You Always Need Mom

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Son’s emergency during a family boat ride.
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A family arrives at this hospital, coming straight from the harbor across the street. They're part of a tour group exploring the wilderness of Alaska and it's normal for incidents to bring people here. The newness of their thick jackets and hiking boots suggests that they've never been to these parts before.

The young male is 19 years old and he's in the exam room being treated by a nurse for a minor hand injury. The young woman is mid-20s and she's waiting in the lobby with an astonished expression on her face. I'm standing with the concerned mother in my office.

"Will my son be okay?"

"It's only a scratch. He'll be fine. The nurse is working on him."

"Actually it's more complicated than that. Can we talk privately?"

"Sure, of course."

I get up and close the office door. We both sit. Mothers often worry, but Rebecca looks like her adrenaline and panic are coming down from whatever happened. She sits upright and there's more to this story than her son's minor wound.

"This is confidential, right?" she says.

"Yes, sure. We can keep this between us. What's wrong?"

"Something happened during our hike. It's shameful and I want your advice."

I pay closer attention. "Go on. We have time before your son's treatment is finished."

"Thank you, doctor. We're part of the tour group and we saw something weird this morning. A family of bears were walking in a circle. One of the tour guides explained that it was a recent phenomenon, something about a new virus and that we should keep a safe distance."

"I'm familiar with this. Apparently the virus affects parts of the brain. If I recall, it's harmless and they'll go back to normal."

"The tour guide said something similar."

"Does this have anything to do with your son?" I ask.

"Well, that's what I'd like to discuss. As we got a closer look at the bears, Kyle slipped on a rock and cut his hand on the ground. Just a scrap of the skin and there was blood which the tour guide treated right away."

"I'm assuming that's the injury the nurse is handling right now."

"Yes," she says. "Kyle insisted he was fine. He laughed it off. The tour continued and everyone went back to taking pictures. Then the problems started. Kyle complained that his other hand would clench, then unclench. Open and close. We spoke with a tour guide who speculated that it was shock from the cold weather along with pain from the injury. Keep in mind we were in an isolated location. We had phone connection but it wasn't serious enough to call a helicopter for medical treatment. So we decided to wait.

She continues, "Two hours ago, on the way back to the tour boat, the group stopped and took more pictures of the scenery. I did the same thing with my camera. I'm a hobbyist photographer. Kyle and Emma were never interested in that. Eventually I noticed that I didn't hear their voices and they weren't around. Keep in mind, we were at the edge of the forest. Taking a few steps in any direction means you'd be out of sight.

She continues, "I went into the forest to look for them and I saw Kyle and Emma touching each other. Their private areas."

Rebecca clears her throat after admitting what she'd seen. It's obvious what she's implying. I'd never heard anything like this before and it would explain the family's somber mood over a trivial injury. But still, I remain skeptical.

"Was it blatantly sexual?" I ask. "You mentioned a moment ago that Kyle had an issue with his hand -- clenching and unclenching it."

"Kyle's hand -- the uninjured one -- was cupping Emma's crotch through her jeans. Emma was fondling her brother's groin. They were masturbating each other through their clothes. Yes, it was blatant. And it shocked me to the core. I only saw it for about two seconds, but that was all I needed. What struck me was how familiar they seemed in that position. The casualness. They stood so close to each other and their postures were at ease, like they'd done it before.

She continues, "They heard my footsteps and stopped. They were horrified at being caught, like I was horrified at catching them. I wanted to scream but the tour group was nearby. We talked at a frantic pace, I tried not to yell at them. It was Emma who explained that her brother had an issue with his groin. You know, male issues."

"You're implying that Kyle had an erection," I say.

"That's what they claimed. That it throbbed in an unnatural way. That he had difficulty walking and needed immediate relief."

"Did you believe it?"

"At that time, I wasn't sure, but they were persistent. I can always tell when they're hiding something. They're not mischievous, but you know how siblings can be. So I kept on pushing them for the truth. Eventually my daughter confessed that they'd touched each other before, meaning, even back home they'd been doing this. There wasn't enough time to get into specifics, but I was floored. It took everything in my power to remain calm."

"This will stay between us, I promise. But I have to ask, why are you telling me this? How can I help?"

"I want to know if the virus is contagious."

"Are you cut? Any injuries where blood can be transmitted? Any transfer of bodily fluids?"

"We had intimate contact," she says.

"You and Kyle?"

She nods. "On the boat ride over here."

I do my best to keep a straight face as Rebecca's story unfolds. As a medical professional, I'm trained to look for signs of domestic abuse or forms of molestation, but this seems to be consensual incest between a proper woman and a young man with agency.

"To clarify, Kyle is your biological son."

She doesn't flinch. "That's right."

"Now I understand your need for secrecy."

"Are you going to report this?"

"No. This is between us. My job is to help."

"Thank you," she says.

"Tell me about the intimate contact. It'll help me provide better treatment."

"It was on the boat ride coming here. I was still furious about what they'd been doing, but concerned about Kyle's injury and the way his body was reacting. The tour guide had checked his hand again and said he'd be fine."

"Did the tour guide know about Kyle's erection?" I ask.

"We thought it was best to keep that part a secret since we were almost at the hospital. It would have been embarrassing to reveal that in front of the entire group, which in hindsight, would have been the better option."

"And you had sexual contact on this boat?"

"In the back of a boat, of all places, on the bottom deck with open air. It sounds crazy, but there was enough privacy. People were distracted by the gorgeous view of the ocean and the mountains with ice."

For context, the boat she's referencing is a double-decker with plenty of seats and walking space. It's designed for tourists and locals to get around the different parts while enjoying the Alaskan view. It's within reason that sexual contact can happen without anyone knowing.

"How did it start?" I ask.

"We sat together in the back while everyone was mingling and taking pictures. I tried to stay calm about what I saw and what my son was dealing with. The issue popped up again. The erection. Kyle was complaining about it. Keep in mind, it's the first time he's ever talked about his penis or sexuality. He's a respectful young man and I've raised him right. He never talks dirty.

She continues, "This was serious enough to make Kyle hunch over and complain. I was terrified for his safety and was going to report it, but Kyle said it wasn't worth everyone finding out. It was actually my daughter who suggested her willingness to assist Kyle in the back of the boat."

"Through his pants?"

"Bare contact."



"Interesting," I say.

"I know. I kept whispering to Emma, arguing with her, and she admitted to blowing her brother on numerous occasions. She didn't use those words, but I got the message. Neither of them were proud of it. They knew it was wrong. But I tried to be understanding. I was young, too. I understand hormones, just never with someone in my family."

"Did your daughter actually do it?"

"No, I intervened."

"Interesting. That's an interesting progression. It seems like quite a leap, going from being shocked to engaging in acts of intimacy."

"Well, I'd hardly call it 'intimacy,' if we're being honest."

"Sex acts," I say.

"That's a more accurate description. And you're right, it was the biggest leap of my life. It's not something a mother can ever truly prepare for. But as a mother, I have to do what's best for my family. I couldn't allow Emma to continue what they were doing. The thought of allowing my daughter to do anything sexual with her brother -- no matter the context -- would be a complete failure on my part.

She continues, "I made a decision and told them that I'd handle the problem. You should have seen their faces. Their jaws dropped. My intention was purely to help my son as quickly as possible. Kyle was aching from what we believed to be the virus. Doing nothing meant allowing my son to suffer.

She continues, "That's when I did it. I looked around to make sure that no one was looking, then I explained to my son that this would be a one-time thing. There were rows of empty seats in front of us, which gave us privacy. I touched Kyle's penis through his jean pants. It was harder than I expected. I felt it throb from my touch. Kyle and Emma were telling the truth about what was happening.

She continues, "Rubbing his penis through his jeans wasn't good enough, so I unzipped his pants and took his penis out. Before you get any awful ideas about our family, you should understand that I did it purely out of love. I had to make a snap decision and I thought it was for the best. My son was apprehensive as well. It wasn't some free for all. It was necessity. It was maternal instinct."

"I would never question the actions of a mother during a time of need. If anything, I commend you for making a tough decision."

"Thank you."

Rebecca blushes and her legs press together.

"What else did you do with him?" I ask.

"I stroked him at first. A handjob. He throbbed. Kyle said it was painful. He complained that the frigid air and my cold fingers made it worse. I looked around, everyone was busy taking pictures and talking. Again, there were several rows of empty seats ahead of us. So I bent down and took him inside my mouth."

"Kyle's penis?" I ask.

"Yes. I sucked him. Swirled my tongue around and took him deep. I did my best to ignore that he's my son, but that was impossible. It was also my first time doing anything in public, so don't get the wrong idea about me."

"Let me take a swab of your mouth," I say. "And please know that I'm not judging you."

"Thank you, doctor."

I put on rubber gloves, get a cotton swab and plastic container and approach Rebecca, who opens her mouth wide. I take a generous swab of the saliva in her cheeks. I pride myself on being a professional, but looking at her mouth and tongue, all I can think about is that her son had been there. That she'd been sucking him off.

"This will be tested for the virus. I'm assuming Kyle ejaculated in your mouth."

She shakes her head. "No."

"So he didn't ejaculate at all?"

Rebecca gestures to her crotch. "Down here."

"I'd like a sample of Kyle's semen, if that's okay."


With a straight face, Rebecca stands and undoes her pants. She oozes false confidence with every movement and her eyes show that she accepts her fate. First she pulls her pants down to her ankles. Then she pulls her panties down. I can smell the distinct scent. I see that her panties have a wet spot.

After I put the mouth swab away, I get a clean swab and look at her vagina. Her hips are plump, reflecting her middle-age, and her pubic hairs are trimmed. I spread her labia and there are traces of dried semen. The more I spread her labia, the more fresh cum starts to leak.

"Your son did this?" I ask.

Redundant question but I'm still in a state of disbelief. I regret asking.

"It was the best option. The boat was approaching the dock and my mouth wasn't going to finish him in time. I asked Kyle what he needed and he said, 'Pussy makes me cum fastest,' with a blushing expression on his face. I looked at Emma, who had the same blushing expression. That was the moment I realized they'd had sex before. I couldn't allow that to happen again.

She continues, "As a mother, I have to set boundaries, but I also have a duty to care for them. So I undid my pants, pulling it down, and I sat on Kyle's lap. I couldn't look Kyle or Emma in the eyes. I just did it. And they supported me. I felt their hands working together to guide Kyle's erection inside me. My son's hands held my hips. My daughter's fingers spread my lips. Then we had sex. I kept my eyes on the tour group, making sure no one would catch us. Kyle and Emma worked together to... you know... finish the problem."

"You have nothing to be ashamed of."

"Of course I should be ashamed. I fucked my son. Please, take the swab."

Her voice is emotional and has a cracking sound. I spread her labia and insert the swab, twirling it to get a sample of Kyle's sperm. When I pull the swab out, I notice that Rebecca's vagina is wet. Not previous wetness from the sex she'd had recently with her son. New arousal. She was excreting fluids while telling me this story. She's aroused from reliving these memories.

I put the semen sample in a plastic container.

"You can get dressed now," I say. "These samples will be analyzed immediately. Use the bathroom to clean yourself."

Rebecca pulls her panties up, not caring that Kyle's cum had leaked across her labia. Then she pulls her pants up and zips it. She's already used to cum being there.

"What about my son?"

"The nurse should be finished. It was a simple injury. He should be ready to leave and I'd like a follow-up appointment tomorrow."

"I appreciate your discretion and help. Thank you, doctor."

"You're a good mother. You did the best you could, which is all that matters."

Rebecca nods, thanks me again, then turns her head away to hide the shame. After a handshake, she leaves the room to get her son and daughter.

I take the samples to the lab and have a brief conversation with another doctor. As it turns out, there'd been another case of this virus yesterday, where a tourist complained of a clenching hand and leg. Minor stuff.

When I go to the exam room to speak with Kyle, the door is closed, which is unusual because if he's being treated then the door should be open.

I look through the small window and can't believe what I'm seeing. Kyle is standing by the counter, leaning back, while his pants are down. Rebecca and Emma are on their knees, giving oral service by the look of things. I can see Kyle's face, but I can only see the back of the women's heads and it's obvious what they're doing.

Emma appears to be doing most of the work, having the most experience with incest and it comes easy to her. Her hands are on her brother's crotch making a stroking motion. She bobs her head back and forth, making her long hair wave. She's clearly done this many times before and there's a comfort level, there's no denying that.

I can see the side of Rebecca's face when she turns her head and there's a curious expression. She's watching her daughter commit this unholy sex act between siblings, who act like lovers. She's aroused, but hates that she's aroused, which I had suspected earlier when checking her vagina. The bewildered look on Rebecca's face is proof of her conflicted nature.

It's more than just a mother watching. Emma spits the erection out and holds it towards Rebecca's face, who reluctantly accepts it into her mouth, which makes the mother and daughter work in tandem. Rebecca engulfs her son's penis along with her daughter's saliva. I can only imagine what she feels at this moment, being a proud mother while letting her son and daughter watch as she gives oral sex. What must the son feel being served by a mother?

The view is partial but I can see Rebecca's lips wrapped around the hard shaft. The cock disappears into her mouth and towards her throat. Her lips are tight and her cheeks hollow. She's putting a lot of effort into this. It's enough to make Kyle tilt his head back and moan while enjoying this savory pleasure from a dutiful mother.

Rebecca forms the same rhythm as her daughter. Back and forth. Back and forth. I wonder if she's copying her daughter's technique or if it's a family trait. After she's sucked enough, she spits the cock out, letting saliva drip, and she hands it back to her daughter. They swap saliva on a son's penis. The women don't seem to mind tasting each other. There's a level of enjoyment here, even from the mom. And they also want to make Kyle cum as fast as possible. I'm sure they realize how risky this is.

Having seen enough -- or maybe not wanting to get caught spying -- I turn away. When I see a nurse coming down the hall, I guide her in a different direction to preserve the family's privacy. But the nurse has a little smirk on her face, indicating that she knows what's happening inside.

The family leaves the exam room a few minutes later. They each have a different look on their face. Kyle looks exhausted but he's able to walk smoother. The mom/daughter 'treatment' worked. Emma suppresses a mischievous grin that wants to come out, as if blowing her sibling alongside their mother is the pinnacle of her young sexuality.

But it's Rebecca who looks perplexed and her mouth is freshly washed using the sink in the exam room. Her jaw moves side-to-side and she licks her lips, as if wanting to get rid of a certain taste. She must have been the one who swallowed. For a righteous woman like her, it must be torture having the taste of her son's cum lingering in her mouth. But then again, it's difficult figuring her out.

I speak with the family before discharging the son, explaining that everything will be fine tomorrow and the symptoms will fade. They thank me. We shake hands.

Kyle and Emma walk through the lobby. I stop their mother for a private word. She's a human contradiction, uneasy body language, a face that wants to frown, but eyes that sparkle with titillation. She hates that she sucked off her son alongside Emma, but feels so alive for having done it. Human sexuality is complex.

"Earlier I mentioned that you were a good mother. I meant that. You have nothing to be ashamed of because you're doing your best."

"I'm assuming you watched," she says.

"Yes, I saw what happened. If you ever want to talk, I'm here for you."

She keeps a straight face. "Thank you for everything. When you get the results from the lab, let me know. And you're right. I shouldn't be ashamed."

When the family leaves, I watch them walking away, thinking about the stain in Rebecca's panties that's still there, the leaking cum in her vagina, and the strong aroma of ejaculation in her breath. I'm left with more questions than answers, wondering how she's going to process these clashing emotions.

The End

always remember ~~ you are important

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What happened to the swabs? Did they infect or was it something else? Please continue the story and clarify everything :-)

AznCubAznCub6 months ago

I think a part 2 or a part 3 is necessary. Will he get better?! There's gotta be more to this story!! I am now involved with this family and need answers!!

Goodtimechuck96Goodtimechuck96over 1 year ago

Great story. I guess a lot of people think about incest. I did.

xxyyxxxxyyxxover 1 year ago

Unique and very enjoyable 😊👍

rodavrodavover 1 year ago

I gave you 5 stars Heyall. At last I see you wrote a story not confined with only two people .

deviantdovedeviantdoveover 1 year ago

Amazing job,I can only affirm what all the other comments said!

123noproblem123noproblemover 1 year ago

This is fun unique plot and well written, like all your work is.

IntoblackIntoblackover 1 year ago

Loved the story and I really hope we'll hear from Emma, Kyle and Rebecca again!

MikeOrMikeyMikeOrMikeyover 1 year ago

I liked that and would like to read more.

BellaBronteBellaBronteover 1 year ago

Long time reader, first time commenter. I loved this story. The emotionless retelling of the actions gave it a clinical, antiseptic air betting of the hospital. I also liked how things escalated and unfolded slowly. I wonder if mom is going to repay the doctor in her special way when they return to get the results.

jcus0511jcus0511over 1 year ago

A terrific short story so very well crafted in terms of structure & clever use of the doctor as the medium for the message. There is an intriguing sense of not only what happens next for the mother/daughter but also the doctor. The set up of several unexplained scenarios such as, what really motivated the mother in her involvement with the son are clever hooks for the reader. The behaviour of the bears suggests the potential of an external ‘force’ at work while the reader is directed to think irrespective of this possibility, was the mother’s behaviour truly reluctant or pretend in the light of such easy acquiescence? I just liked this story for it’s easy going style, readability and the little nuggets left for the reader to consider.

AngstIgnoredAngstIgnoredover 1 year ago

Have to admit, out of the zillions of often nearly identical stories here, you posted one I've never seen anyone come up with, or even one remotely close to it before. Very interesting. In fact, I'm left wondering how this 'is it a virus, if so... what happens next'? feeling, then a moment later, the jarring "The End" appears. If your goal was to leave the reader wanting more, you succeeded.

welderwonderwelderwonderover 1 year ago

What an erotic read! You should continue the story line and create a series, Looking forward for possibly more, Thanks

Microbevel8Microbevel8over 1 year ago

Very creative and well spun!

ipreferoralipreferoralover 1 year ago

In one pass, I can't determine if the doctor is a man or a woman. Clever!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Outstanding in concept and execution.


Mr_BradyMr_Bradyover 1 year ago

Rebecca enters the domain of naughtiness with her children. I’ve no doubts that once she’s caught this whiff of sucking her son’s cock and letting him fuck her, it will become a regular behavior between the three of them. Virus or not, they’ve crossed a line that there isn’t any coming back from. No doubt Kyle will be sleeping with his mother…on the nights he’s not sleeping with his sister.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 1 year ago

Wonderful little story, as well as amazingly bizarre. Self control is an elusive trait. Five stars from me. ~~JBEdwards

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

5 Stars. Great story, very unique setting and circumstance. I would be interested in whether the mother and daughter continue to have sex with the son.

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