Jason said, "Nothing sir. I don't want any trouble. Please don't hurt me."

As he said that, Jason was studying the man to try to find an opening. Mainly, though, he needed to know what kind of gun he had. Once he saw that he had a handgun rather than a revolver, and from there Jason came up with a quick plan. While he had the purses in his hand, he discreetly lifted the envelope that had Kitty's money from Ronnie's purse and hid it from view.

"Hand them over. NOW!" the man demanded, to which Jason complied. In an outstretched hand, Jason handed the clutches in a jumbled mess. The robber did manage to hold onto them, but he kept them close to his chest so they didn't fall from his grasp. Then at that exact moment, Jason dropped the envelope of cash onto the ground.

"What is that!" the robber yelled, as he took a step back, closer to the wall behind him.

Still using that fake, wimpy voice of his, Jason said, "Please, sir, don't hurt us. You see these are prostitutes that I picked up for some nightly entertainment, if you know what I mean. That's the money I was going to pay them, tonight. Look," Jason reached down and grabbed the envelope. All the while, he was closing the gap between them. "See, it's about ten grand there. Take it please, just don't hurt me," Jason said, flashing the robber the money, to which the man's eyes lit up with greed.

"Hand it over!" the man said, all too eager to steal ten grand from a guy, he thinks is a chump.

"Okay, here," Jason said, and he tossed the envelope in the air, and just like he expected, the robber lost eye contact with him and was focusing on the floating envelope of cash. Because the robber's hands were full, he instinctively curled his arms in trying to catch it like he was catching a football. With his eyes elsewhere, and the gun no longer pointing at him, Jason attacked like a snake, with one hand grabbing the gun and the other grabbing the robber's head. With the gun in hand, he pulled back on the slide which in turn rendered the robber's gun inoperable for firing. Then in one fell swoop, Jason drove his other hand and the robber's head back into the wall behind him, caving his skull in. Then, just as quickly as it started, it was over. The robber slumped down onto the ground, unconscious but not dead.

Jason looked back at the girls to see if they were okay. They were shaken up, but they were okay. Then moving as fast as he could, Jason reached down and searched the robber for anything hidden, like an extra gun or knife. Upon inspection, he found no guns or knives, but he did find other cell phones, wallets, and rolled-up cash. Jason assumed that they were not his first victims of the night, but he would make sure that they would be his last. The first thing he did, was take the bullets out of the robber's gun, then for added flair, he took the rolled-up money, but left the jewelry. Then after wiping the robber's face and gun for fingerprints, he picked up all of the girls' purses and the money envelope, but also brought back one of the stolen cell phones that the robber had. He handed all their stuff back, and then he looked at Kitty. Figuring that she was an escort, that she might make a convincing actor. Jason told Kitty what to say, and how to say it. Then using the stolen phone he called 911.

"911 what's your emergency."

"Oh good, someone is chasing me... pant, pant... someone is about to rob me. Please send help..." Kitty acted out

"Ma'am, ma'am, please stay on the line, and help is on the way. Just ple--" but Jason didn't bother finishing hearing the 911 operator.

He left the phone on the unconscious robber, still connected to 911, and the gun clear in view for all to see. Jason could have stayed there, but he really didn't want to deal with cops. If everything went well, when the cops arrive at the scene, they would assume the man tried to rob the woman of the phone, but someone had intervened, or the robber got robbed, himself. With the gun in the open, and all the robbers' loot in hand, he would be going to jail. As they rounded the block, sirens could be heard in the distance, and with a trash can in sight, Jason disposed of the bullets. Then from there, they made their way back into the hotel, only this time, Ronnie, Lila, and Kitty walked a little bit closer to Jason.

On the top floor, Jason entered his room with Kitty, while Ronnie and Lila went to theirs. He made his way to the minibar and poured himself, and Kitty, a drink. He handed it to her, to see if she was shaken up by the ordeal.

"First time being mugged?" Jason asked.

"Believe it or not, no it wasn't. But it was the first time one of my johns actually fought back. Usually, they just cave and give them their money. Or one time, one of them offered me instead. Lucky the guy only wanted money, and let's just say I dropped him from my client list."

"Good," Jason said, then he sat down on one of the chairs, still nursing his drink.

"Why didn't you give him the money, I mean you have plenty of money from what I heard, that you could have just bought us matching replacement jewelry, and more. So why take the risk?" Kitty asked.

"Let's just say I made a vow. A vow that I would never be run over by anyone ever again."

"Sounds like you've been in a few fights. Might I ask how many?"

Taking one last sip, Jason got up from his chair to get a refill, "I think it's better if I showed you, but that's for later. Now let's discuss what we do next."

He hands her the envelope with the stack of bills.

"That is what we agreed upon, for you to be here tonight, five thousand. Is that correct?"

Kitty blinked at this, surprised that he would give her the money then. "Yes, that's correct, but you know that you are supposed to give this at the end of the night, right?"

"I know, but I figured that I pay you to now so that when you hear what I have to say, you could leave if you don't like the proposition that I am offering."

Sounding intrigued, Kitty sat down on the sofa and listened to Jason's proposition.

"As of right now, I am looking for someone to be my confidante. Someone I could talk to and would not repeat what I say to anyone else. Someone who would laugh at my jokes, and could enjoy the pleasure of my company. Someone who isn't afraid to be near me. And when we are together, I want you to fuck me like it is the end of the world. The Tyrion Lannister experience, so to speak," Jason said, trying to convey what he was looking to get out of this.

"I'm still a little confused, why do all this, you could've just told me what you want," Kitty assumed.

"I wanted to see if you would be someone good to talk to. Someone who could listen, but also carry on a conversation. To see how you would be around me. An audition of sorts, to see if you are a good fit."

"Audition? Did I pass?" Kitty mused at that.

"Yeah, I say you did, and frankly I'm glad because I don't want to go out looking for another one."

"Okay, but it wouldn't be easier to just meet someone and date?" Kitty asked.

"Not really, for the mere fact that I am a convict. No matter how much I try, that will always be a part of me, and most women won't go near that kind of baggage. This is much simpler and faster. I pay for you to be here, and you listen, we fuck. Simple, clean, and everybody knows where we stand. So here is the proposition--you will be available to me whenever I ask; I will pay that allotted amount your manager or Madam, asked for upfront; and I would pay you extra for the pleasure of your company. Something to encourage you to stick around, but if you don't like it, well you already have the original asked amount. So you could just leave, and no harm done. You would also do what I say, but I promise that I won't push you too far. I am paying you for sex, after all."

"Okay, so am I to assume that you don't want me to answer to any johns. If so, then that's a deal-breaker," Kitty said.

"No, you are free to see any of your clients. All I ask is that you will be available to me. I know that in your line of work, you have a limited shelf life. Past that, either you are doing discounted rates to lower-end clients, or you become the Madam. Hence why the extra money I am using as an incentive. As I said, I have more money than I know what to do with. I don't mind spending extra just so you don't lose any money because you spend a few days with me."

Kitty thought this over. On paper, it was a great proposition. She would be paid, plus extra for spending a few nights with Jason, effectively doubling her weekly income. The only problem was that she would be at his beck and call. It was a tough call to make, but in the grand scheme of things, Kitty knew what she should do.

"Okay, how are we going to do this?" Kitty asked, already agreeing to the deal.

"We'll start off the night by giving you the full amount that your manager asked for. From there, the longer you stay the more money you make. Simple, right. All you have to do is do what I say, listen to me, and just interact with me. Oh, and you can keep the clothes and accessories, I have no use for them. Besides they look better on you than they do on me," Jason said, in his dry, humorless voice.

"Okay, what do you want me to do?" Kitty asked, already standing up.

"Tonight, you will be my servant. Will that be all right with you."

"Yes, that's fine. I just ask that no anal, no BDSM, and no bareback. Cross those lines, then I walk, money or no money."

Jason agreed to her restrictions, and so he gave out his first request.

"Take off my shirt," he said, in a placated gruff voice.

Kitty walked over to Jason's back, and helped lower his jacket. It felt soft in her hands, and she wondered what material it was made of. She neatly folded it, and placed it on the dresser in the lounge area of the suite. Then she made her way to the front of him, even in her heels, which were a staggering six-inch set, she still had to look up at him. With delicate and precise movements, she unbuttoned his crisp white shirt. With the last unbutton undone, she pushed the flaps to the side, exposing his bare torso to her. Her eyes went wide, not because she saw how firm his muscles were, but for the scars that marred his body. She looked up at him, and what she saw were trying eyes. Not the eyes of someone who is bored, or is sleepy, but of an old warrior who is tired of fighting, and needs the comfort of a woman to ease his pain.

"You asked how many fights I've been in. These are the marks of my survival in those fights," he said, in a soft tone.

Kitty studied them, and wondered if what Jason said was true, then went through a crucible and managed to make it to the other side, but before they made their marks on him.

"Can I touch them?" Kitty asked, to which Jason nodded.

She slowly traced her fingertips over the scars on his torso. She noted that Jason was extremely firm; not a single ounce of fat was left on his body, and his muscles were taut and strong. She also noticed that some of the scars looked faded, but some of them were not. It showed that Jason has been fighting for a long time, and all of those scars told a story of a brutal journey.

"You've been through a lot, haven't you?" she said, in a whisper.

"More than you know."

Kitty continued on by pulling off his shirt, to which she saw more scars lining his back, but what drew her attention was the scar tissue on his lower back. By impulse, she slowly reached out to it, but as soon as she laid one finger on that spot, Jason reached back and grabbed her wrist.

"Not that one, that's off-limits," he said, in a tone that wasn't up for discussion.

Kitty nodded to this, and in turn, Jason released her wrist.

"You must have gone through a tremendous amount of pain. I can't imagine surviving what you went through."

"I did, but for tonight, you are going to help me forget that pain, even for just a moment."

"Then let me help you forget," Kitty said, as she moved in front of Jason.

She knelt down, right in front of him, unbuckling his belt, and slowly sliding down his pants. She saw that even his legs bore some scars, as well. Then came the final barrier, his Old Navy boxer briefs. In one slow pull, Jason's cock was revealed in front of her eyes. She saw it, too, had a scar that had long since faded, but seeing it almost made her choke up.

'God, what did this man go through?' she asked herself, knowing that she would not like the answer. Still, she had a job to do, but this time, she wasn't doing it for the money. She was going to do this for this man in front of her. A man who suffered trials that he shouldn't have gone through in the first place. A man who should not know pain, but only pleasure, and pleasure was what Jason was going to feel.

She daintily lifted his flaccid cock with her small hands and began to plant tender kisses on it. She noticed that the cock was unusually heavy, but she pressed on ahead. Starting on the base, she slowly rose, tasting the body wash on his skin, plus his natural musk. With each kiss, his cock grew from the wonderful feeling of Kitty's lips. Then when it came time to his cockhead, Kitty looked up at Jason. As he waited for her, to see what she was about to do next, she leaned in and planted a sensual kiss on top of its head, then proceeded to swallow it up, embracing it in the warm wet confines of her mouth.

When it came to blowjobs, Kitty always did what she had to do, to make her clients hard, or cum. With Jason, on the other hand, she was trying to find the best way to make him feel good. Feeling the tension of his body, the way he flinched if her tongue rubbed one area compared to another, seeing if he liked a firm grip on his shaft or a feather's touch. She put every ounce of concentration into her technique, and with each passing bob of her head, his cock grew stiffer. All the way until it stood erect at a proud eight inches--the perfect length for Kitty. She kept up her gentle assault on his cock, then she felt something change inside of Jason. His body relaxed, as if he didn't know it was tightened in the first place. It was as if a coil that was wound up so tight for so long, had finally begun to loosen. Kitty couldn't help but delight in the fact that she was bringing Jason pleasure, and in return, she upped her pace on his cock. She never thought that she would derive such pleasure from sucking cock, but with the way she was sucking him, and how he felt, her pussy was starting to moisten. A new tension was starting to form inside of Jason, but this time, it was something that Kitty was all too familiar with.