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"No please, Alana!" said Kelly. But Alana merely smiled and continued to look at him.

As the taunting and laughter died away the women began to leave, chatting and giggling. Kelly's mother approached him, flanked by his sisters.

"Well, I hope you're happy! I knew this would happen, sooner or later!" said Helen.

Brynn and Nicole giggled, but a frown from Helen stifled their merriment for the moment. "Your punishment has only begun" continued Helen. "I want you to remember that you deserve everything that's coming!"

"Yes!" seconded Nicole and Brynn in unison.

"If you're lucky enough to be married off, I might see you again," said Helen. "If, not...well."

"I hear uber males have big fat cocks," said Brynn.

"And they love to fuck constantly" added Nicole.

Kelly turned pale. "Please no!"

"Oh yes!" said Alana. "I hope they put you in a brothel where you get fucked all day. Hour after hour with no relief. Your pussy filled with cum!"

Helen let out a gruff of approval and Kelly's sisters laughed.

"Please!" pleaded Kelly.

With that the four women turned and left, leaving Kelly alone with Isabella.

"Now let's put this on," said Isabella holding up the chastity.

Kelly watched in horror as she placed it back on his penis. This time however the chastity confined his penis so that it pointed upwards towards his navel, leaving his balls dangling below. After it was in place Isabella unfastened Kelly from the cross.

Kelly looked down at his trapped penis. Touching himself would be impossible and masturbation out of the question. The vibrator in his ass went off again and Kelly felt his penis stiffen. Oh no! Not again!

"That was your last orgasm as a male," said Isabella. "I know this new position seems a bit awkward but it will help facilitate your transformation and keep you from giving in to temptation. But don't worry, it won't take long before you won't need it anymore."

Kelly looked at her, not quite sure what she was saying. "But..." he began.

However, Isabella cut him off. "Time to go" she said. And with that she led the way out of the room.

Chapter 3

Kelly was not sure if Isabella returned him to the same room or not. If it was a different room, it appeared identical to the one he had been in previously. He had not paid any attention to the route Isabella had taken either coming or going, so it was impossible to know either way. Not that it mattered. Kelly had more pressing issues to worry about.

After bringing him to his room, Isabella had left, telling him to clean up and rest. Kelly had taken a shower and then lay on the bed, naked. There were no clothes in the room, leaving him no choice but to remain naked. Even the tunic he had first worn, ridiculous as it was, would have been welcome, but alas, there was not a stitch of clothing to be found.

Kelly lay on the bed pondering his fate. His penis was securely fastened inside the chastity Isabella had placed on him. In sight but effectively out of reach. The vibrator in his ass went off occasionally but strangely (and mercifully) it did little to arouse him. For this Kelly was thankful as an erection with his penis pinned upward would have been uncomfortable, at best, if not painful. He could still not believe what had happened and what he had so shamefully done in front of his mother and sisters and Alana, not to mention the other women present. He had been so embarrassed, yet so aroused! Kelly knew he could never live this down. Seeing Alana or his mother or for that matter anyone else who had been present would be intolerably embarrassing. What had happened to him that he could behave in such a shameful and wanton manner?

And now what? What was to become of him? Kelly could not believe that he would be turned into a girl. The idea seemed too absurd to be taken seriously. And all the talk of uber males, marriage, and brothels seemed equally ridiculous. Yet...here he was! As Kelly pondered the possibilities his mind raced from one preposterous notion to the next until he felt dizzy despite laying down. At some point his mind simply gave up and he fell asleep.

In the morning (or what Kelly assumed was morning), Isabella walked into his room smiling and cheerful as usual.

"I see you slept well after your big day! That's good because we have another full day ahead of us!"

Kelly sat up in bed, rubbing his face, trying to shake off the remaining somnolence of his night's sleep. He did not find Isabella's cheerfulness contagious and reluctantly he moved to get out of bed. His bladder was full and needed emptying.

As if reading his mind Isabella said "Forget the bathroom. As long as the chastity remains on, you'll need to wear this."

Kelly looked at her and the diaper she held out. "Oh no!" he protested. "I'm not going to wear a diaper!"

Isabella smiled and said 'You will find that you have little choice unless you enjoy peeing in your face."

Looking down, Kelly remembered the chastity had pinned his penis upward. Isabella was right. Even if he sat on the toilet his penis would be pointing upward. It would be impossible to pee without making a mess. He could use the shower, but taking a shower every time, he needed to pee was impractical.

Isabella chuckled as she saw Kelly pondering his situation. "They're not that bad and I promise to change you often." Patting the bed, she continued "Here lie down and I'll put one on you. They are quite comfortable."

Reluctantly, Kelly lay on the bed. There was little choice and besides he needed to pee urgently.

"That's right. Now open your legs, and lift your butt" said Isabella as soon as he laid on the bed.

Kelly did as instructed and Isabella slipped the diaper under him and then quickly fastened it into place, making sure it was snug around his waist.

"There you go, all nice and snug!" she said cheerfully when she was done.

Kelly stood up and looked at himself. The diaper came up high, over his bellybutton. It was soft but bulky and he looked ridiculous! But there was nothing he could do.

Isabella looked at him and giggled. "You look darling! So cute!"

Kelly blushed and moved towards the bathroom. He was angry but there was no one he could blame but himself. How could he have gotten himself into this mess! Things just kept getting worse and worse!

"Where are you going?" asked Isabella.

"The bathroom" said Kelly "I need to pee".

"No need to go there to do that" said Isabella coolly.

Kelly stopped in his tracks and turned around, blushing. Technically she was right but he wasn't going to just...pee in front of her. That would be too humiliating. Besides, what did it matter to Isabella?

"There is no more bathroom for you," said Isabella. "You are wearing your bathroom. You can pee anywhere at any time."

"What?" said Kelly his eyes widening in horror. No more bathroom? He had to...to wet himself in front of her?

But Isabella was dead serious he could see. Her eyes were cold and amused as she watched the realization of his situation wash over his face.

"No! Please" said Kelly. "Please, don't make me wet myself in front of you, please!"

"Why not? It can't be any more embarrassing than masturbating in front of your mother and sisters and Alana not to mention a whole group of women."

Kelly blushed. "Please!" he begged weakly, knowing he had lost another argument.

"I suggest you pee now if you want to get changed before we get started," said Isabella. "Otherwise, you will be in a wet diaper until your morning session is over. It doesn't really matter to me, but you might be more comfortable in a fresh dry diaper."

Kelly gulped and then blushed. The thought of being in a wet diaper for even a minute made him cringe. Swallowing what was left of his pride he blushed and said "OK".

Although his bladder was full, Kelly could not bring himself to wet the diaper, especially with Isabella watching him, smiling, that amused glint in her eyes. Try as he might, Kelly could not release his bladder. When Isabella started tapping her foot, Kelly knew he would never be able to relieve himself.

"Well, I guess you don't need to go that bad," said Isabella. " But no matter, you can go whenever. However, we must be going. You have a full day ahead of you and there is not a moment to lose!"

With that she turned and motioned Kelly through the door. Kelly waddled after her and a few minutes later they arrived in a large room cluttered with medical equipment. A woman dressed in white greeted Isabella.

"This must be Kelly!" she said, looking Kelly over.

Kelly looked at her but said nothing. She was an older woman, perhaps in her late 40s, slim figure with narrow hips and small breasts. Her blonde hair was tied neatly in a pony tail and her blue eyes had the same amused glint as Isabella's.

I'm Savannah Luthra" she said looking into Kelly's eyes. "I'm your medtech and will be administering your transformation regimen."

Kelly stared at her but said nothing. Everything was too bizarre to believe and his mind refused to accept the reality of what was happening.

"Isabella has already started the process with the anal vibrator. It needs to be replaced daily now. I will be doing that as well as monitoring your physical changes."

"Ah...yes" said Kelly not really following Savannah's explanation.

"You will also need to drink 16oz of a solution I will make every two hours. Unfortunately, this will make you urinate quite frequently but I see that Isabella has already taken care of that."

Kelly blushed at the reference to his diapers.

"Oh, how cute!" said Savannah. "He's blushing! You're going to make such an adorable girl!"

Recovering, Kelly turned pale and said "No, please! Don't! It's all a mistake! I don't want to be a girl!"

Savannah chuckled. "All you males say that! And how you wail when your penis disappears and you find that you have a vagina! 'Oh no! I'm flat and smooth! So smooth! What happened?'. Well, you should have thought about that before you broke the law. It's too late now. You have been sentenced and it's time for your punishment!"

"Please I beg you," said Kelly. "Please don't do this to me!"

"It's too late," said Savannah. "The process has been started and cannot be stopped. Now bend over the table there so I can replace the vibrator in your ass."

"No! Please!" said Kelly, looking around the room wildly for some escape.

"NOW!" commanded Savannah. "If I have to call security you will be punished when I am done. But either way the vibrator will be replaced!"

Kelly remembered the Amazons who had dragged him to the Institute and he knew struggling would be futile. Reluctantly he did as Savannah instructed, bending over the table.

Savannah moved quickly, unfastening his diaper and removing and then replacing the vibrator. When she was done, she refastened the diaper.

She then handed him a glass of milky liquid and said "Drink this!"

Kelly took the glass and after a moment of hesitation took a tentative sip. The liquid, whatever it was had no taste. It was like drinking water.

"There is no odor or taste," said Savannah. "Drink up!"

Kelly looked at the milky liquid, and then gulped it down. All he wanted to do was get away from Savannah and out of this awful room.

"You will be drinking one of these, every two hours for the next several weeks," said Savannah. "In a few days you will start to notice some changes. Most of your body hair will fallout or thin and get lighter. The exception will be the hair on your head, your eyebrows and eyelashes. These will thicken and grow. You will also notice your skin getting softer and some of your muscle mass will disappear. There will be other changes also, but you will notice the ones I just mentioned first. They are all normal and nothing to be concerned about."

Nothing to be concerned about! Kelly almost exploded. This was outrageous! Savannah might not be concerned but he certainly was! "You can't..."

But Isabella cut him off. "Time for your first training class" she said. And with that she led Kelly out of the room. After walking a short distance, they entered a medium sized room furnished with a desk, a few chairs and various other items some of which Kelly did not recognize. "This is Ava Richter" said Isabella introducing a tall athletic woman with black shoulder length hair and sky-blue eyes. "She will be your instructor for the duration."

Before he could say anything, Isabella turned and left the room leaving Kelly with Ava, who smiled and pointed to a chair said "Make yourself comfortable sweetie."

Kelly felt his bladder suddenly screaming for relief. He had needed to pee before his embarrassing visit with Savannah but now after drinking even more he was desperate to go. "Please" he said "I need to use the bathroom, please!"

"Poor dear" said Ava sympathetically "did Savannah's concoction fill you up?"

"Yes" said Kelly his spirits rising by Ava's understanding tone.

"I know" said Ava "she seems to do that to everyone. But I see you are wearing a diaper, so you can just go whenever you wish."

"But...but" stammered Kelly, "I...don't want to...I...I want to use the bathroom please."

"I know sweetie," said Ava. "Is this your first time wetting yourself?"

"Yes" said Kelly blushing.

"It's OK sweetie" said Ava "the first time is difficult for everyone, but you will soon get used to it. The diapers are so convenient since you can go whenever and wherever you wish and that's wonderful since you will need to be going a lot."

"But...but..." stammered Kelly.

"Its OK sweetie," repeated Ava "just go, it will feel so, so good! Besides, in about 75 minutes you will be drinking another round from Savannah. I see she has you drinking 16 ounces every two hours."

Kelly blushed but his bladder screamed at him and he shuffled his feet reflexively.

"Oh! How adorable!" said Ava. "You're doing a pee-pee dance. You must really have to go!"

"Please!" pleaded Kelly. "Please!"

"I know its difficult sweetie but here this will help" said Ava going over to a small basin along one wall and turning on the faucet above it.

The sound of running water pushed Kelly over the edge and he felt a squirt of warm urine against his skin followed by a flood of more urine as his bladder involuntarily emptied itself into his diaper.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Kelly loudly as he gripped the front of his diaper with his hands trying to stop the unstoppable flow. Inside the diaper Kelly felt warm urine flowing along his skin. The diaper became heavy and a yellow stain formed in front and down into the crotch. The diaper swelled and it was clear to even the most casual observer that he had wet himself.

Kelly blushed in embarrassment and turning off the water, Ava said "Oh that must feel so much better!"

"Please let me change," said Kelly.

But Ava shook her head and said "Only Isabella can change you; she is your physical attendant, and she won't be back till lunch time, so I guess you will just have to wait. But don't worry, the diapers absorb almost everything so you won't get a rash."

"But...but why can't I change them?" asked Kelly looking down at the diaper. It looked like an ordinary diaper, white (except for the yellow stain) with a slick waterproof outer coating and tabs for securing it in place on the sides.

"It's locked in place I'm afraid sweetie" said Ava "and only Isabella can unfasten it."

Kelly found this hard to believe and he tried pulling on one of the tabs. But it wouldn't budge even the tiniest fraction of a millimeter. Next, he tried to pull the hateful garment down, but again it was too snug to move down more than a centimeter. In desperation, Kelly attempted to rip the material with his fingernails and hands but again, he was unable to even put a scratch on the outer surface little-lone tear it.

Ava watched patiently amusement in her eyes. All sissies were the same! They all went through the same cycle of disbelief, denial, and rebellion before acceptance. Finally, after a couple of minutes she said "You are only going to hurt yourself and to no avail. Please sit down so we can start your orientation."

Kelly tried fussing with the diaper for another minute or so but was forced to give up. He hated being in the wet diaper but there was nothing he could do. Unfortunately, Ava was right, it was futile to continue and his hands were already sore from his failed attempts to remove the diaper. Angry and frustrated, he sat down and looked at Ava.

"That's better" she said. "Now let's get going, as I have a lot of ground to cover before lunch."

Kelly let out a sigh of resignation and at that moment the punishment plug vibrated in his ass making him hard and sexually aroused. "Oh no!" he exclaimed.

Ava realizing what had happened smiled and said, "Did wetting yourself make you excited sweetie? It's OK you will be constantly aroused and frustrated so don't worry."

Kelly blushed bright red and tried to clutch his penis which was uncomfortably erect in its upward confinement.

"Oh! how cute!" said Ava "But you won't be able to touch yourself sweetie. Both the diaper and chastity prevent it. Just relax and it will pass. Soon your penis won't be able to get hard and then you will be more comfortable."

What is she talking about thought Kelly wiggling in his chair trying desperately to get comfortable in the swollen wet diaper. How can I not get hard with the punishment plug constantly making me do exactly that!

"I know you must have lots of question sweetie, everyone does, and that's the purpose of this orientation. Feel free to stop me if you have questions but let me talk for a few minutes and I think you will find most of your questions will be answered, OK?"

"Yes, OK," said Kelly. In truth he was very interested in what Ava had to say as everything up to this point had happened so quickly and very little had been explained to him. Nothing made any sense and the little Kelly had gleaned seemed too fantastical to be true.

"Well, it's always best to start at the beginning" began Ava. "First, as I am sure you are well aware, this is the Institute for Gender Reassignment and Correction, known more colloquially as the Institute."

Kelly nodded and Ava continued.

"You have been sentenced to gender reassignment as the result of a Judicial Investigation and that's why you are here." Holding up her hand, Ava said "I can't answer any legal questions. For that, you will have to ask your Judicial Advocate. The fact is, that you are here and that's that."

Kelly had been ready to ask exactly that but Ava had preempted him and he looked down, dejectedly. How could he possibly ask Zara a question he did not know, not that it would do him any good.

"I can see you are disappointed" said Ava, "but there is no need to waste time with questions that I can't answer."

Kelly sighed again and looked up, signaling that Ava should continue.

"I am here, along with Isabella and Savannah and a few other women (whom you will meet later) to assist in your reassignment. Savannah is your medtech and she will be handling your physical transformation. You will see her often, but briefly. Most of your time will be spent with Isabella and myself. Isabella is your transformation coordinator. She will be leading you through the process; you can think of her as a sort of guardian. I am your transformation coach. I will be instructing you on the ins and outs of being a girl. There will be several others assisting me, but you can regard me as your head instructor during the process."

"Instructor?" asked Kelly surprised that he would need instruction.

"Yes sweetie, there is a lot to learn about being female."

Kelly found this hard to believe as he had been around women all his life. It did not seem particularly difficult and in fact, it was probably much easier than being a male.
