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"Oh! Please I beg you, make it stop! Please!

Isabella smiled sweetly and said "Oh my! You are so wonderfully desperate!"

"Yes! Please make it stop! Please!"

"Absolutely not sweetie," she replied cheerfully. "It's punishment, well deserved punishment. This is what happens to naughty males who disrespect women and assault them. What did you think would happen? I just wish I could make it even more intense and humiliating for you."

Kelly cried and pleaded but to no avail. Isabella merely laughed and stroked his cheek, brushing his tears aside with her thumb. "So deliciously desperate! It makes me so excited to think how frustrated you are! Always so close to relief but never allowed any."

Kelly threw himself on the bed sobbing, and laughing Isabella left. However, about half an hour later the vibrations stopped and exhausted Kelly fell into a tortuous sleep where he dreamt, he was running, trying to escape from something frightful that was chasing him. But it was like running through water and he struggled with his dreams throughout the night.

Isabella had turned off the punishment plug knowing that at some point Kelly would spontaneously cum, and she did not want that. He needed to be hyperexcited for his confession the next day. Besides, he did need at least some sleep. If he was too exhausted, he would not be able to appreciate the intense humiliation of the confession. And that was the ultimate purpose after all of the punishment.

Watching a male's confession and seeing his humiliation was the highlight of her work. The panicked look on the males face as he was led naked into a room full of laughing and taunting women. The expression of horror when he realized what he must do. The scarlet blush of his humiliation as he is taunted and laughed at. The frantic search for an escape that was impossible. And finally, the deep countenance of shame when he was forced to complete his disgusting act in front of everyone. Isabella grew wet just thinking about it. How she loved her work. And was good at it too. No male ever left except in a state of total humiliation and shame. It was simply delightful! And the women always enjoyed the event. Everyone was happy, except the male of course, but he did not count.

Kelly woke with a start in the early morning hours. Getting up, he made his way groggily to the bathroom where he was forced to sit in order to pee. Returning to bed, Kelly checked the time: 4:01AM. Too early to get up. Besides he was exhausted from his dreams and the events of the previous day. Closing his eyes, Kelly tried to fall asleep again and was just about to nod off when the dildo in his ass, forgotten during the night, started vibrating again, reminding Kelly of its presence and his troubles.

Moaning, Kelly stiffened in bed and said aloud "Oh! No!"

But there was no one to hear his protest and the vibrating butt plug quickly caused Kelly's penis to stiffen and become hard. Within a couple of minutes, he was throbbing and getting close to coming. The vibrations ceased abruptly and Kelly gasped another protest to the darkened room "Oh! Oh! Not again!"

During the next two hours, the torture of the previous day repeated itself with a monotony that would have been tedious except for the extreme sexual tension that wracked Kelly's body. By the time 6AM rolled around and Isabella cheerfully entered the room, Kelly was beyond desperation for release. "Please!" he begged "make it stop! Please!"

"Had a hard night" said Isabella chuckling at her pun. "But don't worry, it will soon be over!"

The dichotomy of Isabella's sarcastic words and her pleasant tone made Kelly forget his present plight as he remembered the ordeal that awaited him. "Soon?" he said, his voice an octave higher than normal.

"Yes, in about two hours to be precise" said Isabella cheerily. "We like to get these things over early so there is plenty of time left for your initial indoctrination."

Kelly gulped. "Please!" he begged "don't do this, please!"

But Isabella merely shook her head and smiling said "It's too late for that. It's time to start paying for what you've done. Besides it will be your last orgasm as a male, so you might want to relish the moment, even though it will be extremely humiliating!"

"Please!" said Kelly again.

But Isabella merely ignored him. "Now take off that tunic so I can prepare you."

Kelly new better than to refuse. He knew that Isabella would summon her Amazons if he didn't. Blushing he removed the tunic and except for the chastity, stood naked and blushing in front of Isabella.

"Hmm! Are you hard?" she asked looking thoughtfully at his erect penis encased in its clear prison.

"Yes" said Kelly, blushing again.

"So small!" said Isabella, shaking her head. "It's not going to be much of a show...well never mind!"

For the next hour Kelly stood naked in front of Isabella as she poked and prodded his body with various instruments. In a constant but friendly tone she explained each move and procedure as she worked with various devices on his body. However, Kelly quickly lost interest in the details. It all had something to do with his 'transformation' but the technical details were beyond him. Besides the vibrations in his ass continued the entire time, keeping his mind preoccupied with his throbbing penis.

"Please keep still" said Isabella each time the vibrations started. But Kelly was unable to control his body as his desperation built in intensity. Near the end he was thrusting his hips in a futile attempt to gain relief which made Isabella giggle with delight.

"Done!" Isabella announced, checking the time. "And none too soon!"

Kelly looked at her in a daze, his mind gripped by the passion pent up inside his throbbing penis.

"Ready?" Said Isabella.

Before Kelly could answer the door opened and the Amazon's entered.

"No! Wait!" said Kelly.

"Wait?" said Isabella. "Whatever for? It's your time Kelly. Everyone is waiting to see your confession. You don't want to keep Alana and your mother and sisters waiting, do you? They are all looking forward to seeing you humiliate yourself. Besides, Alana and your sisters invited all their friends. It's quite a crowd, far too big to keep waiting."

"No! Please! Not like this!" Protested Kelly.

But the Amazons, after a nod from Isabella, grabbed Kelly's arms, and roughly ushered him out of the room and down yet another long corridor, with Isabella leading the way.

Kelly tried to struggle and break away but his efforts were futile. The two large women on either side of him did not even pause as they lifted Kelly off his feet and continued walking, following Isabella towards their destination.

It seemed to take forever but the journey lasted only a minute or so. The Amazons ushered a naked Kelly into a small room where a saltire cross stood. They quickly strapped Kelly to the cross immobilizing him and making escape impossible.

After inspecting their work, Isabella nodded and the two large women, retreated from the small room. "Now let's remove your chastity, shall we?"

Kelly watched as Isabella reached out and grabbed the hated device, which seem to effortlessly fall off his engorged and throbbing penis.

"It's so tiny" remarked Isabella running her index finger gently down its short length.

Kelly's entire body shuddered and he strained against the restraints holding him securely to the cross. Isabella smiled pleasantly and said "It won't be long now dear, just a few more minutes."

Moaning, Kelly said "Please no! Please don't do this to me!"

"Now we've been all over this before," said Isabella. "You know you must be punished. Besides, I think you want to be humiliated. All those women watching you, as you confess and tell them your most embarrassing secrets! You find that exciting, don't you?"

"No!" protested Kelly. "No!"

"Well, you may be saying 'no' but your tiny penis seems to be saying 'yes'" said Isabella.

With that, she squirted a line of lube along Kelly's penis, which stood straight and erect, parallel to the floor.

Kelly winched as the cool lubricant touched his hot throbbing penis, but despite the chill, he remained hard. "Oh no!" he moaned.

"Here, let me get your tiny penis well lubed" said Isabella grabbing his penis and gently rubbing the lube around his shaft. "It's going to make a lovely large sensitive clitoris."

Unable to control himself, Kelly moved his hips to maximize the effect of Isabella's rubbing, but she was too quick for him and before Kelly could orgasm, she stopped. "There we go! "She said. "All ready!"

"No! Please!" pleaded Kelly, but it was too late. Even before he finished speaking, the wall opposite the door started sliding open.

Kelly looked around wildly like a trapped animal looking for escape, but there was none to be found. In horror Kelly watched the wall recede, revealing a small theater-like room with perhaps 20 or so women seated and chatting loudly.

"The chatter died suddenly as his sister Brynn said "There he is!"

All the women in the room looked at Kelly and they started chattering again. Kelly could hear laughter and giggles as several of the women pointed at him and then whispered to the woman seated next to her. Kelly blushed in embarrassment as he quickly scanned the audience. Seated in the front were his sisters and mother and Alana. Alana was smiling and conversing with his mother. Brynn and Nicole were excitedly chatting and pointing at him. Behind them, sat about 20 women, mostly friends of his sisters from school, with a few of Alana's girlfriends mixed in. Kelly had met all of them and had even had a few in some of his classes.

Isabella approached the group and motioned for silence. There were a few 'shushes' and one 'be quiet' as the chatter subsided. When everyone was silent Isabella said "You have been invited to witness the confession and apology of Kelly Williams, who freely pleaded guilty to theft, assault, and lewdness and has been duly and justly sentenced to gender reassignment, and servitude for life."

All the women started clapping and there were a few whistles and several 'yeses' and one 'serves him right'.

"You his victims (and your guests) are here to witness his confession and apology as is your right in partial recompense for his crimes against you" continued Isabella.

"Yes" shouted several women in the audience. "Humiliate him!" cried another. "Shame on you" yelled a woman in back.

"You are encouraged to taunt and belittle him but you cannot under any circumstances approach or touch him. For his part the male must stay on the cross until he confesses and then apologizes. After that as a final humiliation I will allow him to masturbate until he comes in front of all of you. A reminder of his despicable and disgusting acts."

There were hoots and whistles and a few cat-calls as Isabella turned and approached Kelly who was watching the proceedings in a daze of humiliation and shame. In all his life he had never been so embarrassed! However, his penis remained hard and erect and throbbing. Isabella turned and pushed the cross so Kelly was facing the audience directly and only about three feet away from the first row of spectators. When Isabella was satisfied with the positioning of the apparatus, she motioned to Alana, Helen, Brynn, and Nicole to approach her. The four women complied with Kelly's sisters ending up standing to his left, and Alana and his mother to his right.

"Good" said Isabella "we can begin." Then turning to Kelly she said, "Do you willingly confess to Alana, Helen, Brynn, and Nichole and all the women present here, that you willfully disregarded the law and assaulted them by stealing their panties and shamefully masturbating in them?"

Kelly turned bright red with embarrassment. He sensed a trap of some sort, but his mind was too muddled to think clearly. His penis was throbbing with excitement and the punishment dildo started vibrating driving him wild with desire and the need for release. "Oh...Oh..." Kelly moaned. "Please...please...." he pleaded.

"You can apologize later, after you confess," said Isabella. "Do you freely confess to these crimes?"

"Yes, yes!" Moaned Kelly. "Anything! Just please..."

"And do you confess to willfully assaulting Alana?" said Isabella.

"Yes, yes! Any...," said Kelly.

"And do you apologize to Alana, Helen, Nichole, and Brynn for your awful and thoughtless crimes against their persons?"

"Yes, yes...please...please" begged Kelly.

"Yes, sissy ask for their forgiveness" commanded Isabella.

"Please forgive me, please" begged Kelly his penis raging with desire and the need for release.

"No" said Isabella "you must ask each one individually."

Brynn giggled and said "Yes ask each one of us, sissy boy."

Kelly moaned and looking at his sister said "Please forgive me Brynn, please."

Brynn giggled again and said "Forgive you for what?"

This was beyond humiliating! Kelly was strapped naked to Isabella's awful apparatus with a throbbing erection he could not control and continually stimulated by the punishment dildo in his ass while two dozen women watched in amusement at his predicament. Now Brynn wanted him to say the most humiliating thing possible in front of everyone. But Kelly knew if he wanted this to end, he would have to acquiesce to her embarrassing demand.

Swallowing hard he said "Please Brynn, please forgive me for stealing your panties and masturbating in them."

"No!" said Brynn smiling.

The women in the room hooted and clapped and Brynn smiled in satisfaction and took a slight bow. Nichole then moved to center stage and looked at Kelly, waiting.

Kelly blinked and then said "Please Nicole, please forgive me for stealing your panties and masturbating in them."


Another round of hoots from the female audience erupted and Kelly flushed again in embarrassment. This was hyper-humiliating but his penis continued to throb, pulsating in time to the vibrations of the punishment dildo.

Alana then took her place in front of him and Kelly closed his eyes, breathing hard. This would be the most difficult of his apologies. Alana had clearly decided to betray him for reasons he could not fathom and now he would have to admit not only guilt for something he had not done, but ask her forgiveness as well. But Kelly knew there was no choice. The sooner he did so, the sooner this humiliating farce would end.

Taking a deep breath he said, "Alana please forgive me for assaulting you. It was inexcusable but please forgive me."

Alana smiled wickedly at him and said "I can never forgive you sissy boy. No woman could or would."

There was another round of hoots from the audience and a shout of "well said Alana" and a few 'yeses'. Kelly was mortified. Alana was continuing her game but try as he might, Kelly was unable to determine her reasons or motivations.

Finally, his mother stepped forward but before Kelly could start his apology she said "Don't bother. I don't believe your false sincerity. Look at how disgustingly hard your pathetic male penis is! It betrays you like it betrays all males!"

There were more hoots and whistles and a loud chorus of 'Yeses'. Kelly was mortified but still his penis throbbed.

"No amount of remorse, no matter how sincere on your part, can begin to ameliorate what you have done. I tried to warn you but you would not listen. Now you are going to get what you deserve," continued Helen.

More shouts from the female audience and a loud round of clapping followed this short but stinging statement from his mother. Kelly bowed his head in shame but despite everything, his penis continued to throb intensifying his need for release.

"Well said" commented Isabella. Then running her finger along Kelly's erect penis, she said "None of his apology and confession seems to have been remorseful or sincere given the disgusting state of his tiny penis. What do you say ladies?"

Kelly moaned loudly at the touch of Isabella's finger along his throbbing penis but the women in the room shouted "No, No, No remorse! No, No, No, remorse!" chanting the phrase over and over again. Even Isabella took up the chant. Then she started saying "Insincere!" over and over and all the women in the room took up this new chant, some pumping their arms up and down in time to the words.

When the noise died down a little Isabella said "And I can prove it!"

"Prove it! Prove it!" said the female audience starting a new round of chanting.

Isabella waved her arms and after a few minutes the chanting stopped. She said "If he was truly ashamed of his actions, he would not have this disgusting erection and if he was truly sincere, he would not be able to cum!"

"Yes! Yes!" shouted the women.

Brynn said "Let the sissy shame himself and prove his insincerity!"

Isabella then unfastened Kelly's right hand and whispering into his ear said "You may start shaming yourself now. This will be your last opportunity to cum for a long time and your last time ever as a male, so I suggest you make the most of it."

Kelly blushed bright red and looked around wildly. His mother, Alana, and his sisters were directly in front of him, just a few feet away. Alana was watching him with a smirk on her lips and an amused sparkle in her eyes. His mother was frowning, clearly disapproving of what he was about to do in front of her. His sisters were laughing and pointing at him.

"Are you sure he's hard?" said Nicole loudly.

"Oh! He's hard all right," said Alana. "That's the best he can do."

The audience broke into laughter and one woman said "He's so...so inadequate!"

"I'll say!" agreed another. "My little finger is larger than that!"

"What's he waiting for?" asked another woman.

"I'm not sure he knows what to do" suggested Brynn.

"Me either" seconded Alana.

"Need some help?" said Nicole.

Kelly was about to die of embarrassment but despite the taunting and humiliation his penis was hard and throbbing.

"Here" said Isabella taking his free hand and placing it on his penis "just rub. You know you want to. Look how everyone is watching!"

"Please not like this! Not here in front of everyone," he pleaded.

"Why not? Don't you want to cum as a male one last time?" purred Isabella. "Come on sweetie, you know you want to."

Kelly wanted the ground to open up and swallow him but he was desperate to cum and despite himself, he started rubbing his penis. The vibrator in his ass started pulsing and small waves of pleasure ran through his groin.

"Disgusting!" said his mother. "I warned you but you wouldn't listen so now you have to shame yourself in front of everyone!"

Despite his excitement Kelly did not cum immediately. His penis pulsed with pleasure at each stroke but his orgasm hesitated. Kelly rubbed himself faster and after what seemed like hours (but was actually less than a minute) he came, cum shooting out of his deprived and tortured penis. The orgasm seemed to go on and on and Kelly watched as a seemingly unending dribble of white creamy seaman flowed out of his penis.

The orgasm was so intense that a red-haze engulfed Kelly's vision and the sound of the taunting women seemed to recede into the distance, as if he had moved into a dark cave, far away. The sensation lasted for less than a quarter of a minute and when Kelly's senses returned, he heard his mother say "Disgusting! Revolting!"

The women in the small room were laughing and pointing continuing to make various disparaging comments about his 'performance' but Kelly found it difficult to focus. His orgasm had been so intense that it left him drained. His body was covered in sweat, his head bowed in shame. A deep flush of embarrassment turned his skin pink and then reddish. Looking up Kelly saw Alana looking at him, a malicious glint in her eyes.

"I hope you enjoy getting fucked every day!" she said.
