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Alana had giggled when she saw them. "They are HUGE," she giggled. "Kelli is definitely top-heavy and I hope she doesn't tip over going up the aisle."

Nicole laughed and said, "Her husband won't be able to keep his hands off her!"

"I wonder if she won't be able to keep her breasts off his hands," commented Brynn, wryly.

Helen had scowled at her daughters but they continued giggling over Kelli's breasts and the implications for her sex life with her soon-to-be husband.

Although Valeria agreed with Helen (Kelli's breasts were enormous), overall, she was pleased with the result. Jason had drooled over the images of her, licking his lips, like when he was hungry. Kelli would make a fine mate for him and provide her with some assistance around the house. She hoped that after a few months her son's voracious sexual appetite would be sated, at least partially, and the sexual tension he constantly exuded would subside.

When Kelly had gotten home, he found is room much changed. Gone were his desk and other possessions replaced by a vanity containing hair brushes, makeup and other feminine items. The walls were decorated in a floral pink and a lacy pink and white comforter covered his bed. It had in short been transformed into a girl's room just as he had been transformed into a girl.

"Do you like it?" asked his mother.

Kelly hated it; he wanted his old familiar room back as well as his old life. But he knew that neither was possible. Besides he would not be staying long, a thought that both frightened and excited him. "Yes Ma'am," he answered glumly.

"I must say that I am quite impressed," said Helen looking her over. "You make a beautiful girl. It' so hard to believe. It's you but it isn't."

"I find it hard to believe too," said Kelly trying not to sound bitter.

"I really need to see for myself," said his mother. "It's too fantastic to accept otherwise."

"See what," said Kelly.

"Your pussy, of course," replied his mother. Kelli might be a girl but she still thought like a male. A woman would have understood her meaning without asking.

Kelly blushed and said, "Please...you're my mother it's too...embarrassing."

"Don't be silly," said Helen, "it's just us girls here."

"But...but....," said Kelly. He almost said 'But I am not a girl' but that would have made him look even more foolish than he felt.

"Come, come," said his mother, "take off your panties and pull up your dress. I want to see."

Kelly blushed but did as his mother requested. There would be no point in arguing or resisting. He knew his mother would have her way either voluntarily or by using the control devices in his body. Besides what was one more humiliation?

Pulling down his panties, Kelly held his dress up so his mother could inspect him. He felt himself getting wet and his clitoris tingled with pleasure. The day before, Isabella had removed the chastity covering his clitoris and vagina saying "you won't be needing these anymore."

Kelly had been horny and desperate for an orgasm and that night he had tried rubbing his clitoris and although it felt pleasurable, he could not coach an orgasm from his new genitalia. Perhaps I am doing something wrong he thought. But it felt right. When his clitoris became sore, he stopped, more sexually frustrated than ever. He was so desperate but he knew Isabella would rebuff him no matter how much he pleaded and begged.

"Oh my!" exclaimed his mother. "You are a girl in every way! And you have protruding inner lips. Your husband will no doubt find that very arousing."

Kelly blushed and closed his eyes wishing he could close his ears too. This was even more humiliating than he had imagined. His mother looking and commenting on the most intimate and private part of his body. But much to his horror he felt himself becoming wetter and his clitoris becoming engorged.

His mother ran her finger along his slit and then held it up for him to see. "You're wet! Thank goodness you are getting married in a few days."

And now it had become a few hours. The morning had started with a scented bath drawn by his sisters who had perfumed the water with roses. Kelly had found the odor overpowering but Brynn had said "you need to smell nice for all the sweaty sex you will be having later."

Kelly had blushed at the comment. He hated that his nuptial preparations had become a public affair. In addition to his mother and sisters, Alana had shown up along with Valeria who, in her words, wanted "to make sure everything was just perfect."

After the bath, Helen worked on his hair while Brynn and Nichole did his nails (both feet and hands) and then Alana his make-up. Kelly had been afforded the dignity of a thin robe, but it barely covered his enormous breasts and bubble ass. For her part Valeria selected and laid out the undergarments. These included, of course, stockings and garter belt, thong panties (little more than a semitransparent triangle of lace), strapless bra, and voluminous chiffon petticoat. Everything was in a dazzling bright white.

When Helen and Alana were finished with his hair and make-up, Valeria inspected their work saying, "perfect! Jason will be delighted!"

Kelly blushed again and wished the floor under his feet would open up and swallow him. The idea of marrying another male and all that implied made his stomach flutter with anxiety. He felt like running, but knew he would not make it to the door before his mother or Valeria would send him crumbling to the floor in a spasm of overwhelming pain.

"Let's do the bra first," said Alana "and get those tits out of the way."

Brynn and Nichole giggled and Helen said "good idea.

The bra was heavy and very, very lacy. Kelly's massive breasts required a good deal of support to confine and shape them. The cups could hold a good size melon each, and although Kelly's breasts were not that heavy, they easily filled the bra and then some. Alana struggled a bit to fasten it, but after a minute or so, she managed to get all the hooks clasped together. "You need a harness girl, not a bra!" she said.

The bra felt tight, heavy, and confining. Looking down, Kelly saw his breasts overflowing the top of the bra and they rippled when he moved. His nipples were hard and clearly visible through the lacy material that made up most of the cups. Except for holding his breasts in place against his body, the bra did little to enhance his modesty.

"Panties," said Valeria handing them to Kelly. Normally this would have gone on after the garter and stockings, but Valeria felt they should go under for "maximum sexiness."

Kelly hoped he would not need to pee, since taking them down would be difficult, if not impossible without getting undressed. Although he hated thongs, Helen and Valeria had insisted. "You need to look sexy for your husband," said Helen. The small triangle of lace in the front barely covered his pussy. Valeria had instructed Isabella to leave only a small triangle of hair above his clitoris and the panties barely covered that. Like the bra, little was left to the imagination as far as modesty was concerned. His ass, of course was completely exposed. "Lovely!" said Valeria when they were in place.

"Garter belt next," said Helen.

Kelly stepped into the band of elastic white material, again covered with lace, and Helen tugged it up into place, turning it slightly to align the clips with his legs. Next came the stockings which Alana helped to glide over his legs and then fastened them in place with the garter clips. A low-cut camisole came next and then it was time for the chiffon petticoat.

However, Kelly's sexual arousal was enhanced to such an extent that his pussy was soaked and his clitoris was engorged and throbbing. It had been three months since he had last orgasmed and his desperation had reached a fever pitch. Desire had ebbed during his period but now it was back and Kelly was shaking, frantic for release.

"Oh look!" said Alana pointing at her pussy. She's soaked!"

Brynn looked and said, "Oh how cute! She can't wait to be fucked!"

Nichole giggled but said nothing as her mother glared at her and Brynn. Kelly could feel, but not see his panties. He knew they were wet, but not how wet.

"They are almost transparent!" said Nichole pointing.

Blushing Kelly said "Oh...please!"

Helen shushed him and said, "Changing her is going to make us late. Besides I don't have another pair of panties."

Valeria looked at the soaked transparent panties and said, "It doesn't matter, it will only make Jason more excited when he sees her; even better the smell of sex on a girl on her wedding night is an aphrodisiac. Leave them on."

Brynn and Nichole looked at each other and giggled and Kelly blushed an ever-deeper shade of pink. Alana said "brides usually wear a pad to help with their excitement but that won't work with a thong."

"She's just dripping! Said Nichole, and giggled again.

"Ladies!" said Valeria, "focus please! The petticoat."

This under-garment remained a mystery to Kelly. He understood its purpose (making the skirt portion of the dress look fuller and walking easier) but all the women made such a fuss over it that Kelly felt he was missing something fundamental. The length of the wedding dress they had chosen was mid-thigh with a wide flared skirt. The petticoat was the same shape but consisted of many, many layers of thin, stiff material. The waist was elastic with a draw string to fasten the petticoat in place, but the opposite end, the bottom, was thick and somewhat uneven as the layers flared out and separated in a wavy sort of pattern. The effect was strangely alluring but Kelly felt like he was surrounded by a balloon and he felt huge and awkward when wearing the strange garment.

"Now the garter," said Helen when the petticoat was in place.

This was another female accessory that mystified Kelly, even more than the petticoat which at least had a purpose. The garter was just a lacy elastic band that was placed around the upper thigh; it served no functional purpose that Kelly could discern but his mother insisted that he wear it.

"Bend your knee and pull up the petticoat," said Valeria. 'That's a good girl!"

The garter in place, Kelly slipped into his shoes which mercifully only had three-inch heels. Next came the dress, which had to go over his head. "Arms up!" instructed Helen.

Kelly put his arms up and the dress was lifted over his head. "Careful, don't muss her hair!" said Helen. The dress was sleeveless and low cut and showed all of the tops of Kelly's exposed breasts and Kelly felt that he might 'fall-out' of it, exposing himself to everyone. But this was purely fantasy on his part, based partly on lack of experience wearing such a dress and partly on the anxiety of feeling so exposed and vulnerable. The dress however fit him quite securely and there was a large white bow in back that Kelly found annoying.

"Oh my!" exclaimed Valeria, "you are beautiful!" Kelly blushed and she added "Oh! How cute! A blushing, innocent, bride!"

With the dress on, all that remained was the vale. This was yet another accessory whose purpose alluded Kelly. All it did was obscure his vision and make everything look a bit hazy. Putting it on involved lots of fussing with his hair and the vale itself. Helen made everyone leave except Alana who assisted her with the vale.

"Please Ma'am," pleaded Kelly, "don't make me do this! Please! I beg you!"

"All girls are nervous on the wedding day. Are you anxious about your wedding night?"

Kelly blushed and he could feel the wetness spreading to his thighs. "I..I..," he stammered.

"Isabella tells me you have been well trained," said Helen. "I know you are a virgin and its normal to be nervous. But soon you will be on your knees in front of your husband sucking his cock, and your training will kick in and you will do just fine. I know it's humiliating but that's part of your punishment. If you had not assaulted poor Alana here and stole our panties you would not be in this situation. As it is, you are lucky not to be in a brothel right now servicing who knows how many males."

Kelly wanted to cry. But his body betrayed him again. He was so wet! And his clitoris was throbbing with excitement! "Please Ma'am, it's all a mistake! I...I...never..."

"The mistake is yours Kelli," snaped Alana. "Your punishment is well deserved. You deeply hurt your mother and myself not to mention your sisters."

Kelly was taken aback by the tone of her words and their content. It was like she was referring to someone else. Her vehemence was such that Kelly began to doubt...but no! That was not right, could not be right!

"It doesn't matter," said Helen. "Even if I wanted to, I could not change anything. Valeria is your guardian now and you have been justly sentenced. The sooner you accept that and admit your guilt, the happier and better off you will be. After all you did plead guilty!"

Kelly was mortified and speechless. It seemed that Alana and his mother believed that he was guilty and deserved his punishment. It was as if they lived in an alternative reality for his. Perhaps he really had...but no! That was impossible. Yes, he had taken his mother's and his sister's panties. But not Alana's and he certainly had not assaulted her. She had kissed him... and he had stopped when she wanted to continue. The rest was crazy!

"All done," announced his mother. "Time to meet your new husband!"


Later, Kelly only remembered the wedding ceremony in hazy fragments. He had no recollection of walking to the ceremonial chamber flanked by his mother and Alana. Inside stood a small group of women, friends of his mother and Valeria, and a few of his sister's and Alana's friends, perhaps twenty in all. To Kelly they were a blur. The officiant was an older woman dressed in a formal black robe. A vague memory of music playing and then of finding himself standing next to Jason, flanked by Alana and his sisters.

Kelly had never met Jason in person. He had seen some images and a brief vid of him, but nothing else. He was huge and Kelly found himself blinking in astonishment. Six-four at least with a massive chest and muscles that rippled and bulged under his clothes. He was good-looking but intimidating because of his size and Kelly stood transfixed. Kelly, whose head came barely up to his shoulders felt like a dwarf next to him.

As for the ceremony, Kelly had no real memory. He said 'yes' in the right places but there was no real recollection of any of the details. The next memory he had of any consequence was Jason kissing him gently on the mouth and then taking his arm and walking with him down the aisle out of the ceremonial chamber. Kelly had been stunned by this kiss and had to suppress the urge to wipe his lips.

The reception was small and intimate. The women talked in small groups sipping champagne and eating cake, which Jason cut and Kelly mechanically served to the guests. It all went by in a blur and Kelly felt that he was in a surreal daze. That somehow, he was watching this all happen to someone else. After some indefinite period of time - it could have been hours or just minutes - Kelly found himself sitting on a chair with his skirt pulled up while Jason removed the garter from his leg. Kelly watched, still in a daze, as Jason tossed it to the women in the room. As it turned out, Brynn caught it and there was lots of hooping and shouting and excitement that Kelly could not adequately process.

Finally, the women started to leave and Kelly noticed his mother talking with Alana, Valeria, and his sisters. "Go home," she said. "I am going with Valeria. I will be back later, possibly, but it will be late. I may spend the night at Valeria's flat, so don't worry if I don't come home. Thank you, Alana, for everything!"

Kelly found this perplexing but he was still in a daze and his mind struggled to make sense of what he was hearing. But then his mother was by his side and taking his arms she said, "it's time to go and perform your wifely duties."

Kelly turned pale. The time he had dreaded and tried to deny and avoid had come. He was going to have to have sex with Jason. Panic seized him and Kelly looked around the room for an exit, feeling trapped and wanting to flee. But before he could act, his mother took his arm and ushered him toward the exit followed closely by Valeria and Jason who was licking his lips in obvious anticipation.

Chapter 8

Valeria had been coaching her son during most of the three months that Kelli was at the Institute. "She will be shy and uncertain. Remember she is a virgin and this will be her first real sexual experience."

"Yes Ma'am," replied Jason obediently.

Despite his size and obvious strength, Jason was quite docile, at least around women, and he listened and obeyed his mother implicitly and without question. As such he listened attentively and with some embarrassment to what Valeria was saying, knowing from experience that she was almost always right, and that following her advice was certainly the best approach.

"I suggest starting gently and slowly. Kiss her and tell her how beautiful and desirable she is. She has been trained to please you, so give her a chance to overcome her shyness and any trepidation she might have. She is not a toy, but eventually she will do anything you want. But some patience will be required."

"Yes Ma'am," said Jason. This seemed odd and confusing to him, since he reasoned that Kelli would want sex as much as he did, so why all the fuss? The girls at the brothels (where his mother occasionally allowed him to go) were always enthusiastic and required none of this...this...finesses.

Valeria seeing the confusion on her son's face said, "The girls in the brothels are only faking their enthusiasm and pleasure; if you want true desire from Kelli you will need to nurture it by being gentle, kind, and understanding."

Jason was shocked. "You mean the girls at the brothel...don't...don't..."

"Yes, exactly," said Valeria. Males were so dense and oblivious. "It's forced on them as punishment, they get no real pleasure from it."

Jason stared at her, mouth open, astonished by the revelation. "I...I thought...that..."

But Valeria shook her head. "No. If you want a real sexual relationship with Kelli you will have to put some effort into it. None of that shove it in and get off as quickly as you can."

Jason blushed at his mother's words and said "Yes Ma'am."

"Good," said Valeria. "Now here are some guidelines for you to follow..."


Valeria and Helen had decided to monitor the wedding night nuptials. Unbeknownst to Kelli, Valeria had lifted the restrictions on her orgasms so that she could cum with her husband. Isabella had recommended this saying "It will allow you to use it as an incentive later, or for punishment if necessary."

A few minutes earlier they had bid the newlyweds goodnight and retired to Valeria's study to watch them in secrecy. Helen had told Kelli, "It's time to do your duty and please your husband," and Valeria had told Jason "Remember what I told you." Both had blushed as they closed the door to their bed chamber.

"Let's see if they can follow instructions," said Valeria settling into her chair. "I hope Jason is not too rough with her."

Helen waved her hand dismissively and said "This is supposed to be punishment for her."

"True," said Valeria. "Something to drink?"


Inside the bed chamber Kelly stood frozen. His knees felt weak and his hands were trembling. There would be no resisting Jason he knew. He was a mass of solid muscle and Kelly had no illusions about fighting or escaping from him. How had he gotten himself in this situation? But inside his panties he felt his clitoris throbbing in anticipation. His body and mind had gone in complete opposite directions.
