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Jason also hesitated but not out of fear. Indecision filled him and he could hear his mother's admonishments to be patient and gentle. He knew that ignoring her would not be wise and he wanted to have a good relationship with his new wife who stood before him trembling her eyes wide with anxiety.

"Go slow, kiss her, tell her you love her," the voice of his mother in his mind was saying, reminding him to be patient.

Jason approached Kelli and reaching out took her hand saying, "it will be all right darling. I love you."

Kelly blinked at Jason's words and his mind struggled to process them. He loves me? It was impossible to believe. How could he love another male? Then Kelly saw his reflection in a mirror that occupied a good portion of an adjacent wall. What he saw was a beautiful bride, a girl, all dressed in white. She was almost as pale as the dress she was wearing and trembling. This of course was what Jason was seeing. Not another male but an innocent young virginal bride. The dichotomy between what his eyes were seeing and his self-perception was so great that Kelly entered a dream-like daze. It was as if he was watching rather than participating in what was transpiring.

Jason put his index finger under Kelli's chin, lifting the face of his bride and kissing her. Gently at first, then more passionately.


"Good boy," said Valeria has she watched the passionate kiss.

Helen was pleased too. For a moment she thought Kelli would try and flee the room (which would have been a disaster) or faint. He looked so pale and scared.

"I see you have instructed your son well," she commented to Valeria.

"Thanks! It was no mean task, believe me," responded Valeria.

"Yes, I can imagine," said Helen. "Males!"


Kelly felt his body responding to the kiss. It felt good and his pussy was soaked, his clitoris humming with desire and need. He found himself reflexively putting his arms around Jason and melting into the kiss which grew progressively more passionate by the second.

Jason responded in kind, taking Kelli into his arms, embracing her. She felt wonderful! Soft and trembling and full of increasing desire for him. Jason moved his mouth to her neck and kissed her and then whispered "you are so beautiful and sexy. I love you, Kelli!"

Kelly moaned and a shiver of pleasure ran through his body. But his mind remained in a sort of dream-like fog, detached, watching. He loves me...it felt wonderful yet...wrong. Jason was so big and hard and strong and his body felt good. Kelly felt his large soft breasts pressing into Jason's flat hard muscles and this increased his desire even further. He wanted him! But no...no...that was...impossible.

The next thing Kelly knew he was on his knees in front of Jason helping him unfasten his clothes. Kelly's hands were trembling but it was more in eagerness than fear or anxiety. He wanted Jason! He wanted him inside him! But...no! That detached part of Kelly's mind rebelled but it was like something had possession of him; he could not control his actions...something or someone else was...and he could not help or stop himself.

Jason was huge. His penis was at least eight inches long as well as thick. Kelly's index finger and thumb could not quite encircle it and it throbbed with desire in his hands. Kelly reflexively kissed and licked it. A voice in his mind said 'don't forget his balls. Show him that you want him!'. The complete humiliation of the act made Kelly even more aroused despite his revulsion at what he was doing.

Kelly heard Jason moan and say "Yes!" and a second later Kelly was sucking hard on his huge, thick penis, deep throating it the way Ava had taught him. Jason came in seconds squirting a large load of seamen into Kelly's mouth. 'Look up at him; let him know you want him' said the voice in Kelly's head.

Jason looked down as he came in Kelli's mouth and saw the longing and desire in her eyes. "Oh, yes!" he moaned, and cum seemed to keep coming out of his penis for minutes, though in reality it was just a few seconds. His bride's face, lips, and mouth were covered in his cum and this made Jason even more aroused. Lifting Kelli, he placed her gently on the bed, the voice of his mother in his mind saying 'always be gentle with her!'


'Kelli did quite well," commented Valeria. "Isabella taught her well. Males so love their penis being sucked and it's such a humiliating act to perform."

Helen nodded in agreement. Being with a male was repugnant but sucking his penis was beyond humiliating. It was degrading and she could never see herself doing such a despicable act. But Jason had been gentle enough with Kelli and Helen could see that Valeria had taught him well.

"You taught Jason well," she said.

"Thanks," said Valeria. "Now for the deflowering."


Kelly felt like a doll; Jason had lifted him onto the bed quite effortlessly. He was gentle, but it was also a demonstration of his power and raw strength. Kelly looked up at him not quite sure what to do. His sexual training at the Institute had covered only cock sucking and the basics of anal sex. Isabella had told him that he had to remain a virgin, at least physically, until he was married. Kelly knew the mechanics well enough and he remembered the awful vid of the brothel, but seeing and doing were two different things.

Jason quickly removed the remainder of his clothes and then pushed up the front of Kelli's dress, shoving all the fluffy layers of the petticoat up so that he could get at her body. Under all these layers he found her scantily clad in the garter belt and thong. The thong was soaked with her excitement and her pussy was clearly visible through the transparent lacey material. She smelled of roses and sex and Jason went ravenous with desire for his new bride.

Kelly reflexively opened his legs his body rebelling against his mind. He wanted Jason inside him so bad! And he heard someone say in his voice, "I want you inside me, now." But the thought was repugnant and he tried to fight against the dream-like haze that enveloped his mind and prevented him from resisting. It would not have mattered for nothing would have stopped Jason whose mind was in a carnal fury of desire and lust.

When Kelli opened his legs, Jason literally tore the thong from her body, exposing her pussy to his throbbing penis which was rock hard. She was so wet! His mother told him that, that meant she was very sexually aroused and wanted him. The inner lips of her vagina protruded above her outer lips like petals on a flower and Jason found this extremely erotic. It was as if her pussy was inviting him to fuck her.

Jason positioned the head of his penis over her vagina and in one quick fluid movement penetrated her. Kelli moaned and Jason began thrusting, sinking his penis completely inside her, so that his balls pressed against her lips and ass. He came quickly again filling her with cum, so much that it ran out of her when he withdrew. Falling on the bed besides her, he took Kelli in his arms and kissed her deeply.

Kelly felt him cum inside him. The initial penetration had hurt slightly, but the thrusting felt good. Kelly had let out a yelp of surprise more than in pain and then moaned as Jason thrusted inside him. He wanted it to continue and might have orgasmed but Jason came too quickly. Then he was beside her and the kissing started again and it felt so good! And so horribly wrong.


"Too quick!" exclaimed Valeria.

Helen let out a brief laugh. This was so typical of males. It was always about their own pleasure. Getting off as quickly as possible. No finesses or subtlety, just raw physical desire. "Typical," said Helen.

"I told him repeatedly, to take his time. Touch her, kiss her, bring her to orgasm," said Valeria sighing.

"You did give Kelli a chance to orgasm, if she can't take advantage of it, that's her problem," said Helen.

"Yes, but if she does, then I can use it as reward and punishment," said Valeria.

Helen had not considered this, but had to agree that Valeria had a point. She had no doubt gotten the idea from Isabella, but it was nonetheless an excellent form of behavior reinforcement. Helen would have preferred complete and permanent denial, but Kelli was no longer her ward, so it was really none of her business.

"Don't let her cum too often," she said.

"Oh, I won't," said Valeria. "Just enough to keep her desperate and compliant."


Kelly found himself on top of Jason. It felt so good! Jason had unfastened her dress, and pushed the top down, so that her enormous breasts were exposed. Kelly had blushed but his long fat nipples were hard and when Jason touched them, ripples of pleasure seemed to go straight to his throbbing clitoris. Then as if someone else were speaking, Kelly heard himself saying, "Please fuck me hard and long."

Jason did not need to be told twice. He positioned Kelli over him, and entered her. Although he was still ravenous with desire, his mother's words echoed in his ears, 'slow down, take your time. Girls need time to cum. Don't be selfish, it's important that she has pleasure also.' Once inside, Jason did not thrust, though it took a great deal of will power not too. Instead, he fondled Kelli's breasts and sucked on her nipples. He was rewarded with soft moans and a loud 'yes!'

Kelly was deeply ashamed of himself but this only seemed to intensify his desire. Jason filled him up and it felt so good! He could feel his massive penis against his cervix and instinctively he started moving his hips. The skirt of the dress and the petticoat covered his lower body and a good portion of Jason, so Kelly could not see anything but the sensation of Jason's penis in his vagina drove him crazy with desire.

Kelly felt the orgasm building. It was different from how it felt as a male. It was slower and Kelly found that he had to work harder at it. Below him Jason watched him with curiosity and a patience that surprised Kelly. It was all so incredibly erotic. "Oh yes! Fuck me!" he heard himself say again.

Jason was transfixed with curiosity and desire. Sex at the brothel had not been like this. The girls moaned and screamed for sure, but there was no real desire in their voices. This was different and so erotic. Kelli truly seemed to want him and seeing her on top moving her hips made him wild with desire. He started thrusting again but slowly, trying to honor his promise to his mother to consider his bride's pleasure not just his own.

Kelly could feel the orgasm coming but Jason's thrusting and his hip movements was not quite enough to bring him over the edge. Franticly he pulled up the skirt and gathered the petticoat in his left hand and reaching down, he rubbed his clitoris hard and fast. Part of his mind tried to rebel. No! No! This is so wrong! But there was no stopping. Then his mind seemed to explode.

The orgasm was intense. It had been so long, over three months and Kelly had been desperate for most of that time. Later he would realize that he had experienced similar orgasms as a male. What was different was not the intensity but how the pleasure seemed to involve his entire body. As a male, pleasure was chiefly confined to his penis. As a female, he could feel the pleasure in his breasts and pelvis and down his legs, even in his hands. It encompassed his entire body, or so it seemed. Falling forward he pressed himself against Jason's hard, flat, muscled chest and kissed him deeply.

Jason came with Kelli, exploding inside her. He could feel his cum ejaculating into her pussy and he moaned. Kelli had screamed and for a moment he was not sure if it was in pleasure or in pain. Then she started kissing him...


"Seems he listened after all," said Helen. She had to admit that she was disappointed. Denying Kelli would have pleased her, but perhaps Valeria was right. Kelli was sure to remember this moment.

"Yes," agreed Valeria, "males listen...occasionally. I see your Kelli is quite a screamer."

"So, it seems," said Helen a little embarrassed. Kelli had screamed and quite loudly too. "I guess that's it then", she continued, watching them kiss.

"Oh no," said Valeria. "Jason has only cum three times.

"Only?" said Helen, surprised.

"Half-a-dozen at least," said Valeria. "Then he will be sated for...a while."

Helen was almost sorry for Kelli. Almost.


When the kissing stopped, Jason had Kelly suck his penis again while he licked his pussy. Kelly found that he could cum multiple times, and he managed to cum again when Jsaon exploded in his mouth. At his point, Kelly was exhausted and he felt like crying since he could not believe what he had done with another male. You can't do this, his mind kept telling him. But his body had responded as if he were a girl, betraying him.

Jason however was not done. He wanted to take his bride up her ass. Kelly hated this idea but again found himself complying with Jason's desires. As such he found himself on all fours, in the center of the bed as Jason penetrated his ass from behind. He was thankful in that moment for all the anal stretching Ava made him do and the lube suppositories in his ass that had become part of his daily routine. Still, it was not without some pain and discomfort. Jason however seemed to love fucking him this way and after a few minutes he felt him cum inside his ass, cum shooting deep inside him.

When Jason recovered (and that did not take long), he made Kelli jerk him off with her hands while he fondled her breasts. Kelly had to catch his cum and then lick it while he told him how much he loved doing this for him. Again, Kelly's mind rebelled but the words seemed to come of their own volition. When that was over, Jason was sated, or so Kelly thought and the newlyweds fell on the bed and cuddled. This felt good and Kelly rubbed his body against Jason's , his head on his chest. In a few minutes both were fast asleep.

During the night, Jason woke up twice and after a minute or so of kissing entered Kelly and fucked him, coming inside his vagina. Kelly had submitted; he was half asleep anyway and too tired to resist. He hated himself for acquiescing to the humiliation of having sex with another male but it was a problem to contemplate in the morning when he was alert and hopefully away from Jason.


"Your son is quite insatiable," said Helen watching the newly married couple sleep in each other's arms.

"And yours is quite the little slut," said Valeria. Both women laughed.

"Is he like that all the time?" inquired Helen.

Oh yes!" said Valeria. "Always. Kelli is in for quite a work-out, though if she is good, I plan to give her, her periods off so she can rest."

Helen nodded. Again, it was Valeria's decision as she was now Kelli's guardian. "I hope you make her life as humiliating as possible."

"That you can count on," said Valeria. "That you can count on."

Chapter 9

The next morning Jason took him again. Ass and pussy. Kelly began to realize that Jason was insatiable and was quite relieved when Valeria knocked perfunctorily and entered the room. "Time to get up and have breakfast," she announced.

Although Kelly was hungry (he had eaten almost nothing the day before) he was relieved to get up and away from Jason. who it seemed, could not, quite literally, keep his hands off him. In addition, Kelly was covered in Jason's cum and his own vaginal secretions as well as sweat. It had been a raucous night and he felt dirty, embarrassed, and used. The shower felt good and Kelly lingered under the warm water washing the smell of sex off his body.

After breakfast Valeria said "I'll leave you two love-birds alone." Which she did much to Kelly's regret. Jason was all over him again and there was little Kelly could do about it. Jason favored taking him from behind, penetrating his vagina and fucking him. Kelly despite his revulsion found his body responding and he moved his hips back at each of Jason's thrusts to take him as deep inside as possible.

"Oh yes! Fuck me!" he heard himself cry out. It was as if he were two persons, one female who craved the sexual attention and the other male who was repulsed by it. To Kelly's dismay the female half seemed to dominate the male half and he found himself a willing and enthusiastic participant in their sex.


Valeria continued to monitor the newlyweds. Kelli was making a good partner for her son and this pleased her greatly. She watched as Jason fucked his bride from behind and how Kelli screamed with pleasure. When Jason took her face-to-face Kelli kissed him deeply and passionately, spreading her legs wide and grabbing his butt to increase the depth of his penetration.

Smiling, Valeria decided to allow Kelli to continue having orgasms. She would restrict them severely starting next week when the honeymoon was over. But for now, she decided to let them both enjoy themselves.

Isabella had advised her to be strict with Kelli. "The more you limit her orgasms the more submissive and compliant she will be. A desperate girl is a well-behaved girl."

Valeria saw the logic in this and planned to make orgasms few and far between for Kelli. After the honeymoon Jason would return to work and this involved travel. Typically, he would be gone for a month or two, return for a few weeks, and then be gone again. That meant that she would be spending more time with Kelli than her son. As such Valeria decided to make the most of Kelli and practice her own form of domination over her. Kelli might get a break from Jason but not from the humiliation and servitude she had been justly sentenced to endure. No, there would be no breaks for her. None at all.


The week passed in a haze of sex and mental strife for Kelly. He saw little of Valeria's flat outside the bed chamber he shared with Jason. A few minutes for some meals and a shower (both of which Kelly fought to prolong) and then it was back to the bed chamber where Jason would fuck him again and again. Kelly was astounded by Jason's sexual appetite. He was quite literally insatiable. At least a dozen times a day Kelly found himself either sucking Jason's penis or getting fucked in his ass or vagina. By the end of the week, he was worn out. Even his female half was tired of the continual sex.

His female body had also stopped responding, or at least slowed down considerably. When he had been desperate for an orgasm at the beginning of the week, just after the marriage ceremony, orgasms had come fairly easily and intensely. Now if he experienced a mere tingle of pleasure, he counted that as an orgasm. Most of the time he felt no real pleasure beyond being wet.

Kelly found that he had to struggle more for an orgasm with his new female body than with his former male body. Arousal took longer and more focus was required and the build-up was slower. His orgasms seemed to encompass his entire female body (which was both surprising and pleasant) but they were not any more intense than he remembered with his male body. He could also orgasm without any recovery time, but this was the exception, not the rule. In short, his female body provided him with no real improvement in physical pleasure; it only attracted Jason's attention which was rapidly becoming burdensome and unwelcome.

It was with great relief that Kelly embraced Jason as he departed for work. His 'husband' would be gone for two months, off to some former military site to dispose of deteriorating ordnance in what was now the Federation's North Asian Territory. Strangely, Kelly did not dislike Jason. Despite his size and obvious physical strength, he was considerate, docile, and reasonably gentle. He adored his mother and obeyed her implicitly and without question. He even seemed to genuinely care for Kelly, which Kelly found simultaneously strangely endearing and deeply disturbing.