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There were clues in the data. The most obvious was that once demonstrated, the control devices had never been needed to keep Kelli compliant with the rules in her new social environment. She always addressed her overseers as 'Mistress', followed their instructions, and obeyed the physical restrictions imposed on her. This of course could be due entirely to fear of the physical pain that could be inflicted upon her if she failed to comply with the rules imposed upon her.

What was needed was a situation where the threat of physical pain was not a possible consequence to misbehavior. Instead, humiliation would be the sole consequence. Obviously, Kelli would need to be aware of this beforehand and then given the opportunity to act or not act. Nina had been working to develop such a scenario and now that she had seen Kelli's latest psychological report, she was ready to proceed. If Kelli did not respond as desired, it would be a major setback to Katrina's plans for her work. Failure, Nina knew, would have consequences, personal consequences. Katrina had a well-deserved reputation for being ruthless and Nina had no desire to experience her displeasure first hand.

"This had better work," she said out loud. "This had better work."


The lighting was soft and the room large and overstuffed with furniture, chiefly small couches and chairs arranged discretely so as to give an air of intimacy in an otherwise crowded space. Women in various stages of undress walked casually about the room quietly speaking and serving refreshments to the patrons as they waited to be called.

Kelly sat next to Isabella on a small loveseat in a darkened room and looked anxiously at the vid. Isabella had said to pay close attention to what he saw as this was part of his training. "A final exam, of sorts sweetie," was her comment.

A dark-haired woman wearing a garter belt, stockings, five-inch heels, and a velour collar around her thin neck moved about the room asking males if they would like something to drink. Blushing, Kelly watched her as she moved gracefully about the room, hips swaying and her large breasts bouncing.

"Why are we watching this Mistress?" asked Kelly, his mouth suddenly dry.

Isabella smiled and said "To explore your...alternatives."

Kelly looked at her confused. The dark-haired woman approached a large male, and bending over set a glass filled with amber colored liquid on the small table in front of him. Kelly watched transfixed as her breasts swayed pendulously as she moved her arms. The male's eyes seemed to move in synchronization with the woman's breasts making Kelly blush.

As she straightened up, Kelly noticed the thick triangular patch of black pubic hair nestled neatly between her garter belt and the straps holding the tops of her stockings. His clitoris tingled and he felt the now familiar sensation of wetness starting. Blushing, he looked away.

"Is there anything else I can get you?" asked the woman politely.

"No, that's all," said the male.

Recovering Kelly said, "Alternatives, Mistress?"

"Yes," said Isabella "in case you decide not to accept the proposal of marriage your mother has so thoughtfully arranged for you."

Kelly was surprised. He did not know that he had a choice in the matter. He had assumed that, like everything else, he would be forced to go through with the marriage. "I have a choice...Mistress?"

"Of course," said Isabella.

"You mean I won't be...punished if I refuse?" asked Kelly.

"You mean with the control devices implanted in your body? No, of course not," said Isabella "what good would that do? Your husband wants a willing partner, not a broken slave."

"Then...then what...will happen?" said Kelly still unable to believe he had a choice in the matter.

"This will," said Isabella, waving her arm.

"What is...this, Mistress," said Kelly.

"It's a brothel, of course," said Isabella pointing at the vid.

Kelly gulped and turned pale. This was the 'alternative'. He could have guessed that. "So...so all these girls here are..."

Isabella giggled and said "Transformed males, like yourself, of course."

Of course, thought Kelly. How could he be so dense. That had always been his fate all along: marriage or a brothel. Isabella was showing him this so he could see what would happen if he refused to go along with the marriage his mother had arranged for him. This was not much of a choice (if it could even be called that) and Kelly wondered what Isabella's real purpose was in showing him this vid.

As Kelly mulled this over a tall, very thin, middle-aged woman dressed entirely in black approached the same male they had been watching and who was now sipping his drink.

"Whenever you are ready," she said pleasantly.

The male put down his drink and stood up. He was huge and bulky, but not fat. Kelly could see solid muscles under his tight clothing. He followed the middle-aged woman at a polite distance his demeanor respectful but confident. They ascended a curved staircase as the view followed behind them and Kelly felt as if he were climbing the stairs behind the male.

Kelly would have liked to skip the remainder of the vid and go back to his room. He had a good idea of what would follow and no desire to see it. But part of him was also intrigued and he felt himself getting wet and his clitoris tingled with frustrated desire.

"The girls see at least 20 patrons a day", commented Isabella. The brothel operates around the clock and is never closed. Shits last about 10 hours, with a 30-minute break for lunch and 10-minute breaks between patrons."

The schedule sounded brutal to Kelly and he wondered how long a girl could last under such a demanding and degrading workload. As if reading his mind, Isabella answered his question.

"A girl typically lasts between 7 to 10 years. After that they become too worn to properly serve the patrons. After that, they work for a few years as part of the greeting staff like the girl you saw previously serving drinks." The girl you are about to see has been working for about a year, so she is very experienced and will provide you with a representative example of patron sessions.

Kelly was shocked by this bit of information. Only a decade or so before...he did not want to think about that or what eventually happened to the girls on the greeting staff. The one he had seen had a hard and cold look about her. She had not smiled but acted almost mechanically and looked unhappy and somehow older than she physically appeared.

The scene changed to that of an elegantly furnished room with a large bed and a variety of implements that Kelly did not immediately recognize. On the bed a girl lay, naked, her face overdone with too much make up. The male they had been following entered and the girl immediately went to him, and started to help him undress. The male smiled and watched her as she removed his clothes. When he was naked, she knelt down in front of him and taking his penis in her hands started to kiss and lick it as Kelly had been taught. She looked up into his eyes with faux desire, making Kelly blush.

The male was huge. Kelly estimated eight inches at least and the girth of his penis was frightening. Kelly watched as the girl took it entirely in her mouth and probably halfway down her throat, without gagging. Her movements were deft and mechanical and it was clear that she had done this many, many times. The male placed his hands behind her head, shoving her face into his enormous erect penis. Kelly watched wide eyed.

He came in less than a minute, though it seemed much longer to Kelly. At the last second, he pulled out and squirted all over her face and into her mouth, moaning and grunting. "Oh god!" exclaimed Kelly involuntarily. Isabella giggled.

The girl licked his penis and balls (also large) and even the cum she wiped from her face. Kelly stared at the vid nonplussed. But his panties were soaked and his clitoris engorged with desire.

Next the girl got on the bed on all fours her ass up in the air, her pussy fully exposed. Kelly blushed again but his eyes were transfixed on the scene. The male mounted her and penetrated her vagina roughly, moaning, and then thrusting. The thrusting intensified and became rough and he slapped the girl's ass with his massive right hand, leaving a large red handprint behind. The girl let out a scream and said "Oh yes! Fuck me, fuck me harder!"

Kelly knew she could not be enjoying being 'fucked' like that, but she moaned and screamed with pleasure as the male pounded her ever more rapidly. He came again with one long and brutal thrust, moaning heavily and breathing hard. When he pulled out, Kelly could see creamy white cum trailing out of the girls vagina.

But this was not the end. Within a minute the male was hard again and this time he took the girl anally, the same brutal fashion as before. She screamed in what was supposed to be pleasure but Kelly suspected was more pain than ecstasy. The male slapped her ass until it was bright red. He then bent over and grabbed her breasts in his massive paws, twisting and squeezing her nipples. Kelly watched as her face contorted in pain but she managed to cry out, "Oh yes! Yes! Fuck me, fuck me!"

The male came again and when he pulled out, Kelly could she the girl's anus covered with lube and cum. The male had cum three times and Kelly thought that surely, he was done. It seemed impossible that he could continue, but there was yet more; his sexual appetite seemed unassuageable. Turning the girl over, he fucked her pussy again, pushing her legs wide apart in what must have been a test of her flexibility. The girl moaned and let out more cries of enthusiasm and faux pleasure as the male pounded her.

"Oh god!" moaned Kelly. "Please Mistress I have seen enough."

"It's almost over sweetie," said Isabella patting his knee.

The fifth and final time, the male stood over her face while the girl sucked him again. To Kelly it looked more like the male was fucking her mouth and throat, but like before the male pulled out at the last moment and ejaculated all over the girl's face and breasts.

At that point the thin middle-aged woman dressed in black came in and said "time is over, please get dressed and come again soon. Thank you for your patronage."

The male quickly got dressed and left. The girl looked battered and worn. Her ass was still red and she was covered in cum, her make up smeared, skin sweaty. She spread her legs shamelessly, exposing her pussy and ass to the view and wiped cum away from her vagina and pussy, flicking her fingers and scattering seaman over the sheets.

"Ten minutes," said the woman in black.

"Yes Mistress," replied the girl, getting up and going to what was obviously an adjoining bathroom. Kelly watched her leave noting that she seemed sad and resigned. There was no joy that he could discern in her; she was a slave who had given up and accepted her fate.

The vid ended and Isabella said "she does that at least 20 times a day, every day. She may get a break during her menstrual cycle, but that depends on the patrons. Some like girls when they are on their period."

The last part was lost on Kelly. After hearing 'at least 20 times a day' he sat in shock. He could not imagine doing that once little-lone 20 times in a single day. The humiliation and horror of it hit him and he sat speechless.

"Other rooms in the brothel come well equipped with a wide variety of toys for the patrons use and enjoyment," said Isabella. "The males can do anything they wish sexually with the girls. Violence is extremely rare and not tolerated but spanking, some light whippings, and so on are permitted."

"Please," said Kelly not wanting to know more.

"The girls are encouraged to be vocal, as you saw as it makes the males cum quicker. The faster they cum, the sooner they are done, and as a byproduct, the more patrons a girl can serve. Quotas are set and girls that fail to meet them are punished."

Kelly thought about the girl who would obviously continue to see 'patrons' one after the other in the humiliating and unending joyless monotony that was her life. Although she had only been in the brothel a year, she had the hardened and worn look of someone who had been working for years and years. Kelly shuddered thinking about how she would be after six or seven years. But despite all this, Kelly felt his clitoris throbbing and the now familiar wetness of sexual arousal. The humiliating life the girl lived stirred something deeply erotic within him, something that both frightened him and excited him simultaneously.

"I hope you found this vid informative," said Isabella cheerfully.

"Yes Mistress," said Kelly. Then to himself he added: too informative.


The next morning Kelly woke up to find the sheets in his bed bloodstained. The blood was fresh and he examined his body anxiously looking for a cut or wound. He had been fine when he went to sleep and it seemed impossible that he could have injured himself while sleeping. In addition, he did not feel any pain anywhere on his body. In fact, he felt better, less irritable; it was as if something had burst inside him, relieving the pressure that had been building for the last week inside him. After a frantic minute of searching, he found the source. It was his vagina. The blood was coming from there. He was bleeding internally; frightened he wondered if the transformation had gone horribly wrong and that he was hemorrhaging and bleeding to death.

Isabella came in and seeing his panic said "I see your period started. Savannah said it was due any day now and it has finally arrived."

Kelly was aware that females had a menstrual cycle but women suspended their cycle so as not to bother with the inconvenience of a monthly period. In the past women had been considered inferior because they menstruated (even though it was a natural part of their biology) and the entire process was considered either taboo or something to be ashamed of and therefore concealed. Most women had been forced to be discrete about their periods and entire industries had existed to cater to this false need for secrecy. All this kerfuffle had long since passed; no one considered women inferior by any means and the menstrual cycle had been effectively done away with in any case, an outmoded relic of the primitive past. In most cases, a woman suspended her periods after puberty until (and if) she wanted a child. Having more than a handful of periods in her adult life was uncommon, at best. Kelly was therefore surprised that he would have a period. It was...was quite unthinkable.

"But...but...why?" asked Kelly incredulous.

"Because you are a female silly," she replied. And then added "you will be having a period once a month for several days, but don't worry I will show you what to do."

"Once a month!" exclaimed Kelly astonished.

"Yes, of course," said Isabella "that is a normal cycle and Savannah says you are quite normal, at least in that respect."

Kelly moaned. The humiliations just never seemed to end. Now he was going to have to deal with having a period each month! Isabella produced a box containing menstrual pads. They were long and thick and bulky and looked uncomfortable. Kelly was surprised that a more effective solution was not available but he had, of course, given no thought to the matter and had never consider what a woman would do if she did have a period. The entire situation seemed ridiculous but unfortunately all too real.

Isabella showed him how to use the pads. Essentially, they were placed in your panties before putting them on. "You can use regular panties during your period," said Isabella "so the pad is secure and won't move or slip."

To Kelly it felt like he was wearing a diaper again. The pad felt bulky and awkward and he was unsure if it would stay in place. However, he felt wet 'down there' and despite the discomfort, was grateful for the pad. The next several days were an annoying mess. The pad would stick to his butt and Kelly found himself going to the bathroom more than usual mostly to check the pad or change it. In addition, he felt tired and run down and he experienced some cramping which Savannah told him was normal and due to his uterus contracting. Kelly was happy when, after five days, the flow stopped and Isabella announced that is period was over.

"You should keep track of your periods," said Isabella 'so you will know when to expect the next one and avoid embarrassing accidents."

Kelly blushed and sighed. Isabella told him the periods would come each month for the next several decades of his life. He had asked it they could be suspended but Isabella shook her head.

"No, your future husband wants children so you will need to have the periods, Kelli."

Kelly was horrified. Children! "You mean...I will...have to become preg..."

"Yes," said Isabella not allowing him to say the shameful word. Women no longer experienced pregnancy as children were conceived and gestated ex utero. Since pregnancy was yet another way of subordinating women in the past, the idea of being pregnant was considered demeaning and even shameful, not to mention unnecessary as well as physically uncomfortable. The word itself, was considered vulgar and therefore rarely spoken.

Kelly turned pale at the thought of being pregnant. It was...unthinkable.

"But look at it this way," said Isabella cheerfully "it will be a welcome break from sex with your husband as most males are squeamish about periods."

"Please," pleaded Kelly "not that! Please!"

"Well, what did you think?" said Isabella. "Marriage has always involved at least the possibility of children. On the other hand, if you would like to join a brothel..."

Kelly remembered the hard, tired, and worn look of the girl he had seen and shuddered. It was not much of a choice. A short hard life of sexual submission and humiliation (and who knew what else) to a constant parade of males or a longer but far less (or so he thought) humiliating life of sexual service (and potentially pregnancy) to a single male. In truth, it was really no choice at all.

Chapter 7

Kelly sat looking at himself in the mirror. His mother fussed with his hair while Alana looked critically at his face and added a dab of blush to his right cheek. "There, that's better!" she said. "Jason is going to be absolutely wild with desire when he sees you."

"Please," pleaded Kelly, "I don't want to marry him. I don't want to marry anyone!"

"Don't be silly," retorted Helen. "It's just wedding night anxiety. Isabella assured me you will be just fine. Once Jason is inside you thrusting, you'll be ecstatic."

Kelly very much doubted that. When his period ended a week ago, his mother, sisters, and Alana had picked him up at the Institute, taking him back home. "Remember," said Isabella to Helen, "you have temporary but full custody until he is married."

"Yes, I understand," said Helen.

"And you remember how to use the control devices," said Isabella. "I've removed her chastity but now that the control devices are fully functional, she can't orgasm unless Valeria changes the settings."

Helen nodded and said, "yes, as it should be."

Valeria, of course, had full access to the controls implanted in Kelli's body. Helen had access only to the disciplinary controls to ensure that Kelli would behave. She did not think that was necessary, but since she was responsible for the next week it was better to be safe than sorry.

Helen and Alana had been surprised at Kelli's final transformation. She was beautiful with an envious hour-glass figure, wide hips, trim legs, silky skin, and short but attractive blonde hair. Helen thought her breasts were way too large. An F-cup she had been told, selected by Valeria, no doubt to please her son. Males seemed to favor large breasts, probably because they did not have to deal with all the physical inconveniences and annoyances they imposed. Helen almost felt sorry for Kelli. They were huge and bulky and seemed to get in Kelli's way as she moved around. Oh well, just another humiliating aspect of the punishment that had been imposed on her.
